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Jeopardy! Season 33 (2016-2017)

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13 hours ago, peeayebee said:

Right. I admit I could only come up with Wasserman. Stupid addled brain.

I got Wasser....but then I blanked. I am blocking this year out of my mind, I think.

7 hours ago, illdoc said:

Re: the "stay-at-home parent". I wonder why she's never referred to as a "stay at home mom". It's always "stay at home parent". It seems so .... PC (?) to say "parent" rather than "mother" (which, granted being a female parent she is a mother, but it just seems odd).

I thought she was called a stay at home Mom the first night, and parent the next. We watched the recordings one after the other and thought it sounded different.

I don't have any objection to it, perhaps she and her husband trade off like my husband and I did and they prefer the phrase to be gender neutral.

We used our own version of the phrase: "at home" mom, or dad, depending on who it was. I hated the "stay at home" phrase, it sounded too sedentary and trapped to me.  Still, I wasn't unhappy to see her go. She didn't seem too enthusiastic.

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College football = Jeopardy! at 11:35 pm.  Grrrr!

Congrats, Justin!  I'm so glad "I'm bored out of my mind" annoying Stephanie is gone.  Although he seemed smart, Mike made me extremely nervous by not phrasing his answers correctly and saying, "same category", the dollar amount and then saying the name of the category!  Sheesh!

Come on judges!  If you're going to ding someone for adding or leaving off an "s" (for example), Stephanie should have been dinged or gotten a BMS on that Martin Luther King answer.  Sr. wasn't born in Atlanta, Jr. was, and they were both ministers at Ebenezer Baptist Church. 

I got natural gas leak, Rhoda and Phyllis, Tony Nelson and Bering Sea.

I said Wonderland for FJ.  Oh, well.

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On 12/27/2016 at 6:56 PM, Spunkygal said:

So after the lady challenger answers the Affordable Care Act and was wrong (can't remember the clue), the champ then rings in with Obamacare!!??? Uh, no.

Although I knew the actual answer, I do think I can see her line of thinking in following up with "Obamacare" after the ACA had been given as an answer and identified as incorrect.  I believe the phrasing of the question was something to the effect of recent legislation that allowed this "program" to be funded.  The first answer given spoke of the law creating the new health care protocol.  I can see that the next answer of 'Obamacare' was thinking the ACA was the act creating a program for health insurance that we know colloquially as "Obamacare". It would be like someone answering the Social Security Amendments of 1965 instead of Medicare. I wonder if they would have accepted Social Security Amendments of 1965 as a correct answer for Medicare (the official name for one of the new programs established within those amendments itself)? That's the distinction I think the now former champ making in her mind with her follow-up answer.

Edited by pennben
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13 hours ago, YoureSoUrban said:

Same here and I haven't read the books or seen the films. It just seemed right and the show seems to love C.S. Lewis. For TS I got Garth Brooks, Rhoda & Phyllis and belles-lettres.

I'm glad neither Mike nor Stephanie won. Both took too long to select (and called out the category name when there's only one left -- gah!) plus Mike couldn't remember the basics of the game. I also think he was too late for the correct phrasing of Folies Bergère. 

As long as the lights on the podium are still lit, they have time to correct themselves. And the lights were still lit on that question.

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14 minutes ago, HelenBaby said:

As long as the lights on the podium are still lit, they have time to correct themselves. And the lights were still lit on that question.

Not relevant to the answer being discussed, but do you know if they have until the lights go out to start their response, or if the response has to be fully finished by the time the lights go out?

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Well, this is a first.  When I clicked to like your post, DXD526, I got a message saying, "You are not allowed to like posts by this poster."  I think I did it anyway.

This happens to me quite a bit, I get the message telling me I'm not allowed to 'like', then the 'like' registers, anyway. Dare I boo hiss?

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3 hours ago, DXD526 said:

This happens to me quite a bit, I get the message telling me I'm not allowed to 'like', then the 'like' registers, anyway. Dare I boo hiss?

Not being able to "like" a post is a "feature" of this website.  Boo hiss, indeed.

Edited by CarpeDiem54
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I'm always fascinated by differing opinions of "obvious."  On another forum mostly filled with past and future contestants, people will say "everybody should know x" or "that's kid's week level" on things I don't recall ever hearing about (and truly, I think some of that is simply regional), yet Narnia was instaget obvious in my family and many over there had no clue. 

I guess my civil war game is poor and my children's lit is amazing? :)

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This land is described as “all that lies between the lamp-post and the great castle of Cair Paravel on the eastern sea”

The category was Fictional Places.  I've never read any of the Narnia books, but I have heard of them.  To me the possibilities were Shangri-La, Oz and Narnia.  I'm familiar with the other two works of fiction, so by process of elimination it was Narnia!

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My FJ guess was Brigadoon.  I don't know why I didn't think of Narnia.  I may not have read the books, but I did see the first Narnia film.  /facepalm

I'm ridiculously excited that it's a Thursday night and Jeopardy is not being pre-empted tonight for an NFL pre-game show!  YAY!

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5 hours ago, secnarf said:

Not relevant to the answer being discussed, but do you know if they have until the lights go out to start their response, or if the response has to be fully finished by the time the lights go out?

If I'm not mistaken the contestants must finish their response by the time the lights go out. That's why Alex doesn't call it wrong for a couple of seconds if they hesitate. I've never timed it, and I was a contestant almost 20 years ago, but it seems like about 5-10 seconds before the lights go out. Probably closer to five.

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That was a good game!  I don't remember there being too many TS, although I got teal and albatross, and wondered if they would have accepted just Joffrey or if they would have BMSed me.  For FJ, I couldn't decide if Namibia was a member of the U.N., but couldn't come up with anything else, and ended up saying nothing.  Boo hiss.

Smart FJ wager by the woman on the end. 

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Yes, that was a good game.

I figured the answer to FJ would be in Africa but only Kalahari and Sahara deserts came to mind.

My ts's were hula hoop, (alien) abduction, teal, plus the missed dd of Albatross.

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I initially thought the clue said the country was named after a dessert and guessed Turkey (because of Turkish Delight). :)   I kid, I kid.  

But seriously, I blurted out Namibia right after AT finished reading the clue.

Got home late and missed the Jeopardy and DJ rounds, but based on the scores going into FJ all 3 contestants did really well.

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1 hour ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

I got abducted by aliens...

Do tell!

For TSs, I got hula hoop, teal, albatross, and EVA Marie Saint. 

I guessed Mongolia for FJ.

Why did Gerald Ford change his name? I could google, but I'm lazy right now. Did it have to do with a step-father?

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1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

Why did Gerald Ford change his name? I could google, but I'm lazy right now. Did it have to do with a step-father?

Yes. His mother changed his name when he was like two-though not legally-he didn't know his stepfather wasn't his biological father until he was 17.

Edited by biakbiak
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3 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

I have little to add except to say that I said "Herbert Hoover" instead of "Hubert Humphrey" in the HH category.  D'oh!

I said Hubert Hoover, and then corrected myself to Humphrey before Alex had finished reading the clue. I tend to blurt out the wrong name for those two because of the H's.

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Another good game with pleasant contestants.  Mukund is really growing on me, so I'm glad he won again.

I got Joshua and Lonesome Dove for TS's.

I, too, said Stephen Hawking.  When Alex said it was the Nobel Prize in Economics (which the clue didn't specify), I knew it was John Nash.  Did the clue say it was an Oscar Best Picture winner?  I can't remember.  

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41 minutes ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Another good game with pleasant contestants.  Mukund is really growing on me, so I'm glad he won again.

I got Joshua and Lonesome Dove for TS's.

I, too, said Stephen Hawking.  When Alex said it was the Nobel Prize in Economics (which the clue didn't specify), I knew it was John Nash.  Did the clue say it was an Oscar Best Picture winner?  I can't remember.  

Yes, the clue did say it was an Oscar Winner for Best Picture.  I knew the film was A Beautiful Mind, but had no idea what his name was. 

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1 hour ago, pennben said:

I said Gandhi for FJ and was sure I was right. Stunned to learn that he never actually won the Nobel despite numerous nominations. 

I thought the exact same thing!  I actually looked it up, though for sure Ghandi won a Nobel Peace Prize. 

Nope, never did

I did think of A Beautiful Mind as well but couldn't think of the guys name in it.

I don't think Hawking has yet won a Nobel Prize. 

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I missed the beginning of the show, before the interviews. I liked Mukund's (sp?) story about his wife's and his voices.

I think the only TS I got was Lonesome Dove. Hmm, maybe there was another.

I didn't get FJ. That was a tough one. My sister guessed Stephen Hawking. I didn't think The Theory of Everything won Best Picture. My mind went way back to The Life of Emile Zola. I have no idea why I thought of that, but googling right now I see that it did win Best Picture, and Emile Zola won a Nobel Prize in Literature... No wait. He was only nominated. 

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3 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

Was anyone else as confused by today's FJ as I was? I thought the person's name had to be in the title of the movie. I guessed Schindler.

I thought the name had to be in the title also.  My guess was Ghandi since I thought he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Edited by M. Darcy
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3 hours ago, secnarf said:

I guessed Nelson Mandela.

Once Alex mentioned the 1994 Nobel Prize in Economics, I knew they meant the guy from A Beautiful Mind, but for some reason I can never remember his name!

I couldn't remember his name either, nor what field he was in, despite having seen the movie. I guess I don't have a beautiful mind. 

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This has never occurred to me, what happens if you are not specific enough in FJ? Are you just ruled incorrect? I wondered because even though she was completely incorrect she simply wrote down Roosevelt which shouldn't be specific enough (it was Teddy).

Also, I understand that the Atomic bomb was a scientific achievement but Oppenheimer seemed a very poor guess.

Edited by biakbiak
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I also said Gandhi.  Even if A Beautiful Mind had occurred to me I would not have known his name.

My ts's/missed DD's were Lonesome Dove, Alabama and Pope Urban.

I like Mukund, I'm glad he won again.

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9 hours ago, biakbiak said:

This has never occurred to me, what happens if you are not specific enough in FJ? Are you just ruled incorrect? I wondered because even though she was completely incorrect she simply wrote down Roosevelt which shouldn't be specific enough (it was Teddy).

Seems like that has happened before, but I'm not sure. Anyway, I would think that if the answer was FDR but the contestant only put Who is Roosevelt, that would be ruled incorrect.


55 minutes ago, Trey said:

I also said Gandhi.  Even if A Beautiful Mind had occurred to me I would not have known his name.

My ts's/missed DD's were Lonesome Dove, Alabama and Pope Urban.

I still don't remember the "Beautiful Mind's" name. John something, right?

Yes, I also got Alabama and the other DD that the woman missed. 

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Yes, John Nash.  I know because I googled it:).

I wondered how she missed Alabama - what state is a neighbour to Georgia and might have a band named the same as the state and that band might sing a song called Burn Georgia Burn (very sad lyrics)?  Only Alabama.

Then again, I wasn't the one under the bright lights and all the pressure.

Edited by Trey
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Was anyone else as confused by today's FJ as I was? 

Yup. I would have written the title (Beautiful Mind) rather than John Nash. And I would have bet a lot since the Oscars are my kind of category.

Once again I was yelling at the TV. "C'mon, LONESOME DOVE!" And, of course, "ALABAMA." Sheesh.

Happy New Year, my J! junkie friends.

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Yes Lonesome dove came to mind right away, can't believe they missed that one

There is some leniency on the FJ answers.  I seem to recall before if they write down an answer that is unclear Alex will ask them to clarify verbally what they meant.  However obviously if it is something like "Roosevelt" and the correct answer has already been revealed and they don't clarify which Roosevelt, I think it would be a miss.  Otherwise you could just claim you mean the correct one.  Things like spelling though and sloppy writing I have seen them before ask what they meant. 

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3 hours ago, Trey said:

Yes, John Nash.  I know because I googled it:).

I wondered how she missed Alabama - what state is a neighbour to Georgia and might have a band named the same as the state and that band might sing a song called Burn Georgia Burn (very sad lyrics)?  Only Alabama.

Then again, I wasn't the one under the bright lights and all the pressure.

I found the wording to that clue to be very confusing, and I was thinking of Georgia the country.

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1 hour ago, secnarf said:

I found the wording to that clue to be very confusing, and I was thinking of Georgia the country.

The archive isn't updated yet and I don't recall the wording of the clue but I do seem to remember that it was awkwardly worded - it was not an instaget for me; so I guess I am being too hard on her.

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I thought of two movies: A Beautiful Mind (Nash) and the Theory of Everything (Hawking) I remembered both won several awards but went with Nash because I then remembered that Bird Man beat the Theory of Everything. So, Nash it was. 

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1 hour ago, Trey said:

The archive isn't updated yet and I don't recall the wording of the clue but I do seem to remember that it was awkwardly worded - it was not an instaget for me; so I guess I am being too hard on her.

I thought she picked a reasonable band (Florida Georgia Line, I believe)- since Florida also borders on Georgia (which I think was part of the clue). I didn't know the song either, but I picked Alabama because I'm more familiar with old school country bands.

Edited by Clanstarling
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