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"The View": Week of 07/11/2016

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Monday: Billy Eichner and Julie Klausner ("Difficult People").

Tuesday: Lynn Whitfield ("Greenleaf").

Wednesday: Day of Hot Topics.

Thursday: Leslie Jones ("Ghostbusters"; "Saturday Night Live").

Friday: Eddie Izzard ("Force Majeure").

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I guess Billy Eichner and Julie Klausner might be on later in the week live or in a pre-recorded interview?

Jed can keep sucking on a sour lemon after her "talking points" today. I was surprised she said she agreed with something President Obama said.

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Today they actually had a good discussion.

Dear ABC,

Please keep this panel - Sunny and Jed were fantastic. It felt like grown ups having a discussion - and for once, everyone got to contribute.

I was especially moved by Sunny - she speaks from the heart but also provides a lawyer's perspective. 

(The show was much better without Paula and Rayven)

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I was hoping they wouldn't talk about anything political with both Candace and Jedi there and just focus on the tragedies, but no such luck. Jedi tried her best during the Hillary discussion (as usual). I'm glad Sunny and Whoopi didn't allow her to keep control of the script--even if Whoopi is too uninformed to do it properly... I'm only disappointed somebody (Joy) didn't bring up the millions wasted on every one of the 6+ investigations with zero results every time.

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Guns!  I completely agree that that man was murdered in that car.  The cop was out of control.  Now let me give my say on the topic of guns without casting any of what I say on the cases now undergoing scrutiny:  My family is a family of hunters.  No one has a gun in the house, they are kept at at hunt clubs in lockers.  No one is a member of the NRA for we do not believe or want to support their stance on ANYTHING.  Statistics show that just by having a gun at hand or in your house increases the chance of someone in the house being killed by a gun.  So if you have a carry license and rightly tell an officer you have one and then are shot by the officer who is now jumpy.......how are increased gun carry laws helping anyone?

50 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

Whoopi failed to mention that the shooter wanted to kill white police officers.  Definitely a crucial point!!!

Yes and everyone fails to mention that blacks are being targeted by officers and Jed fails to mention that Trump is up for violence against anyone who is not white or male.

Edited by jumper sage
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A reminder that pure political and news talk is off topic on these forums. You can discuss the hosts and their opinions, but please do not use it as a platform to get into extensive discussion about politics or other news stories. Secondly, remember to always watch your tone when replying to others. Please be civil. Thank you.

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They should wait for all evidence to be in instead of jumping on the band wagon.  The recording showed after the fact and she doesn't seem credible.. But wait for the whole story .. That's all.

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They should wait for all evidence to be in instead of jumping on the band wagon.  The recording showed after the fact and she doesn't seem credible.. But wait for the whole story .. That's all.



major side eye.jpg

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50 Cent? Really?

And a fake makeup company? Huh? Was that really a thing? 

Raven and Candace both had good points in the "God Bless America" discussion, but other than that...

ETA: They acknowledged their "friend" Nicole Wallace! Only because they had too?

Edited by geekburger
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I missed the first twenty minutes, but once I saw who was there, I wasn’t bothered. I think Whoopi is happy when Candace and Raven are at the table because with those two idiots, her lectures somehow sound relevant and profound rather than stupid and condescending. Joy looked bored out of her mind.

I miss the Sara/Sunny panel we had before break, but I’m guessing they’re letting Raven and Candace have one last hurrah before they're fired at the end of the season. Fingers crossed!

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I think the only reason the Joy stuff came up us because of the fake ad quoted Whoopi. We all know how incensed she gets when her name pops up in media in an unflattering light. 

Then earlier she was this [] close to going on a rant about taxes during the discussion of 50 filing for bankruptcy. I'm sorry (tm Whoopi) but when you are freakin' rich, complaining that you need a $30million "cushion" to survive is ludicrous. 

Edited by Haleth
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I don't think she's leaving.  I haven't seen the show, but from what I've seen of the posted link and the minimal info I get from previous posts, it seems a company is saying Joy is leaving to promote their skin car line. It seems like its a fake ad.

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What? Joy's leaving?! I thought she signed a three-year contract! I was so happy when she came back to TV in general, even if I'd have preferred to have something like her HLN show over The View.

No, Joy is not leaving. A skin care line has used her picture and created a false narrative to promote their products. All is well in Viewland, so to speak.

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Well I took Candace's advice and immediately turned the channel when I did not agree with her view.  I am so sick of her sanctimonious discussions.  It's like she does not get it that not everyone wants to have her brand of religion shoved down their throat.

I am sorry but there is not one black person on any of her websites, Instagram, twitter etc.  I find that so odd.

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3 hours ago, Fannysue said:

50 cent was a waste of air time.  He can barely speak  - I found it hard to decipher his words.  Were they English??????

Fifty was shot 9 times and one of the bullets lodged in his jaw. Supposedly, that is the reason he speaks that way. I remember hearing that when he became a hit.  Is it true? I have no idea and I don't care enough to google it. Why was he there for the entire show?

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Apparently we HAD to have a male on the (unequal) panel today - why?? & why a former drug dealer who seemed to be glorifying his Trump-like bankruptcy - I'm OVER hearing the rich brag that they come out millions of $ ahead by filing bankruptcy!  One of the 1st laws we need to change, IMO. 

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5 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Well I took Candace's advice and immediately turned the channel when I did not agree with her view.  I am so sick of her sanctimonious discussions.  It's like she does not get it that not everyone wants to have her brand of religion shoved down their throat.

I am sorry but there is not one black person on any of her websites, Instagram, twitter etc.  I find that so odd.

Notice the first time she opened her ignorant mouth was when the burning hot topic of God Bless America during ball games was mentioned.   Cheers to Raven for noting that being patriotic in the USA means recognizing the diversity we have.   That woman is completely useless on any panel in my opinion.  Who was surprised her mother bought some skin care off the internet because Joy's name was mentioned?   Ha!  Dumbasses all.  

I couldn't even make it through the entire show - the first two full segments were a bunch of One Percenters whining about their finances.  I'm so relieved that 50 Cent let us know that just because he declared bankruptcy doesn't mean he doesn't have millions of dollars at his disposal or that Whoopi needs a 30 million dollar "cushion" against lawsuits.  

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I clicked off with Whoopi's falsetto singing viiiiiibratorrrr for the THIRD time  -  why she'd want to make it so obvious so often that no one will touch her  is quite bizarre 

she's hideous 

Edited by Dahlia
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Good Lord.

I know better than to hope for this, and I don't know if Sunny had been there, she would have been able to shut BABCB, that the word God was put into "everything" ONLY after 1954, I think. I do know that was when "under God" was added to the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Candace is such an ignorant nimrodic ignoranamus of a MAROON.

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14 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Good Lord.

I know better than to hope for this, and I don't know if Sunny had been there, she would have been able to shut BABCB, that the word God was put into "everything" ONLY after 1954, I think. I do know that was when "under God" was added to the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Candace is such an ignorant nimrodic ignoranamus of a MAROON.

Yes!  I was watching an old movie with my nephew who is 19.  One scene had them doing the pledge and it was the original pledge without "Under God" and he said, "It sounds better the original way, it flows better".  Yes, it does, doesn't it?  It burns my cookies the cold war and the radical right influenced our own pledge.

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Does Raven like anything other than social media?  I also wonder, if he didn't have other things to worry about, what Dr. Bill Cosby, aka Mr. Education, would think about the extraordinarily ignorant Raven Symond.  Girl really needs some basic education.

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12 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Does Raven like anything other than social media?  I also wonder, if he didn't have other things to worry about, what Dr. Bill Cosby, aka Mr. Education, would think about the extraordinarily ignorant Raven Symond.  Girl really needs some basic education.

Right before they went off the air today she was jumping up and down in her seat because she was so excited about catching her first Pokemon.

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4 minutes ago, tvaddict44 said:

Are the rest of you (not in Dallas) getting a show today or the funeral like we are?  Just wondering if I need to look for it on demand tomorrow....

The whole show aired where I am.

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I can't take this panel with Raven, CCB and Jedidoodoo. It's awful, please make it stop. Joy hates it too and is pissy when this is the make up. Whoopi gets worse as well because she becomes even more of a know-it-all and blowhard because no one ever challenges her. Ugh. I hope they're just using them up and good riddance.

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In regards to ruth bader ginsberg contraversy....I cant believe I agreed with Candace.  She had a right to feel that way, but I do think she shouldnt have verbalized her feelings about trump out loud.  I do give props to candace for trying to challenge whoopi's know it all stance on the issue.  The law that candace read did state that jusges cant endorse or not endorse a candidate...and the comments ruth bader ginsberg made were in a gray area.

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When Jed is on the panel they really need Sunny for balance.  Or at least have a recording of Sunny saying, "That's just.not.true, Jedediah."

Beside all the usual complaints about Whoopi, BABarbie, and Raven, I'm getting sick of (I assume) the producer whooping every time they go to commercial.  It's rather self congratulatory. No, most of the time the discussion has NOT been whoop worthy.

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CCB is delusional if she thinks Bernie supporters are going to vote for Trump. He called their candidate a traitor.  Bernie's people are for almost everything #Drumpf is against - clean energy, taxing the rich more, national healthcare, pro-choice, pro-immigration reform, pro-gay rights. To think that the Bernie supporters would turn to a candidate who has insulted women, minorities and the disabled, wants to build a wall and deport millions (while keeping all Muslims out) and has suggested women should be punished for abortions is ludicrous. Just because they're both somewhat anti-establishment does not mean there's much in common between the two. 

Loved Joy's comeback to Jedi when she was defending Ailes - "You're not blonde (that's why he didn't sexually harass you)"

Edited by merriebreeze
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Paula, Jedediah and Candace will all be on the panel tomorrow. So you may think you are watching 'Outnumbered' on Fox news but this is the still the View! I assume they will be with Joy and Whoopi.

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@merriebreeze, sadly, there are some who are-did you see Jessica's last piece on the Daily Show last week? Or was it the week before?

More and more, I'm certain that when BABCB is speaking, there are crickets, but that the audience is "told" to clap and cheer, otherwise she'll whine about it on social media.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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So we know if Candace is going to be part of this show next season?   The good part about her is that she's barely on but yesterday (Tuesday) I decided I can't watch any of it with her stupid blank stare that only animates when someone mentions the word Christian. The days Born Again Barbie with the fake tan shows up are the days I need to skip completely because she doesn't even bring the snarkable material for me.  I mean I can take dumbasses because well, it's The Spew and most of it is snarkable but I find Candace too vapid to even snark about.  

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Candace has the thousand-yard-stare when Raven speaks (and who can blame her). IMO, I think Candace is a nice person with a good heart. I don't think she is right for the show. She is Fox news informed and that is just not enough. Hasselbeck, on the other hand, had evil lurking behind those eyes.

I have a Whoopi headache. Reverend Doctor Deacon Whoopi is too much for me.

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The show has been awful every day this week, and a combo of Paula/Candace/Jedi tomorrow will probably make this the worst week of The View this season right here at the end of it. They do love to go out with a bang, don't they? ("Bang" in View terms meaning as much trash as possible, for clarification.) On top of those three and Raven all speaking complete nonsense with overblown self-importance as if they were delivering pearls to swine, you have Whoopi trying her best to combat it all, but only giving vague, meandering, empty tirades that rarely make sense in response to what's been said. She has no wits left in her, at least not without a while to prepare and we know she never does. Joy isn't able to elevate these co-hosts out of the sewer. The divide between these co-hosts and Sara/Sunny is pretty steep.

I'm glad Joy refused to back down regarding how voting for a third option only helps someone like Trump end up in office, no matter how much Raven whined like a stupid 5-year-old about Joy saying it to her. Maybe if we had preference voting, it wouldn't be a big deal, but the way our system works, you are wasting your vote on a third party. Maybe to someone rich and out-of-touch like Raven, Hillary and Trump are indistinguishable, but to anyone who will actually be affected by the presidency they are clearly very different candidates. As for Candace and Jedi on Bernie supporters, why would they expect the majority of them to really support Trump instead of whining temporarily? Anyone who veers from Bernie to Trump never really cared about Bernie's policies. I mean, where is the logic? Instead of going for another candidate who is 70% like your candidate, you instead pick the one who has 3% in common with them? Joy's comment to Jedi during the Ailes discussion was gold.

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So we know if Candace is going to be part of this show next season? 

I don't see why she would be needed with Paula there. CCB doesn't even live in NY so she wouldn't be on every day.

Airhead Sara Haines and Sunny seem to be definite for next season.

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1 hour ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I'm glad Joy refused to back down regarding how voting for a third option only helps someone like Trump end up in office, no matter how much Raven whined like a stupid 5-year-old about Joy saying it to her.

Right?  My opinion is that Raven has a maturity level of an 18 year old.  When I was 18 I joined the DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) in college.  My parents were very nice about discussing issues etc.  When it came time to vote they informed me that they needed me to vote for a candidate that could win.  Very eye opening statement.  But I was 18 and even I new they were right.  Raven at what 30? Discussed topics like a teenager.

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