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Jeopardy! Season 33 (2016-2017)

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I actually had to think about FJ for five seconds.  For some reason I thought it was U.S. landmarks, then noticed "in the world".  I even would have had time to write it down.

I know who I'm rooting against, too, @Browncoat.

56 minutes ago, dcalley said:

Those kids overestimating the percentage of adults with bachelor's degrees was embarrassing, but at least someone knew Frederick Douglass.

Well, he has “done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more..."

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Julia was one of the more likable contestants recently for me so I'm glad she got thru. Still thinking this is coming down to Vijay and Lilly. I don't recall them missing a lot of questions during their games. Julia was killing me with buzzing in with incorrect answers a lot.

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9 hours ago, Browncoat said:

Well, the semis and finals will be interesting next week.  Not sure who I'll root for, but I know who I'll root against! 

And yet another instaget FJ for me.

I assume you mean Lilly? I didn't realize she was going to be so unpopular on this thread. I don't share the dislike myself. I'll be rooting for Julia the Classics major, but I don't think she'll advance to the finals. Gary played it safe last night by betting nothing in FJ because he knew he had the wild card spot in the bag. (I laughed at the "Ooohhh!!" from the audience.) I'm guessing the final three will be him, Lilly, and Vijay.

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I've been having a niggling thought at the back of my mind that 'Vijay' isn't correct. I paid attention when they announced the semi-finalist. His name is Viraj.

FJ: As soon as I saw the category, I told the cats, "Either Eiffel Tower or the Taj Mahal."  They are SO impressed by my wisdom.  Perhaps.  Maybe it's my big lap when I'm in the recliner. I'm not sure, but they're impressed.

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I'm rooting for Lilly for the superficial reason that she goes to MIT.  The much-hated Pranjal Vachaspati who won six games last fall, graduated from MIT a few years ago, and I graduated a few decades ago, but that's the kind of place where the culture doesn't change much over the years.  Both Lilly and Pranjal remind me of MIT people back in my day.

People don't like us.  So we have to stick together.

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I liked Julia, too.  She's very personable and she's from my home state.  And I agree with GreekGeek that it will be Gary to watch in the finals.  I think he will give both Lilly and Viraj (thanks Prevailing Wind) a run for their money.   Who will be faster on the buzzer?

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1 hour ago, Roaster said:

I'm rooting for Lilly for the superficial reason that she goes to MIT.  The much-hated Pranjal Vachaspati who won six games last fall, graduated from MIT a few years ago, and I graduated a few decades ago, but that's the kind of place where the culture doesn't change much over the years.  Both Lilly and Pranjal remind me of MIT people back in my day.

People don't like us.  So we have to stick together.

Pranjal's six day run just finished on the Saturday reruns of Jeopardy! I liked him and I don't remember him as being hated. Other than her board hopping, I liked Lilly's take no prisoners, all out approach to the game.  I am betting on her to win.

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2 hours ago, Roaster said:

I'm rooting for Lilly for the superficial reason that she goes to MIT.  The much-hated Pranjal Vachaspati who won six games last fall, graduated from MIT a few years ago, and I graduated a few decades ago, but that's the kind of place where the culture doesn't change much over the years.  Both Lilly and Pranjal remind me of MIT people back in my day.

People don't like us.  So we have to stick together.

Now that you mention it, she reminds me of one of my best friends from high school - who went to MIT. Maybe that's why I like her.

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1 hour ago, MoreCoffeePlease said:

My family had a good laugh with the answer in the "College Major" category that was chemistry.  One of the guys said "International Relations" , which I thought was pretty funny and actually insightful.  Does anyone remember the exact "answer"?

From the J! Archive:


>>Mutual attraction or rapport between 2 people<<

Edited by opus
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15 minutes ago, Roaster said:


Though I am surprised two of three contestants missed FJ today.  It occurred to me right away.

I came up with it, but it took me awhile. Like Alex and Julia, I focused too long on the "busted lip" aspect of the clue. No clue about the rappers, but I liked the more humanities-focused categories. Let the indignation about "Women Writers" begin!

So long to Julia the Classics major. 

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I'm amazed that 2 of these kids missed FJ!  I'm an old fart and have never taken a selfie ever (and can't imagine that I ever will), and I got it almost immediately.

I had high hopes for Julia, too.  Boo, hiss.

@rereader2, yes.  And I believe that if it's after 7pm Eastern, there's no need to spoiler things.  Or has that rule changed?

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It took me a minute but I came up with selfie.

This is my mother's fault for making me this way but people who shove their long sleeves up over their elbows drives me batshit crazy.  I gave my son a talking to because in his fifth grade class photo his sleeves are pushed up and it is recorded forever in posterity.  So that bothers me about Lily, among other things.

Montana was a curious answer for Mt. St. Helens.

Edited by mojoween
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I admit I only got it FJ because I just saw on article about it last week. 

Heh, Joy Reid about Alex rapping "This is how entire societies and cultures die, kids. Just so you know." 

That was a great game - I was hoping Lily would win but wouldn't have been upset with any one else winning, 

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This FJ is possibly the only time I have ever seen something that I could (sort of) legitimately seen as "before their time,"  Not that they don't know selfies, I'm sure they do, but they may not have realized that once upon a time, a word wasn't invented and then instantly adopted, the way it seems to be now. They aren't older than the term, but their notions of social media are definitely in a post-selfie world.  And a post-instant-everything world.

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Dammit!  I was so rooting for Julia.  I may not even watch Thursday's and Friday's games except for FJ.  I can't stand Lilly and her board hopping.

39 minutes ago, mojoween said:

This is my mother's fault for making me this way but people who shove their long sleeves up over their elbows drives me batshit crazy.  I gave my son a talking to because in his fifth grade class photo his sleeves are pushed up and it is recorded forever in posterity.  So that bothers me about Lily, among other things.

1,000 x this!

I was totally clueless for FJ.  I was trying to figure out who the guy was in the clue and was concentrating on "busted lip".  I thought they were looking for a boxing term.

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Another fan of Julia. Loved her calm and polite attitude (I also thought Gillian Flynn was pronounced "Jillian") and how she clapped for the others at the end before FJ. And I loved that she's a classics major, I was always interested in that in college.

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I was torn between selfie or meme. Then I remembered meme was originally coined by Richard Dawkins, and went with Selfie.

1/5 in the rap category . Knew Drake, that was it. 

58 minutes ago, chewycandy said:

Another fan of Julia. Loved her calm and polite attitude (I also thought Gillian Flynn was pronounced "Jillian") and how she clapped for the others at the end before FJ.

 I felt bad when Julia, the Disney trivia expert, didn't get to ring in for Matterhorn. I wanted her to win too. I also thought it was pronounced Jillian. 

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Man, I was really pulling for Julia so that was a hard loss. Great game all-around though.

I didn't get "selfie" and immediately smacked myself after the answer was revealed because it should be obvious. Lilly still bugged me starting in the middle of all the categories.

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In Lilly's defense, they seem to be required to wear long-sleeved school clothes. I would be roasting in a sweatshirt and when trying to win money, I'll go for comfort over etiquette. 

I was sad that these three were matched up. I would have liked more of them in the final. 

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I wasn't pulling for anyone in particular.

I groaned at the clue about the angora rabbit. Something about "Talking turkey," and the link was angora and Ankara. For crying out loud, that was dumb. I was trying to think of a gobbler rabbit.

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2 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I'm amazed that 2 of these kids missed FJ!  I'm an old fart and have never taken a selfie ever (and can't imagine that I ever will), and I got it almost immediately.

I missed FJ -- I thought maybe it was the first use of 'meme'.

I was hoping Julia would win as well.

1 hour ago, opus said:

I proudly went 0/5 in the rap category.

I only got the Kanye clue (which made me sad for knowing it) and went 1/5 on the category.  

7 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I wasn't pulling for anyone in particular.

I groaned at the clue about the angora rabbit. Something about "Talking turkey," and the link was angora and Ankara. For crying out loud, that was dumb. I was trying to think of a gobbler rabbit.

I got that clue based on the picture of the rabbit alone, the clue didn't help -- and it turns out Angora rabbits originated in Ankara.  I did not know that.
Learn something new every day. :)

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3 hours ago, Browncoat said:

@rereader2, yes.  And I believe that if it's after 7pm Eastern, there's no need to spoiler things.  Or has that rule changed?

I expect it was unnecessary to spoiler it, but as it was just minutes after the show ended, I figured better safe than sorry!

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I also thought FJ was going to be "meme," which is very embarrassing once you know the right answer.  On the plus-ish side, I was proud of myself for deducing what I thought would be called "tennesseeum" (which when you look at it seems to be the name of a small, biting, southern bug), but I guess I wouldn't have gotten credit, since I now know it's "tennessine."  Oh, well.  Maybe that's why none of the players dared guessing.

Apparently I'm going to the circle of hell where sleeve pusher-uppers go.  I can't stand to have my arms totally encased in cloth unless it's freezing.  Feels very restricting.  I have an extensive wardrobe of three-quarter-length sleeves, but I'm not ashamed of pushing up the long ones.  I imagine my hellish punishment will be sleeves that fall down throughout eternity.  But at least I'll be able to get things done.

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8 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

Maybe that's why none of the players dared guessing.


That was why I didn't guess. I thought "Tennesseeum" must be too easy / obvious and that there had to be more to it than just recognizing some locations as being in Tennessee.

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Tennessine got named that way because it's in the same group with the halogens (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, etc.), so it got the "-ine" ending instead of the usual  "-ium".  

I guessed "yolo" for the final.  I must be too old.  

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Dammit!  I was so rooting for Julia...  I can't stand Lilly and her board hopping.

Has everyone forgotten that Julia board-hops, too? Sheesh!

Mr. Author was rooting for Julia because she's so pretty. I was rooting for Lilly because she's short and so am I. No, not really. I just like the way she plays. And she has a beautiful smile.


Apparently I'm going to the circle of hell where sleeve pusher-uppers go.

Me, too.  When my sleeves are down, I look like Dopey Dwarf. (Did I mention I'm short?)

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Probably Montana = Mount(ain); Helena = Helens, which is why we got the goofy guess of Montana for Mt. St. Helens.

I fell asleep through part of it. Last thing I knew sombody on Wheel had won $34000 and then Alex was interviewing contestants.  I gotta get to bed earlier.

Edited by Prevailing Wind
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10 hours ago, opus said:

I proudly went 0/5 in the rap category.

Me too; I ran the flowers category so I was pleased with that.

I liked all the kids but I figured Lilly would win.  She wasn't as dominant in this game as in her first.  And she showed more personality this time - I like her except for the board hopping.

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I guessed emoji for FJ.  On the right track but was wrong

I had no clue on any of the rap or contemporary singer categories.  Even after I heard the answers, I had no idea who they were. I just would have guessed Kanye on all of them, got one right. 

I didn't even notice the sleeve thing.  But I hate pushing my sleeves up like that because by mid day they fall back down, they never stay that way

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6 hours ago, Mystery Author said:

Me, too.  When my sleeves are down, I look like Dopey Dwarf. (Did I mention I'm short?)

That's funny because I push my sleeves up for the opposite reason - I'm really tall, so sleeves are never long enough to reach my hands. They look ridiculous and feel weird if they're just a couple inches too short, so I push 'em up! I have no issues with Lilly "Don Johnson'ing it," as they say :)

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10 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

I only got the Kanye clue (which made me sad for knowing it) and went 1/5 on the category.  

The mister got Kanye - but he'd said Kanye for every clue in that category, figuring he had to be in there somewhere. He was finally right.

9 hours ago, burner said:

That was why I didn't guess. I thought "Tennesseeum" must be too easy / obvious and that there had to be more to it than just recognizing some locations as being in Tennessee.

I am a dolt at Chemistry - so I guessed "oakridgeium" LOL.

7 hours ago, Mystery Author said:

I was rooting for Lilly because she's short and so am I. No, not really. I just like the way she plays. And she has a beautiful smile.

Though I like them all, I like Lilly a lot and agree with you. She had me at the project with cookies - I've long said baking is chemistry - which is why I don't bake (see the "dolt at Chemistry" statement).

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41 minutes ago, Roaster said:

Ahhh, we make fun of Alex, but we will miss him when he is gone.


Do we know how much longer he's signed on for? Was actually thinking the other day that I wonder if replacement conversations have happened but honestly he seems just as sprightly as ever so maybe not.

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I'm 32 and got most of the rap category. Not a huge rap fan but if you're a pop culture follower or in the age bracket of these kids, most of them were easy gets. There wasn't anything obscure or anyone older being referenced. The question that included the word "Weezy" was referencing Lil Wayne (which was the correct answer) but Kanye West sometimes goes by "Yeezy" which is why Alex got tripped up there. 

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14 minutes ago, burner said:

Do we know how much longer he's signed on for? Was actually thinking the other day that I wonder if replacement conversations have happened but honestly he seems just as sprightly as ever so maybe not.

His contract is through next season. We'll probably find out in the next few months if he extends it.

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1 hour ago, burner said:

I'm 32 and got most of the rap category. Not a huge rap fan but if you're a pop culture follower or in the age bracket of these kids, most of them were easy gets. There wasn't anything obscure or anyone older being referenced. The question that included the word "Weezy" was referencing Lil Wayne (which was the correct answer) but Kanye West sometimes goes by "Yeezy" which is why Alex got tripped up there. 

I follow pop culture, but none of those lyrics meant anything to me.  I'll admit to changing the radio station the minute I realize that a rap 'song' is playing.  So I basically answered Kanye to every clue, figuring it had to be right at least once.  (Although I have heard of Drake and Lil' Wayne.)  Had it been older rap, I might've recognized it.

Edited by proserpina65
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34 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

I follow pop culture, but none of those lyrics meant anything to me.


Maybe I'm not giving myself enough credit. But all of those songs / artists referenced were from the last 5 years or so. I'd imagine that being on a college campus would mean pretty significant exposure to all of them even if you weren't a fan. It was a fun category just to have Alex "rap" the lyrics.

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I found Lilly endearing this time (she was annoying to me on her first appearance). Here I thought I'd be great at rap lyrics, but I realized quickly that we ain't talking about 1990s rap here. Dang. I don't even know what a weezy *is.*

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1 hour ago, burner said:

Maybe I'm not giving myself enough credit. But all of those songs / artists referenced were from the last 5 years or so. I'd imagine that being on a college campus would mean pretty significant exposure to all of them even if you weren't a fan. It was a fun category just to have Alex "rap" the lyrics.

That's probably true about college campuses.  But you weren't giving yourself enough credit.  I'm impressed that you knew them all.  :-)  (Like ClareWalks, I'd have known at least one if they'd been 90s rap lyrics.)

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