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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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The hot dog looks bad enough. The potato chips weird me out even more. Did they learn nothing from Subway's Fritos monstrosity a while ago?

If it's so "American!", how come there's no apple pie in there?



Don't give them any ideas! But seriously, this burger? I will admit, there are times when I will indulge in some sort of fast food. Not very often but sometimes I do get a hankering for a fast food cheeseburger or a side of fries or onion rings. And sometimes I see some really unhealthy concoction and think "hm, that actually looks kind of good." But not this Frankenstein monstrosity with burgers, hot dogs and chips all mashed into one thing. Ugh. Why not just mix up a whole meal and throw it in the blender and advertise that?

And I get the parody here, but it's probably lost on a lot of their customers who really do think America=Freedom=isn't it great we can eat whatever the hell we want like this god-awful fast food creation. That's probably going to appeal to people who just want to try it because of that.


There is no way in hell that I would ever eat that disgusting burger. There is nothing patriotic about this burger. I'm still proud that I have never ever eaten a Big Mac or a Whooper in my life. It helps that I hate hamburgers a lot. I also really hate hot dogs & apple pie. Its making me grateful that there isn't a Hardees or a Carl's Jr near my area (Jersey Shore). 


And how come we never see the models in their commercials eat the whole thing instead of taking one bite & act like its sexy? I can't stand that.


First Golden Corral made a mockery of the Chocolate Fountain. Then they decided to bring Cotton Candy to their restaurants. Then they decided to serve seafood there. Now, they have Jeff Foxworthy promoting them telling us about the "Golden Bill of Rights" & that you can have breakfast all day at Golden Corral. 


http://youtube.com/watch?v=pj0fn8coTGw (Jeff Foxworthy & Golden Corral)


I hate Jeff Foxworthy a lot & him pimping this junk is making me want stay even further away from Golden Corral. Every time I think about Golden Corral & what the atmosphere of that place is like, it always reminds me of being at a Wal-Mart Supercenter. Golden Corral is the complete opposite of Wegmans (my favorite store).


Speaking of junk, if I ever have to watch Jared from Subway telling us again his "inspirational" story about how he lost weight by eating only Subway sandwiches, I will personally lose it. Now, they're showing this idiot's story in a cartoon format. There is nothing inspirational about this fool & the sooner those dumbasses at Subway figure that out, the better. I still won't ever eat at Subway again because of him. BTW, their food also sucks. It makes Vomit Bowl at KFC look gourmet compare to their junk



Edited by Magog
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Are your grandchildren not the children of your daughter?  Because how did they even discover Little Caesar's if your daughter thinks it's gross?

Yep - they're my daughter's girls.  The kids eat Little Caesar's at friends' birthday parties & "overnights."  (Ya really can't beat the price - $5 for a large pizza?)  My daughter fixes something else for herself to eat when they get one, which is seldom.

  • Love 5

I input the Animal Hospital's medical records as they slowly convert from paper to digital.  It's stunning how many stupid names there are for pets.  The owner's name is Butch and the dog is named Michael. Whaaa???

My cat was named Tim by his shelter. It suited him so much, so I left it that way. I've left some and changed some over the years.


The thing I don't understand is the Dad runs through the living room and tells the kids to do their homework, then says, "Greg, that goes for you, too."

Who the hell is Greg?


Maybe it's a dog with a person name!


I know Tony Hawk is an icon, but for the rest of the men in America: if your kids are old enough to use a skateboard, you are too old for skateboarding.  I don't want to have to yell at dads to get off my lawn.


Well...dads should know to keep out of other people's way (setting a bad example is what gets you bad commercial kids!). But if you're lucky enough to be able to skate even 1/16 as well as Tony after a certain age, you go ahead and do that shit, man!

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 2

90Percent Gravity, thank you for your wonderful news about the demise of Jared as a Subway spokesman. Now if the two idiots from Sonic were embroiled in a scandal.

Jared hasn't been fired by Subway. So far. Nor has he been arrested for any wrongdoing.

And the investigation, from what I read, has more to do with a guy who used to run a foundation Jared started, to combat childhood obesity, being caught with child porn. He mixed work files & the porn files on a work-related computer used for Jared's foundation's business.

The bad guy was busted; he subsequently attempted suicide & is apparently on life support as a result. Jared removed him from his foundation & Jared & the foundation then distanced themselves from him.

  • Love 6

This is going to gross everyone out, because it grosses me out, in retrospect, but here goes. (Y'all can thank Bruinsfan for reminding me of it.) My mother used cloth diapers on all three of us girls. I am three and four years older than my sisters. I have a distinct memory of her dunking a poopy diaper in and out of the toilet to get the poop out. She then washed the diapers in the machine and hung them to dry. I couldn't have been more than six or seven at the absolute oldest when this memory took root.

As long as nothing else was in the toilet. #AltTasteless


I remember eating Little Caesar's Pizza a lot in the 1980's. I recall it was cheap but good. I am guessing it's declined since then. 


The commercial that annoys me right now is the new 1 for Bush's Baked Beans; the 1 where the guy gets sent to the store by his wife, & among the things he's supposed to get is *1 can* of Bush's Baked Beans.

The only problem is, the wife--of course--doesn't specify which "flavor" she wants (they have a number of them) & instead of calling/texting her to ask (like a smart person would probably do), the dumbass husband (after extolling the virtues of some of the "flavors" right in the middle of the grocery aisle) brings home a can of *every* "flavor" available.

We're not talking just a semi-reasonable 5 or 6 cans of beans here. I don't know exactly how many "flavors" they have, but I know/am reasonably sure it's enough to be annoying if someone would bring home a single can of every "flavor" available in the store if not in the brand itself. So, yeah, annoying commercial.

Edited by BW Manilowe
  • Love 4

Jared hasn't been fired by Subway. So far. Nor has he been arrested for any wrongdoing.

And the investigation, from what I read, has more to do with a guy who used to run a foundation Jared started, to combat childhood obesity, being caught with child porn. He mixed work files & the porn files on a work-related computer used for Jared's foundation's business.

The bad guy was busted; he subsequently attempted suicide & is apparently on life support as a result. Jared removed him from his foundation & Jared & the foundation then distanced themselves from him.


Apparently Subway is scrubbing all references to Jared off their website

  • Love 2

Subway & Jared, apparently by mutual consent, have agreed to suspend their relationship while the investigation involving him is ongoing (although this says he doesn't believe any action will be taken against him by law enforcement... At least if I've read it correctly). This development has been announced within the last 15-20 minutes or so, definitely within the last half-hour, before this posting was made.


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My husband could easily pick out a car for me and I'd love it because I'm a cheapskate and he's not. He'd buy me the nicest, most luxurious car on the lot, the one I'd love to own but never buy myself. I know this because he's done it with a lot of other less expensive items. He, of course, never lets me live down how often he's right about these things.

  • Love 1

I just can't with Flo and her whole family.  I am so sick of her... Go away...go away.  She's been around way to long.  Progressive must have the most unimaginative advertising firm ever.  I'm sure they can come up with something else... please try.


And take that pain in the ass Gecko with you...he overstayed his welcome too.

  • Love 8

I just can't with Flo and her whole family.  I am so sick of her... Go away...go away.  She's been around way to long.  Progressive must have the most unimaginative advertising firm ever.  I'm sure they can come up with something else... please try.


And take that pain in the ass Gecko with you...he overstayed his welcome too.


Progressive actually runs about four or five different storylines at a time.

  • Love 1

And take that pain in the ass Gecko with you...he overstayed his welcome too.

I hate a GEICO commercial not so much that it's annoying or stupid, but because I've only ever seen it when I'm watching streaming content, which means I see it every commercial break, and usually two or three times a break.

Gecko steps off helicopter: "Thanks foh the roide arohnd Norfohk!"

Pilot who looks like Cuba Gooding, Jr., overly enunciating and chewing on his words: "Captain's waiting to give you a tour of the Wisconsin now!"

Gecko: Something about how he wishes the pilot had parked a little closer; it'll be dark by the time he gets to "Captain", who's standing in the distance, waving.

SO MUCH HATE. Just run to Captain, you green fucker, before my cats catch and eat you.

  • Love 8

I always thought of disposable diapers as nasty.  I was the oldest, and my siblings only had cloth diapers.  Dipping in the toilet to clean, then soak in scent in the Diaper pail, then on to the washer and dryer.  Soft and clean, perfect.  And they turned into the most useful dustcloths and dishtowels afterward.  I DO have a big problem with disposables:  They NEVER go away!  And some nasty people will use them in public, changing diapers on a restaurant table, or in the parking lot.  And then leave it in the cart as a present for the next shnook.

  • Love 6

Mutual of Omaha needs to drop their "Aha Moment" campaign.  In each commercial, an everyday hero tells an inspirational story about a social issue, and then we're told to invest in Mutual of Omaha.  The uplifting stories have NOTHING to do with insurance or retirement; they're just shown to tug at our heartstrings.  They're like, "I watched a disabled girl play basketball.  Now I know what to do with my 401(k)," or, "I fed a homeless person and found the best mutual fund for me."


I'm glad they don't air it anymore, but the one that bothered me most was the one with Dan.  Using wounded soldiers to hawk a product is repulsive.

  • Love 6

I hate a GEICO commercial not so much that it's annoying or stupid, but because I've only ever seen it when I'm watching streaming content, which means I see it every commercial break, and usually two or three times a break.

Gecko steps off helicopter: "Thanks foh the roide arohnd Norfohk!"

Pilot who looks like Cuba Gooding, Jr., overly enunciating and chewing on his words: "Captain's waiting to give you a tour of the Wisconsin now!"

Gecko: Something about how he wishes the pilot had parked a little closer; it'll be dark by the time he gets to "Captain", who's standing in the distance, waving.

SO MUCH HATE. Just run to Captain, you green fucker, before my cats catch and eat you.

I always hope that he'll get blown overboard by the roter wash. And that fucking caveman can go die in a fire soon.

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Drive Time's "Even if you got bad Cre-DOT"

The one where the lady is screaming STICK IT!!!!! to peoples faces for no apparent reason (GoDaddy?)

"Book!, Book! dog.....OMG Avoiding TripAdvisor forever just for revenge having to be subjected to it.

Lastly.....ANY Kardashian or Jenner promos for upcoming shows. Even Brody Jenner has a new one, so does his mom coming out. ENOUGH!

  • Love 4





I love Sabra hummus, but the commercials stink. The one with the father and daughter is especially stinking. Dear old dad confesses that he's eat a piece of bark if it were dipped in Sabra hummus. Then at the end he says, "You know what would be good in Sabra hummus? Meat! Meat!" But it sounds like he's saying, "Me! Me!"

  • Love 8

Aw, I love that Sabra hummus ad for making it ok for men to like hippie food. All of the father/daughter pairs in the ad are kinda cute.


After admitting he likes the stuff, promoting it as something to put on meat should make it interesting to more men. And I love how he manages to goodnaturedly embarrass his daughter by agreeing with her and then turning around and making his own point. Nice to see people finding common ground even if it is over a mass-produced snack food.

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WOW!! Breaking news!!!

Radaronline JUST NOW published that Subway Jared IS "THE TRUE TARGET of a new child porn probe on probable cause established by cyber

cops" and is the target of this specific investigation.


Here it is:



WOW!! Breaking news!!!

Radaronline JUST NOW published that Subway Jared IS "THE TRUE TARGET of a new child porn probe on probable cause established by cyber

cops" and is the target of this specific investigation.


Here it is:



The thing is, respectfully, Radar Online is a *gossip* site. The stuff they post, or at least the way they post it, isn't necessarily the truth. Or at least it's not the entire truth; it's something of the truth, with the "spin" they want to put on it to get people to click the link & read the story.

The more credible news/info sites are still stating nothing more than he's cooperating fully with investigators & HAS NOT been, in any way, shape, or form, detained or arrested as a result of the investigation. And they're standing by yesterday's statement that Subway & Jared suspending their relationship is a "mutual agreement" decision, as a result of the ongoing investigation. So perhaps until more sites/more credible sites are reporting what Radar Online claims, we should take their report with a grain of salt?

And I'm in a position to hear a reasonably large amount about this. Even though I'm not in the Indianapolis area, I am in Northeast Indiana & it's still as big a story on our local newscasts as if my family lived in the Indianapolis area. And no, I'm not questioning the veracity of the Radar Online report because I'm from Indiana & so is Jared (as an "Indiana/Hoosier Loyalty" thing).

Other than I hope things work out OK for him, if he hasn't done anything/I hope he gets what he deserves, if he has done something (just like with everyone else in a legal issue), the story doesn't mean that big a deal to me. I don't even eat regularly at Subway, though I've liked what I've eaten from there when I have.

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I hate hate hate one of the Whitestrips commercials where Friend A asks why Friend B is deleting all of her photos and Friend B says her teeth look all yellow, and the ad intimates that she thinks they are STILL yellow, while I hold up a piece of notebook paper to the TV and can discern no difference between the color of her teeth and the color of the paper. Why don't they show people who ACTUALLY have yellow teeth, so I can see if that shit really works?

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I had never heard of CariDee before seeing her in the Stelaris commercials. Apparently she won America's Next Top Model? She looks so fake doing those poses in the commercial I have a hard time believing she's really a professional model.

She looks so fake and unnatural the way she pokes her chest out.  I watched the first few seasons or so of ATM and I vaguely remember her.

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I have a love/hate feeling about the Dove deodorant for men. I find it silly to try to sell sensitive care products for a man's underarm. However, my biggest turn-off is the close-up of his hairy armpit. I've got nothing against hairy armpits as my husband has two that I see on a regular basis. I do not want to see a closeup on my HD big screen TV though!


On the other hand, in the end he's engaging with his child and not presented as a barely cognizant troll like most men on TV so I gotta love that part. I fantasize that he was previously married to one of those condescending hags we see so much, he left her and took the kid, and now sends her a big box of yogurt every month just for the fun of it.

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I was reading this article on CNN about Subway Jared.  Check this out:

One law enforcement officer entered the home with a dog capable of sniffing out micro SD cards, typically used to store photos and videos


Signs you live in the 21st Century!


Maybe Febreze could modify its stupid noseblind/mancave ad.  "Matt enjoys his secret legal porn collection in the basement.  His wife thinks the basement smells fine, but police dogs smell this:" [jar of Vaseline replaced with prop of six-foot tall SD Card]

Edited by erikdepressant
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