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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I wonder if after the wedding that Ben and Jessa decide to move down to Hot Springs and have Ben go to work with his dad in the windshield business. Jim Bob wouldn't like it but he couldn't do anything about it once Jessa's married. Looks like the upcoming episode is going to be about Ben and Jessa taking out the little kids to play at a kid's place, hopefully this time Jim Bob and Michelle won't be tagging along as chaperones.

If Boob & MEchelle go with them to the kids place, then Boob can hump MEchelle in the ball pit with MEchelle giggling "you STILL can't do this".

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I'm not sure how that invitation is all that non-traditional these days, considering that the last two weddings I've been invited to looked a lot like that. And one was a big Fundy religious wedding, so it's not unheard of in their circles either.

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I guess I really don't see Jessa as all that snide. I think she is in comparison to her sisters, but that's like saying that Christopher Robin is snide compared to everyone else in The Hundred Acre Woods. And when it comes down to it, Jessa is also capable of saying something personal and meaningful about someone - the way she did in the note read at the bridal shop, or when Jill, Derrick and Jim Bob called back from Nepal and Derrick asked her sisters what Jill was really like. Jessa was the ONLY sister who didn't repeat Gothard approved gobbledygook or remain silent. She talked about Jill as a lovely person. (Jinger will do this occasionally, but usually in relation to herself.)



I like that Jessa has some spirit. I don't think she is snide. She has a bit of a sarcastic streak. I like her.

I totally agree.  Jessa seems to be one of the more relaxed Duggars.  I like that she speaks her mind.  I don't think she gets in as much trouble for speaking her mind because Michelle seems to really like Jessa.  No matter what is said, I think Michelle rules this family not Jim-Bob and she seems quite fond of Jessa.

The only thing I worry about is Ben seems far more serious than Jessa,  He does not seem to share her sense of humor and that does not bode well for a long term relationship.

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Ok now I'm confused.  Derick's brother Dan posted a pic of what he said was a wedding invitation from Jessa an Ben that included their registries.  In Touch shows a different invitation.  I wonder if it is what is on the backside of the invitation that Dan received?



There was "the cake", and then the cakes for everyone else, so perhaps there were two styles of invitations?

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Besides the registries and the invitation we haven't heard much else about JessaBlessa's wedding or where they will live after the wedding. Are they sweeping this wedding under the rug because no one likes Bin except for Jessa and MEchelle?

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Are they sweeping this wedding under the rug because no one likes Bin except for Jessa and MEchelle?


Hannah seems to be very fond of him as well.  She is always remarking about how handsome he is.  Actually, I think the females like him but the guys seem to have a problem with him, especially John David and Joseph.  I have a feeling they are jealous of him.

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I have nothing against believing in God. However, it irks me to no end when people leave some things up to God. Moving, really? For goodness sakes I hope if there is a God there would be other things to be concerned about.


Amen - so true! If there is a God, He or She has much bigger concerns than the kind of details the Duggars constantly hand off to Him [or Her].  To borrow a line from the late [and very smart] George Carlin, "...if there is a God, I can't believe that He's got time to take attendance..."


The Duggars and their kind seem incredibly lazy and passive to me.  They either can't be bothered or aren't bright enough to consider solutions for their own problems, whatever they may be.  The stock answer is "We're leaving it up to God - whatever He decides will be fine..."  If we are going to be judged someday, my own personal belief is this - ALL that matters is how well we've treated each other.  That's the bottom line.  Dear Duggars, maybe - just maybe - God is expecting you to listen and watch others, to consider your own needs and situation, to think and figure out things on your own and to use the intelligence and free will you were given.  Maybe He expects YOU to do some of the "heavy lifting" for yourself.

Edited by NausetGirl
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A new one from Jessa and she's already deleted negative comments.



How ironic given the content of her post. Of course, irony is lost on these people, especially Miss "Cut and Dried" Blessa. The more she posts, the uglier she becomes. I never thought there would be a Duggar more repugnant than Smuggar, but IMO, Miss Duggar may well supplant him. I'm glad Boob has allowed social media so they can show their asses, get the attention they've really needed these past few years, and get off TV that much faster.

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How ironic given the content of her post. Of course, irony is lost on these people, especially Miss "Cut and Dried" Blessa. The more she posts, the uglier she becomes. I never thought there would be a Duggar more repugnant than Smuggar, but IMO, Miss Duggar may well supplant him. I'm glad Boob has allowed social media so they can show their asses, get the attention they've really needed these past few years, and get off TV that much faster.

The said thing is she believes what she posts are true because it is what she was taught but without the understanding of why.  Because that is what she learned without outside influence, there is no ands, ifs or buts about it.  There are some legitimate questions posed but never answered or just deleted.  I don't think she knows how to answer them.  The same goes for Bin.

Edited by abseedee
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It's a picture of Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty. 


My issue with Jessa and her ilk is they're so hypocritical. They rant and rave against abortion, gay rights, Catholics etc., but get butt hurt if anyone calls them out on their lifestyle, which includes following a known sexual predator. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

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i wonder if this one says "Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar". Why wouldn't they use his proper name? Tacky.


The Duggars have advanced degrees in Tacky.  They perpetuate the stereotype of [Michelle's words] "backyard and barefoot" Southerner.  With apologies and all due respect to the many, MANY fine Southerners out there with excellent taste, manners and characters.

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Ben and Jessa are getting married in less than a month, and there hasn't been a peep about where they will be living. Weren't we seeing pictures of Jill and Derick decorating their house one month before their wedding?

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I'm not sure how that invitation is all that non-traditional these days, considering that the last two weddings I've been invited to looked a lot like that. And one was a big Fundy religious wedding, so it's not unheard of in their circles either.


I didn't mind the second one posted all that much and thought it was cute. On the other hand the first one a few pages back - the one that looked like an advertisement for all the places they're registered with an "oh by the way we're getting married" in the background - just not cool!  I hope that's not the new traditional, fundie or not.

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I agree it's weird we haven't really heard a peep about Jessa's wedding while every detail of Jill's was all over the gossip sites the moment she got engaged. I'm wondering if there's some weird stuff going on behind the scenes or whether Jessa's old news since she isn't the first daughter to get married.


I'm assuming she's going to have a pretty large wedding party. Bin has two or three bridesmaid-aged sisters, correct? Jessa will have the J'Slaves, Joy and probably Anna out of a sense of obligation. I'm sure the Duggar boys will have to make up the bulk of the groomsman because I'm not aware that Bin has any friends to speak of. 

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I felt sorry for Cinder-Jana too. I think the dresses would have looked better with another teal layer vs the stark white layer on the bottom. I think she did a good job though.

"Hannie". It is one of my pet peeves when you name a kid & call it another name. They should have just named her Hannah. But that doesn't fit into the stupid J name game.

The comment that shocked me was when Jessa said the pink bridesmaid's dress was pretty, but you couldn't tell because of "all the extra stuff she had to wear"- paraphrasing. I think she would have enjoyed showing that dress the way it was on the hanger without the modesty shirt, shawl, etc.

Joy really looked sad in the kitchen with Jill.

She sees her future. I wish there was a "Free Joy" forum. My heart hurts for Joy and Jana.


New word to drink to: bittersweet.

Much more of this and I'll be off to rehab.

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The People Magazine with Joan Lunden on the front cover has a JessaBlessa wedding update in there. No cake just ice cream and they will have 10 bridesmaids and 10 groomsmen. No word on where they will live.

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JB and Michelle may believe all kinds of things other people find strange or even outright offensive, but they have thousands of reasons ($) to keep from appearing too extreme for their large audience.

Many of the people around them do not have that same incentive. In fact, there may be some amount of pleasure in out religiousing the religious.

What is absolutely possible is that one of their children turns on them - not for being too religious, but for having been too liberal and selling out to fame and fortune.

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I just read something and figured out that the Instagram post


has the background of the Duck Dynasty loser that spread the incredible hate of the gay and lesbian community.  Wow!  She is really putting it out there.  Time for Dumbass Daddy Seawald to come to her rescue again.  

She deleted the post from Thursday and reposted this...which does not give the quote attribution like the original did. Hint: Phil Robertson didn't say it either. It's probably a meme created during HIS big-mouth scandal.


Nice to see that the Seewalds agree with Jessa, and in so doing, have put down yet another religious and (this time) ethnic group. Way to forward the Big Tent of acceptance. The more I read and/or hear from the Fundies/Evangelicals, the more isolationist they appear. There's a reason they keep their kids uneducated; this entire mess would have been averted had Jessa, Bin, or Mike Seewald (also the product of a mega-family) been allowed the education to think independently. Mike Seewald's ad-hom attack "Hitler's dopplegangers" just proves that he attacks rather than reasons his "arguments," therefore rendering them essentially invalid. Or stupid. I'm not even giving that guy a click to read his latest bigoted screed.


eta: The last online People article stated that Blessa will have 10 bridesmaids.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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So will Jana now have to sew 10 bridesmaids dresses for lovely Jessa?  I know, they can dye Jill's dresses brown and then she won't have quite so many to make.  Brown, with turquoise belts!  They already have brown shoes!

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What is absolutely possible is that one of their children turns on them - not for being too religious, but for having been too liberal and selling out to fame and fortune.


I think that both are very possible. Some of the kids may go ultra-orthodox and disavow the veneer of civility that JB and J'chelle have created to keep the dog and ponyt show on air -- Jessa certainly seems headed in this direction. Others may go in the complete opposite direction.


In 10-15 years, I would expect to see a lot of change and I think only a very few will remain on the very narrow path that JB and J'chelle have charted for them.


I also think that their effort to break up close relationships between siblings of opposite gender could allow rifts to develop between the siblings.

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Jessa's colors are navy, silver and coral. Can they dye those dresses navy blue, or just re-use the dresses from Anna's wedding (and the "vow removal")? That would take care of about half of her attendants. I gather the guys will re-use the gray suits that they wore to Jill's wedding. Bin's brothers are pretty young; I guess this means almost all the Duggar brothers will attend him.


(edited for clarity since a post snuck in between that is on a different topic) :)

Edited by Sew Sumi
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It's certainly not at all a position that I personally hold, but there are plenty of educated, thoughtful and non-isolated people all over the world who really do think that abortion is morally on par with the slave trade or tremendous human atrocities that include, but are by no means limited to, the Holocaust. Some of them are even Jewish who lost family in those camps, or Africans who are dealing with similar situations now, or Asians who have lived under brutally oppressive regimes.

This isn't even an American only perspective.

That so many in the Duggar and Seewald world simply parrot what they have been told to the point where it's nearly impossible to imagine having a normal conversation with them is noted. I'm not saying that they aren't often a bunch of know-nothing's in the fullest extent of the American tradition of that word historically.

But that doesn't mean that any given position (including but not limited to the idea that life begins at conception) that they have can't also be held by intelligent, educated and thoughtful people who have spent much of their lives actually living, sacrificing and sometimes dying for those beliefs in ways the Duggars/Seewald types couldn't even begin to understand.

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Jessa's colors are navy, silver and coral. Can they dye those dresses navy blue, or just re-use the dresses from Anna's wedding (and the "vow removal")? That would take care of about half of her attendants. I gather the guys will re-use the gray suits that they wore to Jill's wedding. Bin's brothers are pretty young; I guess this means almost all the Duggar brothers will attend him.


(edited for clarity since a post snuck in between that is on a different topic) :)

Interesting color combination.  Makes me wonder which color would be used IF modesty panels need to be added to the bridesmaid dresses.

Edited by abseedee
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It's certainly not at all a position that I personally hold, but there are plenty of educated, thoughtful and non-isolated people all over the world who really do think that abortion is morally on par with the slave trade or tremendous human atrocities that include, but are by no means limited to, the Holocaust. Some of them are even Jewish who lost family in those camps, or Africans who are dealing with similar situations now, or Asians who have lived under brutally oppressive regimes.

This isn't even an American only perspective.

That so many in the Duggar and Seewald world simply parrot what they have been told to the point where it's nearly impossible to imagine having a normal conversation with them is noted. I'm not saying that they aren't often a bunch of know-nothing's in the fullest extent of the American tradition of that word historically.

But that doesn't mean that any given position (including but not limited to the idea that life begins at conception) that they have can't also be held by intelligent, educated and thoughtful people who have spent much of their lives actually living, sacrificing and sometimes dying for those beliefs in ways the Duggars/Seewald types couldn't even begin to understand.

If I thought anything on par with the Holocaust was happening now, I would be doing a lot more than bitching about it online.

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If I thought anything on par with the Holocaust was happening now, I would be doing a lot more than bitching about it online.

Yep. That's always where their argument comes to a crashing halt.

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If I thought anything on par with the Holocaust was happening now, I would be doing a lot more than bitching about it online.

Hey, now, give them some credit! They're actively campaigning to outlaw this purported baby holocaust. 


And Ben bitches about it IRL too, not just online. Don't forget his classy Roe vs Wade t-shirt. 


Bless these freedom fighters. 

Edited by galax-arena
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Ad-hom attacks, such as caling those who disagree with the Holocaust = Abortion position "Hitler's Dopplegangers" does nothing to contribute to reasoned debate. It just allows the leghumpers to smack him on the back with an, "Way to tell 'em, big guy!" He's doing nothing more than stroking his ego with the platform the Duggars have given him. That he doesn't allow dissenting viewpoints on his blog says all you really need to know about these people. As someone noted earlier, they are really good at parroting the party line, as well as attacking those who oppose it, but do not have the ability to play well with others.


This really goes back to their lack of education in the "real" world. They are opposing stereotypes brought to them by their limited circle of  demagogues.

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Interesting color combination.  Makes me wonder which color would be used IF modesty panels need to be added to the bridesmaid dresses.


Sounds like a pretty color combo to me. I hope if they end up needing "modesty panels" they go for something that's at least in one of those colors and they don't just re-use the white. I think the panels on Jill's dresses might have been a little better if they were in one of the wedding colors.

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Hmmm...  One week Jim Bob and Michelle repeats themselves over and over again. Next week Josh parrots what his parents say. Next week Jill parrots what her parents and older brother say. This week Jill parrots what her parents, Josh, and Jill say. Which one will take over next week.

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Do we know where the ceremony/reception will be? Don't know if it's been said because I'm getting so confused watching Jill &Derickdillard's wedding prep on TV &trying to follow the real time of Jessa's. Just wondering how they are going to pull off the ice cream at the reception. (Keeping it frozen, how will it be served?, flavors, toppings, etc.) All I can think about are the grubby dirty hands of the Duggar kids & adding melting ice cream & toppings to the picture is just Yeck!! Hope this is the last round of wearing whatever re-used clothing (dresses, suits) because they surely will be ruined.

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Jessa and Ben could have a huge Carvel ice cream cake for their wedding. I've never heard of doing this as a wedding cake but I have to say that their cakes are really good. I wish we knew more wedding details but I'm sure TLC and People are keeping a tight clamp on things until they're ready to tell .

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I'm not on board with the ice cream sundaes. With all those little kids in dress-up clothes, all I see is a huge clusterfuck disaster. Heck, even if they were in tees and jeans it would still be a disaster!


To answer the prior question (edited because the ice cream cake post snuck in and I couldn't catch mine in time): like Jill and Derick, Benessa have kept the venue(s) under wraps. It's okay to ask your fans to buy you $30k worth of stuff, but it's not okay to crash the wedding. Since the registries were advertised on the back of the invitation (800 of them), why the need for a public registry other than a blatant gift grab? It appears that they already invited pretty much everyone they personally know.


This all leads me to the conclusion that these registries are primarily for the fans. Some poor schlub bought Jessa her pink hair dryer. *sigh*

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I'm not on board with the ice cream sundaes. With all those little kids in dress-up clothes, all I see is a huge clusterfuck disaster. Heck, even if they were in tees and jeans it would still be a disaster!


I think it's a fun idea, but I'll certainly be curious to see it in action. I think this may be the only reason I'll watch their wedding episode.


I can see it working if the reception is outdoors and maybe includes rain ponchos for the guests, and an outdoor shower/rinse off station (for guests to use while fully and modestly clothed, of course).

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Do we know where the ceremony/reception will be? Don't know if it's been said because I'm getting so confused watching Jill &Derickdillard's wedding prep on TV &trying to follow the real time of Jessa's. Just wondering how they are going to pull off the ice cream at the reception. (Keeping it frozen, how will it be served?, flavors, toppings, etc.) All I can think about are the grubby dirty hands of the Duggar kids & adding melting ice cream & toppings to the picture is just Yeck!! Hope this is the last round of wearing whatever re-used clothing (dresses, suits) because they surely will be ruined.

Ew, you're right, I hadn't thought about that!

I never thought it was a good idea, but just picturing it grosses me out. The only thing that might make it less messy is if they had someone making the sundaes -- just a bad idea all the way around. And can you imagine how long the lines will be for the sundae stations? Maybe they'll have a variety of toppings at each table? Still trying to find the upside to this and there isn't one!!

ETA: Maybe they'll have one of those big 'ol feeding troughs like you use to feed pigs and just give everyone a spoon.

Edited by msblossom
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It remains a mystery why Boob is supporting this relationship. Who would want their daughter to marry a not too bright teenager with little education and no job skills? In the real world the kids would either give in to parental disapproval and call it off or remain defiant and elope. In Duggarland, where the father has an iron grip and what he says goes, the immature couple is given the parents' blessing. It boggles the mind. I predict the first Duggar divorce.

Edited by Hpmec
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Ben is dumb, young and has no real way of taking care of himself, and comes from a family who thinks the Duggars walk on water.  He's perfect for JimBob - he can use him in any way he wants, and Ben is at his mercy because his mind is only occupied with the end goal of nailing the "hot" Duggar daughter. 


I'm more confused about why JimBob would give the okay for Derick, who seems largely indifferent to the Duggars and their bullshit.

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