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S08.E17: And Away We Finally Go

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Luann has already said they are doing a pre-nup.  She is protecting her assets acquired during her first marriage and he is protecting his.  If Luann was marrying some average wage earner, people would be saying he was only after her for her money and could not possibly love her just her money.  It was Dorinda who thought they would be a good match and part of that it would seem the couple would be matched means wise.  When Ramona said to Bethenny at Sonja's fashion show she was rude for saying, "he is a bartender," Ramona replied, "you wouldn't date a bartender."  Bethenny then brought up Jaosn and Ramona said Jason wasn't a bartender. 

  • Love 9
1 minute ago, izabella said:

Yes, absolutely.  I remember her shutting down Bethenny's introducing her to a guy at one of her marketing parties:  "He's a BAR-TEN-DER!" and, of course, that means he's totally beneath her, and apparently, deaf and blind since she yelled it out right in front of him.

Right! This classless, WHITE TRASH crone has an awfully high opinion of herself. I keep thinking, "What moneyed, sophisticated man would go anywhere near this crazy-eyed, cackling ape who lumbers around like a barnyard animal?" When she squawked at LuAnn that she HAD TO know the guest list (klass-ay), I thought, "Why? so you can run up on people and embarrass them and yourself like when you were barking in the <mayor's>? face at the Hamptons party about who was more BLIND--him or you?" Crazy Eyes has totally changed my view of people on the UES. I wouldn't expect to encounter a pig like Moaner in a hillbilly biker bar in Butcher Holler, KY, and here she is clomping around in NYC. Smh. 

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, RedInk said:

Erm, I'm certain that Jules' husband is a dick, but I thought the FaceTime footage was wildly manipulative. She must have known that she was leaving when she signed on, because she airs her marital issues constantly, and he really doesn't get a rebuttal. How late was it? My little kids would cry for me like that sometimes at daycare when it was 4 in the afternoon. It was heartbreaking, but I had to be at work. I'd hate to see something like that aired on TV without getting to explain.

I guess I'm over all of them. Every one of these women are so desperate and transparent and needy that I trust no one. I about died when I realized B was using her separate segment  with another friend to talk about bleeding again. I guess the housewives aren't as concerned as they were (oh, I mean the FEW that were acceptably concerned). She's a bottomless pit. When will she have sufficient attention for this?!

Not only was the footage manipultive, but edited. Jules says hi to the nanny and in the next frame Rio is already on the phone. I totally believe that there was a discussion with the nanny and maybe even the kids regarding Michael that got Jagger upset. Jules has been on camera for a few epis now complaining about Michael never being home or caring for the kids. Just more fodder for her divorce case. And why in the world would Michael be home on a work day? Now we don't know the time of the call but there is no indication that it is the evening, but Jules states that Michael was to be there 24/7 while she was away. Because she is there when he is away. You are a SAHM moron, with a nanny.

I had to roll my eyes at Jules TH where she states that she has never wanted to be a business owner, but now she is. I do not know one person who is a successful business owner who is not driven. I don't see Jules' little adventure lasting long as she has no work ethic - at least none that I have seen. Maybe she can pull her nanny out of the sample sales line and have her run the business for her.

Like other posters, I totally thought Lu's claim regarding the yacht was a lie. She said that it belonged to a friend of hers, that she has been a guest on it previously but never slept there. Then later says no one has ever slept there. Why would someone own a yacht and never have had guests sleep over? Just more of Lu's B.S.

  • Love 11
24 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:


Oh you know she wanted to google the net worth of each man.  She cannot waste her time with anyone poor.  She is almost as desperate looking as Sonja.

Ok, wait.  $100,000 annual income is not that much.  I don't live in NYC or CA and I would not be able to live on that.  If this is fancy-schmancy Palm Beach, that seems like a very low average income. 

Wiki says average median household income in NYC is $66, 739. Palm Beach is  $124,562. I'm not a math statistican but that's the middle. And over half of Palm Beach (the real PB Luann) is retiree age. I think Tom works for what money he has and for the richest in PB their money works for them. 


1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

If the contract stipulation rumors for Bethenny are true, no one, and I do mean no one, is allowed to talk about anything in her private life. Not her daughter, her business, her divorce, her ex husband, current bf.........nothing. She is allowed to bring them up but the others are not allowed to comment on them unless the agree/repeat back to Bethenny what she said. Yet, Bethenny is allowed to bring up any and all in their lives whether or not they discuss in on camera. That is BS IMO and anyone/anything she talks about on the show is subject for gossip/rumors/half truths just as they are for Bethenny against the others.


This is what drives me crazy. This is the REAL housewives right? If you can't handle the TRUTH you can't handle me? Such bullshit, Bethenny is hiding anything real. 

  • Love 17
5 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:


Like other posters, I totally thought Lu's claim regarding the yacht was a lie. She said that it belonged to a friend of hers, that she has been a guest on it previously but never slept there. Then later says no one has ever slept there. Why would someone own a yacht and never have had guests sleep over? Just more of Lu's B.S.

I think the yacht was set up by production.  Instead of staying at a house they had to come up with a place all the women (and Tom) would be together.  The ladies do have to do a little fibbing to protect the fourth wall.  It also looks like all the guests at the party are primarily women.  Maybe the men did not want to sign releases.   After the holiday break the entire show shifted from the RH living in Bethenny's world and became about Luann.  The producers have to be able to call an audible when circumstances change.  They usually shoot for four months and started filming in November, we are now near the end of February, tick-tock, production needs to wrap things up.  The excluding Luann and Sonja plotline wasn't working.  It makes me wonder had Luann not become engaged, would she and Carole have even filmed together again?

  • Love 6

Ok, wait.  $100,000 annual income is not that much.  I don't live in NYC or CA and I would not be able to live on that.  If this is fancy-schmancy Palm Beach, that seems like a very low average income.

Remember that they use the income of everyone to create the average, including all the live in help and service workers who live in the town.  Also, rich folks don't necessarily have an income, they structure their assets in such a way that they have money, but not necessarily income as you and I know it. 

Just as a comparison, he median household income in Beverly Hills CA is $81K

  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I think the yacht was set up by production.  Instead of staying at a house they had to come up with a place all the women (and Tom) would be together.  The ladies do have to do a little fibbing to protect the fourth wall.  It also looks like all the guests at the party are primarily women.  Maybe the men did not want to sign releases.   After the holiday break the entire show shifted from the RH living in Bethenny's world and became about Luann.  The producers have to be able to call an audible when circumstances change.  They usually shoot for four months and started filming in November, we are now near the end of February, tick-tock, production needs to wrap things up.  The excluding Luann and Sonja plotline wasn't working.  It makes me wonder had Luann not become engaged, would she and Carole have even filmed together again?

Yeah it doesn't bother me when they say that they are staying at a "friend's" place, or the whole fake "Sonja is taking us to Morocco!" or whatever.  Production forces them to pretend.

Truth be told, this is a really horribly boring season.  The engagement didn't add much.  There is a whole lot of NOTHING going on.  Bethenny running the show is not helping.

  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I have read that Tom is not related to family that has the grocery store chain. Does anyone know for sure?

I think the grocery store chain is toast.  http://ny.curbed.com/2016/6/7/11878566/new-york-grocery-dagostino-closing  Tom started his own business in 2003 (he would have been 37 years old) and worked in similar business before starting his own.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/who-is-luann-de-lesseps-fiance-thomas-dagostino

So there is no mention of him being related or having worked in the grocery chain.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, StevieRocks said:

You all (as usual) have done a brilliant job of summing up so many of my feelings about this episode, so I'll just add this--the tackiness of LuAnn's white dresses notwithstanding, I thought Carole looked incredibly petty when she snarked to those two crusty old horndogs Moaner and Sonja that LuAnn was wearing white. Smh. To think that Carole initially tried to portray herself as the 'cool' one, and now she's coming off as one of the Plastics on "Mean Girls: AARP Edition." 

I agree with you, because it was a very catty comment from Carole, but it also was a truthful one.  I thought that Carole used to claim that she was above all that type of pettiness, and embraces a "Live and Let Live" mantra...guess not!  

58 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

It's pretty common where I live for the bride to be to wear a white dress to her engagement party and rehearsal dinner. It makes the bride to be stand out. 

I don't think that Luann needs to wear a white dress to stand out at her engagement party - it's not the same as a young woman, among her other same-aged, single friends.  Luann will be shoving that 8 carat canary diamond in everyone's face as soon as they step onto the yacht.  Luann is no shrinking violet - she will be sure that the light shines on her (and her finger sparkler) at all times.

What bothers me about Luann with her giddiness is that she is acting like a 24 year old virginal blushing bride.  I like Luann most of the time, I'm happy for her, and glad that she has found her soul-mate, or whatever, but she is also a mature woman.  The whole jumping up and down, squealing "I'm getting MARRIED!!!" is a little too much for me to take.  

I really, really do hope that she and Tom get married and enjoy a lifetime of happiness together, if for no other reason than to continue to throw it up in the naysayers' (Ramona, Sonja and Bethenny) faces on a daily basis.

  • Love 13

^^^^^ Oh, I totally agree that it may be a set up by production. However Lu is not bright enough to stick to the script and has to adlib which then makes the whole story fishy.

I have to say I am getting tired of this one note storyline per HW season. Lu is getting married. Sonya and Ramona are jealous. Beth is bleeding. I can't even figure out Carole's plot line and Dorinda's seems to be shit stirrer. And as someone who actually doesn't mind Beth, the constant bleeding stories are getting tiresome. I had fibroids, bled until I had surgery and the only time it stopped me from doing anything was once or twice when the pain from cramps was unbearable. Went to work (and like others was in constant fear, especially during meetings, that I would bleed all over the floor), and yes even flew with no doctor's note. As others have said, who would I give it to?

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Boofish said:

Why are Blanche (Ramona) and Jane (Sonja) Hudson not upset with Elvira (Dorinda) for introducing Mrs. Bates (Lu) to Edwin Flagg (Tom)? Since this nonsense can't possibly be real I can only assume they are acting out a modern day version of What Happened to Baby Jane and we are all unwilling participants in the farce.

If I understanding this all correctly, Ramona and Tom hadn't gone out yet when Dorinda first make the introduction. She said she introduced them on the phone in the summer, and they didn't actually meet until November. Since Ramona and Tom didn't start "dating" until September, there was nothing for Dorinda to tell or to know when she first had them talk on the phone. It doesn't sound like she knew that Sonja had been having a "thing" with him either. Apparently he didn't mention it to his good friend Dorinda when she was trying to fix him up with a mutual friend of both Dorinda and Sonja. 

All of the timelines are fuzzy. It's hard to know who knew what when. With one very important exception: Tom. He certainly knew they were all friends, and he was running around with all three of them. If true that he was still sleeping with Sonja when Lu was living there (although apparently Lu and Tom hadn't yet met), then he is the real shit for not coming clean about everything. Dating 3 women in a small circle, when they are all on TV and have some small level of fame, is much more than a coincidence. Make it more incredible by throwing in Dorinda. They didn't date, but what are the chances that he would also be friends with her? The man is absolutely thirsty, and Lu looks like a dumbass for not taking a bit of a closer look at his motives. Especially since she assigns it all to jealousy from the other ladies.  Maybe they are jealous, but they are also right when they say this dude is a major player. Both before and after Lu.  After all her rantings that they are just jealous, she is going to look like a big, desperate fool, which is kind of delicious.  

I may give SG wine a second chance while I toast her foolishness.  

  • Love 9
14 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Ramona is enjoying the pain she is causing Sonja when she brings up Sonja/Tom past. Pretty sick for a "friend" to do IMO.

Yeah, you see how gauche she is every time she describes Sonja and Tom's connection. I mean honestly not only is she sticking it to Lu she's painting Sonja in a very very cheap way. I'm not sure if Ramona is actually intending to be that rude to Sonja or if she's just that intend on making things sound so terrible to hurt Lu that she's not caring about the collateral damage she's causing with regards to Sonja's rep.

Ramona is also fueling and unknowingly (or knowingly?..hmmmm) orchestrating a very different narrative from Sonja. Ramona's disrespectful description of Sonja and Tom's connection gives Sonja no choice but to put on this injured act in order to portray her relationship as something OTHER than slam bam thank you ma'am. I get that she wants to acknowledge that it was a mutual arrangement with mutual respect involved hence the dinners, the friendliness, all that is necessary to paint it something other than the trashy booty call narrative Ramona's trying to spin it into but she's being very selfish and inappropriate with her version of things. She's not clever enough to shut down Ramona's take on it or secure enough so instead she falls back into damsel in distress manipulative mode and used the wounded angle to give her more leverage towards the idea that there was more to the relationship than just fucking. 

But this is what pisses me off about Sonja. Honey, this is what you get when you want to SHOW OFF your sexual conquests in order to one up the other beautiful and sexy woman in the room. No decorum or discretion just flat out TMI and then when that snowballs in the wrong direction I.E. everyone looking at you like the poor man's Marilyn Monroe you don the pout and try for crocodile tears cause you're mad that a spotlight has been put on your very sad and most likely very one sided escapades.

Oh I'm sure some still have mutual respect and in her younger years I'm sure she held the reigns a bit more with the goings ons but now a days I think the scales are shifting and unlike Lu who at almost the same age still has that control over HER relations with men Sonja not so much. I'm pretty sure Sonja is non to thrilled to be considered Tom's cast off while Lu is the one who won him over. Like I said, I can understand the jealousy but Sonja did it to herself by jumping on the opportunity to compete with Lu by smugly laying claim on a man based solely on the fact that she's had a romp or two with him. Oh and he was kind enough to provide dinner.

The contrast between how Lu handles her dating life, past, history and beaus and Sonja's desperate attempts and need to stay relevant from the waist down is completely night and day. So although I feel a little bad for her because Ramona is highlighting the whole idea and Sonja's connection Sonja could also stand to be a bit more gracious as well as not be so damn confounded by it all. Like seriously? Sonja knows and knew the deal the only reason she's coming out swinging is because her part in it has been swatted about so embarrassingly and condescendingly. And it's being done more by others than it is by Tom and Lu. Had people not been lording Tom's past over both of them neither would have found the need to put any additional information out there about the connection. It's funny how Sonja's offended by the minimalization but really? What she wants him to scream from the rooftops that she was the most meaningful sometimes fuck he's ever had? I mean how do you even address something so awkward any other way THAN awkward. Sonja's expecting way too much from Tom and he's not even the one that's purposely created the buzz in the first place. Regardless how "in bad taste" people want to label him being connected to these three women a part of the whole craziness and shock is that he was THAT discreet that no one really knew he was bedding these women and to me that counts for something.

  • Love 12

Ramona has 4F’s - Fitness, Finance, Fashion and Friends

Sonja has 3F’s – Fucked For Free

Luanne/Tom – it could be for storyline, it could be they will knowingly have an open marriage but she will never admit that to anyone.  Both Ramona and Sonja have made their points – it’s time to drop it.

Luanne – I’m not sure why she was got excited in saying we got the yacht. It’s not her yacht nor is it Tom’s. They just have it for the engagement celebration or are they using it for the entire weekend? Didn’t she throw Jacques a party on a yacht for his birthday?

Ramona – I wouldn’t want to date a man whose thing was in you. Bwahahahaha – I agree. I was so happy to see the Cray Cray – first with the luggage and getting others to do stuff for her because of the wrist injury. Craymona is texting and tweeting too much she might have carpel tunnel syndrome. Who unpacked her curling iron?

Crazy Turtle posing in her bathing suit – she does something with her hip – like one leg is 6 inches shorter than the other and maybe she’s clenching her butt so she doesn’t fart out loud – I bust out laughing every time she does this. I can’t wait for her to jump into the water with her Floaty Noodle

I think I understand what she was saying about Miami. She can fly there anytime from NY it’s a very short trip. On this show she is used to a more exotic locale for their “big” trip of the season.

  • Love 9

Apologies if I missed it but in what universe does Bethenny need a doctors note to fly?  How would the airlines even know she has fibroids and is "bleeding all over the place".  That made no sense whatsoever to me. 


I also picked up that Tom told Sonja he had met someone.  Why would he tell her that if he wasn't at least a little bit serious about this person he met.  I just feel like the producers are editing the show to exaggerate Luann's giddiness to fit this storyline they want to tell and if B does have producing input then to probably try to justify her behaviour to Lu this season.  It seems almost deliberate now that the two shows that B doesn't feature in and Luann holds an event are the most randomly edited together episodes that make it seem like nothing happens unless B is around.  I can't believe with that group of women there wasn't some fun drunken banter and interaction to show us.

Edited by Castina
  • Love 4
14 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

I loved Sonja saying Lu's friend's yacht isn't in the same league as JPM's.  Girl you mean the one you don't have the keys to? Chile please.

Sonja's about to say hi to Tom in the dress Demi Moore had on in Indecent Proposal.   Yesssss bish!  Lol.  It's about to get messy, with no life preservers and I'm here for it.

Ramona: I don't wanna be with a man that had his thing in you, sorry.   Dammit but I hate it when I agree with her.

Carole girl get your damn double dipping spit covered fingers off the fruit plate, don't you see the baby forceps sitting right there? 

Beth and this Paul Revere shit is already getting on my nerves.  Lu's mason jar of fucks is empty, don't you get it.  Whatever happened BL doesn't matter.   It could be happening in the next room, the guy is wealthy, childless, likes to travel and she's already got the keys to the penthouse.  Be seated.

By the way could one of you start a GoFundMe for the pair of daytime shoes I'll need to walk down Madison Avenue just once and never wear again.   Goal should be $1050, I'd like some blahniks. Thanks.

How can Ramona simultaneously slay in a bathing suit and look awkward as hell? lol!  It's like a camera comes out and she turns into Jim Carrey. 

This gave me LIFE!!!

  • Love 3
18 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

All of the timelines are fuzzy. It's hard to know who knew what when. With one very important exception: Tom. He certainly knew they were all friends, and he was running around with all three of them. If true that he was still sleeping with Sonja when Lu was living there (although apparently Lu and Tom hadn't yet met), then he is the real shit for not coming clean about everything. Dating 3 women in a small circle, when they are all on TV and have some small level of fame, is much more than a coincidence. Make it more incredible by throwing in Dorinda. They didn't date, but what are the chances that he would also be friends with her? The man is absolutely thirsty, and Lu looks like a dumbass for not taking a bit of a closer look at his motives. Especially since she assigns it all to jealousy from the other ladies.  Maybe they are jealous, but they are also right when they say this dude is a major player. Both before and after Lu.  After all her rantings that they are just jealous, she is going to look like a big, desperate fool, which is kind of delicious.

The sad truth is really this - women like to "win." To be chosen over other women. This is why the Bachelor franchise is such a hit. To women (and yes I am one) that rose means - he thinks I'm smarter, prettier, funnier etc than all the other women who didn't get roses. And if you get the final rose you are the ultimate prize. That is why women leave the mansion after a few hours crying like they are ending a long term relationship or just left a funeral. It's not about him it's about being better and chosen over other women. How many of them have exited stage left wondering "what's wrong with me? why don't he like me? why her?" 

Lu knew, Dorinda knew, Sonja knew and Ramona is an idiot but I believe any man entertaining Sonja for 10 years she knew as well. They were in a contest with all the other women competing for the one rose and LuAnn won. They all come off as sad, desperate, aging lonely spinsters who "need" a man

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, Normades said:

Either way, I'm still happy for Lu and I think it's funny every time she pokes the shrews with "I'm engaged!!  I'm in LOOOOVVEE!"  They just turn green with envy.  Plus I still hate Bethenny.  I've also been wondering, if she is so sick, on meds and bleeding, isn't it a bad idea to be drinking alcohol?  I remember her complaining and drinking a glass of wine.  I thought alcohol thinned the blood and could worsen bleeding.  Not sure if that's right, but still meds and alcohol doesn't seem like a good idea --- Of course they pointed that out when Jules did it.

Bolded: I've been noticing that B has been drinking red wine on different occasions this season. Its considered healthier and if I remember correctly could help with her iron depleted blood. Probably a conscious choice.

  • Love 1
54 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:


Remember that they use the income of everyone to create the average, including all the live in help and service workers who live in the town.  Also, rich folks don't necessarily have an income, they structure their assets in such a way that they have money, but not necessarily income as you and I know it. 

Just as a comparison, he median household income in Beverly Hills CA is $81K

Live-in help yes, but the majority, if not all, of the service people that don't live-in reside in West Palm not in Palm Beach itself, that's one of the things that make people say there's a "huge difference" between the two.  There aren't many wage slaves in Palm Beach bringing that average down.

I think most people in Palm Beach live off money that was earned many, many years ago.

  • Love 3
26 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Yeah, you see how gauche she is every time she describes Sonja and Tom's connection. I mean honestly not only is she sticking it to Lu she's painting Sonja in a very very cheap way. I'm not sure if Ramona is actually intending to be that rude to Sonja or if she's just that intend on making things sound so terrible to hurt Lu that she's not caring about the collateral damage she's causing with regards to Sonja's rep.

Ramona is also fueling and unknowingly (or knowingly?..hmmmm) orchestrating a very different narrative from Sonja. Ramona's disrespectful description of Sonja and Tom's connection gives Sonja no choice but to put on this injured act in order to portray her relationship as something OTHER than slam bam thank you ma'am. I get that she wants to acknowledge that it was a mutual arrangement with mutual respect involved hence the dinners, the friendliness, all that is necessary to paint it something other than the trashy booty call narrative Ramona's trying to spin it into but she's being very selfish and inappropriate with her version of things. She's not clever enough to shut down Ramona's take on it or secure enough so instead she falls back into damsel in distress manipulative mode and used the wounded angle to give her more leverage towards the idea that there was more to the relationship than just fucking. 

But this is what pisses me off about Sonja. Honey, this is what you get when you want to SHOW OFF your sexual conquests in order to one up the other beautiful and sexy woman in the room. No decorum or discretion just flat out TMI and then when that snowballs in the wrong direction I.E. everyone looking at you like the poor man's Marilyn Monroe you don the pout and try for crocodile tears cause you're mad that a spotlight has been put on your very sad and most likely very one sided escapades.

Oh I'm sure some still have mutual respect and in her younger years I'm sure she held the reigns a bit more with the goings ons but now a days I think the scales are shifting and unlike Lu who at almost the same age still has that control over HER relations with men Sonja not so much. I'm pretty sure Sonja is non to thrilled to be considered Tom's cast off while Lu is the one who won him over. Like I said, I can understand the jealousy but Sonja did it to herself by jumping on the opportunity to compete with Lu by smugly laying claim on a man based solely on the fact that she's had a romp or two with him. Oh and he was kind enough to provide dinner.

The contrast between how Lu handles her dating life, past, history and beaus and Sonja's desperate attempts and need to stay relevant from the waist down is completely night and day. So although I feel a little bad for her because Ramona is highlighting the whole idea and Sonja's connection Sonja could also stand to be a bit more gracious as well as not be so damn confounded by it all. Like seriously? Sonja knows and knew the deal the only reason she's coming out swinging is because her part in it has been swatted about so embarrassingly and condescendingly. And it's being done more by others than it is by Tom and Lu. Had people not been lording Tom's past over both of them neither would have found the need to put any additional information out there about the connection. It's funny how Sonja's offended by the minimalization but really? What she wants him to scream from the rooftops that she was the most meaningful sometimes fuck he's ever had? I mean how do you even address something so awkward any other way THAN awkward. Sonja's expecting way too much from Tom and he's not even the one that's purposely created the buzz in the first place. Regardless how "in bad taste" people want to label him being connected to these three women a part of the whole craziness and shock is that he was THAT discreet that no one really knew he was bedding these women and to me that counts for something.

Girl I was fistpumping 76% of the way through.   

breakdown of disagreement lol:  

5% = while I absolutely agree at Mona's intentional shittiness, I don't believe Sonja's feathers are ruffled by this per se.  She's the one who describes hit em and quit ems as:  {{kanyeshrug}} we're grown, grown folk do grown things.   I think if there's bristling, it's about how conscious she has become about the stuff she says on camera.   I think, she thinks the way Ramona keeps describing the 10 years is disrespectful to Luann and she wants no parts of verbally contributing to it.  She told Lu in the kitchen and again when they were at the restaurant that she doesn't need to get into the details because she understands that they (tom and lu) are real.    I wouldn't want to hear Ramona try to shame me either but how much could I complain if I'm the one painting myself the slut.    I believe the jealousy is legit but in the context of missing her former life.  She's vocal about the stuff, the ring, the boat, the life they're about to have (which she used to) Tom, I don't really get that she's so beat about him

23% = Unlocking Tom's handcuffs.   Everything motorcitymom said #Imwithher.   I ask not:  why Luann? but ask why three women that you know know each other.  No'm.  Gentlemen are discreet, this dude is shady.   Any taller and I'd want to know if he were a Kennedy. 

p.s. Recanting my question about his means.  I forgot the UES top floor place with a wrap around walk out balcony. Duh.

p.p.s.  I realize the objection breakdown comes to 104% but he's that shady.   ;)

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

If I understanding this all correctly, Ramona and Tom hadn't gone out yet when Dorinda first make the introduction. She said she introduced them on the phone in the summer, and they didn't actually meet until November. Since Ramona and Tom didn't start "dating" until September, there was nothing for Dorinda to tell or to know when she first had them talk on the phone. It doesn't sound like she knew that Sonja had been having a "thing" with him either. Apparently he didn't mention it to his good friend Dorinda when she was trying to fix him up with a mutual friend of both Dorinda and Sonja. 

All of the timelines are fuzzy. It's hard to know who knew what when. With one very important exception: Tom. He certainly knew they were all friends, and he was running around with all three of them. If true that he was still sleeping with Sonja when Lu was living there (although apparently Lu and Tom hadn't yet met), then he is the real shit for not coming clean about everything. Dating 3 women in a small circle, when they are all on TV and have some small level of fame, is much more than a coincidence. Make it more incredible by throwing in Dorinda. They didn't date, but what are the chances that he would also be friends with her? The man is absolutely thirsty, and Lu looks like a dumbass for not taking a bit of a closer look at his motives. Especially since she assigns it all to jealousy from the other ladies.  Maybe they are jealous, but they are also right when they say this dude is a major player. Both before and after Lu.  After all her rantings that they are just jealous, she is going to look like a big, desperate fool, which is kind of delicious.  

I may give SG wine a second chance while I toast her foolishness.  

One thing is confusing the fuck outta me in all of this. Do people really expect grown adults to share who they are putting their dicks in? Whose dicks they are receiving? I mean I get that "it's a small world" and everything but hell's bells these women aren't in a TIGHT circle of friends. I am more shocked that people expect that Tom is dishing to Dorinda that he enjoys a romp with Sonja on occasion or that he's taking Ramona out to dinner. Same goes with some girlfriends.  Only my closest of girlfriends get the skinny on who I've been doing and not even all the time cause ummm, I'm grown and what happens in my bedroom does not need to be public knowledge. Men aren't that quick to be that transparent cause they don't want to turn off an future potentials so I'm completely not surprised that he ain't giving a daily report about who he is fucking. Isn't it normal for men to want to keep those sort of details under wraps just cause unless there is a commitment there is really nothing to display. I actually believe this is a respectable way to indulge in hooking up with multiple partners. There really wasn't any need to know up until he got serious with Lu. It's nobodies responsibility to disclose their sexual history or current arrangements right off the cuff. That's private information no matter how close to home some of those connections are. If someone feels it's relevant to pointedly inquire about then fine but to expect anyone to offer up such private and initimate information just cause seems ridiculous to me.

With that said, I don't find it hard at all that these women were unaware of the others involvement with him. I don't expect to fuck a man and then have it broadcasted to everyone I know within a 30 mile radius. I mean unless you're Sonja of course. Also Lu has demonstrated that she does like a modem of discretion when it comes to such things so I'm sure she wasn't trying too hard to dig into his particulars the same way she would hope he wasn't trying to do some roll call on her vagina checking to see if he's familiar with anyone on her roster... Ya feel me??

They are pointing out that he's a major player... Well so was she. Why on earth do they think being a player is a problem for Lu? I could understand it if Lu was some innocent who is unfamiliar with the world of a single on the single's scene but Lu was right there in it and understands the goings on..Understands the juggling of multiple interests. Personally I see nothing wrong with it. That's what dating is all about. It's funny how a lot of people don't truly get that concept and want to assign something dirty to going out with multiple people without being committed to just one. It actually makes more sense for people in Lu and Tom's position to date since they aren't starry eyed young and naive. They've been around the block and understand that there is nothing wrong with weighing their options before taking the plunge. They both decided to plunge at the same time. I think their union had a lot to do with good timing. They caught each other at a time where they both want the same thing. Everything is secondary which is what I think they are really connected by. The scandalous shit is elementary compared to the dumb luck of then finding each other at the right TIME.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 17

I'm disappointed in Lu falling for this f-boy.  Bethenny's assessment was probably correct, he has plowed through all the desperate UES divorcees.  Lu has been around the block, she's no fool.  WHAT is she doing?  She's being ridiculous about the whole thing.  Why the rush to get married?  Is her biological clock ticking? (a rhetorical question).

I like Sonya most of the time but that black dress was too much.  She looked great in it, but it was definitely a "Hey look at me!" move. I believe it's the same dress LVP wore to Pandora's engagement party.  Also, Sonya bemoaning the loss of Tom -- her friend, dinner companion, etc.  She seems oblivious that she's lost whatever kernel of friendship she had with LuAnne.  I mean, Lu was living with her. I'm proud of Sonya for not drinking and realizing she has to keep her cool about all of this.  A pox on LuAnne for encouraging her to drink.


  • Lu's halter dress probably was from the King of Prussia Mall.  I do love turquoise with white though.
  • Tom's white pants/navy jacket.  Classic GQ look that nobody here in khaki nation actually wears.
  • Carole's midriff showing when she board the boat.  Bitch, please.
  • Sonya's wearing two hats while at the airport.  Oh my!  I liked her poncho/ensemble at the shoe store.
  • Bethenny and Carole's matching jean jackets.  Girls, grow up.

I also just want to add, I feel really bad about everyone on this board who has talked about their fibroid/uterine issues. It's sad that we, as women, have to drag ourselves to work while in such a painful condition. Anyway, as I said, I feel bad.  I'm coming up on 50, so it's all coming my way.  You guys are tough bitches.  Proud to know ya.

  • Love 11

I agree that Lu was no friend to Sonya, encouraging her to drink. I wonder if Lu had a ulterior motive? I am sure she was a bit apprehensive that Sonya might make a comment to Tom regarding their relationship. If Sonya was tipsy or flat out drunk Lu can just chalk it up to Sonya's drinking and being delusional. OTOH, maybe Lu is just a shitty friend and is too shallow to recognize the steps that Sonya is taking, which are pretty admirable considering the company she keeps. I'd say it is 50/50 as to Lu's motives, both showing her to be (no surprise here) a lousy friend.

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

One thing is confusing the fuck outta me in all of this. Do people really expect grown adults to share who they are putting their dicks in? Whose dicks they are receiving? I mean I get that "it's a small world" and everything but hell's bells these women aren't in a TIGHT circle of friends. I am more shocked that people expect that Tom is dishing to Dorinda that he enjoys a romp with Sonja on occasion or that he's taking Ramona out to dinner. Same goes with some girlfriends.  Only my closest of girlfriends get the skinny on who I've been doing and not even all the time cause ummm, I'm grown and what happens in my bedroom does not need to be public knowledge. Men aren't that quick to be that transparent cause they don't want to turn off an future potentials so I'm completely not surprised that he ain't giving a daily report about who he is fucking. Isn't it normal for men to want to keep those sort of details under wraps just cause unless there is a commitment there is really nothing to display. I actually believe this is a respectable way to indulge in hooking up with multiple partners. There really wasn't any need to know up until he got serious with Lu. It's nobodies responsibility to disclose their sexual history or current arrangements right off the cuff. That's private information no matter how close to home some of those connections are. If someone feels it's relevant to pointedly inquire about then fine but to expect anyone to offer up such private and initimate information just cause seems ridiculous to me.

With that said, I don't find it hard at all that these women were unaware of the others involvement with him. I don't expect to fuck a man and then have it broadcasted to everyone I know within a 30 mile radius. I mean unless you're Sonja of course. Also Lu has demonstrated that she does like a modem of discretion when it comes to such things so I'm sure she wasn't trying too hard to dig into his particulars the same way she would hope he wasn't trying to do some roll call on her vagina checking to see if he's familiar with anyone on her roster... Ya feel me??

That's fair, but the exceptional circumstance here is that typically the sharers are unacquainted.  Everybody's somebody's ex, I don't think that's the issue.   In one respect or another Tom has pursued women whom he knows know each other.   For argument's sake let's keep it relateable.   A guy you're newly intimate with and like a lot tells you he dated two of your go out to lunch with co-workers, one of whom is a self admitted floozy, as recently as two weeks before he began dating you, that wouldn't rate an arched brow?    Leave out that your co-workers are bothering you about you not telling them, he's the common denominator.

  • Love 7

According to this article in People:


Tom  said that he and Moaner went out to dinner a few times as part of a group, but there was no relationship. Moaner agrees

But he also said, if you read between the lines, that he and Sonja hooked up once and she is making a big deal out of it.  Sonja disagrees.

  • Love 4
51 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

23% = Unlocking Tom's handcuffs.   Everything motorcitymom said #Imwithher.   I ask not:  why Luann? but ask why three women that you know know each other.  No'm.  Gentlemen are discreet, this dude is shady.   Any taller and I'd want to know if he were a Kennedy. 

p.s. Recanting my question about his means.  I forgot the UES top floor place with a wrap around walk out balcony. Duh.

p.p.s.  I realize the objection breakdown comes to 104% but he's that shady.   ;)

Cause, why not? Men don't treat shit like soap operas like women do. Men don't knock women out of contention just because they know each other. Add women who are sexually free and aren't of the uptight variety in that department and a man can easily convince themselves they've got a mature situation going on where one has nothing to do with the other. Men look to reasons to keep the options open whereas women look for reasons to pick off options. This is not new. Here we have a typical man doing him.. (and whoever else wants to join him) a two women who are also pretty open minded about and CENTERED on their own goings on and not so much what's going on outside their immediate bubble. That's how it works. Can't be veering to far off course when doing the casual thing. Casual means "this right here" is all you need to worry about. Everything that happens outside of our time together isn't relevant until it is relevant.

I can't get too bent out of shape with Tom. He's a man. He's not going to turn away the company of a women based on possible pinky swears, pajama parties or friendships bracelets they may or may not share amongst them. Especially if his connection is of the casual variety. Especially if he wasn't deceptive in any of it. Now come out with some information that he was feigning monogamy for one woman while still bedding another and then we'll have something. Other than that. Meeehhhh, scandal, shmandle.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 10
12 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

That's fair, but the exceptional circumstance here is that typically the sharers are unacquainted.  Everybody's somebody's ex, I don't think that's the issue.   In one respect or another Tom has pursued women whom he knows know each other.   For argument's sake let's keep it relateable.   A guy you're newly intimate with and like a lot tells you he dated two of your go out to lunch with co-workers, one of whom is a self admitted floozy, as recently as two weeks before he began dating you, that wouldn't rate an arched brow?    Leave out that your co-workers are bothering you about you not telling them, he's the common denominator.

See, I get what you're saying but.. No, not at their ages would it rate such interest to me. I'm no twenty something so to me shit like that isn't as scandalous as it used to be back in my "hoping to start my life with someone stage" where everything was a serious effort to get there. Now....? Eeehhhh. I understand men a little more. Don't take shit too personally and don't expect things to be that over thought. Lu's the go with the flow kinda gal so I'm not surprised that she's not too inclined to give non issues much thought. The only reason why it's turned into such a thing is cause the ladies are dragging this through every mud hole no matter how shallow and plastering it out all over this show. Maybe worth a moment of pause in the real world but definitely not worth all the curious suspicion the women are displaying and definitely not worth the puzzle piecing they are forcing. I find it quite juvineille and at the end of the day who really cares whether Lu marries him or not. Is it that much of hot button that they need to be this negatively invested in the outcome of their relationship? Mindboggling for sure.

  • Love 5

I can't get too bent out of shape with Tom. He's a man. He's not going to turn away the company of a women based on possible pinky swears, pajama parties or friendships bracelets they may or may not share amongst them. Especially if his connection is of the casual variety.

He's a player. All three of those women knew that. The whole BL tells me that Tom and Lu (I'm thinking TomLu?) negotiated all that. I will also look for Tom to not get bent out of shape because this is a RYONY storyline. You bang 3 RHONY you've got to know you're a story line. 

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

He's a player. All three of those women knew that. The whole BL tells me that Tom and Lu (I'm thinking TomLu?) negotiated all that. I will also look for Tom to not get bent out of shape because this is a RYONY storyline. You bang 3 RHONY you've got to know you're a story line. 

That's what I was thinking. I also heard or read somewhere someone saying that he was out to bang as many howives as he could.  

8 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

That's what I was thinking. I also heard or read somewhere someone saying that he was out to bang as many howives as he could.  

I have a strong feeling that narrative was brought to life due to the current circumstances and not necessarily due to some goal he set before hand.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 6
16 hours ago, Sai said:

This was a good episode.  No screeching Bethenny.  Maybe it's good she's not feeling well.  She's stays off the screen.  Yeah, I know, I'm terrible.  Sorry.

I liked Jules' parents but I felt so sorry for her little boy.  I know in her TH Jules said she was on vacation but the truth is she's working.  You'd think her douche bag of a husband would come home for the kids especially since Mommy isn't there and the nanny is new and they are not used to her.  I hope he goes down in flames in the divorce.

I can't stand when Lu is on now.  There's happy and there's nuts.  She's acting nuts.  Every. friggin. minute.  I can't believe I'm getting married, giggle, giggle.  SHUT IT already, will ya!

It seems to me a bit overdone.  But that's just me.  I will say however my husband, who does not watch regularly, took one look at Luann and asked if she was a cokehead.  He thought she looked like she had been indulging (in several scenes).  Nothing would surprise me.

  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

He's a player. All three of those women knew that. The whole BL tells me that Tom and Lu (I'm thinking TomLu?) negotiated all that. I will also look for Tom to not get bent out of shape because this is a RYONY storyline. You bang 3 RHONY you've got to know you're a story line. 

This exactly. Of course it's going to be a storyline. No way Lu didn't know about Ramona. I'm not clear on what she knew about Sonja when she first lured him to her bed. She absolutely knew about Ramona, and by the time she was in Sonja's kitchen, she did know about Sonja because she talked about it in her TH, although she believed Tom in that it was just a one time thing. She had the option of not making this a big part of her storyline. She could have pulled a Beth from last year and not made a big deal about it all. She went the other way, and regardless of whether or not others think it's a big deal that he went out with 2 of her friends, anyone who has ever watched one these shows - let alone starred on it for years - is well aware that this will be discussed. And Discussed again and again. I'm not sure what other world folks exist in, but in my world, if the guy I was engaged to had dated two of my friends - or coworkers - it would be a topic of discussion among them and others. On a reality TV show, it certainly will be. Lu was well aware of this and she still ran around calling everyone else jealous and throwing around the fact that she didn't care about BL, even though she certainly cared about BC - before Carole. Tom knew what he had done and is no innocent lamb led to slaughter. He knew the gals would be talking about what he did/didn't do with them, and he was game for the show. He could have said he didn't want to film or be part of the show. Doesn't mean it wouldn't still be discussed, but he made the decision that he wanted to be a part of this shitshow and brought along all of his baggage. 

  • Love 6

I noticed last night Ramona went to a storyline rerun with her going nuts over this storyline: http://nypost.com/2016/02/17/countess-luann-doesnt-care-about-her-fiances-past-lovers/  The reporter wasn't quoting Luann regarding Sonja and Ramona.  Ramona lied when she said it was in quotes. The reporter was inaccurately quoting BETHENNY FRANKEL.  Let's put the blame where the blame is due.  Had Bethenny not revealed that, there would have been interviewing Luann about Ramona and Sonja.  Luann was all over Fashion Week and she wanted to talk about her engagement not Ramona or Sonja.  She had no control over what was run in the press or what question the reporter asked.  She mitigated.  Luann should not have to give up publicity because Ramona might be offended.    No one buys Ramona stupid shit of misdirection, "oh look the ponies are near the pool."  They want a story with interest.

Last season Bethenny went nuts on Kristen and cast her out for the rest of the season for saying to the press regarding Bethenny, "you can't judge a book by its cover."  Then it was Sonja going nuts on Kristen for saying she would like to see Sonja toaster oven on the market.  Good thing for Kristen she was on tape talking to the reporter.  So now we have Ramona doing the rehash over bad press.  She gets downright vitriolic and ridiculous.  When it counted, when Ramona was getting cheated on and divorced the others didn't comment to the press or give their insight.

Once again we have Ramona or Bethenny telling people how they should behave.  Failure to comply launches an attack.

It just comes off as no storyline Ramona. 

  • Love 8
14 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

Lu is annoying as hell this season, but I'm also upset that in addition to losing her mind, she's lost her fashion sense as well.  I used to love how Lu dressed and how she carried herself.  Now I cringe watching her.  

I actually think crazy Sonya is gorgeous....petty/jealous that Lu tied down money bags, but still gorgeous.

Well this has to be due to her wearing her own fashions which in my opinion aren't attractive.  Perhaps she can't find anyone to loan her clothes?  But at the very least she needs someone better designing her 'fashion' line.

  • Love 1
33 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

he was out to bang as many howives as he could.  

Seriously, he's done. Sonja gave him a ride a few times and even as a player, he could not stand Ramona for more than dinner. So he has Lu...his best option.

Dorinda is with John, which is already off-putting, Carole has no sexual vibe at all, which is why she is seated at the children's table, and that leaves Beth who is already screwing a married man while bleeding buckets. Even a player might balk at a night in the sack amid a sea of blood.

He may be a player, but he is also a business man..no way does he go near Jules, at least until her messy upcoming divorce is final, no need to be dragged into that.

So much for wanting to bang all the howives.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, WireWrap said:

If Tom were that "thirsty" we would have seen him/Sonja out together and Tom/Ramona out together. I just don't get that thirsty feeling from the little we have seen so far. Of course, that my change once we get to know him better. LOL

Luann has her own money, so I don't think she was looking for a "wallet" to marry but at the same time I doubt that she would give serious consideration to someone without deep pockets either.

I do.  He was in that scene season 1 with Ramona and her friend Joannie in the bar.  Then he apparently was boning Sonja, dating Ramona, now engaged to Luann.  SURELY there are more women in the UES than these 3 who happen to be on a semi highly rated tv show.  We need to ask Sonja's facialist for the skinny since she knows all the gossip :).

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

This exactly. Of course it's going to be a storyline. No way Lu didn't know about Ramona. I'm not clear on what she knew about Sonja when she first lured him to her bed. She absolutely knew about Ramona, and by the time she was in Sonja's kitchen, she did know about Sonja because she talked about it in her TH, although she believed Tom in that it was just a one time thing. She had the option of not making this a big part of her storyline. She could have pulled a Beth from last year and not made a big deal about it all. She went the other way, and regardless of whether or not others think it's a big deal that he went out with 2 of her friends, anyone who has ever watched one these shows - let alone starred on it for years - is well aware that this will be discussed. And Discussed again and again. I'm not sure what other world folks exist in, but in my world, if the guy I was engaged to had dated two of my friends - or coworkers - it would be a topic of discussion among them and others. On a reality TV show, it certainly will be. Lu was well aware of this and she still ran around calling everyone else jealous and throwing around the fact that she didn't care about BL, even though she certainly cared about BC - before Carole. Tom knew what he had done and is no innocent lamb led to slaughter. He knew the gals would be talking about what he did/didn't do with them, and he was game for the show. He could have said he didn't want to film or be part of the show. Doesn't mean it wouldn't still be discussed, but he made the decision that he wanted to be a part of this shitshow and brought along all of his baggage. 

Luann has said she knew about Ramona, her story from Tom was they had gone out to dinner.  I think Ramona anger is misplaced she should be mad at Bethenny for going on Andy's show and claiming http://pagesix.com/2016/02/11/bethenny-is-causing-drama-over-luanns-engagement/, again the writer claimed Tom "bedded Sonja Morgan and Ramona Singer", surprise, surprise Ramona commented on the story and stated there was no romance.  Ramona of "what a nice shade of blue the models are wearing", school of comment.  The blame is on Bethenny for making it public and causing the stir.  Not Tom and not Luann. 

Sonja is now saying Tom told her about  Luann and he.  So Sonja is either lying about Tom telling her or faking it when Luann told her. Sonja could have said, "oh Tom, I know him for 10 years."  (Because that is how Sonja speaks.) The end.  No further discussion.  There was no earthly reason for Sonja to do the "friends with benefits" or for Bethenny to even bring it up-obviously a production person filled her in.

I see it differently, say Tom and Sonja had a secret down low thing for however long.  Obviously it wasn't worth making public for 10 years so why now?  Sonja and Luann weren't even on speaking terms at the end of Season 6, and had been reduced to a drunken Sonja's "snatchguard" early in Season 7.  So I am not feeling the long term friendship.  The co-worker thing is nebulous because these women can refuse to film together and behave towards each other that would never be tolerated in the workplace.

Tom owned up to his past-it is his fiancé probably $700,000.00 +++ year job and vehicle for promoting her products. No one should be expected to give up their career because co-stars think it is uncomfortable he was acquainted with two others prior to Luann.   Him filming or not will make little difference as he is a big part of her life.  The discussion continues next week.  It is refreshing the conversation will actually be on film in real time and not at a Reunion six months later. 

If Luann was wrong and she paid dearly for commenting on Before Carole, then how can she be wrong now for adopting Carole's stance?  This isn't directed at you personally, but these ladies can't have it both ways.  Similarly, in that situation it was Adam that told Nicole-not Carole.  So things are progressing as Carole, Bethenny, Heather et al, deemed appropriate in the Carole, Adam Luann situation until they decided it didn't apply to Luann and Tom.  If Ramona and Sonja are so intimidated about filming around Tom-don't go to the party.  I am sure the party would have been just fine with Jules, Carole and Dorinda. 

  • Love 6
16 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Looked like she stole it from MJ's (Shahs of Sunset) closet.  

It was a total bitch move on Sonja's part to wear that dress.  She mentioned she would approach Tom "coquette-ishly"...ain't nothing coquette-ish about that get-up!  That was a total "Fuck you, Tom - see what you're gonna be missing" dress.  

I don't know, maybe I'm a bit more conservative, but I didn't think it flattered her - I thought it trashed her down.  She looked too slutty and too try-hard.

What a perfect description of Sonja's dress!  I also thought it was unflattering.  I usually love her style but I think she's picked up a few pounds so she's trying to show off the goods and it just looks trashy as you said.

LuAnn needs to get her vocal cords checked out.  She sounds like she's got nodules on them and/or throat cancer.  She's always had the deep voice but now it sounds like a smoker's voice.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Castina said:

Apologies if I missed it but in what universe does Bethenny need a doctors note to fly?  How would the airlines even know she has fibroids and is "bleeding all over the place".  That made no sense whatsoever to me. 


I also picked up that Tom told Sonja he had met someone.  Why would he tell her that if he wasn't at least a little bit serious about this person he met.  I just feel like the producers are editing the show to exaggerate Luann's giddiness to fit this storyline they want to tell and if B does have producing input then to probably try to justify her behaviour to Lu this season.  It seems almost deliberate now that the two shows that B doesn't feature in and Luann holds an event are the most randomly edited together episodes that make it seem like nothing happens unless B is around.  I can't believe with that group of women there wasn't some fun drunken banter and interaction to show us.

It was most likely not so she could fly but so her job would let her out of activities.  There isn't some guard not letting bleeding women out of NY but her boss needs a legit excuse to release her from filming.

  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

It was most likely not so she could fly but so her job would let her out of activities.  There isn't some guard not letting bleeding women out of NY but her boss needs a legit excuse to release her from filming.

Thanks.  So her boss meaning Bravo? Maybe getting annoyed at her and Carole running out all the time? Could explain Carole's turn around.  I hadn't thought of that as I assumed she was her own boss and a producer of the show ;)

Edited by Castina
  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

  If Ramona and Sonja are so intimidated about filming around Tom-don't go to the party.  I am sure the party would have been just fine with Jules, Carole and Dorinda. 

OMG, THIS!  Ramonja are crying rivers, but sure are quick to show up on the yacht to hang with Tom and Lu.  Screams of "need a story line this season!!"

  • Love 7

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