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Jeopardy! Season 33 (2016-2017)

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3 hours ago, SeanC said:

I somehow didn't get Brown University.

I figured that the cornerstone was for Brown University, but I didn't know what state it's in. I'm really bad at knowing where universities are.


3 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

I got Pakistan, John Ford and Disney.

Same here -- except add a comma -- but I think I got one of the DDs that a contestant didn't get. I can't remember now.

As for FJ, I didn't get it. My guess was Catcher in the Rye.

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8 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

I can't help but be strangely attracted to our nerdy champ. Anyone else feel me here? *crickets probably*

He won me over with his first interview. I gotta root for a linguist who works with endangered languages. Even if he maybe had to get a different job later? I want to know what he does as a technical engineer. 

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1984 was the first thing that popped into my head but I dismissed it as not being written in 1949. I then tried to think of what famous novel was written in 1949 and came up with Catcher in the Rye. I then googled and Catcher in the Rye was written in 1951 so I gave myself credit for that....boy I'm really reaching these days....

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1984 was the first thing that popped into my head but I dismissed it as not being written in 1949

That's what I had trouble with because it was written in 1948 or he thought of the idea in 1948...but I guess it was published in 1949.  But if I had been there, I would have written 1984 just because I couldn't think if anything else.

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On ‎11‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 11:05 PM, Fex said:

I instantly knew who FJ was referring to (why? I have seen neither the play, nor the movie!), and was saying "Joel... Joel... Joel...." and finally came up with Grey just in time!

I've had haggis, and it seemed to me it was just kind of a sausage.

It reminded me of scrapple.

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On ‎11‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 8:39 PM, ABay said:

England should've been ruled correct--Peter's time in Holland is best known but he also spent time in London learning ship-building. By coincidence, I watched a documentary on the Romanovs last night.

The flag part of the clue made England incorrect.  The Russian flag is very much like the Dutch flag, same colors and horizontal stripes but in a different order.

13 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I figured that the cornerstone was for Brown University, but I didn't know what state it's in. I'm really bad at knowing where universities are.

Me too.  I knew it wasn't Massachusetts but that's about it.

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17 hours ago, Roaster said:

Did y'all get today's FJ - 1984?

I did not, but I slapped myself on the head when the correct response was revealed.  Definitely guessable in the best J! tradition of clues that allow you to guess.

I started with 1984 and then changed it for some idiotic reason.

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I did not get FJ although I vaguely remembered the fuss about Amazon deleting books. I guessed Tropic of Cancer pretty much just for something to say.

1 hour ago, sugarbaker design said:

I wish Alex elaborated why Amazon did it.

Here's a link to an article about why Amazon did it.

Amazon deletes 1984 and Animal Farm

The only ts I remember getting was John Ford.

tvaddict44, I wish you would not give away future game results.

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1 hour ago, sugarbaker design said:

I wish Alex elaborated why Amazon did it.

The novel 1984 was being sold as a Kindle book illegally by someone who had pirated the book and didn't own the copyright.  Many people had been waiting for the Kindle edition of that book and thousands were snapped up immediately.  As soon as Amazon found out it was a pirated book, they removed it from everyone's library and refunded their money.  In the meantime, the "pirate" also sold a small number of illegal copies of Animal Farm and an Ayn Rand book.  There was a much smaller number of those books sold as Amazon was watching out for the pirate.  Those were also removed and refunded.

Here's the apology about the way Amazon handled it from Jeff Bezos:

An Apology from Amazon


ETA - You beat me to it @Trey!

Edited by CarpeDiem54
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9 minutes ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

ETA - You beat me to it @Trey!

Just by a minute!

Monday night I watched Timeless when they were back in 1969 with the Apollo mission and their very dated - 2MB of storage! (to our time travellers) computers - and last night's Jeopardy! had a question about the exact same thing.

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9 minutes ago, tvaddict44 said:

To Trey and anyone else I might have offended by "giving away future game results,"  I don't see how I could be doing that as I don't watch the show until the next morning early and post after that.  Surely it's not a spoiler if the game has already aired?.....

I think there may have been some confusion about your post. You were speculating based on his performance and not giving away future results, correct?

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9 hours ago, tvaddict44 said:

Glad you all are enjoying the current champ - it appears he is going to be there for awhile...

That really sounds like you had some advance knowledge.  Please accept my apology if you were merely speculating.

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40 minutes ago, tvaddict44 said:

Thank you, teebax - you're always the voice of reason.  Yes - I just think he seems good on several levels - buzzer, range of knowledge, etc. I have no peek into the future....

Damn--and we could have used a psychic, too!

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I was so excited for the Erie Canal category I am glad they finished it.  I ran it, most likely because I basically live dead center from start to finish. 

When they kept skipping all the frak over I knew the DD was going to be in that category. It's sad there were so many TS for something so important to American history.

I did not get "the Whoopster" (shut up Alex).  I could only come up with Rosie O'Donnell even though I was pretty sure she didn't win any of those things.

That lady at the end's story about traveling was really long.

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I have been on a fairly long streak of missing FJ and today was no different.  I guessed Lily Tomlin but didn't think it was right.

I did do fairly well on ts's, getting Black bear, Pilgrim's Progress, Anchor and Buffalo, plus the missed DD of Serengeti.

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Justin's on a roll.  Good for him.

I only got Serengeti and Buffalo.

I stared at the FJ clue telling myself it must be obvious, but for the life of me I couldn't come up with anything.  I slapped my forehead when I saw the answer.

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I thought of Ellen DeGeneres.  Started as a comedienne, then had a sit-com, now has a daytime talk show.  I didn't think the decades were quite right, and I have no idea if she's won any awards, but except for being entirely wrong, she totally fit!

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16 minutes ago, Ailianna said:

I thought of Ellen DeGeneres.  Started as a comedienne, then had a sit-com, now has a daytime talk show.  I didn't think the decades were quite right, and I have no idea if she's won any awards, but except for being entirely wrong, she totally fit!

I had the exact same thoughts! I was also second-guessing a drama award - didn't the FJ clue mention something about that? Once my brain got stuck on Ellen (which was immediately), I couldn't think of anyone else.

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I got Buffalo in the Erie Canal category by singing the song..."From Albany to Buh-uhffalo..."  Everybody sing with me: "Low bridge;everybody down. Low bridge 'cause we're comin' to a town. And you'll always know your neighbor; you'll always know your pal, if you've ever navigated on the Erie Canal."

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I don't know if I would have gotten Whoopi. I heard the answer before the question. (I later watched my recording to catch the whole show.)

For TSs, I got whale shark, Salinger, Pilgrim's Progress, and Buffalo.

I wish they had gotten to the last short story clue. :(

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I got Louis XIV Serengeti and Buffalo.  I thought the Black Bear question was weirdly worded. 

My pet peeve was Alex's stupid comment to the champ about wanting to study Icelandic.

As one who loves languages and learning languages, we despise the question "What are you going to do with it?". I loved the smirk on the champ's face when Alex asked him that! Especially a guy like this who studies rare languages! You don't have to "do" something with a language otherwise we would all only study  Chinese, Spanish, HIndi and Arabic. 

I wish he would have said "I'm going to enrich my mind, then go to Iceland and talk to people, what are you going to do with your pretentious French?".....

Edited by operalover
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1 hour ago, operalover said:

My pet peeve was Alex's stupid comment to the champ about wanting to study Icelandic.

Between that and the "Whoopster" comment, Alex was at an all-time low for me last night. I'm really ready for Trebek to go and for the show to bring in someone new to host. He hurts the show far more than he helps it at this point in my eyes.

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Boo, hiss.  I'm sorry to see Justin go.  And while I knew Dresden = china, I couldn't make the connection to porcelain.  I kept trying to come up with some decorative filigree for the china.  Oh well.

I did get Savannah, WildKatzenjammer Kids and Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel. 

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Crap!  I'm sorry Justin lost to Asim, who was a less than stellar player.  Hope he's a one and done.  I loved Kylie's hair.

I got Galetia (sp?), Bolivia, Rock and Roll Heaven, and Chesapeake Bay Bridge.

I was clueless on FJ.

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Asim wins big from me for "most time spent in the red by a J atty., yet somehow pulling it out" and "most smiles by an J.atty." Oh, and cutest J.atty. yet" (as I remember, but I'm ancient, so there's that.) However, he loses big by beating my "nerdy" champ. And I can't believe he'll make it more than one day. Unless he really shapes up! Go Asim!

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Yesterday's Whoopi FJ was an instaget for me. Today I had no clue but at least I learned Dresden is known for china, and got 3 TS: forgery, rock and roll heaven, presidential sweet child of mine.

I'm very sorry to see Justin go. Lukewarm on Asim so far.

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Congratulations to the new champ.

Asim was in the red for so much of the time I was amazed he was even around for FJ.  I was watching his score and didn't even realize until nearly the end of DJ that Kylie was deeply in the red.

My losing streak for FJ's is finally broken with an instaget of porcelain, since I knew what Dresden is famous for.

My ts's were Thomas Paine, Rock & Roll Heaven and Presidential Suite Child of Mine.

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I didn't get FJ either but I guess I was close. Sorta. I was thinking that Dresden was famous for blue and white china, so I wondered if it was a white glaze the guy in the clue wanted. Then I thought clay, which is what porcelain is, but I'm sure I would have been ruled wrong. NSE (not specific enough).

I got Galatea, though for some reason in my head I said ga-LAH-tia. I think that would have been accepted. I also got Savannah and Calaban. And I said polygamy (instead of bigamy) -- Would that have been accepted?

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13 hours ago, Browncoat said:

Boo, hiss.  I'm sorry to see Justin go.  And while I knew Dresden = china, I couldn't make the connection to porcelain.  I kept trying to come up with some decorative filigree for the china.  Oh well.

I did get Savannah, WildKatzenjammer Kids and Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel. 

I'm sorry to see Justin go as well, but Asim seems nice too.  And he reminds me of someone but I can't think of who.

I probably should've thought of the Dresden-porcelain connection after watching so much of the British Antiques Roadshow, but I was stumped.  I did get a lot of the TS clues - loved the Ferry Cross the Mersey Rule - but not the WildKatzenjammer Kids; my excuse is that I was in the kitchen and didn't hear the entire clue.  And I'm miffed they didn't finish the whaling category.  I was running that one thanks to having read In the Heart of the Sea and also recently re-watching the movie when it ran on HBO about a month ago.

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I loved Almost Before and After! I was very proud of myself for getting the TS, Ferry Cross the Mersey Rule and Presidential Suite Child of Mine. Really clever category. Hope to see it again. Could the writers come up with five of those type clues on a semi-regular basis? It would be a challenge!

Also got "Rock & Roll Heaven" and now also have the earworm, even though it's a song I haven't heard or thought about in maybe 30 years. But you know they got a hell of a band...

Savannah was maybe the first TS I've gotten where all three contestants gave a wrong answer. I must have heard the nickname before because I came up with the answer immediately. I love it when J! makes you remember stuff you didn't even know you knew!

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I thought those word combination questions were really tough. Usually both parts of the clue should be easy and the hard part is putting them together to mean something. But they made both definitions or at least one very hard so no one got them.  Like "part of the Waldorf Astoria that Obama stayed in" made me think that the waldorf had some specific place- not just Presidential Suite-  then the second part of the clue was a song I never  heard of by a band I don't know anything about.  Good for you DXD!!! very clever! The rest of them no one got either- I am usually very good at these things! Boo hiss! 

I thought the FJ clue was very hard as well. Sorry to see the nerdy champ go!

Edited by operalover
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6 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I didn't get FJ either but I guess I was close. Sorta. I was thinking that Dresden was famous for blue and white china, so I wondered if it was a white glaze the guy in the clue wanted. Then I thought clay, which is what porcelain is, but I'm sure I would have been ruled wrong. NSE (not specific enough).

I got Galatea, though for some reason in my head I said ga-LAH-tia. I think that would have been accepted. I also got Savannah and Calaban. And I said polygamy (instead of bigamy) -- Would that have been accepted?

The famous blue and white china is Delft. So you're close, they both start with D!

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Well, crud, no Jeopardy last night because the NBC station that carries it here had football pre-game. 

Oh! This is another reason NOT to leave the Atlanta area. Our NBC station that airs J! has a sister station, so when NBC butts in with crap like pre-game shows or the news show does a "special, extended broadcast," I can just switch over from channel 11 to channel 36 and there's Alex & his stupid French accent!

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