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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Me too, but I hate commercials that expect me to go to a website in order to receive the fundamental pitch of the ad, so it's a fail for me; I think it should be self contained.  If they want me to know how they can help me avoid accidents, then they need to show or tell me that in the ad.  Not spend the whole time on a dead kid and then quickly flash a stupidly-named website at the end.

Edited by Bastet
  • Love 10

I missed the commercial. The company is got a lot of backlash over it.


Nationwide's defense: "In fact, thousands of people visited MakeSafeHappen.com"


Oooh, *thousands*? When millions of people watched? The mocking retweets alone have passed that already.

Edited by Jamoche
  • Love 8


I notice she very quickly and in a somewhat lower voice says the words "fracturing technology". Maybe hoping no one will notice? Especially if it is not referred to by the more common "fracking".

The latter is a substitute tor an f-bomb, introduced by Battlestar Galactica, but becoming fairly common; they didn't want to be heard as cursing.


The latter is a substitute tor an f-bomb, introduced by Battlestar Galactica, but becoming fairly common; they didn't want to be heard as cursing.

They use it a lot in Caprica, too, which is allegedly 58 years before BG.  Don't ask me how they arrived at that precise year. I never watched BG & watched Caprica for Sasha Roiz.  hahahaha.

  • Love 1

Ugh - I can't stand that commercial where they show ladies a picture of the same guy - one standing in front of a red truck, the other in front of a gray sedan and they all think the red truck guy is sexier.


First of all, if you really wanted to make that commercial work, make both the vehicles gray, of COURSE red is going to look sexier. Second, what does this commercial do? Tell guys to spend thousands of dollars on a truck because random ladies they don't know in a focus group will think it's hot?

  • Love 7

I saw a Liberty Mutual ad that I had not seen previously and I hate it more than the other three combined.

This dipshit is complaining about all of the questions (the horror!) the insurance company asks when he wasn't even in the car. *Gasp*

Here's the thing, moron. Let's say your dog WAS in the car and the agent didn't ask that question and you didn't think to disclose it. What happens when you find out that Fido has an irreversible spine injury that happened when the car was jolted forward? YOU are going to be paying for it, not the insurance company, because they didn't know about it when you reported the accident.

You think these questions are stupid and a waste of time until you're suddenly paying $3000 out of pocket.

Sorry, Liberty Mutual, but I hate those ads SO MUCH that I'll just stick to my company that helps me after I drown my kid in the bathtub.

  • Love 7

When I think of a guy who drives a giant truck, my first horrible thought is that they are overcompsenating for something.

So yeah, give me a dude who drives a sedan and doesn't have to show off any day.

Pretty much what I was thinking also.  I mean, does he need the truck?  Then if he's just driving that beast just to be manly, then that's the opposite of sexy.

  • Love 5

I HATE the truck commercial. First of all, while I understand that most vehicle ads are predicated on a "buy this car so that random people will think you're cool" subtext, somehow bringing this to the forefront makes my blood boil. Or maybe it's because I already see enough pickup trucks in the freaking major metropolitan city where I live, in which no one is transporting livestock or whatever you would actually need a truck for. When I see a non-commercial truck in an urban environment, my first impression is that it's being driven by a jerk. Chew on that, focus group.


Second of all, if we're just going to be dealing with stereotypes (and what else is the focus group supposed to be doing, if the only information they have is a series of pictures), then I would personally guess that in addition to his insecure need to overcompensate, truck dude is less educated, has a crappier job, doesn't give two shits about the environment or anything else that doesn't personally affect him, and likely holds political/social beliefs that would make me want to punch something.


Good thing they didn't include me in their idiotic focus group.

  • Love 10


I saw a Liberty Mutual ad that I had not seen previously and I hate it more than the other three combined.

This dipshit is complaining about all of the questions (the horror!) the insurance company asks when he wasn't even in the car. *Gasp*

It's a general rule that it's the other guy's fault if they hit your parked car, but the insurance company needs to know if there are extenuating circumstances. Maybe you swooped in and illegally parked behind that big truck when it would have been tough for the driver to see you just did that (rainy night?). Maybe your dog knocked off the brake and the car rolled in front of the truck. The people in the Liberty Mutual ads make the morons in the Sonic ads look like geniuses.



There's a car for big guys, I've seen the ad.

Can't say I've seen the ad, but I doubt it's easy to get. Last time I went car shopping, I found a model like that. It belonged to a car salesman, and if I had been willing to lay down a sizable deposit, he could have gotten me a brand new, fully-loaded version at (a high) list price in a couple of months. The alternatives are to drive something really old, or a truck. Or, have someone shorter drive you everywhere; that's what a 6' 4" guy I used to know did.

  • Love 1

What I thought when I saw the red truck vs. gray sedan commercial is that they showed only the positive reactions to the red truck guy. I would much rather have the sedan guy. He would in my opinion be less pretentious and more environmentally conscious, which appeals to me. Also, you can fold the back seats down in most sedans and take home your IKEA purchases in the city. I did in my 2004 Honda Civic. No truck needed.

  • Love 6

What I thought when I saw the red truck vs. gray sedan commercial is that they showed only the positive reactions to the red truck guy. I would much rather have the sedan guy. 

Also sedans do actually come in red - amazing, I know! - and then they look even cooler than a truck, because really - it's a truck. Or you could carry a dog in your car, then you'd look like a cool guy too - they said it on Car Talk so it must be true.

  • Love 4

I saw a Liberty Mutual ad that I had not seen previously and I hate it more than the other three combined.

This dipshit is complaining about all of the questions (the horror!) the insurance company asks when he wasn't even in the car. *Gasp*

Here's the thing, moron. Let's say your dog WAS in the car and the agent didn't ask that question and you didn't think to disclose it. What happens when you find out that Fido has an irreversible spine injury that happened when the car was jolted forward? YOU are going to be paying for it, not the insurance company, because they didn't know about it when you reported the accident.

You think these questions are stupid and a waste of time until you're suddenly paying $3000 out of pocket.

Sorry, Liberty Mutual, but I hate those ads SO MUCH that I'll just stick to my company that helps me after I drown my kid in the bathtub.

"How can my car depreciate before it's had its first oil change?" Uh, have you ever heard the saying "a car begins to depreciate the minute you drive it off the lot"? Edited by smittykins
  • Love 6

There's a Time Warner commercial with a mother and young daughter at a fountain. Daughter wishes for a puppy, and Mom wants affordable home Internet. When a bystander informs her that Time Warner can provide said Internet, she thanks him and calls after him, "Do you know where the nearest pet store is?"

All I can think is, "You do know many pet stores deal with puppy mills, right?"

Edited because I misquoted the ad.

Edited by smittykins
  • Love 5


The worst one of that bunch, in my opinion, is the snotty teenager scolding us (adults) because nobody's perfect *sniff*.

And making it sound like she deserves special treatment for actually paying her bills on time. ITA. Is she supposed to be a teenager? She looks like she's in her 20's, but they cast people that age as high school students so you might be right. Maybe she should switch to Allstate, where they'll charge more for not being perfect, but send her a check whenever she doesn't "tap" (bash in) somebody's bumper.

  • Love 1

Okay, I take it back - there is one of those Liberty Mutual ads I hate slightly more than the others.  The one where those who can't parallel park and will thus inevitably ("it's just a matter of time") tear the bumper off someone's car are encouraged not to learn how to parallel park, but to buy Liberty Mutual insurance.  Because the only other option is to take the bus.  Learning how, parking in lots or spots that don't require parallel parking ... nope.  Take the bus or buy LM insurance.  So they're encouraging people to go around town ripping the bumpers off other people's cars because, eh, no big deal, LM will pay for it. 

Edited by Bastet
  • Love 5

Also sedans do actually come in red - amazing, I know! - and then they look even cooler than a truck, because really - it's a truck. Or you could carry a dog in your car, then you'd look like a cool guy too - they said it on Car Talk so it must be true.

My Civic is red. It's what the dealership had when I bought it. ::shrugs::
  • Love 2

Oh God don't get me started on "tapping" a bumper!

No shit! I haven't had a claim for 30 years when some asshat ran into my car in a parking lot. Recently, my foot slipped off the brake and I literally tapped the bumper of some douchebag who was on her way to file a claim for hail damage. Her car was a dinged up mess. I saw no damage to her bumper and it didn't even disturb the dirt on my bumper. I documented all of this by taking photos with my smartphone. Guess whose insurance premium just went up $100 dollars a month? I'm livid! This is State Farm btw.

  • Love 2

The ones where people don't understand depreciation annoy me the most of all of them.


And making it sound like she deserves special treatment for actually paying her bills on time. ITA. Is she supposed to be a teenager? She looks like she's in her 20's, but they cast people that age as high school students so you might be right. Maybe she should switch to Allstate, where they'll charge more for not being perfect, but send her a check whenever she doesn't "tap" (bash in) somebody's bumper.

I haven't seen this ad, but my guess is it's supposed to be an adult, because what teenager has bills to pay?

Edited by janie jones
  • Love 2

Ugh - I can't stand that commercial where they show ladies a picture of the same guy - one standing in front of a red truck, the other in front of a gray sedan and they all think the red truck guy is sexier.


First of all, if you really wanted to make that commercial work, make both the vehicles gray, of COURSE red is going to look sexier. Second, what does this commercial do? Tell guys to spend thousands of dollars on a truck because random ladies they don't know in a focus group will think it's hot?

I totally agree! The truck is RED that's what makes more attractive. How dumb do they think the audience is?

  • Love 2

Nah. I saw it as a wink to the folks who'd like to burn her at the stake. Plus, we would have missed the daughter who looks like an outraged chicken, right down to those jerky head movements.


Exactly.  Who wouldn't like to send Flo off to be executed on sight?  


Never mind that in the US and England, suspected witches were never burned at the stake, contrary to popular belief.  They were hanged. Burning suspected witches at the stake was a strictly continental European practice.

Edited by legaleagle53
  • Love 2

College kids with broke parents. Also, some parents will make their kid pay the insurance as a condition of having a car.

::clearing throat to yell at kids on my lawn as I sit in my front-porch rocking chair::

I worked from age 15 to buy a car ('77 Beetle for $750), pay for the insurance and put gas in the car, and pay for parts when my dad inevitably had to repair the car on our carport. I paid for repairs if they had to be "outsourced", too.

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Yeah I think that girl is supposed to be like 26-ish. I don't feel that we are supposed to think she's a teenager. She clearly doesn't understand how insurance works, but those commercials are geared towards people who don't understand how insurance works. This isn't even the one that bothers me the most. Like someone said above, the one with the guy who can't comprehend that the car he's been barging around town in for however long is now worth less than when he bought it bothers me most. 

  • Love 1

I haven't seen the truck ad, but I'll admit I think trucks are sexier than sedans. Granted, I would find it a little ridiculous in a suburban area, but where I live people drive trucks because they really use them. And a hot guy in a dirty truck is hot. /shallow

Anyway, I don't think it's fair to make generalizations about personal politics and environmental awareness based simply on vehicles. People have a lot of reasons for driving what they do.

  • Love 5

The worst one of that bunch, in my opinion, is the snotty teenager scolding us (adults) because nobody's perfect *sniff*.

Yes! When that commercial comes on I want to yell at her - yeah I go 30 years without an accident and you got into a crash after driving how long? Damn right you should pay more for insurance!

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