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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Rumor has it they are already engaged and they are waiting for the next season to start to make it viral.  I would expect a fall wedding.  I'm sure it will be all about Bin, still being in college, etc and they'll probably end up living in a trailer on the Duggar compound.


Suddenly, I'm seeing Jessa turning out to be the Esther Shrader of this group. Bet she never saw THAT coming.

  • Love 1

It goes to show you how sheltered they are that Jessa wouldn't see anything wrong with dating someone who is 18. An 18 year old guy is so immature across the board and that's what we are seeing with his twitter and Facebook posts. If Jessa weren't suck a vapid person I would feel sorry for her but she got herself into this situation because as we know if Jessa didn't want this courtship she has the power to stop it.

  • Love 4

I have to wonder if this courtship was set up to silence the growing speculation about whether any of the older daughters would ever get married.  Jim Bob probably picked Jessa because she is "the pretty one", and set up a made for tv courtship. Then Jill met Derrick, which was not staged, a little unexpected, but genuine.  Now maybe Jim Bob is scratching his head wondering how to get Jessa out of the courtship with no stain on her reputation.  Just my own interpretation- YMMV.

  • Love 5

Rumor has it they are already engaged and they are waiting for the next season to start to make it viral.  I would expect a fall wedding.  I'm sure it will be all about Bin, still being in college, etc and they'll probably end up living in a trailer on the Duggar compound.

You would think, given the Duggar's belief system, that they were indeed engaged. Otherwise, their nonstop couple-y selfies would look bad. And there's  that one group of photos that sure do look like engagement photos. Why is it ok for them to be so close and touchy for pictures if they are only courting? And wouldn't carrying out a courtship in this manner (so publicly, so cozy with each other) be a big no-no?


Maybe they just want to wait and not steal any of Jill's thunder? The cynic in me says they want to wait so they can film it all and keep the show going. 

RE: the pictures, it seems like normal practice for Fundie couples to take our equivalent of engagement pictures when they are just dating. IIRC, one of the Bates kids had these type of pics taken when they were asked to court. 


i thought they looked like engagement pictures when I first saw them too, but you're right, both Alyssa and Michael had very similar pics taken when they started courting. It wouldn't surprise me if Jessa is engaged and they are keeping it quite. We know the new season will be about Jill's wedding, but TLC seasons are usually split into two seasons in one. I could see the first being all about Jill and then the second being about Jessa planning and possibly a wedding next spring or summer. Personally, I think the longer these two wait, the better. 

  • Love 2

See, the cynic in me says the reason why Ben and Jessa keeps releasing nonstop selfies is precisely so they can steal Jill's thunder. Nothing like staging a bunch of pseudo engagement shoots to get the fans talking. Methinks Jessa was expecting all the attention to be on her for being the first Duggar girl to court but got a rude awakening when Jill started courting soon after and then engaged & married before her. Not to mention that Jessa's probably aware that her sister's relationship with Derick was much more well-received by the public than her and Ben's courtship is/was. Must sting to have her dumb deadbeat boyfriend (because what else is Ben doing besides being Jessa's personal photographer?) be constantly compared to Derick, a MAN who apparently is well-educated, mature, and has a solid, good paying job. I think Jessa and Ben know that pretty much the only thing they've got going for them are their good looks and so all the selfies is to put to focus on what an attractive couple they make.


I have to wonder if this courtship was set up to silence the growing speculation about whether any of the older daughters would ever get married.  Jim Bob probably picked Jessa because she is "the pretty one", and set up a made for tv courtship. Then Jill met Derrick, which was not staged, a little unexpected, but genuine.  Now maybe Jim Bob is scratching his head wondering how to get Jessa out of the courtship with no stain on her reputation.  Just my own interpretation- YMMV.

Yeah I'm not quite as convinced as some that Jessa and Ben are engaged already. Does anyone else get the feeling that Jim Bob doesn't like Ben all that much? Compared to the amount of respect he gives Derick he seems to treat Ben almost like a joke.  I don't think the production crew are big fans of the Jessa and Ben pairing either because they sure seemed to like highlighting all the awkwardness of their relationship (Jessa rolling her eyes when asked about Ben, his pervy "I love watching you cook" moment, him being grilled by her brothers, etc.) It seems unlikely at this point but IF Benessa were to break up then I think Jim Bob/TLC could easily edit (or manipulate) the show to explain why their relationship fell apart while minimizing as much damage to their reputations as possible. 

  • Love 5

The Jessa apple doesn't fall far from the Michelle tree in terms of narcissism. If cell phones had been around in 1984, Michelle would've been the Selfie Queen.


I agree with the poster who said Jim Bob doesn't seem thrilled with Ben. I think JB bit off more than he intended to chew with allowing Ben to court Jessa. Ben is far more vocal and harder to control than they expected - he's a loose cannon. Ben also leers at Jessa worse than any teenage I've seen, ranging from the sheltered altar boys to more mainstream kids who are allowed to hold hands and normal hug. I think that rightly skeeves Jim Bob.


Also, Jessa's makeup gun, and subsequently all the other girls down to Joy, has been cranked up to Playboy level, and Jessa's and Jinger's clothes are intentionally tight. Everything is covered, but you can see the outline of every curve and crevice. They're intentionally making their outward appearance sexually appealing to men. That's not modest. For any one else, not so bad. For people who preach and screech modesty, they need to shut their pie holes.

  • Love 14

Rumor has it they are already engaged and they are waiting for the next season to start to make it viral.  I would expect a fall wedding.  I'm sure it will be all about Bin, still being in college, etc and they'll probably end up living in a trailer on the Duggar compound.

No offense, but people can live in a trailer without their lives being over. I know some of the nicest, hardest working people who live in a trailer park.


I chuckle when I think of Jessa living in one. She seems to be in my opinion, to be a high maintenance type of girl. I do not care for Benny boy much, but I do feel bad for him because he will have his hand fill with her if they get married.

Edited by bigskygirl

No offense, but people can live in a trailer without their lives being over. I know some of the nicest, hardest working people who live in a trailer park.



My apologies, I was not knocking anyone that lives in a trailer.  I was going to originally say live in the TTH along with the rest of them, but I am sure that will never fly, so a trailer on the compound is what came to might as it would be cheaper.  

  • Love 1

No offense, but people can live in a trailer and be some of the nicest, hard working people on the planet without being considered poor, white trash.  A person's life is not over because they decide or cannot afford to live in a house.


That's probably the best decision they could make, if and when they get married. Doesn't Ben's father sell trailers or pre-fab houses? Get a house for a wedding gift and we know JimBob has the land. Ben certainly isn't making anything near a decent wage to support a wife and the inevitable kids anytime soon unless he has a job we don't know about. They could probably live nearly for free if they went that route. Plus, let's be honest, does anyone see Jessa being the happy homemaker type? I can totally see Jill being happy puttering around her house, doing little things while Derick's at work. Jessa, not so much. She'd be more than happy to go have dinner at the TTH every day with the family and then go home to screw around until Ben fell asleep. 

  • Love 3

It's okay.  If they do end up married, will Jessa end up with a nice house like Jill has or will she get the one house Smuggar and Anna lived in. She might end up dumping Ben if she ends up living in a trailer. *lol*


I'm pretty sure Josh and Anna lived in Grandma Duggar's old house. I've read a couple of times JD and possibly Joseph are living there, but I've also read JD had a different house.

See, the cynic in me says the reason why Ben and Jessa keeps releasing nonstop selfies is precisely so they can steal Jill's thunder. Nothing like staging a bunch of pseudo engagement shoots to get the fans talking. Methinks Jessa was expecting all the attention to be on her for being the first Duggar girl to court but got a rude awakening when Jill started courting soon after and then engaged & married before her. Not to mention that Jessa's probably aware that her sister's relationship with Derick was much more well-received by the public than her and Ben's courtship is/was. Must sting to have her dumb deadbeat boyfriend (because what else is Ben doing besides being Jessa's personal photographer?) be constantly compared to Derick, a MAN who apparently is well-educated, mature, and has a solid, good paying job. I think Jessa and Ben know that pretty much the only thing they've got going for them are their good looks and so all the selfies is to put to focus on what an attractive couple they make.


Yeah I'm not quite as convinced as some that Jessa and Ben are engaged already. Does anyone else get the feeling that Jim Bob doesn't like Ben all that much? Compared to the amount of respect he gives Derick he seems to treat Ben almost like a joke.  I don't think the production crew are big fans of the Jessa and Ben pairing either because they sure seemed to like highlighting all the awkwardness of their relationship (Jessa rolling her eyes when asked about Ben, his pervy "I love watching you cook" moment, him being grilled by her brothers, etc.) It seems unlikely at this point but IF Benessa were to break up then I think Jim Bob/TLC could easily edit (or manipulate) the show to explain why their relationship fell apart while minimizing as much damage to their reputations as possible. 

 Count me as one of those who aren't convinced that they are already engaged. My theory is that Boob allowed the courting for the "first courting daughter" storyline but expected to control every aspect of it: the public would see what he wanted them to see then, when it no longer served his purposes, he could break it off and determine the spin put on the reasons why. Unfortunately, he didn't bank on this family being a bunch of fame whores. Between Ben anointing himself as the second coming of Jerry Falwell and his aunt putting everything on FB like a 12 year old girl, Boob's plan has gone to hell in a hand basket. 

  • Love 7

I'm pretty sure Josh and Anna lived in Grandma Duggar's old house. I've read a couple of times JD and possibly Joseph are living there, but I've also read JD had a different house.

Grandma Duggar did not live in Smuganna's house. It was a run-down rental property that had to be made habitable before Smuganna moved in. It's certainly a possible venue for Benessa if the present tenants are on a month-to-month rental agreement. As for JD, his place is on the same street as Jill's, in Rogers. So, two different houses in two different cities here.

If Bin's family makes pre-fab houses I don't see Benessa living in a rental home. He would give them a free house for the free advertisement it will provide his company. It would be a "win" for his dad that not only did they get the "treasure" that is JessaBlessa but the "free" advertisement from the home being shown over and over again if indeed the Duggars show keeps going.

  • Love 2

Just for info, Marci's photos are still on her FB. 

She took down the pics from the church reception, including the food, and pics with Duggars. She left up pics from the reception at the TTH in which her son appears. She also took down those horrible definitions (such as "iniquity" and witchcraft") that the Duggars have taped all over their kitchen cabinets. I think she left up a pic of Cooper with Bin, but I don't think she ever got a pic of Benessa...


...And the angels rejoiced..

When JimBoob and Jill went to Nepal to see Derick, there was a scene where Derick was asking Boob about courting Jill. Did anyone notice and think it was weird that that Boob mentioned something about Smuggar courting and that this would be the first girl and that would be different. Then he paused, and almost like an afterthought, said something like "well, I guess Jessa is courting too, but you guys seem so serious and Jill really loves you" (or something like that). It struck me as odd, almost like he briefly forgot Jessa was courting. Made me think Boob is allowing the whole Benessa thing just for ratings. I think that scene was possibly edited out because I wasn't able to find it after that.

  • Love 1

When JimBoob and Jill went to Nepal to see Derick, there was a scene where Derick was asking Boob about courting Jill. Did anyone notice and think it was weird that that Boob mentioned something about Smuggar courting and that this would be the first girl and that would be different. Then he paused, and almost like an afterthought, said something like "well, I guess Jessa is courting too, but you guys seem so serious and Jill really loves you" (or something like that). It struck me as odd, almost like he briefly forgot Jessa was courting. Made me think Boob is allowing the whole Benessa thing just for ratings. I think that scene was possibly edited out because I wasn't able to find it after that.

If they are edited out stuff like that it's really weird. I assume they edit to begin with, then -- and I don't see it so much with other reality shows -- they edit again and again as people make comments. 

She took down the pics from the church reception, including the food, and pics with Duggars. She left up pics from the reception at the TTH in which her son appears. She also took down those horrible definitions (such as "iniquity" and witchcraft") that the Duggars have taped all over their kitchen cabinets. I think she left up a pic of Cooper with Bin, but I don't think she ever got a pic of Benessa...


...And the angels rejoiced..

Iniquity and witchcraft? WTF?

  • Love 2

When JimBoob and Jill went to Nepal to see Derick, there was a scene where Derick was asking Boob about courting Jill. Did anyone notice and think it was weird that that Boob mentioned something about Smuggar courting and that this would be the first girl and that would be different. Then he paused, and almost like an afterthought, said something like "well, I guess Jessa is courting too, but you guys seem so serious and Jill really loves you" (or something like that). It struck me as odd, almost like he briefly forgot Jessa was courting. Made me think Boob is allowing the whole Benessa thing just for ratings. I think that scene was possibly edited out because I wasn't able to find it after that.

It's on youtube.  19 Kids and Counting Going The Distance For Love Part 7/7 REUPLOAD

It's on youtube.  19 Kids and Counting Going The Distance For Love Part 7/7 REUPLOAD

Thanks, I couldn't find that. Not sure what clip I saw when I was looking for it. Anyway, maybe it doesn't mean anything but it struck me as strange.


For all the pomp and seriousness that the Duggars place on courtships, when it comes down to the guys actually asking JimBob for permission, I have found JimBob to be awkward and unsure. He was like that with both Ben and Derick asking him....almost like he had not thought about the possibility much if at all.....but then he says yes.  And then the questions comes afterwards. And he didn't even talk to Michelle before he went to Nepal about what she felt about a courtship in case Derick asked?  Maybe he was actually surprised by Derick asking, but it doesn't seem like he should have been.

For all the pomp and seriousness that the Duggars place on courtships, when it comes down to the guys actually asking JimBob for permission, I have found JimBob to be awkward and unsure.


That's assuming what we see on screen is real rather than staged. It doesn't make sense, does it, for JB to say on one hand that he introduced Derick and Jill because he thought they'd be a great match, but then hesitate when Derick asks for permission to court?

  • Love 2

I'd be willing to bet actual money that Jim Bob appears awkward and unsure because the courtship "proposals" are clearly staged and re-enacted for the cameras. I think most people might come off as awkward and unsure if they had already done something in real life, and then had to do it again for the cameras. The rest (me in this group) would sound like they're trying not to laugh the whole time.  I'm sorry, you just can't make me believe that the Ben/Jessa in the laundry room thing was how it actually happened. I sure do hope she never watches that episode, or at least if she does, she can view it as the contrived fakery I'd bet that it was.

  • Love 5

This is from the Duggar blogspot on Duggar Wedding Details Part 3.  Maybe I'm reading too much into it but could Jessa and Ben be already engaged?


"Jill's sisters played a key role in the wedding planning process. Jessa, who has been courting Ben Seewald since September 2013, could have used the time to start planning her own wedding, but according to Sierra, she kept the focus on Jill, as did the other Duggar girls."

Seems like Bin is living with the Duggars now since he is ALWAYS with them. Does he sleep in the guest house when he isn't on the famewhoring stinkbus?


I don't know if they are engaged but it seems like this summer we have seen non-stop pictures of Benessa. SMH I hope that she wakes up and that Bin's rants on FB get him the boot out of the famewhorefamily's life.


Right!?!  You'd think he's be working his tail off so he can save up some money to support a marriage.

You'd think he'd be but who knows, maybe his future FIL will open a windshield wiper business for him.  I'm happy Derick got a job on his own and I hope he doesn't leave it for the Duggar circus which seems like Ben has already joined.

Edited by abseedee
  • Love 3

It'll be interesting to see how much Derick does or doesn't want to be involved with the Duggar circus. Unlike Ben he has marketable skills and got a job on his own, so I would think he would want to keep that and pursue his own life and stay connected with his own friends from school, work etc. But the fact that he sought out a Duggar -- knowing their craziness or at least having learned it through the courting process -- and is ok staying in a home owned by JB makes me wonder if he sought out a Duggar because he wants to be a part of that life. In that case I could see him getting tempted if JB opens up a business for Ben or Josh eventually returns to a family business once his DC stint ends (which it will) -- and Derick is offered the role of CFO/Accounting Officer for said family businesses. He seems like an ambitious young man who I think said in an interview at OU that he wants to work for Walmart corporate or another Fortune 500 -- so hopefully those ambitions stay with him, but honestly I am still puzzled at why he chose a Duggar. A college educated Christian man with mission experience and a corporate job is a fantastic catch in the Southern Baptist circles so it's not like the Duggars were his only choice; nor was Jill his college or high school sweetheart -- so this isn't a case of -- I accepted her lifestyle because I've been in love with her for the last 5 yrs. Rather he married a girl that he barely got to know during a supervised courtship and I hope he doesn't lose himself in that process.

  • Love 11

I'm shocked that Ben is still in the picture after his Facebook rant. If Jessa isn't feeling him it would have given her the perfect excuse to kick him to the curb.

I think the Seewalds were definitely scheming to hook their son up with a Duggar girl. I also think Boob had an agenda when he approved the courtship. For years we've been told young men don't court until they've established a household and a career. Ben has neither, so what gives?

  • Love 6

I'm shocked that Ben is still in the picture after his Facebook rant. If Jessa isn't feeling him it would have given her the perfect excuse to kick him to the curb.

I think the Seewalds were definitely scheming to hook their son up with a Duggar girl. I also think Boob had an agenda when he approved the courtship. For years we've been told young men don't court until they've established a household and a career. Ben has neither, so what gives?

I think that's what this culture believes -- that the man has to have a home and career/way to support his family before asking anyone to court, esp since the girls are not educated enough to provide and will be reliant on whatever the man can bring in. However, the Duggars are no longer the typical family in their sect -- even if they like to think they are. In this case JB and Michelle cannot have a situation like Alyssa or Michael Bates -- where their daughters are asked to court by guys in Fl or Mich. and will move out there -- because then how would the tv show keep going. They need the "kids" relatively close by, so that we can have episodes of "Jessa and her family are visiting today" or "we're helping Jessa and Ben move their home or business" or very special birth episodes. I'm sure JB and Michelle have been looking for guys and Arkansas and not finding any that fit their criteria; there are tons of fundie guys that they meet yearly at their conferences but I doubt all or most of them are local to the Duggars and I am betting the more "traditional" ones would not want to move to the Duggars' property to continue the show -- they may want to raise their 10 kids in privacy near their own families wherever that may be.


So here comes an impressionable 18 yr old who is relatively local with a family that is VERY interested in sealing the deal -- right at the time when the shows ratings are dropping. I think JB approves the courtship because he thinks -- I can create a job and household for an 18 yr old with zero life experience/education who is desperate to join are family -- because what choice will he have but to listen to me??

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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