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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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I hate those anti-smoking commercials -- I think they're called "The Real Cost" -- that show young people ripping off their skin or pulling teeth from their mouths. I understand smoking is a dirty, disgusting habit, but those commercials are worse.

Does anyone really pay any attention to those adds, besides laugh? They're a waste of money.

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I still fondly remember the braying jackass boy from back in the day.


(For you young folks, the guy is smoking weed and laughing, and everybody's looking at him and he kind of morphs into a braying jackass.)


I do like the antismoking commercial where the girl is being ordered around by the abusive cigarette boyfriend.  He's probably related to that pesky bladder that keeps hauling that middle aged woman around by the hand.

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Clorox? I just got angry at someone for saying a mess was inevitable. Now you are bs-ing us with  "To make a big meal, you have to make a big mess." No, no one has to make a big mess. When I am making a meal, I clean as I go.


The mom walks into her (of course) white kitchen that has prep dishes on her other counter/island and "mess" all over. Not as bad as a dad/granddad would leave it, but still.  So she can use Clorox's new disposable soap-embedded scrubby rectangle.


I don't actually care about it's effectiveness; it's another attitude that to do something, there's going to be a mess no matter what anyone does. As a messy person, that's just not true. I am messy. I try to mitigate what mess I may make. I don't just shrug and let whatever may happen happen.  

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I hate those anti-smoking commercials -- I think they're called "The Real Cost" -- that show young people ripping off their skin or pulling teeth from their mouths. I understand smoking is a dirty, disgusting habit, but those commercials are worse.


Worse still is the anti-smoking PSA with the woman telling us she developed macular degeneration and now she has to get shots in her eyeballs. With a needle. 


Now, look. Smoking is bad. Encourage people to quit, encourage young people not to start. But do not assault me with needles in the eyeballs. Do not. It's not fair to assault people who aren't even smokers with this imagery. Seriously, I cannot lunge for the remote fast enough the second I hear her gravelly voice on my TV. I don't even want to think about that and they shouldn't be making me.

  • Love 12

Worse still is the anti-smoking PSA with the woman telling us she developed macular degeneration and now she has to get shots in her eyeballs. With a needle. 


Now, look. Smoking is bad. Encourage people to quit, encourage young people not to start. But do not assault me with needles in the eyeballs. Do not. It's not fair to assault people who aren't even smokers with this imagery. Seriously, I cannot lunge for the remote fast enough the second I hear her gravelly voice on my TV. I don't even want to think about that and they shouldn't be making me.


My mother has macular degeneration, and had to have injections in her eye, but eventually they stopped doing it because her eyesight had deteriorated to the point that there's no point in continuing the treatments.  :(

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Can we all just agree that "artisanal" is a pretentious and idiotic made-up word that doesn't actually mean anything? (I may have misspelled it. I don't care. It's not a real word anyway.)

Made-up words are golden in advertising! If it doesn't mean anything, you can claim that your product has it and no one will sue you over it.


Worse still is the anti-smoking PSA with the woman telling us she developed macular degeneration and now she has to get shots in her eyeballs. With a needle.

I have an eye condition (not nearly as serious as macular degeneration) that requires a shot in the eye every couple of years. After the doctor dumps a bunch of numbing drops into my eye, all I can feel is a vague eyestrain-like feeling when he does it. Not bad at all.


I am disturbed by the downward trend in toilet paper commercials, from the pooping bears who urge us to "Enjoy the go!" (yeah, that's on my list of things I enjoy) to the annoying Brit who convinces women they can wipe their arses so squeaky clan with her toilet paper that they can "Go commando!"   Because, you know, until she came along, women's fannies were hopelessly caked with smeared feces and stuff.


And when did the word "go" become a noun meaning the act of exporting digested food and coliform bacteria from your body?


It annoys me, although I must concede it makes me giggle every time I'm watching Survivor and Jeff Probst calls out at the start of every challenge, "On my go!"

Edited by millennium
  • Love 8

And when did the word "go" become a noun meaning the act of exporting digested food and coliform bacteria from your body?

I've been hearing go used like that since I was a kid in the stone ages, but as a generic term for having to go to the bathroom.  "Go before we leave the house" or "We're stopping at the next rest stop, anyone who needs to go have your shoes on".

  • Love 1

... to the annoying Brit who convinces women they can wipe their arses so squeaky clan with her toilet paper that they can "Go commando!"   Because, you know, until she came along, women's fannies were hopelessly caked with smeared feces and stuff.



But, but, but...if I go commando how do I attach my Tena pad?  I mean, I want me to be me even if my bladder doesn't want me to.  I want to be able to sing really loud in my car and laugh obnoxiously at the movies.  And what if I'm wearing a skirt?!  Inner thigh strength can carry that only so far.  Or underwareness?   So many decisions...<*small voice* my head hurts>

  • Love 12

But, but, but...if I go commando how do I attach my Tena pad?  I mean, I want me to be me even if my bladder doesn't want me to.  I want to be able to sing really loud in my car and laugh obnoxiously at the movies.  And what if I'm wearing a skirt?!  Inner thigh strength can carry that only so far.  Or underwareness?   So many decisions...<*small voice* my head hurts>


Lmao XD. Word.


Any time I see those commercials it makes me want to /facepalm.

  • Love 2

I am disturbed by the downward trend in toilet paper commercials, from the pooping bears who urge us to "Enjoy the go!" (yeah, that's on my list of things I enjoy) to the annoying Brit who convinces women they can wipe their arses so squeaky clan with her toilet paper that they can "Go commando!"   Because, you know, until she came along, women's fannies were hopelessly caked with smeared feces and stuff.



The ads have men in them, too, not just women.

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As someone who has done tech support for the cable company, I'm getting total PTSD flashbacks seeing this. I guarantee you that every time this runs a few dozen crazy or confused people call the tech support to complain and then refuse to believe it is the way the commercial is made and then demand someone be sent out to fix it.


  • Love 3

As someone who has done tech support for the cable company, I'm getting total PTSD flashbacks seeing this. I guarantee you that every time this runs a few dozen crazy or confused people call the tech support to complain and then refuse to believe it is the way the commercial is made and then demand someone be sent out to fix it.


I have watched this commercial 100 times (never fast-forwarding because I love "she's a guy....so.....") and have seen it very recently. I have never seen it the way it's shown in this clip.  Is it a regional thing?

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I have watched this commercial 100 times (never fast-forwarding because I love "she's a guy....so.....") and have seen it very recently. I have never seen it the way it's shown in this clip.  Is it a regional thing?


The ad says something is coming May 11.  It's a different version they've just started airing.

As someone who has done tech support for the cable company, I'm getting total PTSD flashbacks seeing this. I guarantee you that every time this runs a few dozen crazy or confused people call the tech support to complain and then refuse to believe it is the way the commercial is made and then demand someone be sent out to fix it.


Sweet baby Jesus, what the hell was that? Viral marketing, you say? I'll pass.

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I love the original commercial - the actors all nail their lines ("What are you wearing, Jake From State Farm?", "Uh, khakis," and "Well, she's a guy, so ...") and, while the jealous wife is an annoying storyline within the overall context of how TV presents women in general, in a vacuum, she's not outlandish for jumping to the conclusion she reaches based on what she overhears and the time of night she overhears it - but resurrecting it for some ridiculous "ooh, something is coming for Jake" campaign is stupid.  If they want to make a sequel, that's one thing, but this weird teaser is just too much.

Edited by Bastet
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I was reading an article about Jake from State Farm (stumbled onto it looking for a link to the commercial) and apparently he really was Jake from State Farm. He was a part time employee there but quit and is now a bar tender. So maybe they can't really use him for an actual sequel but wanted to find a way to extend the campaign due to its popularity.

I'm not sure if this should go here or the irritating kids thread but...

The Jimmy Dean microwave whatever with the girl repeating "microwave?" over and over. Look, sweetums, microwave ovens have been around much longer than you have. I'm pretty sure you've had more than your fair share of microwaved food in your life.

  • Love 4

I took the "microwave" conversation between girl and sun to be a rip off of a very old routine of "john...Marsha" from many, many years ago.





I don't care for the AT&T girl, but I felt sorry for her in the latest one -- where the dad is buying a new iPhone for his oldest daughter and the youngest gets the hand-me-down, especially when the little brat mouths off to her about admitting to liking bedazzling. Not that bedazzling isn't ripe for mocking, but not from an ill-mannered little rug rat, especially since AT&T girl was excited when she thought someone else liked doing it too.


I was especially annoyed at the dad (and to a certain extent the older sister) for just standing there, and not telling the brat to apologize for being rude.



My problem is the Dad and the older sister but because the oldest is obviously Dad's favorite & is such a snot about giving the younger all of her castoffs and hand-me-downs. And Dad just goes along with it.  No wonder the youngest is a brat - she never gets anything new of her own.

Edited by friendperidot
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I really hate a commercial for some kind of Dole (?) product. One lady says, "I love fruit cups," which is, to me, the dumbest thing to say; it's like declaring that you eat food. She goes on to say that she drains it (because of the syrup crap) as the other woman is right there seeing her do so. Blah, blah, blah--other lady's superior fruit is in juice, about which she says, I drink it" in the most self-satisfied inflection. Ugh, no idea why this one makes me so annoyed, but it does.

  • Love 6

Carrie Underwood and her pronunciation of American as Amerikin in those Almay commercials need to go away.

"AmAIRican." And something in general about that slogan just doesn't sound right to me at all.


I have no idea why ["manscaping"] isn't a thing among straight men.


My BF likes to keep things trimmed and orderly. His armpits too (he actually shaved those completely one time, after I warned him that he'd itch like crazy! And he did). Through candid discussions with a few of my closer male friends, I've deduced that this is not at all limited to gay men (I didn't ask; sometimes our conversations just end up in personal places, so to speak).


If you just want to trim things up (or mow it down) other products are sufficient.


I am having a super-bad day but "mow it down" just made me laugh.

Edited by TattleTeeny


Through candid discussions with a few of my closer male friends, I've deduced that this is not at all limited to gay men (I didn't ask; sometimes our conversations just end up in personal places, so to speak).

Some guys go under the theory that if you cut back the brush it'll make the tree look taller.

  • Love 7


My problem is the Dad and the older sister but because the oldest is obviously Dad's favorite & is such a snot about giving the younger all of her castoffs and hand-me-downs. And Dad just goes along with it.  No wonder the youngest is a brat - she never gets anything new of her own.


I get the "humor" they're going for here, but I will never understand how advertising "our customers are assholes" is a viable marketing strategy. I have the same problem with the two Sonic morons. I get that the Sonic people seem to think they're funny (apparently), but a campaign designed to say "morons eat here" doesn't seem like a winning strategy to me.


Also, no matter how hard they try, no yogurt company is ever going to make me believe two children are going to race each other to the fridge for the last cup of Yoplait. Ever. 

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I wish Jeep would quit putting that "hey, hey, hey" song in my head. I can't even understand the damn words. "Living a life to relegate," what does that have to do with Jeep?


I absolutely hate how Jeep commercials (and some other Amurrrcan car models) always have to show their car driving over/tearing up what looks like a lovely forest or park just because they can. Hey, you f*ckwit, are you driving to a medical emergency? Are you passed out at the wheel? If not, stay on the g*damned road/path. It's good enough for the rest of us, it's good enough for you and far better for the planet, mmmkay? You are not a freedom-loving renegade. You're an idiot and I hate sharing this planet with you and I ain't buying what you're selling.

Thank you both! I hate that fucking Renegade song and the worthless hipster wannabe assholes tearing up a beach/river/forest with the fire of 1,000 red hot suns. I even Googled the song to make sure I never buy anything by the "artists" who perform it. I call that genre of music "whimpy hipster".

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Seriously, Botox, don't you make enough money from aging starlets? Now Botox is being promoted for leaky bladders and migraines. Shame on them for being the whores of the pharmaceutical world!

Actually, I have a friend who suffers from severe migraines that can last for weeks. The only thing that helps control them is Botox injections she receives every few months in the base of her skull. The shots are uncomfortable but are the only thing that keeps her functional. I'd rather they use it for medicinal purposes than freezing a bunch of vain assholes' faces.

  • Love 6


I have the same problem with the two Sonic morons. I get that the Sonic people seem to think they're funny (apparently), but a campaign designed to say "morons eat here" doesn't seem like a winning strategy to me.

That was my first impression, but I think only the guy on the left is actually a moron, while the other guy is just accommodating him, like you might a child. Where do you find a Sonic that has that many carhops to each be delivering one flavor of shake? I think the local one has at most two on duty at any one time.

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