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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Cross-posting these creepy Glamour Shots made by their photographer, Elizabeth Zellon, on this thread for posterity. 





OMFG. That first one with the ring is a WTF'er for sure!

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Let's predict that the Binessa baby will be announced in their church on Easter Sunday if baby Dilly did indeed arrive today.

Hmm that baby Dilly is lazy! He ain't  moving fast enough for me. Sheesh we will all be out celebrating with our families and still no second coming......I think Jessa now has to keep on waiting to tell us her "secret."

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I wonder if Jessa would have still been a bully if she'd been treated like the boys instead of being a J-Slave. I bullied my little brother, often until he was in tears, and it was really all just because I was frustrated that he was allowed to do certain things and play with specific toys that my dad wouldn't let me do or have, because I was a girl, even though I knew I'd be just as good and have just as much fun, if they'd only let me.

Once dad was out of the house, and I was allowed to climb trees, and play with robots and toy cars, I got along great with my brother, and we're still really good friends as adults.

I could see someone with Jessa's temperament being mad at what she considers special treatment for the boys, and taking it out on the other kids.

  • Love 5

So Jimbob said Jessa was strong willed and it was difficult to parent her. She also bullied her siblings and refused to do certain things. I believe if JB didn't allow Jessa to get married she would really get married against her parents wishes.


I think she would've too. I have a feeling certain things happened just to make the production schedule work out, and if they hadn't i bet she would've eloped. Maybe not, but she's the first kid I could see even coming close to carrying through with that threat.

  • Love 2

I don't understand what the rush was to get married so quickly. Jessa mentioned she only had half the time that Jill did (& that was a short engagement!). So I can only guess she insisted to JBoob that it's get married quickly or else.

To have hot steamy sex. When I see young couples(teens) get married I'm only thinking two things they're christian and that's the only way to have guilt free sex or they don't realize how much being married will affect them. I do know some success stories but that's very few.

WE all know Ben couldn't wait to bang her. And Jessa wanted to get the hell out of there. Can't blame her. She went from doing chores and raising kids to not having to do shit and just court.

I wonder if Jessa would have still been a bully if she'd been treated like the boys instead of being a J-Slave. I bullied my little brother, often until he was in tears, and it was really all just because I was frustrated that he was allowed to do certain things and play with specific toys that my dad wouldn't let me do or have, because I was a girl, even though I knew I'd be just as good and have just as much fun, if they'd only let me.

Once dad was out of the house, and I was allowed to climb trees, and play with robots and toy cars, I got along great with my brother, and we're still really good friends as adults.

I could see someone with Jessa's temperament being mad at what she considers special treatment for the boys, and taking it out on the other kids.

According to JimChelle Jessa was a bully. I actually can't blame her. The whole Jana jewelry box thing. Then pushing her little siblings around and trying to get her way. JimChelle said they had their hands full with her. They both described Jill as easy going and doing what she's told. Then he gets to Jessa his story was completely different. Jessa Blessa was strong willed. I'm actually happy she has some spunk to her

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I think that Jessa is a bit "rebellious" because she is aware of everything that she can't do.  Unlike Jilly-Muffin who is so obedient and sweet, Jessa has probably wanted to do something different and maybe pull away from her family. 

Like kalamac, I could believe that her 'bullying' and occasional short-tempered behaviour with the little ones is because she is frustrated.  She probably doesn't want to end up a slave like Jana and doesn't want to be perfect like Jill who plans to drink the Kool-Aid and have 19 of her own.  Which makes her choice of Ben (who has personality) and a quick marriage (moving the hell out of TTH) look smart.  

  • Love 3

I know Jessa gets the 'bitch' label, but I just don't see it. Yes, the jewelry box thing was sad, but Jessa was a child then. I would hate if someone held something stupid I did 10-12 years ago to a sibling against me today. It just seems silly to do that - Jessa's hardly a sociopath. As far Jessa's 'bullying' is concerned, I also don't see that. I see someone who might have felt frustrated by the restraints imposed upon her. So she doesn't say things as sweetly as Jill does and wasn't always obedient - most kids aren't. I wish Jessa's parents would have nurtured her strong personality instead of acting like it was something to tame.

  • Love 11

I know Jessa gets the 'bitch' label, but I just don't see it. Yes, the jewelry box thing was sad, but Jessa was a child then. I would hate if someone held something stupid I did 10-12 years ago to a sibling against me today. It just seems silly to do that - Jessa's hardly a sociopath. As far Jessa's 'bullying' is concerned, I also don't see that. I see someone who might have felt frustrated by the restraints imposed upon her. So she doesn't say things as sweetly as Jill does and wasn't always obedient - most kids aren't. I wish Jessa's parents would have nurtured her strong personality instead of acting like it was something to tame.

I think you hit the nail on the head here. The jewelry box thing came about because they were in bunk beds and Jessa kept kicking Jana's top bunk, right? And then Jchelle in her infinite wisdom told Jana to give Jessa her prized possession as a bribe to get her to stop. Maybe if Jchelle had told Boob to take a 10 minute break from humping her, she could have addressed it herself. I think a combination of her not caring, her seeing Blessa as herself reincarnated and her seeing Jana as Cinderjana made her give exactly zero shits about the girls' dispute. I think there was a lot of self-parenting going on back then (who am I kidding, it never stopped) and Jessa realized she could get what she wanted by behaving poorly, so why not?

  • Love 10

I also see Jessa's "rebellion" as a desperate attempt for attention - better negative attention than none at all kind. She's the third girl, after the oldest leader girl, and the perfect girl. She has two brothers. She's the original Jordyn. Once Jinger came along I think it helped because this gave her someone to give attention to and someone who gave her attention, which explains why their relationship feels real. And she was very young when the laundry room meltdown occurs.

If she'd had real attention, she probably would have been fine.

I know Jessa gets the 'bitch' label, but I just don't see it. Yes, the jewelry box thing was sad, but Jessa was a child then. I would hate if someone held something stupid I did 10-12 years ago to a sibling against me today. It just seems silly to do that - Jessa's hardly a sociopath. As far Jessa's 'bullying' is concerned, I also don't see that. I see someone who might have felt frustrated by the restraints imposed upon her. So she doesn't say things as sweetly as Jill does and wasn't always obedient - most kids aren't. I wish Jessa's parents would have nurtured her strong personality instead of acting like it was something to tame.

I agree. I wouldn't put the bitch label on Jessa, it's her strong personality. It's JimChelle fault they couldn't work with her. I mean what do these kids do all day? Before the show they were all on top of each other, bored. Jessa could do amazing things with but can't. I doubt she liked being a sahd. When she was dating Ben she tried to get out of her house roles quick. I don't blame her. I sorta see she resents her parents and her lifestyle.
  • Love 5

Doesn't every family have at least one "strong willed" child, if not more? I guess since Jessa wasn't following her older siblings (esp after Jilly) in being constantly obedient, Boob & MEchelle did find it a challenge to parent her. My older sister was the strong willed one in my family & she turned out fine, as did friends who had similar personalities. It really wasn't a big deal. Jessa is just out of the norm of how a Gothard-raised child should be & act, she stands out. (Just my opinion.)

  • Love 2

Barb23, speaking from personal experience every family I've known has had a strong-willed child and in each case they turned out fine as adults.

Regarding Jessa, she can't be all that bad. Michelle and the siblings showed a hell of a lot more emotion at her wedding than they did at Jill's. I don't recall any Duggar kid breaking down in tears the way Jinger did at the rehearsal dinner.

  • Love 5

Barb23, speaking from personal experience every family I've known has had a strong-willed child and in each case they turned out fine as adults.

Regarding Jessa, she can't be all that bad. Michelle and the siblings showed a hell of a lot more emotion at her wedding than they did at Jill's. I don't recall any Duggar kid breaking down in tears the way Jinger did at the rehearsal dinner.

Exactly. I think the Gothard adult world loved Jill, and probably more of them showed up for her wedding for this reason. But I think among the younger set, Jessa was better liked. I don't think it was incidental that she had outside people in her wedding party.

  • Love 2

It may be TLC manipulation, but like a lot of other posters, I've done a flip on Derick and Ben.


Despite the fact that he is more worldly than the Duggars, I think that Derick was probably very insecure around women. I think he was more than happy to simply be given a girl, and allowed to get to "know" her long-distance.


Ben, on the other hand, chose Jessa -- arguably the most attractive, and hardest to reach of the Duggar girls. He pursued her, and made the compromises necessary to get what he wanted. While, I still don't think he's the sharpest knife in the drawer, I think that he and Jessa together will have the energy and determination to accomplish whatever they choose.


While I think that Derick will do fine at WalMart, I don't see him becoming a VP like his mom. I see his career stalling at middle-management and their lives becoming more and more difficult as Jill continues to pop out babies in an effort to be the best Gothard girl she can be. I think that Ben and Jessa will make their own way, and while I doubt their path will be one I would have chosen, or even one that I would respect, I can see them being successful.

  • Love 8

So since Israel Dillard has finally arrived, how long until Blessa announces her pregnancy? I think it would be wise to wait until Ben is 20 (May 19...my birthday!) but the Duggars seldom do anything wisely so I'll say she waits for the next chance to be on the cover of People (one-two weeks).

  • Love 2

So since Israel Dillard has finally arrived, how long until Blessa announces her pregnancy? I think it would be wise to wait until Ben is 20 (May 19...my birthday!) but the Duggars seldom do anything wisely so I'll say she waits for the next chance to be on the cover of People (one-two weeks).

If she is indeed pregnant then I'm not sure why it matters if he's 20 when they announce. He'll be 20 when it's born and everyone can do the math that he was 19 when they conceived so I don't see that it matters

  • Love 1

It may be TLC manipulation, but like a lot of other posters, I've done a flip on Derick and Ben.


Despite the fact that he is more worldly than the Duggars, I think that Derick was probably very insecure around women. I think he was more than happy to simply be given a girl, and allowed to get to "know" her long-distance.


Ben, on the other hand, chose Jessa -- arguably the most attractive, and hardest to reach of the Duggar girls. He pursued her, and made the compromises necessary to get what he wanted. While, I still don't think he's the sharpest knife in the drawer, I think that he and Jessa together will have the energy and determination to accomplish whatever they choose.


While I think that Derick will do fine at WalMart, I don't see him becoming a VP like his mom. I see his career stalling at middle-management and their lives becoming more and more difficult as Jill continues to pop out babies in an effort to be the best Gothard girl she can be. I think that Ben and Jessa will make their own way, and while I doubt their path will be one I would have chosen, or even one that I would respect, I can see them being successful.


I lose more respect for Derick every day, not that he was ever on my Most Admired list, but holy moly. He's virtually handed a woman, and more than likely nailed the WalMart gig through his mom's connections. What a jellyfish, geez...


PS - move to Jill & Derick thread if more appropriate - thanks.

Edited by Wellfleet
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If she is indeed pregnant then I'm not sure why it matters if he's 20 when they announce. He'll be 20 when it's born and everyone can do the math that he was 19 when they conceived so I don't see that it matters

True, but I think Boob is concerned with magazines saying things like "Jessa (22) and Ben (19) are having a..." or "when asked about becoming a dad, the teenaged father to be Ben said..." I think other posters have said they thought Jessa's wedding was on the weekend before her birthday so the age gap would seem smaller, which I can also see being something Boob would be concerned with. Not a big deal at all, they're both legal adults, and like you said, people will do the math anyway. But I just think they want to present this in the most positive light possible, and Ben being 20 instead of 19 just looks better on paper.

  • Love 1

I don't think the Duggars care a bit about things like that. It's Jessa's baby, and she's plenty old enough. Most people will assume Ben is her age, unless they are people like us who really know, and most people who follow them really like them and won't care because he's so "mature".


Apparently Boob doesn't care - he approved Ben as a suitor, and for courting and marriage. For many couples at this age, a 3-year difference could be significant. But the fact that the Duggars have socially and emotionally-stunted their children works in Jessa's favor here. She's much closer maturity-wise to Ben's 19 than she would be had she grown up "heathen." 

I don't think the Duggars care a bit about things like that. It's Jessa's baby, and she's plenty old enough. Most people will assume Ben is her age, unless they are people like us who really know, and most people who follow them really like them and won't care because he's so "mature".


You have to warn me if you are going to post something as funny as Ben being so mature... my screen is covered in Diet Coke :-)

  • Love 5

Holding my breath for next week's episodes. I hope Jessa and Ben will be respectful of other cultures....they looked a bit startled at the open affection and unusual food. No more of this "Hola" nonsense like with JB. Will be interesting to see how Jessa acts without the circus along for the ride.


I wonder how much time was actually spent sightseeing, if you know what I mean. Someone told me once that it's sometimes a good idea to go somewhere relaxing on your honeymoon that doesn't require much sightseeing, because that takes a toll on you after a while when all you want to do is stay in bed with your new spouse.


Although if I had TLC money I'd go to Paris too so I can't blame Ben and Jessa for that.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
  • Love 1


If Jessa isn't already pregnant, the fact that Jill's labor and delivery didn't go "as planned" just might make her consider that waiting a little longer isn't a bad thing. Just saying...


Jill just has some invisible sin somewhere that God was punishing her for is all. Not that Jessa really wants kids, at least not yet.

Holding my breath for next week's episodes. I hope Jessa and Ben will be respectful of other cultures....they looked a bit startled at the open affection and unusual food. No more of this "Hola" nonsense like with JB. Will be interesting to see how Jessa acts without the circus along for the ride.

I wonder how much time was actually spent sightseeing, if you know what I mean. Someone told me once that it's sometimes a good idea to go somewhere relaxing on your honeymoon that doesn't require much sightseeing, because that takes a toll on you after a while when all you want to do is stay in bed with your new spouse.

Although if I had TLC money I'd go to Paris too so I can't blame Ben and Jessa for that.

As I was watching the preview I was thinking that it's a shame that at the SOTDRT they probably do not take any foreign language lessons. It would have been nice, if Paris was a long held dream for Jessa, if she had had a few years of french lessons.

  • Love 3

As I was watching the preview I was thinking that it's a shame that at the SOTDRT they probably do not take any foreign language lessons. It would have been nice, if Paris was a long held dream for Jessa, if she had had a few years of french lessons.

I'm not an expert on education, homeschooling or SOTDRT, but I know that in my state (NJ) at least 2 years of the same foreign language is a requirement to graduate HS. Is it the same for the GED?

  • Love 1

Not convinced that TLC paid for the trip, other than the payment to film the episode.


Probably true so I'll re-phrase: if I had the  time to take three weeks for a honeymoon because I don't work, I'd have gone to Paris too. :) I can just imagine the look on my boss's face if I asked him for three weeks off.


This TLC crew is really living high on the hog. Trips to Nepal, Japan, Paris, etc. And you know they don't film 24/7 so I bet they get to see all the sights on their days off. I can't think of another TLC show where they traveled so much.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
  • Love 2

I hope Ben has a broader background for where they are going than Jessa does. Even if it were a narrow, religiously focused one (raise your hand if your parents took you to see the landing of the Wesley Brothers on St Simon's Island and skipped the beach.....) it will be far more than what she's been getting from the Duggar trips and "King James wrote the Bible" nonsense.

  • Love 1

Not convinced that TLC paid for the trip, other than the payment to film the episode.


Agree - I'm guessing Jessa was handed X number of $$ from Boob to cover wedding and honeymoon. The more-expensive honeymoon is a direct result of Jessa's "budget" wedding. Right from the Duggar textbook - thinking of themselves rather than others [the wedding guests].

Probably true so I'll re-phrase: if I had the  time to take three weeks for a honeymoon because I don't work, I'd have gone to Paris too. :) I can just imagine the look on my boss's face if I asked him for three weeks off.


I would love a 3-week honeymoon too, but it's also a matter of thinking of the future for me. In this case, the TLC money won't last forever, and Binjerman would likely be better off taking a shorter trip and using the money for his education and soon-to-be kids.

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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