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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

Message added by Scarlett45

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2 hours ago, Barb23 said:

That is the cutest story about your nephew @doodlebug.  

I can just picture him going about his business with Joey in his backpack.

My son was fascinated with his grandmother's purses (or 'Pocket-purses' as he referred to them, combining words 'pocket books' & 'purses') when he was a little guy. She let him play with a few of her older ones.  He would load them up with all his valuables & was as happy as could be.   

That would definitely not be Duggar approved. 


One of the only toddler pictures of my Depression-Era dad has him with the typical bowl haircut (he grew up poor, like many of that era did) and holding my grandma's purse.  My dad wasn't gay.  Toys don't determine if a child is gay or not.  Kids make toys out of everything.  My daughter had a Tonka truck and the Go-Bots that were popular in the 80's, and she isn't gay.  But of course the Duggars would not allow that.  Just another way they suck.  I'd hang out with Amy, who has more sense than her completely brainwashed cousins.

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4 hours ago, Future Cat Lady said:

Very true. Men should act like men and women should act like women in their world. Everything is black and white in that department.

Says the woman who wears a lime green man’s shirt, the woman who is a total bitch and wears the pants in her family, and a whole passel of men who like they would fall over in a light breeze.  Not to mention the army of women who couldn’t cook a a decent meal to save their lives 

 This whole discussion reminds me of friends:


Edited by JoanArc
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2 hours ago, emma675 said:

My friends and I used to dress my younger brother up in dresses and makeup and have fashion shows. He loved it. And he's the straightest guy in the world (and laughs at old pictures of our dress up). The Duggars will never understand that boys and girls can experiment with all kinds of things and it doesn't make them gay or straight or anything they aren't. It makes me sad for any of the kids who have questions or curiosity or artistic instincts or even might be gay. They'll spend their whole lives trying to quash that because they've been taught it's wrong.

My brother, who has 5 sisters and no brothers, was forced into service playing our daughter, Sally, when we played house.  We would make him wear our Easter hats, the wide brimmed straw kind covered with flowers and try to teach him ballet since we were taking lessons.  My older sister played the mom in our playtime family while I was the father; foreshadowing our futures as my sister thrived raising kids and being a homemaker while I never married and go off to work each day just like I pretended back then.  And, yet, all of us are heterosexual.  Because imaginative play doesn't lead to homosexuality.  And, if it did, so what?

Just one more way the Duggars screw up their kids.

Edited by doodlebug
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I saw this on some other snark sites through Instragram. Hanni seems to run with a crowd of older girls, who include Lauren Caldwell, Madison Nicole, and some sisters named Patton. One of the sisters graduated from either high school or SOTDRT high school and had a big graduation party with a lot of people. Michelle and Hanni were clearly there. Not social distancing and it said class of 2020. 

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2 hours ago, crazy8s said:

lydia patton has been shown with Anna and Hannie quite a few times. I believe she mentioned anna was her mentor and now she was passing on what she learned to hannie.

@lydia.grace96 is her Instagram

Sign that you absolutely must change your life: realizing that Anna Duggar is your teenage daughter's mentor. 

Although if you're a male fundamentalist, I suppose it's a sign that a cherished dream has come true. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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i thought I posted the pic with anna, lydia and hannie here before. it was so oddly worded. @lydia.grace96 still has the pic on instagram now but I can't get it.

it was lydia so thankful for one who is always pouring into her and for she now can pour into another or some such weirdness. the pic is at the TTH. anna was still pregnant so it was a while back

Edited by crazy8s
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I fell down the Duggar-adjacent-Instagram rabbit hole, and stumbled upon this photo from March... isn't the dark haired girl in the middle cousin Emily? I guess she still hasn't escaped the Duggar compound, despite her sudden disappearance from Anna's account.



Edited by dargosmydaddy

the duggar rabbit holes go down so deep.

I thought Jed's car lot was in pa caldwell's front yard but property records show the JB and Michelle trust not only owning the property with the Jed's lot but one to the back showing a huge number of cars and 2 large lots that seem empty to the side


Edited by crazy8s
pic went in the wrong place
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2 hours ago, FizzyPuff said:

Poor Jenny always looks sad, I can’t tell if it’s because she doesn’t like the cameras around or she realises how insane her family is. I’d be depressed if I was a duggar. 

I think its both of that plus being one of the Lost Girls. Hannie at least had the attention at first of being the first girl after so many boys. But Jenny was just another girl who only had attention until Jordyn was born. They all of course lost all attention or care for good once Josie was born. Jenny always seems so sad and ignored. The rare times she gets attention on camera she seems to know its only because of the camera.

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22 minutes ago, Ljohnson1987 said:

I’m glad that she’s in contact with Jill and that they have each other to help process what they’ve been through.  Although their experiences were different, it helps to have someone who saw everything go down and understands your situation without any explanation. 

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1 hour ago, JoanArc said:

She mentioned she couldn't comment much about Jana on a recent livestream with Deanna. Deanna has n NDA, too.

I read on reddit that someone commented on that livestream to FreeJana. Amy then started to talk about how it wouldn’t be bad to live like Jana, referring to her singleness, and Deanna cut her off. 

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18 minutes ago, Zella said:

I strongly suspect some shit went down after Mary died. The passing of the family matriarch may have removed any incentive for Deanna and Amy and Jim Bob to have to make nice with each other. 

Yeah, and I’ll bet it involved Jim Bob trying to get his hands on every penny in Mary’s estate and squeezing Deanna and Amy out.

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4 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I heard Amy verify the NDA just a couple of months ago. I have no idea how long Boob has locked her down. But the NDA is real.

I wonder if his own adult children also have to sign an NDA?  He's a big enough control freak that I wouldn't put it past him.  Most of what I read about an NDA on the internet concerned employers and employees and business secrets, but I guess that would pertain to Boob and his offspring, since in one way or another they all work for him.  (With the probable exception of Jill.)

The biggest business secret Amy and anyone else most likely has to keep is how different and dysfunctional the family is off camera.  Knowing Boob, Amy probably didn't really understand what she was signing at the time, and any benefits she received from signing were minimal.  

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2 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I just can't wrap my head around forcing your family to sign NDAs if they want to interact with you.  Is JB aware that those agreements honour the window if either Amy or Deanna witness a crime being committed?  

how old was Amy when she 'signed'? would it be worthless if she was under 18, wouldn't that be a contract with a minor and so makes it invalid? didn't see if that was discussed, sorry if revisiting old discussion

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9 hours ago, MonicaM said:

I wonder if his own adult children also have to sign an NDA?  He's a big enough control freak that I wouldn't put it past him.  Most of what I read about an NDA on the internet concerned employers and employees and business secrets, but I guess that would pertain to Boob and his offspring, since in one way or another they all work for him.  (With the probable exception of Jill.)

The biggest business secret Amy and anyone else most likely has to keep is how different and dysfunctional the family is off camera.  Knowing Boob, Amy probably didn't really understand what she was signing at the time, and any benefits she received from signing were minimal.  

Yep. Nailed it. You can't just wave an NDA at someone you know and make them sign it because you want them to. As you said, NDAs arise in business situations including settlement of lawsuits (which may be "personal" things like divorces but are nevertheless "business" in this sense). NDAs are common in the film/TV industry, including but not limited to reality TV shows; they can't have cast or crew members distributing sneaked photos or blabbing out the plot details, etc. 

The point is, that there's some CONSIDERATION - something of value - received by the person signing the NDA in return for their agreement to protect the relevant information. They get a job on a show or movie. They get a job with access to a company's customer lists, projects in development, etc. They get a lawsuit settled, which may mean they are paid money, or are forgiven a debt. Etcetera. 

I'm sure any NDAs signed by a Duggar or Duggar adjacent, relate to the TV show and are intended to protect the interests of TLC. 

As much as JB would LOVE to nail down everyone around him with a binding NDA to protect his precious public image? He can't go that far. The scope of the TV show essentially has equalled the activities of his family, and Amy joined in too. That's pretty broad, which is lucky for JB. I bet JB has pushed the NDAs people signed to be on the show, to or PAST their legal limits, to keep them from spouting heresy (i.e., he and Meech aren't the Greatest Parents and People of All Time, etc.).

Somebody with no emotional ties to the family, and access to a good lawyer, would probably have laughed in JB's face if he waved a show-related NDA at them and threatened legal action if they talked publicly about his family. But Amy's a relative who loves her cousins, she's not a lawyer, she and her husband have two businesses to run and a new baby. So she's not going to call BS on JB and go to war over this. 

9 hours ago, DawgMom said:

how old was Amy when she 'signed'? 

As @Sew Sumi said, she was of legal age and she probably signed a boilerplate NDA, written by TLC  lawyers to ensure that she wouldn't be a threat to their TV show. I'm sure the powers that be at TLC don't give a rat's ass about the Duggars except as show assets, and I'd bet any protections that NDA gives to JB and Meech are incidental to its main purpose of protecting TLC's assets.

I think there's an interesting legal issue here. Since we don't know who signed the NDA (I suspect it was TLC and Amy and perhaps the production company), or what it says, we have NO way to know. But. It's the concept of "third party beneficiary" or "incidental beneficiary" to a contract, and it TOTALLY depends on the details and wording of the contract, so this is utter speculation about this NDA that Amy signed and JB is waving at her. Okay?

Here goes. A contract between Herman and Mike says that Herman will pay Mike to create and deliver a video game app. It has a clause that says that the contract is intended to benefit only Herman and Mike, and anybody else is only an incidental beneficiary etc. Mike hires Freda at the rate of $35 an hour work for him, running his office while he's working on the app. Mike delivers the app to Herman and gets paid, but vamooses to South America with the money and never pays Freda for her work. Freda can't sue Herman under that contract, because she wasn't a party to it NOR was she an intended beneficiary of it. She was an "incidental" beneficiary. She's SOL unless she can get her money from Mike.

So, if Amy signed an NDA to be on the TLC show, I'd bet the rent that TLC is the intended beneficiary of that contract. I'd also bet a good dinner that JB and the Duggars are only incidental beneficiaries and not entitled to sue Amy on their own behalf. HOWEVER, since the show's content is all about the Big Wonderful Duggar Family? TLC could probably muzzle Amy, if it cared to, as long as the NDA is in effect.

I suspect that JB is canny enough to understand that his interests and TLC's interests are aligned, at least enough to intimidate her into silence about her cousins. I doubt that JB got on the phone to TLC before he threatened Amy with the NDA but as I said, she didn't want to go to war over it - and I don't blame her. 

Edited by Jeeves
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I doubt TLC has their 'celebrities' sign NDAs. What secrets do they need to keep? TLC is the one keeping shit on the down low. Jon Gosselin's NDA was part of his divorce. JB couldn't have his kids sign NDAs unless the NDA is very specific. Amy, on the other hand, could have signed one saying she won't speak of any details of her time spent with the family.

I'm thinking the publicity around the molestations woke JB up about how damaging information about his family could be. I wouldn't be surprised if the NDA came about around then. Until then JB felt untouchable and also was quoted saying something to the effect of, the Duggar family being the most important show for TLC.

If NDAs weren't so common in the TV industry I'd doubt that Amy signed one. But she did appear on the TLC show, she surely got an appearance fee for it, and I'd bet they handed her a printed NDA to sign. It's not that she was a 'celebrity,' but she was appearing on a TLC show. 

True story. Anybody remember "Emergency Vets" on I think Animal Planet? One of the first veterinarian TV shows on cable, back in the 90's. Those were my vets. One day I was in there with my cute (but psychotic, lol) rescue dog, a Shih Tzu, while the film crew was there. The dog was cute and was doing his little hind leg dancing thing in the lobby, so they shoved a release form of some kind at me and I signed it so they could shoot some footage of him. Which BTW never appeared on the show AFAIK. If the industry standard involves papering even incidental shots of cute dogs, I'd bet they are really going to paper anybody appearing in the show. I've always wished I'd paid more attention to what the release that I signed, actually said but I had a lot on my mind and it was just about some footage of my dog being cute. 

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When is Amy's earliest reference to an NDA? I feel like that's pretty new. It could, to be fair, be one she's had for awhile and only now mentioning. But I wonder if JB used settling his mother's estate as leverage against her and her mom? Of the "I'll give you your share if you sign on the dotted line" variety. As I said last night, I think that Mary's death probably removed a lot of incentive for Jim Bob and his sister to get along. Maybe he didn't think anyone in the family would snitch on him when his mother was alive because they wouldn't want her to be hurt in the collateral damage but felt like that could go nuclear at any minute once Mary was gone. And them still grieving over what was, for sure, a really awful death for Mary may have made them more vulnerable to being willing to sign something that an attorney would have said, "Yeah don't do this." 

2 hours ago, Jeeves said:

If NDAs weren't so common in the TV industry I'd doubt that Amy signed one. But she did appear on the TLC show, she surely got an appearance fee for it, and I'd bet they handed her a printed NDA to sign. It's not that she was a 'celebrity,' but she was appearing on a TLC show. 

True story. Anybody remember "Emergency Vets" on I think Animal Planet? One of the first veterinarian TV shows on cable, back in the 90's. Those were my vets. One day I was in there with my cute (but psychotic, lol) rescue dog, a Shih Tzu, while the film crew was there. The dog was cute and was doing his little hind leg dancing thing in the lobby, so they shoved a release form of some kind at me and I signed it so they could shoot some footage of him. Which BTW never appeared on the show AFAIK. If the industry standard involves papering even incidental shots of cute dogs, I'd bet they are really going to paper anybody appearing in the show. I've always wished I'd paid more attention to what the release that I signed, actually said but I had a lot on my mind and it was just about some footage of my dog being cute. 

I think that makes a lot of sense. To me, reality show participants probably are way more of a wild card than actors appearing in scripted shows (the latter may have an incentive to play along to protect their careers while reality show people can generate a career out of infamy and probably have less incentive or knowledge of the industry to do so), so requiring releases for anything, even something pretty small, I'm sure is pretty standard. 

Edited by Zella
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From my understanding, the releases, contracts and NDAs a network and production company have people sign are there to stop people from revealing how the sausage gets made and any potential storyline for an upcoming season.  Those would not stop Amy from talking about her relationship with her cousins and any events that happened without cameras present.  TLC could care less if Amy speaks to People, In Touch, TMZ, etc or blasts JB on her social media as long  as she doesn't reveal any of the show's secrets.  If Amy wants to talk about all the good times she and Jana had over the years, again the network does not care.  No network is trying to sign away a person's entire history for the good of a reality TV show.  Especially if the person is tangentially related to the "star" and receiving little to no compensation.  

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Message added by Scarlett45

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