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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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They're all signed for the rest of their lives! No one leaves Jim Bob's Magical Ministry Show. No one, ever. Once you go Jim Bob, you never go back.

They're contracted by the Hotel California? :D


I thought Jerick's Nepal message tastefully done. That's all I wanted, and given their celebrity and ties to the place, not that much to ask. :)

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I'm sure the contract with TLC is lengthy. I doubt Jill and Derick can afford to buy themselves out of the length of the contract.

Didn't Jill say last season that they had no contract--filming was on a season-to-season basis?

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Filming may be season to season at TLC's option.  That's the way TV contracts work.  Every May we wait to see which prime time shows are renewed.  That's because they began with a six year contract that is exercised at the network's option.  After the basic contract expires, normally contracts are for two year periods.  TLC works much the same way with a large base contract and then shorter contracts once the base expires.  The times when the Duggars can opt out is at contract expiration and I seriously doubt TLC is renegotiating every year.  Although TLC would have to let them know season to season that the show is continuing which is probably what Jill was trying to communicate.  TLC is not going to be filming any show without a contract in place.  

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Although TLC would have to let them know season to season that the show is continuing which is probably what Jill was trying to communicate.  TLC is not going to be filming any show without a contract in place.  

So that would mean the Duggars are on the hook but TLC is not?

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So that would mean the Duggars are on the hook but TLC is not?

The contract situation is the same for cast, writers, etc., of scripted shows. There's nothing new or controversial in that.

Edited by JenCarroll
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Hell, there could be a corporation called "TTH International" that legally employs all of them, for financial reasons.  But until somebody spills the beans, nobody outside has any idea of how long any of them are contracted to the show, and in what capacity.  

While we don't know for sure, I wouldn't be surprised if Boob has a similar set up to another large reality tv family: a corporation, which he is the head of, and all family members that are of age are employed by the corporation. In that case, the TLC deal would be made with the corporation, all the money goes into the family pot and Boob would pay everyone as he saw fit. Might explain why some can't afford a second car and some are scrubbing toilets for their keep. Just sayin. 

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While we don't know for sure, I wouldn't be surprised if Boob has a similar set up to another large reality tv family: a corporation, which he is the head of, and all family members that are of age are employed by the corporation. In that case, the TLC deal would be made with the corporation, all the money goes into the family pot and Boob would pay everyone as he saw fit. Might explain why some can't afford a second car and some are scrubbing toilets for their keep. Just sayin.


I think this is the case, and all the girls' wedding and honeymoon money comes from what is their portion, as does the furniture purchased for their homes.  Perhaps each girl gets a small clothing and coffee allowance from that corporation fund, as well.  We have seen in the older girls that it looks like they're no longer shopping solely at the thrift stores for their clothing, as I have yet to see Uggs and Toms in those types of stores.  Of course they have they're IPads, etc., so perhaps all those books sales have increased their budgets as well.

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Since this is the Derick and Jill thread, the speculation about Jim Boob's arrangement with TLC can go into the MEchelle and Jim Boob thread.


Any further posts on that topic in this thread will just be deleted.



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Looks like the Duggars officially have papz following them around. I just post this to illustrate how tired Jill looks. And why shouldn't she? She really hasn't had time to sit back and take a couple days off since she had major abdominal surgery! Going to Big Sandy probably took more out of her than she ever realized it could. I may not like her or her husband much, but I can feel her pain in these pics. 



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Poor thing. She looks exhausted. I wish she could just be home and rest for a few days, or weeks. Good for Derick for taking what seems to be pretty good care of her. (ETA: if they were going to insist on this trip... better IMO would've been not going).

Edited by NikSac
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Looks like the Duggars officially have papz following them around. I just post this to illustrate how tired Jill looks. And why shouldn't she? She really hasn't had time to sit back and take a couple days off since she had major abdominal surgery! Going to Big Sandy probably took more out of her than she ever realized it could. I may not like her or her husband much, but I can feel her pain in these pics. 



I do feel bad, she looks so tired and uncomfortable. She needs to relax.

Small side note: I detest DailyMail. Horrid site. The way the articles are written sounds like a 5th grader pieced the words together to try to get their 1,000 words in: "The new mother." "The young reality star." "The midwife-in-training." "The 23 year old." "The 26 year old." "The 19 Kids and Counting Star." UGH, it makes me want to rip my hair out.

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Just my view but if she were my daughter I'd have been standing on my head over the trip to Big Sandy and I'd be telling her to stay home from church until at least six or eight weeks after the section.  Since Jill seems possessed of no common sense whatsoever, someone who does needs to try to talk to her.  The eternal optimist in me hopes that she recognizes what a pain this has been physically and emotionally and either she or Derick go there is no way we can go through this more than two or three more times.  

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Looks like the Duggars officially have papz following them around. I just post this to illustrate how tired Jill looks. And why shouldn't she? She really hasn't had time to sit back and take a couple days off since she had major abdominal surgery! Going to Big Sandy probably took more out of her than she ever realized it could. I may not like her or her husband much, but I can feel her pain in these pics. 



I'm pretty sure that Jill isn't going to take after her momma and have 18 more babies. The 'blessing's' of having a whole pack of children one-after-the-other style isn't going to be possible for Jill. Does that mean that she and Derrick won't be very blessed according to Michelle? Will they be the black sheep of their religious cult?  Maybe they'll choose to adopt some babies. Perhaps after she goes through a few c-sections, they'll get smart and start using birth control (gasp)

Edited by HumblePi
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I do feel bad, she looks so tired and uncomfortable. She needs to relax.

Small side note: I detest DailyMail. Horrid site. The way the articles are written sounds like a 5th grader pieced the words together to try to get their 1,000 words in: "The new mother." "The young reality star." "The midwife-in-training." "The 23 year old." "The 26 year old." "The 19 Kids and Counting Star." UGH, it makes me want to rip my hair out.

I hate it too. A friend posted it elsewhere, and that's why I qualified my post by saying it was to show how knackered she looked, certainly NOT for the Fail's "writing." LOL

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Oh, Jill....

So that other pic wasn't a fluke. It's amazing how little common sense this family seems to have. From Michelle feeding a baby lying flat on her back (hello, choking!) to Jill smothering her baby in a baby sling. This poor judgment surely can't be solely from their lack of education?

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I hope someone has reached out to her directly about the safe way to wear a baby, and that she can understand it as safety advise and not internet criticism.


Also, I wouldn't call reality show people stars, but they definitely have fans.

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If you ever want to read vomit inducing material, browse through a few of the Fail's articles on the Kardashians.

Anyhoo, back on topic, don't those baby slings come with instructions? The candid pics of Jill are the worst I've seen her look since her wedding. I wonder what her doctor advised her as far as traveling and whether in typical Duggar fashion she thought she knew better and ignored his directives.

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I gave her a pass on the last one (and posted we should leave it alone), but you got me this time.  This pic and use of the sling is a big fat fail.


And anyone who's had a couple children not so far apart (my first 2 were almost exactly 2 years apart) knows how badly Jill is screwing up here by carrying on full force.  After a couple more, she'll be able to have contractions, get dinner on the table, pop out the baby and make it back in the kitchen in time to clean up.  When you have that first one and everybody (EVERYBODY) says "You don't have to do this, let me!"  - THAT'S the sweet ride in life.  You should let them because all that magical stuff you get with the first one never repeats.  It's exactly like those commercials where the mom is scrubbing down everybody with disinfectant wipes before they touch her newborn, but they show her with the second one and she hands that baby over to a mechanic and says "Here, can you hold him?"   The mother's love is the same with the consecutive babies, but nobody else's really is.  Take the help, Jill!  You're never gonna be in this position again!

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I do feel bad, she looks so tired and uncomfortable. She needs to relax.

Small side note: I detest DailyMail. Horrid site. The way the articles are written sounds like a 5th grader pieced the words together to try to get their 1,000 words in: "The new mother." "The young reality star." "The midwife-in-training." "The 23 year old." "The 26 year old." "The 19 Kids and Counting Star." UGH, it makes me want to rip my hair out.

She looks like she is 40 years old in this picture. Exhausted, frumpy...Jill...take care of yourself!!!!! Soon she will be 3 inches shorter and running around in black clogs like Mechelle...


I hate to snark on her because she has been through a really traumatic birth but please get some common sense in your brain. If you are too tired to go to church and be appropriately dressed- STAY HOME. its ok! Really!


She looks like she wandered out of a nursing home in that outfit. 

Edited by yogi2014L
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That baby is huge and probably eats a lot. She's probably up all hours tryjng to feed him! Even with Derick and a sister helping she's probably just plain exhausted from the past month.

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I thought Jill looked exhausted, but she looks like many of the young mothers I know.  She wouldn't have stood out at all in the church I go to. T-shirt type top, long maxi skirt, tired face.  She looks like a normal person, which means she looks frumpier than the average photographed celebrity.


The way she is dressed is not the reason I'd tell her to stay home. It was that she was apparently in too much pain to walk to the car.  She needs to give herself time to heel.


But from what I can tell from my friends with children- if she waits to leave home until she is well rested, she won't leave the house until she is 45.

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She looks like she is 40 years old in this picture. Exhausted, frumpy...Jill...take care of yourself!!!!! Soon she will be 3 inches shorter and running around in black clogs like Mechelle...

I can see Jill running around in black clogs through the thrift store cackling like a madwoman, lol.

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What do people think of this slight forum name change to get Baby Izzy in on the action:

The DillardZ: Jerick, Dill and Iz

Unnecessary. Current thread title is fine. She'll be pregnant in 3 months. Change it then.
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I thought Jill looked exhausted, but she looks like many of the young mothers I know.  She wouldn't have stood out at all in the church I go to. T-shirt type top, long maxi skirt, tired face.  She looks like a normal person, which means she looks frumpier than the average photographed celebrity.


The way she is dressed is not the reason I'd tell her to stay home. It was that she was apparently in too much pain to walk to the car.  She needs to give herself time to heel.


But from what I can tell from my friends with children- if she waits to leave home until she is well rested, she won't leave the house until she is 45.

I think the outfit in the church pic is horrible! I think what she is wearing at Big Sandy with the infamous sling pic is much much more appropriate for being out in the public

From The Daily Mail""





Poor thing looks miserable. 

Edited by yogi2014L
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Jill looks like 90% of the mothers I know with newborns. I really hope she takes care of herself. Jill should be resting if it's still painful for her to move and stand for extended periods of time.

Edited by trimthatfat
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I think the outfit in the church pic is horrible!

I'm not exactly a fashion icon myself. Her outfit looks normal to me. She doesn't look stylish or well put together, but that clothing is very typical of what I see on people who don't care too much about clothes.  I have a coworker who wears nicer tops than that, but otherwise a maxi skirt with nearly those exact shoes (Keens or Chacos?) every day.

Edited by Skittl1321
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The new commercial for her Mother's Day special doesn't make her shine does it? She looks miserable while lacking some good judgement. 

I'm not exactly a fashion icon myself. Her outfit looks normal to me. She doesn't look stylish or well put together, but that clothing is very typical of what I see on people who don't care too much about clothes.  I have a coworker who wears nicer tops than that, but otherwise a maxi skirt with nearly those exact shoes (Keens or Chacos?) every day.

Let's hope that she doesn't continue this look as her "brand" ware. UGLY and the skirt is defrauding since you can see right through it in the sunlight. NIKE

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The new commercial for her Mother's Day special doesn't make her shine does it? She looks miserable while lacking some good judgement. 

Let's hope that she doesn't continue this look as her "brand" ware. UGLY and the skirt is defrauding since you can see right through it in the sunlight. NIKE


I think its the combo of the pastel shirt/light heather grey skirt that do her no favors in terms of body shape, and also the horrible hideous shoes, unkempt hair and over all exhaustion. She looks like she rolled out of bed. If you replaced the skirt with darker grey or black and maybe some black flats she would not look nearly as frumpy.


She has a 3 week old and had major abdominal surgery. If you don't have the energy to look halfway put together MAYBE that's a sign you should stay home and rest and not run all over the damn place. Again JMO. I am not a total fashionista either and live in yoga pants but poor girl is a hot mess. . Quick trip to  Grocery store, Walgreens, inside your home or a friends home- ok. but I would be embarrassed to look like that in a church.

Edited by Rhondinella
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From Derick's IG 12 hours ago.  Her eyes show how tired she is.  Those are really dark circles on her eyes.  Iz looks content....maybe just finished a feeding.



Edited by abseedee
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Don't ask why I was thinking about jill and derrick in the middle of the night (I'm strange like that) but last night I was thinking I'd love to see jill and derrick in a talking head segment- jill interrupts derrick and derrick looks at her with a straight face and tells her she needs to spend sometime in the prayer closet and ask God to remind her who is head ship in their house... gah I'd loooove that

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Good for Derick to have the sense to take Iz with him to the car.  It sounds obvious, but there are some people (thinking Josh) who would have left the baby and diaper bag with their wife. I'm happy for her that he is hands on and sensible in this situation - I know that this should be expected of all husbands, I have low expectations for many in this family.


Jill was caught in an off-guard moment and wasn't keeping sweet.  I wish for her that she would listen to her body and not keep going full speed. People would understand if she couldn't go to church or a publicity stop. The outfit isn't the best, but she's adjusting to her post-natal body and probably needs things that are loose and don't cling to her stomach. She probably would be wearing this outfit even if she had a natural birth, but comfort is most important right now.  


The baby sling photographs make me cringe more because that can't be comfortable for her and that is a dangerous position for Iz. 

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I think what's really showing in this photo is that you can see that Jill's feeling miserable. There's no keeping sweet.  She looks tired and that she hurts. It's not that forced "Happy Happy" that we see almost all the time. About time she's able to express something. I do hope she feels better soon.

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Oh, Jill....

Oh, how totally neat and special -- it's all the Duggar couples in one snapshot.

Maybe now that Jill's been skewered in the media about the incorrect way she's wearing that baby sling, she's hopefully corrected by now.

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Jill looks lovely in that photo of her above in the red top and very young. As I'm sitting here catching up on my snark reading still in my maternity jeans while nursing my 4 month old (the shame!) I actually think she's looking v good in all her just had a baby pics. Comfort over everything & she looks neat and put together if exhausted which is to be expected. I'm really hopeful that Derrick as a devoted father will find his inner daddy bear protectiveness and will be able to stand up to the Duggar juggernaut on issues/ideas he doesn't hold as time goes on.

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Michelle looks like she is praying to Jim Bob in that photo...


Oh, Jill.  You had major surgery, and you have a newborn to care for.  You aren't Superwoman.  Stay home, let people help, enjoy your baby, and heal.

Edited by 3 is enough
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