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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

I think Josh would have turned out this way even if he had a happy, normal functioning childhood and parents. I know guys who had a decent childhood and parents and ended up molesting or sexually abusing women. Josh's childhood was not pleasant and JB and Michelle need to take part of the blame, but not all of it.

Nature vs. nurture. In Smuggar's case, I think Smuggar inherited Boob's insatiable sexual appetite, and his oppressed upbringing (having to hide said sexual appetites) also played a role in what we see now. I'd go about 60/40 Nurture vs. Nature. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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No offense, but I would not say Josh is more successful with women. A man does not molest his sisters, cheat on his own wife, blames the devil and others for his own sick, twisted actions, and uses another man's profile to have sexual relations with other women in order to be considered "successful" with the ladies. The way a man treats his mother, sisters, wife, and other female family members and all women as equals and with respect and dignity in my books is man who is successful with women. Josh, JB and the other Duggar males including the sons-in-laws are not successful with any woman in this way.

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I still have a strong feeling that Josh was a looker and a hoper in his adult life in regard to women. And when I say looker, I don't mean Josh was/is handsome, I mean he spent a lot of time looking at women on the internet and then hoping he'd get a hook-up.

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2 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

No offense, but I would not say Josh is more successful with women. A man does not molest his sisters, cheat on his own wife, blames the devil and others for his own sick, twisted actions, and uses another man's profile to have sexual relations with other women in order to be considered "successful" with the ladies. The way a man treats his mother, sisters, wife, and other female family members and all women as equals and with respect and dignity in my books is man who is successful with women. Josh, JB and the other Duggar males including the sons-in-laws are not successful with any woman in this way.

Clarification - I meant sexually. They're both a couple of failures at manhood in general.

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I can't imagine either of those fuckwads being a considerate partner in bed. Smuggar especially, after the Ashley Madison (or was it another hookup place?) survey was leaked. He wanted a woman to  essentially submit to his whims with no agency. 


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Outside of his family Josh is wimpy and lacks confidence. He may have been able to publicly spout political bullshit to a like minded audience, but I think beyond that he really is an insecure boy.

If he got a bite on any of the dating sites I don't think he would have had the balls to go through with it.

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On 6/13/2017 at 8:50 PM, Sew Sumi said:

This brings me straight back to Anna dragging the luggage into their hotel room on their wedding night. He couldn't even bother to carry her over the threshhold first. And there's that pic (which I've search for, but can't find) of Jill "serving" Smuggar a soda on a tray as he sits in a lounge chair. He just reaches up for it as if he's the fucking Sultan of Brunei or something. 


Not to mention when he decided he deserved a catnap when Anna was in labor for over 17 hours with one of the kids. ALL of the women - Jill, Michelle, even Princess Jessa if I remember correctly - toughed it out and stayed up with Anna, but not our Sultan Josh!

And let's not forget the house hunting in DC with Anna wrangling the kids and Josh walking in front of them. I never actually saw this scene, but I totally believe it was as douchey as it sounds.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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On 6/13/2017 at 6:50 PM, Sew Sumi said:

This brings me straight back to Anna dragging the luggage into their hotel room on their wedding night. He couldn't even bother to carry her over the threshhold first. And there's that pic (which I've search for, but can't find) of Jill "serving" Smuggar a soda on a tray as he sits in a lounge chair. He just reaches up for it as if he's the fucking Sultan of Brunei or something. 




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I honestly think the lawsuit comes from utter desperation.  He has a wife and 5 kids to support, zero skills, and he and his transgressions are well known.  No one would hire him, and I doubt that anyone would buy a car from him at this point.  He sucked as a businessman even before everything went to hell.

Who knows? The lawsuit may have been Jim Bob's idea.  Idiot cheapskate that he is, he sees a future of supporting his son and his ever-growing family, and figures a large payday would get him off the hook.   And he is too stupid to consider that they will most likely lose AND be stuck paying legal fees.  Josh can hardly say no to his father at this point.  That's not to say he isn't delusional and self-centered enough to consider himself a victim, because he probably does.  Still, I think that Jim Bob is calling all the shots.  Which must be a bitter pill for a 29 year old man to swallow.  But you reap what you sow...

The smartest thing at this point would be to shut down the baby factory, but that won't happen.  

What a mess.

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On 6/13/2017 at 11:10 PM, Sew Sumi said:

I can't imagine either of those fuckwads being a considerate partner in bed. Smuggar especially, after the Ashley Madison (or was it another hookup place?) survey was leaked. He wanted a woman to  essentially submit to his whims with no agency. 


I also tend to think with their bad diets and poor hygiene they smell like hot dogs.  I have just grossed myself out.   Does the Prayer Closet have any potpourri?  And whiskey?

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18 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I also tend to think with their bad diets and poor hygiene they smell like hot dogs.  I have just grossed myself out.   Does the Prayer Closet have any potpourri?  And whiskey?

Mine does, maybe I'm doing it wrong?

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5 hours ago, 3 is enough said:


And he [Blob] is too stupid to consider that they will most likely lose AND be stuck paying legal fees.

The smartest thing at this point would be to shut down the baby factory, but that won't happen.  

What a mess.

The smartest thing would be to have Josh put a pencil behind his ear and take orders from women (maybe his sisters) as his way of pulling his weight for the next few years. They can pay him in tips, and those tips can be Bible quotes if the sisters want. His children (and maybe Anna) would be financially supported but Josh would have to live off the tips.


They'll probably lose (or at least I hope Josh does) and might be stuck paying legal fees (ditto), and it has the bonus of further invalidating his sisters as victims and people. You're not one of the victims, Josh, you're the arsehole who repeatedly made victims.

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32 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Maybe somebody did smack Joshie around. He's withdrawn from the lawsuit. 



I bet after getting decent legal counsel, he, Boob, and the girls realized that if he joined in it would likely end in all of them losing. If he removes himself from the same lawsuit the girls are clumped in they stand a better chance of winning. I'm sure Daddy will give some of the pie to Josh if the girls win so Diddle has literally nothing to lose by withdrawing. 

I wouldn't be surprised if after they get the verdict in the girls' case Josh files one suit of his own with no one else in as defendants (IF they win that is). If the girls lose, then Josh knows for certain he would lose too so he wouldn't file.

ETA: The last sentence of the article: The suit asks a judge to order In Touch to hand over profit it made by commercially exploiting the situation and order them to stop publishing the identifying information.

Ummmmm... girls, how about filing against your PARENTS who used their underage offspring to grift money. Your parents exploited you, basically pimped you out, years before The Evil Media did.

Edited by MaryAnneSpier
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The problem with this is that a verdict in the girls' case is going to take at least a year. Smuggles needs cash, like, right NOW. 

His attorneys have also filed a motion in the Identity Theft Lawsuit that makes the jurisdiction of CA an invalid place for the case to have been filed, since Smuggar's actions did not take place there. We'll have to keep an eye out on that to see if it goes anywhere next week. 

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ETA: The last sentence of the article: The suit asks a judge to order In Touch to hand over profit it made by commercially exploiting the situation and order them to stop publishing the identifying information.

 I seem to recall two of the plaintiffs giving six figures interviews right after the scandal broke, so didn't they make some income off it to? 

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6 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

 I seem to recall two of the plaintiffs giving six figures interviews right after the scandal broke, so didn't they make some income off it to? 

Fox News doesn't pay for interviews.

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3 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

The problem with this is that a verdict in the girls' case is going to take at least a year. Smuggles needs cash, like, right NOW. 

His attorneys have also filed a motion in the Identity Theft Lawsuit that makes the jurisdiction of CA an invalid place for the case to have been filed, since Smuggar's actions did not take place there. We'll have to keep an eye out on that to see if it goes anywhere next week. 

Where the heck would he like it to be filed?


16 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

The problem with this is that a verdict in the girls' case is going to take at least a year. Smuggles needs cash, like, right NOW. 

His attorneys have also filed a motion in the Identity Theft Lawsuit that makes the jurisdiction of CA an invalid place for the case to have been filed, since Smuggar's actions did not take place there. We'll have to keep an eye out on that to see if it goes anywhere next week. 

Is California the state the plantiff was living in at the time?

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Yes, the plaintiff is from LA. I imagine they want the case filed in AR or DC, since Smuggar set up the accounts when he lived in those places. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
plural accounts, dumbass! I know that!
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 Arkansas would have jurisdiction over Josh, but wouldn't the plaintiff's residency at the time count? Maybe it's a state by state thing? I would hope the plantiff's attorney filed properly. If this is just to stall, it's not going to go poof. 

Edited by ginger90
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Right. The plaintiff's lawyers argue that since his damages happened as a resident in CA, the venue is proper. 


eta: A lawyer on FJ took a look and responded: 


It looks like it's not a motion to change venue it's a motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction. Years when I was still in law school I actually had to write a long research paper on the topic of personal jurisdiction that seems pretty similar to what they are claiming. At that point the various appellate courts were split on the issue and case law was confusing. Which is why they assigned the paper half the class had to argue one way and the other half the other way. So yeah no idea how that motion will go.

If he loses on that issue he better sue his lawyer for legal malpractice it is a huge mess up.

Edited by Sew Sumi
stupid quote box doesn't like me
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Is Travis Story defending him? I would assume so, but it might not be his specialty. which is why they keep stalling; they know that Smuggar is guilty. The plaintiff really just has to prove damages. 

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16 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Is Travis Story defending him? I would assume so, but it might not be his specialty. which is why they keep stalling; they know that Smuggar is guilty. The plaintiff really just has to prove damages. 

Yup, Travis Story.

ETA: Ooops maybe not, Story filed to be added to the other suit.

Edited by ginger90
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More from another attorney about Personal Jurisdiction: 

Personal jurisdiction means that the person being sued has enough contact with the state involved that he can be sued there. You can't be sued sued in a state you have never had any contact with. It wouldn't be fair. If he wins the case gets dismissed and the plaintiff is free to try to bring it in a jurisdiction that does have person jurisdiction over Josh (like Arkansas). 

I have no idea what kind of contact Josh has had with California, but back when I was clerking in law school we we're able to get a case dismissed for lack of personal jurisdiction where the defendant's only contact with the forum state was online.

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I'm guessing the girls' lawyers are working on contingency, and won't allow anyone, certainly not Josh, but probably not even the clients themselves, to jeopardize their strategy. 

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Josh is supposed to have his day in court today in the lawsuit against him for using another man's picture on a dating site.  His lawyers tried to get the case moved from California, but I don't know if they were successful.

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2 minutes ago, Mollie said:

Josh is supposed to have his day in court today in the lawsuit against him for using another man's picture on a dating site.  His lawyers tried to get the case moved from California, but I don't know if they were successful.

I am interested to hear the outcome of this.

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I remembered today was the 22nd...Joshley's court date. Anyone know what happened?

SMama, I don't think California has discovery....I think they try the case 'off the court file" so to speak, that's why California trials take so long. The lawyers really don't know what's what before hand...At least, that's what my former lawyer husband told me. Am I remembering correctly? No wonder Anna seemed to be on Michelle's meds in that episode the other day.

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45 minutes ago, Absolom said:

California definitely has discovery.

Yup. I am in California and have sat on a jury for a case that required Discovery in order to prove damages. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I'm  going to be mean spirited, but fuck it. I hope they make him as uncomfortable as possible. I hope they ask about his secret life. In short, I hope he is once again exposed as the hypocrite, child molester, cheater, entitled asshole he is. 

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How long ago was this case filed?  I thought it was fairly recently.  Unless its been a couple of years, today's court date is probably an administrative session without any testimony or jury or anything interesting.  Just a couple of attorneys updating the court as to witnesses and depositions and such.  Josh would not be required to attend this.  Most civil cases require 2-3 years to get to the finish line and a trial scheduled, if ever.

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