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Tori & Company In The Media

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Maybe they have shitty credit and can't get a home loan. Because Candy isn't handing them the cash to buy one outright.

Candy bought them a house a few years ago, but Tori sold it after less than a year to move into a rental. As I understand it, Tori wants her own version of Spelling Manor, an outrageously expensive property with every single amenity she's ever dreamed of. The house Candy bought them was on an acre+ (because Tori wants to have farm animals) and cost over $2M, but it was a relatively modest house with only 2 or 3 bedrooms. T & D put a lot of money into remodeling/upgrading the property, but they moved out when Tori got pregnant with Finn anyway. They could have made that house bigger and done whatever else to make it the "forever home" that Tori says she wants for her kids, but Tori decided that it wasn't good enough and they sold it.

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I used to work with someone whose mom started bleaching her hair when she was 5 years old because she wanted a blonde daughter. Pretty sad when your mother thinks your looks need improving at 5 years old.

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Pretty sad when your mother thinks your looks need improving at 5 years old.



Even sadder in this case if that is what Tori is doing, considering how often she's complained about the emphasis Candy put on Tori's looks when she was young.  Didn't Tori once say Candy insisted she have a nose job at a ridiculously young age?

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I was thinking the same thing.  The article I read even said she tripped.... I don't see how she would have evidence to blame a restaurant for that.  The patrons know the grills are hot--considering that is the whole point of the restaurant.  Ugh.

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I knew when I first read about her "falling into" the grill surface that it would have literally taken a lot of effort to fly over the barstools, the countertop space where you sit to eat (it's at least a foot deep, if not more). How many people have fallen into this thing in the past? Anyone?

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When I heard she had fallen into the grill, my first thought was that some people will go to extreme lengths to get pain medicine.

I'm on some strong pain medicine and its amazing the horrible pains that people suddenly develop around me when they find out what I'm taking, I even had somebody walk into the next room and "fall" and needed a pain pill to make it better (she didn't get one).

After my accident when I learned I'd be taking the medication long term I joined a group and got a sponsor to help me stay on the right path with them and not become addicted. There are people who have thrown themselves down stairs, burned themselves, cut themselves, anything they can think of to get those drugs.

I think that's what happened here. Just my opinion.

Edited by Maharincess
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If that were what happened, I don't think she'd be suing, as opposed to just pocketing the pills. Suing means Benihana gets to ask all sorts of questions about exactly this sort of possibility. Surely a lawyer crafting her complaint would have made clear what sorts of risks discovery could pose if she does have anything she'd like to keep under wraps (although, that's assuming she found a competent and principled lawyer - if it's a bogus suit, she will have had to lawyer-shop until she found someone willing to do it for her anyway).


I assume she has some sort of argument that there was a safety issue that caused her to slip and fall (tripped over something that shouldn't have been there or ws a design flaw that should have been corrected because of the likelihood of such an accident; a slippery floor from spilled drinks that weren't wiped up - something), rather than that the grill is too hot or isn't adequately protected under normal circumstances. Or perhaps somebody on staff asked her back by chef's side of the grill for some reason and that's not safe for someone not well trained and not wearing more sensible shoes than she'd likely be wearing. Otherwise, it's hard to see how this is Benihana's fault. However, we've never heard anything like that before, so who knows . . .


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If that were what happened, I don't think she'd be suing, as opposed to just pocketing the pills. Suing means Benihana gets to ask all sorts of questions about exactly this sort of possibility. Surely a lawyer crafting her complaint would have made clear what sorts of risks discovery could pose if she does have anything she'd like to keep under wraps (although, that's assuming she found a competent and principled lawyer - if it's a bogus suit, she will have had to lawyer-shop until she found someone willing to do it for her anyway).

I don't think that Tori staging an accident (or even doing less than she could possibly do to avoid an accident) in order to get pills/attention would necessarily preclude her suing Benihana as well. We know that she is always desperate for money and someone who is sick enough to do that kind of thing to get meds (I don't know whether that is the case or not, but I agree that it seems like a realistic possibility) isn't exactly thinking rationally or exercising extreme caution. It would even make sense for her to stage the accident for the dual purposes of getting meds/attention/a hospital stay AND getting a payout from Benihana. Presumably, she really did fall into a grill and burn herself, so I think it would be difficult for Benihana's lawyers to prove that she did it on purpose based on the fact that she took whatever kinds of meds beforehand.

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I think this is more of an attention getting device than a money grubbing scheme. I mean, $25,000 to Tori Spelling is nothing. But, we all know she LOVES to be in the tabloids and there hasn't been much mention of her lately.

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Did anyone watch the celebrity lie detector test with Tori? I am dying to see what others thought about it.


I hate to admit this, but I caught part of it.  At first I thought it was a spoof type of show, then I realized it was trying to be real. LOL  I thought it was strange, to say the least.  Is that show a regular show where other people submit to a lie detector test?  I could tell that every answer/lie/truth was specially worded so that Tori would either look like a good person (comments about Shannon Dougherty) or like the poor wife of a cheater who still him.  Blah.  LOL  What did you think of it??

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I thought the entire premise was (as Tori said) to put all the rumors to rest. Not all questions/answers were geared to make her look good. There were two or three questions where her answers were opposite of what the lie detector showed as false.


I think Tori gets a bad wrap and is constantly fighting the media. Not that some of it isn't on her, but IMO she owns up to a lot of it. She admits to being the "poor little rich girl" who never learned the meaning of money and probably didn't have a clue on how to balance a checkbook. Better late than never I say.

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I enjoyed the juicy tidbits about 90210 (loved that show plus Melrose place) I always wondered why Shannon Dougherty got fired, but it seemed that Tori lied on a couple of questions and was sweating bullets for the lie detector answer. I totally believe she sold Jason Priestley s wedding invite for $5.

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Decided to pop in to the Tori forum because I got to thinking that we've haven't heard really any gossip from T and D recently in the tabloids or anywhere. Then I see the stuff about her lawsuit against Benihana. I am sorry that happened to her, burns are nasty and painful - even just home cooking burns. But sheesh, a lawsuit? Is this more Munschausen syndrome psycho drama stuff from her? Constant attention seeking thru any and all health maladies.


Anybody know of any plans for more future TV from T or D ?

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Anybody know of any plans for more future TV from T or D ?

I noticed a 1 hour special called "Tori & Deans Family Thanksgiving" is on the Cooking channel at midnight, I have my DVR set to record. There's no year on my cables description so I'm not sure if this is new or a repeat from a previous year. Will report back on all the staged phoniness and ridiculousness when I watch later this week.

Highlights according to the description include Dean making vanilla bean cranberry and orange gelatina (yes, it says "gelatina" I guess that's a foodie term for jell-o?)

Meanwhile Tori will create a "produce-inspired tablescape." Oh FFS Tori just get some autumn-themed placemats at Pier 1.

Edited by JasminePhyllisia
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Caught only the last 3 min of the Thanksgiving show.  I'll admit it - I do want to see the whole thing. Sure for the cooking ideas *cough* and an eyeroll. OK, I'll 'fess up....I want to check in on how T&D and the fam are doing. 


Now remember....I only saw the last 3 min, so I didn't understand the "plot"  or backstory on seeing the Guncles there and Tori's longtime bestie (cant recall his name). The adults were all on one side of the table and all the kids on the other. I addition to T&D's 4, I think I saw 2 more little ones, plus a baby in one of the Guncles' arms. Did they adopt two more since we last saw them? Guncle #2 looks like he has gained a ton of weight. 


Have to give Dean some credit for creativity on new takes on T-Giving dishes. 


First glance at Tori's tablescape: the table was way too over loaded with too many pumpkins and gourds and fall decor cliche' stuff. You couldn't see the food! Way too much crap on the table - especially with little kids all on one side. But it was probably for dramatic visual affect for TV.


Now to Tori. The very first thing that caught my eye in the 3 minutes: Tori has gone and joined the club - she has botoxed her face and it was majorly stiff when she smiled.


When Dean was serving, he was still calling Tori, ...mama. He should knock that off. 

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I haven't watched a Tori and Dean show since Inn Love so I'm out of the loop. I caught the Thanksgiving special and made two things from it. The gelatin was a big hit at my house. I was asked to make it again for Christmas. Even cranberry haters loved it. The butternut squash tart was good but overkill with all my other sides. I'll make it again sometime. I plan to make the Brussels sprouts salad for a non holiday dinner.

Tori's face was distracting, it didn't move. Dean still calling her Mama came off weird.

I get where Tori was coming from with the DIY stuff but most would find it a waste of good fresh veggies. Wrapping the fresh asparagus around candles? The Rosemary plant place setting pots would be cute on a much larger table.

Dean's "I was just totally checking you out" while Tori was whisking was awkward. Hattie's tantrum was unintentionally funny, "I don't want to be your best friend", I'm not grateful"

Tori's fortune filled crescent rolls seems like something fun to do with kids.

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I keep seeing Tori & Dean's adds for a photo greeting card company come up in my Facebook newsfeed. The add is their family photo Christmas card.

It made me wonder what they've been up to and what they've recently cooked up to pay their bills and/or get back on TV. I wouldn't have known about the Thanksgiving cooking show if I hadn't read about it here.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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According to Candy, her lavish and multiple presents are welcome with Tori's kids [though she is only allowed limited access to them], while, ironically, she is welcome in Randy's home/with his kids, but he sets limits on the gifts she can buy them. Hmmm...

Aww, Candy. I would have liked this a lot more if you'd recognized this as a way to not play favorites. Twice. (Really? You have to come out and state publicly you like the little girls best?).

Team Randy?

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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This ^^^ makes my blood boil and I WILL be contacting Mattel and Toys R Us to let them know what I think! There are kids out there who got absolutely nothing (or very, very little) for Christmas and they're furnishing toys to that moron because she's depressed that she can't spend thousands of dollars on her kids? Are you kidding me??? You know Candy bought them plenty of expensive stuff, and I'm sure her kids got their usual over the top birthday parties because, if they hadn't, we'd have heard about it by now (by way of Tori whining about not being able to shell out thousands of dollars for her already over-indulged kids). That woman is not only a self-centered moron, but she has no shame. Ugg! 

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I wonder if Tori still has that rented*mega warehouse full of stuff. Recall her horrifying hoarding problem shown on True Tori ? Yet another expense just to house all that shit.


That in and of itself, said all we need to know about her. Just awful. 


I really do want to know how they pay the bills these days  - besides the supposed rumor that Candy pays for the kids' private schools. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Seriously, she is known to have had 127 storage units that she pays $55/month for. That's almost $7,000 a month to hold all her hoarder crap. She needs therapy in the worst way. But she'd only get fake t.v. show counseling which would be sympathetic to her, not the real kind where a person hears things they don't want to hear, and gets assigned homeowork.

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I've been having raging insomnia and think about weird stuff when I can't sleep. Last night I was wondering how many times Tori has tried to pitch a new reality show. She's probably been to every network there is with a list of show ideas. I can only imagine some of the ideas for shows that she's come up with.

I think she needs to face the fact that nobody cares anymore. She's done, its time to go get real jobs and live like normal people.

She's probably just biding her time waiting for Candy to die. I hope Candy leaves all of her money to Randy and to charity. I'd love to see Tori's face as she finds out she's getting nothing. She and Dean thought they'd be set for life after Aaron's death, I'd love to have seen the look on her face at that will reading.

Sorry. I just noticed this is the media thread. I meant to post it in the Tori thread.

Edited by Maharincess
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Good news, everyone! Tori and Dean's marriage is STRONGER THAN EVER and Dean can't believe how SMOKING HOT Tori is!


What cracks me up is that they use these exact. same. talking points all the time. Then they shoot reality shows that show how fucked up their relationship is and how much Dean hates Tori. I doubt that he has ever found her "smoking hot," actually, though he probably was pretty turned on when they first hooked up and were having sex all the time while he was dreaming about how he'd spend the Spelling money. Now he's stuck trying to convince her, the world, and, mostly, himself that he's totally into her and deliriously happy. No, really!



I was wondering how many times Tori has tried to pitch a new reality show. She's probably been to every network there is with a list of show ideas. I can only imagine some of the ideas for shows that she's come up with.
I think she needs to face the fact that nobody cares anymore. She's done, its time to go get real jobs and live like normal people.

It seems that she thinks that her ticket to reality TV stardom is to peddle the "happy family" image, but that ship sailed when she decided to punish Dean for his affair by trashing him on TV over and over. Despite their regular media statements about how happy and in love they are, no one is buying it. I know that Tori had this dream of becoming kind of a "Martha Stewart for Mommies" (or maybe "Bethenny Frankel for Mommies") and was/is working on building a brand as a "super mom" and it seems like she's been unable to let that vision go even when it's totally obviously not happening. My favorite part of the article about her getting free toys for Christmas was when they referred to her as a "super mom" for... taking her kids on a ride in a fire truck and posting about them on social media. Her PR people are amazing with planting little gems like that. I wonder whether they do it on purpose to subtly snark on her.


I think the only thing Tori ever had going for her in the "aspirational wife and mother" game was the four adorable moppets. The beginnings of her relationship with Dean were too public and too sordid for their marriage to ever be iconic, particularly to women/moms of young children. Tori has never seemed particularly admirable as a woman and her parenting, as demonstrated on her shows, is hardly impressive. So I think she was delusional all along thinking that significant numbers of women would want marriage/parenting advice from her or want to buy stuff with her name on it for their kids or themselves. Ditto for Dean with the "Gourmet Dad" stuff. If that  concept took off, the primary audience would be women and, at least to me, Dean comes off as too sleazy to be appealing in an "America's Dad" way. He doesn't seem like a sweet, harmless "dad type." He seems like a guy who would get drunk and hit on your teenage daughter. It's just amazing to me that these two tried to build images/careers based on being wholesome when they're so... not.


Whatever else you say about Tori, you can't say that she's not relentless in her pursuit of fame. It seems that she's now trying to pimp the kids, which is no surprise at all. Stella and Hattie had their "first modeling shoot," so I guess Tori's trying to make that happen now. And she's still bleaching Stella's hair. Isn't that really toxic/bad for the hair, especially going so light? I have no doubt that Tori has pitched a million reality show ideas featuring her kids and is also trying to get them acting jobs. I don't think people like her can even conceive of having careers outside show business. Realistically, what else could she possibly do?


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I just saw on TMZ that a credit card company has filed a lawsuit against Tori. I forget the amount she owes but I think it was something like 40 thousand. She made a payment to them and the check bounced so they filed the lawsuit.

The hosts were blasting Candy for being so rich while poor little Tori is struggling. I say bullshit to that, she's had plenty of money in her life and she blew it all on crap, why should Candy give her money? She'll just blow that too.

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