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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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On 4/25/2017 at 5:09 AM, Barb23 said:

Oh no, the Bumbo chair is back.  I think he is just contemplating a way of getting out of it. 

He's a cute kid.  He looks like he is staring into space wondering how this all happened.  He's a solemn little guy while Spurg is quite bubbly.

On 4/26/2017 at 4:32 AM, Fostersmom said:

He does have a sad baby face. In the last couple years, I've seen a lot of sad babies on Facebook and I always wonder if those kids never smile. If I had a baby and was posting pics, I'd want them to at least look relatively happy. One of my old friends posted so many sad baby pics of her son, her father called her out on it. Now, I've met the kid, he's a joyful little thing, but apparently just had sad baby face for a few years.

I was one of those kids.  Looking back at nearly all my baby/kid pictures I do not look happy.  Not sure about when I was a baby but as a kid I wasn't super happy a lot and it showed.  I smile more now that I am the boss of me.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Jeeves said:

Great point, @bigskygirl. I think that the Seewalds are, from a TLC producer's point of view, the most attractive (or least unattractive) couple in the Duggar family at this time. It helps that Jessa loves loves loves being on camera. I can't stand to watch this show very often, but I still remember a few scenes from I think one of the early Counting On episodes. In either that episode or one just before it, TLC had trotted out Anna and some of the older Duggar kids, to cry or grumble (depending on who was talking) about Josh's bad behavior. Anna cried, JD looked grumpy and sad, Jill was her usual Eeyore-ish self.

But then we got to Jessa's THs. And she was just glowing. Obviously just pumped to be in front of a TV camera again, with it all to herself. I have no memory of what she was talking about but she was just owning that screen, by God. She couldn't hide her delight. 

Joyless and Austin may give the Seewalds a run for their money on the small screen at least. Hasn't Austin appeared in the show, interacting with Boob about a house Austin was flipping? Or is that in an episode yet to air? If Austin's really flipping houses as an actual ongoing business, that could provide quite a bit of show fodder and probably require less complete scripting of made-for-TV "events" than Bin's rapping and football camp stuff. 

But Jessa's not giving up the throne without a fight.

Well, oops. I was writing that early this morning and for some reason I didn't even think about Jinge and Babe. Maybe because while I think of Jill and Jessa as still Duggars, being hitched to such beta males, Jinge has actually married a fully fledged adult and left the Duggars nest. 

I can see Jeremy giving Jessa a run for the money and the Top Couple prize. 

  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

Jessa needs to get out of her frumpy clothes if she wants to be a super couple. 

I don't think so.  Jessa's going to be frumpy through her next 18 pregnancies.  Then, she can star in her reality TV show '20 Kids and Counting.'  Remember that Michelle was always frumpy (and still is) when she starred in her own show.

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, ariel said:

I think it will be interesting if Jess's body doesn't bounce back after her pregnancies.  If she's fat & frumpy, that might not sell.  She might have to resort to liposuction & a makeover to stay on top of her "game".  I hope Bin is stashing away money for that.

She didn't bounce back after the first pregnancy.  She and Jill both take after their mother and totally lose their figures after birthin' babies.  Plus, both daughters want to be continually pregnant.   

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, Mollie said:

She didn't bounce back after the first pregnancy.  She and Jill both take after their mother and totally lose their figures after birthin' babies.  Plus, both daughters want to be continually pregnant.   

Disagree. She looked just fine in the pencil skirt and flats "workout" pic taken right around the time she would have gotten knocked up with HWS. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Disagree. She looked just fine in the pencil skirt and flats "workout" pic taken right around the time she would have gotten knocked up with HWS. 

Well, here's a before-and-after-baby comparison.  And, no, Ben didn't shrink.  Anyway, she plans to be continually pregnant so she will never try to recoup her pre-baby figure.  She's not fat, but she's developed the no-waste, frumpy figure already.


0 0 1 Jessa.png

3 hours ago, Mollie said:

Well, here's a before-and-after-baby comparison.  And, no, Ben didn't shrink.  Anyway, she plans to be continually pregnant so she will never try to recoup her pre-baby figure.  She's not fat, but she's developed the no-waste, frumpy figure already.


0 0 1 Jessa.png

She, like Jill, needs a better bra.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Mollie said:

Well, here's a before-and-after-baby comparison.  And, no, Ben didn't shrink.  Anyway, she plans to be continually pregnant so she will never try to recoup her pre-baby figure.  She's not fat, but she's developed the no-waste, frumpy figure already.


0 0 1 Jessa.png

She has bangs in this pic, so it's right after Spugie's birth. She lost more baby weight as timed passed.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, ariel said:

I think it will be interesting if Jess's body doesn't bounce back after her pregnancies.  If she's fat & frumpy, that might not sell.  She might have to resort to liposuction & a makeover to stay on top of her "game".  I hope Bin is stashing away money for that.

I don't think she bounced back either, and the more kids she has, the harder it's going to get. She never really was a fit person. None of those girls are.

5 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

She has bangs in this pic, so it's right after Spugie's birth. She lost more baby weight as timed passed.

What is that thing beside Bin that looks like part of a creepy mannequin partially cut out of the pic?

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, RazzleberryPie said:

I don't think she bounced back either, and the more kids she has, the harder it's going to get. She never really was a fit person. None of those girls are.

What is that thing beside Bin that looks like part of a creepy mannequin partially cut out of the pic?

Is it their Fundy singer friend? Flash or whatever his name is ...

  • Love 1

I like Jeremy better in the After pic. Something about the Before pic...I don't know...does he look like a wax statue...what is it?? On the right...looks kinda cute (if you take his personality out of the equation.) Is Jessa really so busy she can't work out? She's too young to look so out of shape. I mean, if she wants to still be the hot one. Or maybe that ship has already sailed.

56 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

She has bangs in this pic, so it's right after Spugie's birth. She lost more baby weight as timed passed.

She lost a lot of weight between the pic on the right and the one below. As I noted before, I think this was pretty close to the time she got knocked up with HWS. 


  • Love 3

None of the Duggar girls have athletic figures to begin with, so if they're spitting out babies every year, they're going to widen pretty quickly. As it stands now, I'd say Priscilla Waller and Alyssa Webster win the Fundie Snap-Back game. 

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Barb23 said:

Ha ha.  Is Flame pointing out Jessa's well endowed nursing bosoms to us?

LOL! See, I have no problem with Jessa's body - she had recently given birth when this picture was taken. What I *DO* have a problem with is her choice of outfit. Especially that skirt. No ... just no.

  • Love 8

Ha, the skirt is the only thing I do like. It looks like it came right out of the hamper, but at least it's youthful. Pair it with a cute tee and some colorful Sketchers. Speaking of - why don't these gals ever wear athletic shoes? I'm a Sketchers addict ... I have them in a ton of pretty, bright colors. She'd look like a cool, modern mom and not the next Michelle. Jessa really is on the verge of turning to the black hose of doom. 

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Except for the unnecessary layer of leggings under the skirt, I don't think Jessa looks terrible there.

Except for like wear it where? Is that a hang around the house outfit, cuz the sweater is kind of nice. Is it a go out with friends outfit, cuz the skirt and leggings are kind of casual. It's like her top half is ready for company and her bottom half is ready for bed.

  • Love 1
28 minutes ago, Mollie said:

It's called being 'fashionably modest.'  And it's dressing like that which gets her speaking engagements giving lectures about dressing 'fashionably modestly.'

Speaking of, I asked one of the christian group reps I work with if they had any interest in bringing Blessa and Bin and she didn't QUITE burst out laughing but she said nah, they don't have anything to say of interest and too many scandals attached to them.  I knew I liked her!  She would be too liberal for the Dugseewaldillvuols anyway.

  • Love 8
36 minutes ago, Mollie said:

It's called being 'fashionably modest.'  And it's dressing like that which gets her speaking engagements giving lectures about dressing 'fashionably modestly.'

Nope it is ghastly.  She can talk all she wants about being fashionably modest  (and so can her fans) but that outfit is terrible.  :-p

Her figure is fine.  She just had a baby, maybe she can stop now.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Except for like wear it where? Is that a hang around the house outfit, cuz the sweater is kind of nice. Is it a go out with friends outfit, cuz the skirt and leggings are kind of casual. It's like her top half is ready for company and her bottom half is ready for bed.

I'd call it an "I got dressed in the dark" outfit. 

  • Love 6

She also posted the video to her FB in case you're blocked from her IG. She is typically pretty good about cross-posting. 

I see Jessa has cultivated the baby voice. It's NOTHING like her regular voice. I wonder if we'll be hearing more of it in the future when she speaks to adults in future episodes. 

28 minutes ago, Absolom said:

He's much, much cuter when he's smiling and trying to talk.

Jessa must have read all of the comments about H. Wilberforce looking grumpy.  Now maybe she will post a picture of herself wearing something fashionable.  (I've never seen a pic of her wearing anything remotely fashionable.)

  • Love 2

Nice photoshop. That was one of their more informal engagement pics. She had two outfits: there were other pics with a yellow skirt, one of which they used for their Joshley-designed wedding invitations. 

eta: We also can cross June 24th off of Joy's wedding date list. Ben speaks at his Former Bigshots of Vision Forum Who Need Attention gathering the Saturday before, IIRC, so we can also cross off the 17th. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 5

I'm Miss Hateful tonight, but I question their definition of fashionable. Where's Jinger when we need her?

Jessa looks like a modest trendy teen in that pic. Actually, if you told me the photoshopped her head on Jana's body, I'd believe you, except for the side hug with Bin. Trouble with Jessa looking like a 13 year old on her way to youth group, is she's a 24 year old mother. Not saying she has to start dressing like Michelle, but she looks like she borrowed that outfit from a middle school kid.

Next, that's a low slung skirt. You move and you're going to have half your butt hanging out the back.  Trying to layer on a bunch of stuff to hide any gap when you're sitting, etc., is just too much trouble. Just wear a skirt that fits.

Last - it really irritates me that Bin looks so normal, simply because the girls have to go out of their way to avoid certain clothing or add layers, etc., thus making them looking obviously different from normal fashion - no even extreme fashion, just normal, everyday, JcPenney off the rack clothing - while the guys totally blend. At least back in the dorky days, they all had dweeb haircuts and pressed khakis, so they guys had to differentiate as well as the girls.

I think Bin's uncovered biceps are defrauding me. He must cover them now. 

The more I look, the more I question if that's a photoshopoped photo or not. 

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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