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S07.E06: Meri Makes Amends and Kody: Behind the Scenes

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10 minutes ago, MV713 said:

Maybe - both places have the same name - Halu mala.  When they said they were in the smallest airport like a foreign country - it made sense to me that they were in Moolaki not the Big Island.

Nope, sorry.  That was the Kona airport they were showing.  (Which is very small and almost entirely open to the elements - boy, was that an eye-opening experience!)  The highway sign pointing to Volcano was another clue.  Plus, if you look at the link the pictures of the Retreat Center and the description of all the two-bedroom suites match what we saw on the show.  When Robyn made a comment about researching, "all the places we're going to visit," the Big Island instantly came to mind because everyone I know who's gone there toured around the many diverse towns/regions on the island.

My one - count 'em, ONE! - visit ever to Hawaii was to the Big Island.  Clearly my monogamist lifestyle is depriving me of vacation opportunities.  I want the perks but not the work!  

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1 hour ago, LilWharveyGal said:

Nope, sorry.  That was the Kona airport they were showing.  (Which is very small and almost entirely open to the elements - boy, was that an eye-opening experience!)  The highway sign pointing to Volcano was another clue.  Plus, if you look at the link the pictures of the Retreat Center and the description of all the two-bedroom suites match what we saw on the show.  When Robyn made a comment about researching, "all the places we're going to visit," the Big Island instantly came to mind because everyone I know who's gone there toured around the many diverse towns/regions on the island.

My one - count 'em, ONE! - visit ever to Hawaii was to the Big Island.  Clearly my monogamist lifestyle is depriving me of vacation opportunities.  I want the perks but not the work!  

We also had at least one civilian reporting on Twitter, in real time, that she encountered them at Kona.

I'm the only one in my family who has been to Hawaii, for a conference. Adulthood (not spending money we don't have) will likely keep that as the case for awhile. No one has been to Alaska. My husband now wants to explore polygamy, since the vacations are better.


Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 14
16 hours ago, seasick said:

It totally served Kody right after making his relationship with Christine all about the family in the rock challenge. I hope Christine and .hell,.... all of them give everyone else except Kody a gift for his birthday.

But...but...Christine wanted the FAMILY, she didn't just want the MAN. Hehehe!

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, Coffee Girl said:

Isn't it hot in Hawaii, I noticed when they were  packing to leave and Meri is going with an armload of jeans, do those women ever wear anything else but.

LOL, I saw that too, and thought - my, that's quite a load of denim for a trip to Hawaii.  Although I also cannot fathom how any of them can wear long sleeves and long pants in Vegas.  I'd be burning up like an inferno.

If we have to look at Meri walking around Hawaii in those painted on jeans, with designs all over the back pockets, I will never stop laughing.  These women certainly are not fashionable.  Did you see Madison's wedding picture with all the wives.  Sheesh, what the heck is Meri wearing, not to mention the rest.  I just really don't care for Meri.  I don't think she is trying at all with Janelle.  Maybe they should stop forcing it and just agree to be a little nicer to each other and forget the past.  

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On 6/14/2016 at 6:09 PM, toodles said:

Like an assault rifle, which they gave for either Christmas or his birthday.  Or a new a new laptop.  Oh wait.  He didn't like it because it wasn't fun enough.  Asshat.

Ok, I tried to edit my original post and now it's all messed up.  This forum does not like my kindle.  I was replying to a post about kody pouting because his birthday painting wasn't special enough.  If it's a duplicate, I apologize.  That is all.

Edited by toodles
  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Why was Mariah at the painting thing anyway if it was about their intimate adult relationships and asking forgiveness from her spouse and sister wives? Weird.

Meri said she thought she could "reach" Mariah withe paintings.  So obviously they more about trying to make amends with Mariah then Kody and the sister wives.

I agree that the best part was Maddie's speech about Logan, but that was followed by the middle boys (now teenagers, but younger than the college kid) teasing each other about being kissed by the women welcoming them to Hawaii. I think it was Paedon, Dayton, Garrison, and Gabriel. It's pretty cool to see them having a nice relationship, despite the fact that the four of them have 3 different moms and have spent a significant part of their formative years living apart. Clearly Dayton's fully integrated into their family culture, which is also great.

The adults are just exhausting. The paintings were a nice gesture, but didn't need such production about them. I think it's telling that Robin didn't know which one was supposed to be "hers", and that Merri passive-aggressively noted in a previous episode that she painted Robin a sunrise because "that's where she and Kodi are in their relationship."

  • Love 5

I'd forgotten about Dayton's burn of his brother -- came out of the blue and they all reacted with raucous approval.  Whatever we say about the adults, once more, they've done a good job with the kids.  However bizarre the adoption storyline and our questioning of the wisdom of Dayton being subjected to the chaos of the family system, he does appear to love his siblings and they him.

  • Love 5

After reading here, I actually watched this episode. First one in…so long I can’t remember. Am I happy I watched? Phfft. Still a meaningless, scripted yawnfest. Never again. Probably.


Will Robyn and Areola go to Hawaii?!? (very dramatic music). Turns out to be a plot thread leading nowhere. Time-waster.

Can Meri and Robyn sit in the same room and talk about The Great Thanksgiving Project of Aught-Fifteen?!? (very dramatic music). Janelle dares to suggest they do something together in Hawaii and Meri immediately gets snotty about it. After all the years of same-old-same-old, why the hell bother?

(PS: Meri is a bossy, overbearing, micro-managing control freak and Janelle is a passive introvert; the harder Meri pushes, the more Janelle withdraws, and vice versa. If Janelle can’t learn to push back (unlikely IMO), Meri will never learn to step off—so good luck with that bullshit, girls.)

The wildly scripted GATHERING AT MERI’S and her patented Meri hemming and hawing was just a tad familiar. Meri’s going back to school. Meri’s going to get a divorce. Meri made paintings. Drama drama drama.

(PS: Even as cartoonish as the paintings were, I sort of dug the fantastical look of a couple of them. But the massive emotional weight these people ascribe to every little thing. “My paintings are symbolic, see? SYMBOLISM!!!”)


“How does Kody do it with four wives?!?” BADLY. VERY, VERY BADLY

Didn’t think it was humanly possible, but Kody’s hair is uglier than ever. He would look so much better if he just cut it very short.

Please, someone get poor Aurora to a dermatologist STAT. Also, for crying out loud, Robyn needs to lovingly help Aurora break the habit of picking at her face and get to the bottom of possible (likely?) anxiety issues. Here in meth country, we call that the “pickin pox.”

Edited by SometimesBites
  • Love 14
On 6/13/2016 at 2:42 PM, SuzWhat said:

YACK.   I will need to give this frame-by-frame review, all Zapruder film like.  Thanks, NoWhere.  I think. 

Was that also Aurora that Christine had to basically wrestle Aria away from, because she didn't want to put her down? And then, as Christine was holding the baby, did some weird balletic motions with her arms after giving the baby up? I'm not making fun of her, but there really seems to be something off with her. The stage five clinging, and the booger thing (ew!), aside. 

And yeah, Robyn, I know that it's already been mentioned, but your baby CANNOT be colicky AND "relaxed and chill" at the same time. When the word "colicky" came out of her mouth, I was like, "Huh? She looks fine to me!"  Drama Mama making it about herself once again. 

And Paedon is not only HUGE compared to his brothers, his voice is Darth Vader-deep! Holy crap. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 3
6 hours ago, mmmsoap said:

The adults are just exhausting. The paintings were a nice gesture, but didn't need such production about them. I think it's telling that Robin didn't know which one was supposed to be "hers", and that Merri passive-aggressively noted in a previous episode that she painted Robin a sunrise because "that's where she and Kodi are in their relationship."

'scuse me for a moment.....



2 hours ago, toodles said:


Oh I forgot to mention the beautiful painted Costco corn cans look SO much better with the beaded ribbon.  Snorting with derision.

So THAT'S what they used!  I was looking for just the right tin can to dig out of my recycling to start working on my very own decorative Thanksgiving extravaganza!  Now, if I could just find a really passive cousin or sister-in-law to force feed my project ideas to, I'd be all set!

I want to see which sister wife places Meri's incredibly symbolic painting over their loo...which would only add to the magnificent symbolism, if you ask me.

  • Love 7

This was in the Kody is an asshat thread.  Here is some more info they forgot to put in the Kody is a wild and crazy guy hour.  What a guy.  

Credit to Dakota Justice for the original link..


Further evidence that Kody was and will be always be a great big asshat.  As if we needed more.

3 minutes ago, toodles said:


Edited by toodles
My computer really doesn't like me today.
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, laurakaye said:


So THAT'S what they used!  I was looking for just the right tin can to dig out of my recycling to start working on my very own decorative Thanksgiving extravaganza!  Now, if I could just find a really passive cousin or sister-in-law to force feed my project ideas to, I'd be all set!

I want to see which sister wife places Meri's incredibly symbolic painting over their loo...which would only add to the magnificent symbolism, if you ask me.

I'm glad I could help with your Thanksgiving decorating plan.  It's never too early to get started.  That corn is not going to eat itself.

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On 6/16/2016 at 11:35 AM, ChicksDigScars said:

And yeah, Robyn, I know that it's already been mentioned, but your baby CANNOT be colicky AND "relaxed and chill" at the same time. When the word "colicky" came out of her mouth, I was like, "Huh? She looks fine to me!"  Drama Mama making it about herself once again. 

Just hearing Robyn using the word "chill" (multiple times) is hilarious. Ooooh, look at plyg dork using outdated street lingo, like a boss. Damn, bitch, you ghetto. Groovy. Twenty-three skidoo.

  • Love 12
On 6/16/2016 at 1:47 PM, SometimesBites said:



But "The Monogamous Grass definitely is not greener on the other side!" - The Mormon Fundamentalist Gospel According to Christine Brown

Edited by giaNtsandYankees
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Hey Christine and Kody, when I was in high school, 5 teachers took 35 of us to Europe for 3 weeks. We were between 13 and 18 years old. Know what, we managed to restrict ourselves to a tiny section of baggage claim and round up and load and unload the bus with our luggage without incident. We managed to account for everyone on the buses, planes and trains, even when separated back in the days before cell phones. Even when our 5 chaperones got stuck on a second flight from Frankfurt, Germany to Atlanta than the 35 students (which meant they were not there to get us through customs or get us onto the second flight home), we managed to not cause chaos. The older kids simply looked out for the younger ones.

But i guess because we were all monogomous leaning people, we didn't need to flail about and take up excessive amounts of space and act so helpless while flopping greasy hair around.

You guys have no excuse.

  • Love 13

I was thinking that maybe each Mom could be in charge of her own spawn, or at least the ones under 12.  So...Truely, Sol and Baby Sister, (you know it's gonna stick.)  But that's no fun.  It's much more entertaining to watch them scurrying around, bumping into each other and telling us how hard it is to pack for such a large family. How do their children stand them?

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, loloandco said:

Was Logan drinking a beer at the couples dinner? And was that an exotic alcoholic beverage Michelle was drinking? Just wondering...

The wives have drank beer and wine on camera.  They also drink coffee.  All no-no's for Mormons.  And I say good for them.

14 hours ago, MegD said:

Hey Christine and Kody, when I was in high school, 5 teachers took 35 of us to Europe for 3 weeks. We were between 13 and 18 years old. Know what, we managed to restrict ourselves to a tiny section of baggage claim and round up and load and unload the bus with our luggage without incident. We managed to account for everyone on the buses, planes and trains, even when separated back in the days before cell phones. Even when our 5 chaperones got stuck on a second flight from Frankfurt, Germany to Atlanta than the 35 students (which meant they were not there to get us through customs or get us onto the second flight home), we managed to not cause chaos. The older kids simply looked out for the younger ones.

But i guess because we were all monogomous leaning people, we didn't need to flail about and take up excessive amounts of space and act so helpless while flopping greasy hair around.

You guys have no excuse.

This sounds so crazy and patriarchal, but the family is disorganized because Kody isn't good at polygamy.  You wouldn't see this chaos within the Darger family.  Joe Darger leads his family like a drill sergeant.  Brady Williams is much less authoritative, but he's in charge of his family as well.  The Williams wives seem to do the old fashioned - just wait until your father gets home, and the children seem to respect his authority.  Kody's children (and wives) laugh at him.

I'm not pro-polygamy by any means, but there are ways to make it work apparently.  Kody sucks at it, and I think it's because he wasn't raised in it, and his heart isn't in it.  And he's lazy.  Meri is the only organized one in the family, and she would be much better at organizing the packing and planning for family vacations.  But then Kody wouldn't be able to run around and flip his hair as much.

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On 6/12/2016 at 9:16 PM, Armchair Critic said:

This season she has gone downhill for me. She just seems like such a dud and she is drinking the Kody Kool Aid.

I am thinking the production and camera people sort of decide who gets thrown under the bus as far as making one or the other of them look stupid, childish and so on. I wonder if she gets pats on the head from Kody for saying nice things in a sweet, high-pitched voice about how fair and great he is, when we all know what a crock it all is. Just because she is grateful for anything he tosses her doesn't make him a great guy.

On 6/13/2016 at 5:24 AM, Kellyee said:

All 4 women hate each other. They really do. And I think their kids see it, and that's why they have no desire to live polygamy themselves.

I don't know about hate but so much seems fake, even the recent trying-to-be-more-convincing-Chris-and-#4-we're-pals-now bs. That let's make decorations for Aspyn's homecoming or move-in whatever seemed fake, as did the 'we bonded over making the cardboard boat' couch fake-friends thing. Granted, Christine is getting better at faking it, but if we're not convinced, I doubt #4 is either.

On 6/13/2016 at 10:07 AM, Nowhere said:

Yea I know Meri asked for the new wife, so they say, but I don't think she anticipated how much she would be ignored. The differences in the old clips and new clips are very drastic. I actually feel very bad for her. It's one thing to take a new wife, but be man enough to realize that that is the time to make the others feel like they still matter, not ignore them. He's a real idiot. 

That whole debacle seemed to illustrate how little he was invested in the original three as anything other than  breeders or a friend or doing whatever for him , it was like , oh yeah of course I luuurrrve ya'll being the mothers of mah cheeeldrun but now.. ah am in rill lurrveee !  It did seem that way, even Janelle whom everyone thought or thinks is all detached looked disgusted with watching clips from the honeymoon tape.

On 6/13/2016 at 6:50 PM, MoodyGirl said:

Lol! So true. And does anyone else actually believe Robyn prays everyday for Kody and Meri to work out their differences and have a great relationship. 

 Anyone else not buy that speech about 'when yer sisserwife has yer back n wants rill happ'ness for yew it werks cause yadda yadda' on the couch....? It's clear there is a rift like a mount everest crevasse between several of them, and the ones who don't have a bigger rift or a more recent rift, or circumstances have moved them up a rung (like #4 pregnancy may have made the kodster hang out with Christine more often, thus making her feel like throwing #4 a bone of fake friendship, which serves her if Kodster and #4 buy it).. The odd couple thing of Meri and Janelle I thought perhaps would be at the least comical but for now still seems super awkward and pointless. It's really hard to keep track of all the directions the cosmic dysfunction is going since it has more angles every time you look at it.

On 6/14/2016 at 8:59 AM, SongbirdHollow said:

For me it's how she over enunciates her t's at the end of sentences. 

  I think she confuses over-pronunciation with a sense of authority and confidence. "I did NAWWWTTTT mean for yadda yadda yadda" . Over catfishgate and whether she admits (to the rest of them? to us? don't care either way) anything, just bored with all of that.

On 6/14/2016 at 0:16 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

For me, it's not that either woman is right or wrong.   What bugs me is that Meri seems to think she is so much better than Janelle.  The snotty way Meri talks to Janelle, the way she looks at her with barely-concealed contempt.  She has a superior attitude that is completely unjustified in my opinion, and she has real balls to get imperious because her idea of fun (F-U-N, fun!) is not Janelle's idea of having a good time, or get huffy and impatient because Janelle doesn't approach crucial life issues (like wreath shopping and Thanksgiving decorating) the way she does. 

I can't even tell if she thinks she's "better" or if she just has no patience and isn't really that invested in the potential friendship.

Both of them like things to Meri) be a certain way, in some other episode Meri said she liked things to be "perfect" likes to be direct and just do stuff without a lot of chit chat and Janelle) doesn't like confrontation and likes to talk about stuff and  would rather be given a task and be told what to do than be the inititator. In this kind of dynamic, one is going to be the 'alpha' , the alpha is not going to switch to being another 'beta'. If the beta person doesn't like hanging around the alpha or feels pressured, go find another beta to hang around. When you deal with an alpha, you have to work up the nerve to tell them 'look , if we're going to hang out, I don't like it when you talk to me like (whatever) and directly tell them what is going on, although it is kind of like telling them 'stop being yourself'. 

They might not be constitutionally able to change, so you have to either accept it and limit your interactions with them to situations you can handle, or accept who they are and not get upset with it, or choose to not deal with them as much as possible. The alpha is not going to change (for you or anyone else) unless they feel THEY need to change, not because you whine at them and act like 'you don't understand me, that's not my style' especially if they have been in that role a long time.

On 6/14/2016 at 0:55 PM, fountain said:

Now Christine is great, I am not sure why Kody seems to like other wives better as she is the best looking, the most smiley and seems to be the most fun out of the four of them.

 Let's see how that continues or not now that the pregnancy is over , if king kodfish swims back upstream. I also like Christine but I still think she's faking nice to #4. She does try hard, and for this I feel worse for her, that she actually cares and can be hurt by any of them. Her being nice to #4 reminds me of some season of big love when Barb was either having issues with mom of the year or drinking or something and not close to Nikki, or Nikki was in the doghouse with Barb over spending or something else and Nikki sort of started being fake-nice to Margene, and Margene bought it but of course Nikki had her own angle on why she was doing that. We have to keep in mind Christine is from plyg-mafia and probably is an expert on plyg head-games. I'd rather attribute it to this than her looking good and seeming happier is only because kodfish had been hanging around more while #4 was pregnant and cranky.

On 6/17/2016 at 11:44 AM, SometimesBites said:

Just hearing Robyn using the word "chill" (multiple times) is hilarious. Ooooh, look at plyg dork using outdated street lingo, like a boss. Damn, bitch, you ghetto. Groovy. Twenty-three skidoo.

I can't tell if she is trying to call attention that she is the 'youngest' even though she's not even that young anymore by speaking that way, or if she picked up that marble-mouth way of speaking during her bad-kid years. The older she gets, the more odd it seems. The examples of 'whoa look how mean she is to Kody now' according to the rest of the wives seemed not that big a 'dill' , and for all we know, could also be faked for the camera or the both of them going along with it.  So much of it seems scripted or multilayered with part 'rill' , part fake, like that couch session where they were talking about the kids "are yew K, Mer?, are you feelin' sad 'cause yew wish yew had that 'sperience more than with the one kid?'   Ugh cringe-worthy to see.

  • Love 3
On 6/15/2016 at 10:01 AM, MV713 said:

I went to Maui and Kauaii - just loved it.

Regardless of where they went - both places look rather low budget!  Certainly not the Luxurious Hawaiian vacation that people envision.

Looking forward to the snarking next week when we get to see the footage.

Wow I used the link from other poster... $800/night for that entire place. 


I actually think polygamy is perfect for Kody. There is something very off with him in regards to personal relationships, in that I think he's incapable of really connecting on any deep level with anyone. All of his relationships seem very surface to me, even with Robyn, which may be why the bloom is off that rose for her. That's why he needs a lot of wives, so he can avoid spending too much time with one and thus forming any true close bond with anyone. I don't think he can really bond with anyone. Not a real bond that takes years and is strong. His behavior with Christine during the rock building exercise was just bizarre. He seemed so frantic and hyperfocused on building it his way and talking over her like he was afraid she would say something too deep or personal that he didn't want revealed, whether to the cameras or to himself. I feel like he actually bulldozed over her. He never even really looked her in the eye while she was actually intently looking at him. I feel he's avoiding facing something very traumatizing from his past, which is why he surrounds himself with people all the time and seems to cultivate a chaotic environment. He's avoiding being with himself. I think Janelle is actually quite similar to him, which is why they get along so well, she 'gets' him. She's good at avoiding the real stuff too. I think out of all of these fools, Kody and Janelle really enjoy polygamy the most. The rest are full of shit. 

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 10
On June 12, 2016 at 11:44 PM, Galloway Cave said:

Who took care of the dogs when they all went to Hawaii?

Kody's episode- I had to shut it off. I got sick and tired of Jenelle praising the hell out of Kody and siding with him regarding that stupid rock tower. The VSE of the wives weren't all rainbows and unicorns; no one was singing the praises of each wife. And I can't believe they are STILL trying to sell some of the storylines that have been debunked, like the Flee from Persecution. Shut Up Browns.

I know!! I can't see that scene again of Meri frantically looking around while trying to close the hatch of the uhaul, as a FAKE (edited in) police siren wails in the background! They think we are so stupid!

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On June 13, 2016 at 1:49 AM, Celia Rubenstein said:

Janelle is not drinking the Kody Kool Aid ...  she has an IV drip she rolls around with her everywhere she goes, 24/7.  It's appalling.  When did this happen?  She is not at all the kind of person I thought she was a few seasons ago.  I don't know if I was wrong about her or if she has changed, but "dud" is putting it mildly.  What a disappointment she is this season. 

I can't believe she was siding with Kody over the stupid rock sculpture thing.  Even Kody admitted he handled it badly.  And the way she imitated Christine, mocking her ... it was just shitty.  Christine was way too gracious listening to her.  I would have explained to her that she wasn't there and she is obviously failing to grasp what the assignment from the therapist was, then invited her to STFU. 

I almost threw up listening to them all there at the end of the Tribute To Kody episode, all just gushing over how wonderful he is, what a great family he has created, it's all "his vision" etc. etc.   What rubbish. Meri has a terrible relationship with Kody.  Christine was utterly miserable over their relationship until recently.  Janelle doesn't seem to have any relationship with Kody at all, and Robyn clearly is not as enamored with Kody as she was before.  It's open knowledge in the family that Kody is not that close to any of his daughters.  Some of his older sons clearly think he is a complete tool and have no respect for him at all.   To the extent that Kody's family really is a loving, happy, close unit, it is the result of the work his wives have put into creating the family and Kody himself deserves very little credit. 

These chicks all have Stockholm Syndrome.  It's creepy. 

I think Janelle just sucks. I always gave her side eye from the beginning, she divorced Meri's brother and moved in on Meri's marriage for goodness sakes! In secret! She and Kody planned it over sneaky secret lunches behind Meri's back. Ugh! I just can't get past THAT little nugget. Says everything I need to know about that stealth bitch - she out-Robyned Robyn.

  • Love 7
On June 13, 2016 at 8:44 AM, laurakaye said:

YES x 1,000.  I got teary too, listening to Maddie talk about how Logan was her rock and support growing up - the unspoken part being, of course, that had Kody not been a fluff-brained narcissist, perhaps Logan could've had a more normal life instead of taking on the responsibly of his brothers and sisters.  Most telling of all was how Logan sat there quietly and stoically as Maddie praised him.  He did not try and pass it off by saying something like, "Oh, it really wasn't that big of a deal."  It was a big deal, and both Logan and Maddie know why it was a big deal.  They had a very part-time father, and Logan saw the need to step in and maintain order with his mother's ever-growing brood of children, and that's exactly what he did.  I maintain that Kody should get on his knees every single day in thanks that his children are turning out to be great adults not because of him, but in spite of him.

ROBYN.  Stop using words when you don't really know what they mean.  The Word of This Week was "colicky," as in: she wasn't sure she wanted to take Ariabella or whatever her name is to Hawaii because she was colicky.  No, just no.  Because you can't then turn around and tell us how she's such a "chill" baby, so relaxed and peaceful and only cries when she wants something.  I know colic - the 10 weeks or so I had a colicky baby and a 4 year old to take care of was one of the most stressful and exhausting times of my entire life.  I was just trying to get through the days without breaking down in tears more than, say, five times a day.  Your baby is not colicky.  And you don't have anxiety attacks.  Just SHUT UP, ROBYN.  

Have you ever done a carpool with a group of, say, 10-year old girls, and as you're driving them to the mall or wherever, they are in the backseat giggling like mad over silly things that make absolutely no sense to you?  That's what listening to the Brown wives is like.  They sit there and tell us their stories and giggle like mad because they think us boring monogamists could never understand just how wacky and mad-cap their lives are.  Kody running around like an idiot from house to house looking for parts to hang a television was not funny, it was pathetic.  It was Kody trying to make us understand what an enormous struggle his life is because he can't find the proper tools at one wife's house, so he's forced to get into his convertible and drive to each house in turn....when in fact, he is simply a professional time-waster, and after he finally did hang that television, he could crash on someone's couch, unable to do any actual parenting, because - gosh - he was just SO TIRED after all that chasing around.  I don't see much about that scenario that was actually funny, and it was painful to watch the women laugh about it, telling us that "that's just Kody!"  Yeah...good luck with that.

OMG, this post is perfection! THIS is why I watch this dreck, so I can run here right after and read all the brilliance! :)

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On June 13, 2016 at 10:12 AM, islandgal140 said:

I've little doubt This gospel truth here! I think I said this a few episodes back but Janelle is the only one who doesn't have the excuse of indoctrination from birth when it comes to the polygamy lifestyle. She chose the life as an adult after research and reflection. She chose to stay after being treated like shit by Meri and gave her inheritance to buy the Lehi house where Meri and her 1 offspring parked their kiesters in large spacious quarters and the income (her and Kody's) was distributed inequitably. Dummy! 


 She also chose to live in a tent in the middle of winter in a cold state. I have yet to see the genius that is Janelle Brown

Edited by VedaPierce
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On June 13, 2016 at 5:26 PM, Nowhere said:

is anybody else annoyed with Mariah? I really don't think the girl has the right to be angry and it's not her place to forgive or not forgive. Meri didn't do anything to HER except perhaps spoil the hell out of her. What Meri did, the mistakes she makes in her relationship as a grown woman, is absolutely none of Mariah's business. It really sucks that it's all public knowledge but I don't see any of the other adult children whining about it. It's like she wants Meri to kiss her ass forever because of the catfishing. But really Meri doesn't owe her anything. Mariah is milking the hell out of this. She needs to get the hell over it like everyone else did.

Sorry but could not agree with this less. I would be devasted if one of my parents did this to another. And so publicly too! Devasted :( I can see why Mariah would feel betrayed and angry. I would too.

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4 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Sorry but could not agree with this less. I would be devasted if one of my parents did this to another. And so publicly too! Devasted :( I can see why Mariah would feel betrayed and angry. I would too.

Devastated, yes. I just don't personally know if I'd have the heart to act very upset all the time. I don't think I'd want to add stress to her situation. So, yes, I'd be upset but, no I wouldn't continuously add to my mother's already unending torture. And I don't mean only the Catfishing situation when I say that. I mean Meri's entire life in general. A common opinion in this forum is that the kids, especially the guys, are seeing that Kody is an asshat. Maddie just got done praising Logan for stepping up. So, I guess I just don't understand why Mariah, Meri's only child, wants to keep twisting the knife. Her mother's life is depressing as hell.

3 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

I completely agree with Meriah on being angry with Meri. I can't imagine being put into a situation where one parent asked me to basically assist and abet in cheating on the other parent. 

This is one of those situations that can wreck a family so bad they never recover. 

I didn't know that Meriah was involved when I formed my initial opinion. I just think this whole family is such a mess, everybody stays angry at at least one person constantly. 

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I don't think Meri and Meriah don't have a good bond anyway, they strike me as being cold and awkward with each other,  Meriah has no problem talking to the camera and telling the world about her feelings and what's bugging her, but can be barely civil to her mother. 


And I agree ^ the family is a mess,  the adults  would like us to believe they are a tight knit family, when in reality they probably just tolerate each other for the cameras, they are probably thanking god they all have their own houses.

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45 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Janelle fooled me for several seasons, and that ticks me off to no end.

    I don't get why people are acting like she has changed ,she was always just 'go along to get along', maybe she cares about stuff, maybe she doesn't. She probably didn't say much when she was peeved or unhappy so no one could come down on her for being a 'complainer', because in plygland it sure looks like one is supposed to put up or shut up when things suck. The thing she usually comments with is  'that sounds cool' or 'this will be really cool' and having heard her give this as a stock answer, again and again, it kind of feels like when you're talking to someone on the phone but they aren't really paying attention. I wonder if she has ever given a 'well that sounds cool' when someone tells her something terrible, and then had to backpedal.

It could be platinum (Janelle) is the new orange (Meri) as far as the Kodfish house visiting goes, given that likely things are super awkward with Meri still, and the other two still have at least one or more real little kids and chaos. Must be nice to be able to just boogie on down the road when one or more situations you have had a hand in creating (endless children, neglected wife etc) gets to be too much, and the one whose place you are taking refuge in might not be annoyed with you for flaking on the others or not addressing their issues, but glad to be getting any kind of attention. Ugh. Benefiting from someone else's misfortune or misery, because it gives you more time with d-bag or somehow elevates you on the totem pole because someone else is having issues or just some pragmatic reason like 'not as much stress or noise or demands' at your house.  Way to feel 'special'. NOT.

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I think Janelle flew under a lot of people's radar because relative to the other Brown adults, she seemed the most competent and normal. She had an actual JOB, that's a big part of it.  She didn't have any obvious emotional or personality defects.  She could speak in grammatically correct sentences and enunciate her words.  

Wow, that's not much when you think about it, lol.  But then again, in comparison to Kody, Meri, Christine, and Robyn, Janelle looked pretty good. 

Oh I thought of something else - people knew that at one point before the show began, Janelle had the good sense to walk out on Kody (and Meri) and set up her own home.  That earned her some points, at least imo.  It created the impression she had an actual backbone.  Too bad this whole thing with Meri has completely erased that image.  At least as far as I am concerned. 

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Oh I thought of something else - people knew that at one point before the show began, Janelle had the good sense to walk out on Kody (and Meri) and set up her own home.  That earned her some points, at least imo.  It created the impression she had an actual backbone.  Too bad this whole thing with Meri has completely erased that image.  At least as far as I am concerned. 

I remember reading about her leaving, and for several years if I remember correctly, only coming "back" when her inheritance was put up for the Lehi Plyg house.  But the Janelle that I have seen on the television show has not fit with this person who walked out in defiance to 'the family'. 

However one of the first lies they ever told was in their first episode in the first season when they stated that "we have always raised our kids together as siblings", giving the impression that they had always lived in the same house with each other when they were only as one family in the plyg house for 4-5 years before the great escape.

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5 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Oh I thought of something else - people knew that at one point before the show began, Janelle had the good sense to walk out on Kody (and Meri) and set up her own home.  That earned her some points, at least imo.  It created the impression she had an actual backbone.  Too bad this whole thing with Meri has completely erased that image.  At least as far as I am concerned. 

You are far more charitable than I am because I think this makes her the biggest idiot in the family.  She had a decent job, a separate home where she didn't have to share a kitchen, etc. and yet she came back and helped buy the house in Utah with her inheritance.  Don't know if this is accurate, but i read that she later cashed in her retirement fund to help finance the big emergency move to Nevada.  It might be different if she seemed happy and engaged with her "husband" and "sister wives" but she doesn't.  Gushing over Kody aside, half the time she seems as if she's shut down all of her emotions - not a characteristic of a happy or mostly content person.

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