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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

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Sand does seem to be the new unity candle.

I still don't know - I had a full Fundy service, with three different ministers (don't ask) two solos, a homily, three scripture readings, communion with my husband only, regular vows/rings/presentation and a real kiss, and we were still in and out of there in twenty five minutes!

Keep in mind the groomsman fainted halfway through....

What did they DO for an hour??? (This is NOT about Catholic or Orthodox weddings which are whole services themselves and are completely different in time and scale completely.)

And yeah, the whole leaving to kiss and coming back and the lecture on purity is beyond annoying. First because despite all the chaperones in the world, I will never be completely sure Jessa and Ben never kissed, and I don't think having done so had anything to do with modesty or purity at all.

Edited by GEML

16 months IS too young, and the point of children in the wedding is that NO MATTER what happens you roll with it. That's the whole point!


I love seeing little kids in weddings but no more than a flower girl and ring bearer, or just a couple of flower girls. And personally I think no child younger than five should be asked to be in a wedding. Younger kids are usually wildly-adorable BUT there are too many variables the younger you go. Seeing a packed church can frighten some little kids, everyone looking at them. They can easily get over-excited, their schedules are off, they miss their naps, they're often wearing clothing they don't like, they get super hyped-up on sugar. It's possible for kids younger than five to be fine too, but I wouldn't want to risk it. There was a time in my family when my siblings and all cousins on both sides were between 0 and 10 years old and we weren't even welcome as guests at family weddings. "No children" was often seen on invitations - and not to be mean. But in the end, we kids were better off at home with sitters.  And I strongly suspect all the adult guests - especially our parents - had a much better time, being able to relax and enjoy some adult conversation etc. Not having to wrangle kids throughout the service and reception.

  • Love 5

See, growing up going to a wedding was one of the best parts of the Fundy world. I know we are all making fun of some of the weddings a bit here, but Fundy weddings are super fun because they usually are not super formal and there are people there that you don't get to see more than a few times a year. I LOVED weddings as a child, and still look back fondly on every bride who included us.

There are a lot of little girls who loved being there- at Jill and Jessa's wedding. And they loved it because it was a moment when things are beautiful and happy and colorful and hopeful.

I welcomed a lot of little girls to my wedding (and boys too.). I've been married almost 25 years and more than few of them have found me on FB to tell me that to this day they still remember my dress, my music, my flowers, etcetera.

Adults probably do have a better time without children. I have a three year old and I know how much I appreciated a lavish wedding we attended not long ago while my daughter stayed with my sister. But no one REMEMBERS your wedding like a child. Trust me! :)

Edited by GEML
  • Love 5

Everything about the Roloff wedding was flawless....well, I have a few little nit-picks (LOVED the bridesmaids' dresses but felt they needed to be a tiny bit longer)  and I never thought I'd use the words "flawless" and "Roloff" in the same sentence, but TLC needs to show that  episode to every other TLC spawn that wants to include a wedding. I was really impressed.


Since Mullet was Mrs. Tinman in June, maybe she was Mrs. Scarecrow this time around. Wouldn't take much.


Agree 1000%. I hadn't watched the Roloffs for a while because I can only take so much of Matt before I want to deck him one. But I did see the wedding episode and thought it was JUST PERFECT. Not only were the particulars so nice - clothes, setting, flowers, reception etc - but the atmosphere was over-the-top happy and loving. I didn't cry but I did find myself beaming at the screen from start to finish. Night and day difference between the Roloff and Duggar weddings.

Edited by NausetGirl
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And yeah, the whole leaving to kiss and coming back and the lecture on purity is beyond annoying. First because despite all the chaperones in the world, I will never be completely sure Jessa and Ben never kissed, and I don't think having done so had anything to do with modesty or purity at all.

Like the time when they went to D.C. to visit Josh & Anna with Jinger.  My thoughts are unless Jinger slept in the same bed with her arm around Jessa or accompany her to the bathroom, what was to stop her from getting up in the middle of the night & slipping out of the room to meet Ben for a quick smooch or hell just to even talk for 5 minutes alone?  


Also I know we always snark about how they never really get to talk candidly with one another because there is always someone around or they are on group chat but I know they have got to be smart enough to just directly send their boo a text message.  I know I would be doing that every time I went to use the bathroom & just delete the texts before I walked out.

I love seeing little kids in weddings but no more than a flower girl and ring bearer, or just a couple of flower girls. And personally I think no child younger than five should be asked to be in a wedding. Younger kids are usually wildly-adorable BUT there are too many variables the younger you go.


I am right there with you.... It was completely NOT my idea to let my 16 month old try to be in that wedding. It was 14 years ago and I'm still ticked about it. I knew it was stupid but I was being told I was just being selfish and if the bride and groom wanted it, they should get it. Of course when it all fell apart after waiting for the bride for 2 hours and I pulled the poor, tired, hungry girl from the wedding ... they all forgot I told them I didn't want that in the first place and it was our fault. Even before the 'bride was late' mess, I did have a babysitter coming to get both girls (the 5 year old too) and take them home while we stayed for the reception. They were supposed to get cake first but everything was so late I sent them home and brought them cake later. 


Kids can be fun but people who want them as part of the wedding need to be willing to go with the flow. You can't be someone who needs things to be exactly like you want and then still want kids in the wedding. Those two worlds don't live together. 

  • Love 4

See, growing up going to a wedding was one of the best parts of the Fundy world. I know we are all making fun of some of the weddings a bit here, but Fundy weddings are super fun because they usually are not super formal and there are people there that you don't get to see more than a few times a year. I LOVED weddings as a child, and still look back fondly on every bride who included us.

There are a lot of little girls who loved being there- at Jill and Jessa's wedding. And they loved it because it was a moment when things are beautiful and happy and colorful and hopeful.

I welcomed a lot of little girls to my wedding (and boys too.). I've been married almost 25 years and more than few of them have found me on FB to tell me that to this day they still remember my dress, my music, my flowers, etcetera.

Adults probably do have a better time without children. I have a three year old and I know how much I appreciated a lavish wedding we attended not long ago while my daughter stayed with my sister. But no one REMEMBERS your wedding like a child. Trust me! :)


I think this is very true - at least for little girls. As a child I went to only one wedding that I remember, my mother's younger brother. I think I was about 6. It really was a magical experience, like being in a real fairy tale. The beautiful dresses and flowers, the tall white cake, the music, all the grownups dressed up and happy. Even eating a meal in a restaurant was special. I remember trailing the bride - in her fairy princess white dress - everywhere with a couple of my cousins who were close to my age. As a child it was just a season out of time. Very memorable and special. Years later at my brother's wedding we noticed my cousin's two little girls, about 4 and 6 at the time, following the bride all around too. Too cute.

I'm laughing about it but I too am the last person who should judge. I like plenty of those kinds of foods. Personally I'd never serve them at a wedding but that's just me. I'm hardly the 5 star high-brow. We had sandwich platters, soup and veggies trays at our rehearsal dinner and it was held in someone's home. 


That sounds nice. I think rehearsal dinners at someone's home are lovely and relaxing...

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Like the time when they went to D.C. to visit Josh & Anna with Jinger.  My thoughts are unless Jinger slept in the same bed with her arm around Jessa or accompany her to the bathroom, what was to stop her from getting up in the middle of the night & slipping out of the room to meet Ben for a quick smooch or hell just to even talk for 5 minutes alone?  


Also I know we always snark about how they never really get to talk candidly with one another because there is always someone around or they are on group chat but I know they have got to be smart enough to just directly send their boo a text message.  I know I would be doing that every time I went to use the bathroom & just delete the texts before I walked out.


I go back and forth on this. To us it makes sense that they could and would be sneaking around, texting, seeing each other and maybe even a kiss here and there. Of course they would. But think about it this way... they are being monitored all the time. When they meet they are basically being set up by both sets of parents who expect "pure courting". How does one of them know even know the other one well enough to know if they would be ok with breaking the "rules"? They aren't even alone enough to discuss what they want their rules to be or if they want to bend them into something they are ok with rather than what mom and dad want. This is another reason I balk at the assertion that Michelle and JB let their kids make their own courting rules. They don't let the kids alone so how can they discuss what they want their rules to be... especially if they aren't what Michelle and JB expect them to be? Are we supposed to believe that if Jessa and Ben started discussing that they were ok with Ben kissing Jessa on the check before the wedding that Michelle and JB would be ok with that? Heck no. 

  • Love 3

Maybe by the time they get to Jennifer, even the Duggars will embrace the unity cocktail.

I will say, as someone who negotiated some of the rules with another person who followed those rules (though not nearly as extreme as the Duggars) along with dozens of close friends, there are a thousand and one test codes you can send out. It's like everything else. Parents and adults may think they know everything, but the kids develop their own shorthand for the things they need to know, and one of the things every religious kid wants to know about is sex and where do you stand. And you keep testing that, gently, through language if you need to, through physicality if it leads there.

Think of every parent you know who monitored their kids internet usage only to be shocked their children found ways around it. Are JB and Michelle SMARTER than these parents? No. And a ten year old isn't a chaperone. I can believe Jill and Derrick waited because they had only six months to wait and Derrick worked during most of that time, etc. They are also older, and more obviously koolaid.

Jessa and Ben? Those two practically lived together in the same house for a year. When Ben said he loved watching Jessa cook for him, can you say for SURE he meant food? ;)

  • Love 7

I feel sorry that these girls had no real choice for their music. That was really important to me. I'm old so forgive me. I heard a song on the radio on my way home today called the wedding song. It's very . Spiritual in meaning and is such a beautiful song for a wedding. I feel so bad that those girls had no real choice in such a lovely and special choice. Amazing Grace is a funeral song, not a wedding song for young and in love people at the beginning of their lives.

I agree. I either think of Amazing Grace at a police or firefighter's funeral, or when there is a tragic murder or disappearance & there is a candlelight vigil.

It bugs that Jessa & Ben left the wedding in the middle (no matter the reason) & M & JB were up there. Yeah, because no one's seen THAT before! And why M & JB & not Ben's parents? It would have been nice if the minister made a quick sentence "Jessa & Ben decided their first kiss will be a private one" & continued on with the ceremony. They could have kissed privately when it was all over.

Edited by Mrsjumbo
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Bin's wedding attire makes him look like a ventriloquist's dummy.

I also wonder if Bin and Jessa snuck around and did "other" things that wouldn't necessarily result in pregnancy.

I've been to many overnight events where people snuck around despite chaperones sleeping in the same room.

  • Love 3

Very true GEML... It's just hard for me to imagine.  These are conversations everyone should be free to have with someone they are in a relationship with. How weird must it be to be getting married and still not be freely communicating with your future spouse without sneaking around or whispering while a sibling is watching. 

One of the things my sisters and I find hilarious is how sure the Duggar parents are about how in control they are. We may not know which child(ren) it is that is getting around the rules (and it won't be in an obvious way) but they aren't as in control as they think. Parents never are, and I have yet to see the religious fanatic parents pull it off completely!

  • Love 4

Reading about the wedding I had these thoughts: 

It seemed nice that they chose to have their first kiss alone, although possibly with tv cameras? did TLC film it any bets? I personally wouldn't do it at my wedding. 

For people who never kissed, it can be hard not knocking heads, lining up lips that kind of thing. Why put yourself through public awkwardness?

I love Ice cream sundaes, but not necessarily out doors in November. It seems cheaper than cake, but maybe not?

Now I know why they had the wedding when they did, they deliberately timed it so he can be 19 and she can be 21. Not sure when his birthday is but hers (according to Wikipedia) is in a few days. Still it may look better in their eyes if she's only listed as two years older. It doesn't bother me one or the other, but I surprised they let court and marry a younger man even if he is only a few years younger and it's not a big deal to rest of us.

Hey GEML,  is there any rules in fundie culture you've seen about who should be older?

One of the things my sisters and I find hilarious is how sure the Duggar parents are about how in control they are. We may not know which child(ren) it is that is getting around the rules (and it won't be in an obvious way) but they aren't as in control as they think. Parents never are, and I have yet to see the religious fanatic parents pull it off completely!

Very true....I wonder if the Duggars think that having the cameras around will decrease the chance that someone might try to get around rules. Not that the camera men will step in to tell them of the rules or report to the parents, but the Duggar parents might think the kids would be less apt to try something with someone else around, especially someone who could videotape the indiscretion. If they do think that... they are even dumber than I think. 


It's such a strange juxtaposition ... they really seem like it never occurs to them that their kids might think or do something wrong or that they would dare to believe something different than their parents. But at the same their entire courting/purity thing is based on the idea that people can't control themselves. So these same people who have so little self control that they are defrauded by seeing someone's knees will blindly follow anything Ma and Pa Duggar say???

  • Love 2

I guess I see them as only being in charge of the parts Michelle and JB don't care about. Sure they can decide on the bridesmaids, whether to wear shoes and what to serve for dessert. But they are still subjected to inviting 1000s of people they don't know even when they want 'simple', required to make a spectacle of their first kiss even when they wanted to do it in private (yes they got private but Mom and Dad make a fool of themselves), have chaperones on their wedding day, had to be on TV, have to live where they are told, have to marry an 'approved' guy, etc... I figure if they were allowed to pick something it's because it wasn't involved in the 'Look at me" Michelle and JB show.

I still don't understand why they have to invite so many people

Very true....I wonder if the Duggars think that having the cameras around will decrease the chance that someone might try to get around rules. Not that the camera men will step in to tell them of the rules or report to the parents, but the Duggar parents might think the kids would be less apt to try something with someone else around, especially someone who could videotape the indiscretion. If they do think that... they are even dumber than I think.

It's such a strange juxtaposition ... they really seem like it never occurs to them that their kids might think or do something wrong or that they would dare to believe something different than their parents. But at the same their entire courting/purity thing is based on the idea that people can't control themselves. So these same people who have so little self control that they are defrauded by seeing someone's knees will blindly follow anything Ma and Pa Duggar say???

I think it's more likely that the kids will bend the rules. They aren't stupid
  • Love 1

Maybe by the time they get to Jennifer, even the Duggars will embrace the unity cocktail.

I will say, as someone who negotiated some of the rules with another person who followed those rules (though not nearly as extreme as the Duggars) along with dozens of close friends, there are a thousand and one test codes you can send out. It's like everything else. Parents and adults may think they know everything, but the kids develop their own shorthand for the things they need to know, and one of the things every religious kid wants to know about is sex and where do you stand. And you keep testing that, gently, through language if you need to, through physicality if it leads there.

Think of every parent you know who monitored their kids internet usage only to be shocked their children found ways around it. Are JB and Michelle SMARTER than these parents? No. And a ten year old isn't a chaperone. I can believe Jill and Derrick waited because they had only six months to wait and Derrick worked during most of that time, etc. They are also older, and more obviously koolaid.

Jessa and Ben? Those two practically lived together in the same house for a year. When Ben said he loved watching Jessa cook for him, can you say for SURE he meant food? ;)

I agree that kids are smarter than we think. It's not that hard to get around a server

One of the things my sisters and I find hilarious is how sure the Duggar parents are about how in control they are. We may not know which child(ren) it is that is getting around the rules (and it won't be in an obvious way) but they aren't as in control as they think. Parents never are, and I have yet to see the religious fanatic parents pull it off completely!

It will be easier for the Duggar kids to get away with things now since "Head Snitch" Jilly Muffin is out of the TTH.
  • Love 3

I think Jessa's dress was lovely. If previous posters are correct, it is from Allure's "modest" collection. Apparently the list price is $1399, but when I Googled it, this place came up that has it discounted to $699. I read in an article or two about the wedding that Jessa's dress was embellished with pearls and Swarovski crystals, and the dress description doesn't mention Swarovski crystals or pearls, so either the article was incorrect or she had the crystals and pearls added to the dress, which would have increased the price quite a lot (the description does mention beads, so maybe the article meant beads that look like pearls).



I'm really wondering what this three week honeymoon will be like for Jessa and Ben. I wonder if this is the longest they have ever been away from their families, with out some kind of supervision? I assume they drove to some vacation /rental property somewhere. Neither of them is old enough to rent a car. most hotels would only directly deal with Jessa not Ben. But I still wonder, maybe Jessa will come back wearing shorts, or a veil. Maybe they will get bored and go to Disney Word. or try another church, or drive to Vegas. Who knows? I relly hope there are no camera crews! Three weeks alone is a pretty sudden shift for these kids. especially if they mange to not have much contact with their folks.

I do like her dress, looking forward to the rest of the pictures.

There is a Jewish Custom of the couple retiring to a private room for a little bit after the ceremony. If they are observant they have been fasting so the Yichud is snack time, although maybe smooch time also.

Edited by Honeycocoa

My daughter & son in law did the "mingling of the sands" at their wedding. But they just had a Justice of the Peace and a very low-key wedding, and the whole ceremony probably didn't take but about 20 minutes.

Couples were doing the sand thing over the unity candle for awhile now. It works better for outdoor weddings.

I'm really wondering what this three week honeymoon will be like for Jessa and Ben. I wonder if this is the longest they have ever been away from their families, with out some kind of supervision? I assume they drove to some vacation /rental property somewhere. Neither of them is old enough to rent a car. most hotels would only directly deal with Jessa not Ben. But I still wonder, maybe Jessa will come back wearing shorts, or a veil. Maybe they will get bored and go to Disney Word. or try another church, or drive to Vegas. Who knows? I relly hope there are no camera crews! Three weeks alone is a pretty sudden shift for these kids. especially if they mange to not have much contact with their folks.

I do like her dress, looking forward to the rest of the pictures.

There is a Jewish Custom of the couple retiring to a private room for a little bit after the ceremony. If they are observant they have been fasting so the Yichud is snack time, although maybe smooch time also.

Nope, Ben and Jessa already said that they're letting TLC film their honeymoon. Probably the only way they could afford a three week honeymoon was to have TLC pay for everything. So much for all that talk of privacy. 

  • Love 1

Sand does seem to be the new unity candle.

I still don't know - I had a full Fundy service, with three different ministers (don't ask) two solos, a homily, three scripture readings, communion with my husband only, regular vows/rings/presentation and a real kiss, and we were still in and out of there in twenty five minutes!

Keep in mind the groomsman fainted halfway through....

What did they DO for an hour??? (This is NOT about Catholic or Orthodox weddings which are whole services themselves and are completely different in time and scale completely.)

And yeah, the whole leaving to kiss and coming back and the lecture on purity is beyond annoying. First because despite all the chaperones in the world, I will never be completely sure Jessa and Ben never kissed, and I don't think having done so had anything to do with modesty or purity at all.

FYI: in the Catholic & Orthodox Church getting married is receiving a Sacrement, hence the longer service that probably doesn't make sense to non-Catholics/orthodox


Edited by jmt111
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My apologies if this has already been discussed, I have not gone through all of the pages yet.


I respect Jessa's decision not to kiss at the altar. While the first kiss is thrilling, it is also awkward. I am not a "spotlight person", and I would be mortified to have 1000 people watch such a special moment. That said, why oh why did we need a demonstration kiss from Boob and MEchelle? Surely everyone in the audience had seen married people kiss, at least once in their lives. I 'm sure most families do not expose their children to the PDA display the Duggar kids get, but in my (non-Gothard) childhood, I always saw couples kissing, holding hands, and giving frontal hugs (how risque). I was not filled with desires that could not be righteously fulfilled. I just grew up with the idea that married couples are affectionate, and when I was married the same would be true for me.

  • Love 2

Why are there no photos around of this shindig??

Pickles and Hairspray FB page has some pictures of the reception at the TTH. Notice MEchelle looks like she is a lumberjack with her flannel and denim skirt on. 


Regarding of the playing or singing of Amazing Grace it is MEchelle's favorite song and she can't be forgotten can she?

Edited by Fuzzysox
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I think the decision to not kiss at the alter was fabulous.  I don't think it was a "more modest than you" sort of thing. I think first kisses should be private, and most people's are. Maybe they've just seen way to many awful fundie first kisses, and didn't want that for them.


I'm disgusted that Michelle and Jim Bob kissed for the crowd instead.

Edited by Skittl1321
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Thanks for the heads up on the After Party photos on Pickles and Hairspray at the Duggars, fuzzysox. Their house is wall to wall people. Looks like Kirk Cameron made it Jessa and Ben's wedding and the Duggar After Party. Interesting. Some good photos of Lawson Bates. Glad to see some photos of Josiah! Thanks again.

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One of my first cousins while being courted couldn't kiss but she told me that when a chaperone wasn't looking they would sneak a quick peck. Pretty sure Binessa would do the same thing if given a chance and it sounds like under the "right" chaperone they could have kissed without being ratted on.


Oh I love that Jessa had Josiah in her wedding party. I think Josiah is sweet like Jana and he doesn't seem to be close to any of his brothers so being in the wedding party was a good way to show that he is loved.

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Damn now I really need to go back and see the Roloff wedding.


I love Jessa's dress. I'm surprised that the Duggars would allow it to not be white? I would have thought with their obsession of pure brides that the bride wearing white was a BIG DEAL. I love that they did their first kiss in private. Seriously all the excited talk in Jill's wedding episode about the first kiss, sex, etc was so gross and uncomfortable, so good on Jessa and Ben. I wish they didn't do the "now you see a Duggar kiss", Michelle and JB do not need more spotlight, dear God. The "more modest than you are, heathens!!!" thing is also disgusting and I hope it's not a thing. I've always liked Jessa (maybe because people always think I'm cold and isolated, hehe) and have higher hopes for her wedding style then I do for Jill. 


I'm getting married next year, and am seriously considering doing sand over unity candle. I don't actually like sand, but I like the idea of unity candle/sand/becoming one etc. I tend to shake when i get nervous (i'm having visions of dropping the ring) so I do not want to be holding fire, haha. ;) 

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Thanks for the heads up on the After Party photos on Pickles and Hairspray at the Duggars, fuzzysox. Their house is wall to wall people. Looks like Kirk Cameron made it Jessa and Ben's wedding and the Duggar After Party. Interesting. Some good photos of Lawson Bates. Glad to see some photos of Josiah! Thanks again.

Well there's a big 'yikes'.... how old are his kids? Are they grooming for a Duggar-Cameron wedding??

Given Joseph's obvious disdain for Ben, I was surprised to see him in the wedding party; thought it would be Jeremiah, instead. While I am happy to hear that Jessa and Ben have gone away for three weeks, I am disappointed to hear it’s with a camera crew in tow. I guess that is one way to get a free honeymoon from TLC.

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Good for them if they didn't want their "first" kiss to be in front of 1000 strangers. But stopping in the middle of the service to run off and kiss, while the brides parents make out for everyone instead? They could have simply waited until the ceremony was over. Another example of the Duggar's false modesty

  • Love 6

Regarding Erin playing again at Jessa's wedding, is she expected to play for free at every Fundie wedding she attends? If so, that kind of sucks. She could pick up some easy cash playing at weddings on the weekends, but if it's just assumed she's donating her services it kind of defeats the whole purpose. I could see doing a favor for a close friend or family member, but not for every random person in Gothardland.


I also wonder if the Duggars even thought to get her a small gift as a thank you. When my mother's cousin sang all the hymns at my Grandmother's funeral, my mom and aunts gave her something to show their appreciation. Never mind, this is the Duggars we're talking about. Question asked, question answered, right?

Edited by BitterApple
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A few photos.  Jessa's gown is lovely and she looks beautiful in it.  Ben looks okay.  Maybe it's just me but, I think they look like they're going to a prom instead of just being married.



Edited by abseedee
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IDK if they paid Erin but Chad is a wedding photographer I doubt his services are free. Having all those pictures printed costs $$$$$$.

A few photos.  Jessa's gown is lovely and she looks beautiful in it.  Ben looks okay.  Maybe it's just me but, I think they look like they're going to a prom instead of just being married.



Bin has always been creepy but in that picture looked like his eyes were all about being a virgin killer and getting his way with her. *shudder* But I have high hopes for Jessa she will be keeping her legs held tight to avoid him if she doesn't wanna.

  • Love 1

IDK if they paid Erin but Chad is a wedding photographer I doubt his services are free. Having all those pictures printed costs $$$$$$.

Bin has always been creepy but in that picture looked like his eyes were all about being a virgin killer and getting his way with her. *shudder* But I have high hopes for Jessa she will be keeping her legs held tight to avoid him if she doesn't wanna.

It's probably nothing and that I'm looking too much into it but the eyes and the smirk is what got to me.

It is pie, in that it is baked in a pan. It is actually a casserole. And I don't know what kind of Frito Pie you've had, but it is not elaborate. You take chili that you've made from the day before, along with cheese, Fritos, and onions and layer it in a baking pan like you do with lasagne and bake at 375 for 45 minutes. My 10 year old can make it with a little supervision. This is a ballgame meal, not something you serve to your wedding party, especially when you're forgoing a reception dinner.

It is not pie, you take a bowl put fritios in it and then add chili cheese and onions.  Never once had it cooked in a casserole.

  • Love 3
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