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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I doubt the book brought in huge chunks of cash.  Not even one copy was purchased for our county library system and there are not big displays of it in stores.  In fact I haven't even seen a copy anywhere.  Apparently to read it, I'll have to get it from Amazon and I'm refusing.  Not to mention, they'll be splitting what profits they do get at least four ways if not more. 

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It would probably just make most people shake their heads. These girls have never been in relationships so what could they could teach me about mine??? I'm all for different perspectives, but write about what you know. A book on raising kids that aren't your own would be more on par with their life experience. 

I think Michelle and Jim Bob have said that- but Michelle's reaction to Jill/Derrick hugging show that it is clearly not true.  Jill and Derrick didn't get to decide what contact was okay, or else, the decision for them to do that would have been left up to them.   Pretty much the same thing with their hand holding at their engagement announcement. Hand holding clearly meant engaged- not "courting couple set their limit and decided they could hold hands".


Michelle is controlling all this.  (And perhaps Jim Bob- but the way he let Jill/Derrick squeeze together in the rickshaw in Nepal was SO different than the way Michelle inserted herself between Ben and Jessa; it makes me think the 'purity' obsession is Michelle's.)

I think Michelle is a pretty obsessive personality in general. Jim Bob, not so much. 

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Bin is a big boy,

PLease don't beg, Ben

That helps! Thank you! I'm still struggling to say it but I can see the difference more clearly, or hear it. Although I sound slightly slow sounding out bin, big, beg, Ben in the ridiculous way I'm doing it. I honestly don't know if I can get my brain to say it that way without saying it like a 2 syllable word. At least I amuse myself.
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I am ashamed to admit I did buy the book, for my nook... But in my defense it was because I'm in nursing school and my brain is turning to mush from all the medical terms, definitions and procedures... So I thought some mindless reading would help the monotony, boy did I get what I was asking for when I was wishing for mindless reading. I'm barely halfway through and I'm not sure I can will myself to finish. I'm not gonna lie I was hoping for some of the dirt that had been mentioned about jealousy amoung the girls, but so far there was just one little bit about how Jill got jealous of how cute Jessa looked for church one day. If anyone else has a nook and wants to read it I'll lend it (if it's available and if I can learn how)

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Let me give the dead horse one more whack...

Click on the little speaker next to the phonetic spelling of the words:

Bin: (the way I hear them say his name) https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=bin%20definition

Ben (the way I would pronounce it) https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=BEN%20DEFNITION

I was thinking - what about the word "texting?" Surely it's not pronounced as "tixting?" Edited by DangerousMinds
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I'm hoping that the 4 oldest girls who wrote the book will indeed get the proceeds from it, not their parents. Hopefully they had an accountant and/or attorney handle this for them.


Back to Jessa and Ben. Anyone want to take a guess on when these two will marry? I'm certain that they will now that he's been a part of their tv show. Yet I don't see the two of them dragging out this courtship for another 3 years. Will Ben go to work for Jim Bob in some fashion?

What does Bin do extactly?  Was is car windsheild repairs and going to college?  Jessa never did much either other that be the families official "packer" for trips.  I can't imagine Bin being able to support a family at this point.


The boys must first ask JIm Boob if they can court, and then again ask for marriage?  Seems a bit redundant.  For all we know Bin has asked already and has been told it's too soon.  I have a feeling TLC et all are hatching some scheme to get Bin some sort of job somewhere similar to Smuggar, this would help move things along as well as provide for more story lines.

JimBoob probably has complete control over the older girls finances since they cannot be trusted to make the right decisions for themselves.


I would love for one (or several) of the girls to sue JimBoob for their share of the money.  I think they would have a legitimate case.  Child stars have done it in the past.  They were not reality stars, but there is bound to be a case like this in the near future.

I don't really care about the picture, but that link also provides some choice quotes from Ben where he compares abortion to slavery. Fuck off, Ben. 

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I would love for one (or several) of the girls to sue JimBoob for their share of the money.  I think they would have a legitimate case.  Child stars have done it in the past.  They were not reality stars, but there is bound to be a case like this in the near future.

Not likely since Boob likes to hold that whole headship, authority, and honoring your parents thing over their heads. My bet is that he's letting them live in the house on the cheap and will pass it off as payment.

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Guns are so much a part of the culture in the South. Not considered unloving, just a normal part of life.

I think many of us, at least I, have some trouble with figuring out exactly what keeping sweet means -- theologically. Visually it seems inconsistent with carrying an assault rifle. But, I guess, really the two things are not related at all. 

Edited by mbutterfly
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Guns are so much a part of the culture in the South. Not considered unloving, just a normal part of life.

As a born & raised southerner, I get this but there is nothing cute about this picture. Especially considering the whole Jesus walking in love thing & the fact that we never see nor hear about them hunting or enlisting in the military.

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Ben also was/is working at an insurance company.

You have to have certain certifications to sell insurance. And each type of insurance requires different certifications. I don't know if that's what he's studying in school, though.

I work in the insurance industry and am currently working toward my designations and it is not easy. My guess is that he is doing basic data entry, answering phones etc. No way is he selling insurance or making any commission.

  • Love 4

Regarding Ben/Bin, I have cousins in the South and they pronounce their "en" sounds as "in." I'm from Boston and pronounce "er" as "ah." We all have our verbal quirks!

leighroda, when I was in graduate school, Mary Higgins Clark and Nicholas Sparks were my go-to fluff authors. No judgments here!

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Read the customer reviews about the book on Amazon.  The majority seem to be from leg-humpers, and the rest basically say it's a worthless read.



I was in the book store a while back and was ticked to see that their book was shelved next to Raising My Rainbow by Lori Duron.

Edited by toesocks
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Ben's views on abortion are typical for an uneducated kid who lives in la-la land and thinks prayer solves everything.

My in-laws have been involved in foster care for over 20 years. They've dealt with scores of unwanted, unloved, uncared for children. I'm by no means inferring those kids would have been better off not being born, I just think Ben and his ilk have this misguided fantasy that everything will be gravy once a woman chooses not to terminate.

And WTF is up with his obsession anyhow? My nephew is the same age and all he cares about is X Box and scoring a halfway decent fake I.D.

  • Love 6

I hope so. The whole thing is just odd to me. I've always had the vibe that Jessa is cunning and clever when she needs to be. After all, she's managed to get out of cooking, cleaning and laundry for conveniently easier jobs like packing and "schooling." So why hitch her wagon to an immature boy who can't give her anything close to the life she's used to?

Does she really think Ben's windshield business will keep her in Uggs and self-tanner?

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Yeah, this relationship would have already been over if Jessa had been allowed to just date him like us heathens do. A few trips to some awful macho movies and making snacks for him and his buddies while they watch a game and make a mess everywhere would have done her in. 


Jessa seems like the type who would do well with an older man who values his privacy and interacts with a few, key people in his life (family and friends) while being devoted to his family and lavishing his wife (especially) and kids (all 2 of them) with gifts. He would toe the party line just enough to get an in and then completely drop off the radar once the wedding was over and never appear on-camera again. 

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I've always believed that, bigskygirl. I also think a lot of good men have been turned away because they haven't been "fundie" enough. I'm sure there are plenty of god-fearing men who approached JB, but because they had secular educations and don't believe in having a million kids (b/c they know their financial limitations) they weren't good enough for his daughters. 


Derrick got a pass with his secular education because he was also a service missionary and lived close by the family. If Derrick lived in Oregon I doubt Jill would have ever met him. 

But she keeps saying "I love you" to Ben.  I don't get that.  It seems like giving away too many pieces of the heart for the courting stage.  You'd think if they were going to bag this romance, they would have done so a long time ago.


That's another thing- why is it okay to say "I love you" in a courtship?! If you aren't considered mature enough to know how to control yourself physically (hence the strict no touching rule and constant sibling spies) then you aren't mature enough to understand what it means to love someone romantically. 

  • Love 7

Aaaaand the selfies keep on coming. The most recent is older (Jessa's bangs - now pretty much grown out - are in fine form) and depicts Bin in a hard hat. I've heard conflicting reports about where he's living, but if his dad is into building/selling pre-fab homes, my guess is he's still living in Hot Springs and working for Daddy, and not "Mr. Jim" (the sound guy? There was no elaboration on the Duggars' tumblr) somewhere closer to Jessa.


Bin and Jessa have posted saved selfies on weekdays throughout their courtship, ostensibly to show how much they miss each other when they're separated. I also think they just like looking at themselves and love the adoration from their teenage leghumpers on Instagram . They both seem quite narcissistic.

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For someone who claims that she isn't "worldly" and claims she's naive, and focusing on purity, sure has started wearing tight and bust enhancing shirts and short skirts! Then throw in the rock groupie make-up look, tousled hair and porn star lip poses and Jessa Duggar is sure throwing her all on the altar of trying to look seductive.

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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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