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33 minutes ago, Pallas said:

(and I agree that Allison is probably his daughter),

I've seen this speculation but unless there's some retconning I don't see how she could be. I went looking for info on Miguel to see if their kids' names have been mentioned yet. I didn't find anything about that, but I did find this article with Jon Huertas in which he says his kids are about five years older than the Big 3.  The actress playing Allison is only 17 and I assume her character is meant to be the same age. I mean, it would be pretty weird if Randall's first girlfriend was in her early 20's. Although her being Miguel's daughter would explain why she is even there that night. Otherwise it's so odd that Randall would have called her to come be with him, after just one date. Maybe they just grew really close that night, lol.

There's also this article with the actress, which seems to shoot down the theory for everyone speculating (including me) that Jack hasn't died yet in that scene at Miguel's house. She seems to indicate otherwise, as she says of her first days on set  that "their dad just died",  unless her scenes were shot out of sequence?  I don't know.  So many odd things about the ending of that episode. I guess we'll get our answers soon enough.

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Ah: great find.

2 minutes ago, kassandra8286 said:

I went looking for info on Miguel to see if their kids' names have been mentioned yet. I didn't find anything about that, but I did find this article with Jon Huertas in which he says his kids are about five years older than the Big 3.

Yes, I imagined Allison might be Miguel's daughter because she was with (her seeming boyfriend) Randall at Miguel's home late in the night. But now that you mention it, if Miguel and Shelley had gone on to have another daughter either shortly before or after the Big 3 were born, it would probably have come up before now.

12 minutes ago, kassandra8286 said:

She seems to indicate otherwise, as she says of her first days on set  that "their dad just died",  unless her scenes were shot out of sequence?

Could be! You're right: we'll find out soon enough. I still lean to the idea that Rebecca didn't tell the kids over the phone, and in that scene, they don't yet know about Jack. But still!  If there was time for the house to burn down; the kids get to Miguel's; Jack seem fine then (something); Jack and Rebecca get to the hospital; Jack die; Jack have his personal effects bagged and given to Rebecca; Rebecca call Miguel and have him tell the kids for her?, and Rebecca drive to the house and break down -- all this, before anyone thinks to say, "We have to tell Kevin"...is this not the very worst, "'Where's Kevin?'" joke? 

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1 hour ago, Pallas said:

I think Kate has Jack's watch. She wears a large one, and the camera has seemed to focus on it, more than once. Especially when Kate and Rebecca finally clasped hands in Toby's car in LA. The ring Rebecca may give to Kevin when he (re)marries (Sophie). I doubt she was ready to give it to Randall when he married Beth, nor am I sure that Beth would have embraced the idea back then.

The hutch for sure, but I wonder if the album belongs to Miguel. Full of pictures of the two families (and I agree that Allison is probably his daughter), when both kids and parents were young. 

It was definitely a work notebook, judging by its cover. As stated upthread, we saw him write Kevin's note on one page (for sure) and then stick the pad in the back pocket of his jeans (I think).

Is this an actual thing? I know it happens with engagement rings being handed down, but I've never heard of a man wearing his father's ring as an actual wedding ring. I can see him (or Randall) having it, but wearing it?

The notebook: I'd have to go back and watch to be sure, but didn't Jack have the sketch of the "Big Three Homes" (or whatever it is they were going to name the company) in this notebook? If so, probably other notes and ideas about the business that were probably really important to him. Grabbing up something like that in the midst of all the chaos doesn't seem so farfetched to me.

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Mr CRS wears my dad’s wedding ring as his own.  My dad died while we were dating, and my mother offered it to him after we got engaged.  She checked with me and had me ask him first if he would be uncomfortable; he said he was honored.  One of many, many reasons I love him.

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 I can't imagine anyone grabbing much to take on the way out, not with the way that fire was spreading and raging.

The way they staged that inferno, I can't imagine doing anything but diving out of a window to stay alive.

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1 hour ago, Pallas said:

Could be! You're right: we'll find out soon enough. I still lean to the idea that Rebecca didn't tell the kids over the phone, and in that scene, they don't yet know about Jack. But still!  If there was time for the house to burn down; the kids get to Miguel's; Jack seem fine then (something); Jack and Rebecca get to the hospital; Jack die; Jack have his personal effects bagged and given to Rebecca; Rebecca call Miguel and have him tell the kids for her?, and Rebecca drive to the house and break down -- all this, before anyone thinks to say, "We have to tell Kevin"...is this not the very worst, "'Where's Kevin?'" joke? 

I'm not going to like it if Rebecca relays death news over the phone; in my opinion you only do that if you have to, and she wouldn't have to, she would want to do that in person. 

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1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Is this an actual thing? I know it happens with engagement rings being handed down, but I've never heard of a man wearing his father's ring as an actual wedding ring. I can see him (or Randall) having it, but wearing it?

When my son got married he chose to wear my brother's wedding band.  

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53 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

I'm not going to like it if Rebecca relays death news over the phone; in my opinion you only do that if you have to, and she wouldn't have to, she would want to do that in person. 

Yes. To me, it doesn't seem possible that Kate and Randall would be told that their father had died, while Kevin was still at large, post-Super-Bowl-partying in the woods. Or, that Kate and Randall had gone with Rebecca to the hospital, seen Jack die, and then been brought home by Miguel -- with Allison summoned and arrived -- all without Kevin.

Of course, we're basing the idea that Jack has already died by the time Rebecca (still in her Steelers jersey) drives up at night to the (freshly-burnt) house, purely on the fact that what seem to be Jack's effects are gathered and bagged on the passenger seat. We're obviously meant to. And I can't think of another explanation, either. Unless his belongings were bagged in the ER or ICU? Does that happen?

Or more preposterously -- was Jack arrested instead of hospitalized? For what: assaulting a fireman or cop who tried to keep him from re-entering the burning building? For that, are the cops going to jail the distraught father, husband and homeowner? If they jail him, would they have him remove his wedding ring? Maybe, I suppose. Bail might have been set beyond the limit of ATM's 20 years ago. But Jack dying in lock-up...I don't think that is This Is Us.

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28 minutes ago, Pallas said:

Of course, we're basing the idea that Jack has already died by the time Rebecca (still in her Steelers jersey) drives up at night to the (freshly-burnt) house, purely on the fact that what seem to be Jack's effects are gathered and bagged on the passenger seat. We're obviously meant to. And I can't think of another explanation, either. Unless his belongings were bagged in the ER or ICU? Does that happen?

Yes, that happens, it just recently did with my father in both places.  So that things don't go astray in the confusion, intensity, etc. of the moment.  Sad to say I have experience with another family member in jail, and they put personal items in lock-up there, or send them home with someone who signs for them.  I don't know what the scenario with Jack is going to be, but I feel semi-confident there will be a curve ball of some sort. 

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18 hours ago, Pallas said:

I think Kate has Jack's watch. She wears a large one, and the camera has seemed to focus on it, more than once. Especially when Kate and Rebecca finally clasped hands in Toby's car in LA. The ring Rebecca may give to Kevin when he (re)marries (Sophie). I doubt she was ready to give it to Randall when he married Beth, nor am I sure that Beth would have embraced the idea back then.


The hutch for sure, but I wonder if the album belongs to Miguel. Full of pictures of the two families (and I agree that Allison is probably his daughter), when both kids and parents were young. 

It was definitely a work notebook, judging by its cover. As stated upthread, we saw him write Kevin's note on one page (for sure) and then stick the pad in the back pocket of his jeans (I think).

All Jack's notebooks are from work, "Bundy" or something like that is on steno book and his mug. I'll have to watch the last half tonight and see if I notice what he does with the book.  Too many details sometimes for one run through but I hope after Superbowl, the "clues" will be gone.

  I edited post to show pic, not the best shot but that pad was more of a small pad not his usual larger one and he left it on counter but another thing I noticed was on both wrists, NO watch. Don't know what that means, but you usually don't grab your watch in a fire, but maybe on TV?

When I worked at hospital's clinics, rehabs, everyone was encouraged because of theft to have valuables taken by family or bagged and locked up there.  That's why some fans hoped months ago, Jack went to rehab after fire and lived for a while longer.

I do hope poor Kevin isn't told by Kate and Rebecca just told the other two. I feel it should be with them all.  If he was alive I'm sure they would want to be with him, time will tell if he was DOA or lived long enough to say something. I have a feeling being a schmaltzy show, he'll have touching notes in his notebook about them.  Maybe he made the "peace" Randall talked about not in person so much but in his notes

My son might wear his Dad's ring, for his wedding. It's way too small now and he has arthritis. I thought it was a nice gesture to keep in the family.

Randall's friend is definitely not Miguel's kid, he said they will be cast this year and make appearances later when they show them all for a visit or holiday. I just was shocked that Randall thought to call her but maybe there is more to it. Obviously she was put in the mix of the dog and Steelers jersey by the writers for months, "wait until you see the redhead". I hope it wasn't just the last straw before the fire, kind of a strange plot twist.

jacks note.JPG

Edited by debraran
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At Miguel's, Kate says, "We have to find Kev, he needs to hear it from me." Is it possible she's just talking about the fire and not Jack (yet)? I know they are both crying pretty hard, but even just having your house burn down and your father injured is pretty traumatic.

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Fogleman was saying in doing it that way, he is still "the fifth wheel". Even in a traumatic awful event, they all shared, he wasn't there. It's not that he would want to be, it's just another event he's not part of.

I agree with him on this point. I really look forward to filling in the blanks.

He said:

That’s part of what excites me about the next chapter of the show. We have a lot more to learn about Jack; this show goes in really, really interesting and surprising directions. But as an audience member, you always watch the show knowing that he passes away at some point and that makes it extra loaded and sad, but there’s also this mystery of how did he die, when did he die, what were the state of relationships when he died? Once you know all of that and you go back to those 10-year-old kids and just a normal episode touching on Jack, they become different in a way that was always part of my instinct about my show. Not just more emotional or more touching or sadder, but different because you now know everything about where this family is heading, but you’re watching them before or after the storm. That is a different way to peel back, and suddenly you can look at old episodes in a different way.

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3 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

At Miguel's, Kate says, "We have to find Kev, he needs to hear it from me." Is it possible she's just talking about the fire and not Jack (yet)? I know they are both crying pretty hard, but even just having your house burn down and your father injured is pretty traumatic.

In the S2 premiere, Kevin mentions to Toby that Kate was the one who told him Jack died, so he didn't get the news from Rebecca.

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A couple more maybes:  Allison comes over to Miguel's and brings some clothes for Kate.  Miguel has some clothes on hand for Randall to change into.  I'm fixating on the clothes a little because they look too good for having just been rescued from a fire.  Also, I'm pretty sure they would have been transported to a hospital to be checked out for smoke inhalation, etc., it's too risky for the firefighters on scene to assume they're OK.  So Miguel maybe picks them up after and Rebecca stays behind at the hospital.  Who is the dog wrangler while kids take a ride to the hospital?  Miguel probably, but in any case we're getting closer to finding out. 

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13 hours ago, Dejana said:

In the S2 premiere, Kevin mentions to Toby that Kate was the one who told him Jack died, so he didn't get the news from Rebecca.

Thank you for that reminder. This could still be misdirection -- Jack may die and Kate tell Kevin sometime after Kate and Randall find Kevin that night -- but it also could mean that Kate and Randall do know in that scene at Miguel's. I have to say, Kate's line at Miguel's about how Kevin "has to hear it from me" sounds like something you'd say of your twin about a parent's death.

On the other hand!, it's also something you'd say for a lesser disaster -- Dad's in the hospital -- if you assumed the blame was yours. "If I did it, I'm the one who has to tell" sounds like a Jack Pearson sibling teaching.

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I remember my mother being livid whenever my older sisters would take it upon themselves to give me bad news instead of waiting for her to tell me.  I don’t think Kate helped matters by being the one to tell him the news.

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4 hours ago, ShadowFacts said:

A couple more maybes:  Allison comes over to Miguel's and brings some clothes for Kate.  Miguel has some clothes on hand for Randall to change into.  I'm fixating on the clothes a little because they look too good for having just been rescued from a fire.  Also, I'm pretty sure they would have been transported to a hospital to be checked out for smoke inhalation, etc., it's too risky for the firefighters on scene to assume they're OK.  So Miguel maybe picks them up after and Rebecca stays behind at the hospital.  Who is the dog wrangler while kids take a ride to the hospital?  Miguel probably, but in any case we're getting closer to finding out. 

Kate also seems pretty well groomed (hair/make-up) when she drives up to the burned-out house, even though she is wearing the Steelers jersey. And if they were all taken to hospital to be checked out, how does she have their vehicle?

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13 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Kate also seems pretty well groomed (hair/make-up) when she drives up to the burned-out house, even though she is wearing the Steelers jersey. And if they were all taken to hospital to be checked out, how does she have their vehicle?

Yes, definitely big gaps in the previews which you would expect. Everyone seemed like they were ready to go to church in the house, my friend when her house burned (and dad died who lived with them)it was them wearing what they had on, smoke damage and the Red Cross bringing clothes that weren't stylish or obviously your taste, but clean.  She was surprised back then that so many items were expired that she received from RC but I think they get so many donations, having help go through them and rotate, etc. is hard. Her sister later took the kids out for clothes but yes, a few gaps to fill in that night. I hope Kate didn't go alone to look for Kevin but I doubt it.

Milo didn't give exactly how he died away but did say "you think he's okay and then he's not" that exhale of relief that is taken away.  We've seen that a lot on TV, someone escapes a burning car to get hit by another, so many scenarios but in his case, he has to die, so no one will really exhale much.

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7 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

In the Christmas episode last season it was shown that Rebecca and Kate returned from Kate's doctor's appointment to Rebecca and Miguel's house to change clothes before going to Randall's party, so they are within some sort of reasonable distance, no longer in Pittsburgh.

As to where the tree is, I don't think it's been said.  Randall and William stopped there on the way to Memphis and I think Randall said it was Jack's favorite place, but didn't specify where.  Could have been extreme eastern Pennsylvania so that it would be on the way to Memphis from New Jersey, and not too far for Kevin to have taken a car in one afternoon for the Super Bowl visit. 

In the preview for tomorrow night's ep, I thought I saw a moment where Rebecca asks Jack why this is 'his' tree, and he says something like 'it's where I found out you were okay'. Did anyone else catch that? And if I heard it right, do we know why she maybe wasn't okay?

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17 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

In the preview for tomorrow night's ep, I thought I saw a moment where Rebecca asks Jack why this is 'his' tree, and he says something like 'it's where I found out you were okay'. Did anyone else catch that? And if I heard it right, do we know why she maybe wasn't okay?

I didn't hear that, but didn't pay close attention.  If that is where some of his ashes are, we'll probably learn more about the tree's importance and location at some point. 

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9 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

I didn't hear that, but didn't pay close attention.  If that is where some of his ashes are, we'll probably learn more about the tree's importance and location at some point. 

So weird - I just watched the promo on Youtube and there's nothing like that in it. I don't know how I could've imagine that though!

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2 hours ago, ShadowFacts said:

I didn't hear that, but didn't pay close attention.  If that is where some of his ashes are, we'll probably learn more about the tree's importance and location at some point. 

I knew I wasn't imagining things! I checked my DVR - maybe we get different previews on our Canadian network than on NBC. I got the wording a little off though. Jack says, "Because it's where you find out you're okay." And it looks like they are all there, post-funeral.

Preview for 12x15

ETA: and it does look like Kevin had the right tree ;)

Edited by gonzosgirrl
DVD and DVR, not the same thing
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29 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

ETA: and it does look like Kevin had the right tree ;)

Ha! And all I recognize from last night's U.S. preview is Dr. K: I may be wrong about that though. I'll have to check. But we absolutely had no dialogue about the tree.

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3 minutes ago, Pallas said:

Ha! And all I recognize from last night's U.S. preview is Dr. K: I may be wrong about that though. I'll have to check. But we absolutely had no dialogue about the tree.

The one I looked up earlier (on Youtube) said the episode was all about their life as told through the family car??? You're right, the only thing in common is Dr. K

Youtube promo

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50 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

The one I looked up earlier (on Youtube) said the episode was all about their life as told through the family car??? You're right, the only thing in common is Dr. K

Youtube promo

The Dr K is going to kill me, I think that will be very sad.  They always said that was dad's favorite tree and place, maybe flashbacks to come later.  Part of his ashes are there and maybe buried and kate has some.

This pic makes me jealous, she loved meeting Biden and said she was shaking. Quite a ride for Mandy lately.

this is us biden.jpg

Edited by debraran
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4 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

The one I looked up earlier (on Youtube) said the episode was all about their life as told through the family car??? 

Now that really would be a bottle episode...So all sets of Big 3's, ending with the 17-year-olds and Rebecca driving away from the service? 

4 hours ago, debraran said:

The Dr K is going to kill me

I wonder if he did re-marry (as hinted), and will mention that very, very delicately to Rebecca. He may even let Rebecca know how lost he felt, before he met his second wife. Or maybe she's a friend, which has been enough to gently restore him to the world.

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I was just thinking a funny episode might be showing the big 3 how to drive, but it would have to be close to when they lose Jack, so maybe now isn't a good time.

Edited by debraran
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Something to ponder:  Sterling K. Brown posted a picture of Future Randall wearing the same outfit he wore visiting Grown Up Tess at her office.  The background looks like it could be a hospital room.  I hope everything is okay with Future Randall/the Pearsons!   

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27 minutes ago, PRgal said:

Something to ponder:  Sterling K. Brown posted a picture of Future Randall wearing the same outfit he wore visiting Grown Up Tess at her office.  The background looks like it could be a hospital room.  I hope everything is okay with Future Randall/the Pearsons!   

Oh no, so flashforwards are really becoming a thing now? That one glimpse from the Super Bowl episode didn't bother me, but I would hate this. It's a very bad idea IMO.

I like the concept of the show, that the story is centered in the present, while also using extended flashbacks. It makes sense that way and it's (partly) why it resonates with the audience so much, I think. No matter how old we are, we all have a life to look back on, experiences that have shaped us and all those little pieces of life that brought us to where we are today and turned us into the people we are today, whether that's a good or a bad thing. I like how this show is doing that. How it explores the present day characters by showing us their lives in the past.

But what's the point of adding a future timeline? I can't know my own future and I don't want to know the Pearsons'. I don't want to know when Rebecca dies or maybe Beth. I don't want to know if Kevin, Kate and Randall will ever be fully able to work out their respective issues. Or if Kate or Kevin get to be happily married and have families of their own. I hope they get all that. I hope they all find true happiness, especially Kevin since he's my fav and is going through such a bad patch right now, but I don't want to see it until it happens. It cheapens the story if the TPTB give their future away IMO.

The only time I'll be okay with a flashforward is the series finale, so I really REALLY hope this is not where the story is going.

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13 minutes ago, GSMHvisitor said:

The only time I'll be okay with a flashforward is the series finale, so I really REALLY hope this is not where the story is going.

I hope not, too, but now that I'm thinking about it, they probably are going there.  We saw that painting framed in Tess' room that was done when Kevin was talking about past, present and future being all one big picture, or however he put it.  There's a little clue that we're going to see the future, and then we do.  I bet there's more of the same. 

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I would want the show to limit portrayals of the future because the world can change so much, and in ways that are impossible to predict, so they are bound to get something wrong if they spend too much time there. Especially in retrospect, if you're watching the show 10-20 years later, it would be really distracting. I don't mind it in sci-fi, that's kind of the point many times, but in a show more grounded in reality like this, I'm not a major fan.


Even before the flash forwards, I thought the show might kill off Rebecca before it's over, and we'll get to see the difference with grief of a parent you lost suddenly at a young age versus an older parent who dies of more natural causes (not that she's old enough to die of old age yet).

Edited by Dejana
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1 hour ago, Dejana said:

Even before the flash forwards, I thought the show might kill off Rebecca before it's over, and we'll get to see the difference with grief of a parent you lost suddenly at a young age versus an older parent who dies of more natural causes (not that she's old enough to die of old age yet).

That would make tremendous sense, that we would occasionally go forward another 20 years toward the death of Rebecca. At that time the adult Rebecca would have lived twice as long as Jack's survivor as she did as his wife. 

I tend to like flash-forwards, though as Dejana noted, they risk becoming dated well before their time. Used well, though, they could illuminate the show's premise about how we are, were and will be us. 

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I kind of hate the idea of flash forwards. The more of those, added to present day shots, means less Milo, and he's clearly my favorite on this show.  They have not said that Jack's death means the end of Milo Ventimiglia's part on the show. I fully expect more flashbacks, including Vietnam and Jack's brother. But his is the only character with an expiration date, so more flash forwards means less Milo screen time. Does he go from being a lead to a supporting actor? I hope not. 

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35 minutes ago, Pallas said:

That would make tremendous sense, that we would occasionally go forward another 20 years toward the death of Rebecca. At that time the adult Rebecca would have lived twice as long as Jack's survivor as she did as his wife. 

I tend to like flash-forwards, though as Dejana noted, they risk becoming dated well before their time. Used well, though, they could illuminate the show's premise about how we are, were and will be us. 

Parks and Rec’s last season was all flash forward to now in the past 2017. But it still works because all the future history stuff and tech was so obviously over the top that it was funny. Shia Labeouf didn’t become a wedding dress designer...although maybe he should have. 

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8 minutes ago, ChicksDigScars said:

They have not said that Jack's death means the end of Milo Ventimiglia's part on the show. I fully expect more flashbacks, including Vietnam and Jack's brother. But his is the only character with an expiration date, so more flash forwards means less Milo screen time. Does he go from being a lead to a supporting actor? I hope not. 

Me too. And if anything, I expect to see more of Jack and Milo at all ages now. Scenes with Jack spare the writers the need to dream up something to do with any of the Big 3, things that need to involve foreseen consequences and maybe open up storylines that should have been kept closed. Jack's story is complete, but it's only begun to be told. 

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From the previews after tonight's episode:  "Jack's story has just begun"

Me:   "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

I'm also most annoyed that they were implying they have so, so many more tricks up their sleeves.  The best trick....tell a damn good story.  The worst trick...trying to be tricky....honestly this whole Jack "mystery" has been a drag on this show.  They have the opportunity to end that drag, but it seems as though they see it as a virtue.   Blerg.

Edited by pennben
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41 minutes ago, pennben said:

From the previews after tonight's episode:  "Jack's story has just begun"

Me:   "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

I'm also most annoyed that they were implying they have so, so many more tricks up their sleeves.  The best trick....tell a damn good story.  The worst trick...trying to be tricky....honestly this whole Jack "mystery" has been a drag on this show.  They have the opportunity to end that drag, but it seems as though they see it as a virtue.   Blerg.

Maybe it's bad, but I felt similar. Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing a few episodes wothout St. Jack. I do like the character a lot, but the more they build him up as this larger than life human being in the show and the more I see people gush over him on social media and I mean the official TIU accounts as well as the audience, the more it turns me off him.

Also because in hyping Jack so much they're constantly undermining Rebecca as a wife and mother and that annoys me. Like people have pointed out in the episode thread, she never gets to make any of the big life decisions. The house, the car, when they go on vacation, even getting baby Randall to a certain extent, it's all about Jack and what he thinks is best. All Rebecca gets to do is stare in awe at her oh so amazing husband. And because he literally had to be the perfect father, because he was overcompensating for his own horrible one, Rebecca had to accept the role of the "bad cop" when it came to the kids. Someone had to be the strict parent after all. I still roll my eyes when I think of that scene where Jack said he can't say no to Kate, because she would look at him with disappointed eyes.

Also what about Rebecca's story? We're getting to explore Jack's entire backstory before he met Rebecca, but not hers. Guess it's just not interesting enough to be worth ecploring. Okay.

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6 hours ago, pennben said:

From the previews after tonight's episode:  "Jack's story has just begun"

Me:   "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

I'm also most annoyed that they were implying they have so, so many more tricks up their sleeves.  The best trick....tell a damn good story.  The worst trick...trying to be tricky....honestly this whole Jack "mystery" has been a drag on this show.  They have the opportunity to end that drag, but it seems as though they see it as a virtue.   Blerg.

Unfortunately, I know why the promo monkeys did that: it's to reinsure the viewers that Milo/Jack isn't gone, and that just because they showed his actual death, it doesn't mean that's it. Because people genuinely believe that now that Jack's death is shown, that's it for him. 

I could really use less Jack myself, but my hope is that it opens more doors to show his flaws. I'm hoping it's the beginning of the end of Saint Jack, and that they can actually show him as Jack "The Person" Pearson. 

I'm also more worried about more flashforwards being used. I think it's the beginning of the flashforwards, where we'll see one Pearson dead (likely Rebecca, possibly one of the kids, though obviously not Randall, maybe Beth or Toby) and that's going to make me highly annoyed. I don't need to see their future, thanks. I'm good with sticking to the present and past. 

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15 hours ago, GSMHvisitor said:

Maybe it's bad, but I felt similar. Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing a few episodes wothout St. Jack. I do like the character a lot, but the more they build him up as this larger than life human being in the show and the more I see people gush over him on social media and I mean the official TIU accounts as well as the audience, the more it turns me off him.

Also because in hyping Jack so much they're constantly undermining Rebecca as a wife and mother and that annoys me. Like people have pointed out in the episode thread, she never gets to make any of the big life decisions. The house, the car, when they go on vacation, even getting baby Randall to a certain extent, it's all about Jack and what he thinks is best. All Rebecca gets to do is stare in awe at her oh so amazing husband. And because he literally had to be the perfect father, because he was overcompensating for his own horrible one, Rebecca had to accept the role of the "bad cop" when it came to the kids. Someone had to be the strict parent after all. I still roll my eyes when I think of that scene where Jack said he can't say no to Kate, because she would look at him with disappointed eyes.

Also what about Rebecca's story? We're getting to explore Jack's entire backstory before he met Rebecca, but not hers. Guess it's just not interesting enough to be worth ecploring. Okay.

I agree with you. Let Rebecca grow and realize how strong and capable she really is. She was a good wife, but many times never had a say in matters. It would have been interesting to see how the business would have been with them working together? Would her voice of had any weight? I'd like to think so.

I don't like flash-forwards and no one knows what the future will be like so keep it past and present.  I also wonder about Rebecca's parents. Other than Mom, is there a Dad, a grandpa? Is there a sibling?

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The only hint they've given with Rebecca is that she grew up in at least an upper middle class household (Rebecca mentions a maid) and her parents lived in Connecticut as of 1988. It's possible she grew up there as well. I'd like to see more of Rebecca's background but I guess her story only really begins with meeting Jack.

Edited by methodwriter85
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8 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

The only hint they've given with Rebecca is that she grew up in at least an upper middle class household (Rebecca mentions a maid) and her parents lived I Connecticut as of 1988. It's possible she grew up there as well. I'd like to see more of Rebecca's background but I guess her story only really begins with meeting Jack.

I agree, it seems so strange that except for a racist grandma coming to visit, there is no mention of anyone else. A "wiki" site said there is an unnamed sister. Why is she out of the picture?  It's like they wanted Rebecca to just exist for Jack and the kids but no one else.

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Now that Jack's demise is out of the way, they can go in just about any direction with what Rebecca does in the intervening years until she marries Miguel.  The kids are seniors in high school and about to leave the nest, I personally can only tolerate a pretty low dose of Kevin acting out against Randall, Randall trying to be supportive to his mom, and Kate starting to turn guilt into self-destructive behavior.  I would hope to see Rebecca interacting with other adults, and maybe they'll surprise us with the type of job she gets.  But since she has been so family centered, I expect it is going to be more familial angst-oriented than seeing Rebecca go in new directions. 

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1 hour ago, Crs97 said:

Milo is teasing that the show might do alternate timelines of what life might look like had Jack survived.  At some point I am going to need a chart.

No. I'm willing for one episode of that, but not an extended storyline.

They have 50-some years of Jack's life to explore. That's fine.

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