Tara Ariano August 5, 2016 Share August 5, 2016 Quote Nominations for eviction are revealed. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2460309
Guest August 6, 2016 Share August 6, 2016 Nominations Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/
Callaphera August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 I thought I was going to have nothing to say about this episode. And then Victor's nom speech happened. I think it might top Austin's "Victims, aren't we all" speech from last season. Can someone tell me what the hell happened because I'm still in a daze from laughing so damned hard at all their faces and Michelle face planting on the table to sob (again). Speaking of which, I hope the next care package comes in an ark because they're gonna need it with Zakiyah and Michelle flooding the house with tears. I see the HoH robe is different this week, red instead of the usual blue-y grey. I imagine that Production couldn't wash the Paul out of the last one and just decided to give Victor a fresh one. Thanks for wearing it, though, dude, because otherwise I would have thought Paulie was HoH for a record 7 weeks straight. But seriously. That nom speech. LOL 17 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466658
Popular Post Snaporaz August 8, 2016 Popular Post Share August 8, 2016 #ICan'tBelieveWhatIJustWatched #ExecutivesAreAssHoles #SoSickOfHashtags 28 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466661
SteveAC10 August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 Alrighty then! That was some nomination speech, and some convincing acting by the other execs feigning shock. Their post meeting high fives made it obvious they knew exactly what Vic was going to say. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466663
lids August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 What in world just happened there? Up until this point I kind of liked Victor. And he was nice to Natalie when she lost the HOH and got attacked by internet trolls. He just fell from fan favor so fast. I don't understand the point of his speech. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466664
SteveAC10 August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 (edited) I had liked Victor too. I had a death in the family this week so I've missed the feeds. At some point this weekend Dingo put him on ignore (his ultimate dismissal - Pauly achieved the honor when his asshattery with Z surfaced). Now I know why. Edited August 8, 2016 by SteveAC10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466676
Callaphera August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 9 minutes ago, Snaporaz said: #ICan'tBelieveWhatIJustWatched #ExecutivesAreAssHoles #SoSickOfHashtags #YouNeedSomeFriendshipDon'tYou Hey, I missed a friendship reference in my first post. Had to sneak it in somewhere. FRIENDSHIP! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466684
SteveAC10 August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 Quote FRIENDSHIP! ****shudders***** 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466694
toomuchtv August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 Ugh the girls are just so terrible. I hate the guys describing them as "emotional" and that being the reason to get rid of them, but unfortunately in their cases it seems to be true. Such over the top unnecessary whining and crying!! It's a fucking game people! No one is killing your puppy or saying they hate you or that you're the worst person ever if they put you up! 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466695
PaperTree August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 That was a good HOH. I'm so sorry Nat didn't win, but Bridgette would probably go home. Now little miss clingy is going to attach to Paul? Uggh. Clueless Corey is a have not. lol Meech puking was great! Karma for the fat-shamer. Paul is such a creep. So Day manages to continue screwing up on her way out. Vic totally believes "they" are the girls. Not that it matters since he was targeting girls anyway. "The Executives" meeting was gross. Looks like douchebros to the end. Nicole is such a fraud. Meech is an idiot. Then there's Zak. Just uggh. Sorry, you are a dumb girl. Paulie has her totally conned. Pathetic James gets the care package, Nothing will change. He'll do what he's told. Victor is delusional. the Piss Boys will be done with him soon enough. That nomination speech was really a poor show. You're not going to see F5. Too stupid to see how disposable he really is. They should cut their losses and just give Paulie the check now. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466696
ByaNose August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 (edited) This cast is getting meaner and dumber by the week. Ugh! I guess Natalie's nice but everyone else can go out the door and quick. I.just.can't.with.this.cast.another.week. Edited August 8, 2016 by ByaNose 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466699
Callaphera August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 6 minutes ago, SteveAC10 said: ****shudders***** #FriendshipForYouToo #FriendshipForAll I should probably stop while I'm ahead. Sorry, y'all. I blame the cold meds. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466711
J.D. August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 #FriendshipYourBoy #FriendshipOHHHHHHH #FriendshipTypeThing #FriendshipSketch #FriendshipYouGotMeFeelingSomeTypeOfWay ;P 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466721
Snaporaz August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 Victor's "9 to1" rationale made no sense, either. Yes, Michelle and Z voted to evict him, but so did the ENTIRE freaking house except for Paul. And Paulie was the one who backdoored him! But why do I expect logic from these people? And how do none of them see through Paulie? 21 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466727
TimWil August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 (edited) Michelle to James: I feel like the worst player ever. No, Meech, that would be Lawon. Edited August 8, 2016 by TimWil 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466740
NeelyOh August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 (edited) Vic meant exactly what we think he meant by tossing the Mardi Gras beads. Too bad Michelle and/or Z didn't tell him to go fuck himself. There's still time but the beads will likely be forgotten. I would wish for them to stuff them in Vic's mouth while he's sleeping and for him to choke on them. Edited August 8, 2016 by NeelyOh deleted info from feeds, which is not allowed. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466755
Cherry Cola August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 Can Paulie be voted out, please! I can't stand that smug "bred for this" ass. Oh women are emotional. Boo fricken hoo. Victor, what the hell? He wants Z's affection! I love James, but hate how he is catering to the guys. Hate it. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466761
Gemma Violet August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 I know this has been said before, but it infuriates me that the producers are favoring the guys big time. How about some non-athletic competitions to give the girls a freakin' chance and maybe we'd have a female HOH now and then. Yes, let's all give the half mil to Paulie right now and be done with it. And the Mardi Gras beads infuriated me, too. How unbelievably disrespectful to those women. Seeing Victor go out in the double would be sweet. 20 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466773
North of Eden August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 What a bunch of low class smirking a@$holes when Michelle broke down at the table. And I don't get the whole throwing Jerry beads around like he's Springer or something. What was that suppose to mean. Any way all those grinning tools were Just vile. And speaking of vile I don't know what's more disgusting....Paul's beard or Paulie fondling Zakiyah after the comp trying to woo her as if he didn't just lie and stab her in the back. And you know what...I guarantee the reason he changed his mind about trying to get her out was the narcassistic piece of s#%t realized he wouldn't get getting his ego fed without her around to make him feel like he's the king of the world. My heart sank when Natalie dropped off thus ending any hope to shake up the predicatable noms that went down just the way they did. And the whole two vote thing is going to come to naught since everyone will be voting for Michelle anyway...LOL in your face producers for yet another "twist flop". Finally live feed watchers what is the deal with Natalie and James? All her diary rooms make it seem like she's really into him but do they ever even kiss and make out? All i've ever seen her given at most were pecks and chaste hugs. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466818
Racj82 August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 Man, that nomination speech cracked me up. I can't even begin to be offended by it because it was so over the top. The reactions! Michelle breaking into tears again! Paulie and Corey outright laughing just like I was! Just freaking hilarious. Nor do I care if the guys are "being favored". Somehow every comp is geared towards men winning and then this comp happens that clearly favors smaller players and the guys are still "being favored". Play a better game. The numbers are the same every year and the women always implode from within. I fail to see how that's the guys or the producers fault. I'm tired of gender dividing lines anyway. They are players playing a game. May the best player win. That all I'm seeing when I'm watching. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466819
Gemma Violet August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 (edited) 6 minutes ago, North of Eden said: What was that suppose to mean. Beads are offered at Mardi Gras to women who will raise their top to reveal their breasts. So Victor was basically asking them to lift their shirts. What a pig. Edited August 8, 2016 by Gemma Violet 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466835
Gemma Violet August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 7 minutes ago, Racj82 said: Man, that nomination speech cracked me up. I can't even begin to be offended by it because it was so over the top. The reactions! Michelle breaking into tears again! Paulie and Corey outright laughing just like I was! Just freaking hilarious. Nor do I care if the guys are "being favored". Somehow every comp is geared towards men winning and then this comp happens that clearly favors smaller players and the guys are still "being favored". Play a better game. The numbers are the same every year and the women always implode from within. I fail to see how that's the guys or the producers fault. I'm tired of gender dividing lines anyway. They are players playing a game. May the best player win. That all I'm seeing when I'm watching. Some of these guys are former athletes. They have a big advantage in an athletics-based competition, is all I'm saying. I'd like to see more memory competitions or puzzles. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466844
Wandering Snark August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 (edited) So... this thing is over... it will be Ride of the Douchebros from here on out riding ye ole misogyny train to Broville. *retch* Victol thinks he's soooo big, well you know what Vic? You're NOT that big. The reason the other bros will take you out (again) soon is that you are out of control asseyness on full blast. You may even go before the +1s of the bros (Nicole, Nat and maybe even Paul's new +1 Bridge!) because you have too big a mouth and ego as displayed this evening. Can you say liability?? This is why I was hoping that a non-bro won the Brokeback comp. I'd love to have had Bronte back and maybe this game would have swung differently. 38 minutes ago, Frootloop Dingus said: I love James, but hate how he is catering to the guys. Hate it. I chalk that mainly up to his trying to keep Nat safe too. He's hanging on the outside of the Broliance so he has to do what he can to work his way up the pecking order to secure both him and Nat for as long as possible. Which makes me wonder if he won't just nix his and Nat's votes this year in trade for later favors. I hate that they've made it so whoever gets the package has to read what the advantage they just got gives them. What if someone wanted to keep it secret, keep it safe? And I also hate that the big powers will inevitably be going to go to a "bro" because of sheer numbers. This season... *shakes head* Edited August 8, 2016 by Wandering Snark 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466850
AnnaMayWong August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 Paulie is controlling the entire game...The rest -- DUMBASSITIZED❗ Zakiyah, really??? 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466863
stcroix August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 Vic is so immature still, isn't he? Sigh............ Wish we had a redo of this season, starting with a whole new cast. And a new rule: Group nicknames not allowed. They are too excited at what they're gonna call their secret group. As if that's what counted. Another sigh........ 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466868
AnnaMayWong August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 Bunch o 'insufferable, weak, and submissive Asses genuflecting to Master Ass, Paulie. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466889
Racj82 August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 27 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said: Some of these guys are former athletes. They have a big advantage in an athletics-based competition, is all I'm saying. I'd like to see more memory competitions or puzzles. There has been plenty of puzzle based games that they didn't win either. It is what it is. Most of these games could have easily been won by anyone. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466917
AnnaMayWong August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 (edited) What did Victor want from Zakiyah? Cuz...WHAT?! Edited August 8, 2016 by BookElitist 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466918
RedheadZombie August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 4 minutes ago, BookElitist said: What did Victor want from Zakiyah ? Cuz...WHAT ?! Sure sounded like he was bitching that Z reserves her sexual favors for Paulie. These guys are really pigs - and I include beta male James, who's too afraid to cheer on Natalie. I'm not really holding this breakdown against Michelle. Victor's intent was to humiliate her. How do you not take that personally . Plus, she thinks she was nominated for not voting Da', when she would have voted for her if she knew everyone else was. So they shut her out, then punished her for it. She's more interesting than Bridget, so I'd rather she stay. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2466947
ottoDbusdriver August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 I drifted in and out on this episode. Did the producers change the HoH comp rules at some point ? Chenbot clearly stated on Thursday's show that they could crouch but only their feet could touch the disc -- and there's Natalie with her butt touching the disc. So why wasn't she disqualified ? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467017
Popular Post Eolivet August 8, 2016 Popular Post Share August 8, 2016 I'm trying to figure out how this is 2016 and OK. I'm just trying to figure out how a group of guys can have the goal of getting out all the women, with the excuse that "they're so emotional" and have that be OK. I'm trying to figure out how I think for the second week in a row, a woman of color was targeted for being shady basically for just existing and have that be OK. This show has gone from being a social experiment about how people live with each other and exist with each other and, for me, turned into a social experiment about the mind of people who think differently about others than I do. What goes through their heads to make them think that behavior is OK? And how does a game like this reinforce it? I'm still bizarrely fascinated by Paulie's game, but now I'm rooting hard for a twist that screws it up. Just for a week. But I'm waiting for some card not to fall his way. I figure it has to happen, since he's not a trained professional undercover cop. I want to see him think on his feet -- improvise. I want to see what he'd do if he's staring down the barrel of cutting one of his bros. Who does he lose? And why? I hate to say it, but after watching this episode, I kind of wished the Internet trolls would crawl through my TV and beat me over the head for being dumb enough to still watch this show, when it continually stands for everything I don't like. #HopelessViewer 27 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467061
eskimo August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 (edited) 30 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said: I drifted in and out on this episode. Same here. It went to commercial after the Care Package came and as I got ready to delete it from the DVR, I thought it was strange that the episode was 10 min short. Then I realized it wasn't over. It felt over. I did finish watching the predictable play out, but only for a lack of anything else to do at the moment. Not only do I want to see Vic go out, I really want it to be by his 'allies', rather that his enemies. But I'll take whichever. Edited August 8, 2016 by eskimo 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467076
SevenStars August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 I'm not at all surprise by Victor's speech to Z, because I've seen him complain since he came back about Z only showing affection to Paulie. He complains about her only wanting Paulie's company. He even complains about Paulie going after Z whenever Z enters a room. So his speech didn't surprise me at all. It was just stupid all the way around. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467083
Artsda August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 I laughed at Victor's speech to Michelle. She deserved that. LOL I think Victor's intent towards Zakiyah was to just point out she has no game. The only thing she's interested is in her obsession-mance with Paulie. Not game or anything. If she's not going to talk to him or see where his heads at ever game wise then how would he trust her compared to the people he does talk to? I loved Victor covering Natalie and saving her from the trolls while she was upset. Also his being so impressed by her in the comp he wasn't going to put her up because of that. He respected that move, unlike Zakiyah who just seemed bored and didn't want to play anymore. Laughed again at Paulie dropping right after. He made that so obvious, it was laughable. A good actor he is not, at least not make it that obvious. Zakiyah was told by Paulie on an episode last week that he was voting out Davonne and she's acting like this is a huge blindside? She knew Paulie was voting her out, did she really think he'd be the only one? She's acting like he betrayed her, when he told her and he even pointed it out that he told her. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467084
ByaNose August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 Now, it would be funny if Mish is voted out, has the return ticket and wins HOH. That said, she's playing an awful game & her crying is annoying. That said again, it would drive the guys bananas if all of this happened. LOL!!! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467093
Wandering Snark August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 (edited) 17 minutes ago, ByaNose said: Now, it would be funny if Mish is voted out, has the return ticket and wins HOH. That said, she's playing an awful game & her crying is annoying. That said again, it would drive the guys bananas if all of this happened. LOL!!! Since I kinda love it when "twists" go awry, this made me think it would be classic to see whoever goes out first have the return trip and then be in the second noms and they send them out again. Then Julie could say "What happened? I thought I just sent you back into the house like 10 minutes ago and now you're sitting with me again! Edited August 8, 2016 by Wandering Snark 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467126
thefog August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 (edited) Meech is a passive aggressive mean girl. Even when she crying about being the poor victim for being left out of the loop with Day, she diss Natalie - bitching that even cluless Natalie knew; and that Natalie didn't deserve America's Favorite care package. And Meech always hated Bridget - because she was closer to Frank. Victor and is ego are in for a rude awakening - if he knew there has been talks among the guys about clipping him at the right time. Edited August 8, 2016 by escape 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467145
Callaphera August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 31 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said: Since I kinda love it when "twists" go awry, this made me think it would be classic to see whoever goes out first have the return trip and then be in the second noms and they send them out again. Then Julie could say "What happened? I thought I just sent you back into the house like 10 minutes ago and now you're sitting with me again! Julie: "Tell me what you think you did wrong this time." HG: "Umm... in the ten minutes since you saw me last? Uh..." 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467182
Rosebud1970 August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 How stupid is Victor? Never mind, I know how stupid he is. Titanically, intergalactically stupid. Both Zakiyah and Michelle will be on the Jury. Nominating them is one thing, but flinging Mardi Gras beads at them? Dumb ass! Although, it doesn't matter, because Victor will never make it to final two. He won't make it to Final 3, even. How is it that every season, the girls vow to work together and then end up getting dickmatized by the boys, who then proceed to bro them out of the house, one by one? 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467230
laprin August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 Victor is an idiot. Michelle will be on the jury. I have no hope that this season can be saved other than that I hope a jury consisting of Da'Vonne, Michelle and Zakiyah can poison the waters enough in the jury house that Paulie does not win. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467243
Wandering Snark August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 40 minutes ago, Rosebud1970 said: flinging Mardi Gras beads at them The worst part is it seems all the 'bros' knew it was coming, and I'm sure they encouraged him to do it saying how awesomely funny it would be. *sigh* 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467275
looksee August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 (edited) Leave it to the DB bros to make me wish Frank was back in the house. Throwing beads at the women? Smirking while Michelle broke down crying? FUCKEN KLASSY ASSHOLES. The girls need to wake up and band together to get rid of the guys! Edited August 8, 2016 by looksee 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467328
Summerday August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 Interesting how Zaulie was non existent on Big Brother when things were good between them and only made it on the show when things went sour and he started playing her hard. Now almost the whole show is about Paulie screwing her over. I wonder why BB has shown us all the other showmances non-stop, but not Zaulie. I never would have even known about Zaulie until last week if I didn't read this site. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467364
ByaNose August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 4 hours ago, Summerday said: Interesting how Zaulie was non existent on Big Brother when things were good between them and only made it on the show when things went sour and he started playing her hard. Now almost the whole show is about Paulie screwing her over. I wonder why BB has shown us all the other showmances non-stop, but not Zaulie. I never would have even known about Zaulie until last week if I didn't read this site. I also think it's interesting how BB broadcast didin't show any of the Paulie berating Z the other night. They are showing him in game mode trying to distance him from her but not the personal stuff. Most likely because they want him to be seen in a good light in the good chance that he wins. Even production thinks Paulie is going to win with this stupid cast. LOL!!! 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467466
llewis823 August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 11 hours ago, Callaphera said: I see the HoH robe is different this week, red instead of the usual blue-y grey. I imagine that Production couldn't wash the Paul out of the last one and just decided to give Victor a fresh one. Thanks for wearing it, though, dude, because otherwise I would have thought Paulie was HoH for a record 7 weeks straight. LOL! Truth! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467516
ghoulina August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 So now the boys are are "The Executives". Executives of what? Like they're super savvy business men, instead of a bunch of jocks who were lucky to get the most ignorant, weak-willed women ever to walk all over? Okay then. Then we have the alliance within the alliance - The Board. Except that's really nothing, because the REAL inner alliance is PeePee. And everyone knows there's no "V" in PeePee. Oh how I wish Natalie would have won that HOH. She really hung in tight there, but no luck. I was hoping against better judgment that a tiny girl would be able to pull this off. Unfortunately Big Meech got a case of the pukes - and then the cries. The trolls were the absolute best part. I relished seeing those idiots smacked with giant paddles! So now we have another Bro HoH. Victor gave a "lovely" nomination speech - "You both suck, and here's why. Now have some beads!" What in the ever loving fuck am I watching? A sadistic Mardis Gras celebration??? These people SUCK. The men are puffed up, arrogant assholes and the women are (as I said earlier) ignorant and weak willed. James is the only one I mildly like, but I'm not sure where he's going with his game. So far he's done a good job of playing a low key game and getting pretty much everyone in the house to like him. The guys aren't going to put him up (yet) because they're going to target the girls. If the girls ever got their heads out of their collective asses, they'd target the major Bros and not James. But that isn't going to last forever, and he's going to need to do something big soon if he doesn't want to be lowest man on the totem pole. Frankly, those eviction votes were wasted on him this week. He's not going to want to rock the boat. And Z or Meech, it doesn't matter who goes home, in terms of breaking up the brolliance. I voted for Zak to get the Care Package, but oh well. I should know by now that BB never goes the way I want it to. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467526
ghoulina August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 10 hours ago, North of Eden said: And you know what...I guarantee the reason he changed his mind about trying to get her out was the narcassistic piece of s#%t realized he wouldn't get getting his ego fed without her around to make him feel like he's the king of the world. I think he probably realized that a lot of the boys also have a side chick that they can use for whatever means. So he wants to get rid of theirs before he gets rid of his. 8 hours ago, escape said: Meech is a passive aggressive mean girl. Even when she was sobbing re being left out of the loop with Day, she diss Natalie - that even Natalie knew, and not Meech; and that Natalie didn't deserve America's Favorite care package. And Meech always hated Bridget because she was closer to Frank. Yea, didn't she call Nat "clueless"? I'm like, "Honey, you are the clueless one if YOU didn't know what was going on." 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467556
Primetimer August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 Toxic masculinity floods the house. Is anyone else nauseated? View the full article Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467620
JudyObscure August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 8 hours ago, Rosebud1970 said: How stupid is Victor? Never mind, I know how stupid he is. My family, who are always ashamed of me for watching this, walked in and I briefly tried to explain what was going on, saying that most of these people had IQ's of about 80 but Paulie's was maybe 85 so he has taken control and thinks he should be CEO of something. Just about the time I had that all sorted for them, Victor said something so dumb it made their jaws drop, so I had to correct myself and make his IQ 75. Paulie has done something I thought was impossible and passed Boogie in my most hated ratings. James needs to quick referring to Boogie with his belief that it's okay to bounce checks in the BB house. Maybe, but just know that when you get out of the BB house lots of people are going to have your name on that "don't cash" list they have behind the register. He's a cowardly weasel and dead to me now. I hate all the Executives, none of whom have the brain power to manage a hot dog stand. I hate this season where we have to suffer through return players and their family members, and I hate the word "emotional," for crying as if anger isn't an emotion and having to jump up and down and fist bump for an hour after every tiny win isn't also an emotional reaction. How does a woman crying hurt you or your game anyway, idiots? The only thing I like is the way my spellcheck keeps underlining Paulie -- because it knows it's not a name for anyone over three. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46361-s18e22-nominations-7/#findComment-2467651
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