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S03.E10: The Skinny, Pt. 1

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29 minutes ago, seasons said:

BTW and FWIW, I thought Whitney looked pretty last night. Hair, makeup, dress. It's like a different girl than the one we see when she does nothing and wears those 7th grade glasses. Reminds me of myself - I look like shit if I do nothing, but if I put the effort in, big difference. Well, maybe not big difference,but there is a difference. lol. Looking nice just takes a little time and effort at any size. Maybe they did her hair and makeup for reunion ?

Yes I am fairly certain that she was wearing a very expensive lace-front wig. 

  • Love 3

Whiney continues to prove she is an insufferable person, woe to anyone that speaks something she doesn't want to hear.

She is an awful human being.

That aside, going on looks only, she is a beautiful woman.

A beautiful woman in extreme denial who is also a bully. She should her pie hole completely on bullies, because she is the Queen C--- of being a bully and this is what enrages me to an illogical place and makes me literally hate her, and I avoid hate as much as possible.  All of her enablers are sickening, but I understand why they do that, largely because I have a narcissist bully in my life that I can't effectively setn boundaries with either.


Did this moron actually compliment herself on her flexibility during the skiiing fiasco?!  I am just now watching the episode, my god, delusional is not the right word.  Insufferable, narcissist bully, she needs to go somewhere far away, for a long time.  Awful human being and I'd guess she'd be worse if she were average weight/thin, because she would feel more entitled.  Stupid cow.  Really makes me think of the word "worthless"..and I think that's an awful way to view anyone.  So angry with her I can't even manage it.

**"cow" as in heinous, dumb f--- person, not at all related to her weight.

Edited by OnceSane
  • Love 14

It was painful watching her read the tweets, I think it's awful to say "man the harpoons", but girl is in denial and uses things like this to strengthen her non-issue platform (meaning, she doesn't have a solid platform to stand on, her talking points are weak, and she knows it, hence why she goes into defensive attack mode at even the slightest hint of something she doesn't like to face).


What's his face, in the pink shirt, gave an epic eyeroll during the Twit/Will segment.  OMG, you could tell he was like "wtf?!" over what this heinous beast was saying.  


I stand by, she could be 100lbs, and she'd still be an awful, heinous beast of a person.

Edited by lallalla
  • Love 10
48 minutes ago, M.F. Luder said:

Women do get criticized more, but they also get more love and support. I don't think for a second that TLC would have offered to make a tv show based on a fat man dancing on youtube. Whitney probably wouldn't have so many people calling her inspiring and beautiful if she were a man. 

I'd say it's simply because more women struggle with weight problems than men do. And because more women would be likely to watch a show about a woman struggling with her weight than a show about a man doing the same, because it tends to be more difficult for women to lose weight and Men Will Not Understand Why It's (usually) Easier For Them. 

ETA: And because TLC knows its audience, lol!

Edited by okerry
  • Love 8
12 hours ago, swankie said:

Just once I wish they would get a reunion host that isn't a big ole ass kisser.  I got so sick of this woman singing Whitney's praises and telling her how wonderful she is.  But then, I guess that's what she's being paid to do.  I guess I was wishing that TLC would stay on their "let's make Whitney look like a stealth bitch" program.  I don't like it when they let her set the stage for how this reunion is going to be run.  I'm almost looking forward to the "comedienne" just to see someone tell this idiot the truth about herself.

No matter how much she tried to smile through it, I know Whitney was hurting like hell inside when Buddy said he wasn't attracted to her romantically...EVER!  As much as I can't stand Whitney, I felt kind of bad for her.  But maybe now she'll discontinue all the Boo Bear crap.

I really saw fire when Whitney equated the whole intervention to fat shaming.  I'm also pissed at Will for going so light on her at the reunion after showing very tough love throughout the season.  It made me want to smack him.  >8-(

Finally finished watching.  Not feeling much less salty.  I personally would not hire a trainer who lets their clients get away with what Whit does.  Demand your balls back Will!  No check is worth how you are coming across.  I am sure there are potential clients who would do exactly what you say and not make excuses.  She needs Jillian Michaels.

This is the last show I watch on TLC and I think I am out (after next week, cause you know, the comedienne is on!!).  All I am learning on that station is Whits problem isn't weight, its that she's an asshole who is holding her family and friends hostage.  I searched and searched for something, anything, likable about her.  Found nada.  All I see is a grossly overweight woman with enablers and an awful, haughty, know-it-all attitude.  Sure you fainted because you didn't sleep enough, eat enough, drink enough water (her eyes had that 'I dare you to contradict me' look).  Surely didn't have to do with the 280 EXTRA pounds you are carrying (assuming a 5'1 woman without much muscle weighs 120).  I expect Babs and Glenn will be burying her at some point in the next 10 years.  Perhaps Todd can sing Amazing Grace then.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, okerry said:

I'd say it's simply because more women struggle with weight problems than men do. And because more women would be likely to watch a show about a woman struggling with her weight than a show about a man doing the same, because it tends to be more difficult for women to lose weight and Men Will Not Understand Why It's (usually) Easier For Them. 

ETA: And because TLC knows its audience, lol!

I'd say you're right about the part of TLC knowing its audience, but I don't really agree that men have less of a struggle with weight loss/body image issues than women. I think they're just less vocal about it because men are less vocal about their feelings in general. I think the male contestants on Biggest Loser and Extreme Weight Loss, or just men that I know in real life prove that they have many of the same issues as women.

I guess I just feel bad for Buddy sometimes because Whitney has often brought him into the conversation to deflect attention off of her by saying he's fat too. And maybe he felt self-conscious after she laughed hysterically at how tight his shorts were. Or maybe when Kerryn was bashing fat people, he was offended on his behalf and not just Whitney's.

I'm annoyed at the fact that Whitney is a woman who has grown up with a very, very supportive and loving family, middle class with a good education and lots of friends, had the opportunity to travel and live abroad, etc. and she is now making money off of a story of how she went through so much hardship in her life only to come out the other end fat, fabulous, and loving herself. She's a pampered girl who has always been taught that her FEELINGS are of utmost importance, and now her narcissistic attitude is being reinforced by millions who are telling her she inspires them. What's inspiring about her??? She got this show because the television audience loves reality shows about pretty women. If she were a man, or not so attractive, or poor, or not American, or maybe even if she was a different race, she wouldn't have this platform to cry about how terrible her life was and how great she is now.

Edited by M.F. Luder
  • Love 15

Not to mention, Buddy actually seems concerned that his weight is starting to affect his health--unless Whitney, who tries to play off like, other than her back, her health issues aren't weight-related.  Yes, you fainted from exhaustion.  Yes, mean cardiologist only told you to lose weight because they were too lazy to dig for the real reason you fainted

I just finished watching "the Skinny" this afternoon (I DVR it b/c I can skip commercials and rewind if need be).  I totally agree with what has been posted so far, this is one nasty, angry, narcissistic bitch - I'm not sure why they're giving her a 4th season, (and I sincerely hope that she's around for a 4th season -shame on me, I know that you can be morbidly obese and healthy!) unless the show is going to spin into My Big Fat Fabulous 600 lb. life.  But no, I think if Twit saw Dr. Now she'd snap at him and call him a "fat-shamer."   I think on some level she is aware of what the weight is doing to her, when she was asked about her "back" injury she did admit that she felt her weight might have something to do with her back problems.   However it's much easier for her to sit back, collect her checks, eat her pizza, boss her enablers about.  The Twit has no desire at this time to put in the "work" that's required to eat in a healthier fashion, exercise regularly and in general show some self control/accountability. That's hard and Twit does not do things that are hard. (OK, in her mind she does and would also turn my sentence into a crude joke). She doesn't value her life, her parents & friends concern for her.   If someone calls her on this, she has an answer for every action - and of course she also has tears to fall back on.  I've looked at her FB comments a few times, if someone is critical of her, her fans come to her rescue, if the person continues to comment, she blocks them. 

Her absolute disregard for her health hits very close to home and her arrogance enrages me.  I'm especially touchy, as I had to see a nephrologist yesterday b/c of some kidney problems that I'm having.  Bottom line is I'm going to have to make drastic changes to my diet, if I don't I risk kidney failure and/or having a major stroke.  I'm not overweight and I thought I was healthy, making these changes are going to be hard and not too fun, but I'm an adult, who values life and am responsible enough and don't want to cause any type of stress to those who care about me. 

I too will watch next week, but after this last show I'll probably have to watch it in increments.  I won't be watching this self-entitled brat and her enablers for a fourth season.  They are good snark fodder, but I'm out.

  • Love 11
35 minutes ago, zoemom said:

I just finished watching "the Skinny" this afternoon (I DVR it b/c I can skip commercials and rewind if need be).  I totally agree with what has been posted so far, this is one nasty, angry, narcissistic bitch - I'm not sure why they're giving her a 4th season, (and I sincerely hope that she's around for a 4th season -shame on me, I know that you can be morbidly obese and healthy!) unless the show is going to spin into My Big Fat Fabulous 600 lb. life.  But no, I think if Twit saw Dr. Now she'd snap at him and call him a "fat-shamer."   I think on some level she is aware of what the weight is doing to her, when she was asked about her "back" injury she did admit that she felt her weight might have something to do with her back problems.   However it's much easier for her to sit back, collect her checks, eat her pizza, boss her enablers about.  The Twit has no desire at this time to put in the "work" that's required to eat in a healthier fashion, exercise regularly and in general show some self control/accountability. That's hard and Twit does not do things that are hard. (OK, in her mind she does and would also turn my sentence into a crude joke). She doesn't value her life, her parents & friends concern for her.   If someone calls her on this, she has an answer for every action - and of course she also has tears to fall back on.  I've looked at her FB comments a few times, if someone is critical of her, her fans come to her rescue, if the person continues to comment, she blocks them. 

Her absolute disregard for her health hits very close to home and her arrogance enrages me.  I'm especially touchy, as I had to see a nephrologist yesterday b/c of some kidney problems that I'm having.  Bottom line is I'm going to have to make drastic changes to my diet, if I don't I risk kidney failure and/or having a major stroke.  I'm not overweight and I thought I was healthy, making these changes are going to be hard and not too fun, but I'm an adult, who values life and am responsible enough and don't want to cause any type of stress to those who care about me. 

I too will watch next week, but after this last show I'll probably have to watch it in increments.  I won't be watching this self-entitled brat and her enablers for a fourth season.  They are good snark fodder, but I'm out.

Good luck!!!  Not fun or easy to go through.

  • Love 6

I am a hairdresser and I really notice her hair. I kept thinking it looks so nice in the talking heads (and darker!) and then compare it to her in her dance class or at home and it always looks so thin and stringy! I then noticed something a few weeks ago, when I just started watching this show, her hair on the stairs the 1st time they showed her with Will. You could see some bad, cheap looking hair extension CLIPPED into her hair! I watched again and could not take my eyes off them. Well then last night when Whit was commenting on what we would see in the reunion flash backs and re-watching the show....she said "I will realize how BALD I am!!!" I am certain she had a wig on last night. Either that or she had professional hair extensions put in. I know hair. Hair is a reflection of health. Hair gets all the vitamins and good stuff after your body does. Hair is not VITAL to life, as you see when chemo therapy patients lose their hair. It just proves how bad her health really is. She ain't fooling everyone.

  • Love 12

Amen and thank you to Madding crowd for your observation:


I  have nothing but compassion for those struggling with weight, with addiction or with living life in pain. My mother in law needs help putting on her shoes or getting into a chair and I have nothing but compassion for her. I think Whitney does attempt to do many things and she is as mobile as she can be. And it it not always a given that fat people will lose weight nor it is a given that fat causes every disease. Much of fat hatred is directed at how a person looks not concern over their health. Of course she could do much better, none of us are perfect. 

I understand the frustration that many posters express about Whitney's conduct, but she seems to be struggling with an addiction.

Maybe a residential treatment center would be helpful.

Edited by grayson
  • Love 10
11 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

And did I hear correctly last night that there's only 10 lbs difference between Buddy and Whitney weight wise? Doesn't look like it to me.

I didn't hear a specific number of pounds mentioned (doesn't mean it wasn't said, just that I didn't hear it.). I did hear her say that he was just as fat, before deflecting the conversation. As I said earlier, he may be fat. He is fat. But I don't believe for a second that he's circling 400 lbs. And, as others noted, whatever his scale reading, he doesn't seem to have trouble tending to life's necessities - like, oh, putting on and wearing his own shoes.

And, yes. Add me to the "weight be damned. She's just a heinous monster." group. 

Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Calibabydolly said:

I am a hairdresser and I really notice her hair. I kept thinking it looks so nice in the talking heads (and darker!) and then compare it to her in her dance class or at home and it always looks so thin and stringy! I then noticed something a few weeks ago, when I just started watching this show, her hair on the stairs the 1st time they showed her with Will. You could see some bad, cheap looking hair extension CLIPPED into her hair! I watched again and could not take my eyes off them. Well then last night when Whit was commenting on what we would see in the reunion flash backs and re-watching the show....she said "I will realize how BALD I am!!!" I am certain she had a wig on last night. Either that or she had professional hair extensions put in. I know hair. Hair is a reflection of health. Hair gets all the vitamins and good stuff after your body does. Hair is not VITAL to life, as you see when chemo therapy patients lose their hair. It just proves how bad her health really is. She ain't fooling everyone.

I'm also a hairdresser and always notice her terrible extensions too. I think they might be tape in ones, but could also be clip ins. I think she might be getting more in to wigs recently. On her Instagram she recently had blonde hair and her hair from last night looked really good. PCOS does cause hair loss (that's one thing she can blame it on lol). I have an autoimmune thyroid disease and have hair loss too. I have been able to keep it at a minimum though because I try to take care of myself and stay healthy. I think her total disregard for her health makes her hair loss much worse than it could be. Does anyone know if she's ever talked about if she's taking medication for her PCOS? 

  • Love 3

Buddy said there was a 20 pound weight difference between them. That may be true, but Buddy is taller and carries his weight significantly different than her. I wouldn't be surprised if Whitney's waist measurement is almost twice Buddy's. Midsection weight is the most dangerous for your health.

Buddy really needs to start taking care of himself, too. He looks like he's 50 and he has the energy of a sloth. I think those 2 feed into each other's distortions of what is "normal". These 2 have a whole system down for how to hide how often they indulge. Whitney acts like it's normal to eat pizza so often, and that people only think it's weird because she's fat. Whitney and Buddy reinforce each other's bad habits, and Whitney is convinced her habits are normal and she's healthy so she never has a wakeup call.

Edited by M.F. Luder
was too focused on my experience
  • Love 15

I'm not sure she's truly struggling with addiction. Struggling implies conflict. I don't think she's doing anything at all to improve her food issues or her weight. She doesn't see a problem. I wouldn't say she's trying but doing poorly at it. She's just not trying at all. She doesn't want to change the way she eats. So she really isn't struggling with addiction. She has food issues and she likes it. I don't believe you have to be winning a fight against addiction to be actually struggling, but I do think you have to at least want to change. She doesn't. 

  • Love 18

Whitney pretty much admitted to her narcissism when she said Todd was right about her need to be the star when discussing why she dislikes Caitie. Her only reason for not liking Caitie is because she asked if she could hold BGDC in Whitney's absence and then did it anyway when Whitney said no. If Whitney truly wants to empower women to dance and enjoy life regardless of their size, I don't see why she would have a problem letting someone fill in for her. It's not like BGDC is a real brand/business that she needs to protect. It's really just a group of women that like to dance together...she should support them doing that with or without her, either in the studio or in a park, someone's house, a nightclub, etc. Her attitude toward someone else hosting it shows that her top priority is really being seen as the leader for these women instead of just celebrating the women's desire to dance.

  • Love 16

3girls for us, I totally agree. Jeff from Intervention always says to the addict "these people love you like crazy and want to fight to get you back. We're asking you to join the fight." Twit either can't or won't join the fight. Family and friends can't help her, she has to want it, and she doesn't. 

Edited by jacksgirl
Spelling counts
  • Love 12
14 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I tuned in for the snark and laugh factor. Her terrible attitude, however, made me inexplicably angry. It almost wasn't fun to watch. I refuse to feel sorry for such a volatile person who refuses to accept personal responsibilty for their actions.

And I do not believe those social media posts were real.

Most people with even a modicum of celebrity, or even just a someone who dares to express an opinion on the internet, has gotten death threats, rape threats, go kill yourself messages... they're basically a staple of online comments. Not only is Whitney on reality tv, she also is a woman, fat, and expresses pretty strong opinions. So to me the idea that those comments weren't real is absolutely absurd.  

14 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I think most of the animosity comes from the way she acts, not the way she looks. She is an extremely unplesant person.

I disagree. For instance, forums like this are moderated and try to point out when people get too close to fat shaming. So the majority of things said stick to her personality. Stuff like Twitter and Facebook is not looked at nearly as closely and people definitely are not inclined to hold back on body shaming her. I don't understand. If people will do this to fat people to their face without knowing shit about them, why is it hard to believe they'd do it online. 


14 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

Yeah, even if they are real, so what? Seriously. Every single television personality gets tweets like that. While I don't think they are at all appropriate, they are part of the job of modern "celebrity." No matter how great you are, someone will not like you, and that someone probably has Twitter or Facebook and knows how to use them. Whitney, being an awful person, probably gets more than her fair share, but for someone who claims to be so confident and not care what people think, she sure has a thin skin.

So what? It matters because telling someone you're disappointed they didn't die or that you hope they kill themselves is vile. It's more than people "not liking" you. A lot of people I know might not like someone, but would never dream of saying something like that to that person. Saying that something isn't "appropriate," but "so what" because it's "part of the job" doesn't make any sense to me. It's not right, full stop. Online harassment, specifically with women, is never something to just brush off. Just because it's common doesn't mean it needs to be normalized as well. 

Also, the point she was trying to make is that she isn't the only person to receive this kind of hate. There are fat people that experience this that don't have half of the support she has. I mean, how dare she claim to be confident, but also be upset when people tell her to die on a routine basis? I'm pretty sure someone would have to be a robot incapable of feelings for that not to bother them. 

  • Love 16
11 hours ago, MrsBestes said:

. Does anyone know if she's ever talked about if she's taking medication for her PCOS? 

the medication for PCOS is metformin and then you can also take inositol and progesteron.. It doesnt make the hairloss better though. She never mentioned it, metformin makes you really sick so i think that would get talked about..It basically makes your body handle carbs the same way as in a healthy person, but not everybody tolerates it .. So her endocrinologist probably didnt prescribe her that..

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, PhereNicae1 said:

the medication for PCOS is metformin and then you can also take inositol and progesteron.. It doesnt make the hairloss better though. She never mentioned it, metformin makes you really sick so i think that would get talked about..It basically makes your body handle carbs the same way as in a healthy person, but not everybody tolerates it .. So her endocrinologist probably didnt prescribe her that..

I highly doubt she even has am endocrinologist. If she ever had one and he ever asked her about her eating habits she'd have left his office stomping and complaining how he fat shamed her.

  • Love 14
19 hours ago, Cherrio said:

I thought the same thing, especially the hair line /part looked fake.  

This is something I feel sorry for Vitney about. I also have thinning hair and look bald i the front and around the part. I've gone the wig route myself and it sucks. It is a problem A LOT of women have but no one talks about it. There really is no good solution. For many years I wore semi-permanent  "top piece" and then have extensions sewn to that. It looked very realistic but had to be redone every 4 weeks at a cost of $200 or so and the piece needed to be replaced every year for $1500. The top piece was glued on so you could wash it and didn't take it off. It got so expensive I finally went back to bald. I wear a lot of hats. I part my hair a certain way. I did love having long, beautiful hair but it was also uncomfortable, hard to wash and just a total pain in the ass.

  • Love 8

Oh, cinnamini11, you are wise. 

So wise,  I feel guilty for thinking that Whit dying would  be "just desserts",  for her and her family/friends,  cuz she and the social barnacles/enablers are so maddening!

Thank you for making me think harder abt this terrible rationale for my frustration with Whit's inane,  (and insane--thanks , autocorrect) logic, and her greedy enablers, including TLC.

I guess I want something to wake Whit, and enablers, the fuck up, and have TLC show her journey to becoming a physically  healthier and emotionally better person-- although I believe the latter will be the tougher work for her.

No More B.S.

LIVE your fucking mantra/reality/truth. 

We have all seen that legitimate medical doctors, family or friends, and one strong but ultimately weak -willed trainer, could not get through to her, so I surmise that I/we have thrown our hands up, and said, ok, bitch, die on your own terms then.  

 What's a more sane scenario for Whit? Could she learn some knowledge abt her life expectancy related to her 380 lb. anatomy, food addiction, woeful physical problems, nutrition, and intense psychological  treatment (residential rehab with a nanny cam 24/7, cuz I know patients can sneak all kinds of crap in from visitors, staff,  and other wily patients).  God, I would love if I could get a 28 day  res program like this to help me,  like she had available.  This is another source of anger at Whit for many of us-- not utilizing or contracting for care from TLC  --or for that matter,  using her own fucking TLC money for said purpose.  Whit bought a g-dam house,  for fuck' s sake.   I tend to cuss when I'm angry,  not that you might have noticed. 

And could her social barnacles/enablers PLEASE GET SOME HELP TOO. Or at least save theirTLC  money for therapy after the show ends and they have to deal with their guilt for what they did for $, and cutting Whit out of their lives when the curtain goes down.  

I kind of thought for awhile that there was some sexual abuse in her background (like another poster mentioned) cuz of all the talk abt sexual situations/innuendo, and Whit's own admission of sexual activity when she was younger in her college/twenties. I did foster care and taught in an juvenile residential program for years,  so acting out on that early abuse is hard wired and can only be helped with a hell of a lot of therapy, if even then.  Who the hell teaches their own mother how to sext?  Guffaw, guffaw. Blech.

Speaking of said hypersexuality, anyone else notice that Whit FLOVES to shock her mom with sex talk, but then acts (poorly) when Babs brings it up?!!.  Weird dynamic there.  

Also, notice Bab's expression when Whit says that she's going to stay fat forever. Babs is like,  Oh fuckkkkkkkk-- in the same manner as the Ralphie when he loses the lugnuts as his dadis changingthe tire in the snow in Chrismas Story, or the boys in Sandlot when their baseball goes over the fence to the mean dog's yard. You're killing me,  Smalls. (Insert your own pun here.)

Sorry for the length of this post. So much to hope for, so little faith, at this point. 

I gotta walk the dog and breathe now.  

  • Love 10

The thing I dislike the most about Twit is her manipulation & nastiness to the people closest to her.  No way should any obese person have to feel shamed or  terrible about being out in a restaurant or be ridiculed in public etc.  Its easy for self loathing anonymous keyboard warriors to hit send on nasty FB comments or an IG nasty gram that they'd NEVER say to her face.  Twit is probably enjoying this fame but it comes with a cost ( online bullying ). She's 32 , probably thinks oh I have time to lose weight when I put my mind to it someday - but time flies and then she'll be 42 and the weight won't move , then she's 52 and needs knee & hip replacements and has hypertension and the Beetus. Twit has tons of support and so many resources , for her LIFE , I wish she'd start now . My mother in law was morbidly obese for years and when her grandkids were having birthday parties & graduations , weddings - she wasn't there ... She was in a nursing home , immobile , bed ridden due to obesity and all it's inevitable health issues.  Did I say her attitude sucks too ?? 

  • Love 9

Yeah, DNR, "celebrities" like Whit ( D-listed or the lower reality "star" level of hell), always complain abt lack of privacy,  for whom I don't feel sympathy (except their kids). 

And now with the Interweb, they and regular folks like us, get trolled, stalked, and used for personal release, to put it nicely. Is this just a fact of life now?  

Thank you Ptv, for the controls.  

In schools, they do teach web safety, privacy, and personal judgment abt  what you put on the web stays on the web FOREVER.

So, is the price of fame learning to take the good, ignore the bad--or fucking LEARN (from therapy or friends, that fame is fleeting, people can be shallow and have their own agendas, and some folks put out their own psychoses or dissatisfaction with their lives onto others?  

My mom taught me this long ago that others project their crap onto others. I was bullied by two ugly sisters (not mine), in elementary thru high school. My sister and I privately called them the chicken and the spider--never to their faces. We knew they were jerks, so avoided them. With ALOT of psychology study and therapy,  I can spot passive -aggressive, and dysfunctional folks relatively fast, within reason.   But I'm also more intellectual than emotional, so I can rationalize crap away, although I'm codependent as hell.  

So, doctor, I believe educating YOURSELF, is the key.  And therapy. 

Sorry. I didn't realize I was going so deep. 

  • Love 3

Does anyone else get annoyed when Whitney puts someone on the spot and says, "so you're not attracted to me/big women." She did this with Roy and you can always tell when she ask this question it becomes uncomfortable. Also I could barley watch this whole episode without looking away after getting second hand embarrassment. I was cringing so much; I can't wait to see what the comedian has to say.

  • Love 12
59 minutes ago, Tosia said:

Yeah, DNR, "celebrities" like Whit ( D-listed or the lower reality "star" level of hell), always complain abt lack of privacy,  for whom I don't feel sympathy (except their kids). 

And now with the Interweb, they and regular folks like us, get trolled, stalked, and used for personal release, to put it nicely. Is this just a fact of life now?  

Thank you Ptv, for the controls.  

In schools, they do teach web safety, privacy, and personal judgment abt  what you put on the web stays on the web FOREVER.

So, is the price of fame learning to take the good, ignore the bad--or fucking LEARN (from therapy or friends, that fame is fleeting, people can be shallow and have their own agendas, and some folks put out their own psychoses or dissatisfaction with their lives onto others?  

My mom taught me this long ago that others project their crap onto others. I was bullied by two ugly sisters (not mine), in elementary thru high school. My sister and I privately called them the chicken and the spider--never to their faces. We knew they were jerks, so avoided them. With ALOT of psychology study and therapy,  I can spot passive -aggressive, and dysfunctional folks relatively fast, within reason.   But I'm also more intellectual than emotional, so I can rationalize crap away, although I'm codependent as hell.  

So, doctor, I believe educating YOURSELF, is the key.  And therapy. 

Sorry. I didn't realize I was going so deep. 

" so, doctor ".     ????

Finally got around to watching this and really my only two thoughts come down to she looks like she has put on more weight, like 50 pounds and I really think her friends and family are just done with her. As my mother used to say about my grandmother who was an abusive alcoholic in her final years "I'm just going to love her up to heaven".

Whitney is a delusional, abusive narcissist who has no desire to change the fact that she has eaten herself to near immobility, they can't force her to change, she has already decided this is OK, she will hurt her ankle and will move to a scooter for the rest of her life before she knows it and will justify it too. Unfortunately she has found her meal ticket, TLC is paying her not to change her life, she apparently has found a life on the speaker circuit to tell  other people her life is just great, what are her friends and family supposed to do? They have said their peace so they can choose to be a part of her life which is basically this TV show now or they can cut her out and Whitney will continue to do this show as long as TLC wants to keep it on the air and Whitney will have a "fabulous" move to Charlotte or wherever with a whole new cast of (paid) characters where she continues pursue her "dance career" or accessorizing her Rascal or whatever.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, PhereNicae1 said:

the medication for PCOS is metformin and then you can also take inositol and progesteron.. It doesnt make the hairloss better though. She never mentioned it, metformin makes you really sick so i think that would get talked about..It basically makes your body handle carbs the same way as in a healthy person, but not everybody tolerates it .. So her endocrinologist probably didnt prescribe her that..

I have to think if she had an endo prescribe metformin to at least try it. For the most part is an old medication and relatively safe. We have seen her go to a fertility doctor (well I guess an OB GYN) and other doctors, so I would think if she is seeing an endo she would have had that televised or something along those lines.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, unoiamacutie said:

Does anyone else get annoyed when Whitney puts someone on the spot and says, "so you're not attracted to me/big women." She did this with Roy and you can always tell when she ask this question it becomes uncomfortable. Also I could barley watch this whole episode without looking away after getting second hand embarrassment. I was cringing so much; I can't wait to see what the comedian has to say.

Yaas! Twit also deflects when any heat comes at her . Like an immature teen ie: "Buddy is fat too! And no one picks on him! " .  The tears flow to put an abrupt end to a convo she doesn't like. ? Or they get " THE LOOK" , what did Tony Soprano call them when Richie would scarily stare ? Stop with the " Manson Lamps"  haha 

Looks like she going to storm out when the comedienne raises some issues.

Very mature Twitney. 32 going on 13.

Edited by DNR
Ninja edit
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, unoiamacutie said:

Does anyone else get annoyed when Whitney puts someone on the spot and says, "so you're not attracted to me/big women." She did this with Roy and you can always tell when she ask this question it becomes uncomfortable. Also I could barley watch this whole episode without looking away after getting second hand embarrassment. I was cringing so much; I can't wait to see what the comedian has to say.

I think it's a mildly coercive way of flirting - she tries to put the man on the spot by implying that if the man is not attracted to her, it has to be because they are prejudiced against fat people, because there is no other possible reason for a straight man to find her unattractive.

  IMO, most men raised with basic manners, face-to-face with a woman they have no interest in, who is bleating "Don't you find me attr-a-a-a-ctive at all?" complete with quivering lip and puppy-dog eyes, will respond with something along the lines of , "Sure I do, it's just that . . . . ," or "Of course you're attractive, it's just that . . . "   And then Whitney gets to smirk about how everyone finds her attractive, at least, everyone who isn't a low-life fat shamer.

  • Love 12

Man...I watched the reunion and she just exasperates me so much. I found myself yelling at the TV and I rarely do that. But I echo the commenters here who seem to think that her 'support team' - particularly Babs and Glenn - are kind of over it. It was telling how many reaction shots they had of people basically rolling their eyes or dumbstruck starting at her whenever she attempted to deflect any criticism as fat shaming or denying her health is impaired due to her weight. I actually felt bad for her father a lot of the time. But then I remembered that he and Babs essentially created this Franken-whit. I also got the second-hand embarrassment when they showed Lennie coming back and saying he still loved her. He seemed like a hostage reading a prepared statement for his captors (TLC?). I've just never seen such denial and deflection or lack of accountability from anyone as strong as I see in Whitney. This tv show may end up killing her because I think it keeps her from any introspection b/c she's constantly keeping up the "No BS - I'm fabulous" lie.

  • Love 11

I finally watched this last night and something Whitney has said about her previous weight loss and her eating plan now isn't adding up. She says she lost 100 lbs back in 2011 under Will's supervision in an 8 month period. Even starting at 329 lbs, that is an extremely rapid loss in such a short period of time, even though she must have been 27 at the time. She was probably starving herself then ( I underweight an 83 lb weight loss in 2009 and 2010 but it took me a full 2 years, from 228 to 145 and it was 56 lbs the first year, on Weight Watchers). She also mentioned and has previously stated that she eats nothing all day until about 5 to 9 pm, except for having coffee with sugar. Even a Starbucks Frappuccino tops out at around 500 calories, and to maintain a 380 lb body, wouldn't that be approximately 4000 calories a day? Does she really mean she's  having a 3500 calorie meal every evening or is she snacking on junk food during the day and just refusing to acknowledge it? 3500 calories is about an entire pizza, Does this really sound like this is what she is doing? I just don't see how it's possible to starve yourself all day and then pack in that many calories in a short period of time without getting sick. I really think she must be in serious denial and doesn't even acknowledge what/how much she is eating on a daily basis.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, John M said:

Finally got around to watching this and really my only two thoughts come down to she looks like she has put on more weight, like 50 pounds and I really think her friends and family are just done with her. As my mother used to say about my grandmother who was an abusive alcoholic in her final years "I'm just going to love her up to heaven".

Whitney is a delusional, abusive narcissist who has no desire to change the fact that she has eaten herself to near immobility, they can't force her to change, she has already decided this is OK, she will hurt her ankle and will move to a scooter for the rest of her life before she knows it and will justify it too. Unfortunately she has found her meal ticket, TLC is paying her not to change her life, she apparently has found a life on the speaker circuit to tell  other people her life is just great, what are her friends and family supposed to do? They have said their peace so they can choose to be a part of her life which is basically this TV show now or they can cut her out and Whitney will continue to do this show as long as TLC wants to keep it on the air and Whitney will have a "fabulous" move to Charlotte or wherever with a whole new cast of (paid) characters where she continues pursue her "dance career" or accessorizing her Rascal or whatever.

This is exactly the situation in which friends and family of a narcissist find themselves. Either they choose to be part of their life and everything that entails or they walk away. While friends might find it more palatable to walk away, it's so very difficult for parents to do so. This is why I feel so horrible for her parents. They know the choices. And even if they walk away, their worry wouldn't go away. It happened to someone I know. Her adult child was a raging narcissist. She finally had to basically cut of the relationship. It was really her own choice but it nearly killed her. 

32 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

I think it's a mildly coercive way of flirting - she tries to put the man on the spot by implying that if the man is not attracted to her, it has to be because they are prejudiced against fat people, because there is no other possible reason for a straight man to find her unattractive.

  IMO, most men raised with basic manners, face-to-face with a woman they have no interest in, who is bleating "Don't you find me attr-a-a-a-ctive at all?" complete with quivering lip and puppy-dog eyes, will respond with something along the lines of , "Sure I do, it's just that . . . . ," or "Of course you're attractive, it's just that . . . "   And then Whitney gets to smirk about how everyone finds her attractive, at least, everyone who isn't a low-life fat shamer.

This reminds me of when Kathleen Turner said that if she walks into a room and there is a man who doesn't turn to look at her, he's gay.

  • Love 4
26 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Yes, yes.  I'm just waiting for Whitney to find her rainbow.

Dontcha mean yellow brick road?     I wonder if she can reach her hoo-haa?

As for Whitney putting people on the spot, I think its a continuation of her bullying.  It is also a way of covering up and avoidance which she does with absolutely everything someone says or does she doesn't like.

As for her devoted fans, I the the show is a majority of hate/snark watchers. After all, what is there to like about her?

I am pretty sure Whitney "shamed"/disrespected little people iirc.   She called leprechauns short dumpy little people or things....didn't she?

She is continually foul mouthed, but cries foul. Sorry Whitney, you get what you give.

  • Love 8

My post on the show's fb page:  "Get off of Twitter if you do not like what you are reading.  Such a narcissist.  'Enough about me. What do YOU think of me?'  Read a book.  Take a walk. Volunteer to help people in need.  Get a real JOB."  

The ass-kissers she surrounds herself with in real life are no longer enough.  She needs virtual ass-kissers, as well.  Were I a fat shamer, I would point out that, with that much ass, of course she had to increase her staff.  But I will not go there.

  • Love 13
15 minutes ago, CarolMK said:

g Whitney has said about her previous weight loss and her eating plan now isn't adding up

None of what she says of claims adds up imo.    She talked about having anorexia, then going to college and being afflicted with PCOS.  No more mention of the eating disorder.  Eating disorders do not just up and go away.

Nothing she says tracks.

  • Love 3
On 8/11/2016 at 3:20 AM, swankie said:

I watched that documentary also.  Sadly, the guy who starred in it has since died.  Someone should mail it to Whitney and let her watch it.  I'm sure she wouldn't watch it though.  She's too full of herself to admit that she has the same problem as that guy did.  Food addiction!

I won't go too far off topic on this one, just asking - Was that the one with the comedian who was trying to lose weight? Not John Pinette, but another guy?

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