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S18.E13: Power of Veto 4

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Yes, Paulie, you were bred for this. Your parents decided to have a kid and raised him just so that he could play Big Brother. They tried with Cody, too, but we all saw how that turned out. Better luck the second time, right? Don't worry, if you don't win, your parents still have a daughter to play in another season.

The fact that Corey won a mental comp says a lot about the rest of that house. 

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I love Day, but she just isn't good at this game.  I hope she can survive this week and reset things, if she hasn't already done too much damage.  It sucks that she was guilty by association with Frank on the couch when he's the one who approached her.

Paul is working my last nerve with "your boy" and friendship.  Stop, already.  

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Nicole's crying DR didn't move me. Girl, you're crying over a guy. 

Heh, they showed Paulie and Tiffany's fight. And we got a hashtag! #Bred4This. Classy, BB. 

LOL at Paul judging Day for hanging out with Frank. And look, Day's a target now. 

Why did we get a three minute Paul segment? He just kept talking and talking in his DRs. Way too much Paul. I guess when Bronte left, they lost the semi-interesting person who could deliver DRs. I mean, they still use Day, of course, but Paul's a step down from Bronte, who had soothing DRs that appealed more to me. Paul just half shouts and I don't like it.

Girls, get it together! Corey won POV, and I was a little annoyed, mostly because of the boys talking about who would actually win. But Day being upset at the Corey win? Yeah, that definitely kept the target off your back! 

Day showed promise earlier, but she's officially back to her season 17 game, and that's what got her evicted early last season. 

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I created my own drinking game and took a shot every time Paul said "Natalia," "friendship" or "your/my boy."

I can no longer feel my face and I fell really sleeeeeengynebathqlfmfhwgwoha...........!:!2!

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I am no fan of Frank, but I was thrilled when he said "get dirt on my hands" instead of "get blood on my hands." Dirty hands makes so much more sense than pretending the house is collectively run by Lady Macbeth.

I like Da'vonne, but I think she played this all wrong. She knew Tiffany was Vanessa's sister. She knew firsthand about Vanessa's rampant paranoia. So, she decides to make an alliance with a paranoid person and then decides to talk trash about said paranoid person. Look, you're in with the paranoid person or you shun them altogether and look for the first opportunity to get them out. You go halfway with a paranoid person, and you risk it blowing up it in your face...

...Like it did tonight.

Edited by Eolivet
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Thanks Paul for giving me a workout with the fast forward button on my remote tonight. Wayyyyyy too much Paul. I skipped his whole muffin thing as soon as it started and most of the ice cream comp I'm sorry but he just grosses me out to look at him with the nose ring, the nasty beard and the hair style that alternates between a mohawk and an Adolf Hitler comb over. Why is he still in the house? Don't the vets have any clue how HE was the actual ring leader badmouthing them from episode one?

If Da wants to stay all she has to do is say NOTHING until Thursday night....but without seeing any feeds I am sure that she has been unable to. It's just in her nature to take center stage in a s@+%tstorm. Like the fable with the scorpion...it's just what she does.

Zakiyah gets the most airtime in weeks only due to hosting the comp....but not one scene with Paulie even though he's HOH. In the alternate universe of the CBS broadcast show there is no Zaulie.

Dissapointed that the James/ Natallie thing was much ado about nothing....tonight she's whining that she had no one...poor James....I guess she's over him.

Speaking of James....why is it suddenly cool for the other side of the house to discuss plans in front of him?! There needed to be some context as to how that came to be.

Okay...well  anyway Grodner and production have two days to figure out a comp that DaVonne will be guaranteed to win in order to get her back into the house at the concllusion of the Battle Back.

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What exactly happened between Paulie and Tiff that he is so gung ho/obsessed with getting her out? It's wierd how much he's made that his life's mission at this point it seems! Also, one time sitting on the couch together and just like that Da' goes up? Paranoid much??

Paulie is tap dancing all over my last nerves with his "everyone better take this all super serious!!" decrees...

And since it can't be said enough, Paul you are not now nor will you ever be my 'boy'. Even if "your boy" has become this seasons "blood on my hands".

ETA: This one goes out to Da'

Edited by Wandering Snark
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49 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

What exactly happened between Paulie and Tiff that he is so gung ho/obsessed with getting her out? It's wierd how much he's made that his life's mission at this point it seems! Also, one time sitting on the couch together and just like that Da' goes up? Paranoid much??

Paulie is tap dancing all over my last nerves with his "everyone better take this all super serious!!" decrees...

And since it can't be said enough, Paul you are not now nor will you ever be my 'boy'. Even if "your boy" has become this seasons "blood on my hands".

ETA: This one goes out to Da'

I agree with all this. I mentioned in another thread how weird it is that Paulie is so against Tiffany. I get wanting her out for strategic reasons, but he's acting like she is some super villain who keeps thwarting everyone with her evil powers. It's just over the top. The girl has no one and usually gets destroyed in comps; you're not some big man for getting her out. His arrogance is annoying me as well. I don't remember Cody being that way, so I'm not sure why Paulie is so cocky. I hope someone turns the tables on him sooner than later. 

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59 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Thanks Paul for giving me a workout with the fast forward button on my remote tonight. Wayyyyyy too much Paul. I skipped his whole muffin thing as soon as it started and most of the ice cream comp I'm sorry but he just grosses me out to look at him with the nose ring, the nasty beard and the hair style that alternates between a mohawk and an Adolf Hitler comb over. Why is he still in the house? Don't the vets have any clue how HE was the actual ring leader badmouthing them from episode one?

If Da wants to stay all she has to do is say NOTHING until Thursday night....but without seeing any feeds I am sure that she has been unable to. It's just in her nature to take center stage in a s@+%tstorm. Like the fable with the scorpion...it's just what she does.

Zakiyah gets the most airtime in weeks only due to hosting the comp....but not one scene with Paulie even though he's HOH. In the alternate universe of the CBS broadcast show there is no Zaulie.

Dissapointed that the James/ Natallie thing was much ado about nothing....tonight she's whining that she had no one...poor James....I guess she's over him.

Speaking of James....why is it suddenly cool for the other side of the house to discuss plans in front of him?! There needed to be some context as to how that came to be.

Okay...well  anyway Grodner and production have two days to figure out a comp that DaVonne will be guaranteed to win in order to get her back into the house at the concllusion of the Battle Back.

You can see Natalie and James spooning in one of the bumper cars before the comp. For some reason, James seems to somehow not be counted as ally to people he's actually close to in the game. That I don't get. 

Day is garbage. She wins nothing and her talking game is whack. All she knows how to do is make enemies. I don't have any time to be rooting for her. Kick rocks.

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Paulie talking smack to Tiffany before the RK reveal did provide him clues he missed.  Paulie should've been able to read her confidence in barking back at him.  After the RK nominee was revealed, he should've put 2 + 2 together.  Nope, just arrogance.

Starting to appreciate how Frank is playing, especially his social game (separated from his once pig attitude toward Da'Vonne).  I'm going to adopt some of the positives from him and other HGs in networking at work.   Others, like Paul, already bring in baked treats.  So maybe I'll be the supportive ear when no one else is listening.  Gotta make watching this CBS reality show beneficial somehow.

Edited by K-9
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Da hasn't learned anything from her season. She's acting the exact same.

Paulie's hate of Tiffany is really strong, his behavior before the ceremony was ridiculous.

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3 hours ago, Eolivet said:

I am no fan of Frank, but I was thrilled when he said "get dirt on my hands" instead of "get blood on my hands." Dirty hands makes so much more sense than pretending the house is collectively run by Lady Macbeth.

These two sentences? One hundred likes for the former; one thousand likes for thie latter. I also despise the modifier "chopping" in front of block. Is block alone not dramatic enough?

This episode: Paul--stop doing that weird barking in the DR. Also, you are not my boy. You have never been my boy, and although I don't hate you as much as a I used to (that sentiment is for Frank, at least this week) you never will be my boy. 

I just don't feel that strongly about Paul either way. He's like Michelle or Bridgette, players that, unless they do something immediately, I will barely remember next year. 

Nicole's crying--if Tiffany did that, she would be vilified. Good thing that DR is private. "I don't wanna go on the block!" 

Finally, Da taking her nomination seat? That was pathetic. She should have some class. 


ETA: Wow. Wandering Snark, I promise I didn't read your post before writing mine! (It wasn't my speechwriter either.) We're on the same wavelength somehow, I guess. I copied the quote and wrote out my reply before reading the rest. 

Edited by Porterest
I read WS's post. See note above.
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I was liking Da' until she reverted to her former self. Adopting that finger snapping, hair flipping, smirking attitude when put on the block didn't exactly win her any points either. She tries to act all tough, yet cries at the drop of a hat. Yes, she was right to be mad at Frank for constantly patting her butt and stuff, but to dry after losing the comp? C'mon! Considering she's hyper critical of anyone else who gets upset (i.e. Openly laughing at a crying Tiffany) she's the personification of a hypocrite!

Paulie needs to reign himself in. He is not God's gift as he seems to think. Used to like him. Now he's annoying.

Didnt like Paul. Actually find him funny now....most of the time. He shouldn't have gotten annoyed at Cory for winning the veto comp against him though since he's the one who was going too slow.

I like Nicole but didn't she say she wasn't going to be distracted by a showmance this time? Famous last words.

We need more James time.

Frank is redeeming himself this week by showing a lot of restraint. Hate him if you must, he plays a good game.

I was not team Tiffany, and was hoping she got voted off last week. Now I'm glad she wasn't. I'm enjoying her interactions with Paulie and Da', watching her get under their skin.

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Those I liked at first, I now hate...Paulie, Nicole, Corey. Dumb as a bag of rocks and annoying. Day was playing a better game, at first. Now she's back to the old Day and is super annoying. She really is not good at this game.

I do hate crying but am rooting for Tiffany. I like how she was an inch close to tapping out but then came back fighting hard. Paul, I HATED at the beginning with his 2 bros. Ick, he was so dickish and had a huge ego. But he seemed to snap out of it too (when his bros got axed) and realized he needed to play smarter. I thought Frank was too arrogant and hated how loud and annoying he was...then we saw all the rudeness to the ladies...but he does play this game very very well. I am wondering if his rudeness to the ladies was part of his gameplay, to keep them off balance. If so, he's one calculating dude which is good for this game so I'd like to see him stick around longer.

If any of you watched Survivor last season, Tiffany reminds me of Aubry. Aubry had a mental meltdown at the beginning and I thought she was gonna tap out, but then she came back fighting and almost won the whole dang thing.

Edited by Lamima
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I seriously can't with Nicole crying over Corey being nominated. What is wrong with her???

I don't get everyone's sudden skepticism over Da, just because she was talking to Frank. They all live together. Are you not allowed to talk people, even if they're on the opposing side? Did you ever think maybe she was feeling him out, getting intel, keeping him calm, etc? No, because people just make assumptions and never come out and ASK, "hey, what's up with that?" 

At any rate, James is always talking to anyone and everyone and no one freaks out. 

It makes sense that Tiffany put her up, though. Who knows, she might just be able to survive another week. 

You know who I think is playing a great game? Paul. He was wheeling and dealing the minute he got into the house, and he found himself with a very big "target on his back". Both of his homeboys went home, and he quickly altered his game, to survive eviction. Then he got himself in good with Paulie and stopped strategizing so much. Now he's making muffins and no one really sees him as a threat anymore. Well done. Now if he could just stop with the "friendship!" and "your boy" crap.

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Paul throwing random ingredients together and presenting his concoctions to the houseguests, and then staring them down with the seriousness of a 5-star chef as they sample his latest masterpiece, entertained me despite my strong dislike for Paul.  I'm mad that he made me laugh.

Nicole's crying DR looked like she was trying to squeeze out fake tears.  I thought she was adorable in her last season, but I'm not liking her so much this time.  And I cannot STAND the way she says the word "and" ("eeeeeee-ahhhnd").  I didn't think it was possible to slaughter a tiny little word like that.

I am rooting for Frank and Tiffany to band together and destroy everyone...I think?  I don't know.

And why does everyone think it's perfectly fine to discuss strategy in front of James?  Is he not part of the 8-pack?

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5 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Now he's making muffins and no one really sees him as a threat anymore. Well done. Now if he could just stop with the "friendship!" and "your boy" crap.

I also enjoyed how he asks the HG's if his muffins taste like "friendship." Can't stand him, yet he entertains me.  Maybe it's because whenever my initial fave, Cory, opens his mouth to talk, all I can think of is how I'd rather be watching paint dry.

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5 minutes ago, ghoulina said:


You know who I think is playing a great game? Paul. He was wheeling and dealing the minute he got into the house, and he found himself with a very big "target on his back". Both of his homeboys went home, and he quickly altered his game, to survive eviction. Then he got himself in good with Paulie and stopped strategizing so much. Now he's making muffins and no one really sees him as a threat anymore. Well done. Now if he could just stop with the "friendship!" and "your boy" crap.

I was going to post that I kind of like Paul--"your boy" notwithstanding, yark--because he's entertaining, with all the guile and deception skills of a shallow puddle.  They will want to keep me because of my unique ability to produce a muffin.  And he's also capable of producing a four syllable vocabulary word now and then.

But you're right, Ghoulina.  He was perceptive enough to see that he was Douchebag No. Three, the first two were already gone, and he needed to change gears.  I may be selling him short--no one else in this house has the first shred of self-awareness.  (Maybe James?)


Nicole, I don't even like you and I still feel embarrassed on your behalf for the boy tears.

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35 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Paul throwing random ingredients together and presenting his concoctions to the houseguests, and then staring them down with the seriousness of a 5-star chef as they sample his latest masterpiece, entertained me despite my strong dislike for Paul.  I'm mad that he made me laugh.

Nicole's crying DR looked like she was trying to squeeze out fake tears.  I thought she was adorable in her last season, but I'm not liking her so much this time.  And I cannot STAND the way she says the word "and" ("eeeeeee-ahhhnd").  I didn't think it was possible to slaughter a tiny little word like that.

I am rooting for Frank and Tiffany to band together and destroy everyone...I think?  I don't know.

And why does everyone think it's perfectly fine to discuss strategy in front of James?  Is he not part of the 8-pack?

Squeeze out fake tears? She crying all over the place. She had the complete snotty/crying all over your clothes thing going. It was annoying as all hell but it sure didn't come off as fake. To me anyway.

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36 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Maybe it's because whenever my initial fave, Cory, opens his mouth to talk, all I can think of is how I'd rather be watching paint dry.


If you want to check around, he has an untelevised "amusing anecdote" which would rocket you from neutrality to disgust.  I feel sick every time he's on camera.


11 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

Squeeze out fake tears? She crying all over the place. She had the complete snotty/crying all over your clothes thing going. It was annoying as all hell but it sure didn't come off as fake. To me anyway.

I didn't think they were fake either.  In fact, I'd give her partial credit for some sort of gameplay if they were--that would be better than looking like a tween sobbing into her pillow because someone from One Direction got engaged.

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

And I cannot STAND the way she says the word "and" ("eeeeeee-ahhhnd").

I just can't when she whinetalks.  You would think she would have watched her first season, realized how annoying/immature it is, and decided to drop the habit.  No, wait, that would require some self awareness.  Never mind.

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38 minutes ago, sharkfan said:

I agree with this. One hundred percent. 

That's not friendship right there.     ?. 

Paul is growing on me. Weird.  I find the friendship talk funny.  Last season it was James and Austin saying brass tacks all the time.  

I am loving Tiff and Frank against the rest.  I hope Mama Day goes this week!

Nicole is kinda a whiny butthole.  Corey looks so vacant.  What does she see in him? 

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Pssht, I think Corey only won because it was a comp that a five-year old (a really tall one, anyway) could've won, plus the other guys stood back and let him win.

Watching Paul make those muffins and watching people eat them made me doubly sick. No one's worried about consuming some of his beard hair? Even if he does keep it clean, ugh, no.

I think all the showmances are fake, including Zaulie. Either they're contrived by the showrunners or at least one person in the pairing isn't acting honestly.

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42 minutes ago, Frootloop Dingus said:

That's not friendship right there.     ?. 

Paul is growing on me. Weird.  I find the friendship talk funny.  Last season it was James and Austin saying brass tacks all the time.  

I am loving Tiff and Frank against the rest.  I hope Mama Day goes this week!

Nicole is kinda a whiny butthole.  Corey looks so vacant.  What does she see in him? 

He's tall and blandly handsome. That's all he really needs to get by.

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3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

whenever Cory, opens his mouth to talk, all I can think of is how I'd rather be watching paint dry.

Not to mention the blank stare...the hesitant laugh until he "gets" something that is said...just dumb as a box of rocks...

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2 hours ago, Wouldofshouldof said:

I just can't when she whinetalks.  You would think she would have watched her first season, realized how annoying/immature it is, and decided to drop the habit.  No, wait, that would require some self awareness.  Never mind

Can you imagine if she was your nurse? "We're giving you fluids because you're dehyrated aaaaannnndddd some medicine to make your tummy feel better..." Puhleezzz

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3 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Squeeze out fake tears? She crying all over the place. She had the complete snotty/crying all over your clothes thing going. It was annoying as all hell but it sure didn't come off as fake. To me anyway.

I think her tears were real, but maybe she was pinching herself, or thinking about her puppy that she left back home, not crying over possibly losing Corey.  I haven't seen a lot of passion between them, but then, I don't watch the live feeds.  At least Hayden had a personality.

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I hate the type of comp they had last night.  It allows the majority alliance to easily manipulate a win, and they certainly aren't shy about it.  And how interesting that all the women submissively agreed to go early so the menly men could dole out a win to a penis.  I've always hated it, but last night it especially turned me off.  Paulie sitting there like Vito Corleone, and Paul running around yipping like an enthusiastic Chihuahua.  I don't know which one of them disgusted me the most.

I'm seeing huge similarities between Paul and Andy.  The word that's coming to mind is "unctuous".  Or weasel.

Who the hell is "homey"?  Corey?

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5 hours ago, sharkfan said:

It must be his douchebro fauxhawk...

Every time they show his head I flash back to 2008 Ryan Seacrest and 1974 Sleestaks.  Why would he choose that look in 2016?  

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4 hours ago, llewis823 said:

Can you imagine if she was your nurse? "We're giving you fluids because you're dehyrated aaaaannnndddd some medicine to make your tummy feel better..." Puhleezzz

I'm a nurse and I'm embarrassed by both Nicole and Bridgette.  I can't imagine them catheterizing a male.  The giggling would be uncontrollable, and Nicole would contaminate her sterile gloves by repeatedly pushing up her enormous nerd glasses.

I tuned into five minutes of BBAD and had to turn off the sound of Bridgette's two year old girl giggling.  I think she was performing for Frank, but I just couldn't handle it.

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5 hours ago, Frootloop Dingus said:

Nicole is kinda a whiny butthole.  Corey looks so vacant.  What does she see in him? 

She all but said it a few episodes ago - she could never get a guy this hot (her opinion) outside the house.  It's really quite pitiful. 

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8 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I'm a nurse and I'm embarrassed by both Nicole and Bridgette.  I can't imagine them catheterizing a male.  The giggling would be uncontrollable, and Nicole would contaminate her sterile gloves by repeatedly pushing up her enormous nerd glasses.

And fiddling with her hair.  

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I am not really sure where to put this question so I shall put it here.  When did Julie stop having the private conversation with the HOH?  I know it has to have been a couple of seasons but I cannot remember.

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15 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

She all but said it a few episodes ago - she could never get a guy this hot (her opinion) outside the house.  It's really quite pitiful. 

Yup. Shades of Christine and Cody. Except, at least Nicole isn't married. But seriously, it's so pathetic. It's like, "I know he's only hanging out with me because there's no one else". Way to degrade yourself on national TV. I liked Nicole a lot in her original season, but now she just comes across as boy crazy and desperate. 

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15 hours ago, watch2much said:


I'm getting tired of seeing Paulie without a shirt on all the time.  I get it, he's got a good body, but but really.  He's so obvious.


And the painted on pants the other night...just ewwee...I really think Paulie is a nice looking guy, but the girly-looking pants ruined that. And then the new haircut...again...ewwweee...Just wanting to fit in as "your boy" I guess...lol

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