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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I don't know if this is a defense of Jessa or an insult but submissiveness is not something that seems to come at all naturally to her. I kind of like her for that. I may not agree with everything she says but she certainly speaks her mind for a woman in this religion. I have no small admiration for that.

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Oddly enough I think Jessa will be the one who cheats, not Bin.

I think Ben and Jinger might have feelings for each other. That video of them talking about Jesus. I think they are more compatible than Ben and Jessa.
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Okay, I just discovered on Jessa's Facebook that Jessa thinks she has a #mancrush on Ben.


Jessa Seewald
August 14 at 11:24am ·

‪#‎ManCrush‬ ‪#‎BFF‬


When I was reading here about Bin's last attempt at a sexy photo, I thought somebody else had put that hashtag in the comments on his pic. But, no, Jessa apparently thinks she has a man crush on Bin. Or thinks others should have a man crush on Bin. Or something. Jessa, you can't have a man crush. Or, if you can, things are even more interesting in the Duggar household than I hitherto believed. Oy. Jessa has a man crush on Bin. Oy.

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Okay, I just discovered on Jessa's Facebook that Jessa thinks she has a #mancrush on Ben.


Jessa Seewald

August 14 at 11:24am ·

‪#‎ManCrush‬ ‪#‎BFF‬


When I was reading here about Bin's last attempt at a sexy photo, I thought somebody else had put that hashtag in the comments on his pic. But, no, Jessa apparently thinks she has a man crush on Bin. Or thinks others should have a man crush on Bin. Or something. Jessa, you can't have a man crush. Or, if you can, things are even more interesting in the Duggar household than I hitherto believed. Oy. Jessa has a man crush on Bin. Oy.

You know, you let those Duggar children out in the world  and on the world wide web and they just make us laugh our asses off. 


But seriously Jessa, is there something you want to tell us?  

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Okay, I just discovered on Jessa's Facebook that Jessa thinks she has a #mancrush on Ben.


Jessa Seewald

August 14 at 11:24am ·

‪#‎ManCrush‬ ‪#‎BFF‬


When I was reading here about Bin's last attempt at a sexy photo, I thought somebody else had put that hashtag in the comments on his pic. But, no, Jessa apparently thinks she has a man crush on Bin. Or thinks others should have a man crush on Bin. Or something. Jessa, you can't have a man crush. Or, if you can, things are even more interesting in the Duggar household than I hitherto believed. Oy. Jessa has a man crush on Bin. Oy.

Oh, it's worse than that, Jim. She thinks he _is_ her #mancrush, and has apparently not been reading her comments, because a number of people have pointed out that most folks who use the #mancrush hashtag are somewhat less interested in breeding than she is...

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Oh, it's worse than that, Jim. She thinks he _is_ her #mancrush, and has apparently not been reading her comments, because a number of people have pointed out that most folks who use the #mancrush hashtag are somewhat less interested in breeding than she is...


They never cease to amaze.


I wish there weren't real Duggars but that somebody had invented Duggars as characters in a movie kinda like This Is Spinal Tap.

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Oh, it's worse than that, Jim. She thinks he _is_ her #mancrush, and has apparently not been reading her comments, because a number of people have pointed out that most folks who use the #mancrush hashtag are somewhat less interested in breeding than she is...


Or she thinks her next show is going to be like that Jessica Simpson Newlywed thing......"mancrush" is her "chicken-of-the-sea".

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You know, you let those Duggar children out in the world and on the world wide web and they just make us laugh our asses off.

They really are embarrassing. IMO, Jessa tries to be the cool, edgy one of the bunch, but she's painfully unaware that she's completely behind the curve. It's like that scene where she and Bin were trying on hats in Paris and she said "winning." I mean that went out of the lexicon what, three years ago? She just needs to stop and stick to republishing other peoples' opinions as her own on social media.

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Oh if only SNL would do the Duggars in the way they did "The Californians", which I loved to death. There is a treasure trove of stupid to use.


The Californians - as portrayed by the Duggars. Perfect, just plain perfect! One of my favorite ongoing SNL skits ever. And I've watched since the very first episode [October 11 1975]. 

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I don't know HOW Bin and Jessa are going to slow down the baby train, without using birth control of some kind.

They have Amy go to Walgreens and buy condoms and deliver to the mold house. This is how she gets the info to leak to People.

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[The] jews have a law called lashon hara (basically, you're not supposed to say true but destructive things if your intent is to do harm) ....


          Oh crap. Does snark count?

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They really are embarrassing. IMO, Jessa tries to be the cool, edgy one of the bunch, but she's painfully unaware that she's completely behind the curve. It's like that scene where she and Bin were trying on hats in Paris and she said "winning." I mean that went out of the lexicon what, three years ago? She just needs to stop and stick to republishing other peoples' opinions as her own on social media.

OMG, she is so lame. You can tell she's trying to be mainstream but due to her sheltered existence, she just fails miserably. She really should give up the holier-than-thou attitude if she wants to fit in with her peers.

Jessa, be your mean girl/Regina George self! We all know you'd be the bitchy sorority girl. That is, if you were allowed to attend a real school.

Whelp, Jessa blocked me on Twitter. Surely I just unlocked some sort of achievement?

I'm guessing you insulted her delicate feelings or offered an opinion of something that she doesn't agree with? Jessa Blessa is not so thick skinned as she may seem.

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On my FB women post pictures of their boyfriend or husband on man crush Monday. It's not just a Jessa thing.


Oh, yeah, I'm sure Jessa's not the only idiot out there. After all, she's a big-time media role model. And she could only be a role model to idiots.

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On my FB women post pictures of their boyfriend or husband on man crush Monday. It's not just a Jessa thing.


Oh, yeah, I'm sure Jessa's not the only idiot out there. After all, she's a big-time media role model. And she could only be a role model to idiots.


Weirdly, the complaints seemed to be coming from her fans who clicked through to the hashtag.

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The funny part of that is the play on names. Ben's name is commonalty pronounced as Bin = binstone which is a play on brimstone.

So they're the Binstones, Fred and Wilma? (This makes sense, actually, since the Flinstones did accurately portray humans interacting with their pet dinosaurs. Fire and Brimstone probably think it's a documentary.)

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So they're the Binstones, Fred and Wilma? (This makes sense, actually, since the Flinstones did accurately portray humans interacting with their pet dinosaurs. Fire and Brimstone probably think it's a documentary.)

So it'll be either Pebbles or Bam Bam.

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So they're the Binstones, Fred and Wilma? (This makes sense, actually, since the Flinstones did accurately portray humans interacting with their pet dinosaurs. Fire and Brimstone probably think it's a documentary.)

With the dinosaurs I'm not completely familiar with the Duggars beliefs on this matter other than they believe the earth is only a few thousand years old.  There is some religious belief (don't know if it's Duggars) that God planted dinosaur bones in the ground to test people's faith in the truth of the bible - that dinosaurs never really existed in the first place. The earth is only so many thousands of years old and such creatures never existed millions of years ago.  God is such a prankster!

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Didn't Jessa say that it wasn't showing love not to helpfully point out to people that they were going to burn in hell?

Someone needs to tell Jessa that the ticket into paradise is believing that God would not be cruel or egotistical enough to send people to eternal torment for simply not believing in him. Not to mention eternal torment would serve no purpose.  

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With the dinosaurs I'm not completely familiar with the Duggars beliefs on this matter other than they believe the earth is only a few thousand years old.  There is some religious belief (don't know if it's Duggars) that God planted dinosaur bones in the ground to test people's faith in the truth of the bible - that dinosaurs never really existed in the first place. The earth is only so many thousands of years old and such creatures never existed millions of years ago.  God is such a prankster!

Sigh...sorry for going OT again. There is a 19K&C epi out there where they went to a creationism museum in Kentucky. I don't remember details, but I remember LMAO and then beeing horrified that they BELIEVE this stuff. If you can't find the episode, here's a link to the museum: http://creationmuseum.org. And, uh, um, pretty sure Blessa went, so, there...so, not completely OT! ;-)

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Someone needs to tell Jessa that the ticket into paradise is believing that God would not be cruel or egotistical enough to send people to eternal torment for simply not believing in him. Not to mention eternal torment would serve no purpose.

Imagine eternity with an egomaniacal God.
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Sigh...sorry for going OT again. There is a 19K&C epi out there where they went to a creationism museum in Kentucky. I don't remember details, but I remember LMAO and then beeing horrified that they BELIEVE this stuff. If you can't find the episode, here's a link to the museum: http://creationmuseum.org. And, uh, um, pretty sure Blessa went, so, there...so, not completely OT! ;-)

I really, really want to check out the Creation Museum, not even gonna lie. 

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On another note, I'd love to know what's going on in the head of Mike "Calvin-and-Hobbes" Seewald as he watches the rich and righteous Duggar family become apparently less rich and righteous by the day. Wonder if he's feeling any qualms about his hot quest to marry off his dim teenager to Jessa, potential mother of kids in the double digits, now that it's looking as if Jim Bob won't have the fame or bucks to help support Binjermin's coming brood or help him attain that lucrative teevee pastorship for leghumping millennials that he and Jessa have been dreaming of.

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I actually interpret Jessa's scripture as a fuck you to Josh.

He didn't confess, he got exposed. He didn't ask for forgiveness, he isn't sorry. He just got caught. He was walking in the darkness, he didn't actively choose to stop cheating, he was exposed.

That's how I read it too.

I read it as a slam to Joshie. 

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I hope none of you are ever on TV again.  Get a freaking job and live in the real world.

I kinda want to see Jessa after 10-15 years of the life she's chosen for herself in the real world. Just to I can know that all we heathens really were right all along. Poverty, looks going, no education, idiot husband, kids. Trainwreck of epic proportions.

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I kinda want to see Jessa after 10-15 years of the life she's chosen for herself in the real world. Just to I can know that all we heathens really were right all along. Poverty, looks going, no education, idiot husband, kids. Trainwreck of epic proportions.

Life is going to get ugly for Jessa Blessa if Bin doesn't go on to get a Bachelor's Degree or learn some kind of trade. Boob has a whole slew of uneducated kids coming into adulthood who'll need support. The Seewalds are going to get pushed to the back of the handout line real fast.

Edited by BitterApple
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Ben seemed to do well the first two years, so he might even be finishing a degree by distance education right now. Something tells me, these two will be ok. JB can't control them forever without a hook like the TLC show. He can give them free accommodation while Ben finishes school, some spending money and j'slaves, but that ends when Ben becomes employable. Jessa is the one who threatened 'jokingly', to elope. She is also the one to push the envelope with the 'modesty' shots. Maybe we will see a more mainstream Jessa in a few years.


If there is a tell-all, they would make the most $'s if they can do it before everyone forgets about them. Ahem. Just randomly put that in the Jessa thread for no reason... Jessa.


K somebody, leave and write the book! dammit. :)

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Jessa is the last one I would want to hear from if one of the kids wrote a book.


Oh, I know. Me too. I just want anyone to write it.  Jinger's story is probably the best option. Angry Josh might just release some juicy details, but Jessa is one, to me, who seems most likely to do it for the money and fame.


That ultra sound she put on Instagram, did that seem zoomed in? Maybe there are two little peeps in there, but she cropped it to show just one?

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Jessa is the last one I would want to hear from if one of the kids wrote a book.

I'm with you, I wouldn't even buy it.  I not only wouldn't  purchase it I wouldn't buy anything she had to say.  It would be about how it's the only right way to grow up or something and how everything she and the royal Duggars do is correct.  If she was trying to make money she would probably throw in a couple of sly stories and a few wrong choices people made but in the end it would all be about how godly and right it was to grow up like she did.

Edited by Defrauder
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Somehow I think Jessa and Ben will be okay.  As much as I dislike Dad Seewald I think he would insist his son have a trade.  And I don't think he would step back and let Jim Bob run everything.  He's no shrinking violet.

Edited by riverblue22
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I'm with you, I wouldn't even buy it.  I not only wouldn't  purchase it I wouldn't buy anything she had to say.  It would be about how it's the only right way to grow up or something and how everything she and the royal Duggars do is correct.  If she was trying to make money she would probably throw in a couple of sly stories and a few wrong choices people made but in the end it would all be about how godly and right it was to grow up like she did.


Oh, I wouldn't buy that one either. That's just another JB Duggar approved tome. I meant a tell-all. A complete about face. Where she realizes how her family is viewed, steps back and understands she has  to adapt. Jessa might see the light, not because she is humbled, but because her trips and followers fade away. But I agree, she is the last one I would WANT to read... but if she is smart and greedy enough....


Hurry Jinger!

Edited by sometimesy
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