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S18.E32: Nominations 11

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2 minutes ago, Cutty said:

"I'd rather go to the final 4 with people who can beat us, than with people who are a little rocky!"

Pure brilliance, Nicole.

With the brilliant assist from James -"Nat wanted to evict Corey" and "sure, I'll throw HOH to you, Nicole...what could go wrong with that?"  

My two least favorites right now are the two returners, and that's saying something with Corey in the house.

  • Love 6

Corey is a big, dumb dog who drools, chews your shoes, hates goats, tweets homophobic stuff, and sometimes poops in the house. And I want him to beat both Nicole and James. Still rooting for Nat but , man, sometimes I feel my love for her waning. Get this season over with, please.

If Corey wins I hope he takes Victor somewhere really nice for their first official date. The thing is Corey actually has chemistry with Victor. Something about how his face lights up when Vic comes into a room. He has NO chemistry with Nicole. He refers to her as "Dude." As in, "Dude, wanna cuddle?" Really? Vic and Corey would make a very  handsome couple.

Edited by zibnchy
  • Love 14

Okay, we dodged the Paulie bullet... maybe if he had longer shorts on he could have kept those low body fat legs pumping. Sometimes being the strongest makes you weak.

But now we've got to deal with Nicole's head. I think Corey is going to have to call her a bitch and/or insult her sloppy hair and half-tucked shirt just to get that head through the HoH room door.

I think James was fucked either way so he did just have to hope she'd do what he wouldn't and honor their deal. He's still out next week probably... and... I don't care anymore. I'm also kinda done with Nat, I think we've given her a "good edit" here just because she isn't a horrible human being and her girl next door appeal draws you in. But now she's kinda whiney and talking/acting like a brunette Nicole. I didn't like her response to James. Well at least I can stop forcing myself to like James now...

Let's take this thing home Vic. Best of luck. (But you're still not 'my boy')

  • Love 7

I'm sort of shocked that Corey got the care package, but it's kind of a lame care package. Not nearly as much power as Michelle had last week. And -- proving he's eminently worthy of it -- his first thought was of course "Huh huh, we can get people to do dumb stuff!" before Nicole reminding him it had to be game-related. Classic.

Is it odd that I completely forget Nicole and James are both vets until they speak to each other?

  • Love 8

I  use to like Nicole but I'm afraid she and Corey are a matching pair of douches....they were seriously considering going back on the deal....worse yet they have completly FORGOTTEN that Natalie and James didn't put the pair up when Nat was the HOH and now they want to work with Paul and Victor who were totally gunning for them just a few days ago?! And Corey you know wants to go with Paul and Victor because they are bros....that and sickeningly as revealed tonight he's out for revenge for Paulie going out of the game.

Speaking of which let the internet rejoice that Paulie is now on the train to obscurity forever...or at least until he reapears in a future season in a family package as the producers persquade the Californie sister to play a season on BIG BROTHER.

In my heart I know James or Nat is going up on the block after the veto because I'm predicting Michelle will win one of those luck based competitions and pull herself of the block....then one half of Jatalie will go up and go out. This is because a well oiled plan like the one in effect now always gets foiled long before eviction night.

Meanwhile America likes Corey enough for him to get the package? Did only three people vote and two votes were for him?

Fire the editors....at one point they inserted a "crowd scene" during the HOH where DaVonne and Zakiya were still on the wall AFTER they had jumped their way back to the jury house.

Oh and regards to the editors and Zakiya....they HATE her...I mean they really truly HATE her because she was the only jury member who didn't get a diary room before and after she left the competition...it harkened back to early in the summer when they didn't show any of the "good" Zaulie relationship and only featured her in a clingly, crazy women edit when things started to go south with New Jersey;s (least) favorite son.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 5

I don't think James threw the comp. He was struggling to stay up there. I don't know how much longer he could have stayed up there, but better to make the deal before that happened, than to just fall and not secure your safety. It just sucks that he's still going to get screwed anyway.

Nicole is so stupid, I can't even stand it. These girls needs to learn to think strategically and stop basing their nominations and votes on stupid, petty, catty girl shit. Michelle doesn't like you so she wants you gone. You don't like Michelle so you want her gone. At least Michelle was smart enough to put that aside when she was HOH last week, because really you need to focus on getting these men out who can beat your asses in pretty much every competition. Why is it every season we go down this road? Nicole seems to be playing this game for Corey so that he will win. She's just trying to stay in the house longer to hang out with him. This is so stupid! I don't know why I watch every season expecting different outcomes. I think this is what they call insanity.

  • Love 10

Nicole and Corey's logic is rather baffling to me, when they decided to align with Paul and Victor. These two are incredibly strong players. Paul has proven to be a smart player and can win comps, and Vic is an absolute competition beast. With this few people left, they are going to be harder to get out and beat. I know you want to go to final four with them, but the odds are really good that they will knock you two out at that point. Plus, after this week you are already down to the final 6! I could understand aligning with two strong players early on to get you far, but you are already far.

This is the stage of the gave where you HAVE TO get out the big players, because it will be too late to put it off any further. If they were smart, they would have taken either Paul or Victor out this week. Using this HOH to take out Michelle is a waste. Plus, Victor and Paul are already pissed at James and Natalie, so if the surviving one of the two wins the next HOH, they're still likely to take a shot at James/Nat not Nicole/Corey. Michelle isn't very good at comps, so she can be taken out anytime. If "final four" makes it to the final four, I'm almost positive it will be a Vic/Paul final 2.

Edited by JZone
  • Love 3

Agreed. Shooting for Michelle this week only delays the inevitable and makes Paul and Vic stronger, if "The House" doesn't take out Paul while he's on the block they'll rue the day. Oooh they are so strong that we should team up with them to take out everyone we could ally with and do what needs to be done to win, not just make it to the final and then get snuffed out. Numbers are dwindling, everyone NOT named Paul or Victor need to take their shot while they can, this win HoH just to fight another day is pointless.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 3

Oh and regards to the editors and Zakiya....they HATE her...I mean they really truly HATE her because she was the only jury member who didn't get a diary room before and after she left the competition..

She didn't get any goodbye messages either, which I'm guessing was to spare poor Paulie the trouble of trying to figure out what he could possibly say. At that point he was probably thinking he'd never have to deal with her again until maybe the season finale.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 1

IDK, is it just me? But shouldn't you want to be in a Final Four with people you can actually beat? Paul and Victor vs. Nicole and Corey is a No Contest. As much as I detest Paul, he is playing the game exceptionally well. And Victor is just a beast at competitions. He proves that over and over. Hell, he's gotten his butt back in the house twice after being evicted, beat 4 other players in the process.

I can't figure these people out. They keep making their gameplay personal, rather than strategic. Nicole has just handed the game to either Paul or Victor with this dumb move.

Edited by Rosebud1970
  • Love 5
10 hours ago, North of Eden said:


Oh and regards to the editors and Zakiya....they HATE her...I mean they really truly HATE her because she was the only jury member who didn't get a diary room before and after she left the competition...it harkened back to early in the summer when they didn't show any of the "good" Zaulie relationship and only featured her in a clingly, crazy women edit when things started to go south with New Jersey;s (least) favorite son.

I'm not surprise at all by way CBS edit the Zaulie relationship because I read about  who the majority of their viewers are. Zakiyah probably didn't give them anything they could edit to make her look desperate for Paulie to go with their totally wrong and bias edits. Da'vonne did warn Zakiyah,  so Zakiyah is probably careful about what she says in there. 

Edited by SevenStars

Well, Paulie didn't make it back, so that is literally all I care about. Okay, maybe that's a bit extreme, but THANK GOD. 

I'm actually happy to see Victor back. It cracks me up, but they just can't kill him! And he's not even on the block either. 

Nicole is an idiot, and who the hell voted to give Corey the care package? A bunch of vapid Nicoles out there in the world? Who are distracted by nice abs? Blargh. Corey is a moron. Watching him discuss how he should use his advantage was painful and yet hilarious. "Herp derp, let's pay people to do really dumb shit". "Corey-uhhhh, we have to uuuuse it for the game-uh". "Herp derp, of that's right. We're playing a game. I forgot. Is it Christmas yet?"

James is an idiot too. It's too late in the game to make deals like that, and trust someone will follow through. Especially when YOU are known for not honoring deals. I don't blame Nat for being irritated. Who cares if Nicole misses her mom??? She's not the only one with a mom! Get over yourself. At this point, I think James sees Natalie as what he gained out of BB this time and doesn't even really care about winning. 

James is just lucky that Paul is playing hard and used offering to go up as a pawn as a way to manipulate Nicole. Hopefully it all pans out. I'm down for a Paul or Vic win at this point. 

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, JZone said:

Nicole and Corey's logic is rather baffling to me, when they decided to align with Paul and Victor. These two are incredibly strong players. Paul has proven to be a smart player and can win comps, and Vic is an absolute competition beast.

Those two are born followers. It's the same way they wanted to latch onto Paulie and let him run the house. They like the idea of being close to the big players more than actually BEING big players themselves. They're pathetic. 

  • Love 8

I've liked watching James and Natalie's relationship, but now I think James struck a death blow when he made that deal with Nicole and jumped off first. Natalie really wants to win. Plus I think she might have seen the deal as a betrayal to her - that James gave away HOH to Nicole and made a bargain. Her body language and tone seemed cold. I was hoping their relationship would continue past the show, but while I think they may stay friends, I don't think there will be anything romantic.

I watched the feeds more the past few days, and without going into specifics, I can see why some people don't like her. She was performing for the camera a lot!

  • Love 3

Why do people think James was close to falling off his ledge?  To me, it looked like it was an effort to uncrimp himself from his position and crawl down.  Other people only had to relax their fingers and they immediately went splat.

Nicole's whiney pleading about needing to win HOH so she could hear from mommy was pretty sickening (or else brilliant?) but I think James will ALWAYS grab a chance to avoid responsibility.  I don't have much respect for James and his gameplay--the one time he was crowing about "making a big move," Natalie had carrot/sticked him into seeing he only had one feasible option.  I'm sure Nat wanted to strangle him after the HOH ledge.


I think it's fine if this was the last chance for the weaker members to knock Paul and Victor out of contention and they blew it.


I didn't like Da'vonne and Zakiyah going "Thelma & Louise."  Da':  If you don't like water, or heights, and you decide to quit because you really don't think you have much of a shot, that's fine, but then maybe don't say you did everything in your power to stay in for your daughter's sake.  If you have it in you to discuss the situation and orchestrate a hand-holding ballet exit, then you still have the strength to hold on a few more seconds. 


Paulie repeatedly being blasted in the face with a firehose was very enjoyable.  And Victor was looking a little iffy there at the end.  There probably won't be the public squawking about "rigging" that there would have been if Paulie had had the round-trip ticket.

  • Love 5
27 minutes ago, candall said:

Why do people think James was close to falling off his ledge?  To me, it looked like it was an effort to uncrimp himself from his position and crawl down.  Other people only had to relax their fingers and they immediately went splat.

Nicole's whiney pleading about needing to win HOH so she could hear from mommy was pretty sickening (or else brilliant?) but I think James will ALWAYS grab a chance to avoid responsibility.  I don't have much respect for James and his gameplay--the one time he was crowing about "making a big move," Natalie had carrot/sticked him into seeing he only had one feasible option.  I'm sure Nat wanted to strangle him after the HOH ledge.


I think it's fine if this was the last chance for the weaker members to knock Paul and Victor out of contention and they blew it.


I didn't like Da'vonne and Zakiyah going "Thelma & Louise."  Da':  If you don't like water, or heights, and you decide to quit because you really don't think you have much of a shot, that's fine, but then maybe don't say you did everything in your power to stay in for your daughter's sake.  If you have it in you to discuss the situation and orchestrate a hand-holding ballet exit, then you still have the strength to hold on a few more seconds. 


Paulie repeatedly being blasted in the face with a firehose was very enjoyable.  And Victor was looking a little iffy there at the end.  There probably won't be the public squawking about "rigging" that there would have been if Paulie had had the round-trip ticket.

It looked like Paulie was taking the water a lot harder than Victor. In fact, Paulie always looked more wet then Victor. I think Victor really just wanted to outlast the jury members. If Paulie had been in better condition Victor might have fallen before him. That said, I'm sooooooooooooooo glad that Paulie didn't come back. I.just.couldn't.take.that.at.all.

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, North of Eden said:

I  use to like Nicole but I'm afraid she and Corey are a matching pair of douches....they were seriously considering going back on the deal....worse yet they have completly FORGOTTEN that Natalie and James didn't put the pair up when Nat was the HOH and now they want to work with Paul and Victor who were totally gunning for them just a few days ago?! And Corey you know wants to go with Paul and Victor because they are bros....that and sickeningly as revealed tonight he's out for revenge for Paulie going out of the game.

Speaking of which let the internet rejoice that Paulie is now on the train to obscurity forever...or at least until he reapears in a future season in a family package as the producers persquade the Californie sister to play a season on BIG BROTHER.

In my heart I know James or Nat is going up on the block after the veto because I'm predicting Michelle will win one of those luck based competitions and pull herself of the block....then one half of Jatalie will go up and go out. This is because a well oiled plan like the one in effect now always gets foiled long before eviction night.

Meanwhile America likes Corey enough for him to get the package? Did only three people vote and two votes were for him?

Fire the editors....at one point they inserted a "crowd scene" during the HOH where DaVonne and Zakiya were still on the wall AFTER they had jumped their way back to the jury house.

Oh and regards to the editors and Zakiya....they HATE her...I mean they really truly HATE her because she was the only jury member who didn't get a diary room before and after she left the competition...it harkened back to early in the summer when they didn't show any of the "good" Zaulie relationship and only featured her in a clingly, crazy women edit when things started to go south with New Jersey;s (least) favorite son.

I could be wrong, but I got the impression that Paulie and Zakiyah's relationship was always volatile.

5 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

It looked like Paulie was taking the water a lot harder than Victor. In fact, Paulie always looked more wet then Victor. I think Victor really just wanted to outlast the jury members. If Paulie had been in better condition Victor might have fallen before him. That said, I'm sooooooooooooooo glad that Paulie didn't come back. I.just.couldn't.take.that.at.all.

Agree.  The difference in the water they were getting seemed like a bit of a "rig."  I just don't think many people are going to complain.  [evil snicker]

  • Love 4

I cannot believe I'm actually saying this, but to defend Nicole and Corey for a minute: they're coming off hearing Natalie say she wanted Victor to stay. Their potential alliance also includes James, whose every HoH ends in a Showmance-Buster (if I recall correctly -- or at least he attempts to break couples up). Corey was the target two weeks (?) ago, when Victor, Paul, Natalie and James seemed thick as thieves.

And Nicole's rationale actually made a modicum of sense (for Nicole, anyway): get Michelle out and preserve her final 4 deals with both pairs, so they haven't burned their bridges with one of the alliances later. Otherwise, Michelle holds the power, not the Ambiguously Romantic Duo.

The more I watch this show, the more it reminds me, voting-wise, of Survivor: Second Chances. These people don't have alliances, they have voting blocks. They can't stay loyal to each other for more than a couple weeks. It's also how I'm watching it as a viewer: my alliances change from week to week, depending on whose game blowing up would be the most entertaining.

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, Rosebud1970 said:

IDK, is it just me? But shouldn't you want to be in a Final Four with people you can actually beat? Paul and Victor vs. Nicole and Corey is a No Contest. move.

THIS.  Anyone sitting next to Paul or Victor, in my opinion, just handed them the game.  I also can't figure out why none of the three remaining pairs haven't grabbed onto Michelle and brought her in as a buffer for if/when the couples begin stabbing each other in the back.  Seems like everyone should be fighting over her.

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Nicole is an idiot, and who the hell voted to give Corey the care package? A bunch of vapid Nicoles out there in the world? Who are distracted by nice abs? Blargh. Corey is a moron. Watching him discuss how he should use his advantage was painful and yet hilarious. "Herp derp, let's pay people to do really dumb shit". "Corey-uhhhh, we have to uuuuse it for the game-uh". "Herp derp, of that's right. We're playing a game. I forgot. Is it Christmas yet?"


This is exactly how it went down, too.  I have to assume that all the Paul/Victor votes cancelled each other out and Corey won by default?  I mean, giving a strategic bribe to Corey is like...giving anything to Corey that requires him to use the marble rattling around in his head.  What a waste.

26 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

It looked like Paulie was taking the water a lot harder than Victor. In fact, Paulie always looked more wet then Victor. I think Victor really just wanted to outlast the jury members. If Paulie had been in better condition Victor might have fallen before him. That said, I'm sooooooooooooooo glad that Paulie didn't come back. I.just.couldn't.take.that.at.all.

I'd like to think a Jersey girl on the production staff was working the "COLD WATER BLAST" button on that particular comp.:)

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Sara2009 said:

I could be wrong, but I got the impression that Paulie and Zakiyah's relationship was always volatile.


You are not wrong. It was always up and down with them. If it wasn't Zakiyah doing something to cause them to fight, it was Paulie.  There fights never last for longer then a few hours before they find a way to be all over each other. 

Edited by SevenStars

Is it really necessary for CBS to blur out the "C" in "C-word"? My husband, the innocent, didn't know what was even happening in that scene.  I don't know that I've seen that before, but then again I watch a lot of Bravo and they barely bleep anything or edit subtitles.

Nicole was at her absolute worst at the end of that competition. "Guess I'm not 7th place this time!!!" Fuck you, hope you're sixth.

  • Love 2

Oh and regards to the editors and Zakiya....they HATE her...I mean they really truly HATE her because she was the only jury member who didn't get a diary room before and after she left the competition.

To be fair she might not be giving the editors anything to work with. She doesn't strike me as someone who has anything of much interest to say. On the other hand, the show keeps demonstrating why they wanted someone like Da'Vonne back - she gets tons of DR footage because she's such a big "personality." Terrible player but gives the producers exactly what they want in the DR. She'll probably be back a third time just for that.



Victor doing the Don Corleone accent was hilarious

I have to admit that was pretty funny. Sometimes this guy surprises me.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I've liked watching James and Natalie's relationship, but now I think James struck a death blow when he made that deal with Nicole and jumped off first. Natalie really wants to win. Plus I think she might have seen the deal as a betrayal to her - that James gave away HOH to Nicole and made a bargain. Her body language and tone seemed cold. I was hoping their relationship would continue past the show, but while I think they may stay friends, I don't think there will be anything romantic.

I agree that James should not have struck a deal and tried to win the HOH. I understand why Natalie is upset, especially since she couldn't compete herself so she had to rely on James for safety. You have to try to win comps at this stage of the game. There's just too few people left as options to nominate that you automatically run the risk of being nominated or a replacement nominee, just by sheer numbers left. All it takes if Vic winning POV to take down Paul and one of them HAS to go up. I would have been frustrated too, if I were Natalie and saw him throw away their guaranteed safety this late in the game. 

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

To be fair she might not be giving the editors anything to work with. She doesn't strike me as someone who has anything of much interest to say.

Meh, I can't see how Bridgettte's personality can be described as any more dynamic than Zakiyah's. (Unless Bridgette's toddler act is supposed to be interesting to watch.) 

The way they ignored Zakiyah all season and continue to do so unless she's fighting with or being played by Paulie is weird. 

  • Love 4

Victor my boy!  Not only did he battle back AGAIN, he's not even nominated!  I won't rest easy until after the veto though.  I hope hope hope he wins and takes Paul down.  Actually I don't care that much about Paul, I just want Victor to be guaranteed safe.

I thought both Zakiyah and Bridgette gave Julie exit interviews that were completely devoid of content.  So happy to see the back of the both of them.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Eolivet said:

The more I watch this show, the more it reminds me, voting-wise, of Survivor: Second Chances. These people don't have alliances, they have voting blocks. They can't stay loyal to each other for more than a couple weeks. It's also how I'm watching it as a viewer: my alliances change from week to week, depending on whose game blowing up would be the most entertaining.

I didn't watch Survivor: Second Chances, but agreed. I actually like that there are shifting alliances all the time. If only they didn't think they have to come up with a name every time! No, this is not "your alliance," this is the deal you're making this week/day. It's way more entertaining than watching one bloc/person run the house.

10 hours ago, laurakaye said:

THIS.  Anyone sitting next to Paul or Victor, in my opinion, just handed them the game.  I also can't figure out why none of the three remaining pairs haven't grabbed onto Michelle and brought her in as a buffer for if/when the couples begin stabbing each other in the back.  Seems like everyone should be fighting over her.

Seriously! Michelle is how you get to F3 with your boo! Why doesn't everyone see that?

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, Eolivet said:

The more I watch this show, the more it reminds me, voting-wise, of Survivor: Second Chances. These people don't have alliances, they have voting blocks. They can't stay loyal to each other for more than a couple weeks. It's also how I'm watching it as a viewer: my alliances change from week to week, depending on whose game blowing up would be the most entertaining.

Voting blocs - the Millennial version of alliances!  :>

  • Love 6

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