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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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On June 19, 2016 at 8:08 AM, Churchhoney said:

True. But I'm thinking he might be marginally better at it than Bin .... ; )

I'm guessing they both sought out Duggars to marry at least partly because they figured it'd give 'em a leg up on their preacher dreams. Guess they knew they were going to need help with that. ....

I'm guessing Derrick is able to formulate his intro, points a,b and c, and a conclusion better than Ben... but I'm also guessing it would be a coin toss for actual articulation.  I can't imagine, really, listening to Derrick give a sermon (or any speech) with that sideways mouth full of hardware.  

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On June 23, 2016 at 4:32 PM, awaken said:

Yeah exactly.  Reminding him (us) that they talked for 3 months + courted for 4 + engaged for 3.  "some people said we moved too fast."  Point being, "And look how well it all turned out for us!  We proved 'em all wrong!"

"Some people said we moved too fast."

WHO SAID THAT???  Nobody in the TTH said that.  Nobody was getting in front of that freight train.  They weren't advising caution, they were all on the express train glassy eyed and giddy.

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30 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

"Some people said we moved too fast."

WHO SAID THAT???  Nobody in the TTH said that.  Nobody was getting in front of that freight train.  They weren't advising caution, they were all on the express train glassy eyed and giddy.

I think Cathy Bynum might have said that. There were a couple of filmed moments of "are you sure?" and I'm sure that there were plenty of other unfilmed moments of the same. She may be an uber-fundie compared to the rest of us, but she's no Gothardite, and Derick is her son (unlike the Duggars, I think that means that she genuinely loves him and cares about his well-being). Anyone who wasn't a complete fame-whore (cough Mike Seawald cough) would question their child marrying into that mess.

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48 minutes ago, Defrauder said:

Oh please, these stupid personal letters so blatantly displayed for public consumption.  Don't these people ever TALK to each other?  .

No. The Duggars have lived such a fake life in so many ways -- Gothardism alone is all about fakeness, and in their case it's way exacerbated by phony crazy parents and living with tv cameras in the house all the time -- that I'm pretty sure none of them has the slightest clue how to have an honest conversation about anything or even any clue that that's something you might want to do. And I think Derick's biggest problem in life is probably that he's almost wholly a follower, who falls in with the ways of whoever he's with, so I expect being in the bosom of the Duggars has made him behave pretty much exactly like a Duggar. There's no way in hell that Jill has ever seen a personal and honest conversation modeled or even held up as a good thing. Instead, she's seen nothing but presenting yourself in certain ways, often in very public forums, while stifling all impulses to communicate privately or truthfully (remember the Gothard no-friend rule?). So she writes made-for-cult-mates or made-for-tv letters full of mostly phoniness of whatever kind she thinks is required by the audience. And then Derick follows suit. Ditto for every other Duggar and everyone else they ever have a so-called relationship with. This is one of the many ways in which those kids' lives and futures have been utterly poisoned.

Edited by Churchhoney
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44 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

No. The Duggars have lived such a fake life in so many ways -- Gothardism alone is all about fakeness, and in their case it's way exacerbated by phony crazy parents and living with tv cameras in the house all the time -- that I'm pretty sure none of them has the slightest clue how to have an honest conversation about anything or even any clue that that's something you might want to do. And I think Derick's biggest problem in life is probably that he's almost wholly a follower, who falls in with the ways of whoever he's with, so I expect being in the bosom of the Duggars has made him behave pretty much exactly like a Duggar. There's no way in hell that Jill has ever seen a personal and honest conversation modeled or even held up as a good thing. Instead, she's seen nothing but presenting yourself in certain ways, often in very public forums, while stifling all impulses to communicate privately or truthfully (remember the Gothard no-friend rule?). So she writes made-for-cult-mates or made-for-tv letters full of mostly phoniness of whatever kind she thinks is required by the audience. And then Derick follows suit. Ditto for every other Duggar and everyone else they ever have a so-called relationship with. This is one of the many ways in which those kids' lives and futures have been utterly poisoned.

I basically knew this on some level but reading all this just hit home and made me sad. I hope someday Jill and the other Duggar children learn that it's ok to have feelings/emotions and to express them.

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1 hour ago, Defrauder said:

If I may, I'd like to edit the letters for the purpose of truth and honesty, something the Duggars and company have so much trouble with. 

Dear Jill,

Happy Anniversary from some vague place so our donors think we are doing missionary work while we are really being paid to vacation for our holiness. Thanks for being my wife.  Sometimes you're OK at it.  Thanks for bearing a child for me.  Why can't you get pregnant with the next one yet? Come on. The courtship was great TV wasn't it?  It really drew in some more suckers for our mission.  We have to keep trying to make it look good you know so home birth (sort of) another one quick OK.  The marriage has had it's ups and downs. Up - we're away from your family and get paid for nothing. Down - I don't even know how I feel about you, try not to think about it, but do my best to make it seem great. Iz is a nice accessory for our operation.  I'm glad we can pawn him off when various relatives come to help us.  We both suck at Spanish - but who cares, it's not like any fundie donors are going to notice.  Wow we really rushed into this didn't we.  I found out on our wedding day how terrible we are at kissing - bad sign, but hey - we proved we could have a kid.  From, Derick.

Dear Derick,

Happy Anniversary.  Your face isn't as bad as all that. Glad you see things my way about blanket training....  but then I knew when you were going to run over that cat it wouldn't be a problem for you. I like this vague place we're at.  Glad you're always here with nothing else to do so you can help me with Iz. We really rushed into things didn't we - well we have to stick with it to prove everyone who doubted us wrong.  Through thick or thin.  No matter what.   Even if it well isn't all that great, we are good at trying to pretend it is. Let's keep writing loving letters to each other for the public. From, Jill


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Mr lookeyloo and I have an anniversary in August. I might work on some kind of fake tribute to him and post it here. I won't even tell him. Then y'all will *know* he is the bestest husband ever. He is awesome. Totally. Except for the part where he isn't perfect and sometimes lives on my last nerve but I won't tell you any of that. 

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^^^we could have some fun with that, Lookey.  i think we should make up a thread of the wonderful sentiments we have about our hubbies.  [Sadly, I actually like my husband - who's sort of a short chubby version of Raymond crossed with Al Bundy.  It's a perspective/sense of humor kinda thing.]

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My hubs looks a bit like the late Spanish actor Sancho Gracia. There are times we get on each other's last nerve, but if I only gave the Jilard version of our relationship, he'd be simply amaaaaaaaaaazing. He is very sweet.

Jilly Muffin grew up in front of the cameras.  I think she's used to the cameras rolling while she's around. Not sure she's ever had a real, unfiltered moment that wasn't preapproved by Boob.

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5 hours ago, SongbirdHollow said:

The Duggar Family Blog today seems to be implying that Jill & Derrick are adopting down in CA. She'd be crazy to get pregnant, that's for sure (Zika).

Wouldn't the Zika risk to the baby be about the same regardless of whether it's Jill or some other woman in CA?

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22 hours ago, Defrauder said:

Oh and he's actually counting the hours.  Isn't that what people do in prison?  I can't imagine.  It's really got to be bad if he's counting the hours he's endured her already.

It's almost like he is in prison.  His Stage 5 clinger, suctioned on barnacle of a wife couldn't ket him work an 8 hour shift, and no doubt, he can even take a crap in peace without her sitting by the door like a needy dog in the throes of separation anxiety. 

She's got serious attachment issues (from never really having anything truly her very own), abandonment issues (growing up in a human puppy mill with a checked out mother)., and is still reeling from what Josh did to her and how it was handled.  Derick, being awkward, was probably thrilled with the attention at first, but no doubt, he now knows its origins and hopefully he'll be able to help her.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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2 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

It's almost like he is in prison.  His Stage 5 clinger, suctioned on barnacle of a wife couldn't ket him work an 8 hour shift, and no doubt, he can even take a crap in peace without her sitting by the door like a needy dog in the throes of separation anxiety. 

She's got serious attachment issues (from never really having anything truly her very own), abandonment issues (growing up in a human puppy mill with a checked out mother)., and is still reeling from what Josh did to her and how it was handled.  Derick, being awkward, was probably thrilled with the attention at first, but no doubt, he now knows its origins and hopefully he'll be able to help her.

I can't get over the 'counting of the hours - including leap year of course'.  People count the hours when they're in labor or maybe at work - 2 hours left or whatever.  Who counts the thousands of hours they've known someone?  It's like he's looking for the finish line and can't find it.

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17 hours ago, SongbirdHollow said:

The Duggar Family Blog today seems to be implying that Jill & Derrick are adopting down in CA. She'd be crazy to get pregnant, that's for sure (Zika).

I'd like someone to explain to me (in words of one syllable so I can be sure to understand) how they in any way, shape, or form would be allowed to adopt a child in Danger America. We've had more than one poster here who has said that international adoption has tightened up considerably. They don't have jobs. They don't have a steady means of support. They won't make it through a home visit or any other scrutiny because they don't speak the language. JM's already shown that she finds dealing with ONE child on her own almost impossible.

So, boys and girls, what the hell is really going on here?

  • Can't stand Jinger getting all the attention, must throw out the vaporware adoption story one more time!
  • Kim Jong Boob told JM that she'd better get with the program and start popping out kids.
  • This is sad and I shouldn't snark: There was bad news post-Izzy and they can't have more kids themselves.
  • The Romance of the Century has hit a snag and they're not sleeping together. I'm still musing on Jilly Muffin's comment re "my room". Let's just say I don't buy their written-during-homeroom Twoo Love anniversary letters.

Pick one, pick all. I still can't believe anyone would approve this couple for adoption. Anywhere.

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On 6/23/2016 at 9:15 AM, Bitter Betty said:

And the fact that Jill felt the need to explain with timelines why people thought they moved to fast, as if he wasn't there experiencing it with her. I can't imagine writing my husband "remember how people thought we were taking too long to get married (5 years dating, a year and a half engagement)?" 

We met in December and were married in September. We paid for it during the first year of marriage, which was one long fight from Month 3 to Month 9. 

One has to wonder if they have ever had a fight, let alone gotten real with each other at any time since they got married.

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I hope someday Jill and the other Duggar children learn that it's ok to have feelings/emotions and to express them.

That ain't gonna happen unless it's stated in the Bible. oh wait!!  i think I saw it in TWO CORINTHIANS.

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I'd like someone to explain to me (in words of one syllable so I can be sure to understand) how they in any way, shape, or form would be allowed to adopt a child in Danger America.

$, $, and $.

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29 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:


every time I see that, I think it's beginning of a joke, as in: Two Corinthians walk into a tavern...

Getting back to topic, I think the only reason Jill would contemplate adoption is if she couldn't have any more.

I have thought that maybe Dillard isn't as dumb as we suspect and brought Jill to CA to keep them away from the Duggars. Maybe he put his foot down and sad, "your family are nuts, nice, but nuts. We won't be having a kid every year; we can't afford it and it's dangerous right now."   Or Jill's 72 hour labor just  made it hard for her to think about doing it again.  But, we know how they react to things like that.  I really think she is having problems.

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38 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Jill will probably adopt an eight year-old girl to take over nanny and housekeeping duties. Sort of like what the Duggars did with the Hartonos.

the did it to 7yo Jana first.

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4 hours ago, Defrauder said:

I can't get over the 'counting of the hours - including leap year of course'.  People count the hours when they're in labor or maybe at work - 2 hours left or whatever.  Who counts the thousands of hours they've known someone?  It's like he's looking for the finish line and can't find it.

Sort of makes me think of Tom Hanks in Castaway. Here's a link since there's such a teeny file size limit.


Then he plays soccer with Wilson the rest of the time.

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4 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

I'd like someone to explain to me (in words of one syllable so I can be sure to understand) how they in any way, shape, or form would be allowed to adopt a child in Danger America.

I'm sure there are ways to get around the rules. It could be informal, or through a shady church. The Duck Dynasty Robertsons adopted Rebecca but I'm not sure if that was official or she was just an exchange student that stuck around. Kody Brown adopted Robyn's kids but that was never clearly a regular adoption either. They sent the kids to visit their birth father immediately after it happened, after vilifying him in public. So, who really knows?

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Jill will probably adopt an eight year-old girl to take over nanny and housekeeping duties. Sort of like what the Duggars did with the Hartonos.

This is what I think they would do, too -- although I don't think they will ever adopt. I think it's just bs for publicity for the show and to keep Jill and Derick relevant. I think that there will be a lot of "praying on it" and "visiting orphanages" and so on, without any resolution.

If they did actually adopt, I can easily see it being an older girl -- say 7 or 8. Older children are easier to adopt, Jill can get "help" with her housework and child care, and an older child will be old enough to be constantly harassed about Jesus and old enough to understand that everything that she does, and thinks, and aspires to is wrong.

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The Duggar Family Blog today seems to be implying that Jill & Derrick are adopting down in CA. She'd be crazy to get pregnant, that's for sure (Zika).

That's just the fan blog and I don't think it's hinting at adoption.  It appeared to be a plug for the next season.

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And let's talk about that, too. ARE THEY INSANE? If they're not at least using birth control (unless there's no boinking these days at their house) they've lost their minds. Izzy shouldn't be exposed to Zika, either. If Olympians are dropping out of the Games because they are so worried about Zika, why the hell does Jilly Muffin and Triple D think they'll get a pass?

The research so far does not look promising. If they could have more children, why would they take the risk? The virus passes by bodily fluids as well as a mosquito bite. One has to wonder if SOS is going to take a real hit in the pocketbook because people will cancel their missioncations, unless they are as dumb as the Dillards.


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8 minutes ago, Missy Vixen said:

And let's talk about that, too. ARE THEY INSANE? If they're not at least using birth control (unless there's no boinking these days at their house) they've lost their minds. Izzy shouldn't be exposed to Zika, either. If Olympians are dropping out of the Games because they are so worried about Zika, why the hell does Jilly Muffin and Triple D think they'll get a pass?

. . . One has to wonder if SOS is going to take a real hit in the pocketbook because people will cancel their missioncations, unless they are as dumb as the Dillards.

The Dullards will be protected by Jesus because they are of such a speshul faith and all. The missioncationers will be protected because they are there to bring the Gospel to the heathens which is a blessed thing. It's not being dumb, it's stepping out in faith in the Lord and [insert more Fundiespeak here].

And, the sad thing is that people really believe that. Probably including the Dullards.

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15 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

The Dullards will be protected by Jesus because they are of such a speshul faith and all. The missioncationers will be protected because they are there to bring the Gospel to the heathens which is a blessed thing. It's not being dumb, it's stepping out in faith in the Lord and [insert more Fundiespeak here].

And, the sad thing is that people really believe that. Probably including the Dullards.

And if they have a damaged child as a result, they will probably regard him/her as a special angel from God. That feels like such a crappy thing to say. But it seems like extremists sometimes fetishize unfortunate occurrences to feel better about their decisions. That is enough out of me. 

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15 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

And if they have a damaged child as a result, they will probably regard him/her as a special angel from God. That feels like such a crappy thing to say. But it seems like extremists sometimes fetishize unfortunate occurrences to feel better about their decisions. That is enough out of me. 

Aboslutely. Just look at how Michelle was with Josie. She wore that kid like a badge of honor. A micropreemie was the perfect accessory for a narcissistic, mommy martyr like Michelle. 

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48 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

The Dullards will be protected by Jesus because they are of such a speshul faith and all. The missioncationers will be protected because they are there to bring the Gospel to the heathens which is a blessed thing. It's not being dumb, it's stepping out in faith in the Lord and [insert more Fundiespeak here].

And, the sad thing is that people really believe that. Probably including the Dullards.

It's all ducky until someone (or lots of someones) comes home with the virus.

I also think it is a matter of time until the US tells its citizens it's strongly advised they do not visit Danger America until there is an effective vaccine.

34 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

And if they have a damaged child as a result, they will probably regard him/her as a special angel from God. That feels like such a crappy thing to say. But it seems like extremists sometimes fetishize unfortunate occurrences to feel better about their decisions. That is enough out of me. 

They'll think it's great until they get a look at the hospital bills and the huge expense involved in caring for one of these children. If Josie had not been made a ward of the state and her NICU bills paid for by Medicaid, Jim Boob and J-Chelle would be living in a tent right now.

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12 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

And if they have a damaged child as a result, they will probably regard him/her as a special angel from God. That feels like such a crappy thing to say. But it seems like extremists sometimes fetishize unfortunate occurrences to feel better about their decisions. That is enough out of me. 

In this case it's especially tragic because apparently those Zika babies are in a great deal of discomfort. It's not just an appearance thing.

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18 minutes ago, SongbirdHollow said:

In this case it's especially tragic because apparently those Zika babies are in a great deal of discomfort. It's not just an appearance thing.

They are, poor little things. They are in pain from their brain pressing against their too small skulls and they scream and cry nonstop. It just breaks my heart to see them suffer.  

The other thing that Zika can cause is a neurological disease called Guillan Barre Syndrome. I know I didn't spell it quite right, but it's not very nice.  I'm sure we'll find out it causes all other kinds of problems. 

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The "my room" bit makes me wonder what's up with that. Growing Up Duggar meant living in a dorm. Maybe there was an extra room in the house that Jilly gets to have as her own. She's never had a room of her own, so having her own "she cave" must be a treat. It beats eating in the bathroom...more sanitary.

Jilly is all kinds of messed up. I'm glad Derick understands that and he tries to help her in his limited capacity to do so. They'd rather take their chances with Zika than have her progress undone by returning back to the bosom of Boob...sad but likely what they're up against.

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14 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

And let's talk about that, too. ARE THEY INSANE? If they're not at least using birth control (unless there's no boinking these days at their house) they've lost their minds. Izzy shouldn't be exposed to Zika, either. If Olympians are dropping out of the Games because they are so worried about Zika, why the hell does Jilly Muffin and Triple D think they'll get a pass?

The research so far does not look promising. If they could have more children, why would they take the risk? The virus passes by bodily fluids as well as a mosquito bite. One has to wonder if SOS is going to take a real hit in the pocketbook because people will cancel their missioncations, unless they are as dumb as the Dillards.


Um Jesus?  

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13 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

It's all ducky until someone (or lots of someones) comes home with the virus.

I also think it is a matter of time until the US tells its citizens it's strongly advised they do not visit Danger America until there is an effective vaccine.

They'll think it's great until they get a look at the hospital bills and the huge expense involved in caring for one of these children. If Josie had not been made a ward of the state and her NICU bills paid for by Medicaid, Jim Boob and J-Chelle would be living in a tent right now.

Oh they won't be bothered by stupid medical bills for their Miracle Danger America Baby.  They will go on a love offering tour and prop up this miracle baby (probably named Zeeka Meeshelle) to pay for that stuff.  They better watch Josie though.  She won't like competition for most special baby ever.

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5 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Jilly is all kinds of messed up. I'm glad Derick understands that and he tries to help her in his limited capacity to do so. They'd rather take their chances with Zika than have her progress undone by returning back to the bosom of Boob...sad but likely what they're up against.

It's unfortunate that Triple D does not seem to understand there's an entire country out there that is not Tontitown, Arkansas. There's no law that says they have to stay within the state of Arkansas, either. There are jobs available all over the country.

In other words, he passive-aggressively ran away to Danger America and thinks they can hide out indefinitely while he plays missionary and Jilly Muffin does not get the actual professional help she might need. I'd respect Triple D a lot more if he forced a showdown with his father-in-law on the subject.

Edited by Missy Vixen
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4 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Oh they won't be bothered by stupid medical bills for their Miracle Danger America Baby.  They will go on a love offering tour and prop up this miracle baby (probably named Zeeka Meeshelle) to pay for that stuff.  They better watch Josie though.  She won't like competition for most special baby ever.

An adorable micro-preemie is a far cry from a child suffering from microcephaly and screaming in agony. That "love offering tour" would probably be cut short due to the fact that the baby in question would also need unrelenting medical attention.

I think Kim Jong Boob (Sew Sumi, best nickname EVER) and J-Chelle should be terrified of Josie someday writing the tell-all. With a ghostwriter, of course.

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3 minutes ago, Missy Vixen said:

An adorable micro-preemie is a far cry from a child suffering from microcephaly and screaming in agony. That "love offering tour" would probably be cut short due to the fact that the baby in question would also need unrelenting medical attention.

I think Kim Jong Boob (Sew Sumi, best nickname EVER) and J-Chelle should be terrified of Josie someday writing the tell-all. With a ghostwriter, of course.

True.  Call me mean, I never saw the cuteness of Josie.  But then again I am a cat person :).  

The tell all I am waiting for is one of the older kids who has seen IT ALL!  

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5 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

OMG...the poor kid DOES have buggy eyes and translucent skin. There's just something that isn't quite right about poor little Josie. I do hope she's really okay and her idiot parents aren't just praying it away.

Taking my snark over to the appropriate thread

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