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Jeremy and Auj Poj

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Yeah that was amusing. Isn't she the one on camera after Amy's "glamping" adventure merrily noting how she and Jer now had a new plan for the farm? And she and Jer saw the idea for marriage retreats and took it? And the whole Navigator's Council that they even admit they lifted from their beloved A Severe Mercy?

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20 hours ago, MegD said:

She does mention in there that they are moving in a reply to another Twitter follower. Somehow moving causes "weird smells."

Weird smells?  Yeah, she can't smell money.

On 5/6/2017 at 0:18 AM, Darknight said:

I think they got pregnant for attention. 

Attention and to stake their claim on the fortune.

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On ‎5‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 10:05 PM, MegD said:

She does mention in there that they are moving in a reply to another Twitter follower. Somehow moving causes "weird smells."

Is Amy going to get stuck with them? Her life sucks.

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I predict Jeremy is going to be a fairly hands-off dad. Audrey is the woman and she will be doing woman's work. Jeremy will be taking nice photos of the baby and posting them to appear involved, but he isn't going to be doing half the dirty work.

Audrey sells essential oils through a MLM business. She posted on Instagram something about how the oils help keep her pregnancy peaceful and relaxed. I understand it's sales and that's what you're supposed to write, but I'm totally cringing knowing it's a dig at Tori.  I had easy, breezy pregnancies too, but it's definitely not something to boast about around other pregnant women.

Audrey's Christian lecture writing may as well become a new DARE program, but for Jesus. Don't do drugs or you will go to jail. You must follow Jesus to the core (like Jeremy and I do) or else you will burn in hell. I get it, you strictly follow the Bible... chill, guys.

Edited by iheartla
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On 5/12/2017 at 6:00 PM, iheartla said:

I predict Jeremy is going to be a fairly hands-off dad. Audrey is the woman and she will be doing woman's work. Jeremy will be taking nice photos of the baby and posting them to appear involved, but he isn't going to be doing half the dirty work.

Audrey sells essential oils through a MLM business. She posted on Instagram something about how the oils help keep her pregnancy peaceful and relaxed. I understand it's sales and that's what you're supposed to write, but I'm totally cringing knowing it's a dig at Tori.  I had easy, breezy pregnancies too, but it's definitely not something to boast about around other pregnant women.

Audrey's Christian lecture writing may as well become a new DARE program, but for Jesus. Don't do drugs or you will go to jail. You must follow Jesus to the core (like Jeremy and I do) or else you will burn in hell. I get it, you strictly follow the Bible... chill, guys.

Can't be too strict, if they had been using birth control for 2 years.  I can't stand holier than thou, hypocritic, proselytizers

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On 5/6/2017 at 0:32 PM, ginger90 said:

Audrey starts out talking about Jesus, moves on to blah, blah, blah, and then ends with an advertisement. Does anyone actually find this profound?


I was distracted by how harsh she looks.  I am still surprised I survived 26 years of marriage without their nuggets of wisdom.  

On 5/12/2017 at 3:00 PM, iheartla said:

I predict Jeremy is going to be a fairly hands-off dad. Audrey is the woman and she will be doing woman's work. Jeremy will be taking nice photos of the baby and posting them to appear involved, but he isn't going to be doing half the dirty work.

Audrey sells essential oils through a MLM business. She posted on Instagram something about how the oils help keep her pregnancy peaceful and relaxed. I understand it's sales and that's what you're supposed to write, but I'm totally cringing knowing it's a dig at Tori.  I had easy, breezy pregnancies too, but it's definitely not something to boast about around other pregnant women.

Audrey's Christian lecture writing may as well become a new DARE program, but for Jesus. Don't do drugs or you will go to jail. You must follow Jesus to the core (like Jeremy and I do) or else you will burn in hell. I get it, you strictly follow the Bible... chill, guys.

I predict Jeremy, besides being a hands off dad, will have an affair.  Then the will talk about walking through fire, yada, yada and coming out stronger.  When people are this arrogant and douchebaggy they are the ones that seem to cheat.  Shades of Josh Duggar this one.  

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20 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Jeremy is too much of a wuss to cheat.

Auj has his balls in her etsy bag.

HILARIOUS!  But she will be too busy with the baby to attend to his manly needs!

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20 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

As soon as Jer takes a look of his ruddy colored, cheesy baby crowning and emerging from Auj's lady parts he won't be too interested in throwing his hot dog down her hallway anymore...if you get my drift.

Sad but true.

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36 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

As soon as Jer takes a.elmedof his ruddy colored, cheesy baby crowning and emerging from Auj's lady parts he won't be too interested in throwing his hot dog down her hallway anymore...if you get my drift.

Sadly, in some cases that does happen.

I think Jeremy will be a hands on dad. Audrey will be too overwhelmed.

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So this is a dumb thing but I find myself genuinely confused.

Audrey insists she is a near Afro status curley haired person. And she does often appear to have very curly hair. BUT... in a lot of photos she has very straight hair. Not perfectly straight, but wavy long locks.

Is she using extensions? Is she basically ironing the curls out? And why, if she likes curly hair so much?

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You can blow out curly hair to be straight with a big brush, good wrist technique and the help of a spray on relaxer.

Women like to change up their looks so she/her stylist blows it straight.

However, if she was caught in the rain, her wet hair would curl back up as it dries.

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She has videos showing the products and techniques she uses to get the various looks.  :)

I bought a similar product to one she uses and it's been excellent for my hair.

Uh oh I may have found something to compliment Audrey about.

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There is something about this website forum that seems to nail it about the people in these reality tv shows every single time.  Reddit seems to miss it.


I would have loved to have been here during the J+K+plus8 days.

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Audrey is extremely high maintenance.  I too have very curly hair and I don't have hours to spend getting it to look near perfection on a daily basis but then again Audrey doesn't work!  If she ever has to work so she and Jeremy can have a roof over their heads and put food into their stomachs and that of their child she will have to get up at 2 am to maintain her current look!

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22 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

HILARIOUS!  But she will be too busy with the baby to attend to his manly needs!

Noooo.  Don't you know that a woman must put her husband's needs before her child.  She can have more kids, but she can't get another soulmate.


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4 hours ago, qqererer said:

There is something about this website forum that seems to nail it about the people in these reality tv shows every single time.  Reddit seems to miss it.


I would have loved to have been here during the J+K+plus8 days.

I don't even know if this board existed then.  I think it would have been Television Without Pity during those days.

2 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

Audrey is extremely high maintenance.  I too have very curly hair and I don't have hours to spend getting it to look near perfection on a daily basis but then again Audrey doesn't work!  If she ever has to work so she and Jeremy can have a roof over their heads and put food into their stomachs and that of their child she will have to get up at 2 am to maintain her current look!

Let's see how perfect she looks after feeding the baby every 2 hours.  Because you know Jerkward isn't dragging his lazy ass out of bed to do it.

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3 hours ago, Honey said:


7 hours ago, qqererer said:

There is something about this website forum that seems to nail it about the people in these reality tv shows every single time.  Reddit seems to miss it.


I would have loved to have been here during the J+K+plus8 days.


From what I remember, TWOP had to shut the J and K board down because of fighting. 

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On 5/12/2017 at 9:33 PM, Willowsmom said:


On 5/12/2017 at 7:40 PM, Caracoa1 said:

Have Jeremy and Audrey "The Christian Hipsters" ever heard of the saying "Pride goeth before the Fall"? 

Doesn't apply to them, they're God's Chosen.


I've got news for them.  They aren't the Chosen, unless they've recently converted to Judaism.  It's in the Bible.

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I think Jeremy will be a hands on dad. Audrey will be too overwhelmed.

How long before they realize they can't handle the demands of a baby and need help?  Of course they'll expect Amy to jump into the nanny role.  

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31 minutes ago, camom said:

How long before they realize they can't handle the demands of a baby and need help?  Of course they'll expect Amy to jump into the nanny role.  

I so hope Amy says "I raised my kids, YOU raise yours".

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On 5/14/2017 at 3:13 PM, Absolom said:

She has videos showing the products and techniques she uses to get the various looks.  :)

I bought a similar product to one she uses and it's been excellent for my hair.

Uh oh I may have found something to compliment Audrey about.

Do the videos show her remarkable yet unfortunate resemblance to Carrot Top?

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I first read about this show on ONTD when someone posted an article about reciting your wedding vows during sex.  I just had to see who these weirdos were.  I had a quick glance at Audrey and Jeremy's social media and then tuned in for the show, expecting to see an exuberant couple with a lust for life and each other, but that is nothing what I see on camera. These two seem so bored all the time, but it is a fake bored.  They so want to be the center of attention but they don't want to be obvious about it so they roll their eyes, stare at the floor and don't make eye contact.  

Despite these two, the show is holding my interest.  

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You can bet these two have no idea how they're coming off, and how heavily despised they are. Their disregard of Amy is inexcusable; she has her faults, but she busted her ass for those kids for how many years, and the condescension coming from Jeremy and Audrey is hard to take.  Need we point out, again, that Amy didn't want the divorce and fought pretty hard against it? Where's the condescension toward Daddy Matt? 

Regardless of who wanted what -- Jeremy and Audrey bill themselves as Christians, obviously. So, judge not, lest thou be judged, assholes.

Edited by Literata
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This pair is insufferable.  So entitled.  Such snobs. Just why exactly do they think themselves so very special?

Got news for you kids, Jesus would never be so haughty and judgmental, so you must be missing His message.  

Jeremy looks to be in a mild to moderate depressive state.  And Audrey deserves a big smack for the "gross stone floor" comment.  Nasty bitch.

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Honestly, I sometimes feel sorry for Jer and Auj in that they've really publically branded themselves in a way that pretty much guarantees that they will be mocked and humiliated if they ever do anything but hold hands and insist how married they are.

I wonder if the glow of "we're married! Our wedding was precious! Lets talk about our wedding!" is wearing off.  They both seem tired.

Oh wait... a look at aujpoj.com tells me that SOMEONE isn't feeling so fresh today!


Satan wins every time you think you need MORE makeup, or need to spend MORE time at the gym, or need to buy MORE expensive clothes, in order to be beautiful. Satan wins when you spend more time in the morning “beautifying” your bodies than you do beautifying your soul. Satan wins when you look in the mirror and wish you looked like _______ or see a photo of yourself and instantly want to Photoshop it. Don’t let satan win!!! You Bible says that we are “more than conqueors in Christ” so live like it! (Romans 8:37)

I totally adore how she says this on a blog where she's always pointing out her outfits. For fucks sake, she had made youtube videos of how she curls her hair, and she routinely wears more makeup than actual working whores.  Really? She is telling us to not follow her example because that lets Satan win?

*all grammar and spelling errors in the quotes are Auj's btw.


I have found great comfort and encouragement in this truth throughout the past 6 months as I have watched my belly grow, and my hair and skin struggle… Since finding out we were a having a baby girl, I’ve had many people tell me: “When you’re pregnant, girls steal your beauty and boys make you glow.” 

I cringe every time I hear it… Pregnant moms should feel even more beautiful than they normally do because of the gift and blessing of God’s carrying new life inside of them (Psalm 127:3; 2 Timothy 2:15)!!! But the sad reality of our materialistic, image-driven world has tempted us to disregard God’s definition of beauty.

Sounds like Audrey is getting tired of being prego and not being pretty and having her body wrecked by a baby! This is also the second time Audrey has made it very clear she isn't pleased as punch over the comments people make to her. I'd feel more bad for her if a) she and her blog weren't clearly devoted to fashion for thin pretty people who dress and use makeup in a very materialistic, image driven way and b) if out of the four shirts offered for sale in Audrey's "clothing line" - only two come in sizes larger than "large"

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ZoloftBlob     7,862 


Honestly, I sometimes feel sorry for Jer and Auj in that they've really publically branded themselves in a way that pretty much guarantees that they will be mocked and humiliated if they ever do anything but hold hands and insist how married they are.

I wonder if the glow of "we're married! Our wedding was precious! Lets talk about our wedding!" is wearing off.  They both seem tired.

Oh wait... a look at aujpoj.com tells me that SOMEONE isn't feeling so fresh today!


Satan wins every time you think you need MORE makeup, or need to spend MORE time at the gym, or need to buy MORE expensive clothes, in order to be beautiful. Satan wins when you spend more time in the morning “beautifying” your bodies than you do beautifying your soul. Satan wins when you look in the mirror and wish you looked like _______ or see a photo of yourself and instantly want to Photoshop it. Don’t let satan win!!! You Bible says that we are “more than conqueors in Christ” so live like it! (Romans 8:37)

I totally adore how she says this on a blog where she's always pointing out her outfits. For fucks sake, she had made youtube videos of how she curls her hair, and she routinely wears more makeup than actual working whores.  Really? She is telling us to not follow her example because that lets Satan win?

*all grammar and spelling errors in the quotes are Auj's btw.


Agree totally Zoloftblob talk about calling the kettle black . Click on her link to find the clothes she wears. $240 dollars for a pair of jeans. 

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1 hour ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Honestly, I sometimes feel sorry for Jer and Auj in that they've really publically branded themselves in a way that pretty much guarantees that they will be mocked and humiliated if they ever do anything but hold hands and insist how married they are.

I wonder if the glow of "we're married! Our wedding was precious! Lets talk about our wedding!" is wearing off.  They both seem tired.

Oh wait... a look at aujpoj.com tells me that SOMEONE isn't feeling so fresh today!

I totally adore how she says this on a blog where she's always pointing out her outfits. For fucks sake, she had made youtube videos of how she curls her hair, and she routinely wears more makeup than actual working whores.  Really? She is telling us to not follow her example because that lets Satan win?

*all grammar and spelling errors in the quotes are Auj's btw.

Sounds like Audrey is getting tired of being prego and not being pretty and having her body wrecked by a baby! This is also the second time Audrey has made it very clear she isn't pleased as punch over the comments people make to her. I'd feel more bad for her if a) she and her blog weren't clearly devoted to fashion for thin pretty people who dress and use makeup in a very materialistic, image driven way and b) if out of the four shirts offered for sale in Audrey's "clothing line" - only two come in sizes larger than "large"

Is it ironic that her tag line is "always more" and in the scenario she's posting about "more" is negative?

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Nice catch, Leighrhoda. I assume that we're not to want always more makeup?

Claire1745 - exactly! Her clothes of choice are hardly Kmart specials now are they? I trust Auj will be doing as she tells others and drop all the makeup?

Oh, but she *has* to be on tv so makeup is required, and so are expensive outfits so while the rest of us are exhorted to stop being so materialistic and focused on our looks, Auj, poor lil precious, will have to continue with the heavy makeup and expensive stylish clothes and of course, that's NOT letting Satan win when it's her!

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