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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

Message added by Scarlett45

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Right if Amy is the leak, she's guessing.  I think their ditsy preggo party planner is the leak.  The Duggar wannabe, you know who I mean.

Sierra. I thought it was her too. But Amy makes more sense. And I SO hope it's her. She may be a greedy famewhore with questionable taste in men, but she comes by it honestly.  And quite frankly Amy looks like Mother Theresa compared to the rest of her fucked up family (Deanna and the minor children excluded). 


I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if the "source" was Grandma. 

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Amy is at home whining to anyone who will listen, "Don't they realize, I'm the good Duggar?" "I overcame being born out of wedlock." "Why, why, why isn't People noticing that I am the good Duggar?" "I'm Christian, I can sing." "I've kissed boys and I am still the good Duggar."

Because, her real name is Amy Jordan which technically means she's not a Duggar.

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The source could literally be anyone. I can't imagine there are many people who know them personally, even (or especially) in Gothard circles, who respect them at all anymore or believe their BS. I would think the Gothard folks are mighty pissed off that the Duggars are giving their cult a bad name. In order of probability, these are my guesses: 


1. Amy and/or that Dill Pickle guy

2. Sierra

3. Deanna

4. Anyone from the (former) TLC crew 

5. Kelly or Gil Bates

6. Grandma

7. Any of the kids Jed/Jer and up. (this of course is my wish, and the next step is revealing themselves and getting a big fat paycheck for the real scoop from a reputable publication, followed by a one way plane ticket to anywhere)

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An obnoxious freeloader who's about to have her THIRD wedding shower. I'm not shedding any tears either.

Patiently waiting on the pictures to see if Anna shows up with her trademark smile on her face.

From Josiah's siduggar Instagram

"Just finished filming a western movie with some of the Bates boys and friends. 'Twas fun Yall! @thebatesfam @lawbates #shortfilm #cowboys #jedduggar #jerduggar #duggarstudios"


Yikes, clutching my pearls now.

Edited by Fuzzysox
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At 15 (and a young 15 at that) I could not have paid my son to dress-up and perform in a cowboy skit. My mind is a boggling.

What else do these kids have? Our kids have friends to hang out with, sports, extracurricular activities, game systems, computers -- age appropriate activities that let them develop their own identities. These kids have noting expect for brochure/packet school and renovating siblings' houses.

Are they playing "Cowboys and Indians"? They probably have no idea how that is wrong historically, culturally and politically.

While they're playing dress up, the adults are freaking the fuck out. I bet the kids have no idea that father's empire is crumbling because the are so isolated and sequestered.

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They are all emotionally backward,look at Jackson always twirling around and behaving like a six year old.Without sounding harsh I think at least three of the kids have mild learning issues.


I mean  young female bible bashers are not bashing the doors down to "court" the older boys are they?I imagine dress up and tearing around the house screaming is as good as it gets.

Edited by kandinski
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Jer and Jed will be 17 in December.


Sure, the video looks juvenile, but what else do they have to do?  I imagine homeschooling for them is pretty much done.


It is just criminal that those kids have been denied a basic education.  The twins seem to be more intelligent than most of their siblings.  Such a waste of potential, but I guess when you are numbers 9 and 10 of 19 you will get lost in the shuffle. 


As the kids get older I just despise Jim Bob and Michelle more and more.  What horrible parents they are.

  • Love 11

Both of the twins have occupation not jurisdictions listed on the family website: lawn care, handyman, real estate maintenance. Joseph and Josiah have the same occupations, plus Ben is probably doing this too. Kind of overstaffed, plus Jason, James, Justin and even Jackson will graduate to this within 5 years. JimBob really needs to come up with a new and relatively labour intensive business for his kids to work at.

ETA: Jeremiah's future plans are "Graduate From High School"

Edited by Kokapetl
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Both of the twins have occupation not jurisdictions listed on the family website: lawn care, handyman, real estate maintenance. Joseph and Josiah have the same occupations, plus Ben is probably doing this too. Kind of over staffed

Right?! Does Boob have some Trump-like portfolio of properties that we don't know about? The lawns need to be mowed what, once a week? How long can that possibly take when they have those commercial riding mowers? It really requires a full time crew of five plus people?

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 Also, surely they noticed westerns aren't full of flannel shirts?

 But, but, but......they have pearly snaps???? Isn't that suppose to be "cowboy-like"?


I especially love the skinny-leg jeans with whisker-faded creases.


Duggar Studios is awesome, y'all. Was this JB's 1955-era idea to land them some wimmin-folk interest? Looks like a promo pic for  The Andy Griffith Show.

Edited by drafan
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I think that this is another example of how the Duggar kids are seriously immature.  Everyone commented about how both Jill and Jessa didn't seem emotionally ready for marriage, given that they talked about their husbands like they were 13 and had their first crush.  

The way I see it is that J'Chelle and Boob have never given their kids the opportunity to mature.  The kids have never had to deal with a fight with their best friend, failing an assignment, losing a soccer game or any of the other 100 million experiences that help develop maturity and coping skills.  They don't socialize with other people outside the family which IMO contributes to their arrogance and lack of empathy (especially with Jessa).  Which is how they ended up with an 18 and 16 old boys dressing up as a cowboys rather than learning differential equations and trying to decide if they should ask a girl to a formal. My brother is 17 and he and his friends wouldn't ever, ever, ever dress up like that unless it was a joke for mufti day (since they wear uniforms).  Dressing up like that in a non-ironic way and then posing it on social media would cause any of them to just about die from social embarrassment.  It has got to a point where the social isolation that the Duggar's live in is no longer quirky but harmless but shows how stunted their kids are socially and emotionally. 


Very well-said. And IMO, entirely-accurate.

  • Love 5

Jer and Jed will be 17 in December.

Sure, the video looks juvenile, but what else do they have to do?

Get jobs?

Help grandma with laundry? Help the sister moms with their responsibilities? (I know, I know, that's women's work).

Write a tell-all book and escape the Duggar house forever?

Yawn, think I'll just put on my plaid shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots and play cowboy.....errr, I mean film a western.

PS Margie, be glad you got out of that courtship...all you needed was an 18 year old husband who loves to play cowboy.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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The only way this could be redeemed is if it's a prelude to the boys announcing that they are running away from the Duggar compound to join the rodeo and become actual cowboys.

Or Rodeo Clowns.

Except that takes real skill and experience and the Duggars have no skills.  Maybe picking up horse dung.   Duggar Dung Co.

  • Love 5

Watched the video.  Certainly silly and cringe-worthy, but at least they appear to be having fun and not taking themselves seriously.


I guess it's a step up from running screaming through the TTH.


I feel so bad for these kids.  So stunted and socially awkward through no fault of their own.  They do seem to be doing the best they can with the few freedoms and education they have been allowed to have.

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Message added by Scarlett45

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