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S06.E07: The Broken Man

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Ian McShane, you magnificent bastard.  Thank you for spoiling in an interview that your character would die- so I was prepared that while memorable, you visit to GOT would be brief.

Welcome back Hound.  Glad to see you.  And Bronn - this show has missed you dearly.  Jaime needs a voice of reason.

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Oh crap, I gasped when the Waif stabbed Arya. I totally knew the old lady approaching Arya was the Waif and yelled at Arya to watch her back. The Waif literally twisted the knife into Arya's gut. HTF can she survive that with no medical attention??

I loved Lyanna Mormont!! Sucks that Lady Maege was killed but not surprised. Looks like all the Lords and Lady that marched south with Robb are dead now: Rickard Karstark, Greatjon Umber, Maege Mormont, and Galbart Glover. And Roose.

I liked all the stops in tonight's Northern recruitment campaign but hated the ending with Sansa badmouthing Davos and not confiding in Jon that if he just waits a while longer she can get the Vale army to march to WF. If she doesn't tell him about summoning LF and the Vale army before he marches to WF, I don't think I'll like this so-called "boss ass bitch" much longer. 

While it sucked seeing Robett Glover tell Team Stark to fuck off, I understand his reasoning. I was surprised to hear that the Boltons helped him take back his castle from the Iron Born. Maybe Ramsay's not so stupid after all. 

Love the Blackfish's return! Sorry Edmure, but you're dead anyways, might as well hold on to the family castle.

Love the Hound's return too! I love that he admitted that a woman got the best of him. Just when he thought he was out, they pull him back in. I don't know how he can take on the TBWB when he's kinda gimpy but I'm sure he'll find a way. I hope the Septon kept his armor when he patched up the Hound because he's surely gonna need it.

I love Yara & Theon. Her pep talk was the perfect mix of "nut up" and "I love you and need you". They've quickly become my 2nd favorite brother-sister combo. 

Didn't miss Dany or Tyrion and FF through all the King's Landing scenes. 

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12 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Well, yeah, but he doesn't charge upfront.  The "cost" is letting him back into her life, basically.

No, but he burrows. I mean, Sansa has no choice, but this is little better than Cat's deal with the Freys. 

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5 minutes ago, Mya Stone said:

One of my favorite chapters is the Riverrun parlay. And the thing is, the show did it well (can we talk about how the show's version of Riverrun is straight out of my mind's eye?)...but...(you knew there was a but coming, right?) show Jaime doesn't have the same desperation to this meeting, and it's lacking ALL of his growth and subtext. 


Alas, the Blackfish was amazing, and the dialogue was all there. Still. I suppose I should just accept this alternate version of Jaime. (Spoiler alert: I won't.) I AM happy we got it on screen. Just...sigh. I feel weird complaining about it, but I will lament for what could have been. 

I understand what you're saying, Mya.  The scene worked for me really well but it's hard to get past the fact that Jaime is a completely different and lesser character on the show than he is in the books.

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34 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

Jon, Sansa just let Davos talk from now on. Watching you two trying to work diplomacy was just ugh.

LOL, yup. The were pretty awful. Though considering who their father was and his skills in diplomacy, I'm not too surprised at their failures.

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I feel very strongly that Cersei's going to blow Kings Landing up and burn it to the ground. There was something Olena said, about you can't kill them all, but she actually can with that green crap under the city. She's going to light it up, I say. 


Arya, I was a little confused, at first I thought no one could see her but I guess they just dgaf. She's not going to die, I'm interested in how that plays out. 


They keep bringing people back from the dead(or, presumed.). I bet the season ends with us seeing Lady Stoneheart. 


I liked the episode. It was.different. I guess I get tired of seeing 10 minutes of plot development for each week for each story. I'd be so much happier if we could just get a juicy episode with less story lines. I mean, I get it. But still. We didn't see Bran. Dany. Tryrion has barely been in this season. Etc. And there are, what, 3 episodes left and I have to wait a YEAR? I'm already complaining. Haha 

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Lyanna  Mormont! Blackfish who doesn't just act like a thug! The Hound! I loved all their scene. I feel like Jaime is starting to feel like Jaime too. He's still too attached to his family but at least he's using his actual skills again. 

I wish the North plot was a little tighter, but I'm just glad we're getting it and I still have some hope that we've got a few families still to go. Robb made some bad choices, but he didn't actively stab Northerners like the Boltons so I need to believe that people are still team Stark. 

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Seven knows I understand Sansa playing things close to the vest but eventually she's gonna have to start confiding in Jon.  I'm hoping we'll see that by the end of this season.


The waif's gut blow was a nasty move all right but one that's gonna backfire on her I bet.  Should have just slit the throat or put the dagger in the heart and been done with it but now you KNOW she's on Arya's list!


Also good to see the Blackfish again...but as much as I loved the parley the REAL fireworks are coming next week with Jaime/Brienne reunio

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Even one episode of tits and dragons with Ian McShane is worth the price of the blu ray set for the season.  Pity he won't be around for more.  


This makes me wonder if Jaqen wasn't setting the Waif up in the first place.

This.  With a maraschino cherry on top.  Whipped cream and nuts too, if you'd like.  I suspect something else at play here as well.  

Another transitional episode, but wonderful to see The Hound, Blackfish, Lyanna Mormont, and Wun Wun uttering 'Snow'.  If only Sansa would shut up....      

Edited by CherryMalotte
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By far the strongest episode of the season, I thought. The various storylines were united by a strong thematic throughline about broken people struggling to rebuild their shattered selves, and the North and Riverlands storylines did a great job of restoring some of the political scope of the story after earlier episodes of the season took so many dumb shortcuts and stripped away so much of the nuance.

When the casting spoilers suggested that the Brotherhood Without Banners would be reintroduced as defenders of the people turned vicious outlaws, I wasn't really sure what to make of it, and now after having seen the opening beats of that storyline, I'm still not sure. So far it seems weirdly self-contained, to reintroduce the BWB in the same episode as the Hound and immediately set them on a collision course. I suppose it's still possible that Lady Stoneheart is behind them, though there's no real hint of that here. Hopefully whatever's in store for them, it isn't just to give the Hound something to do and tie up some old plot threads they didn't end up using.

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52 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

Jon, Sansa just let Davos talk from now on. Watching you two trying to work diplomacy was just ugh.


Totally agree.  Let the man who convinced the Bank of Bravos to back Stannis do all of the talking.  Ser Davos is the Lord Whisperer for all of Westeros and beyond.  I am looking forward to his meeting with Dany.

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Regarding the Starks' failed attempt to rally the North:

Why didn't "the dead are coming" become their standard pitch?  Did they think it would only work on 10-year old girls?

Shouldn't Sansa and Jon have been ready for the arguments Glover laid out?  They could have noted that bad things had happened in the past, but the Houses had each others' back, and would again, and that House Glover would be rewarded in the end.

And I was so hoping they would remember to stop by House Reed!  What's an army without a phalanx of bad-ass frog ninjas?  We could have also had a scene where Howland Reed looks at Jon oddly, and hints that he knows what's happened to Jojen and Meera.

Regarding them setting up camp near Stannis's location: I wonder how long it will take for Davos to stumble onto either Selyse's hanging corpse or the burnt remains of Shireen?

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1 hour ago, mac123x said:

Yara being gay seemed like an unnecessary plot, unless she's going to marry Dany.  Speaking of whom:  no Meereen nor Dothraki Sea scenes adn they weren't missed.

I would say it's important for representation's sake because there hasn't been any queer women main characters on the show and she is the perfect choice.

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3 minutes ago, Brn2bwild said:

Regarding them setting up camp near Stannis's location: I wonder how long it will take for Davos to stumble onto either Selyse's hanging corpse or the burnt remains of Shireen?

I assume at least the latter; I expect it's the point of the writers having them choose that spot. Though the logic that got them there is pretty tortured: "Stannis is a military genius, so we should camp in the exact spot where Ramsay Bolton ambushed him and burned all his supplies, dooming him to failure and death!"

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Yeah, that was kind of odd actually. Lady Mormont didn't bat an eyelash at the mention of the White Walkers, or the Night King - she didn't even look at her Maester to ask WTF Davos was going on about. Yet everyone else outside Castle Black and the Wildlings have all been "pish, posh, nonsense".

Edit to say: Duh. I have to assume that her Uncle would have made sure they knew about it back when Jon saved him from one.

Edited by lmsweb
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My first thought was that Sansa was writing to House Cerwyn, not Littlefinger. Didn't Jon just tell her they didn't have time to go to them? They've been name dropped a few times now and Ramsey flayed the old Lord for not paying taxes. Sansa knows this and they have an immediate grudge against the Boltons. Would be nice if Sansa did something good, because I've been waiting a few seasons for her to come into her own. I know it's coming any minute, they keep telling me it will ... promise.

Jon and Sansa are horrible at their jobs. Just horrible. Maybe they could mention that the reason their families died at the Red Wedding was directly because of the traitorous Boltons? Or that the real reason the North should rise against the Boltons is that the dead are coming and Ramsey wants to tear down the only shred of protection there is left against them. If I had seen what Jon has seen, I'd be telling it to every man woman and child I passed on the road. I'd tell their dogs and horses. I'd go back and tell them again.But nope. Hey, we're Starks, so ... besties? RIP my hopes for anything exciting to happen in the North other than a MEGA BATTLE! woo friggin hoo. And the WW probably getting past the Wall, no biggie.

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5 minutes ago, Dev F said:

I assume at least the latter; I expect it's the point of the writers having them choose that spot. Though the logic that got them there is pretty tortured: "Stannis is a military genius, so we should camp in the exact spot where Ramsay Bolton ambushed him and burned all his supplies, dooming him to failure and death!"

Yeah, Davos is a much better political strategist than he is a battlefield one.


Why didn't "the dead are coming" become their standard pitch?  Did they think it would only work on 10-year old girls?

It's the most important pitch but no one below the Wall believes in the White Walkers.  Unifying the North against the Boltons is the thing to do now and then unifying them against the White Walkers.


Jon and Sansa are horrible at their jobs. Just horrible. Maybe they could mention that the reason their families died at the Red Wedding was directly because of the traitorous Boltons?

THIS.  This should be the main sales pitch to the North.  The Boltons killed your God damn fathers or in Lyanna's case, mother.

In Manderly we hope.  Show us why the North is worth fighting for because the show sure isn't. 

Edited by benteen
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Another thing this episode made me think about was how there is a part of the fan-base lambasting Bran for doing what he did to Hodor, but I don't remember the same outcry against Robb when he 'took up with his foreign whore'. He was an adult making and adult choice with consequences. Bran is a child making a mistake of which the consequences were never fully explained to him. Yes, what happened to Hodor was tragic and horrible, but why is it not as horrible as tearing apart so many Northern families and leaving his uncle to marry the Frey girl and wind up the Frey's prisoner and a dead man walking?

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Great episode.  What can I say about the fabulous Lady Mormont that hasn't been said already?  New favorite character.

Can't say I don't blame Lord Glover for his dissent.  Stupid Robb.  Here's guessing that Sansa is writing to LF.  Hopefully its Lord Royce.

Poor Sandor.  He really did seem to find a peace of mind.  Sad for Septon Swearengen but now our Hound is on a RAMPAGE.

Olenna just dropped the mic on Cersei.  Now GET OUT OF THERE because the Mountain probably gonna crush you. 

The Riverlands scene was great.  Welcome back Blackfish.  Yeah I'm not happy about Jaime seeing Cersei through rose colored eyes still but the Riverlands story is here and I'll take it.  

And Bronn! "A Lannister always..." "don't say it, don't fucking say it."  I've missed you buddy.

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Just now, Gertrude said:

Another thing this episode made me think about was how there is a part of the fan-base lambasting Bran for doing what he did to Hodor, but I don't remember the same outcry against Robb when he 'took up with his foreign whore'. He was an adult making and adult choice with consequences.

I always hated Robb and never understood in the slightest why people were upset by the Red Wedding.  

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(ugh - quoting not working)

Yes, Lady Mormont was fabulous! She reminded me of Wylla Manderly, so she's got that going for her.

As for being upset at the Red Wedding - I don't think you have to be a Robb fan to find that whole situation upsetting?

Edited by Gertrude
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1 minute ago, Gertrude said:

Another thing this episode made me think about was how there is a part of the fan-base lambasting Bran for doing what he did to Hodor, but I don't remember the same outcry against Robb when he 'took up with his foreign whore'. He was an adult making and adult choice with consequences. Bran is a child making a mistake of which the consequences were never fully explained to him. Yes, what happened to Hodor was tragic and horrible, but why is it not as horrible as tearing apart so many Northern families and leaving his uncle to marry the Frey girl and wind up the Frey's prisoner and a dead man walking?

What Robb did was messed up to especially since it cost so many people their lives. He definitely gets called out for that.

 My problem with Bran's thing is that he completely obliterated Hodor's life and basically turned him into cattle waiting to be sacrificed to save his life. Mistake or not, that's messed up.

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I thought the the show went a little too far having Sansa and Jon get completely shut down. They're getting the shaft because the North is bitter over Robb's mistakes, but it was the Boltons who actively betrayed all of them.  It would be different if it were another northern house Sansa and Jon wanted to overthrow, but the Boltons helped  orchestrate the Red Wedding. It's really silly. It's like they wanted to raise the dramatic stakes, but Jon and company have to be completely incompetent so we can be "surprised" when they actually get a win.  

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12 minutes ago, Brn2bwild said:

Shouldn't Sansa and Jon have been ready for the arguments Glover laid out?  They could have noted that bad things had happened in the past, but the Houses had each others' back, and would again, and that House Glover would be rewarded in the end.

Gods yes! They were ill prepared for their meeting with Glover. Yeesh. Obviously some houses would have a problem fighting along side Wildllings. Why didn't they have a rebuttal ready? Especially after the "the dead are coming" speech worked wonders on Lady Mormont. 


15 minutes ago, Brn2bwild said:

Regarding them setting up camp near Stannis's location: I wonder how long it will take for Davos to stumble onto either Selyse's hanging corpse or the burnt remains of Shireen?

Oh, I hadn't thought of that at all. Stannis had Selyse's corpse cut down, so I assume (judging by the trailer) it will be Shireen's pyre that Davos will find. Yikes, that's gonna be a brutal scene.

And my love for Lyanna Mormont knows no bounds. On re-watch, I noticed that she actually accompanied her 62 soldiers to Camp Team Stark. There she was looking bad-ass as her Maester unloaded the ravens. Hee! That girl is almost as wonderful as Arya, Meera, and Yara! That little actress was amazing, I hope we see more of her.

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1 minute ago, Skeeter22 said:

I thought the the show went a little too far having Sansa and Jon get completely shut down. They're getting the shaft because the North is bitter over Robb's mistakes, but it was the Boltons who actively betrayed all of them.  It would be different if it were another northern house Sansa and Jon wanted to overthrow, but the Boltons helped  orchestrate the Red Wedding. It's really silly. It's like they wanted to raise the dramatic stakes, but Jon and company have to be completely incompetent so we can be "surprised" when they actually get a win.  

I think it's more a case of we might not like the Boltons but we're no longer putting our lives in your hands either. The North remembering has a limit. If the only reason you can give them for fighting for you is that your brother is in trouble then you're probably not going to convince that many houses on the fence to join your side.

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3 minutes ago, Skeeter22 said:

them.  It would be different if it were another northern house Sansa and Jon wanted to overthrow, but the Boltons helped  orchestrate the Red Wedding. It's really silly. It's like they wanted to raise the dramatic stakes, but Jon and company have to be completely incompetent so we can be "surprised" when they actually get a win.  

Yeah, pretty much.

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1 hour ago, mac123x said:

Gravedigger theory:  confirmed.  Sort of.  Septon pseudo-Meribald's sermon seemed more like an AA meeting.  I didn't really care for morphing the Brotherhood without Banners into basically the Brave Companions.  


I'm glad Marge isn't actually gone fanatic.  The drawing she gave the QoT was just a rose, right?  Their house symbol.  Was that just a way of saying "hey, I'm faking it, still here for real"?  I thought there would be more to her hidden note, like a suggestion of a plan or something.


Yara being gay seemed like an unnecessary plot, unless she's going to marry Dany.  Speaking of whom:  no Meereen nor Dothraki Sea scenes adn they weren't missed.

How was it even a plot?

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2 minutes ago, bunnyblue said:


Oh, I hadn't thought of that at all. Stannis had Selyse's corpse cut down, so I assume (judging by the trailer) it will be Shireen's pyre that Davos will find. Yikes, that's gonna be a brutal scene.


I totally thought that was gonna happen when davos went to break up the fight.   Next episode probably.

Yes the Boltons are definitely not innocent in their part in the Red Wedding.  But at the end of the day it was Robb breaking his oath to the Freys that set the wheels in motion.  Tywin saw an in to bring him down and the Freys were always iffy allies and he exposed that.

I don't see Sansa and Jon being ill fitted.  I think they got a little overconfident about the North remembering.  Problem is they remember...the part where Robb screwed up.  

And Arya oh man....I think she'll come out ok but that was not cool show.  On the one hand it was unpredictable in that we all thought Arya would waste the Waif this week.

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16 minutes ago, maraleia said:

Yara being gay seemed like an unnecessary plot, unless she's going to marry Dany.

Not necessary to the plot, but Yara needed more characterization. She's largely been played off her father - now that he's dead, she needs more than that relationship to define her. I've always wondered how she reconciled herself to trying to be a woman leader of such a misogynistic society. Now I imagine she's carried off a few salt wives of her own in her day. It's kind of warped, but she's kind of a warped character. I don't imagine she'll marry Dany, but I'm kind of hoping they hit it off. Confronted by a horde of barbarians headed by a woman for a change, I imagine Dany would be like "oh thank god..."

4 minutes ago, areca said:

I always hated Robb and never understood in the slightest why people were upset by the Red Wedding.

Personally it was Cat's death that upset me, not Robb's

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11 hours ago, that one guy said:

The Hound lives, and is pissed off, and has an axe. I am so grateful for this storyline I am speechless. I could watch the show where the Hound wanders the countryside whacking knights and hunting the elusive one armed man Thoros of Myr for years. I'd be there every week, appointment viewing.

Agreed! I could watch him chopping wood for an hour and it would be an hour well spent. I love him and squealed with delight when he was back on my screen.

Kings Landing: I loved Margaery's little tiara and found it more captivating than most of the dialogue, but I did chuckle at the thought of Tommen whining to the High Sparrow that he wasn't getting any. I want Olenna to be safe, but will really miss her. Without her, Tyrion, and Tywin King's Landing is a very dull place, especially with the muted version of Cersei we're seeing this season.

Northern Lords: Loved lady Mormont and loved Davos channeling the voice and body language he used with Shireen to get her on his side. He certainly knows how to to charm head-strong girls! I agree that Jon and Sansa really need to work on their pitch. If the threat of the White Walkers doesn't work, why not detailing the depravity of Ramsay and his unsuitability of being warden of the North, especially after House Bolton betrayed the King of the North to work with the Lannisters? Someone that volatile and cruel is certainly not the man to rally around as the leader of the North. Also, I thought they'd make a bigger deal out of the whole "resurrected from the dead" situation, but that has really come to nothing. Disappointing.

Yara/Theon: I love Yara's brand of therapy for Theon, and hope it will encourage him to regain some of his old self (but not the insufferable arrogant part), but if they think Dany will give a damn about reclaiming the Iron Islands, they're in for a big disappointment.

Braavos: I don't really care about Arya, but I was surprised at what a terrible assassin the waif is. If I were a paying customer, I would be very unhappy with the quality of her work!

This has been the season of massive understatements, and I'm enjoying every one:

Sansa: "We should never have left Winterfell"

Brienn: "Jon's a bit brooding.... but under the circumstances it's understandable"

Yara: "So you've had a bad few years"

Edited by Cherpumple
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Okay, I'm probably in the minority but one of the highlight (among many) of this episode was the Theon / Yara scene for me ! 
Great acting, solid dialogue (coherent with the characters), great dynamics, fun and sad at the same time ! 

Well done for that ! I can see why some might see it as superfluous but I really think it was a very strong scene !

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Yara/Theon: I love Yara's brand of therapy for Theon, and hope it will encourage him to regain some of his old self (but not the insufferable arrogant part), but if they think Dany will give a damn about reclaiming the Iron Islands, they're in for a big disappointment.

Yara kind of came off like the older jock brother with her "a few bad years" line, which was kind of funny.

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I thought this was going to be a slow episode but holy moly! Lots of tantalizing pieces being put into place this episode. Started off and ended with the HOUND! And Ian McShane, and badass Lady Lyanna Mormont.

Margaery is playing a very careful game with Septa Unella breathing down her neck. I think the Rose drawing said "I'm still Tyrell." I can't really blame Margaery for not wanting to be intimate with her adolescent husband who couldn't save her from prison and who is the son of the person she hates most in the world. Why do celibate priests always get to dictate other people's sex lives?

I agree with those who think it was not the BWOB who slaughtered those small folk. Thoros and the gang may take provisions, horses and weapons but if they are protecting the small folk I doubt they'd  slaughter them.  Also, if they are true believers in the red god, why didn't they burn the bodies? Nah, I think they are bandits claiming to be the BWOB.

Where was Melisandre I wonder?

I feel for Sansa and John but I do understand Glover's position. The whole frigging world is turned upside down and his family lost a lot following Robb into battle. Sansa should have told Jon the truth about the Vale army. I'm not sure why she's keeping it to herself at this point.

This season is moving along super fast. 

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2 minutes ago, that one guy said:

Not necessary to the plot, but Yara needed more characterization. She's largely been played off her father - now that he's dead, she needs more than that relationship to define her. I've always wondered how she reconciled herself to trying to be a woman leader of such a misogynistic society. Now I imagine she's carried off a few salt wives of her own in her day. It's kind of warped, but she's kind of a warped character. I don't imagine she'll marry Dany, but I'm kind of hoping they hit it off. Confronted by a horde of barbarians headed by a woman for a change, I imagine Dany would be like "oh thank god..."

Being gay or straight is not characterization, it just is a thing about someone. Does having brown hair charactarize Yara? And because she's a lesbian, she's OK with a mysogynistic culture? So many things wrong with this. This type of response is the reason I was bothered they showed Yara as gay/bi/whatever. It was lazy of the show writers and they haven't really gotten their quota of tits in the show this season, so by all means, have some.

It's not that I mind them changing the sexuality of a character if it doesn't have any story significance. I am bothered that of all the people they could have chosen, it was Yara - the big tough warrior chick who - let's face it - is obviously a lesbian, duh. I get that it was used to drive home Theon's situation, but did we really have to be reminded of it at this point? Oh wait, yeah,wet did. We didn't have our quota of dick jokes this episode either, so this scene does double duty. Good job, Show, good job.

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1 hour ago, loki567 said:

So D&D half-ass the Northern storyline again to make Ramsey look overwhelming, Jon and Sansa utter dopes who need help with everything, and Littlefinger smarter than everyone else. Anybody surprised? 

It's funny, I did think this was the best start to a season in the show's history but now the old disappointment's rushing in again. I just want them to get to the action already. The show does spectacle well and it does a lot to save the writing. 

 But even in the books, Jon and Sansa are utter dopes and LF is smarter then everyone else

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Well, I am happy that years of knowing the Hound was the Gravedigger was correct.  Although I'm really sad that the only religious person in the books that I liked is now dead.


Win some

Lose some

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6 minutes ago, Cherpumple said:

Braavos: I don't really care about Arya, but I was surprised at what a terrible assassin the waif is. If I were a paying customer, I would be very unhappy with the quality of her work!

Definitely, considering their usual M.O. is to kill in a way that can be passed off as natural causes / accidents.  Stabbed in the stomach doesn't look too natural.

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10 minutes ago, kittykat said:

And Arya oh man....I think she'll come out ok but that was not cool show.  On the one hand it was unpredictable in that we all thought Arya would waste the Waif this week.

Count me as someone who has been consistently perplexed by the idea that Arya was going to dispatch of the Waif. I was confused reading replies about it last week and I'm still confused. We've seen Arya get her ass handed to her on the regular by the Waif. I still don't see her winning direct hand to hand combat of any kind against her, unless she gets extremely lucky. Her best bet - assuming she survives - is to be very clever and not go at her head on.

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1 hour ago, Sakura12 said:

I forgot about Lady Crane, Arya saved her life she could repay the favor. Or I just hope Arya isn't dumb enough to go back to the House of Black and White. 

The best thing Arya can do is go back...Waif has already told Jaquen that the kill is done...He will be angry that Waif was so sloppy and save Arya.

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Yeah, the Arya scene didn't seem right to me. She knew there was enough danger to pull out Needle before blowing out the candle last episode but then she hangs out alone on a bridge in the middle of the day just taking in the scenery the next day (or however long after than it was supposed to be)? Am guessing it's Arya leaping through the air in the previews for the next episode and I don't see someone who was just stabbed in the stomach doing something like that.

Sansa secretly writing to LF has me very worried. Why not just tell Jon what she's doing -- sending for more help? I think she's unwittingly bringing tragedy upon herself or upon family members. Hope she doesn't end up betraying Jon Snow.

Can't wait to see the Bolton army reaction to WunWun.

Margery's choice of dress sure has changed, hasn't it? 

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I should have guessed that Dany would use Yara's fleet to get to Westeros.  Just last week I was wondering what the hell the point was of the Iron Islands story line and now I suppose that question has been answered.  Can't wait to see Yara and Dany together.  It's either going to be a disaster with bloodshed or --


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feel for Sansa and John but I do understand Glover's position. The whole frigging world is turned upside down and his family lost a lot following Robb into battle. Sansa should have told Jon the truth about the Vale army. I'm not sure why she's keeping it to herself at this point.

I think Sansa really was trying to get out from Littlefinger's grasp by saying she doesn't need his army.  For years she has been a pawn in someone else's game this has been her first chance to take charge.  She didn't tell Jon or Davos because she knew they would tell her to take the army but she knows Littlefinger will expect something in return.  Writing that letter was heartbreaking because she realizes she has no other moves and has to bring this vile man back into her life.  

Edited by kittykat
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Unlurking to say...


1) if you have such great material as "the north remembers", why make Jon and Sansa go through this?

2) I don't understand who says it was an improvement over last week. For me, it was the worst episode this season. Felt underwhelmed with all the plots. Does anyone really believe Maegeary isn't playing the game? Or that Sansa's letter wasn't to Littlefinger. No surprises. Nice confirmation of the Hound's life state, but, again, underwhelming.

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15 minutes ago, benteen said:

Yara kind of came off like the older jock brother with her "a few bad years" line, which was kind of funny.

Yara is the older jock brother, really, when you think about it.

I was half expecting Blackfish to order one of his archers to put an arrow in Edmure when the Freys were trying to use Ed as leverage. But I knew that he wouldn't go for kinslaying. Wasn't surprised at the outcome of the parlay, though.

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