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S11.E10: Shock And Roll

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Meghan should have gone.  At the time they got the call, they were the closest person to Vicki and at that point, no one knew how injured Vicki really was.  She could have been paralyzed.  Now, I totally think she was over exaggerating it, but, at the time, you have to be sure.  If I were in Meghan's shoes, I'd have gone.  Vicki was alone, she was (potentially) injured, and I would have been able to get to her the quickest.  Whether I like her or was close friends with her or not, I'd go.  In fact, I'd go with someone I didn't particularly like, just because no one should be alone and scared in the event that they are seriously injured.  Ideally, Brianna or Michael would have then been on their way, and it would just be a short time, and you'd go home.  It's just what you do.

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Even if Meghan did go to the hospital, chances are she'd have just sat in the waiting room while Vicki was undergoing her tests.  They probably wouldn't let her back there while she was being checked out since she's not family, and she'd be in the way.  It would've been a nice gesture for her to go and be able to say she was in the waiting room, but she clearly didn't want to go.  I don't think I'd want to hang around the ER waiting room either if I just found out I was pregnant.  It can be a germy place in the ER!

Also, with the HIPAA regulations, they couldn't/not supposed to have told Meghan anything at the ER desk either. 

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I don't see why Meghan should have gone to the hospital.  She's not that close to Vicki to give the doctors any kind of health history and she wasn't at the accident scene to describe what happened, so at best Meghan would wait in the ER waiting room for hours to potentially "comfort" a high on morphine Vicki, who would remember zero of Meghan's visit.  Moreover, why would Vicki want Meghan there?  Meghan, who led the charge against Brooks last year, going so far as to call his exes and get health info on him for scamming cancer.  Vicki should want Meghan as far away as possible from anything to do with her health records.  Now, if Vicki were admitted to a proper room for a couple of days, I could see a better argument for Meghan dropping by and bringing flowers or a casserole, but not for an ER visit and diagnostic tests.

Vicki gripes in her blog about taking a car service home, with no purse or even shoes on.  If Heather was so concerned about Vicki, surely she could have called Christopher to get him to drive the RV up to the hospital with Vicki's things and take them all back to the OC.

Speaking of Christopher, these guys who drive the RHs....they need biohazard pay and clean up equipment.

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27 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

Even if Meghan did go to the hospital, chances are she'd have just sat in the waiting room while Vicki was undergoing her tests.  They probably wouldn't let her back there while she was being checked out since she's not family, and she'd be in the way.  It would've been a nice gesture for her to go and be able to say she was in the waiting room, but she clearly didn't want to go.  I don't think I'd want to hang around the ER waiting room either if I just found out I was pregnant.  It can be a germy place in the ER!

Also, with the HIPAA regulations, they couldn't/not supposed to have told Meghan anything at the ER desk either. 

They can't even tell her that Vicki was brought into the ER.

1 minute ago, Lizzing said:

I don't see why Meghan should have gone to the hospital.  She's not that close to Vicki to give the doctors any kind of health history and she wasn't at the accident scene to describe what happened, so at best Meghan would wait in the ER waiting room for hours to potentially "comfort" a high on morphine Vicki, who would remember zero of Meghan's visit.  Moreover, why would Vicki want Meghan there?  Meghan, who led the charge against Brooks last year, going so far as to call his exes and get health info on him for scamming cancer.  Vicki should want Meghan as far away as possible from anything to do with her health records.  Now, if Vicki were admitted to a proper room for a couple of days, I could see a better argument for Meghan dropping by and bringing flowers or a casserole, but not for an ER visit and diagnostic tests.

Vicki gripes in her blog about taking a car service home, with no purse or even shoes on.  If Heather was so concerned about Vicki, surely she could have called Christopher to get him to drive the RV up to the hospital with Vicki's things and take them all back to the OC.

Speaking of Christopher, these guys who drive the RHs....they need biohazard pay and clean up equipment.

Heather didn't need to send the RV, I doubt that Vicki was all alone, I am sure her line producer was with her. We need to remember this was a workplace accident/injury and the producer would have gone to make sure Vicki was alright and to make sure she got home safely, otherwise, how would she have been able to get a car service to drive her all the way back to the OC with no ID or credit cards? LOL

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9 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I loved that she had her personal chef ready the food for her. She is honest, she doesn't like to cook, sucks at it and since she can afford someone else to do it, I say go for it. 

 Oh, and he didn't use the RV bathroom because Kelly clogged the toilet with vomit.

Kelly told Tamra's mother that she unstrapped her helmet because she felt claustrophobic and then could not get it strapped correctly when she tried to redo it.

A lot of kids Nikki's age drive ATVs around here, it is common, very common. In fact, kids younger than him drive smaller ones all the time.

I was gonna reply to Scoobydoo with the same statement.  I live in the country in Connecticut and kids around here drive ATV's all the time!  Heck, my own kid has a dirt bike.  He's 14 now but he's been driving it since he was about 9 years old.  His best friend up the road has 2 quads.  They've been driving those forever also.  I bet Heather's son had the most fun he's ever had.  He even enjoyed peeing outside! Uh.. that's another thing the boys around here like to do, lol!

Edited by Sai
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8 hours ago, 100PercentPain said:

Vicki seriously used the accident to try to sell insurance in her blog. I just... The fact that a person like Vicki even exists amazes me in new ways every single week. 

She also mentioned that September is "life insurance awareness month". Uh. 

And the biggest chunk of her blog was dedicated to how mean Meghan was for not coming to see her and how sorry for her we all need to feel because she had to ride home in hospital socks. Without casseroles. 

Well, September is Mental Health and Recovery month, too?

THAT gives us something to work with?

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6 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Had Meghan gone to the hospital, she would have been sitting around in an empty ER room or waiting room because Vicki had X rays/MRI/CT scan. Also, why expect the newly pregnant woman to go sit in a hospital ER waiting room with people that may be sick with something contagious she could catch?

My mom used to tell us not to play ball indoors? : )

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Were Tams & Vicki taken to different hospitals? If they were at the same one, couldn't Eddie have gotten Vicki updates?  Either way,  why didn't someone (Bravo staff or even Uber) drive Tam's mom there as someone previously posted?  I wonder why Heather & Kelly didn't get checked out at ER either. Especially since Kelly's helmet flew off & she was originally complaining her side was sore. Possible internal injuries??

I'm back & forth on the Meghan going to hospital thing & agree with others that since she was a friend, she wouldn't have gotten far & probably would have gotten rigged into driving Vicks home if no one else (Brianna or Michael) didn't show up in a timely fashion. BTW Vicks, I've left the hospital many times wearing the hosptal slipper sox. They aren't very fashionable but serve their purpose so stop whining about what you were given to wear home.  You were going home not out to dinner.

Also, Brianna's reaction in the phone call seemed a little off but I guess it can sound like that when you get an emergency phone call.   It seemed like she threw in the "I'm not feeling well & can't come"  comment after she found out Vicki was semi-OK.  I'm probably wrong, I'll have to watch again since I had some interruptions & may have missed some things. 

I loved Heather's RV.  I thought she was actually bringing her personal chef with her.  I agree there's nothing better than enjoying campfire food but I'm not sure I would let Heather get too close to a grill. Hats off to Eddie, Tam's mom & whoever else helped in getting the "trailer park" set up & I want a flower pot too.

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The wreck was a bit more intense than I had anticipated from the previews.  And Eddie really does seem to love Tamra big-time.  Wouldn't have guessed that from his initial season.  On the flip side, I think Megan is seeing the handwriting on the ball.  That baby is going to be born and Jim is going to check out and show up at important milestones, autograph some baseballs for everyone, then check out again.  I have never seen a man more unexcited about the news of a baby.  Finally, I did feel sorry for Tamra's mom sitting helpless, waiting to hear about her daughter.  At least Kelly was with her to provide such loving comfort. 

Edited by Bluedog100
because I meant Megan, NOT Heather!
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People have commented about how dangerous ATV driving is and I say Yea and Nay.

Again, You DO NOT TELL A KID "This is the gas, this is a brake" and send them riding at GLAMIS. THAT IS NO AREA FOR A STUPID KID TO LEARN HOW TO RIDE.  It's beyond my comprehension that after seeing the rails buzz by at night, they weren't concerned about having a 1200 lb machine fly over a dune and into the area.

That was one of the stupidest moves and had her spawn been hit, run over or killed, she would sue Eddie, the show and every other entity on the planet.

ATVs are fun and safe - Now? Sit your kids down and ask them about their riding and they might have neglected to tell you about the time they were riding and.......The razor they were in is a fun machine and different that a side by side, quad or a bike. Each has it's foibles and people get in trouble all the time because the show off or try something that is past the limits of the machine.

The times we have been out and about an something happened?

We packed up the site and split, It's kinda hard to keep partying when shit like that happens, it puts a kibosh on the trip and it CAN make some people even more apt to get caught up in another incident because the are riding scared.

Safety equipment is a must and used properly, also the least you want to ride with is long sleeves and pants, Not a sports bra and dolphin shorts.

I would NOT have ridden with any of those chuckleheads.

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7 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

Were Tams & Vicki taken to different hospitals? If they were at the same one, couldn't Eddie have gotten Vicki updates?  Either way,  why didn't someone (Bravo staff or even Uber) drive Tam's mom there as someone previously posted?  I wonder why Heather & Kelly didn't get checked out at ER either. Especially since Kelly's helmet flew off & she was originally complaining her side was sore. Possible internal injuries??

I'm back & forth on the Meghan going to hospital thing & agree with others that since she was a friend, she wouldn't have gotten far & probably would have gotten rigged into driving Vicks home if no one else (Brianna or Michael) didn't show up in a timely fashion. BTW Vicks, I've left the hospital many times wearing the hosptal slipper sox. They aren't very fashionable but serve their purpose so stop whining about what you were given to wear home.  You were going home not out to dinner.

Also, Brianna's reaction in the phone call seemed a little off but I guess it can sound like that when you get an emergency phone call.   It seemed like she threw in the "I'm not feeling well & can't come"  comment after she found out Vicki was semi-OK.  I'm probably wrong, I'll have to watch again since I had some interruptions & may have missed some things. 

I loved Heather's RV.  I thought she was actually bringing her personal chef with her.  I agree there's nothing better than enjoying campfire food but I'm not sure I would let Heather get too close to a grill. Hats off to Eddie, Tam's mom & whoever else helped in getting the "trailer park" set up & I want a flower pot too.

Yes, they went to 2 different hospitals. I think Vicki was flown to the other because she was complaining about her lips/hands (?) being numb, along with back, neck, shoulder pain. Most likely she went to a level 1 trauma ER.

I would guess that both Heather and Kelly were assessed at the scene by the paramedics and TPTB edited that out as they were fine.

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8 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Come to think of it, didn't Gretchen not only NOT visit Vicks when she was in the hospital, but she mocked her & accused her of faking whatever reason she had for being in the hospital?  Did Gretchie-poo get any blowback for this?  A little from Vicks -- but pretty much nothing from anyone else.  Look, it's as I said before.  This is what happens to horrible people who are hated.  Oh Bethenny, are ya paying attention to this?

Oh Meghan, well done, hun, well done-


Gretchen did mock her but she did go see Vicki in the hospital. 

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2 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

People have commented about how dangerous ATV driving is and I say Yea and Nay.

Again, You DO NOT TELL A KID "This is the gas, this is a brake" and send them riding at GLAMIS. THAT IS NO AREA FOR A STUPID KID TO LEARN HOW TO RIDE.  It's beyond my comprehension that after seeing the rails buzz by at night, they weren't concerned about having a 1200 lb machine fly over a dune and into the area.

That was one of the stupidest moves and had her spawn been hit, run over or killed, she would sue Eddie, the show and every other entity on the planet.

ATVs are fun and safe - Now? Sit your kids down and ask them about their riding and they might have neglected to tell you about the time they were riding and.......The razor they were in is a fun machine and different that a side by side, quad or a bike. Each has it's foibles and people get in trouble all the time because the show off or try something that is past the limits of the machine.

The times we have been out and about an something happened?

We packed up the site and split, It's kinda hard to keep partying when shit like that happens, it puts a kibosh on the trip and it CAN make some people even more apt to get caught up in another incident because the are riding scared.

Safety equipment is a must and used properly, also the least you want to ride with is long sleeves and pants, Not a sports bra and dolphin shorts.

I would NOT have ridden with any of those chuckleheads.

I agree, Glamis is not the place for a kid to learn how to drive an ATV. I would think that Eddie and Tamra's brother should have known better told Heather that, I doubt she knew how dangerous it was even in the daylight since it was her first time there.

According to Kelly, she unstrapped her helmet and then could not get the strap back on correctly, which is why her helmet flew off and Vicki admitted she loosened her helmet as well. I am surprised that Kelly didn't suffer a serious head injury during the accident, Vicki's head/helmet kept hitting her bare head during the roll over.

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12 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I agree, Glamis is not the place for a kid to learn how to drive an ATV. I would think that Eddie and Tamra's brother should have known better told Heather that, I doubt she knew how dangerous it was even in the daylight since it was her first time there.

According to Kelly, she unstrapped her helmet and then could not get the strap back on correctly, which is why her helmet flew off and Vicki admitted she loosened her helmet as well. I am surprised that Kelly didn't suffer a serious head injury during the accident, Vicki's head/helmet kept hitting her bare head during the roll over.

I am going to be a fucker and say that there wasn't anything to injure and then I am going to say that razors have padded roll bars and you can get your bell rung - Sometimes helmets can be dangerous especially when you don't have one on.

GOD WATCHES OUT FOR DRUNKS AND LITTLE KIDS. I have seem people in a helmet and shorts crash on a motorcycle and get up and walk away. I have also seem people stop a bike, Put a foot down and have the machine fall over on top of them and burn the shit out of them or bend them out of shape - sometimes, when you don't realize you are being stupid, you are being the safest.

The weight of a helmet in a fast rollover like that, adds to the mass of your head and whips it around harder and faster, losing your helmet probably saved you some ER time, You  will wake up the next morning feeling like you were in an accident, tho.


The reason that eddie and tam's bro couldn't be bothered?

They just wanted to get out and ride. Another mistake people make is that they are too eager to jump on a machine and ride.

I have seen and been with people who jump out of a car, throw on a helmet and crash, right off the trailer. it's typical male behavior. I have done it myself. When I have been in charge of a trip like that, I tell everyone some basic rules about safety and tell them they are on their own. That said, you nominate people to make command decisions, just in case and have a plan in place for emergencies.

Edited by ElDosEquis
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1 hour ago, Lizzing said:

I don't see why Meghan should have gone to the hospital.  She's not that close to Vicki to give the doctors any kind of health history and she wasn't at the accident scene to describe what happened, so at best Meghan would wait in the ER waiting room for hours to potentially "comfort" a high on morphine Vicki, who would remember zero of Meghan's visit.  Moreover, why would Vicki want Meghan there?  Meghan, who led the charge against Brooks last year, going so far as to call his exes and get health info on him for scamming cancer.  Vicki should want Meghan as far away as possible from anything to do with her health records.  Now, if Vicki were admitted to a proper room for a couple of days, I could see a better argument for Meghan dropping by and bringing flowers or a casserole, but not for an ER visit and diagnostic tests.

I don't like Megan, but one thing I appreciate about her is that she's not down with the fake friendship shit. She and Vicki have never been friends, so it doesn't make sense for her to rush to her bedside. And, it would actually probably make for a better storyline, than sitting around the quiet kitchen with my boring husband. But Megan isn't going to fake it for a storyline. Good for her. 


59 minutes ago, Sai said:

I was gonna reply to Scoobydoo with the same statement.  I live in the country in Connecticut and kids around here drive ATV's all the time!  Heck, my own kid has a dirt bike.  He's 14 now but he's been driving it since he was about 9 years old.  His best friend up the road has 2 quads.  They've been driving those forever also.  I bet Heather's son had the most fun he's ever had.  He even enjoyed peeing outside! Uh.. that's another thing the boys around here like to do, lol!

I live in rural Iowa. It's very common for kids out here to ride around on ATVs, or lawnmowers! Golf carts too! It actually sometimes scares me, because I've seen kids as young as 7 riding a lawn mower around, jumping off and on, while other little kids play near him. Yikes! I'm torn on Nicky. I don't know enough about Glamis to say. It seemed, to me, like he didn't ride on his own very far from their little setup, but who knows? However, Tamra has apparently been riding these machines for years and SHE had an accident, so I don't think experience necessarily makes you safe. 

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7 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I don't like Megan, but one thing I appreciate about her is that she's not down with the fake friendship shit. She and Vicki have never been friends, so it doesn't make sense for her to rush to her bedside. And, it would actually probably make for a better storyline, than sitting around the quiet kitchen with my boring husband. But Megan isn't going to fake it for a storyline. Good for her. 


I live in rural Iowa. It's very common for kids out here to ride around on ATVs, or lawnmowers! Golf carts too! It actually sometimes scares me, because I've seen kids as young as 7 riding a lawn mower around, jumping off and on, while other little kids play near him. Yikes! I'm torn on Nicky. I don't know enough about Glamis to say. It seemed, to me, like he didn't ride on his own very far from their little setup, but who knows? However, Tamra has apparently been riding these machines for years and SHE had an accident, so I don't think experience necessarily makes you safe. 

No, no lawnmowers!  They scare me too.  Lawn/mower tractors are to cut the grass and that's it's.  They scare me also.  When my husband is cutting the grass I don't even let anywhere near him because those suckers shoot off rocks too.  My beagle got hit by a flying rock, he yelped and my German Shepherd ran to the mower and tried attacking it to protect his buddy.  He hated that mower ever since and when my husband would cut the grass we had to put the Shepherd inside so he wouldn't attack it.  

I thought it was sweet when right after the accident Heather's son and Kelly's daughter pulled up all worried and the Nicky said to Kelly's daughter...ok, my Mom and your Mom are ok.  I don't know, that kinda brought tears to my eyes.  He seemed so worried and then relieved that Mom was not hurt.  He's a great kid.  

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38 minutes ago, Bluedog100 said:

The wreck was a bit more intense than I had anticipated from the previews.  And Eddie really does seem to love Tamra big-time.  Wouldn't have guessed that from his initial season.  On the flip side, I think Megan is seeing the handwriting on the ball.  That baby is going to be born and Jim is going to check out and show up at important milestones, autograph some baseballs for everyone, then check out again.  I have never seen a man more unexcited about the news of a baby.  Finally, I did feel sorry for Tamra's mom sitting helpless, waiting to hear about her daughter.  At least Kelly was with her to provide such loving comfort. 

My wife says I am too positive and I can see how that is going to work against mudhen.

I CRINGED when I heard her say "I never thought I'd be getting pregnant without Numbballs being in the room"

If it was meant to be funny, that was one of the saddest comments I ever heard a HW say?

She is trying to put a spin on it, but that was equal to a Charlie Brown field goal attempt, Jimmy pulled the ball away before she can kick it?

I can see her telling everyone how proud she was to 'get pregnant' by herself, excuse Jimbo because he was earning beau coup dolla' - I see her living in a condo and driving a 3 year old Honda that smells like baby shit and puke in three years. Jimmy has checked out and he probably has a pre-nup or some such shit that keeps the cost of his next divorce down.

Mudhen is going to be THAT mother - I bet money on it?

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Header did show some grace under pressure, but I thought her preemptive phone calls were totally OTT.

You don't call everyone on you call list and start giving out prelim info.

Especially the "It looks bad" comments, A point for being calm, five points taken away for being scandalous.

I have ended up getting a 'well meaning' phone call "DAD is convulsing on the couch, I think he is having an epileptic fit!!!!!!"

I drive like a manic and run into the house to see Dad at the table drinking a cup of coffee....What happened?

He swallowed wrong!

Phone calls, before the dust settles and info is available is pretty stupid and only adds to the confusion - If you do have to make a phone call, you wait and try to tone it down, so you don't panic half the planet.

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Vicki has kids and a son in law to check on her. Why should someone she holds so much disdain for be the one to come running to check on her ! I have a coworker I wouldn't throw water on in a fire she is such a hateful shrew much less go check on in the hospital . This is the risk rude skank attitudinal women like Vicki & Bethenny & Kelly take if something dire happens those you pissed off the most just may let you fair common!

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5 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

What actually caused that to roll?  Was Tams driving too fast?  I know nothing about this stuff, but if she had no experience driving on the dunes, wasn't it really dangerous?  Idk, I was terrified watching Nicky driving that thing.  How old is he?  12?  

So Heather pretty much pushed Vicks outta the way to get to that front seat, didn't she?  What if Heather had been the one sitting back there?  Hmmmm.

The big question is -- were those lovely Bravo producers really itching for someone to be seriously hurt -- or dead?

Hey, I liked Shannon's I-don't-wanna-get-near-sand excuse for not going to this place I've never heard of.  Ha!  Good one, Shannon!  Oh, we know she just didn't wanna be stuck hanging with the cancer scammer & her trashbag sidekick.  I wouldn't either.  I'll have to remember that excuse next time I get an invite to a beach party with people I don't wanna hang with.  Hasn't happened yet, but I'll file this one away for future use, so thanks Shannon. 

heather said she didn't want to sit down wind from the pukers.  I agree with Heather.  No matter where Vicki was seating in the vehicle there would have been an airlift for her.

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Dynamic is about to change. *Rubs hands in evil glee*.

I just can't with Shannon. She's so contrived. If they run the counter on the number of times she said/shrieked THIRTEEN!!! in that episode at the reunion, I'll jam my own drop dunny (Australian for toilet) with my own puke. I WANT to like her, because I love Jeff Lewis, but I just can't. Actually, given Meghan, Jeff and Gage share Dr Potter, they might become play date buddies (Jim left out on purpose, Meghan you're lips to God's ear: you said you were worried about raising that baby on your own tonight? He's already left), and I find Meghan dreary also. 

Brianna. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Of course your sick, darling. You're sick of working and you're sick of minding two hi energy toddlers and you're sick of your abusive husband. I truly suspect Brianna is sick of her life and this is manifesting in lots of non specific weird ongoing illnesses. Marry in haste, regret at your leisure. Vicki's orange looks pretty good to Brianna but I have absolutely zero interest in seeing her or her family on my screen again ever. Vicki will undoubtedly parlay this into a grab for viewer and cast mate sympathy of epic proportions. It was funny that Heather presaged Vicki's throwing up earlier on her rv. And that's what she does in the ATV after the accident. I suspect Vicki doesn't find it hard to blow chunks on command either.  And she could NOT have found a better receptacle to let loose over. Kelly is more worried about this than Vicki's injury and after, she wasn't walking around like she had barf all over her lap. Shock, maybe? 

Heather was a champion. I don't really care about all her personal chef and not good enough rv talk. She laid the law down to krazy Kelly Mach II over her gross language and Kelly calling her Principal Dubrow just made Heather look cuter. Like Heather. Bravo must have a vat of kooky Kellies out the back for dipping into when the cast gets flat. I'm praying the obnoxious play for a vow renewal story gets rejected fast, I'll be switching off. 

I'm sorry Glamis but just looking at this place gave me hives. Or maybe a sand allergy. It's not where I want to see my Hos vacaying. It looked hot sweaty and dirty, all that sand and exhaust, definitely not my thing. But I don't get the appeal of Palm Springs either when Kyle R or the Shahs of Sunset go there. Different strokes. 

Happy Birthday Eddie! !!!!

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One thing Vicki said that DID make me adore her a bit this episode, about Heather and the rv, I think. She said in a TH 'I want to be a princess! Who am I kidding, I'll be working til the day I die! '

I thought that was relatable, it chimed with me. 

Someone was being snarky in production calling last week's ep 'WooHoo Weekend' too. That was the flattest saddest party I've seen on the franchise. THAT made me cringe. Made up for it at Glamis though! 

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A great head injury story?

I was driving home one night with my girlfriend and I saw a headlight near the ground, not moving - because I ride, I notice single headlights on the road before I notice car's headlights.

I pulled over and told her to stay in the car.

The guy riding the bike - a huge Gold Wing was trying to pick it up - A GW is a large bike - I am a big guy and would never even attempt it....

Another motorist stopped and we got the bike to the curb, I told the HELMETLESS guy to sit on the curb until the paramedics got there.

He balked and kept looking at the bike, when he finally sat down, I noticed that he had a golfball sized depression over his eye.

I thought, WTF! He should at least be holding his head.

I told him to relax and asked him if he felt OK. He answered in the affirmative and I told him that It looked like he smacked his head someplace.

He then told me that he 'already had that' on his head.

A traffic control car just so happened to pass by, so I told the officer what happened and split.

Had I not seen it with my own eyes, I would NEVER have thought anyone could have such an injury and been upright and acting like nothing was going on.

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18 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

Shannon was smart to not go, as was Megan. Tamra giving Megan a hard time was ridiculous- she just completed in vitro, and was early pregnant- why trudge out there and even risk it?! 

To be fair, you don't have to ride ATVs. They could have just hung around the little camp setup. I think the real issue is they just didn't want to go. Shannon actually sounded on board to go until Tamra mentioned they were all riding up together in Heather's RV. Then Shannon channeled her inner Karen Smith and pulled a, "I can't go out - cough, cough - I'm sick".  And I just don't think Megan thought it sounded fun. She wanted to do her doctor's appointment and celebrate the good news with her super excited husband. I don't blame either one of them, but they probably weren't being 100% honest. 

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Did Kelly's husband Michael just drop her daughter off? I could not tell if he stuck around or was anywhere near the accident site during the chaos. I was wondering if Heather's driver left or something until they were going to leave. Did anyone else have their own vehicles at Glamis? I figured Michael did, but I did not remember seeing him after he showed up. I was also, assuming Eddie and Ryan did as well, but after the accident did not know if they or their vehicles (I know Eddie went to the hospital with Tamra) were around and why they did not take Tamra's mother with them? Did Tamra's kids go to Glamis, so that is why her mother stuck around the campsite to babysit?

Also, what did Heather do to Kelly that was so bad (besides asking her to leave the party at the restaurant)? I thought they kind of settled everything as much as they were going to when Tamra set up the dinner last week for Kelly and Heather to make amends, but Kelly still seems to have a hate on for Heather. Kelly kept making comments throughout the episode about Heather.

Edited by Misslindsey
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She wanted to do her doctor's appointment and celebrate the good news with her super excited husband. I don't blame either one of them, but they probably weren't being 100% honest. 

I totally agree and wish she had just said that.  In addition she has limited time with Jim due to his travel schedule.  And for the record, women with IVF are told to take it really easy the first trimester.  This is an artificial implantation and may or may not 'take'.  So she probably was being honest about that.

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5 minutes ago, Misslindsey said:


Did Kelly's husband Michael just drop her daughter off? I could not tell if he stuck around or was anywhere near the accident site during the chaos.


I could have sworn I saw Uncle Fester around during the aftermath of the crash. The guys had their ATVs out there too. I think he was probably riding with Eddie or Tamra's brother. Wasn't Jolie in the same ATV that Nicky was in? It did seem like there weren't many people back at camp during the aftermath. Maybe the husband and Jolie headed home after that, but the girls seemed to be waiting around. 

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Ugh, this episode was one giant product placement for the RV company and the ATV "park". Cohen must be taking some pointers from the KUWTK producers.

At first I was annoyed that Jim wasn't super enthused about the pregnancy news, but then realized they probably got the news off camera (just in case it wasn't positive) and that scene was a re-enactment and Jim's a shitty actor.

"who really cares that Shannon didn't invite Vicki to the vow renewal she didn't know she was having?"

Of course Shannon knew. She had to bring not only her, but her childrens' passports, clear the family's schedules....and her gushing about the lengths David (Bravo) went to for her was so over the top.

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To be fair to Shannon, I have hospital quality sleepware - the scrubs I took from work.

My dog even has a hospital quality sheep skin he sleeps on - courtesy of the same med center.

Oops, I just gave out the reason why healthcare is so expensive?


I am surprised bicki didn't tell the pilots/para people that she had to ride shotgun, she gets carsick?


Another thing that made me laugh was the helmet buying spree.

She bought the 'cheapest' brand and nothing screams safety like a helmet that is too small, too big or unbuckled?


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5 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

The children never left the country. The renewal was in California. She and David then flew to Cabo for their honeymoon. I think David could have easily brought her passport, but he probably did enlist others to help him with the details. I thought Shannon's surprise felt genuine. 

I agree about her genuine surprise.  I also thought I heard her say she had to pack again, which led me to believe they went home before going to the airport; she would have at least needed to refill her distilled water supply...

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Re the accident: I remember thinking that Tamra, who was driving, looked like she may have been trying to race the other ATV in front. The 1 Eddie was driving. She then veered right. 1 of those 'I can't catch you so I'll try and match you moves', went over a ridge and landed badly and lost control. That's why the women were shrieking before she actually rolled it. That's my memory of it. 

And when Kelly was relating to Tam's poor mother the story of her unstrapped helmet, she sounded disingenuous. Kelly didn't want to admit that helmet wasn't strapped on. 

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Rollie Free was a guy that used to ride his Vincent bike on the Bonneville Salt Flats, trying to set land speed records,

He DID wear a helmet and goggles and shoes.


The shoes were borrowed and he set the record riding at over 147 miles an hour.


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3 hours ago, ChitChat said:

Even if Meghan did go to the hospital, chances are she'd have just sat in the waiting room while Vicki was undergoing her tests.  They probably wouldn't let her back there while she was being checked out since she's not family, and she'd be in the way.  It would've been a nice gesture for her to go and be able to say she was in the waiting room, but she clearly didn't want to go.  I don't think I'd want to hang around the ER waiting room either if I just found out I was pregnant.  It can be a germy place in the ER!

Also, with the HIPAA regulations, they couldn't/not supposed to have told Meghan anything at the ER desk either. 

A Surgeon, Donkey and a Whore walk into a bar in Los Angeles......

That is all I know, HIPPA regs prohibit any info from being handed out.

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Are we sure Kelly said "vowel renewal" and not "bowel renew"?

There's a couple of kids next door, ages 3 and 4, who both have kiddie size ATV's.  They drive them all over their yard and crash them into the two trees.  I'm waiting for an accident with these two because I think they are way too young for those things.  

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55 minutes ago, queenjen said:

Dynamic is about to change. *Rubs hands in evil glee*.

I just can't with Shannon. She's so contrived. If they run the counter on the number of times she said/shrieked THIRTEEN!!! in that episode at the reunion, I'll jam my own drop dunny (Australian for toilet) with my own puke. I WANT to like her, because I love Jeff Lewis, but I just can't. Actually, given Meghan, Jeff and Gage share Dr Potter, they might become play date buddies (Jim left out on purpose, Meghan you're lips to God's ear: you said you were worried about raising that baby on your own tonight? He's already left), and I find Meghan dreary also. 

Brianna. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Of course your sick, darling. You're sick of working and you're sick of minding two hi energy toddlers and you're sick of your abusive husband. I truly suspect Brianna is sick of her life and this is manifesting in lots of non specific weird ongoing illnesses. Marry in haste, regret at your leisure. Vicki's orange looks pretty good to Brianna but I have absolutely zero interest in seeing her or her family on my screen again ever. Vicki will undoubtedly parlay this into a grab for viewer and cast mate sympathy of epic proportions. It was funny that Heather presaged Vicki's throwing up earlier on her rv. And that's what she does in the ATV after the accident. I suspect Vicki doesn't find it hard to blow chunks on command either.  And she could NOT have found a better receptacle to let loose over. Kelly is more worried about this than Vicki's injury and after, she wasn't walking around like she had barf all over her lap. Shock, maybe? 

Heather was a champion. I don't really care about all her personal chef and not good enough rv talk. She laid the law down to krazy Kelly Mach II over her gross language and Kelly calling her Principal Dubrow just made Heather look cuter. Like Heather. Bravo must have a vat of kooky Kellies out the back for dipping into when the cast gets flat. I'm praying the obnoxious play for a vow renewal story gets rejected fast, I'll be switching off. 

I'm sorry Glamis but just looking at this place gave me hives. Or maybe a sand allergy. It's not where I want to see my Hos vacaying. It looked hot sweaty and dirty, all that sand and exhaust, definitely not my thing. But I don't get the appeal of Palm Springs either when Kyle R or the Shahs of Sunset go there. Different strokes. 

Happy Birthday Eddie! !!!!

Ok while I respectfully disagree with your Shannon stance (you're my girl, Shan!) I am enthusiastically nodding along at the bolded.  And then, on top of how terrible it all sounded, to find out that people are zipping around loudly in their ATVs and dune buggies at all hours of the night?  No ma'am.  No thank you.

At least there are pools and (I assume) nice restaurants in Palm Springs! 

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13 minutes ago, queenjen said:

Re the accident: I remember thinking that Tamra, who was driving, looked like she may have been trying to race the other ATV in front. The 1 Eddie was driving. She then veered right. 1 of those 'I can't catch you so I'll try and match you moves', went over a ridge and landed badly and lost control. That's why the women were shrieking before she actually rolled it. That's my memory of it. 

And when Kelly was relating to Tam's poor mother the story of her unstrapped helmet, she sounded disingenuous. Kelly didn't want to admit that helmet wasn't strapped on. 

She crossed the top of the dune at an angle.

When you do that?

You land on one wheel and the weight and inertia drive the tire into to the sand on the other side. The suspension bottomed out and flip them over.

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10 minutes ago, KLovestoShop said:

Are we sure Kelly said "vowel renewal" and not "bowel renew"?

There's a couple of kids next door, ages 3 and 4, who both have kiddie size ATV's.  They drive them all over their yard and crash them into the two trees.  I'm waiting for an accident with these two because I think they are way too young for those things.  

That would take some intestinal fortitude to make it thru?

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13 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

Did anyone else catch the RV driver say he missed the GPS audio because of all their screeching?  It was hard to hear him over all their screeching...

Yeah, that's what he said... I think I laughed at their reaction shot.

13 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Kelly backed up the RVs toilet with vomit.

How does one manage to do that by oneself? Did Kelly flush the paper towels she used to clean up down the toilet, plugging it up?

12 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

NO antenna with flags on any of the vehicles.

YOU fucking buckle your helmet or GTFO.

This is the gas, this is the brake, away you go!!!

An example of the kind of shit that happens in Glamis.


I'm not sure I'd want to go there, based on what I saw. Are there really people riding around at all hours in all directions? I'd have been scared of someone coming down that dune Vickie drunkenly ascended ("Is she drunk, Mommy?" HA!) directly into the campsite!

11 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Where was Michael? Why couldn't her go to the hospital if Briana was too sick to dive there? He should have brought his mother, who is his boss, home!

If he hasn't told her where he lives or his phone number, I imagine contacting him would be a problem.


As for whether Meghan should have visited Vicki in the hospital, I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, she was closest to the hospital but on the other, what good would it do? I am assuming they wouldn't allow her to visit or tell her much about Vicki's condition b/c she's not a relative. I think Meghan could have called the hospital and gotten the same results, unless Vicki is considered to be a "celebrity" and gets extra privacy.

11 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

When Vicki ran up that hill, was that Heather's son who asked if she was drunk? If so, he is hilarious. LoL.

Yes, it was Nicky who asked Heather if Vicki were drunk. I think Heather replied "She acts like that a lot".

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

To be fair, you don't have to ride ATVs. They could have just hung around the little camp setup. I think the real issue is they just didn't want to go. Shannon actually sounded on board to go until Tamra mentioned they were all riding up together in Heather's RV. Then Shannon channeled her inner Karen Smith and pulled a, "I can't go out - cough, cough - I'm sick".  

I remember Shannon losing interest when Tamra told her Vicki and Kelly would be going too. I think she should have been more honest about why she wasn't going, though.

1 hour ago, ElDosEquis said:

Another thing that made me laugh was the helmet buying spree.

She bought the 'cheapest' brand and nothing screams safety like a helmet that is too small, too big or unbuckled?-

I did wonder why Tamra was buying everyone's helmets instead of making everyone get their own so there were no questions about helmet size. Also, am I correct in thinking helmets have less subjective sizes than "small". "medium", and "large"?


Wait, was Kelly's daughter there?

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2 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:

Did anyone else catch the RV driver say he missed the GPS audio because of all their screeching?  It was hard to hear him over all their screeching...

Yes! That poor driver. The girls were all bitching about how long it took to get there, but it was THEIR fault. He'd probably have had an easier time driving 2 dozen teenage girls to Glamis. 


2 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:

How does one manage to do that by oneself? Did Kelly flush the paper towels she used to clean up down the toilet, plugging it up?

Haha, I don't know. She's pretty stupid. But I do think those things have a lower threshold for what they can handle than a typical toilet does. 

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