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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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The Hershey Kisses playing We Wish You A Merry Christmas as bells... I loathe that damn commercial. Only because every channel plays that commercial ad nauseam this time of year. Every.single.year. It seems like it has been around for 20 years now. 

My cat is obsessed with this commercial. Not an hour ago he woke up abruptly from a nap and ran toward the TV. Every time, he's all ears and eyes about it.

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If everyone else is wearing somewhat realistic Medieval armor, why is she wearing a tinfoil bustier and a white feather boa? If they'd dressed her in Xena fashion it might make a Boudica situation plausible, but it looks like Kate's leading her army to a Victoria's Secret sale rather than a battle.

Guess you've never been to the semi-annual VS sale in NYC.  Literal bloodbath.

  • Love 4

Kate Upton can't act her way out of a paper bag, but at least they're showing a woman in position of authority.  I have to worry about how much chafing her thighs are going to get, though.


Thighs? That girl's gonna have some major boob rash.


If everyone else is wearing somewhat realistic Medieval armor, why is she wearing a tinfoil bustier and a white feather boa? If they'd dressed her in Xena fashion it might make a Boudica situation plausible, but it looks like Kate's leading her army to a Victoria's Secret sale rather than a battle.

Apropos of nothing, I just noticed a pretty big continuity error. When Kate draws her sword and wheels around to lead the charge, her sword just disappears. Heh. And now that I've noticed it, I can't focus on anything else. Just thought I'd share so it will bug you, too. :P

Edited by riley702
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So there's this series of commercials, made by I don't know who, which invites people to become foster parents.  It shows adults making honest mistakes and kids being grateful to have someone looking out for them.  The tagline is something like, "You don't have to be perfect to be a foster parent.  Kids will take you just as you are."  I think this is a good message.  However, some of the foster parents' "imperfections" include downright stupidity and incompetence.  One example that sticks out in my memory is one woman mistaking a goat (with horns) for a labradoodle.  So what I'm getting is that you don't even have to be a functional adult in order to become a foster parent.

  • Love 2

So there's this series of commercials, made by I don't know who, which invites people to become foster parents.  It shows adults making honest mistakes and kids being grateful to have someone looking out for them.  The tagline is something like, "You don't have to be perfect to be a foster parent.  Kids will take you just as you are."  I think this is a good message.  However, some of the foster parents' "imperfections" include downright stupidity and incompetence.  One example that sticks out in my memory is one woman mistaking a goat (with horns) for a labradoodle.  So what I'm getting is that you don't even have to be a functional adult in order to become a foster parent.

Well, judging by the looks of things lately, you don't have to be a functional adult to be a biological parent either, so...

::shakes cane, yells at kids on lawn::

  • Love 6

So there's this series of commercials, made by I don't know who, which invites people to become foster parents.  It shows adults making honest mistakes and kids being grateful to have someone looking out for them.  The tagline is something like, "You don't have to be perfect to be a foster parent.  Kids will take you just as you are."  I think this is a good message.  However, some of the foster parents' "imperfections" include downright stupidity and incompetence.  One example that sticks out in my memory is one woman mistaking a goat (with horns) for a labradoodle.  So what I'm getting is that you don't even have to be a functional adult in order to become a foster parent.

You just have to be willing to cash the checks.   The commercials are cute.  Not sure it's at all representative of being a foster parent though.  But if it raises awareness, I guess that's a good thing.

Within the last year or so, there was a case in a neighboring county in which two foster parents had been chaining up at least one of their charges to the porch and all sorts of other horrific abuse was going on with the other children inside the house. The neighbors were the typical news-interviewed idiots: "They seemed like nice people", EXCEPT THAT THEY HAD A KID CHAINED TO THEIR PORCH that apparently, the neighbors didn't see or hear(?!?). I'm willing to grant that the majority of foster parents are loving people, but the bad apples are REALLY bad.

I'm really down on Oklahoma's foster care, my 3 yr old great nephew was killed by his foster mother throwing him on a concrete floor, his 4 yr old sister and 6 yr old brother had clumps of hair missing and had been spanked with wooden hangers. the foster father got a 4 year suspended sentence, the foster mother has been charged with first degree murder. bio parents are serving 5 years for a dirty house and the photo evidence was photo shopped. I went through foster parent training to have their mother and aunt about 15 years ago, after a couple of years, the DHS decided that the girls had to go live with their convicted child molester father - he was convicted in Kansas so it doesn't matter in Oklahoma. I have no use for any of it, it was al money, I don't have any.

Edited by friendperidot

There is an ad running with a guy sitting at a bar drinking, and thinking more and more stupid things as he drinks more and more, and the tag line is "buzzed driving is drunk driving", which, okay, except that the background is punctuated by the really, really, really annoying sound of hands clapping along with the rhythm of the background music.  It's really annoying.  And the worst part is, when they run this ad, they always, every time, run it TWICE at each commercial break.  It's getting to the point that I'm going to have to reach for the remote to mute it when it comes on.

 And the worst part is, when they run this ad, they always, every time, run it TWICE at each commercial break.  It's getting to the point that I'm going to have to reach for the remote to mute it when it comes on.


Speaking of, those damn Big Lots commercials with the singing, dancing women are legit about to drive me insane. It was cute at first, but now that they're running it every. single. break. I have to dive for the remote to switch the channel. I was not aware that Big Lots was the kind of store where bunches of people shop for Christmas presents, anyway. :We're not gift card people!"? Good for you, ladies. Now GTFO.

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Is 'nailed it' supposed to be this season's buzz phrase?  I seem to hear it in so many commercials.  The two I can remember right now is the Progressive one where the woman is conversing with her right hand, which is made up to look like Flo.  She says 'nailed it!' at least twice.  Then, one of the Big Lots commercials with the singing, dancing women are thrilled that they 'nailed it' by getting all of their shopping done.

  • Love 1

Speaking of, those damn Big Lots commercials with the singing, dancing women are legit about to drive me insane. It was cute at first, but now that they're running it every. single. break. I have to dive for the remote to switch the channel. I was not aware that Big Lots was the kind of store where bunches of people shop for Christmas presents, anyway. :We're not gift card people!"? Good for you, ladies. Now GTFO.

Lots of people want what Big Lots sells for Christmas. Small appliances is just one category. Although the one I've been in does not have aisles wide enough to do the moves these ladies are making, lol. But your annoyance is sooooo cute!

There's an Optimum commercial that makes me actually feel bad for the guy in it. It's moving day and he calls his friend, who is apparently supposed to help but is very late because he's playing a game. What a horrid thing to do to someone! Oh my goodness, I know it's not real but moving is stressful as it is, and it's not like it's easy to postpone it last minute! That friend sucks.

The commercial that currently makes me want to throw things at the TV is one of the Julia D. Old Navy ads.

It's the one where she buys her sister's kids a pony, and all the  snotty, spoiled little brats can whine is that one of them is allergic to hay.




And then mommy dearest gives them frigging knit hats and scarves and everyone goes gaga over that.  The hell?  You get a pony and you freak out over a goddamn scarf?  Are you insane?


And BTW, mommy, you are raising two spoiled brats that deserve a hat full of coal and a trip to the woodshed.  Just sayin'.


I guess the reason this commercial grates is because all I have ever wanted, all my life, is a horse.  I've never been able to afford one, and neither were my parents (blue collar workers) able to give me one.  If anyone had given me a pony when I was a kid I would have fallen to the floor and kissed their feet.  


If Old Navy's goal was to get me to remember this ad, they succeeded.  But if their goal was to get me to remember this ad and smile and/or laugh, they failed miserably.  I just want to boot all concerned in the arse instead.


"Thanks for the Old Navy scarf mommy.  Auntie, screw you and your pony."


Bah.  Humbug.

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I think it would have been a better ad if it had shown them being all excited about the pony and then thinking the hats and scarves are even cooler. 


It's probably dumb that this annoys me, but in one of the Keurig ads where people randomly show up in someone's kitchen to get coffee, this woman calls her uncle "Big Uncle Wayne."  At first I thought I was hearing wrong, but I don't know what else she could be saying.  Maybe it's a thing somewhere, but I've never heard of someone calling someone "Big" uncle something.  He's not even particularly tall.  Is there a "Little Uncle Wayne"?  It's stupid and it annoys me.

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I don't know if this is super common, but if it makes you feel any better, I do know of a couple of families where there are same-named people (but not in the "junior" or "III", etc variety). For example a woman and her mother in-law having the same first name, and some in the family do refer to the older one (who has the body type of a praying mantis) as "Big"- that first name. The younger isn't referred to as "little" it's just "Big" vs name. And another where a younger cousin is named after an older uncle and they refer to the younger one as little and the older one as big. So, it does happen. Although in both of those cases neither is something I've ever heard anyone directly call the people in question; it's more of a qualifier when discussing them to make it clear who they're referring to.

Edited by theatremouse

I think it would have been a better ad if it had shown them being all excited about the pony and then thinking the hats and scarves are even cooler. 


It's probably dumb that this annoys me, but in one of the Keurig ads where people randomly show up in someone's kitchen to get coffee, this woman calls her uncle "Big Uncle Wayne."  At first I thought I was hearing wrong, but I don't know what else she could be saying.  Maybe it's a thing somewhere, but I've never heard of someone calling someone "Big" uncle something.  He's not even particularly tall.  Is there a "Little Uncle Wayne"?  It's stupid and it annoys me.

I actually have a lowercase-b big Uncle Wayne.

New to this forum, so if these have been mentioned/discussed before, I apologize.


These "proud sponsors of the NFL" get on my last nerve:


"Discount DAW-ble check" -- those annoying commercials with Aaron Rogers. I can't tell you what company it's for, but I haven't forgotten the commercials.


Peyton Manning singing "Nationwide is On Your Side."  EEGGGHHHH!!!!


I'll bet this site is a lot of fun during the Super Bowl commercials!!! I can't wait.

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I don't know if this is super common, but if it makes you feel any better, I do know of a couple of families where there are same-named people (but not in the "junior" or "III", etc variety). For example a woman and her mother in-law having the same first name, and some in the family do refer to the older one (who has the body type of a praying mantis) as "Big"- that first name. The younger isn't referred to as "little" it's just "Big" vs name. And another where a younger cousin is named after an older uncle and they refer to the younger one as little and the older one as big. So, it does happen. Although in both of those cases neither is something I've ever heard anyone directly call the people in question; it's more of a qualifier when discussing them to make it clear who they're referring to.

But then wouldn't he be "Big Wayne"?  Unless there were two Uncle Waynes.  Do you call your uncle "big Uncle Wayne," TattleTeeny

I was in West Michigan for Christmas and the commercial that I saw so much was the Charter Triple Play, where it was an office setting and they start singing/rapping about the Charter Triple Play. There was an incessant amount of repeating the telephone number. I wanted to hurt people every time I saw that commercial.

when an ad incessantly repeat a phone number, after it is over I always ask "what was that number again?" I know there's no one in the house but me, but I still ask.


Those annoy me because I don't want a phone number for a product or service I have no interest in stuck in my head. I make a game of distracting myself with a cat or something during the repetitions so that after the ad I can't remember more than the last couple of digits. What is that factoid - short-term memory can hold up to seven things before the ones at the bottom of the stack start getting kicked out? It works.

I've complained about that Charter commercial several times in various threads because they've been playing it nonstop on the major networks in my area. So many things about it that tick me off. The only nice thing I can say about it is that it's better than the previous similar ad that they ran, which was country rock, "cowgirls" wearing shorts, and dirtbags riding around on choppers.


The two I can remember right now is the Progressive one where the woman is conversing with her right hand, which is made up to look like Flo.  She says 'nailed it!' at least twice.


Speaking of Progressive ads, the new spots feature "real people" coming in to - pick up their cars? And Flo is sitting there at the reception desk and they are surprised to see the "famous" spokesperson from the commercials in person, like it's Candid Camera or something. 


The problem is, who the hell takes their car to the insurance company for repairs? And if they're taking their cars somewhere else for repairs, what are they doing at the insurance company? It sounds like Flo is arranging for them to either pick up their rental cars (which you also wouldn't get at your insurance company) or telling them when their car repairs will be done. Neither makes sense.

The problem is, who the hell takes their car to the insurance company for repairs? And if they're taking their cars somewhere else for repairs, what are they doing at the insurance company? It sounds like Flo is arranging for them to either pick up their rental cars (which you also wouldn't get at your insurance company) or telling them when their car repairs will be done. Neither makes sense.

Well the insurance company often does inspect the damage before the repairs are made, so being at the insurance company isn't weird. But I cannot explain why Flo is providing rental car and repair updates. 


I'm just so sick of Flo and the gekko and the Peyton humming and all the other "ideas" that they come up with and then run into the ground. And now we all have to pay more for insurance so that they can replay us the same dumb commercials over and over! Grr!

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There is an ad running with a guy sitting at a bar drinking, and thinking more and more stupid things as he drinks more and more, and the tag line is "buzzed driving is drunk driving", which, okay, except that the background is punctuated by the really, really, really annoying sound of hands clapping along with the rhythm of the background music.  It's really annoying.  And the worst part is, when they run this ad, they always, every time, run it TWICE at each commercial break.  It's getting to the point that I'm going to have to reach for the remote to mute it when it comes on.

I have never seen that one. But every freeway sign in the Bay Area has been displaying that message since the Monday before Xmas!

They can't remind people to turn on their lights when it's raining, but they can put up that crap.

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For years, I've thought headlights ought to be connected to the wipers.  Wipers come on, so do the headlights.  Of course, if it stops raining at night, you need a way to override the "wipers off = lights off" thing, but if they can make a car that can park itself, this really shouldn't be too hard to do.


What do they mean "buzzed driving?"  If the guy's at the bar, continuing to drink until he's a complete idiot, that's way beyond buzzed.

  • Love 3

For years, I've thought headlights ought to be connected to the wipers.  Wipers come on, so do the headlights.  Of course, if it stops raining at night, you need a way to override the "wipers off = lights off" thing, but if they can make a car that can park itself, this really shouldn't be too hard to do.


Many newer cars do have this feature - the one I bought earlier this year does.  Turn on the wipers, and the headlights come on a few seconds later.  It also has an "auto" selection on the headlight switch, so they come on automatically when it gets dark, regardless of what the wipers are doing.

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It's for the people that don't think being "happy", "tipsy", "buzzed" is the same as being drunk.  So hearing or reading "Don't Drive Drunk", they respond with the thought process "Well, I'm not drunk, I'm just a little buzzed."  

I'm not so sure how effective that is. In my state the BAC limit is .08%, but by that point I would be past buzzed, more like falling down drunk.

The new Experian Credit Score commercials annoy the hell out of me.   The one with the woman wanting a loan is bad enough.   She clearly didn't have her yogurt that day.   But the guy with the business proposal is just an idiot.   He wants to make hot dog shaped hamburgers.   The investors are skeptical.   Not becuase of his credit score but because its a damn fool idea.    It just doesn't make me care about my score that much.   Clearly high credit score does not mean intelligence.

  • Love 5
But the guy with the business proposal is just an idiot.   He wants to make hot dog shaped hamburgers.   The investors are skeptical.   Not becuase of his credit score but because its a damn fool idea.    It just doesn't make me care about my score that much.   Clearly high credit score does not mean intelligence.


His attempt at a power walk when he's leaving - carrying the stupid hamburger/hot dog hybrid - pisses me off. I actually get angry when he's strutting out of there like he's frigging Jerry Maguire.

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