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10 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

Also, I'm still not convinced that it will be present-day Kate with the horses.  The press releases have been wrong before (remember the Hannukah meal Kevin was supposed to share with Olivia?).  Also, stables have weight limits for people riding their horses.  I couldn't find a specific number in a quick internet search, but it looks like it is usually about 25-30% of the horses weight, which makes me think that the limit is somewhere around 300lbs, and I suspect that Kate weighs more than that.

She may not have anything to do with riding horses.  If it is present day, maybe she gets a job where she comes in contact with this guy the horse trainer, as in one of those equestrian centers for people with disabilities, etc.  She needs a job if she's staying in the NYC area permanently.  She's already been there from Thanksgiving until Christmas so she must have left that LA job.  I agree she's not going to be riding horses, but it could be work-related in some way.

I'm going to be so disappointed if the show goes the pregnancy route. It's just....so cliche and so expected that I'd just find it boring to watch, you know? That's taking it a little too far. Kate has a lot of potential in her story besides her weight loss. A baby? That's not a path I want to see her taking. Babies aren't the solution for everything. I'm sure Kate would be a great mom but having the child of her potentially dead boyfriend is something that I don't want to see. I'm sick of baby storylines as the go-to for a twist or to have a character mature. 

I love the show a lot, even despite all of its flaws, but a pregnancy route for Kate may be the thing that will make me question my future with this show. I probably won't stop watching, but it'll definitely be the first questionable storyline that could make me fast forward through Kate's scenes. 

  • Love 3

Also, here's the summary and interviews for 1x11:



01/10/2017  (09:00PM - 10:00PM) (Tuesday)   :  Kate struggles with her feelings in the aftermath of Toby's heart attack. As William begins to spend more time with Jesse, Randall has to get used to his father's new relationship.  After receiving the news they're expecting triplets, Jack and Rebecca must find a way to afford a home that can accommodate three babies. Olivia unexpectedly resurfaces, throwing both Kevin and Sloane for a loop.

So, not much to tell us about Toby's fate, although now I'm starting to think that he might survive. Maybe it's because Chris Sullivan is active in promoting the show but that could also be a misdirect. Also, would they really kill his character off ten episodes into the first season? Realistically, he could die. But in TV land, would they dare to do it? Also, why bring him back when they had a perfect way to have him exit the show with Kate's break up with him? Plus, him surviving could still be good for Kate's story. I'm just trying to figure out why they wrote his heart attack in the way that they did. 

But oh great, we couldn't go two episodes without Olivia. Sorry to burst everyone's Olivia bubble here. I knew she'd come back, but I was hoping that maybe she'd be gone until at least 1x13. 

Also, there's confirmation that Chris Sullivan accidentally found out about Toby's heart attack in episode 4 or 5, when he was improvising and a director accidentally spilled it. 

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10 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

But in TV land, would they dare to do it? Also, why bring him back when they had a perfect way to have him exit the show with Kate's break up with him? Plus, him surviving could still be good for Kate's story. I'm just trying to figure out why they wrote his heart attack in the way that they did. 

Is it daring to kill a TV character?  I feel like it's standard operating procedure.  We've already got a dead Jack and a soon-to-be dead William.  

Making Toby proclaim his undying love for Kate then plop over is another good tearjerker.  Poor, fat Kate finally finds her lobster then BAM his own obesity smotes him.  But he'll survive, I think, and we'll see them both realize that dieting is life or death, and finally succeed.  Or at least Toby will, hence the fat suit.  Given the national attention I think Kate & Chrissy will drop 100 lbs. if not more.  It's what would be best for the show.  

Has any other scripted drama had a real 'extreme makeover' story where the actor underwent the change along with the character?  

58 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Is it daring to kill a TV character?  I feel like it's standard operating procedure.  We've already got a dead Jack and a soon-to-be dead William.  

Making Toby proclaim his undying love for Kate then plop over is another good tearjerker.  Poor, fat Kate finally finds her lobster then BAM his own obesity smotes him.  But he'll survive, I think, and we'll see them both realize that dieting is life or death, and finally succeed.  Or at least Toby will, hence the fat suit.  Given the national attention I think Kate & Chrissy will drop 100 lbs. if not more.  It's what would be best for the show.  

Has any other scripted drama had a real 'extreme makeover' story where the actor underwent the change along with the character?  

I remember the teenage character in 'Ed' did the gastric bypass in character and in real life, but either I stopped watching, or the show was cancelled, so I don't know what transpired except I think in real life he was successful.

If they have Toby survive, after having had a breakup and reunification, I will feel that is cheesily manipulative.  It would be the same but less so if he actually dies.  I think it's cleaner to just be rid of him, but he's probably back to possibly complicate things for Kate, because, yeah, stressful.   And open to a dreaded triangle. 

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3 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Is it daring to kill a TV character?  I feel like it's standard operating procedure.  We've already got a dead Jack and a soon-to-be dead William.  

Making Toby proclaim his undying love for Kate then plop over is another good tearjerker.  Poor, fat Kate finally finds her lobster then BAM his own obesity smotes him.  But he'll survive, I think, and we'll see them both realize that dieting is life or death, and finally succeed.  Or at least Toby will, hence the fat suit.  Given the national attention I think Kate & Chrissy will drop 100 lbs. if not more.  It's what would be best for the show.  

Has any other scripted drama had a real 'extreme makeover' story where the actor underwent the change along with the character?  

For me, I think it's daring to kill a main character only ten episodes in, especially since we don't know all that much about his life, other than about his ex wife. We've gotten to know William and Jack through their own independent storylines now, so their deaths might mean more than Toby's, whose sole purpose on this show thus far is about Kate. I think him dying would be more interesting and possibly more realistic, but I can also see some good stories coming out of Toby's near death experience, for both Toby and Kate. Like you said, Chris Sullivan will be able to get rid of the fat suit and we'll see his own process of losing weight. It could also lead to Kate being inspired to not go through surgery (I mean, him dying would for sure thwart her off of the surgery track anyway) and they could actually go through their weight loss journey together, with both of them being equally as inspired to lose the weight. 

6 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Thank gawd that Toby's dead/Kate's pregnancy spoiler/foiler was false. 


I'm also more convinced that the bit with Kate and the horse stable guy helping her through a hard time is with child Kate and not Chrissy Metz's Kate.

Edited by OtterMommy
  • Love 5
7 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Next week's episode shows us some of Jack's funeral.

Knew it was coming but damn, too soon!

Hopefully they'll establish when the funeral takes place.

All we know thus is that Jack died sometime between October-ish 1995 and the AFC Championship game circa the third Sunday in January 2006.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Tiger said:

Hopefully they'll establish when the funeral takes place.

We'll be able to tell somewhat from what the kids look like at the funeral.  So far the oldest we've seen them is as young teenagers.  If he dies when they're much older than that, they'll have to cast some new kids, I think, because it would be hard to age those actors up much, or the current Big 3 down much. 

8 hours ago, MsJamieDornan said:

TV Guide ‏@TVGuide  10h10 hours ago

#ThisIsUs will reveal how Jack (@MiloVentimiglia) dies very soon http://tvgd.co/2jAaEie

0h10 hours ago

#ThisIsUs creator plans to have info around Jack's death unfold over many, many episodes, #TCA17

*Sounds like* Jack may have a long, drawn-out death.

I'm not sure I can handle that...

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, ShadowFacts said:

We'll be able to tell somewhat from what the kids look like at the funeral.  So far the oldest we've seen them is as young teenagers.  If he dies when they're much older than that, they'll have to cast some new kids, I think, because it would be hard to age those actors up much, or the current Big 3 down much. 

It will be interesting to see at what point in the timeline they switch out the 1995 actors for Sterling, Justin, and Chrissy.  I think those '95 actors could aged up quite a dew years from the 15 yr olds they were playing in that episode, and Sterling, Justin, and Chrissy, but moreso Sterling, can be aged down quite a few years too if they use wigs, make-up, and clever lighting.

19 hours ago, Tiger said:

It will be interesting to see at what point in the timeline they switch out the 1995 actors for Sterling, Justin, and Chrissy.  I think those '95 actors could aged up quite a dew years from the 15 yr olds they were playing in that episode, and Sterling, Justin, and Chrissy, but moreso Sterling, can be aged down quite a few years too if they use wigs, make-up, and clever lighting.

So, from what it sounds like, season 2 might have its flashbacks revolve mostly around the circumstances of Jack's death. I do think they might lean toward using the '95 actors, because aging them up a couple of years, coupled with real life aging, could allow for the story to be told for next season while not using a lot of make-up or CGI for Sterling, Justin, and Chrissy. Also, the fact that they've used the eight year old actors mostly for this season, so they might choose to focus more on the teenaged/young adulthood years for next season. At least, that's how I see it. The actors playing the teenagers shouldn't change too much over the next year or two, but it all depends on how old they want our adult actors to start playing their respective counterparts. Will they play below the age of thirty? I think they might be able to pull it off, seeing as they do the same with Mandy Moore. 

It does all depend on when Jack's death is, which we will find out next week. 

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This might not be a spoiler but I am putting it here in case I turn out to be correct. I was just checking the imdb credits for this episode, and the actors playing the Big Three at the funeral are listed as "15 year old Kevin", "15 year old Kate" and "15 year old Randall". Now that may just be arbitrary, as we have only seen them as teenagers in that one episode before, and could just be how they distinguish that trio of actors, and may not mean they are 15 at the funeral. However, the trio of kids that plays them at the birthday parties are listed as "9 year old Kevin and 10 year old Kevin", etc., demonstrating attention to those kind of details. So if this is an unintentional spoiler on the part of imdb-- Jack dies shortly after that episode we saw where Kevin and Randall play football against each other. Oh shit, did they ever make it home from the game? Is Jack going to die in a damn car accident on the way home from the game? And Kevin and Randall have to live with the fact that they were total assholes to each other on the day their dad died?????? I CAN'T TAKE IT!

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2 hours ago, ZeroDiscipline said:

This might not be a spoiler but I am putting it here in case I turn out to be correct. I was just checking the imdb credits for this episode, and the actors playing the Big Three at the funeral are listed as "15 year old Kevin", "15 year old Kate" and "15 year old Randall". Now that may just be arbitrary, as we have only seen them as teenagers in that one episode before, and could just be how they distinguish that trio of actors, and may not mean they are 15 at the funeral. However, the trio of kids that plays them at the birthday parties are listed as "9 year old Kevin and 10 year old Kevin", etc., demonstrating attention to those kind of details. So if this is an unintentional spoiler on the part of imdb-- Jack dies shortly after that episode we saw where Kevin and Randall play football against each other. Oh shit, did they ever make it home from the game? Is Jack going to die in a damn car accident on the way home from the game? And Kevin and Randall have to live with the fact that they were total assholes to each other on the day their dad died?????? I CAN'T TAKE IT!

I don't think so. In the spoiler above, it does say that they'll explore Jack's death over many, many episodes. Unless it's going to be a Pretty Little Liars scenario, where they explore the day/night of Jack's death over and over from different POVs, it does seem like it'll be a death that's not sudden. Also, I do think that the kids could be a little older, at least seventeen or eighteen. Just because their ages are said as 15 on the actors' imdb pages, it doesn't mean that they're not older. After all, in this episode, I'm pretty sure as soon as they established that the kids were 10 that someone edited their pages to add in 10 year old Kevin/Kate/Randall. Once we know their exact ages, then imdb will be edited. Maybe anyone on the crew can edit it closer to when that particular episode airs, but they worked hard it not establishing time of death, though they narrowed down the time frame for the teen years. 

I don't know what I want for Jack's death. On the one hand, having a prolonged death sucks more. On the other hand, it would give Milo and the rest of the cast some excellent material to work with, and since Milo is not alive in present day, I think that they would want to give him as much story to act with as they can. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, ZeroDiscipline said:

So if this is an unintentional spoiler on the part of imdb-- Jack dies shortly after that episode we saw where Kevin and Randall play football against each other. Oh shit, did they ever make it home from the game? Is Jack going to die in a damn car accident on the way home from the game? And Kevin and Randall have to live with the fact that they were total assholes to each other on the day their dad died?????? I CAN'T TAKE IT!

They did make it home from that game. There was a scene of them at home in the evening, when Jack and Rebecca realized that they forgot to eat dinner because of all the Kevin/Randall drama.

  • Love 5

I feel like the show still wants to give themselves a little space, because if you noticed, while they had the teenaged actors there, there was still absolutely no glimpse of a year. I would say they could reasonably be up to 18 there, but probably not older than that. I'd say Jack's death is somewhere around 1995 to 1998.

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

I feel like the show still wants to give themselves a little space, because if you noticed, while they had the teenaged actors there, there was still absolutely no glimpse of a year. I would say they could reasonably be up to 18 there, but probably not older than that. I'd say Jack's death is somewhere around 1995 to 1998.

Also, we only saw the backs of the actors.  I can't remember how old the kids were the last time we saw the teenaged actors (when Kevin moved his bedroom into the basement), but I thought they were older than 15.

1 minute ago, OtterMommy said:

Also, we only saw the backs of the actors.  I can't remember how old the kids were the last time we saw the teenaged actors (when Kevin moved his bedroom into the basement), but I thought they were older than 15.

We saw the profiles of Randall and Kate and they appeared to be the same actors who played them previously as teens and though not always reliable that is also what Imdb is showing.

Just now, biakbiak said:

We saw the profiles of Randall and Kate and they appeared to be the same actors who played them previously as teens and though not always reliable that is also what Imdb is showing.

Right they were the same actors, but were the characters actually 15 the last time we saw them portrayed by these actors.  I really thought they were juniors or seniors in high school, but I could be wrong.

  • Love 1

I think the Big Three were older than 15 when Jack died.  When talking with the widow in Career Days, he responds to her about her son's age with "15 is tough."  The way he says it sounds as though he went through something similar, but not the same.  I can't recall whether he specifically said he was a little older, but that was the impression I got from his tone a reaction.  I can't imagine he wouldn't have said if he was the same age. 

34 minutes ago, RachelKM said:

I think the Big Three were older than 15 when Jack died.  When talking with the widow in Career Days, he responds to her about her son's age with "15 is tough."  The way he says it sounds as though he went through something similar, but not the same.  I can't recall whether he specifically said he was a little older, but that was the impression I got from his tone a reaction.  I can't imagine he wouldn't have said if he was the same age. 

I thought he said 17 was a rough age and I thought his tone was that it had happened to him at the same age and thought that was ridiculously contrived. Also, I agree that the kids aren't 15, but they are the same kids who played them at 15. The kids from the last episode played them at 8 in The  Pool and 10 at the birthday party. So 17/18 is my guess any later and it's going to get distracting because people don't change that significantly once they are in their early 20s 

Edited by biakbiak
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14 hours ago, chocolatine said:

They did make it home from that game. There was a scene of them at home in the evening, when Jack and Rebecca realized that they forgot to eat dinner because of all the Kevin/Randall drama.

Thank you for pointing that out! I won't let my mind go there any more. I agree that the kids looked aged up a bit from 15. I was thinking they were18 or so too. Him dying in 1998 would mean he and Rebecca would have been married for approximately 20 years, a nice round number.

  • Love 1

Oh I just got chills!

So Rebecca and Jack married in 1978?? They were together in 1972, in the hallway scene from The Big Three Jack mentions meeting Bec at age 28 which would be 1972. Maybe they married in 76, I just have a gut feeling that 1996 is the year. But if the kids are "16 or 17" as Dan has mentioned in interviews, then he has until September 1996 up to August 1998 to "kill off" Jack. 

BTW: I'm a bit obsessed with the funeral scene (a mix of relating to it and just how beautifully done it was) and have paused it many, many times.  

No Miguel at funeral. Maybe Miguel was injured at the same building site (if building accident was in fact cause of Jack's demise). Maybe Miguel was in the hospital at the time? Maybe he got some of Jack's organs? I don't know. As a writer (not career) with a psychologist/writer Mom, we utterly dissect this show. 

Love that my parents are Jack and Rebecca's ages. I'm 42 though. They have a 39 and 34 year old too- and the 34 yr old looks like Justin! 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Violetgoblin6 said:

No Miguel at funeral. Maybe Miguel was injured at the same building site (if building accident was in fact cause of Jack's demise). Maybe Miguel was in the hospital at the time? Maybe he got some of Jack's organs? I don't know. As a writer (not career) with a psychologist/writer Mom, we utterly dissect this show. 


I don't know that we can say, from what little we saw of the funeral, that Miguel was not there. All we really saw were enough of 4 people to know that they were 4 people and that they were Rebecca, Randall, Kevin, and Kate.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Violetgoblin6 said:

So Rebecca and Jack married in 1978?? They were together in 1972, in the hallway scene from The Big Three Jack mentions meeting Bec at age 28 which would be 1972. Maybe they married in 76, I just have a gut feeling that 1996 is the year. But if the kids are "16 or 17" as Dan has mentioned in interviews, then he has until September 1996 up to August 1998 to "kill off" Jack. 

We haven't been told yet when Jack and Rebecca got married (at least not that I remember; it looks like we might find out in next week's episode), but we know that Rebecca was 29 in January 1980 when she conceived the triplets, and Jack turned 36 on August 31 1980, the same day Kate and Kevin, and possibly Randall, were born. 

  • Love 1

This article was posted in the episode thread:


(original article so you can read pg 2 & 3)

Ah HA moments for me (unbolded italics represent Dan Fogleman response):
- "Kevin has gone off to Los Angeles, and clearly there’s strained relationships with Rebecca" -- I have to go find where that came out.  I remember him disliking Miguel, I'm not sure I remember modern-day shade towards Rebecca
- " I think you get the sense, watching the episode and watching the show that, listen, something happened. And it’s something that broke this family apart, not irreparably. " -- I knew there was a 'before/after' feel relative to Jack, but now he's saying "broke this family apart".  And that makes sense, it was definitely a vibe I got.  But now he's made it clear, Jack's death is the defining moment for this family after the birth of the Big Three.
- "This is all part and parcel of whatever happened there around 16, 17 years old." -- so there's the definitive answer.  16 or 17.  
- "But the back half of the season — it’s heavy, and it’s not just heavy on an emotional level. It’s dark, and there’s some darkness that creeps into the show because that’s what happens in life." -- I maintain my theory Miguel moved in on Rebecca via financial issues. 
-  "So [in] the back half of the season, people are going to have to put on their seat belts a little bit. I just wrote the finale today and… it’s a doozy. [Laughs.]" - So, William's death at a minimum.
-" Obviously all three of the kids are affected differently by his death, but who of the Big Three is most impacted at that critical time?"
"As you’ll learn in the series, and there are reasons for it, it was Kate. These kids all
worshipped Jack, obviously. Nobody recovered from this, but the person, for multiple reasons, holding onto it most tightly is Kate." -- not really a surprise.
- "If you think about somebody who has a best friend who marries their brother and something falls apart, somebody might be losing not just a husband but a best friend in that moment. " -- so that tips the hand, Kate and Sophie were still best friends before the divorce.
- "Well, I think in this episode, Duke is meant to be nothing but creepy and make the audience unsettled. " -- mission accomplished

Edited by SueB
Got interrupted when posting and then missed a bit.
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, SueB said:

- "If you think about somebody who has a best friend who marries their brother and something falls apart, somebody might be losing not just a husband but a best friend in that moment. " -- so that tips the hand, Kate divorce.

I thought that was referring to Kevin's divorce.  I.e., Sophie loses a sister-in-law and her best friend.  

Man, I hope Jack can hold out to at least June 1998. I really do want him to see his kids graduate from high school.

Storywise, it'd be interesting to see the decisions the kids would have to wrestle with if Jack dies the summer after they graduate from high school.

Edited by methodwriter85
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On 1/28/2017 at 10:27 PM, methodwriter85 said:

Man, I hope Jack can hold out to at least June 1998. I really do want him to see his kids graduate from high school.

Storywise, it'd be interesting to see the decisions the kids would have to wrestle with if Jack dies the summer after they graduate from high school.

I don't think he will. In The Trip, Randall tells Rebecca one of the reasons he's mad is because William could have been there for his valedictorian speech in high school. If Jack were there I don't know why that would be such a big issue. He also mentioned wedding, kids, etc. So it seems like Jack is missing some major adolescent milestones. 

  • Love 1

This is probably more speculation than spoiler, but I thought I'd better be safe on it.

I think the Kate/Horse Dick thing is being pumped up far beyond what it will actually be.  I just came across a promo for the next ep on FB and Kate is very clearly happy and not conflicted about seeing Toby, so I think it is more a matter of Horse Dick saying things are awkward because he's trying to move in on Kate, not that he has succeeded.

Also (and here is the spoiler part), yesterday one of the cast posted a picture on IG from the set where they are filming a future episode.  It is pretty clear it is the family at the opening of Kevin's play (which means Sloane is still around, at least as his co-star) and Kate is there with Toby.  So, if there is any friction going on between the two, it doesn't look like it is the relationship-ending variety.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

I think the Kate/Horse Dick thing is being pumped up far beyond what it will actually be.  I just came across a promo for the next ep on FB and Kate is very clearly happy and not conflicted about seeing Toby, so I think it is more a matter of Horse Dick saying things are awkward because he's trying to move in on Kate, not that he has succeeded.

Also (and here is the spoiler part), yesterday one of the cast posted a picture on IG from the set where they are filming a future episode.  It is pretty clear it is the family at the opening of Kevin's play (which means Sloane is still around, at least as his co-star) and Kate is there with Toby.  So, if there is any friction going on between the two, it doesn't look like it is the relationship-ending variety.

Yes, I figured the "this is awkward" exchange in the preview is just Horse Dick trying to stir something up. In the picture it looks like Kate is wearing a band on her left hand ring finger. Are she and Toby going to elope, or is this an engagement ring turned inside out? 

ETA: looking at the picture again, I have to ask myself why Rebecca has chosen such an unflattering hair color. Why not just color over the grey with a shade that's close to the original brunette?

Edited by chocolatine
Just now, chocolatine said:

Yes, I figured the "this is awkward" exchange in the preview is just Horse Dick trying to stir something up. In the picture it looks like Kate is wearing a band on her left hand ring finger. Are she and Toby going to elope, or is this an engagement ring turned inside out? 

I bet it is an engagement ring.

If the next episode is flashbacks of Rebecca and Jack getting married, could the present day parts be Kate and Toby taking the plunge?  Or they might feature Kevin and Sophie, but they would not do flashbacks of their wedding in the same episode I don't think. 

5 hours ago, chocolatine said:

ETA: looking at the picture again, I have to ask myself why Rebecca has chosen such an unflattering hair color. Why not just color over the grey with a shade that's close to the original brunette?

Often times I have heard it advised that older women who color their hair should go lighter to brighten the face.  I personally think staying closer to one's natural color is well, natural and perfectly reasonable. 

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