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LSSC: Season Two Episode Talk

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27 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

His interview with Alan Cummings was weird, Stephen talking as if he was meeting Alan for the first time, when Alan participated in the Accidental Homophobe with Stephen back on TCR.

It was, but I just loved hearing Cumming's natural Scots brogue! And is it just me, or does he look like he's lost weight? Admittedly, it's been over a year since I saw him on The Good Wife.

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On 2016-09-13 at 3:15 PM, Hanahope said:

His interview with Alan Cummings was weird, Stephen talking as if he was meeting Alan for the first time, when Alan participated in the Accidental Homophobe with Stephen back on TCR.

To clarify, they discussed the first time they had seen each other at an event back in 2003/4 at Sundance and Stephen apologized for acting like a jerk for not going over to talk to Alan. Stephen prefaced the story by saying they have interacted numerous times, but he wanted to apologize for that first "snub".

Alan was as usual, very adorable (even Stephen noted it). He does look a bit thin, but he always seems to be on that edge.

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2 hours ago, Hanahope said:

Haha, I love the idea of a group halloween costume, Basket of Deplorables.  One wears a Trump mask, the others wear signs "Racist" "Sexist" "Homophope" "Xenophobe."

Don't forget "Islamophobe"-- but if you go as a group, you really have to stick together, or else it would become very upsetting.

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On 9/14/2016 at 3:52 PM, possibilities said:

but if you go as a group, you really have to stick together, or else it would become very upsetting.

Better idea.  You wear the Trump mask and carry a basket full of original (i.e. white/blond) Barbie and Ken dolls with the signs.

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Nobody's commented so far on the new announcer. I find her style very, very irritating. Just me?

Agree that a lot of the shows have been better the past month or so. I am not fond of the pre-show openings every night. They're usually silly and hokey, and not very funny, and a waste of time and energy, imho. I wish they'd find something else to do, or do nothing at all. The endings are already stale too (when he goes out to the lobby at the end of the show). Sometimes they're funny to me, but not often. And the predictability of it is boring.

Also agree that the band (or more specifically Jon B) is also better. Jon still says some wacky things, and not always at appropriate moments, but he seems to have tamped his enthusiasm down pretty well. I do wish they'd get some better songs to play -- there are a few that they play all the time during breaks or when a guest comes out, and it's stale. They're fabulous musicians, and I love when they get funky, and when they play as the band for a guest (just did that this week -- that was why I listened to the musical segment, which I almost always fast forward through -- those singers were pretty cool).

I'm not usually that fond of Midnight Confessions, though sometimes I get a chuckle from it. But the best one by far, imo, was when he used ones from people who sent in their own "confessions." I thought those were hilarious. Wish he would solicit them again, as they were fresher and funnier than what he's been doing.

I know I'm complaining a lot here, and that's not cool. But I've adored SC for so many years, and want to love this show like I did TCR. I know, they're not the same, but his personality on this one isn't what I expected, and if I didn't already love him, I doubt I'd keep watching. But I do keep watching, because it's Stephen. Ah, well.

Edited by Arcey
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Just wanted to drop in to say that first desk segment...BRAVO, Stephen.  BRAAAAA-VO!

Once again, sad that it takes a comedian to point out what the MSM should have been saying, oh, for over a year now.  I'll just leave it there. 

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9 hours ago, Arcey said:

Nobody's commented so far on the new announcer. I find her style very, very irritating. Just me?

I think I put up a post in what is now the first season thread that Jen Spyra, a member of the writing staff is the announcer. I believe she also does the voice of Cartoon Hillery.  As for her voiceover chops, while she's no Tia Texada (CBS Sports) or Randy Thomas (ah... everything else ever done), she's in the building, seems to get the job done without resorting to "vocal fry" mode and presumably Colbert approves of her work. 

Edited by kib
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I don't know who or what lit a fire under Stephen but I am genuinely shocked that, late night or not, words bleeped or not, the CBS censors let him get away with basically saying Trump can suck his dick. I didn't watch TCR but I'm even a little surprised that Comedy Central would have let him make that offer.

Edited by lordonia
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I also REALLY loved tonight's opening segment. I enjoy hearing him express (what I assume are) his actual views without the "Stephen" persona of TCR. The delivery of "No you didn't, no you didn't" was perfection.

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I don't know what happened to Stephen but that Trump birther rant was a thing of beauty.  Seth Meyers did a great segment, too. Trump should not be allowed to act like it's all over and done with when he has spent over 5 years peddling his lies. 

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I loooooooove Sam Beckett Scott Bakula!!!!!! He's still so very yummy!


No doubt, Frederik is a handsome horse, but the most handsome? Eh. I've seen horses more handsomer.  He didn't look like he was comfortable standing on that stage. But, his ears were straight and flicking, so safe to assume he wasn't about to lose it.

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But Stephen, how do you *really* feel? LOL As someone who never watched The Colbert Report, I don't think I was prepared for this. Man, I hope he shows us more of that passion in future shows, whatever the topic.

The running gag with all the guests lusting after the horse was funny. But it was an incredibly beautiful animal, no question.

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10 hours ago, Miss Dee said:

But Stephen, how do you *really* feel? LOL As someone who never watched The Colbert Report, I don't think I was prepared for this. Man, I hope he shows us more of that passion in future shows, whatever the topic.

The running gag with all the guests lusting after the horse was funny. But it was an incredibly beautiful animal, no question.

I loved seeing the Stephen I loved so much on TCR.  It's good to have you back.  I was surprised that CBS let him get away with some of his comments.

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Aside: I now look forward to Wednesdays as the band does a jam session live on Facebook.  Last week they did "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen."  Now I HATE Christmas music.  If they had put that on Itunes, I would have downloaded immediately.

Meanwhile Colbert's takedown on the birther talk is worth posting a heart eyed emoji if I could.  But since I can't, I'll just say it was OUT. STANDING.

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2 hours ago, ABay said:

Colbert Nation! We rise from the ashes!

I sense a certain defiance coming from Stephen.  I don't think he wants to play the network game anymore.  I think he had a lot of latitude at CC that he doesn't get at CBS.  He wants to do it his way and I'm loving the results.  

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 I don't think he wants to play the network game anymore.  I think he had a lot of latitude at CC that he doesn't get at CBS.  He wants to do it his way and I'm loving the results.  

At the same time, I think CBS is loosening the reins.  They pursued him for a reason and after a rough start, I think the show has found a better balance of what his fans expected and what playing field he's in now.  It's still not perfect (the cold opens are still hit or miss for me) but it's certainly better than it was a year ago.  Now the Daily Show and Seth Meyers is taking Colbert's lead and doing live shows after the first debate.  I don't think either would have taken the risk if Colbert wasn't successful with the live convention shows.

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I loved the cold opening: POTUS, FLOTUS, SCOTUS..."It's Ottis!"

First Lady Michelle Obama is the BEST. I would have been perfectly happy if she was the only interview. I found myself feeling jealous that I wasn't one of those girls in that documentary--because I so want to meet her and President Obama. And her impersonation of the President was HILARIOUS and so ON POINT.  

 I counted and there were six minutes, SIX MINUTES of commercials before America Ferrara's interview. WTF???

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Catching up on a few episodes.  First, I did make some suggestions on Trump's website.  Second, I watched Michelle Obama hit Stephen a few times. Third, I remembered why Anthony Anderson is totally my TV boyfriend.  Flove him!

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So no comments on last night's show? I love Springsteen so all Springsteen, all the time was a great choice for me. It's not something I'd want to see often (and I really wish there'd been time for a song), but if the show wanted to focus on one "big" guest once or twice a year, it'd be a treat.

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4 hours ago, Miss Dee said:

So no comments on last night's show?

It was a great show. It reminded me of the Colbert Report episode with Paul McCartney (although McCartney also performed a few songs). I'd like to see them do those extended interviews from time to time.

On 21.09.2016. at 8:36 PM, lordonia said:

I didn't. Trump's team is likely to just discard any responses that don't come from obvious supporters.

If I want to be cynical, I would say they will discard all responses, obvious supporters or not. When you finish the survey, they ask you for a donation, which is probably the only reason for the survey in the first place.

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We enjoyed the show very much. Mr lookeyloo is a big Springsteen fan. He dragged me to a concert a long time ago. The ringing in my ears didn't stop for a long time!!  We thought Stephen did a good interview. Bruce looked very uncomfortable in that setting - and he agreed to such a long interview.  Thumbs up,to both of them. 

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3 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

We enjoyed the show very much. Mr lookeyloo is a big Springsteen fan. He dragged me to a concert a long time ago. The ringing in my ears didn't stop for a long time!!  We thought Stephen did a good interview. Bruce looked very uncomfortable in that setting - and he agreed to such a long interview.  Thumbs up,to both of them. 

Agree with this.  It was a nice show.  Stephen is obviously a big fan.  But yes, Bruce seemed a bit uncomfortable.  And that nervous laugh after everything he and Stephen said...oh my.   Does he do a lot of these long TV interview?  

Too bad he didn't do some music.

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Loved the cold opening tonight.  Both the "Get out and vote" PSA-style segment, as well as Donald Trump saying, "Wrong!" as each guest was introduced in the opening credits.  LOL.

Also liked Sean Penn more than I thought I would as well.

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He is seriously off his game this week.  

And I don't know wtf is up with Sean Penn.  He was seriously trolling Stephen last night.  


I guess you don't follow his Twitter account.

No but now you're making me want to go check it out. No wonder he's never with any of TWW gang when they do appearances. 

Also could be the fact he seems to take great pleasure in bad mouthing the show, that it was only good while he was on it.  He told Chris Hardwicke he was so happy to leave when he did.  From what I heard, Rob, so was the rest of the cast. 

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Has, in the last three weeks or so, the show gotten remarkably more well crafted, smart and entertaining or am I just smoking more weed to get through the elections?

The monologue didn't pull any punches, we saw a multi million dollar financial services client who never again advertise on the Columbia Broadcasting System get slapped around at the desk (condolences to the Well Fargo account exec with CBS) and Jon Batiste seems even more an inspired choice.

BTW - I think someone's been playing old Craig Ferguson tapes around the office.  I'm seeing some suspiciously close mugging of the camera :)

Props if any of you out there are listening.

P.S. Enough with the crowd surfing. Thank your lucky stars you didn't kill John Lewis a few weeks ago...

Edited by kib
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I think you're smoking more weed? 

It's better than a year ago, but IMO it hasn't been very sharp this week. The take down of Wells Fargo was good, and I agree Jon is coming into his own as "bandleader/host sidekick", and that band kicks ass.

I just wish they'd stop with the cartoon characters and the cold opens. They are not funny.  Stephen's forte is skewering the rich & powerful, and the idiots of the world.   Late Show seems to be more goofy gags and skits.  I thought he brought almost everyone from Report.   

I didn't even think the Hey White People was very well executed.   It was a great idea, but some of the jokes didn't land.  


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3 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I think you're smoking more weed? 

It's better than a year ago, but IMO it hasn't been very sharp this week. The take down of Wells Fargo was good, and I agree Jon is coming into his own as "bandleader/host sidekick", and that band kicks ass.

I just wish they'd stop with the cartoon characters and the cold opens. They are not funny.  Stephen's forte is skewering the rich & powerful, and the idiots of the world.   Late Show seems to be more goofy gags and skits.  I thought he brought almost everyone from Report.   

I didn't even think the Hey White People was very well executed.   It was a great idea, but some of the jokes didn't land.  


You're right on at least two things.  I think I am putting away more cannabis these days and the cartoons are pretty lame.  If they wanted to go the animation route they should have called in Colbert's old boss on "TV Funhouse", Robert Smigel, to help out instead of employing some fancy-ass real-time GC system they appear to be using.  I think Colbert has an affection for animation ("Funhouse" probably helped pay a few bills around the house) and animation allows for being able to do some unusual things but right now, given how they're working with it, they're not doing anything that the tragically under used Brian Stack or like on Letterman's watch, building up a cadre of odd character actors couldn't accomplish.

I don't mind the cold opens.  Yeah, some are going to hit and some are going to miss but it's one place where they can fire off a quick WTF shot that might not merit an entirely fleshed out bit in the monologue or writer's segment.

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Funny you should mention Brian Stack.  I know him in a 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon kind of way, I used to work with his college roommate and I follow him on twitter. I always compliment the show when they do something I like, I figure, better to reinforce positively.

 I agree they don't use him enough, it seems all they want from him is his "old timey" voice overs.   

When Stephen went to Chicago and pretended to be a hot dog vendor, that was fantastic. I'd love to see him do more remote stuff out of the studio.  He's great when he's interacting with people. 

TV Funhouse kind of stuff would be great. 

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I'd like to see an analysis of what percentage of comedy/skit time has been devoted to Trump over the last year, for Stephen all the late night shows. My guess is at least 50%, which is too shitfucking much.

And nah, I do not think the show has improved in the sense that I'm now yukking it up on a regular basis. However, I do feel like my expectations have been lowered and tolerance for the banal increased.

9 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Jon is coming into his own as "bandleader/host sidekick", and that band kicks ass.

His interactions with Stephen are a lot less awkward now, I agree.

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I don't know if the live shows add anything, tbh. I feel like his show the night after the debate was better. If they need a day to get the goods on what happened then they should wait, I mean, why put out a mediocre show?

Let's be honest, he had ONE good week during the Republican convention, because the whole thing was such a shitshow ripe for parody, but the Democratic shows the next week weren't as good, and since then I really don't see the benefit in going live.

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This is one of those times where I wish they wouldn't tape 2 shows on Thursday.  With this Trump tweetstorm stuff making news, I bet he wishes he would have been live on Friday.

I know as a viewer I wish he was live tonight!  :)

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