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Dusty Rose

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  1. Did I hear him correctly? Did he say he still owed $2100 on the washer/dryer? *in my best Judge Judy voice* Outrageous! I can only assume he made some payments in the past for those machines so they must have cost way more that approx 1050 apiece. If lazy heifer can't buy a washer or dryer for her kids, what was she doing with such expensive ones to begin with?
  2. I didn't catch on that she was Berlin's daughter, but I didn't think she was Red's daughter. I mean, she didn't recognize him at all. If he was her dad, wouldn't she know, especially if he was the big bad she said he was?
  3. You hit on just about all my pain points with those. The only things missing are irregardless and supposably.
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