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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

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They had something up on their Facebook saying Jackson had completed third or fourth grade. He was ten or eleven at the time. To make matters worse, he finished their crappy, substandard version of third grade, so he might be even further behind than that.

Edited by BitterApple
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Jackson acts like an effeminate 5 year old. Sorry, but I think being the last boy messed him up. He gives me the creeps, and will until he gets some puberty to mature him.

There's clearly a pecking order amongst the Howlers, and since Jackson is the youngest/smallest, he's at the bottom. I don't blame him for becoming a "lost boy", he has zero chance of successfully challenging any other howler, I think he's ostracised by them. I don't think that makes him effeminate, and as for creepy, he's only 11.

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There's clearly a pecking order amongst the Howlers, and since Jackson is the youngest/smallest, he's at the bottom. I don't blame him for becoming a "lost boy", he has zero chance of successfully challenging any other howler, I think he's ostracised by them. I don't think that makes him effeminate, and as for creepy, he's only 11.

Yet he has a pack of younger sisters. Many kids in a similar spot would be 'mature' having that many younger siblings. He is neither howler nor lost, he is forgotten.

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Why are the Duggars spending money on boys' teeth? Only the girls have countenance concerns that need to be fixed for courting, and the family doesn't seem overly interested in general health as witnessed (love that I could use that word in a regular sentence) by their crappy diet and risky birth scenarios. It's puzzling. 

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Kids who spend most of their time with kids younger than themselves will act younger than their age (speaking from experience here; it took me years to catch up with my peers after spending the first 5-6 years of my life mainly surrounded by kids at least two years younger than me).


As for "effeminate" what is that even supposed to mean in the context of children? He hasn't yet been corralled into the rigid gender roles of Christian Patriarchy where men are men and women are doormats? That's a good thing imo and I hope they let him hang around with his sisters for a good long while yet. If he internalises the idea that girls are in fact peers and equals and not submissive helpmeets, then maybe he'll be able to hold onto that even after they ship him off to ALERT for a year of indoctrination like they did with Josiah.

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Jackson has been treated like the younger ones, he acts younger than he is. He falls in the awkward category where he isn't one of the boys (Justin, James, Jason) but he isn't one of the girls (Johannah and Jennifer).  Sort of like Joy-Anna where she clearly wasn't included with the older girls (Jana. Jill, Jessa, Jinger) but they all discouraged her from getting too close to the boys who were closest in age.  None of the kids are given interaction with their peers, age appropriate activities or education so it isn't really surprising that they are so immature.

Can anyone believe that Jackson is older than Johannah?  And that Jinger is 21?  Also, I have to admit that I always forget Jason, Justin and Jennifer when I am thinking about the Duggars.  Sorry kids! 

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Yet he has a pack of younger sisters. Many kids in a similar spot would be 'mature' having that many younger siblings. He is neither howler nor lost, he is forgotten.


All the Duggar kids seem to me to be less mature than a lot of other kids their ages are. Even the ones that are in the role of caretakers for younger siblings nevertheless come off really immature to me in their speech and social presentation, even if they do a lot of work and are mature in that way. .... Maybe because he's a boy, Jackson had no responsibilities for the younger sisters, so he didn't get that maturing process. And of course, he couldn't be one of the "leader" males since there are too damn many other males ahead of him on the roster. As you say, he's lost. The mob is so big that there's no room for him to have a role, poor guy.

Why are the Duggars spending money on boys' teeth? Only the girls have countenance concerns that need to be fixed for courting, and the family doesn't seem overly interested in general health as witnessed (love that I could use that word in a regular sentence) by their crappy diet and risky birth scenarios. It's puzzling. 


Somebody mentioned "boy band." Wouldn't surprise me if something like that isn't in Jim Bob's head. There have been Duggar videos of them fake-singing, you know.

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I just took a look at Jessa's Insta and saw the video with those dollar bills - they are fake, right? I am beyond appalled to see that poor child Jennifer. Are they effing blind??????? I've seldom look a child that unhappy. And not one of them give a flying fuck about it!


Isn't there a Social Services or something that could intervene? It breaks my heart, literally

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This is the video that MunichNark was talking about 




Agreed that Jenny looks incredibly miserable.  She is listless, her eyes are completely empty and she would clearly rather be anywhere but there.  She and the other girl who appeared towards the end (Jordyn maybe?) look unbrushed and have bags under their eyes.  Meanwhile, Jinger is spruiking some pointless "bills" which you are supposed to hand out to heathens who will totally take the time to read the tiny print on the back and not just chuck it in the bin when they realise that a trillion dollar note does not, in fact, exist (yes, I did look them up!).  


Forget saving my soul and start saving your own kids, Duggars. 

Edited by ChocolateAddict
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I'm going to try to hold onto the thought that, maybe, unlike many of their idiotic and increasingly offensive older siblings, some of the younger kids may be looking at the super-Christianity preached by their family and thinking -- "Yeah, right. Sure did a helluva lot for our household. Stuff it, Duggar Jesus."  Thoughts like that are the only hope that any of them has. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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All the Duggar kids seem to me to be less mature than a lot of other kids their ages are. Even the ones that are in the role of caretakers for younger siblings nevertheless come off really immature to me in their speech and social presentation, even if they do a lot of work and are mature in that way. .... Maybe because he's a boy, Jackson had no responsibilities for the younger sisters, so he didn't get that maturing process. And of course, he couldn't be one of the "leader" males since there are too damn many other males ahead of him on the roster. As you say, he's lost. The mob is so big that there's no room for him to have a role, poor guy.


Somebody mentioned "boy band." Wouldn't surprise me if something like that isn't in Jim Bob's head. There have been Duggar videos of them fake-singing, you know.

The Duggar Christian Boy Band! No defrauding dancing, no back beat to the songs. Video by Duggar Studios.

I really hope so, that would be like a Christmas present to us.

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The Duggar Christian Boy Band! No defrauding dancing, no back beat to the songs. Video by Duggar Studios.

I really hope so, that would be like a Christmas present to us.

Lots of songs about going bald at 18, resisting your sister's body, and remaining as passive as possible.

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This is the video that MunichNark was talking about 




Agreed that Jenny looks incredibly miserable.  She is listless, her eyes are completely empty and she would clearly rather be anywhere but there.  She and the other girl who appeared towards the end (Jordyn maybe?) look unbrushed and have bags under their eyes.  Meanwhile, Jinger is spruiking some pointless "bills" which you are supposed to hand out to heathens who will totally take the time to read the tiny print on the back and not just chuck it in the bin when they realise that a trillion dollar note does not, in fact, exist (yes, I did look them up!).  


Forget saving my soul and start saving your own kids, Duggars.

From Jenny's earliest years, she has looked withdrawn, incredibly sad, and usually turned away from or hiding from the camera. I'm sure they have never even considered therapy for that poor child. They probably think Jenny has a rebellious heart, and in a few years, she most likely will be shipped off to JOTH!

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Poor Jenny. Her Kool Aid must have had the same stuff in it that Ben's did on the Happy Birthday Jessa video.

Most children couldn't sit that still & lifeless if they were paid. (Real money- not tracts.)

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There's a fundy family, the Rodriques that have a printing ministry. They off and on live in and travel around in their RV with I think now 12 blessings performing and asking for money for their ministry. I always think of a "Printing Ministry" as being the bottom of the heap for this type of thing. So now the Duggars are SELLING tracts. How godly of them and now they've truly reached the bottom of the tacky heap. I'm sort of wondering if JB even knows about this because it looked to be done from Blessa's house so maybe this is their new ministry? Hum.

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Jenny looks depressed. I know some children are more introverted by nature, but she seems deeply, profoundly unhappy. I think losing her mother, Jill, really did a number on her.

Of course everyone else in the video is oblivious, the Duggars aren't big on empathy.

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I don't understand why Jenny had to be in the clip, she doesn't have any lines or do anything, yet her face says, "fine, let's get this over with". Was her appearance even intentional, or did no one notice the sad urchin in the middle of the shot?

Jenny must be praying non stop for Joy-Anna to suddenly turn into Jill 2.0.

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I don't understand why Jenny had to be in the clip, she doesn't have any lines or do anything, yet her face says, "fine, let's get this over with". Was her appearance even intentional, or did no one notice the sad urchin in the middle of the shot?

Jenny must be praying non stop for Joy-Anna to suddenly turn into Jill 2.0.

You'd think the duggs would be more media savvy, even the kids. I wonder if JB knows about this or if its Blessa's new ministry. 

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I'm going to try to hold onto the thought that, maybe, unlike many of their idiotic and increasingly offensive older siblings, some of the younger kids may be looking at the super-Christianity preached by their family and thinking -- "Yeah, right. Sure did a helluva lot for our household. Stuff it, Duggar Jesus." Thoughts like that are the only hope that any of them has.

For some reason, "Stuff it, Duggar Jesus!" has me in stitches. I may use that when trash talking while watching football, I like it that much (my trash talk doesn't always make sense). Edited by MargeGunderson
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But they're, like, the best tracts ever! And they're on sale so we'd be mad not buy them! Think about how many tracts we all use in a single year!

Jackson must have a sixth sense for cameras.

Sometimes you really crack me up. Like totally. Very dry. I approve.
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Why am I not surprised to see Jana and Joy on nanny duty? Seriously, there was nobody else in the house who could take over so they could practice their songs?

The TTH would drive me bonkers. The whole place just echoes and it's so incredibly loud.

Jinger needs to eat a few carbs.

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Were there ever reports of anyone receiving one of Amy's handwritten notes in exchange for a wedding gift or card? After she promised to personally write everyone that sent her something, I'm surprised she hasn't brought it up again, nor has anyone else mentioned it.

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That place is NOISY! And the kids look tired.


Interesting, they have figurines that seemingly show the 3 Wise Men or Nativity scene (I always thought this is just a Catholic things tbh),  yet they'd pour scorn on what they view as Catholic Idol worshipping. Idiots.


I'm so happy to see Jenni finally looking glad for once.  Jinger is positively anorexic looking

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We won't see Jessa until she drops the baby weight and does a big comeback via Instagram. All her minions will tell her how uh-maaaayyy-zing she looks and her ego will be satisfied until Jilly Muffin announces she's knocked up with #2.

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We won't see Jessa until she drops the baby weight and does a big comeback via Instagram. All her minions will tell her how uh-maaaayyy-zing she looks and her ego will be satisfied until Jilly Muffin announces she's knocked up with #2.

And which will come first, Jessa's flat stomach or Jill's blessing #2?

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Piano playing must burn calories, Jinger was hammering away at that thing.

Yeah, bless her heart, poor thing...


Must be a Fundie thing, to pound on the keys like you're killing a particularly stubborn cockroach. I honestly don't think she knows any better because they ALL play like that. Especially whatever BateSpawn was doing their damnedest to push the keys into the FLOOR at Jill's wedding. 


I'd LOVE to hear them murderize Fur Elise or Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. I'm cringing just to think of it. 

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Must be a Fundie thing, to pound on the keys like you're killing a particularly stubborn cockroach. I honestly don't think she knows any better because they ALL play like that.


It always makes me wonder whether they're too dumb to play in any way except "stiff armed overcharged robot" or whether the pounding is their way of getting some frustrations out or what. I wouldn't enjoy playing that way at all.

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I understand that those videos of the piano playing and singing maybe were on Thanksgiving night, but those infants need to be AT HOME and ASLEEP in their own cribs. Why were those two babies up with all the lights on, noise, singing and piano playing at that hour? You know the Duggars start everything late, so they had their Thanksgiving meal I'm sure after 5pm....and with all of those people present, it took a lot of time to actually eat the dinner, clean up. Jana was busy that day and still had to babysit Meredith? This family doesn't believe in altering their day to day lifestyle to accommodate an infant in the house. As parents, we all know that when we had out kids we "left the party" earlier to put the babies to bed. I'm fairly certain that those babies ALL have had and will have awful sleeping habits. What is wrong with them?


Everything the Duggars do is to an extreme. They are unnecessarily severe. Just not a "balanced" lifestyle. Balance is a word Michelle has said is so important in life...can you believe that?  I also see those two, JB and M as being somewhat "manic" in their swings of lifestyle; they have displayed to me, at least, obsessive behavior...from their "finding Christianity", to having to get married NOW, credit card spending, TV watching, RE-discovering Gothard Christianity, having children, hoarding money, etc..the pattern goes on. To me, those kids have a completely distorted view of life and a pretty hopeless one. All thanks to their parents.

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This family doesn't believe in altering their day to day lifestyle to accommodate an infant in the house. As parents, we all know that when we had out kids we "left the party" earlier to put the babies to bed. I'm fairly certain that those babies ALL have had and will have awful sleeping habits. What is wrong with them?




Oh, what an awful -- and apt -- point. Depressing to think that they might now be producing another generation of kids that'll be spending the night in random hallways and stairwells of the TTH, with all the lights blazing and maybe a random blanket or pillow clutched to them. No wonder they're all on "Duggar time." There's no such thing as a schedule and probably nobody gets a good night's sleep. And the marrieds won't pull their kids away from that nighttime nightmare because they're so programmed to spend endless hours hanging out in the vast waiting room that their parents call home. If those were my babies, I'd be out of there and home by 7 o'clock. But the Duggar kids are so tightly sewn to their parents' aprons that leaving probably doesn't even occur to them. . 

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