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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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lol! "His name is Cash spelled $$$"

"If he had been a girl we would have named her Dollar, Dolly for short, spelled the same way of course."

Could you imagine all the Duggar children and grandchildren being taught to say in public: "Show Me The Money" from Jerry Maguire. Edited by BrianJ62
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Jana helping take care of #$6 is actually offensive to me. Ben can ask his boss for a few days off (sarcasm), and take care of his own damn kid. Why should Jana lose sleep to care for Jessa's first born when his FATHER is right there napping with Jessa? Michelle is there for the face time. Seriously, is she going to care for someone else's kid? No but she couldn't even play the role for TLC, enter Jana as her stunt double.

Very cagey on Michelle's part. As long as she's at Casa de Mildew, she can ignore all those annoying children at the TTH. You know, the ones she gave birth to. Jana is working the night shift so Princess Jessa Blessa and man-child Bin can sleep, so Michelle probably sips her Starbucks and watches Cash Cow for an hour or two during the day.

Win/win for Michelle and Jessa, more drudgery and unpaid nanny duty for Jana.

  • Love 14

Exactly!  Why do Bin and Jessa need a full night's sleep? 

Agreed! What the heck. Mom does the feeding if she is breastfeeding during the night. Dad/partner gets some extra sleep while he can, so he can help out during the day and let the new mom nap. The Duggars are around babies all the time.

It's not like a normal family where there are 25-35 years between babies being born. They haven't forgotten what to do with a newborn. Crazies! 


P.S they do not work sooo many nap time opportunities to be had by all;)

Edited by iwadrade
  • Love 6
"Labor is hard," Jessa says with a laugh in this week's issue of PEOPLE. "It was very intense, very long. Everything was different than I expected."


You don't say!  Did she not learn anything from watching Anna and Jill?  Michelle doesn't count, because after a while, I have a feeling all she had to do was sneeze.  I guess they believe the world is waiting with bated breaths for them to reveal the name of their son, like Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

  • Love 8

I think the worst part about it is Bin doesn't have a freaking job. Jessa was only in the hospital for a day, so her issues couldn't have been that serious. If she managed to post on social media and do a professional photo shoot, she can get up at 2:00am to feed her kid.

Jana needs to grow a pair. Her sisters have all but forgotten she existed since they got married, but when they need her for free labor, she's the first one on speed dial.

  • Love 18

Jill and Jessa have shown the heathen that you can almost die doing the one thing women are supposed to do, but the pure of heart survive.  And litte $$$ Cash ShamWow Brown Towel Seewald survived Roe-Wade!

Oh dear lord i am laughing so hard my sides hurt. Thank for the good  belly laugh

  • Love 1

Jill and Jessa have shown the heathen that you can almost die doing the one thing women are supposed to do, but the pure of heart survive. And litte $$$ Cash ShamWow Brown Towel Seewald survived Roe-Wade!

Oh God, how long do you think it will be before Jessa posts a picture of little Cash Cow wearing an "I Survived" onesie? Because we all know it's coming sooner or later.

  • Love 8




"I don't Google my name," Jessa continues. "There's no reason for that, or to look to other people for that validation. We know who we are and find joy and satisfaction in God."


Bull. Shit.


Delete instagram and then we'll talk.


Wow. Massively egotistical and self-righteous much? I'd add that she's a baldfaced liar, but I expect she doesn't Google herself anymore. Since Googling is going to bring up quite a bit of material that runs directly contrary to her golden opinion of her holy self. What a bitch. Not to mention what an idiot. Enjoy your slow painful fall into the horrible life you're going to end up having, you ignorant, arrogant ass. You're just like your evil, disgusting father. I feel sorry for her kid. And maybe even for stupid Bin. But not too much, in his case.

  • Love 18

Very cagey on Michelle's part. As long as she's at Casa de Mildew, she can ignore all those annoying children at the TTH. You know, the ones she gave birth to. Jana is working the night shift so Princess Jessa Blessa and man-child Bin can sleep, so Michelle probably sips her Starbucks and watches Cash Cow for an hour or two during the day.

Win/win for Michelle and Jessa, more drudgery and unpaid nanny duty for Jana.


Now you know Michelle isn't going to be drinking anymore Starbucks until they change those cups. 

  • Love 7

Now you know Michelle isn't going to be drinking anymore Starbucks until they change those cups.

You win the Internet for today, lol. Apparently Dunkin Donuts has introduced a traditional Holiday cup in response to the Starbucks kerfluffle. Michelle may have to switch sides.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 5

The expectations for this name are stratsopheric. They can't go with Gabe (already leaked)/James/Michael (too bland and expected) now.. it's gotta be overthetopamazingomgwheredidtheygetthatname&theyhavetotopIzzy.

Are they? How many people really give a s##.?

I know I don't.

  • Love 2

Are they? How many people really give a s##.?

I know I don't.


Well, we're here posting about it :) It sucks. That gives them media strength, love 'em or hate 'em, if we talk about them they get swagger with the media.


My point is that, they have left it so long, built it up to such an event, that it can only be a disappointment.

  • Love 6

From them presenting themselves as godly christians who were living a pure life they have turned into curiosities.  they try to say they are modest, etc. but they are exactly the same as any other fame whores who do whatever it takes (almost) to get their name in the news.  Really wish someone could call them on it.  None of them are living a godly life near as I can tell although I recognize that I am not there all the time.  Just going to church, reading tracts, going on missioncations, having a zillion kids is nothing.  They should be out raising money for causes, helping at food kitchens or food banks, volunteering somewhere and not worrying about their pretentious "modesty".  As long as there is a skirt involved, they can wear skin tight clothes?  It's okay to be uneducated?  I guess they think so.  


wow, where did that come from?

  • Love 16

From them presenting themselves as godly christians who were living a pure life they have turned into curiosities.  they try to say they are modest, etc. but they are exactly the same as any other fame whores who do whatever it takes (almost) to get their name in the news.  Really wish someone could call them on it.  None of them are living a godly life near as I can tell although I recognize that I am not there all the time.  Just going to church, reading tracts, going on missioncations, having a zillion kids is nothing.  They should be out raising money for causes, helping at food kitchens or food banks, volunteering somewhere and not worrying about their pretentious "modesty".  As long as there is a skirt involved, they can wear skin tight clothes?  It's okay to be uneducated?  I guess they think so.  


wow, where did that come from?


They believe their presence mingling is charity ish. They believe getting love offerings from people is because they are gawdly. There is a huge disconnect. Unless a camera is rolling and comments/message boards notice, then there is a staged TLC charity event. Which may have been filmed and was rumoured to be a failure. How the hell do you fail at charity when you have experienced it your entire life is beyond me. Jessa and Ben don't even pretend to be charitable. They are probably pissed off that they didn't get the TV interviews and baby registries to go with the 19 kids and counting.

  • Love 8

Very cagey on Michelle's part. As long as she's at Casa de Mildew, she can ignore all those annoying children at the TTH. You know, the ones she gave birth to. Jana is working the night shift so Princess Jessa Blessa and man-child Bin can sleep, so Michelle probably sips her Starbucks and watches Cash Cow for an hour or two during the day.

Win/win for Michelle and Jessa, more drudgery and unpaid nanny duty for Jana.

Here's a question that's dumber than a box of hair.


Where's Guinn?


Wouldn't the new grandma love some time visiting with/taking care of her FIRST grandchild? If poor Bin is soooo desperately tired and must have a full night's sleep before contemplating any type of baby care, wouldn't his mother love to help them out?


And again, the Duggars think we are all idiots. YOU KNOW why J-Chelle and Janarella are at the mold house: THE CAMERAS ARE THERE, and TLC is filming. Guinn will be lucky if she gets to see that baby, let alone spend any time with him.

  • Love 11

Okay Jessa - Google this.


You were having ice scream with your sister-child on November 4th, and had BamBam Brown Towel on November 5th. Ten hours into a 48 hour labor would have been the early morning of your birthday, at which time you were contemplating an epidural. Most folks don't go out for a massive ice cream during intense labor. Even Duggars can't add more hours into a day.


Oh, and because the stuff you don't Google, but however still manage to read is "mean", I will add that BamBam is very cute.

  • Love 8

Here's a question that's dumber than a box of hair.


Where's Guinn?


Wouldn't the new grandma love some time visiting with/taking care of her FIRST grandchild? If poor Bin is soooo desperately tired and must have a full night's sleep before contemplating any type of baby care, wouldn't his mother love to help them out?


And again, the Duggars think we are all idiots. YOU KNOW why J-Chelle and Janarella are at the mold house: THE CAMERAS ARE THERE, and TLC is filming. Guinn will be lucky if she gets to see that baby, let alone spend any time with him.

Guinn probably has to take care of her children, and believes that her adult son is able to assist his wife with their new baby since neither work.  Did Michelle help with Anna or Jill? If not it adds credence to your camera theory.

  • Love 2

It never ceases to amaze me how much closer the Duggars come to being Kardashians with each passing day...


The passive/aggressive games of one-upmanship between Michelle and the sister-moms, all the unnecessary hoopla over babies (who cares ? everyone has babies !) and the equally unnecessary delay in naming them !!! 


I say call it a day and just name Baby Brown Towel "North West Seewald" already. Sheesh. 

  • Love 13

Guinn probably has to take care of her children, and believes that her adult son is able to assist his wife with their new baby since neither work.  Did Michelle help with Anna or Jill? If not it adds credence to your camera theory.

We both know that J-Chelle wouldn't take five minutes out of her day to help with Anna's babies. She was (visually) pissed off enough that she had to be at the birth in the first place, wasn't she? Video doesn't lie, J-Chelle!


I also seem to remember that J-Chelle was not on the spot for Jill, either. She claimed to "help Jill" but her idea of "helping" is sending the sister moms over for the real work involved.


I'm betting that the Duggars are doing whatever they have to to suck up any available camera time with Jessa Blessa's blessed event, up to and including pushing Guinn out of the way so they can get another check. I'm also dying to know who the midwife involved was. I'm betting we're not getting that information, either.

  • Love 4

The Kardashians are linked with people of some merit. Olympic medalists, Basketball players, entertainers and now a Victoria Secret model. Do they judge people (I seriously don't know). The Kardashians pursued a sound business model of selling themselves as clothing, aps etc. The Duggars grift. The difference between them is greater than the similarities imo.


Edit. I think Jessa does fancy herself as a Jesus Kim.

Edited by sometimesy
  • Love 10

Another question: where's Jinger in all of this? Wouldn't you think Jessa would want her BFF there instead of Cinderjana? I swear, something is going on with those two. I don't know if Jinger was resentful over being left behind or whether Jessa is jealous of her chemistry with Bin or what. But it's crazy how they were practically joined at the hip and now they barely have anything to do with one another.

  • Love 5

If you watch the video on People, it says that Michelle (pfft, yeah right!) and Jana are staying with the new parents so Ben and Jessa can sleep at night. How lovely for Jana to wake up at 3am to care for yet another person's infant.


Oh what a CROCK OF SHIT! Seriously, Bin and Jessa can't do what millions of Americans do and stay up at night with newborns?! Give me a fucking break! These fuckheads don't even have jobs. What the hell do they need Jana for? Is this a continuance of The Jewelry Box Punishment for Jana? What did Jana do to deserve this?

I hope she makes a run for it and writes a tell-all. I just can't with these morons.

  • Love 23

Another question: where's Jinger in all of this? Wouldn't you think Jessa would want her BFF there instead of Cinderjana? I swear, something is going on with those two. I don't know if Jinger was resentful over being left behind or whether Jessa is jealous of her chemistry with Bin or what. But it's crazy how they were practically joined at the hip and now they barely have anything to do with one another.

Cuz Cool Kid Jessa got married and left Jinger in the dust.

  • Love 4

You win the Internet for today, lol. Apparently Dunkin Donuts has introduced a traditional Holiday cup in response to the Starbucks kerfluffle. Michelle may have to switch sides.

Dunkin Donuts is from the evil, heathen state of Massachusetts. I don't think Michelle would approve.

  • Love 7
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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