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S08.E17: And Away We Finally Go

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10 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

People who toss judgment Sonja's way, but not Tom's?  It's clear that your view of what women should do in the bedroom might be outdated and biased based on gender.  It's 2016, Sonja's incredibly single, and like 50.  She needs to be doing and feeling anything she wants.  It's not a simple case of being happy for a friend who is marrying a stranger.  It's a lot more complicated than that.  I don't think Luann deserves more respect than Sonja just because she landed the ring.  Really outdated thinking.

Sonja got respect. Tom alerted her that he had met LuAnn and harbored interest in her.

And why shouldn't LuAnn command more than other women from Tom and he more than other men? That's by definition the entire point of gestural commitment like engagements and marriage: to distinguish the union and relationship in question from others.

Sonja's emotions may be real but that doesn't inherently make them logical or consistent or mean that there's not just sliding goal posts but almost no metric of those goal posts whatsoever. Did Sonja notify Tom about Tomas the pirate, Harry Dubin, and/or any or all of the young paramours that she's had on her arm on camera over the years? If Tom is morally obligated by their arrangement to do more than what he did vis-à-vis informing her of his initial attraction to LuAnn, why weren't Ramona and Tom alike ethically obliged to make their own "four or five" or "seven or eight" dates known to her?

If you've been casually sleeping with a partner for a decade and the relationship hasn't progressed, I'm unsure what other evidence is necessary to illuminate the reality that it never will.

  • Love 14
37 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I forgot to mention that in my original comments about the episode - what was up with Ramona demanding the entire guest list? She thinks it's rude that the host isn't divulging the detailed information but I find it incredibly rude for a guest to insist on knowing such details. Ramona has no etiquette. You didn't show up to some random party where the guest list may or may not dissuade you from going (or vice versa). You are showing up for an occasion to celebrate someone. You're only consideration is whether you care enough about that person to show up. The other people shouldn't and don't matter. Now if she had bad blood with someone Luann knows, I can better understand if she was asking about someone in particular as a heads up but simply insisting because you think that you have a right to know that information as a guest of someone, that's just a rule in Ramona's world.

She's done that before. It's like she's offended when the others don't realize that these events are supposed to also double as Ramona's dating pool potentials. It's weird as hell. I mean it would be one thing if she was being goofy about it and owning the fact that she's also pleased with the networking/socializing opportunity the party offers as a single woman on the dating scene and wink, wink asking for a bit up a head start on the good eggs. That would be a little more easy to laugh off and giggle about her obvious desperation but she presents it as some truly offensive, bad manners move on Lu's part that she's not indulging Ramona's forward and rather creepy demands about knowing who will be in attendance so she can be in the prime position to pounce. It's really weird how aggressive she is with this subject. Odd, very odd. I mean didn't she do something like that at one of Beth's parties? Also with a bar choice of Beth's saying she likes to  have eye candy when she goes out?  I mean, since when did Ramona turn into this sex kitten that's on the prowl with all these conditions that need to be met by the other women of all people? It's like she's trying to build a persona that's similar to Sonja's and I have to say it's is the most awkward role for Ramona to keep trying to make happen. So, so odd and it just doesn't fit, AT ALL. Even when the other keep tittering about when she slips out early or shows up all dolled up. It's like they are also trying to make "the sexy on the prowl Ramona" persona happen and I'm in my living room, throwing up a little in my mouth, thinking please stop.

41 minutes ago, izabella said:

Ramona wanted to know what single men would be there that she could potentially hit on.  That's all, folks.  She complained at one of Bethy's marketing parties that there weren't enough age appropriate single men there for her to meet.  She's always rolling out early to go somewhere where there are single men (I don't think she is going on dates like she is always implying).  Ramona is on the hunt and expects that everywhere she goes, the other women will provide her with intros to single men.

You beat me to it! LOL.

  • Love 6
32 minutes ago, seasick said:

I agree with this but will take it a step further and suggest he might actually have seen the rare "Royal Flush" in Lu and actually fell in love, rather than just his best option going forward.  

True. I mean what else should he continue to wait for? It seems she fits the bill to a T. And to be honest it is pretty amazing to find such a great fit.

  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, SistaLadybug said:

Ramona and Sonja said their pieces and her response was "I don't care."  Okay, then.  Asked and answered.  What else is to be done?

Make a huge story line out of the non-issue for Bravo.  They have absolutely nothing going on story line wise this season, not one single thing.  So, feigned hurt and outrage and trying to take down Lu is it for them. 

Edited by izabella
  • Love 6
20 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

Sonja got respect. Tom alerted her that he had met LuAnn and harbored interest in her.

And why shouldn't LuAnn command more than other women from Tom and he more than other men? That's by definition the entire point of gestural commitment like engagements and marriage: to distinguish the union and relationship in question from others.

Sonja's emotions may be real but that doesn't inherently make them logical or consistent or mean that there's not just sliding goal posts but almost no metric of those goal posts whatsoever. Did Sonja notify Tom about Tomas the pirate, Harry Dubin, and/or any or all of the young paramours that she's had on her arm on camera over the years? If Tom is morally obligated by their arrangement to do more than what he did vis-à-vis informing her of his initial attraction to LuAnn, why weren't Ramona and Tom alike ethically obliged to make their own "four or five" or "seven or eight" dates known to her?

If you've been casually sleeping with a partner for a decade and the relationship hasn't progressed, I'm unsure what other evidence is necessary to illuminate the reality that it never will.

Great point!

Again who the hell does this?? In real life? Who the fuck provides a damn list of sexual partners to new sexual partners or and updated list to established sexual partners once there is a new addition to the old list? This is cuckoo kadoo to me.

10 minutes ago, SistaLadybug said:

Look, y'all, I don't even like Luann, but it's time for these chicks to move on.  

Grown people make grown decisions.  Sonja decided to have a FWB arrangement with Tom, knowing full well what that might mean (that either of them might meet someone they prefer and want to commit to).  Lu decided to date a man who she knew was dating broadly in her social circle, knowing full well what that might mean (that she might know some of the women he dated/had sex with).  Ramona went on a few dates with Tom who she knew was dating broadly in her social circle, knowing full well what that might mean (that he might choose someone else in her circle).  No one is due any sympathy here and I don't know why we're getting up in arms about the situation, nor do I think they should be.

I wouldn't be Lu - I have a serious boundary about dating or having sex with someone who has dated/screwed a friend.  No matter what, Lu has called Sonja her friend, so I think it's gone beyond simply a co-worker situation.  That said: I'm not Luann, and if she likes it, I love it.  She obviously does not care that Tom and Sonja had a sexual relationship, nor does she care that he and Ramona have dated, if casually.  Ramona and Sonja said their pieces and her response was "I don't care."  Okay, then.  Asked and answered.  What else is to be done?  Luann and Tom are planning to get married.  You can decide to support the union or decide that it's repugnant to you and unfriend them.  No one is required to be friends with anyone.  If you think Luann is the Antichrist, a Maneater, a Hobag or whateverthefuck else, stop being friends with her.  Easy peasy.  Yes, y'all might have to film together, but slap on your plastic work smile (we all have one), film the scenes and then go on with your life.  You aren't required to see her outside of work.  What they're doing now makes them look like nothing but bitter, jealous bitches.  It's unbecoming.  Have some self-respect - Be blandly congratulatory to Lu's face and then go home and bitch behind her back with your actual friends.  It's called Manners.

LIFE, Thee has given to ME !!

  • Love 5

Has Tom been on the show before?  I've missed a lot of seasons so I haven't seen him before if he's been on but he'll be on next week and I'm pulling for him to be a nice guy.  He's getting dropped into the shark tank for sure.

Is Carol vegan like her boyfriend?  That could explain a lot about her looks.  Vegans have a hard time getting all the necessary nutrients for a strong healthy body,hair and skin.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

Well it's pretty much a given that if you are having sex with multiple partners safe sex should be practiced and although I know people aren't always safe but if you are having sex with someone you're not monogamous with its save to assume they are sleeping with others as well. What I'm saying is that I'm not going to sit down with a guy that I'm hooking up with and say oh, by the way I know a guy from your office and I've slept with him a few times over the years.  Like... whaaaaaa? And I sure as hell ain't gonna sift through my backups shoot out a text that I've started banging a dude that they know from the gym. Does that not sound completely ridiculous? But we expect Tom to give those sort of details right out of the gate? Makes no sense to me.

Now if you are involved with someone and are approaching your dating in a more traditional way then of course I understand the need to be really open about certain things but if you're Tom and Lu, both on the dating scene seeing other people and Sonja, a women who names her speed dial men the days of the week..... It seems really outrageous to expect them to be so detailed about what they've been up to in the last few months.

Let me expound on my point because I am NOT making it a guy/gal thing.

I have no reference point for women because I am a man.

What I am trying to say is that IF you are the kind of person that sleeps around or are a FWB kinda person?

You shouldn't be so surprised when one of your bed buddies decides they are going into a different direction. No one needs to know who you are sleeping with, but for fuck's sake, unless the details of the relationship have been discussed in advance?

Shut the fuck up and move on.

You didn't think that person was worth the effort to get into a monogamous relationship with, what did you expect.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

So nobodies with a desire to be on tv won't do it unless they are guaranteed a success?  He was interested enough to sign a release.  Just giving the side eye to someone who appeared season 1 and now has been passed around by almost 1/2 of the cast.  Guess we will just have to agree to disagree!

No, many TV pilots are filmed in NYC, there is no indication that he gave it any thought beyond hitting up a pretty woman. LOL I just don't get how appearing on a show for less than 2 minutes the first time followed by coming on the show a second time when he is engaged to one of the cast members a full 8-9 years later constitutes him as a fameho. Too big of a time span IMO. It would be different if we saw him on and off over the years dating 1 or 2 of the HWs on camera but that's just not the case with Tom, he is not a hanger on like Harry was for a few seasons. That said, I do agree to disagree.

9 minutes ago, zulualpha said:

Has Tom been on the show before?  I've missed a lot of seasons so I haven't seen him before if he's been on but he'll be on next week and I'm pulling for him to be a nice guy.  He's getting dropped into the shark tank for sure.

Is Carol vegan like her boyfriend?  That could explain a lot about her looks.  Vegans have a hard time getting all the necessary nutrients for a strong healthy body,hair and skin.

Yes, the first season, when it was still called Manhattan Moms and he was filmed hitting on Ramona's friend, Joannie. He was on camera less than a couple of minutes. LOL

  • Love 7

And the irony in this is that Lu probably out-did Sonja about 10 times over dollar for dollar on their single days (not that Lu wasn't dancing while committed)  but she has the self respect and respect to her partners not to post them on facebook or hang their undies out on her lamp post or however the hell else Sonja advertises.  I even can admire Lu for her pathetic useless attempt to cover up the pirate foray (in french).  Hey at least she tried.

  • Love 6

I am so annoyed by this entire season and it has" Bethenny too much power" stink all over it-yes, Luann is hell annoying with her giddy antics about being engaged and needs to tone it down but the rest of them are just awful too.  This whole YOOGE secret that is about to be revealed that could END the engagement and is a "game changer" is quite clearly a ratings ploy ( as evident in the drawing it out over FOUR episodes) and Lu and Tom are still together so it seems so ummmmm we know the outcome. Plus B? do not pretend you are telling Luann this out of friendship or girl code- you have already established you and Lu are NOT friends and you looked positively giddy to get the info and cannot wait to spill the beans to Ramona 1st of all people....you are thrilled to be able to burst lu's bubble- which whatever it is your right but use your own mantra and OWN IT. 

as for Ramona- she has no dog in this fight and a few dates is nothing and not relevant to anything but without those dates she has no story line so she is running with it.

Now Sonja- I feel sorry for- I cant help it- she is like Little Edie to me- she is SO delusional and lost - but I don't think she is as vicious as the others and I do feel it hurt her that Tom looked at her as a side chick , booty call and that recently is ALL she has been for men- so I think her sadness is more about the big picture sad sack of a life she has than it is about losing Tom.

Very bad season and that is what ya get when one HW gets so much power (Vanderpump is headed that was on BH too) - Andy keeps saying that ratings are up but I only see people disliking it....

  • Love 4

So........What is the information that beffany has, the scarlet letter that will derail the impending nuptials of Lu and Tom?

Could it be Tom slept with Beffy, too?

Or maybe Tom slept with Cookie? Or Marley?

Tom drinks SK mixers?

Tom dressed up like a woman on Halloween?

Tom has speeding tickets?

Tom is an extraterrestrial?

Tom is a Republican?

  • Love 5
35 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

She's done that before. It's like she's offended when the others don't realize that these events are supposed to also double as Ramona's dating pool potentials. It's weird as hell. I mean it would be one thing if she was being goofy about it and owning the fact that she's also pleased with the networking/socializing opportunity the party offers as a single woman on the dating scene and wink, wink asking for a bit up a head start on the good eggs. That would be a little more easy to laugh off and giggle about her obvious desperation but she presents it as some truly offensive, bad manners move on Lu's part that she's not indulging Ramona's forward and rather creepy demands about knowing who will be in attendance so she can be in the prime position to pounce. It's really weird how aggressive she is with this subject. Odd, very odd. I mean didn't she do something like that at one of Beth's parties? Also with a bar choice of Beth's saying she likes to  have eye candy when she goes out?  I mean, since when did Ramona turn into this sex kitten that's on the prowl with all these conditions that need to be met by the other women of all people? It's like she's trying to build a persona that's similar to Sonja's and I have to say it's is the most awkward role for Ramona to keep trying to make happen. So, so odd and it just doesn't fit, AT ALL. Even when the other keep tittering about when she slips out early or shows up all dolled up. It's like they are also trying to make "the sexy on the prowl Ramona" persona happen and I'm in my living room, throwing up a little in my mouth, thinking please stop.

She's a sex kitten that doesn't give up the sex, lol. I felt embarrassed for her when she kept talking about wanting to rip off her clothes in front of the crew guy. I honestly think that's how Ramona flirts which is scary. Her attempt is like a blend of Sonja and Luann and the result is incredibly awkward. Sonja is very forward in her flirting and not shy to lift her top, expose a little cleavage, etc. She's very overt. Luann is well timed with her comments which are suggestive but she also laughs which gives the other person the option of playing along with the joke or really taking the bait. Ramona is trying to be subtle in her conversation but she talks about such stupid things. And her behaviour is overt but in an erratic way. How else do you respond to Ramona but awkwardly while she's lifting up her shirt and acting like she's in the middle of a hot flash? She's definitely pushing that sexy on the prowl vibe. Like when she threw in the line about 'the guys I'm dating are reading that in the paper and wondering what the hell is going on with me'. Very subtle Ramona, lol.

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

She's definitely pushing that sexy on the prowl vibe.

Ramona is the worst at sexy!  She does not have one sexy molecule in her body, but especially her brain.  She thinks she's being flirty and coquettish, but she is just embarrassing.  Every time she talks about the "men she is dating," she sounds like a high school girl making up stories about her "boyfriend who goes to another school" to appear "cool" and desirable. 

  • Love 15
21 minutes ago, lilshilo said:

I am so annoyed by this entire season and it has" Bethenny too much power" stink all over it-yes, Luann is hell annoying with her giddy antics about being engaged and needs to tone it down but the rest of them are just awful too.  This whole YOOGE secret that is about to be revealed that could END the engagement and is a "game changer" is quite clearly a ratings ploy ( as evident in the drawing it out over FOUR episodes) and Lu and Tom are still together so it seems so ummmmm we know the outcome. Plus B? do not pretend you are telling Luann this out of friendship or girl code- you have already established you and Lu are NOT friends and you looked positively giddy to get the info and cannot wait to spill the beans to Ramona 1st of all people....you are thrilled to be able to burst lu's bubble- which whatever it is your right but use your own mantra and OWN IT. 

as for Ramona- she has no dog in this fight and a few dates is nothing and not relevant to anything but without those dates she has no story line so she is running with it.

Now Sonja- I feel sorry for- I cant help it- she is like Little Edie to me- she is SO delusional and lost - but I don't think she is as vicious as the others and I do feel it hurt her that Tom looked at her as a side chick , booty call and that recently is ALL she has been for men- so I think her sadness is more about the big picture sad sack of a life she has than it is about losing Tom.

Very bad season and that is what ya get when one HW gets so much power (Vanderpump is headed that was on BH too) - Andy keeps saying that ratings are up but I only see people disliking it....

THIS! This! All of it re: Beth Ramona and Sonja. Well said. 

I truly believe Sonja is sad. The fact she's laying off the alcohol tells me she sees the need for a change in her life and she's trying some facets of change.

  • Love 8
32 minutes ago, lilshilo said:

I am so annoyed by this entire season and it has" Bethenny too much power" stink all over it-yes, Luann is hell annoying with her giddy antics about being engaged and needs to tone it down but the rest of them are just awful too.  This whole YOOGE secret that is about to be revealed that could END the engagement and is a "game changer" is quite clearly a ratings ploy ( as evident in the drawing it out over FOUR episodes) and Lu and Tom are still together so it seems so ummmmm we know the outcome. Plus B? do not pretend you are telling Luann this out of friendship or girl code- you have already established you and Lu are NOT friends and you looked positively giddy to get the info and cannot wait to spill the beans to Ramona 1st of all people....you are thrilled to be able to burst lu's bubble- which whatever it is your right but use your own mantra and OWN IT. 

as for Ramona- she has no dog in this fight and a few dates is nothing and not relevant to anything but without those dates she has no story line so she is running with it.

Now Sonja- I feel sorry for- I cant help it- she is like Little Edie to me- she is SO delusional and lost - but I don't think she is as vicious as the others and I do feel it hurt her that Tom looked at her as a side chick , booty call and that recently is ALL she has been for men- so I think her sadness is more about the big picture sad sack of a life she has than it is about losing Tom.

Very bad season and that is what ya get when one HW gets so much power (Vanderpump is headed that was on BH too) - Andy keeps saying that ratings are up but I only see people disliking it....

But that's how Sonja treats her men as well. Perhaps it's terminology. She calls of her men lovers and maybe that's how she mentally convinces herself that she isn't engaging in booty calls with multiple men. She's a grown, sophisticated woman with a lot of class - one of her stature doesn't have booty calls, she has lovers and friends that she enjoys between the sheets when she's lonely...but let's not dare call them booty calls. How many times on this show have we seen Sonja tell a woman that she's slept with their man or has slept with the same man as them? What kind of manners or relevancy is that to someone? It means nothing except to Sonja who wants everyone to know that even though her rich husband left her and won't talk to her and she's desperately hanging on to any and every piece of her old life as she can, she does so by choice because she is in fact still a desirable woman to men of all ages, backgrounds and social classes. She calls Luann her friend and lectures Ramona about how they need to support Luann and be happy for her - but then why do you think it's appropriate to casually drop in the fact that you've been sleeping with Luann's fiance for 10 years? What purpose does that serve? I do agree that this is more about Sonja grieving her situation than it is about Tom but for all the reasons above, I just can't feel bad for her here in this scenario. I do agree though that she seems less vicious than the other women. When she prattles on about all of the men she slept with first, I do think she's doing that to boost her own confidence up because she's so insecure that all of the men she's slept with have gone on to marry or commit to other women who have joined or are in her social circle. That's a really fucked up type of insecurity to have as a person and I feel bad for her as a person genearlly speaking because of that.

Edited by RHJunkie
  • Love 7
16 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

So........What is the information that beffany has, the scarlet letter that will derail the impending nuptials of Lu and Tom?

Could it be Tom slept with Beffy, too?

Or maybe Tom slept with Cookie? Or Marley?

Tom drinks SK mixers?

Tom dressed up like a woman on Halloween?

Tom has speeding tickets?

Tom is an extraterrestrial?

Tom is a Republican?

I love how Bethy described the person who told her as someone who has 'no dog in the fight and does not care about any of this"  yet sent her the text at 2:30 in the morning..  um a little anxious are we?  to peddle this gossip.  Couldn't even wait til morning.  "of course you Have to tell her...?     Really?

I wouldn't.   Even if I were your friend which Beth clearly is not.  Not with this union.  Maybe if there was youth and possible kids and families going broke over a wedding I might.    But if the balloon is going to deflate, it will become obvious on it's own. But there's Bethy--can't wait to start putting it out there to everyone first,   and then sharpening the end of her broomstick to pop  Lu's joy bubble.  What a sad, bitter wretch.

  • Love 23

Watching the three women over the years has been interesting.  (Ramona, Sonja and Luann)

Ramona came on and was all about the "girls' night out" mentality where she and her much better looking friends would troll bars and see who hit on them and do some dancing.  I assume this is Ramona's long held belief of manhandling where you just collect a group of men and see who picks up the tab and then go out on the dance floor and literally show you her ass. When Ramona casts stones about committed people kissing-she might want to remember her kissing the Hooters owner on his boat during her bachelorette party.  Even Kelly was taken back.  Oh look a photo of Ramona and Tom from Ramona's girls' night out-http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/photos/episode-4-social-wife/item/9297496  There is Tom with married Ramona all into him.

Ramona was very competitive first with Jill then with Luann Season1, because she acted like such an idiot and Luann didn't really want to give her the time of day.  I don't think it helped that Luann beat her at tennis and Mario commented on Luann's lovely legs.

Ultimately  I think Ramona sees Mario and she, in Luann and Tom.  Both couples are extremely social and apparently desired by others-just ask Ramona how many men she had lined up prior to Mario and Mario revel in the fact he was so good looking-with a wandering eye. I think Mario liked making Ramona and jealous and she returned the same.  I also still wonder if maybe it wasn't Ramona in the open marriage.  http://pagesix.com/2014/04/03/real-housewife-cheated-more-than-husband-wifes-brother/ After all her own brother wrote a book claiming Ramona had more affairs than Mario.  The idea that Luann could possibly have a marriage that topped Ramona's perfect marriage is killing her.  So Ramona must put a stop to it or characterize in incredibly unflattering terms.

Sonja came on and was introduced by Luann.  Sonja's initial contribution was how Ramona snatched clothes from her at a sample sale.  (See no real new storylines-Bethenny reran the story last season with Ramona and purloining clothes.) Sonja immediately exerted domain over Max, Kelly's made for  TV boyfriend and delighted the other women with her tales of her free-spirited lifestyle and younger man.)  Once again it was Kelly reminding Sonya not to live in the past when she went off on her yacht as they were boarding the yacht in St. John's. 

Sonja has always kind of tried to cramp Luann's dating and love life.  She acted like an ass about Jacques, of course there was the pirate situation-which I think Sonja ultimately won banging him a public space as opposed to Luann just hanging on him at a bar and an ill advised trip to the house.  Once Luann became available Sonja got very competitive.  Luann like to hang out and croon, Sonja developed probably the worst piece of entertainment ever in her Cabriolesque act.  http://www.bravotv.com/watch-what-happens-live/season-11/videos/sonjas-sxsw-burlesque-show  Worst performance ever.

I think both Sonja and Luann have a better flirt game, at least less obvious than Ramona and I also think Sonja is constantly comparing herself to Luann and one upping her.  It must have killed Sonja when they did the special on Luann-especially since Luann supplied photos.  I am hoping for one on Sonja but photos of delusions are hard to come by.

Since Luann's engagement Sonja has let some pretty telling things come out-she fired a bridesmaid for calling her fiancé at his office, and she told no one of her engagement to Old Man Morgan until she sent the wedding invitations out.  Was she worried he wouldn't go through with it, afraid someone might tell him some dirt on Sonja or was she still keeping some friends with benefits in the wings?

Luann is the entertainer of the three having the most TV experience and her love of crooning and telling bawdy jokes in small gatherings. How smart was she to get Natalie Cole to perform, a duet no less after just meeting her? Luann wants to command the room, Ramona wants attention on her without any talent and Sonja wants both and just isn't very sincere.  Of the three I think Luann is the most pragmatic when it comes to love and once she hits a vein there is no stopping her.  She knows when it is over it is over and all you can hope to do, if you want to remain friends you throw away the reins. 

I am tired of Luann's giddiness, but I blame some of that on production.  I think there is an awful lot we don't see and they have cobbled together some of the more cringeworthy scenes.  The scene of her dancing on the yacht-there are probably five other people there (crew) in addition to the ship's crew-but it just came off weird like a non sequitur in a talking head-where the producer asks one questions and uses the answer in another segment.

So of the three Sonja and Ramona have pretty repeatedly tried to rain on Luann and her moments.  The worst  being 54 year old Ramona holed up in a bathroom for 45 minutes with Sonja taking a pregnancy test while Natalie Cole was aboard.  If you are going to try and steal someone's thunder at least don't be so pathetic.  Do I like Luann's songs-not really but she really enjoys performing and fortunately there is autotune for the viewers of the show.

This last episode has brought out the competitor in all three.  Ramona and Sonja trying to outdo each other with who was more harmed by Luann's engagement.  Ramona claims her dates now want to be friends with benefits because a reporter asked Luann about Ramona and Tom (Luann just did her BL nonsense) and the reporter transposed Sonja and Ramona.  Sonja with her newly developed serious relationship with Tom and just who will she find to take her dinner (something he has never claimed to do). 

Most of all Luann won with a viable and real storyline and has added the element of another player to the show in Tom.

  • Love 12
19 hours ago, anonymiss said:

I also don't think Lu is acting crazy or overly happy for someone newly engaged at her engagement party of sorts. What is she supposed to act like? It's the spinsters in attendance whose behavior is unbecoming, IMO.

Glad I am not the only one feeling this way.  I don't begrudge Lu her happiness.  Is she over the top and giddy?  Sure but shouldn't it be that way when you're in love and getting married? 

I think Sonja is only upset because uber-jealous Ramona has convinced her she should be.  Ramona was really making an ass of herself preying on and stalking that poor driver.  B is being a snot about it because she can't stand the attention on anyone else.  No more bleeding stories, please.  Carole is being passive aggressive because she needs to eat a fucking burger or something more substantial than olives.  Get your boyfriend to feed you.  

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, ElDosEquis said:

So........What is the information that beffany has, the scarlet letter that will derail the impending nuptials of Lu and Tom?

Could it be Tom slept with Beffy, too?

Or maybe Tom slept with Cookie? Or Marley?

Tom drinks SK mixers?

Tom dressed up like a woman on Halloween?

Tom has speeding tickets?

Tom is an extraterrestrial?

Tom is a Republican?

Tom was one of Lu's "Italian" friends. He's a modern day Casanova in more ways than one :-)) 


I have always often lived truth so passionately that I have often resorted to lying as a way of introducing it into the minds which were ignorant of its charms.

As to the pass deceit perpetuated upon women, let it pass, for, when love is in the way, men and women as a general rule dupe each other.

It is only necessary to have courage,for strength without self-confidence is useless. - Giacomo Girolamo Casanova

I think the above quote is the modern day soap opera that Lu is partaking in.

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, Talky Tina said:


I apologize for the quote boxes, I still have problems posting from my phone since the site updates.  So sorry! 

After reading the comments here, I think I need to thin out my wardrobe because I have the halter dress Luann was wearing.  I like it so much I bought it in a solid and in a print. You all have me rethinking this dress.   I bought it in my tiny mall in my tiny Oregon town. 

Luann is reminding me of those girls in high school who just got their very first boyfriend.  They would say things like "he's my soul mate, I love him soooooo much and we're going to be together forever and ever".   The only difference is that they were 13 years old. 

You will do no such-a thing.   That dress looks so good on you, you bought it twice.   50% of this thread thought Sonja looked terrible in her git em outfit.  50% thought she slayed.  0% in between.  I say all that to say we're all over the place girl, do not let the likes of us give you pause.

19 hours ago, seasick said:

Okay that was pretty funny.


Yes! Yes she does.!  And she's deliciously, fabulously, obnoxious..Yes!   I hope she comes out singing "I'm in love, I'minloveI'minloveI'minloveI'm in love with a Wonderful guy"  from Oklahoma! while twirling in a circle skirt.  I hope she makes it her next CD!  I hope she asks the others to be in her music video swaying along holding stalks of corn!!   Bask in it Luann!! Roll in it!!    

I really do wish her the very best, but my fear is that in about 3 months she will come home to him wearing her lipstick and her dress. (hopefully not an Evine number)    But until then Ride that Wave woman!  Those crazy high, giddy moments get rare, so inhale it for all that it's worth and ride the wave as long as you can!   

I know it's the wrong show but you made me see Natalie Wood climbing down the fire escape singing for Tony.  

17 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

are you on Twitter?  Because I need to follow you.

Not a cheesy pick up line I'm being literal

LOL! I'm flattered by the stalking offer, but I don't tweet lovie.  Takes all the savy I possess just to navigate this forum ;)  Now, if I see you peeking out from behind the bushes Miss Hester?  Snatch off that bonnet and let's go find some rooftop rum punch.

2 hours ago, SistaLadybug said:

Look, y'all, I don't even like Luann, but it's time for these chicks to move on.  

Grown people make grown decisions.  Sonja decided to have a FWB arrangement with Tom, knowing full well what that might mean (that either of them might meet someone they prefer and want to commit to).  Lu decided to date a man who she knew was dating broadly in her social circle, knowing full well what that might mean (that she might know some of the women he dated/had sex with).  Ramona went on a few dates with Tom who she knew was dating broadly in her social circle, knowing full well what that might mean (that he might choose someone else in her circle).  No one is due any sympathy here and I don't know why we're getting up in arms about the situation, nor do I think they should be.

I wouldn't be Lu - I have a serious boundary about dating or having sex with someone who has dated/screwed a friend.  No matter what, Lu has called Sonja her friend, so I think it's gone beyond simply a co-worker situation.  That said: I'm not Luann, and if she likes it, I love it.  She obviously does not care that Tom and Sonja had a sexual relationship, nor does she care that he and Ramona have dated, if casually.  Ramona and Sonja said their pieces and her response was "I don't care."  Okay, then.  Asked and answered.  What else is to be done?  Luann and Tom are planning to get married.  You can decide to support the union or decide that it's repugnant to you and unfriend them.  No one is required to be friends with anyone.  If you think Luann is the Antichrist, a Maneater, a Hobag or whateverthefuck else, stop being friends with her.  Easy peasy.  Yes, y'all might have to film together, but slap on your plastic work smile (we all have one), film the scenes and then go on with your life.  You aren't required to see her outside of work.  What they're doing now makes them look like nothing but bitter, jealous bitches.  It's unbecoming.  Have some self-respect - Be blandly congratulatory to Lu's face and then go home and bitch behind her back with your actual friends.  It's called Manners.


I hate your whole soul.

  • Love 16

Ramma seems to have the body type that no diet or exercise will eliminate that trouble spot of her midsection. And the boobs are just too big for her overall size. I am recently divorced and the last thing I would want (if I ever decide to date again) would be to attract a man to my chest area. When I was twenty, that happened a lot but in my fifties, no thanks. And there is nothing wrong with my breasts lol, but my idea of a dateable man does not include those who look there first. Too many of these women just put their breasts put there, literally, as some sort of calling card.

  • Love 8

So I'm not sure what any woman would expect from that 'relationship'.  It sounds super-casual, totally non-committal and two consenting adults out looking for love but settling for sex at the end of the night.   Did Sonja really think that she had a chance with this guy for anything else??  If she thinks these incidental hook-ups have chance to a possible real relationship then she's got some growing up to do.  Don't play like it's just sex and then get hurt when the guy finds a girlfriend and it's not her, even if it is a friend of hers.   

I finished the episode, and I'm tired of Sonja belaboring her FWB situation. This is why casual hookups barely work. Sooner or later, someone is going to catch feelings. I'm not sure if Sonja caught feelings, or if she only cares because he's marrying Luann. If he were engaged to Yvonne from accounting, would she still be this pressed?

Ramona needs to shut it, too. A few dates does not a relationship make. Dating is basically an extended job interview. Just because you made it pass a few rounds doesn't mean that it's official.

I'm not knocking anyone for having casual sex. It isn't for me, but as long as no one is being forced or deceived, then do you. In Sonja's case, though, and I usually hate to brand a woman with the 'jealous' argument, but it's warranted this time. Sonja's been pissy about Luann and Tom ever since the engagement news. Being shady about her ring and now the yacht. Don't be mad because Lu was smart with her finances, made lemonade with her settlement, and landed a bigger financial fish. Favor ain't fair.

  • Love 5
33 minutes ago, Bebecat said:

Ramma seems to have the body type that no diet or exercise will eliminate that trouble spot of her midsection. And the boobs are just too big for her overall size. I am recently divorced and the last thing I would want (if I ever decide to date again) would be to attract a man to my chest area. When I was twenty, that happened a lot but in my fifties, no thanks. And there is nothing wrong with my breasts lol, but my idea of a dateable man does not include those who look there first. Too many of these women just put their breasts put there, literally, as some sort of calling card.

Ramona's body looks like she has a bloated liver and she added four inches to her chest so her upper gut wasn't even with her previous breasts.  I think Ramona drinks a lot.  We saw her very drunk at John's party and she is very drunk and falling down on the yacht.  I find it odd a woman woals into a friend's home and orders a Margarita and a glass of wine concurrently.  So we know she had a least to drinks at the party (and a shovel full of caviar) my guess is there were more drinks.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, zulualpha said:

Is Carol vegan like her boyfriend?  That could explain a lot about her looks.  Vegans have a hard time getting all the necessary nutrients for a strong healthy body,hair and skin.

Both statements are false. Carole considers herself a "junk food addict" (which sounds like a cover for her minimal eating) and only eats vegan to appease her boyfriend. Who, BTW, is not representative of the majority of vegans. He is mostly raw vegan and seems to rely on his own cookery which appears highly suspect. I've enjoyed raw vegan and it's not as bare bones as the salads he's arranging. His palette and repertoire seem very basic.

A plant-based or vegan diet is also the optimal diet for health, as non-antiquated medical studies will attest to. It's why all the food-based diseases that are otherwise preventable are reversed with a plant-based diet. You can Google the wealth of evidence to support this (e.g., The China Study), including the advice of any doctor practicing in the 21st century.

Edited by anonymiss
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, zulualpha said:

Has Tom been on the show before?  I've missed a lot of seasons so I haven't seen him before if he's been on but he'll be on next week and I'm pulling for him to be a nice guy.  He's getting dropped into the shark tank for sure.

Tom was on the show, season 1, episode 4 ("Social Wife").  I went back and watched (on Hulu-- it's in the first segment or so).  

It was definitely Tom, and what an ass!  He stood out to me at the time for being a total jerk (he seemed to me like the kind of guy that likes to put women down to their faces, thinking it'll make them want to scramble to please him.  He called Ramona's friend promiscuous, and Ramona lazy, all as part of his awesome small talk.)  

At the time, Ramona did a TH saying how awful Tom and his friend were, and she literally said, "if that's what's out there, I'm staying in my marriage forever."  The irony!!!!

  • Love 14
49 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Ramona's body looks like she has a bloated liver and she added four inches to her chest so her upper gut wasn't even with her previous breasts.  I think Ramona drinks a lot.  We saw her very drunk at John's party and she is very drunk and falling down on the yacht.  I find it odd a woman woals into a friend's home and orders a Margarita and a glass of wine concurrently.  So we know she had a least to drinks at the party (and a shovel full of caviar) my guess is there were more drinks.

And yet, Ramona still has the nerve to take a glass of champagne out of Sonja's hands before the toast, creating the impression that Sonja can't control her drinking.  Seems like Ro is projecting her own control issues.

  • Love 11
40 minutes ago, OhGromit said:

At the time, Ramona did a TH saying how awful Tom and his friend were, and she literally said, "if that's what's out there, I'm staying in my marriage forever."  The irony!!!!

She had a habit of saying things like that, lauding Mario and their marriage all the while.  She especially liked comparing Mario to everyone else's husbands, and how much better their marriage was than everyone's.  She was truly insufferable with that image she was constantly pushing.

  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, izabella said:

And yet, Ramona still has the nerve to take a glass of champagne out of Sonja's hands before the toast, creating the impression that Sonja can't control her drinking.  Seems like Ro is projecting her own control issues.

She also called Luann a sex addict.


With Sonja's latest revelation Tom spoke to her about meeting her friend Lu and he liked her, I am wondering if perhaps Tom extracted an agreement from Sonja that their one night stand not be part of the conversation with Luann.  I am wondering if this conversation occurred right after John's party (December 8th) and Sonja agreed to just keep as Tom was someone she knew and had been friends with for years. When Sonja does the I was just with him a month ago-I am wondering if that was for the Luann talk-which would technically make Sonja telling the truth that she saw Tom. I would think the Ramona conversation was pretty obvious as it was in the press and might come up.  Luann seemed pretty satisfied with Tom's story which Ramona corroborates on occasion as to the nature (maybe not the number of encounters).  So when Ramona screwed things up on the yacht by saying Luann knew, (there would be no way Luann shared that with Ramona), and that sent Sonja into a tailspin.  I am guessing Sonja probably did a Talking Head and amped things up for production, production told Bethenny..  How else would Bethenny know about Sonja and Tom dating?  Bethenny had never talked to Tom and she saw Sonja for the first time at Joanne's unless of course Sonja sent her a text. 

So I am thinking over the holidays Tom and Luann really fell for each other and decided to make a go of it.  Luann went off on her own with the exception of the hair extension moment at Ramona's in early January. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

I think Sonja is only upset because uber-jealous Ramona has convinced her she should be.

I seriously think this is a bulk of the problem. Sonja seemed fine with it when Lu first announced it. A little flummoxed, maybe, as she didn't realize how serious they were. But she didn't seem upset or anything. Now Ramona keeps TALKING about it - "Oh, last time you saw him you two were romping around in bed together", and Sonja looks off with this sad, wistful gaze. Fucking Ramona. 


12 minutes ago, izabella said:

And yet, Ramona still has the nerve to take a glass of champagne out of Sonja's hands before the toast, creating the impression that Sonja can't control her drinking.  Seems like Ro is projecting her own control issues.

That was so obnoxious! I commend Sonja for reining her drinking in, but she doesn't need a babysitter. Unless she specifically ASKED Ramona to help her with her self control - back off! 

  • Love 12
4 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

She also called Luann a sex addict.


With Sonja's latest revelation Tom spoke to her about meeting her friend Lu and he liked her, I am wondering if perhaps Tom extracted an agreement from Sonja that their one night stand not be part of the conversation with Luann.  I am wondering if this conversation occurred right after John's party (December 8th) and Sonja agreed to just keep as Tom was someone she knew and had been friends with for years. When Sonja does the I was just with him a month ago-I am wondering if that was for the Luann talk-which would technically make Sonja telling the truth that she saw Tom. I would think the Ramona conversation was pretty obvious as it was in the press and might come up.  Luann seemed pretty satisfied with Tom's story which Ramona corroborates on occasion as to the nature (maybe not the number of encounters).  So when Ramona screwed things up on the yacht by saying Luann knew, (there would be no way Luann shared that with Ramona), and that sent Sonja into a tailspin.  I am guessing Sonja probably did a Talking Head and amped things up for production, production told Bethenny..  How else would Bethenny know about Sonja and Tom dating?  Bethenny had never talked to Tom and she saw Sonja for the first time at Joanne's unless of course Sonja sent her a text. 

So I am thinking over the holidays Tom and Luann really fell for each other and decided to make a go of it.  Luann went off on her own with the exception of the hair extension moment at Ramona's in early January. 

I suspect that Sonja confided in Ramona about her FWB Tom and Ramona then told Bethenny. It seems that Bethenny and Ramona are feeding each other as much dirt as they can gather on Luann and then Bethenny goes after Luann in a big way. IMO, they want Luann gone from the show in a big way.

  • Love 5

I don't know that they want Luann gone so much as the complete and total target of the rest of them.  As long as there is another person on the outs, this show seems to operate strongly on the principle of Everyone but one pick on the one.  I think that is one reason Heather and Kristin were pushed out.  Because they were a twosome that was tighter than the show.  And throw in the fact that Carole seemed to glom onto Heather tightly.  I get that they are still friends, but it is also rather pointed to me how much Carole buys into her showmances with one particular cast mate.  I think if Carole stays on more seasons with Frankel, her friendship with Heather might wither on the vine.  Last season I think/saw Frankel carefully stay above the fray.  She did her think with arriving at Dorinda's alone and kind of as a 'surprise'.  She left the vacation early and then did a second hand judgement call as if she was above the rest of them during the reunion which I think pissed Heather and Kristin off and as much as Heather annoyed me, I think she got that right.  Not so much the having an opinion on the hearsay but acting like if any didn't immediately bow to the wisdom and insight of the person who wasn't there, it was just silly beyond belief.

Carole.  When she showed up on screen in Miami all I could think she saw a weather report that said there was going to be a high pollen count in Southern Florida and so stopped eating a few days ahead of arrival so she didn't have any redundant calories. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

She also called Luann a sex addict.


Something else to get stuck in the lady's craw!!!

Everyone has a sex drive, some of is cruise in the slow lane, others?

Others move the shifter to "F" and go as fast as they can.


I can only imagine the work, sweat and tears you'd have to go thru to knock a piece off the Ramonster.

Kinda like Indiana Jones versus the Lost Vagina of NYC?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, tenativelyyours said:

I don't know that they want Luann gone so much as the complete and total target of the rest of them.  As long as there is another person on the outs, this show seems to operate strongly on the principle of Everyone but one pick on the one.  I think that is one reason Heather and Kristin were pushed out.  Because they were a twosome that was tighter than the show.  And throw in the fact that Carole seemed to glom onto Heather tightly.  I get that they are still friends, but it is also rather pointed to me how much Carole buys into her showmances with one particular cast mate.  I think if Carole stays on more seasons with Frankel, her friendship with Heather might wither on the vine.  Last season I think/saw Frankel carefully stay above the fray.  She did her think with arriving at Dorinda's alone and kind of as a 'surprise'.  She left the vacation early and then did a second hand judgement call as if she was above the rest of them during the reunion which I think pissed Heather and Kristin off and as much as Heather annoyed me, I think she got that right.  Not so much the having an opinion on the hearsay but acting like if any didn't immediately bow to the wisdom and insight of the person who wasn't there, it was just silly beyond belief.

Carole.  When she showed up on screen in Miami all I could think she saw a weather report that said there was going to be a high pollen count in Southern Florida and so stopped eating a few days ahead of arrival so she didn't have any redundant calories. 

Andy admitted that Bethenny only wanted to come back if she got her own show, he/Bravo refused so, IMO, now she is trying to turn the NY HW show into her new spin off and she needs to force out a few key HWs that she knows will refuse to play by her rules, notably Luann. No one is allowed to challenge Bethenny and no one is allowed to talk about her personal or business life on camera, No. One! I agree, Heather saw this happening last season and that is why she left. Kristen refused to talk about the Josh/AM scandal which is why she wasn't asked back this season.  

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

You will do no such-a thing.   That dress looks so good on you, you bought it twice.   50% of this thread thought Sonja looked terrible in her git em outfit.  50% thought she slayed.  0% in between.  I say all that to say we're all over the place girl, do not let the likes of us give you pause.

I know it's the wrong show but you made me see Natalie Wood climbing down the fire escape singing for Tony.  

LOL! I'm flattered by the stalking offer, but I don't tweet lovie.  Takes all the savy I possess just to navigate this forum ;)  Now, if I see you peeking out from behind the bushes Miss Hester?  Snatch off that bonnet and let's go find some rooftop rum punch.


I hate your whole soul.

Girl, my grandmother is from South Carolina, is the president of the Usher Board, and is all about etiquette and manners. Mary Lee taught me early how to smile with sweet shade and save the real dirt for after hours gossip sessions. Gotdamnit, I'm a lady. 

  • Love 11
16 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Yes! Yes she does.!  And she's deliciously, fabulously, obnoxious..Yes!   I hope she comes out singing "I'm in love, I'minloveI'minloveI'minloveI'm in love with a Wonderful guy"  from Oklahoma! while twirling in a circle skirt.

Not that it matters (and I know I'm nit picking) but "I'm in Love With A Wonderful Guy" is From South Pacific, Rogers and Hammerstein, sung by Nellie Forbush and her fellow nurses on a beach on a Pacific island during WW2. Just saying. Sorry; I spent 30+ years making my living in musical theater.

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Ramona's  "Teletubbie's" gut over the years:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/photos/more-miami/item/9750956


No wonder Sonja struggled with hiding her gut.

Bwah! How this brings back memories of Twoppers commenting on Moaner's 'gunt.' Ahhh...good times. One of the problems with Moaner is that she has an unfortunate looking face--from her crazy eyes to her f'd up teeth to her nutty twitching and inarticulate barking. Now, there are some women who can pull off what God gave them, but, as many have mentioned, Crazy Eyes is one of the most insecure and opportunistic pigs out there. She goes to the place of least resistance-hence her studio apartment in SkinnyCow's ass this season. Her opportunism and failure to commit to ANYTHING is also very unattractive. That girl, I'm sorry, I mean, that ancient, geriatric hag has a lot working against her.

Edited by StevieRocks
  • Love 6

Moaner looks to be wearing some kind of elongated body-shaping brief in that ^^ image. The seams down the front and the sides of the brief, and the band at the top (which appears to be hiked up 'neath her inflatables) are visible thru the thin fabric of the dress. I can't tell if those ridges running across her thighs are the bottom of the brief or a seam on the dress itself. Overall, I'd award the shaping success rate approx 60%.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Beden said:

Not that it matters (and I know I'm nit picking) but "I'm in Love With A Wonderful Guy" is From South Pacific, Rogers and Hammerstein, sung by Nellie Forbush and her fellow nurses on a beach on a Pacific island during WW2. Just saying. Sorry; I spent 30+ years making my living in musical theater.

Yes, it was  pointed out to me upthread.  I vaguely recalled there was something in the lyrics about the 4th of July, so I thought they were going to 'corn as high as an elephants eye'  (I mean--it does rhyme-- which is-- correct me if I'm wrong-- is from Oh! what a beautiful morning" which was Oklahoma!  So yeah, I recall it now and created a bit of a mash up. LOL   

I also love musical theater  --my 'career' thrill was playing Adelaide in "Guys and Dolls" in college.  I envy your years making a living in it.!!  I don't live far from Manhattan but the prices now!   They kill me!

I still think Lu should do a music video take-off on it.  It would be pretty damn funny and a little self mockery.  I just can't get enough of Luann's 'in your face'  cloud-nine ride to the other women.  

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Ramona's  "Teletubbie's" gut over the years:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/photos/more-miami/item/9750956


No wonder Sonja struggled with hiding her gut.

Ramona has that military stance quote "Shoulders back, chest out, stomach in" ingrained in her brain, only thing is, she forgot the "stomach in" part.  Her posture is awkward because she's always pulling her shoulders too far back and projecting her chest too far out.

It becomes even more awkward when she is conscious of it, like when she knows the camera is zooming in on just her. 

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 3

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