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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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Sick. Sick sick sick, and I don't mean in a Sean White kinda way. So so many things wrong with both the Instagram and the video. Anna looked up in that adoring posture for so long, it was ridiculous to the point of GIMME A BREAK!!! They just do not get it.

Is there a PR person working with them at all now, or is JB wearing that "hat"?

Seems to me that they are slithering from under their rock a tiny bit at a time to judge reaction. They really really should invest in a coach, exactly like a political campaign. And they should follow the advice of said coach. Unbelievable the amount of venom.

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There's a photoshop filter called Gaussian Blur (and a related filter called Dust and Scratches) that can be used to reduce pixellation in digital photographs, but it tends to leave them washed out, so people starting out tend to oversaturate the color to make up for it. I'm pretty sure there are equivalent filters in Instagram.


Josh looks kind of embalmed.

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The video was stupid but anna saying "thanks for raising such a great husband" after finding out Josh molested his sisters? Josh should've just said Happy Father's Day and a few kind words about his dad. Adding Anna's part was really dumb. It opened the door for everyone to say "what great husband???" Poor planning

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According to Arkansas law, Jim Bob and Josh could be charged with false swearing, a misdemeanor carrying a sentence of up to a year in jail, for lying in their responses to the interrogatories.

However, the statue of limitations is only a year, and they submitted their responses in November 2013.

It looks like the Duggars once again got away with their crimes.
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Sick. Sick sick sick, and I don't mean in a Sean White kinda way. So so many things wrong with both the Instagram and the video. Anna looked up in that adoring posture for so long, it was ridiculous to the point of GIMME A BREAK!!! They just do not get it.

Is there a PR person working with them at all now, or is JB wearing that "hat"?

Seems to me that they are slithering from under their rock a tiny bit at a time to judge reaction. They really really should invest in a coach, exactly like a political campaign. And they should follow the advice of said coach. Unbelievable the amount of venom.

Nah, just let 'em go. The more they go, the more emboldened they get -- all the better. Let 'em dig their own grave I say.

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I just watched the video. Josh and Anna both look terrible. Most of the comments left by people were brutal but deserved. Whoever told them to post that video needs their head examined. The worst PR stunt going.

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Anna doing the same old' Michelle' look, the beatific beaming up at her husbands face...who in the real world does that for Gods sake?!!

The long, unflinching stare really cracks me up. In real life NO-ONE does that!!!

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Nice "blurring " technique, Anna. It makes Josh look even more pasty and doughy.

Him wearing those sunglasses bothers me.  It makes him look like he's hiding something. No one else in the picture has them on...

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Almost 60,000 likes on IG. TLC is watching.

Like I said yesterday, the PR team is all over that post, almost immediately zapping comments they consider to be "negative." So, if TLC is watching, they are seeing a sanitized version of the "truth" of the matter. I hope that TLC is smarter than this little scripted Duggar Charade.

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I went to YouTube to read the comments below the video and can't find it. Have they already deleted it?

Edited to add: Never mind, found it!

Edited by farmgal4
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The long, unflinching stare really cracks me up. In real life NO-ONE does that!!!

Unless you are smoking some insane pot and just enjoying the moment.  That was painful.  


Anna needs a girlfriend to take her aside and slap her silly (not really - but tell her how stupid she looks).

Edited by truthtalk2014
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Almost 60,000 likes on IG. TLC is watching.

45,000 who would like anything Josh posts, including him eating a baby. The remaining 15,000 would say we need to forgive him and move on. Who hasn't made mistakes?


All the unmoderated places that video had been posted have comments overwhelningly hating Josh. In America's mind Duggar = creepy molester cult family. The leghumper sad sacks aren't enough to keep the tv show going.

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Geez, Anna looks like she's having a panic attack the entire time. It also seems like she really had to brace herself for the kiss at the end. ETA: If you feel you need a shower after reading the salivating comments on the Instagram pages, read through the Youtube comments. You'll feel better.

Edited by Aja
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How? How can he show his face? Isn't he utterly humiliated? I certainly would be. I can't imagine having my sexual perversions splashed all over the headlines (not that I have any, of course!) and then smiling for the camera. Not to mention the fact that his actions were criminal as well as sick. Crawl back under your rock, Joshie. Ew. 

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How? How can he show his face? Isn't he utterly humiliated? I certainly would be. I can't imagine having my sexual perversions splashed all over the headlines (not that I have any, of course!) and then smiling for the camera. Not to mention the fact that his actions were criminal as well as sick. Crawl back under your rock, Joshie. Ew.

I know, right?

And Michelle's video Father's Day wishes to JB, geez, she couldn't tell him in person? She had to be out there in our faces. These people can't lay low for a decent interval before testing the waters? No shame....

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Geez, Anna looks like she's having a panic attack the entire time. It also seems like she really had to brace herself for the kiss at the end.


Bracing herself! That's the perfect way to describe it. I've always thought Michelle looked like she had to brace herself as well. Can't say I blame either of them, I wouldn't want to be pawed at by either of those oafs. 

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I'm not sure I understand: when I looked at the Instagram last night, the comments were overwhelmingly negative. Awful, VILE things, including expletives. It was late (2:00am est), maybe the negative comment zappers don't work 3rd shift. I keep seeing here that all comments are positive. I was, in fact, a little pop-eyed (Michelle!!!) over some of those zingers. I was picturing some southern redneck skull guy hater, seriously. And some others arguing viciously back at them (and here I picture an old lady with a steely gray bun secured with knitting needles, wearing lunch lady shoes) with TERRIBLE grammar. [what's worse: to spew hate comments or to misspell them??? And they were BOTH haters - the "GO Duggar Team" being just as hateful, IMO]. I even scrolled thru them trying to get a feel for the percentage of negative/positive. It was roughly 75-80% negative as much as I scrolled thru. (But from what I see here, if I'd scrolled on to earlier posts, I would have been 100% in the positive column. Yes?). Here are my theories about me seeing negative comments at 2:00am:

1) you guys have better filters on your computers than mine

2) the real haters work at night

3) the monitoring people DON'T work at night

4) it was the middle of the night and I was dreamed the whole thing

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I don't know what the difference is between 2AM and now, but if there are any comments besides "We love u & ur beutifal family! ignore the haterz!!!1!" I didn't see them. Probably a combination of 2 & 3. :)

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I just hope (but don't really believe) that Jim Bob has manned up just this once and is doing the deleting himself. A house full of women and children who couldn't be asked to sully themselves with Andy Griffith holding hands should not be faced with an angry internet.

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I know, right?And Michelle's video Father's Day wishes to JB, geez, she couldn't tell him in person? She had to be out there in our faces.

This IS THE THING!!! Anna and josh SAW JB yesterday, almost certainly. Michelle saw JB. The ONLY REASON for posting videos is purely for reaction. The whole famn damily is as brittle as chalk. Still trying to play it up for the fan base. Although... In joshies long, rambling post about his dad, I heard between the lines, "I'm sorry dad.".

Ugh, that INSANE infatuated gaze of Anna's. Oh, how I WISH someone would take her aside and say something. 10 to 1 says JB and Michelle were RIGHT THERE IN THE ROOM, and Michelle was nodding encouragement, eyes popping, conveying to Anna, "yes, yes, YES!!! You're doing great...HOOOOOOOLD that gaze! Yes!!! THAT'S how we do it!!!!!"

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This IS THE THING!!! Anna and josh SAW JB yesterday, almost certainly. Michelle saw JB. The ONLY REASON for posting videos is purely for reaction. The whole famn damily is as brittle as chalk. Still trying to play it up for the fan base. Although... In joshies long, rambling post about his dad, I heard between the lines, "I'm sorry dad.".

Ugh, that INSANE infatuated gaze of Anna's. Oh, how I WISH someone would take her aside and say something. 10 to 1 says JB and Michelle were RIGHT THERE IN THE ROOM, and Michelle was nodding encouragement, eyes popping, conveying to Anna, "yes, yes, YES!!! You're doing great...HOOOOOOOLD that gaze! Yes!!! THAT'S how we do it!!!!!"

I have no doubt that JB was not only in the room, but also lip-reading along with the script he handed Josh (which must have been around 30 seconds before they started filming, because it came off about as natural as implants. "I'm grateful that you are the grandpa to our grandkids. Uh...your grandkids.")

Edited by Aja
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Happyfatchick, it will only be believable if you find a male to actually say the words. Then you have to just gaze at him like you haven't eaten for a week and he's a Pop Tart.

Edited by Aja
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Unless you are smoking some insane pot and just enjoying the moment.  That was painful.  


Anna needs a girlfriend to take her aside and slap her silly (not really - but tell her how stupid she looks).


This is why Gothard and his ilk do their best to ensure that no women, children, teenagers or young adults have the opportunity to become good friends with others of their own age and station.

He was very sly about it, you see...


Come to think of it, I guess it's no surprise that slyness is apparently a JimBob Duggar-approved characteristic. (I'm sure Jessa picked up her descriptions from her parents)

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I had the same reaction Aja did - I didn't see adoration or pride at all. I saw panic and perhaps outright fear that he was going to mess up. Made me wonder how many takes they had done to get it.

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This is why Gothard and his ilk do their best to ensure that no women, children, teenagers or young adults have the opportunity to become good friends with others of their own age and station.

I wonder if Anna looks back at her life now & wishes she was like the young women she knocked down on that one episode. The ones who went to college, have jobs, friends, etc. On the episode (she was probably 21 or 22 at the time) she raved about being a happy housewife & mother & that's all she wanted to be. IIRC, she was glad she had someone to take out the garbage. Did she realize then she married garbage?

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My dogs look at me like that when I am talking to them.

My cats look at me like that when they are hungry. I am "the most important person on the planet". ;)

Edited by ariel
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Anna, tone down the stare. She looks like she's going to eat his face.

Anna's normal Talking Head stare has her eyes darting up and down at Josh's face, like she's inspecting it for some reason.

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If TLC is paying attention, they'll notice that the response to the video has been overwhelmingly negative.  The Duggar internet person might be keeping up with instagram and facebook, but has totally failed on the youtube comments and, of course, can do nothing about the well deserved vitriol the video is receiving in comments sections on the gossip rags that have reported on it.  

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A house full of women and children who couldn't be asked to sully themselves with Andy Griffith holding hands should not be faced with an angry internet.



Do you have any idea how many couples got divorced in the Sixties because the husband watched The Andy Griffith Show and was defrauded by Helen Crump?


The only Godly thing about that show was Aunt Bee...a middle-aged woman who had no father or husband and who therefore lived under the headship of her nephew, raising his kid and doing his laundry. She's a good role model for Jana.

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What choice does Anna have? She's stuck with the guy. Every moral value she was raised with says that she has to believe him unquestioningly and give him control of her entire life, no matter what he does. And if she wanted to leave, since he hasn't done anything that he can be prosecuted for, he might even be able to get custody of the kids away from her. Her only option is to double down on the marriage and live in denial.


To tell the truth, I'm kind of glad they made an appearance, as revolting as it was. I'd rather he be shameless on YouTube than deciding he needs to take them all to heaven or something.

Edited by Anne Elk
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I just watched the video. Josh and Anna both look terrible. Most of the comments left by people were brutal but deserved. Whoever told them to post that video needs their head examined. The worst PR stunt going.

I'm thinking the PR team said no way, but Jim Boob said go for it.

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I'm not interested in any of their books, I have to admit. And you are talking to someone who read the tell all by Barry Williams - Greg on THE BRADY BUNCH - so my standards aren't terribly high here....


I read that one as well. In fact I paid $2.50 for it so it is one of my most expensive "tv star" books.

Wow- we all are among professionals! lol


I agree that The Duggars are throwing out tidbits to gauge reaction (and it doesn't seem to be going too well)

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I'm not sure if TLC cares if it's negative or not. They need the die hard fans to watch, and enough hate-watchers to tune in if for no other reason, than to see just how far the Duggars/TLC are willing to go.

If I were TLC and had 60,000 likes and knew people were taking the time to frantically get rid of negative comments, I'd be pretty happy. The important thing is that we all 1) watched it and 2) took time to comment.

That's a win for TLC.

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I'm not sure if TLC cares if it's negative or not. They need the die hard fans to watch, and enough hate-watchers to tune in if for no other reason, than to see just how far the Duggars/TLC are willing to go.

If I were TLC and had 60,000 likes and knew people were taking the time to frantically get rid of negative comments, I'd be pretty happy. The important thing is that we all 1) watched it and 2) took time to comment.

That's a win for TLC.


I clicked "like" on this post because I agree with it. I do not like the content, but I believe it to be the truth. Every time we snark, and I for one can't help it, we are promoting the show. TLC knows that all the leg-humpers will be back and they're rubbing their hands with glee seeing how many haters will be tuning in as well. They don't care if we love the Duggars or hate them, as long as there's an audience for the commercials.

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Is 60,000 a lot of likes? Wasn't the viewership in the millions? Who was that, who used to post every week what the viewership had been on each show? Absolom I think.

At a glance, 60,000 likes matches the best and beats most of her previous non political posts. Her posts about abortion did relatively poorly. Edited by Kokapetl
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They don't care if we love the Duggars or hate them, as long as there's an audience for the commercials.

I believe this is true as well from the POV of TLC. I do wonder how true it is from the POV of the advertisers. Do these consider any exposure of their products to be a good thing or do they avoid shows that people hate-watch or are associated with scandal? I really have no idea how the advertising world works.


Looking at my own behaviour, I tend to avoid products I associate with something negative, even years after whatever happened (I still habitually avoid Nestlé products even though it's been yonks since the baby formula scandal). It's not necessarily always rational, sometimes it's just based on gossip, poor customer relations or a single event that coloured my view of a brand but once there, dislike or scepticism is hard to shake even if I can't remember the original reason for it. If I now, knowing what I know, saw Josh or Jim'chelle (and perhaps unfairly, but probably Jill & Jessa as well because of their interview) on the screen, immediately followed by a commercial by brand X, I would associate the two in a negative way and that would stick with me for quite some time.


To me now Duggars = molestation, cover up & minimizing abuse --> negative impression of anyone voluntarily associated with them in order to make money. Is this something a company would take into consideration or is it not a concern at all becauase any publicity is good publicity?

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What choice does Anna have? She's stuck with the guy. Every moral value she was raised with says that she has to believe him unquestioningly and give him control of her entire life, no matter what he does. And if she wanted to leave, since he hasn't done anything that he can be prosecuted for, he might even be able to get custody of the kids away from her. Her only option is to double down on the marriage and live in denial.


To tell the truth, I'm kind of glad they made an appearance, as revolting as it was. I'd rather he be shameless on YouTube than deciding he needs to take them all to heaven or something.

Yikes, you gave me a scary flashback to that Heaven's Gate thing.

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Nah, he was too busy eating frozen lasagna and otherwise being feted yesterday to worry about Anna's Instagram account. I do feel for the person who was stuck doing that on a perfectly lovely Sunday afternoon. I hope against hope that the Duggars pay well.

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Nah, he was too busy eating frozen lasagna and otherwise being feted yesterday to worry about Anna's Instagram account. I do feel for the person who was stuck doing that on a perfectly lovely Sunday afternoon. I hope against hope that the Duggars pay well.


I actually believe James Robert orchestrated the whole thing - but a few days before father's day. Case in point Smugger calling his kids his grandkids lol

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