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S01.E09: Fever Pitch

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Bobby has a flirty evening with Hannah, yet he can't shut off his feelings for Julia.  Also, Hannah and Ben redefine their relationship; Ben tackles a difficult culinary task; Bryan confronts Julia; and Danny falls seriously ill.

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I was hoping this was the point in the season where things would kick off, but I'm not sure that's in the cards. If Captain Mark would coddle Danny this far, if anyone else starts melting down or showing flagrant incompetence I don't see what - other than outright production intervention - would stop him from keeping the person along and riding out the rest of the charter season rather than bothering with finding and acclimating someone new. Now that Danny's going on the IR, I don't think we'll see a single firing.

If this gets another season, they need to recast Captain Mark. He seems like a nice enough man, but the job requires some charisma and saltiness. And this whole thing with giving Danny a time-out during the Tilted Kilt charter, and now confiscating his phone (in theory, prior to him catching the plague) is not remotely entertaining for us as the viewers, and doesn't seem to inspire much confidence or admiration in his crew. It might just be because Hannah's an asshole, but I thought it was telling that she mentioned that on other charters, the news she was bringing to him would be an incredibly fireable offense -- like she knows he's too passive and might not do anything about it unless she made that pointed remark.

And it's a shame Mark's not got a pair of plane tickets in his back pocket at all times like Lee. It would be immensely gratifying to see a Below Deck first and see a bosun kicked out on his ass(chin).

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The "cool kids" are completely horrible people. Hannah just did the things that she was pissed that Ben and Bryan pulled. Rather than talk to Danny directly or talk to his direct supervisor, she tattled to the captain. I don't think she'll get how much of a hypocrite she is. It was a petty asshole move and doesn't really speak to her maturity or professionalism. Hannah is a mess. I can't believe that she broke down in tears when Ben said he didn't want a relationship. Ben has been even more clear than Julia. He's rebuffed Hannah's advances at every turn. This really shouldn't have been a surprise to her. And of course she rebounds by trying to make out with Bobby. 

Bobby apparently isn't really into Hannah, but will still make out with her and then gossip about Hannah throwing herself at him to the girl he actually likes. But you know, Bobby believes in chivalry. 

Bryan is drunken smug micromanaging douche. And it appears that alcohol removes his filters so he can't keep his misogyny under wraps.

But the problem really is Danny, Jen, and Ben.  Even if you don't like Danny, your own self interest should make you want monitor his well-being because you don't want to catch what Danny has. Danny and Jen are no great shakes as employees. Danny had no business getting into it with Hannah at the top of the episode, but it's so clear that Hannah, Bryan, and Bobby see themselves as the heroes of this story. Like they are the good guys and Danny and Jen are the villains. Here's the thing kiddos, you're all assholes.

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Bryan is a douche. That is all.

As a  Woman....I can tolerate Danny much more than Bryan...he needs a good crotch kick and throat punch.

Edited by autumnh
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Hannah didn't ask Ben to date her.  Rather, she was upset that he had gone to captain when she thought they were friends.  She then asked Ben whether he wanted to be considered a friend or a co-worker.  He chose co-worker and that upset her.  Understandably so, imo.  Ben's shown his ass for a couple seasons now.  He likes the drama and tends fan the flames.  Makes for good tv though!

Bryan is such an ass.  I hope that he learns something from watching himself.  

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I like Captain Mark. I like Captain Lee as well, but I will be at my table for one in liking Captain Mark and enjoying Below Deck Med. I kind of like that the drama is relatively low key. I also like that for the most part everyone seems fairly competent with their jobs. They all have their faults and mistakes, but I do think they all are pretty competent with their jobs, even Danny when he is not overstepping boundaries. 

I can see both sides of the Hannah and Ben drama. I can see why she would be upset when Ben said he wanted to be viewed as a co-worker and not as a friend, when she thought they were friends. Also, I think she was somewhat still upset with the Danny confrontation at the restaurant. I can also, see why Ben said he wants to be co-workers with her and not friends. 

Bryan needs to dial it down with the drinking. I did kind of laugh at him having Jen practice knots ( I know I am horrible). I do think she has overstated how great she is at her job. I think she is fine as a deckhand, but not as awesome as she made herself out to be in some of her talking heads.

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I wonder if Bryan would be (or attempt to be) so controlling if he wasn't  First Mate. He's one of those people who go overboard when given a position of power. I'm glad Julia stood up to him and his menacing in the galley, and that Hannah backed her up. Normally I'm not fond of her interactions with the rest of the staff because she can be as hard as Bryan at times, but this time she was on point.

Ouch. Danny's worn out his welcome so much that he's gotta be near death for anyone but the Captain and Ben to show concern. Bobby is keeping a check on him now, but he and Bryan both immediately thought Danny was faking his illness.

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1 hour ago, autumnh said:

Bryan is a douche. That is all.

As a  Woman....I can tolerate Danny much more than Bryan...he needs a good crotch kick and throat punch.

Dude...... word. I can see how Danny would be all sorts of annoying but totally harmless and good for a laugh. Bryan, on the other hand, incites my violent feminist intendancies AND I'M NOT EVEN A FEMINIST NOR HAVE VIOLENT INTENTIONS! GAH!

Edited by Hagosaurus
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2 hours ago, FanOfTheFans said:

Bryan doesn't seem to be happy unless he can be lording over someone. image.gif

I'm laughing far more than I should at this. I literally LOL'ed. ;)

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Does anyone know who the bearded portrait on the bridge is? I feel I should know but I can't place him and because Bryan typically sits under it during the client briefing meeting, I find myself starring at it to avoid looking at him.

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Have to admit, since the first few times Danny took his temp he was hiding under the covers, I thought he was faking as well.  

Bryan seemed like maybe he got a little talking to from someone (maybe production?) sometime between his behavior in the crew mess and in the morning when he apologized and was VERY contrite with Julia in the morning.  Unbelievable behavior.  I'd have rabbit kicked him in his tiny, drunken, threatening and misogynistic flat sack where his nuts would be if he had any.

I don't like Bryan much.  Can you tell? 

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Another day, another episode with the male cast members using female anatomy terms to denigrate one another. So pathetic.

I also hated how Bobby was fully willing to take in the view of Hannah's boobs and enjoy her physical attention but then ran to Jules to bag on Hannah behind Hannah's back. If you are not into Hannah and don't like her advances (which I thought were pretty inappropriate) say so. But don't act like you are down and then basically say how awful it was later. That is some junior high, little boy shit. Moreover, Bobby needs to get over his fantasy that he has a shot with Jules. She pretty expressly told him she is not into him. She does not seem overly flirty with him either.  I think Bobby would read "flirting" into any interaction with Jules because that is what he wants. Even if she does "flirt," sometimes flirting is just flirting and is not a means to sex.  Jules has explained this to Bobby. No means no Bobby.  

I was uncomfortable with Hannah greeting Bobby topless though. Maybe it's different on a boat because of the close quarters (and Bobby has displayed some exhibitonist tendencies as well) but if my opposite sex coworker did that to me I would definitely not be cool with it. 

Bryan is the worst. He should be on a condo board or work at the DMV or post office. He seems to be that type of person who gets an inch of power and thinks he has a mile. His behavior is gross. Standing over Jules while barking orders was so degrading. A normal person could have just said, "hey guys I know it's late, but Captain was on me earlier today about making sure the crew mess stays clean. Can you come take a quick pass through it so he is not pissed at us?" Bryan had such a boner for menacingly ordering Jules around. He is a pig. 

I wonder what the timeline on Danny's fever was. It seems like they left him on the boat for way too long. A 102-103 fever is definitely "go to the doctor now" territory. I get it was inconvenient because they were at sea but couldn't they have just brought him to land on a dingy? Or call the medivac like the capital seems to end up doing? A super high fever with stabbing abdominal pains is no joke. I bet he gets his appendix taken out. 

Edited by jkitty
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I have a question about Bryan - no it's not about his character because I don't think I'm going out on a limb here to say that he's a douche when sober and even worse when drunk.  I missed something on the first episode when Bryan was "promoted" to First Mate.  Was there supposed to be another another crew member?  I remember Bryan being surprised at the time.  He may be a competent deck crew member but it looks like he is in over his head as a supervisor. 

That said I do like the list that he made Danny write because Danny's excuse is always "I didn't know."  His treatment of Jen and Julia may be because he is a misogynist or we may just be seeing him floundering not knowing how to deal with someone who lied to him on their second day together or an over-reaction to the Captain's casual remarks.  In either case, I think he needs to be demoted.

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Bryan is the kinda guy that shouldnt drink. Period! He takes his job way to seriously. Julia was doing the cleaning. There was no need for Bryan to stand over Julia like that. Good for Hannah for sticking up for Julia too. No need at all.

Danny i felt bad for this episode. Being that sick in closed quarter like that must of been aweful. I hope he will be okay

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Cap'n Mark's awareness of being on television may be causing modifications to his disciplinary mode--perhaps, curtailing drama by softening (not alleviating) crew punishments. He appears calm and BRAVOtv thoughtful enough THUS far. 

Danny seems to harbor some psychological trauma from his home life as a child. This need to curry favor alternating with the desire to inappropriately rebel then break-down is tiresome and grating. He displays low level petulance, provokes feelings of middling annoyance, and is a mild irritant.  At the onset of his illness, I believed Danny to be manipulating his rising temperature by deliberately tightly ensconcing himself in both his sweater and duvet. Still unsure of this but willing to acknowledge illness regardless of the contempt and unsympathetic actions shown by many of the crew. However, he is not the villain that some of the others make him out to be (a WEE bit o' jealousy is held by Bryan and Bobby). Hope that his health improves.

Based on early season high boasting, Jen should have manifested 'Yachtie' majicks aplenty, yet...     However, Jen is being subjected to on-the-job sexist misbehavior by Bryan AND Bobby. Indeed, Bryan unduly monitors and chastises her. Good luck to her with tying then retying then Re-retying then RE-RE-retying...those knots.

Cannot recall the name of the woman who is not Hannah or Julia or Jen. She's coasting right along. ?

Previously, Julia was presenting Bobby a strong but sweet beckoning manner and come -hither eyes UNTIL she realized that 'her guy' eventually would view the show. Upon this illumination, she course corrected, historical revisionism mounted and, now, she earnestly intends all to be smooth sailing. Bon Voyage, Bobby !

Bobby is in love-- with  ?himself and ?Julia(too bad, so sad). *Bobby has expressed dismissive insult to women who have rebuffed him.* He's stunned by Danny's peculiar luck with the ladies. Bobby's bitterness at Danny's popularity(don't ask me why) with the guests in general and non-crew women in general gnaws at his pride. Bobby's shirtless preening has been to no avail with the exception of 2.5 of the crew--It's hilarious❗ (Oh, the .5 indicates Julia's noticeable lingering but will not act upon<❓> superficial but definite interest.) 

Bryan, Bryan, Bryan. So hard a-tryin' and too much a-lyin'. What is there to say, really ?  It's so very clear. Bryan's misogyny is flagrant. He resolutely conveys scorn toward women. His physical intimidation tactics were eerie with the women in the crew galley. ?(Um, did not Bryan just recently berate Danny for interference in the non-deckhand arena. Didn't Bryan make Danny write 100,000,000 Xs, "I will not interfere with the inside cabin crew duties and directions"❓❗  So unjust and inauthentic with instruction and imperatives.)?   Bryan's slovenly tactics at hot tub seduction were disgusting. His persistent and unfair nitpicking at Jen's handling of her duties is scurrilous. When ANYthing dealing with women is not to his liking or approval, Bryan's woman bashing and guilt-free deliberately unflinching false recounting of events--negationism--is ever so creepy and alarming(! ).                                                           *Bryan: SYNONYMS -- creepy, dumbass, azzhole, ____pathy, affected, dissembler, alcoholic[?], rising despot*

Hannah, Ben expressed interest in you for one full second before he attempted to 'woo'(yes, I am using the term very loosely) the female crew member who is not Hannah, Julia, or Jen. Remember. He wanted someone softer(you know, someone with whom he can get his way, ALWAYS).  Why the tears❓  Did you not attempt to shift blame and sully his reputation in 'Entrée-MainDishgate'❓  Ah, Hannah you are enough of an azzhole to lie easily, complain often, and backstab when desired. Furthermore, you possess an infallible sense of entitlement, are unfailingly judgemental, and believe yourself to render unerring decisions. So, there. No more tears, Hanna.

Ben, you have always been and will always be a supercilious f#©k _ _  brimming with SELF-interest. Absolute refusal to abide any intrusion upon YOUR comfort. Any observation, suggestion,...that you do not deem positive pertaining to your fare and concoctions is an affront to your esteem.            Although, you did proffer care for Danny's physical health. Huh. So, maybe, you aren't quite so egoistic.

Edited by BookElitist
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I felt terribly for Danny. Having that high of a fever is horrible. I've had 103 before and I could barely walk. I was also alarmed that he was having stomach pains along with the fever, like maybe it was his appendix actually. They waited too long to do something. I did think he was faking at the beginning.

Why do people continue to like Ben? He's kind of an ass.

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I agree with so much of what's already been posted. Bryan standing over Julia and Hannah cleaning was not only odd, but inconvenient as well, I mean did you see how tiny their mess was! How did he expect them to sweep or anything while he was standing in the middle?

I feel bad for Danny being sick in such close quarters. I was looking forward to how he may grow this episode and be less annoying, but resting is definitely more important. One of the reasons I didn't think it was fake from the start was that it was rising gradually, in my experience of people faking an illness to skip school, they usually make the mistake of putting the thermometer on something warm and going for a really high temp right away. Also, there were people witnessing him taking his temperature. 

I'm glad that he didn't have to work through it though, and thought Bobby's comment of if he were to get sick he'd still work. There's a big difference between a cold and 103. I hate when people who are ill aren't given leeway with school/work, because a) it definitely doesn't help their recovery, and b) it puts other people at risk for whatever the illness is if it's contagious. I'm sure Danny is miserable with that fever, but imagine how much more miserable it'd be if he had something contagious and passed it on to the guests, who even with the deep discount I learned about in last week's thread, have still spent a lot of money for the trip. That could definitely impact their enjoyment and in turn their tip. Someone above said the symptoms are similar to appendicitis, which isn't contagious, but it's better to err on the side of caution and keep the sick person away from others. I remember having a teacher where attendance was a decent chunk of your grade, who didn't accept any excuse for missing class. Once a kid came in with the flu because he didn't want to lose a couple percentage points over being sick, and the next week 2 more people had the flu. Not that they definitely got it from him, but it always bugs me how people can't see that forcing someone to go out while sick can put others at risk.

Also don't understand why Bobby keeps acting like he has a chance with Julia? Let it go! She has a long term boyfriend and has told you that multiple times. Since y'all had your sit down talk she's only been friendly, no "goosing" or anything that could be construed as flirting, at least on what we've seen.

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I fail to understand the lackadaisical reactions to Danny's situational alarming symptoms, also. As stated by those above, based upon his condition, either the cause is contagious which could run rampant throughout the close quarters of crew and guests, or it is a contained illness possibly borne from a serious malady. Notwithstanding the overall Danny Dislike, one would think that they would have a care for their own health, and, perhaps, to a lesser degree, the health of the paying 'clients'.

Edited by BookElitist
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They need to get rid of Danny period.  Showing pictures of previous guests to other guests is wrong and he should have been fired for it.  I know this is a reality show and things aren't "real" but would you want people showing pictures of you, to others, without your knowledge?  I know I wouldn't. 

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42 minutes ago, BookElitist said:

⬆thelonerafter, were you in grade school when penalized for absences by negative grading. I do not believe that to be 'legal'. 

I had teachers with those policies both in high school and in the first year of college. Whether it's 'legal' in high school or not unless you make a *big* fuss about it to a principle or someone higher up than the teachers pretty much made up their own rules for things like sick days, late work, and other stuff that had regulations but that went ignored.

Forgot to mention earlier that showing the photos of previous guests to current guests is definitely wrong. I do agree with this weeks write up about how it is kind of funny they mention being discreet because hello! You're on TV! But I think the context of who was shown the photos is more important, like how he was showing photos of the kilt girls to the semi-creepy guys from the previous charter. One of the photos looked like a selfie they'd taken with his phone but that didn't mean the girls who took it were expecting him to show it to those people.

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56 minutes ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

I could not believe they left Danny there with a fever of 102!!! That's really dangerous. I don't LIKE Danny but come on.......Just seemed like a crap move to me.   

Didn't it get up to 103.2? It's a crap move, alright. 

Bryan- STFU, you obnxious weasel. When is someone going to go to the captain and report him ?

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1 hour ago, thelonerafter said:

But I think the context of who was shown the photos is more important, like how he was showing photos of the kilt girls to the semi-creepy guys from the previous charter. One of the photos looked like a selfie they'd taken with his phone but that didn't mean the girls who took it were expecting him to show it to those people.

Right, that's the thing about what Danny did.  He showed pictures of former guests, to present guests.  It's not like he showed those pictures to his family and/or friends.  He showed those pictures to those guys because he wanted to pump himself up, to tell them, "These are the kind of girls I can get for you."  That's what bugged me.

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Last week we also saw Danny plugging his phone into one of the guests' (the middle-aged guys who loved Daniel-San) computers to presumably copy photos Danny had taken of them.  However, he very well could have provided the other photos as well, and that's uber-creepy. 

Danny has boundary issues.  He doesn't understand that there should be a division between crew and guests, and he doesn't seem to understand that while he may not LIKE Bryan and Hannah, they outrank him.  You're not that charming and you're not that cute, Danny.  Shut up.

I did feel bad for him being so sick this week though (I'm not completely heartless) and I can't believe it took so long for the Captain to suggest getting him off the boat.  They are living in very close quarters, and a contagious illness could spread like wildfire.  That's one reason you see those types of outbreaks on cruise ships!  Simply isolating him in his room isn't enough if you've got all the other crew going in and out of there and checking on him. 

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That's one reason you see those types of outbreaks on cruise ships!  Simply isolating him in his room isn't enough if you've got all the other crew going in and out of there and checking on him. 

Yes Captain let's have the cook ho down there and breathe that infested air. The COOK!

Edited by QuinnM
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Danny started getting sick the morning of the charter, it was also that morning that the captain was going to take his phone away, which is why even the the captain questioned how he knew he had a fever.

They called for a medavac 24 hours later. Yes, a fever can be serious but I think the editing hyped it up. He wasn't 103 for days, it went up and down and then back up again in about a 24 hour period when it started to rise again that is when they made the decision to get him off the boat. I would have gotten him off the boat earlier not only because of his health but that of the other crew and guests but I also have had the flu on smaller boats with a slightly higher fever and managed to pull through with no harm done and not having to get treated off the boat. Not saying that Danny wasn't sick or it wasn't wise to get him to a clinic where he would get fluids but it wasn't that weird to wait a day to see if it would pass.

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21 hours ago, snarts said:

Hannah didn't ask Ben to date her.  Rather, she was upset that he had gone to captain when she thought they were friends.  She then asked Ben whether he wanted to be considered a friend or a co-worker.  He chose co-worker and that upset her.  Understandably so, imo.  Ben's shown his ass for a couple seasons now.  He likes the drama and tends fan the flames.  Makes for good tv though! 

To me, that was the smartest decision Ben's ever made, Below Deck-wise.  If Hannah insists on having those "define our relationship" conversations with him, then yes, professional is a smarter choice than personal.  BECAUSE IT'S WORK.

I screwed myself on my first serious job because I didn't want to be "bossy," I wanted to be "friendly."  Until one day, right after pizza buffet with my new BFF-slash-secretary, she laughingly tossed my 50-page handwritten brief back on my desk and told me I better figure out how a typewriter worked.  Ruh-oh.

 I went crying to my teacher friend for comfort and he said, "Look, everyone starts off his student teaching semester wanting to be fun, wanting the students to like him.  And it's a disaster.  First you have to be the jerk who requires discipline and makes them do the homework and then you can relax and be someone they like.  You can always go forward but you can't always reverse gears and go back."

No telling how often Hannah would have leveraged their official "friend" status:  "Why are you acting the priss just because the dinner service went a little sideways?  I thought we were supposed to be friends."

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It's a not direct reporting relationship, Hannah & Ben are peers.  In that situation, they could easily be both co-workers and friends.  

Ben said he was paranoid Hannah would try to roll him under the bus for dinnergate, so he put on the white shirt and went immediately to Captain tattling. That's not even good co-worker behavior, let alone how you treat someone you've gone to dinner with, flirted with, and hugged.  

They talked it out, Hannah reassured him that she wouldn't do the same but instead would come to him directly with any issues.  Less than week later, she does just that, trying to talk about the situation with Danny in the galley and Ben is dismissive, seemingly takes Danny's side and laughs when he's rude as hell. Hannah was forced to have that conversation with Ben, because his actions certainly didn't match his earlier words.  

Too bad Hannah didn't watch the previous seasons, Ben's MO is to befriend the lowliest stew/deckhand/whatever to cause drama/get camera-time.  Danny is just the new Rocky/Sam/etc.

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Hannah's seeking to control Ben while at the same time seeking his attention. And he knows it. Next time they are drinking she'll try to have the same conversation and get the answer she wants.

Also disappointed in her throwing herself at Bobby, and vowing vengeance at other staff. There go her professional head stew points down the drain.

I thought Danny was faking it. He's the type who will push boundaries and act out until he switches to pouting and withdrawal, which I thought he was doing in response to the captain's dressing down. But it appears he was really ill. I eventually thought food poisoning or appendicitis.

I'm enjoying the thought of Bryan cringing as he watches his stupid buffoon self on the episodes.

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1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

Hannah's seeking to control Ben while at the same time seeking his attention. And he knows it. Next time they are drinking she'll try to have the same conversation and get the answer she wants.

Also disappointed in her throwing herself at Bobby, and vowing vengeance at other staff. There go her professional head stew points down the drain.

I'm enjoying the thought of Bryan cringing as he watches his stupid buffoon self on the episodes.

I really feel like Hannah was using"friend" disingenuously. Hannah has expressed that she is attracted to Ben. That first night off at the start of the season, she threw herself at Ben. Ben rebuffed her. After they had the entrée fight, he took her out to dinner to patch up their relationship. Ben has a TH where he discusses how bad it is to not a good working relationship with the chief stew. Hannah has a TH where she wonders if the dinner was a date. After they've patched things up, Hannah is shown wrapping her arms around Ben as he's inspecting produce. Julia has consistently been depicted as the touchy feely one. However when Hannah is shown to be physically intimate with one of the crew it's always Ben or Julia when she's consoling Hannah. When Hannah asks Ben if he wants to be friends or coworkers and he says coworkers, Hannah responds by crying and sexually throwing herself at Bobby. That's a really weird response unless what she meant by friends is friends with benefits.

The funny thing is that except for Captain Mark, Ben has very friendly relationships with his coworkers. They laugh and joke around. I'm sure that after this season, he'll keep in touch with a few of them. Even though she said friends, I feel like Hannah meant something more than just friends.

If you look at his Twitter you'll be waiting a looking time before he admits that he's a jackass. Not a peep this week on his behavior. And the episode where he drunkenly berated Tiff, he really only tweeted about how drunk he was. I'm sensing zero awareness from Bryan.

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After they had the entrée fight, he took her out to dinner to patch up their relationship. Ben has a TH where he discusses how bad it is to not a good working relationship with the chief stew.

Their dinner together off the boat occurred before the entree fight night.

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4 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

If you look at his Twitter you'll be waiting a looking time before he admits that he's a jackass. Not a peep this week on his behavior. And the episode where he drunkenly berated Tiff, he really only tweeted about how drunk he was. I'm sensing zero awareness from Bryan.

I was coming to ask if he had mentioned the nasty way he talked to Julia on Twitter. I know he claimed drunkeness when he was horrible with Tiff, so I was wondering if the addressed this one. Not surprised to hear he didn't. 

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Hannah has been sliding down my esteem rankings, but I give her credit for standing up for Julia.  At first she was laughing off Bryan's bossing her around, but something flipped a switch and activated "you're not the boss of us" mode.  Just because you outrank somebody doesn't mean you bypass chain of command unless it's a serious issue. First mate outranks Chief Stew, but they both report directly to the captain, so it's not his job to directly order her staff around.

 It's a casual enough work atmosphere that saying "Julia, the captain wants the crew mess cleaned up ASAP," while technically interfering with the inside staff wouldn't be out of bounds.  It's not clear if he ever communicated that.  But even if he had and it didn't get done, the next step should have been "Hannah, I asked Julia to see about cleaning the crew mess because the captain explicitly mentioned it, and it's still a pig sty, so can you find a way for her to do that before lunch?"  And she would have.

If he wants authority, he needs to know how to exercise it properly.  

Hannah went to the captain about Danny for all the wrong reasons (because if she'd gone for the right reasons it would have been 5 mins after learning that Danny showed pictures of one set of guests to the next set of guests.)  I can't think of a single professional organization that wouldn't fire somebody on the spot for that.  

Edited by kassa
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Yeah I don't understand why he did the marshmallows in a pan. I also think the quality of the marshmallows was more suspect than just their color but you get what you get when you demand s'mores in Greece. 

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20 hours ago, snarts said:

It's a not direct reporting relationship, Hannah & Ben are peers.  In that situation, they could easily be both co-workers and friends.

Where their job descriptions overlap--i.e. his food planning/prep and her food service--Ben and Hannah aren't peers, Ben in is charge.  We've seen Hannah make suggestions and communicate guest requests, but he's the decision-maker.

I'm no great fan of Ben's or his self-serving casual charm, but I still think he ticked the right box for a starting point.  Hannah's been pretty upfront that she's open to whatever Ben will agree to, so "friends" and "lovers" are probably still options after they've smoothed out the "co-worker" dynamic.

Besides, those "define the relationship" requests rarely end well for the person asking.

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17 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Yeah I don't understand why he did the marshmallows in a pan. I also think the quality of the marshmallows was more suspect than just their color but you get what you get when you demand s'mores in Greece. 

It looked like the weren't able to get proper marshmallows. The ones they used were Haribo Charmallows which have a slight flavour and a very sugary coating. They are not really for melting - but the guests seemed to like them !


I felt sorry for Danny on this one - even if you hate someone - if they are sick you look after them as you would like someone to do the same if it were you in that position !

I prefer this captain to the other one - he just gets down to the job and doesn't get involved in the drama. He also lets the crew sort out their differences rather than baby them. I think it is a sign of professionalism that he can do that.

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16 hours ago, Marvin said:
On 7/1/2016 at 0:02 AM, biakbiak said:

Yeah I don't understand why he did the marshmallows in a pan. I also think the quality of the marshmallows was more suspect than just their color but you get what you get when you demand s'mores in Greece. 

 It looked like the weren't able to get proper marshmallows. The ones they used were Haribo Charmallows which have a slight flavour and a very sugary coating. They are not really for melting - but the guests seemed to like them !

I know savory chefs always have an issue with pastry/dessert making. If Ben had known that the Charmallows were the only things available, he could have made marshmallows from scratch. The actual recipe is pretty simple and takes about 20 minutes to make. They take about 4 hours to firm up, but it's the kind of thing that would be a huge showstopper for the charter guests. In the end, it doesn't matter because the guests liked what he made.

Though half the fun of having s'mores is toasting the marshmallows. I would have been disappointed to get Ben's prepared s'mores.

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I just watched this episode and couldn't focus on whatever high-jinx were going on between the crew, all I could think of was Danny. He appears to be serious ill yet nobody is really paying much attention to him. After two days of temperatures above 102 degrees and reaching 103.6, Captain Mark thinks he might need some medication?! Ben is worried so he brings him a cold compress to bring his fever down. I was getting agitated watching and knowing that this guy is SICK, not sick.....but SICK. Whether it was his appendix or a virus or any other type of infection, he needed medical care immediately! Other than Captain Mark FINALLY bringing him a couple of Tylenol to control his body temperature, and the cold compress brought by Ben, nobody did shit for Danny.

Any adult with a body temperature over 101 degrees is in a very dangerous condition. A fever is not a disease, condition or illness, it's a symptom of illness which could potentially be life threatening. Danny should have been given Tylenol every four hours, and cool (not cold) compresses applied to his skin. He should have been given a lot of fluids, just being dehydrated can cause a fever to go high.

I'm just disappointed in the Captain and particularly with the women on the ship. If nothing else, women are usually caregivers and worry about others that show signs of illness. Ben is the only one that cared enough to get cold compresses. Shame on all of them. I'm glad Danny didn't die because of their negligence.

Edited by HumblePi
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It was 24 hours. He got sick the morning of the charter and was evacuated the next morning. 

There job is to the guests not Danny but they clearly checked on him and got him things we saw them check on him multiple times and we have no idea all that he was given but we saw him being given fluids (he was frequently hosing a bottle) and cold compresses. They arent going  to show everytime they checked on him because its boring and repetitve but they did show him being checked on. It's also a good idea to limit the number of people exposed to Danny so what ever he has doesn't spread.

Edited by biakbiak
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1 minute ago, biakbiak said:

It was 24 hours. He got sick the morning of the charter and was evacuated the next morning. 

There job is to the guests not Danny but they clearly checked on him and got him things we saw them check on him multiple times. There really isn't much they can do for him besides fluids and cold compresses which we saw him. Ben is in the galley and near staff quarters and likes Danny so it would make sense. It's also a good idea to limit the number of people exposed to Danny so what ever he has doesn't spread.

What if he had a ruptured appendix? I didn't see anyone else come to see him and trust me, a temperature of 103.6 is completely unusual even for a type of virus.  Leave him alone in a hot cabin?  Bad idea. I did miss the beginning of the episode so I could have missed others coming to check on him or offering him liquids. During the time I watched it appeared that he was alone in a dark and hot cabin moaning and complaining of stomach pain.

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