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Dorinda and John dinner:  THIS conversation was interesting to watch. But I didn't understand  what John said while he stabbed something ( a fork) on the plate. Seemed to be her last straw moment.  So curious to know if it was what he said combined with the 'stab' moment or if it was just that he spoke at all. Rewound it several times, can't make it out. How she directs him in conversation and schools him on respect is like watching a mother redirect her 10 year old with ADHD over and over.  I like that she gives chances but walks away when being disrespected. She could teach Teresa on NJ a thing or two on how not to sit like a doormat in silence. 

Wondering if the 'psychic' telling her John wouldn't be her next husband was the permission she was waiting for to start walking away from him. I hope it is for good, there is just something so off with them. 

apologeeeze . i clicked submit ONCE and 5 copies were posted. trying to sort how to delete post but dont see the option

  • Love 7

I wonder if Carole asked not to be read or if her reading wasn't interesting enough to make it to TV. On a completely superficial note, does Carole get work done on her face? In her TH's she looks fine but in the footage, she doesn't look good at all. I can't put my finger on it - maybe it's the full cheekbones with the super slender bottom portion of her face that looks off to me. Or maybe she just isn't my cup of tea without make up on and I just hadn't noticed before. BUT if she's getting work done, I really hope whatever she's doing now, she stops. 

I love how Ramona called out Dorinda for bringing up the necklace story but she had no problem talking about rumours about Dorinda and John's escapades right in a room full of people. Seems like even first hand experiences aren't enough to teach Ramona the lesson that you should treat others the way you want to be treated. She's going to be coming to blows with John according to next week's episode. Regardless of what goes down, John shoving his hand right up to her face like that is a POS move. 

Dorinda is very open about all the reasons why her and John aren't great for each other but has she provided a single reason for why they continue to stay together? Whatever her reasons, she seems to have a very rational approach to the relationship. From the looks of it, it seems like she doesn't see the relationship as long term but for whatever reason, she enjoys his company and isn't ready to walk away yet. Dorinda needs to keep him in check though. He's getting into way too many confrontations with these women. At this rate, he better be getting a pay cheque from Brava because he's like a damn house wife at this point. 

Sonja will be dashed when she actually meets Bethenny in next week's episode to talk about her great news. Sonja is fully expecting congratulations for following Bethenny's advice but she's about to get cut down real hard. I see no issue with her branching into the alcohol industry but I can see why the name would be a issue for Bethenny. The similar name and the close connection between Bethenny and Sonja can easily confuse people that they are two separate brands and with Bethenny on the show and pimping out her products at every turn, it does seem like an easy grab to piggy back on that. I can't say if Sonja considered or had any secret intentions to do just that - but maybe her business partner was being strategic there. I wasn't a fan of the branding of the bottle though. It honestly looked like one of those parties where the host whips up a quick design in photoshop, prints it on sticker paper and slaps it on bottles to give away as a customized gift to their guest. I see that she was going with a girly, carefree vibe to her label (in contrast, Bethenny's branding seems more sophisticated) but that said, I still think better work could have been done on the branding there. 

  • Love 8
11 minutes ago, Umbelina said:


Did John join the fucking cast?  Must he slur and slurp his way through every episode, how many times are we going to see him say "gimme a kiss?"  Dorinda tell him, once again, because apparently he has the attention span of a sated toad, how much she hates it when he pulls that shit and then have her, once again come out with the "Queens" insult, because honey, you don't seem that far from Queens yourself.  Drunken pigs, I am seriously over both of them.  He has at least one scene every episode, and then several others where he is the subject of conversation.  He's getting more screen time than Luann and Sonja combined!  Just how many scenes does this guy get every single episode? 

Give him and apple, or stuff it in his mouth and roast him or get him off my TV.

Over it.  I don't care if Dorinda wants to drug and drink and have 6 hour Viagra sex with this fool from now until the apocalypse, I just don't want him stinking up the show any more.  Now if she was a long term housewife, watching her degradation with this creepy sleaze might be worth showing, but she barely joined the cast herself.

Another psychic.  Yay.  Like anyone in the world doesn't know when Bethenny's dad died, or couldn't with a single google click? 

  • Same show, same jobs.
  • Skin-Y Girl booze
  • Tips-Y Girl booze

Come on now.  Of course Bethenny doesn't "own" the Y+girl combo with the one syllable preface, but that is pretty dirty of Sonja.

Oh, and I need Jules to mention that she's Jewish another 59382 times, or Asian another 354 times because I'm not quite sure if she is.  *eyeroll*  Carole is right, that woman still has obvious issues about food, there is always too much out, and it always includes bread, which I'd be willing to bet my next paycheck hasn't passed her lips without coming right back out in the toilet since she was 11.  Oh, and the bragging that her period still comes 'every 30 days?'  Yeah, I heard that the first dozen times too, and also smacks of someone who is still deep in the throws of denial about her food issues.  She needs a refresher therapy course, is that her benchmark?  "I got my period, so I can starve myself some more, see I'm healthy!" 

Wow, Luann's about the same height but she looks huge compared to Jules, just gigantic, and Luann is not chunky.  She seems half again as wide as Jules.  Did drunky-poo Ramona take the pledge or something, because her talking about LuLu and Sonja's booze hound ways is OTT, but if she's going to do it, she really needs to include Dorinda and John, because even though they are always there, it's rare they aren't blotto. 

Lulu explaining regifting was a sad version of the former odious countess.  Wow, she looks so completely desperate this season, I think she's too broke to be able to afford botox, no wonder she gave up her NY place and is bunking with Sonja for the shooting season, commuting to her Hampton's house would be time consuming and possibly too expensive for her.  She's pretty sad...

OMG, I love you.  

I did crack up that Dorinda was constantly doing the "lemme finish" to John and then when he did the same thing, he was "disrespectful."  If he's not her dealer, I'm not sure what she gets out of this other than someone to fight and argue with in a drunken stupor who wakes up and understands because he was equally as drunk.

On Sonja.  Thank GOD you are back and bringing in the crazy funny.  I can't take more of Beth hogging up the screen.

On the Asian Jew Jules I think she the reason she is so "open" about her recovery is that she hasn't recovered and she hopes all this talk will stop people from asking about it.  If she talks about an eating disorder, talks about recovery in such healthy terms, maybe they won't notice that she's a damn near skeleton who still doesn't eat.  I mean, it was pretty smart.  She went from Beth and Carole making snide comments in sidebar conversation right in front of her to almost erecting a statue in her honor.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 19
1 minute ago, njbchlover said:

Okay - so does anyone else think that Sonja had her breasts redone?  Her breasts look a little larger than before, and you could practically see the implants in that outfit she was wearing at her shill birthday party....

I thought maybe it was a bit of weight gain.  Both her and LuAnn seem much fuller up top and their skin looks like two women who are up until 4:00 a.m. like Ramona said getting shitfaced.

  • Love 8

Seriously, Dorinda has met Bethenny right?  To think Bethenny wouldn't have a problem with Tipsy Girl - I'm still chuckling over that one.

Ramona...I can't.  I don't know how any of them talk to her really. 

Bethenny was cracking me up with the open hostility to the psychic.  I get that she and her father had issues, but she had to check the date on her phone to confirm the date of his death? C'mon.

Edited by TexasGal
  • Love 17

I think that psychic could have looked up everything on the Internet about these women so I wasn't impressed. I loved how after the emotional part about Ramona and her father Dorinda says 'Ramona you have to lay off John'. I'm so sick of all the Dorinda and John drama! Ugh! I don't want to see his big bloated face on my TV every Wednesday night! 

Jules didn't know what an Ipod was? Is that because she's a Japanese Jew? And doesn't know how to boil water? I sympathize with her past eating disorder but is she really recovered? She's very, very skinny.

and I have to catch the show later because a storm came through my area and I lost reception on my TV half way through this episode. 

  • Love 17
41 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I love how these women were a united front last year when they all wanted to oust Heather and now they are practically rabid ready to rip each others throats out. This season is going to be the Hunger Games. Only two tributes can survive and one of them is Bethenny.

Bethenny is coming for Sonja and she's not having it with Dorinda and LuAnn. Dorinda and Ramona are ready to rumble. Ramona is also feeling some kinda way about Sonja and LuAnn. Carole has zero fucks to give for LuAnn. It's clear this is shaping up to be a team season. Team Bethenny/Carole/Ramona. Team Dorinda/LuAnn/Sonja. Jules is going to be Switzerland, which is neither Asian or Jewish.

Carole doesn't cook and even she knows how to make tea. I'm surprised that Jules didn't use that as an opportunity to mention that she's Asian and should know how to make tea.

How delusional are Sonja and Dorinda? Both of them thought Bethenny would have no issue with Tipsy Girl. Jules might not be articulate or quick on her feet. But even she knew that wine + (adjective) - y girl, was going to have Bethenny gunning for Sonja. I think LuAnn figured it out too which is why she had that big ole "that's great!" guffaw. I'm mostly ambivalent about Jules, but I loved her when she told her husband to stand next to her so it wouldn't be so obvious that she was eavesdropping. Ha! That's some shit I would do.

And now for your regularly scheduled Skinny Girl commercial.

I agree with you completely!  This is really shaping up to be a not-so-sweet season, and I have to say I'm not really enjoying it so far.  

I don't know if it is the disconnect because Luann and Sonja weren't filming from the beginning, but there is just something so not cohesive this season.

It seems like Ramona has grown an even bigger set of balls than she had previously (or, maybe she got Mario's in the divorce and is carrying them around in her purse), but she has some been throwing some nasty digs at Dorinda, Sonja and Luann.  And, excusing her comments with that little coquettish giggle and batting her heavily lashed eyes does not forgive anything she says.

Dorinda is giving back as good as she is getting, and throwing nasty comments and insults right back.  

They all seem to be calling each other out on all the comments as soon as they hear them - Luann going after Ramona over her conversation with Sonja-cutting right to the chase.  I think they are trying to bring the drama, a la the Atlanta ladies, but they all have just a little too much in the way of proper behavior and manners to really pull it off.

I am so confused over the Dorinda and John relationship, I don't even know what to say.

At least, this week wasn't so much "The Bethenny Show (oh, and her supporting players)" as the last few weeks have been.  Can't believe Bethenny was hawking her wares and giving out freebies from a food truck.  

I also thought that Bethenny was the height of rudeness during the psychic reading.  If you are cynical about that kind of thing, or don't believe in it, you should not be there - Carol's your "bff" - she would understand.

Sonja's prosecco - I don't know what to even say.  First, it seems like that Peter guy is just trying a little too hard to get involved with a Real Housewife - Ramona last season, and now, Sonja - but, Sonja didn't seem to mind sloppy seconds being the second housewife this guy is trying to nail do business with. How Sonja could possibly think that the name "TipsyGirl" wouldn't piss off Bethenny is beyond me.  I mean, Bethenny has her own prosecco with the Skinny Girl beverage line.  

Wonder where she got the money for this - it's not like she delivered on any of the garments from her fashion line orders last year, has she?  Last time I looked at her website, more than half of the clothing items were "sold out", and there was a pop-up for 50% off the entire website.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 11

I think they've established the issues with John and now he should just get off the show, they don't need him oozing oil all over every episode.  We get it.  Dorinda a mess and a booze and possibly drug addict who slides into sweaty sheets with this guy because he gives her free dry cleaning, may let her borrow clothes he's supposed to be dry cleaning for others, and shares her love of the mind altering substance.  Oh yeah, and he takes enough Viagra to keep it up for 6 hours even when he's drunk on his ass.

We get it.

There can still be conflict without him there now.

The other wives?  I like this group, and think it has tremendous potential, history, mouths, issues, money...

Let them have their show back please.

  • Love 13

Sonja is doing something with her makeup that downplays her looks.  I've always found her striking, but her eye makeup makes her eyes look too close together.  Since they're obviously not growing closer, it has to be the makeup.

And speaking of makeup, Jules is a gorgeous woman who apparently doesn't know much about makeup.  At Sonja's event, she had very heavy contouring under her cheekbones.  Considering her face is so gaunt you can see (in detail) her jaw joint work as she speaks, the contour makes her prominent bone structure stand out even more.

I'm glad that Jules seems aware that EDs are forever, but now that she's acknowledged her own history, I'm even more disturbed by her comment that "skinny" can never be anything but positive.

57 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I wonder if Carole asked not to be read or if her reading wasn't interesting enough to make it to TV.

Carole's already had at least one reading from Kim Russo.  She did an episode of Kim's A Haunting of.  I actually really like Kim, and I'm a fan of her show.  I've never been to a psychic, and I've only had my cards read once and that was on a lark.  Kim's show has a different minor celebrity each week, and they return to the scene of a paranormal experience of the celebrity's.  I really believe Kim avoids googling her clients, in fact she usually cuts them off if they get too detailed about their experience.  With Carole, Kim didn't go with the obvious Kennedy connection.  I've seen Kim talk about loved ones who have passed, and the celebrity say I have no idea what you're talking about, then have a camera man say - that's me, or even a non-celebrity friend of the celebrity show up and they realize it was for that person.  It's kind of like how Whoopi was surrounded by tons of spirits in Ghost.  They're drawn to people who can communicate with them, and I'm sure it can be overwhelming with all of them going on at the same time.  But of course Bethenny makes a crack.

I've also seen Kim give a much less dramatic explanation that the celebrity was hoping for.  Johnathon Schaech was on her show.  He discussed an event he experienced at a premiere of a film in which he portrayed Harry Houdini.  This guy had built the experience up to phenomenal proportions.  He believed Houdini disapproved of his portrayal, and that his entire career was affected negatively as a result.  Kim was like, um, no..... 

She also did an episode with Elizabeth Rohm, and touched on a suicide in the family that had been a secret, and never released to the public.  And she seemed to make a believer of Regis Philbin when she talked about his long ago military friends.

I have no problem with skeptics, people don't have to believe.  But Bethenny just ruined the experience and was an asshole about the whole thing.

54 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Lulu explaining regifting was a sad version of the former odious countess.  Wow, she looks so completely desperate this season, I think she's too broke to be able to afford botox, no wonder she gave up her NY place and is bunking with Sonja for the shooting season, commuting to her Hampton's house would be time consuming and possibly too expensive for her.  She's pretty sad...

The desperation is strong with this one, and her proximity with Sonja is bringing on the delusions.  In a promo she's going off on someone about bringing her down.  In what world does she think she's the star of the show, or worth anyone's effort to "bring down"?  She did the same thing last season by going on at length about Heather trying to damage her image and catch her swinging from the chandeliers. Can she go back to being a friend of?

  • Love 14
15 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I am so confused over the Dorinda and John relationship, I don't even know what to say.

I'm actually less confused about Dorinda and John now that I've seen a picture of Richard.  Dorinda has a type, and John fits it.  I was confused by how the restaurant scene escalated, but is was edited strangely. 

I wonder why Dorinda is choosing to involve John to such a degree.  She drags him around as much as Ken on the BH cast.

Did anyone notice how John reacted when that woman said he looked wired?  He either does do what Bethenny accuses him of, or he knows the accusations are out there and he's defensive.

  • Love 11
5 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I'm actually less confused about Dorinda and John now that I've seen a picture of Richard.  Dorinda has a type, and John fits it.  I was confused by how the restaurant scene escalated, but is was edited strangely. 

I wonder why Dorinda is choosing to involve John to such a degree.  She drags him around as much as Ken on the BH cast.

Did anyone notice how John reacted when that woman said he looked wired?  He either does do what Bethenny accuses him of, or he knows the accusations are out there and he's defensive.

I think it's John's idea of free advertising. Honestly, I think most of it is his idea, and she's too drunk to argue.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I'm actually less confused about Dorinda and John now that I've seen a picture of Richard.  Dorinda has a type, and John fits it.  I was confused by how the restaurant scene escalated, but is was edited strangely. 

I wonder why Dorinda is choosing to involve John to such a degree.  She drags him around as much as Ken on the BH cast.

Did anyone notice how John reacted when that woman said he looked wired?  He either does do what Bethenny accuses him of, or he knows the accusations are out there and he's defensive.

I'd go with a combination of your two reasons - he DOES do what Bethenny accused him of, and he's defensive about it {coming out on TV}.

  • Love 11

I was going to call shenanigans on Jules not knowing what an iPod was, but the iPod was released in 2001. Jules finally got treatment for her eating disorder in 2003. It's possible that she was in the grips of her illness or her treatment, never paid attention to the various versions of the iPod, and couldn't identify Carole's. However, this explanation only makes sense if she hadn't inanely said "What's an iPod?" I'm now speculating that she was raised in some uniquely Jewish or Japanese environment that prohibited iPods and reading Julius Caesar. Perhaps she was studying in a Buddhist temple or working in a kibbutz.

I recall seeing an interview with Dorinda early last season. She said that she had been asked a couple of times to join the cast, but she finally joined the cast because John really wanted to be on the show.

  • Love 9

The John screen time on RH-NYC is comparable to yucky Ken screen time on the RH-BH.

Cannot stand that LVP has no storyline that doesn't include Ken ALWAYS attending functions and inserting his dickish opinion on everything and everyone,  he annoys the hell outta me.   So now Dorinda is now never without John always attending functions (a bra party, really?) and bringing the drama.

  • Love 6
33 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

Seriously, Dorinda has met Bethenny right?  To think Bethenny wouldn't have a problem with Tipsy Girl - I'm still chuckling over that one.

Ramona...I can't.  I don't know how any of them talk to her really. 

Bethenny was cracking me up with the open hostility to the psychic.  I get that she and her father had issues, but she had to check the date on her phone to confirm the date of his death? C'mon.

On WWHL tonight Ramona revealed that Sonja was taking "tranquilizers" to calm her nerves and drinking! LOL I am pretty sure Sonja will have something to say about that at the reunion! LOL

  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, brini said:

The John screen time on RH-NYC is comparable to yucky Ken screen time on the RH-BH.

Cannot stand that LVP has no storyline that doesn't include Ken ALWAYS attending functions and inserting his dickish opinion on everything and everyone,  he annoys the hell outta me.   So now Dorinda is now never without John always attending functions (a bra party, really?) and bringing the drama.

No, in just a few episodes John has beaten out Ken for an entire season.  What's more, Ken rarely speaks when he's there with his wife and others.  He certainly doesn't jump up to be the one to introduce the hostess at her own party.

  • Love 16
3 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

No, in just a few episodes John has beaten out Ken for an entire season.  What's more, Ken rarely speaks when he's there with his wife and others.  He certainly doesn't jump up to be the one to introduce the hostess at her own party.

Or "allegedly" hit on anyone.  (Interesting how Dorinda vehemently refutes this to her friends, but she also makes comments about this same behavior - like with the interns at Sonja's party tonight.)

  • Love 9
36 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I agree with you completely!  This is really shaping up to be a not-so-sweet season, and I have to say I'm not really enjoying it so far.  

I don't know if it is the disconnect because Luann and Sonja weren't filming from the beginning, but there is just something so not cohesive this season.

It seems like Ramona has grown an even bigger set of balls than she had previously (or, maybe she got Mario's in the divorce and is carrying them around in her purse), but she has some been throwing some nasty digs at Dorinda, Sonja and Luann.  And, excusing her comments with that little coquettish giggle and batting her heavily lashed eyes does not forgive anything she says.

Dorinda is giving back as good as she is getting, and throwing nasty comments and insults right back.  

They all seem to be calling each other out on all the comments as soon as they hear them - Luann going after Ramona over her conversation with Sonja-cutting right to the chase.  I think they are trying to bring the drama, a la the Atlanta ladies, but they all have just a little too much in the way of proper behavior and manners to really pull it off.

I am so confused over the Dorinda and John relationship, I don't even know what to say.

At least, this week wasn't so much "The Bethenny Show (oh, and her supporting players)" as the last few weeks have been.  Can't believe Bethenny was hawking her wares and giving out freebies from a food truck.  

I also thought that Bethenny was the height of rudeness during the psychic reading.  If you are cynical about that kind of thing, or don't believe in it, you should not be there - Carol's your "bff" - she would understand.

Sonja's prosecco - I don't know what to even say.  First, it seems like that Peter guy is just trying a little too hard to get involved with a Real Housewife - Ramona last season, and now, Sonja - but, Sonja didn't seem to mind sloppy seconds being the second housewife this guy is trying to nail do business with. How Sonja could possibly think that the name "TipsyGirl" wouldn't piss off Bethenny is beyond me.  I mean, Bethenny has her own prosecco with the Skinny Girl beverage line.  

Wonder where she got the money for this - it's not like she delivered on any of the garments from her fashion line orders last year, has she?  Last time I looked at her website, more than half of the clothing items were "sold out", and there was a pop-up for 50% off the entire website.

I think they are all waiting to see who will be Bethenny's target this season. Last year it was Heather but now that she is gone, it will be one of them!

Sonja and Luann don't seem to mind "sharing" anything/anyone!

I really think Sonja is nothing more than the "face" of the wine, much like her "clothing/jewelry line" and nothing more. I doubt she has invested a single cent in either venture.

27 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

I think they've established the issues with John and now he should just get off the show, they don't need him oozing oil all over every episode.  We get it.  Dorinda a mess and a booze and possibly drug addict who slides into sweaty sheets with this guy because he gives her free dry cleaning, may let her borrow clothes he's supposed to be dry cleaning for others, and shares her love of the mind altering substance.  Oh yeah, and he takes enough Viagra to keep it up for 6 hours even when he's drunk on his ass.

We get it.

There can still be conflict without him there now.

The other wives?  I like this group, and think it has tremendous potential, history, mouths, issues, money...

Let them have their show back please.

I think we are seeing so much of John for a couple of reasons, 1, he is more than willing to film and 2, he is 1 of the only 2 guys (husband/SO) of the HWs left on the show. You have Jules husband and John, that's it, no other men.

  • Love 13
12 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

On WWHL tonight Ramona revealed that Sonja was taking "tranquilizers" to calm her nerves and drinking! LOL I am pretty sure Sonja will have something to say about that at the reunion! LOL

Am I the only who thinks Ramona makes shit up?  I loathe the woman at this point all she has to offer is talking about her friends who she spends no time with these days.

  • Love 17
Just now, zoeysmom said:

Am I the only who thinks Ramona makes shit up?  I loathe the woman at this point all she has to offer is talking about her friends who she spends no time with these days.

Wasn't something said or suggested about Sonja mixing alcohol/ meds last season as well? I thinks so, so maybe Ramona is correct about medication, just not a "tranquilizer" but that doesn't mean she should broadcast it on WWHL or to the public at large. I wonder if we will hear Sonja reveal some of Ramona's secrets at the reunion? LOL

  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I think we are seeing so much of John for a couple of reasons, 1, he is more than willing to film and 2, he is 1 of the only 2 guys (husband/SO) of the HWs left on the show. You have Jules husband and John, that's it, no other men.

That's an excellent point!  Although, I do wish we would see less of him - he doesn't bother me as much as he does some, but it's always the SSDD (same shit, different day) with him and Dorinda.

  • Love 7
25 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I was going to call shenanigans on Jules not knowing what an iPod was, but the iPod was released in 2001. Jules finally got treatment for her eating disorder in 2003. It's possible that she was in the grips of her illness or her treatment, never paid attention to the various versions of the iPod, and couldn't identify Carole's. However, this explanation only makes sense if she hadn't inanely said "What's an iPod?" I'm now speculating that she was raised in some uniquely Jewish or Japanese environment that prohibited iPods and reading Julius Caesar. Perhaps she was studying in a Buddhist temple or working in a kibbutz.

I recall seeing an interview with Dorinda early last season. She said that she had been asked a couple of times to join the cast, but she finally joined the cast because John really wanted to be on the show.


Also, that is so not a shocker.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, njbchlover said:

That's an excellent point!  Although, I do wish we would see less of him - he doesn't bother me as much as he does some, but it's always the SSDD (same shit, different day) with him and Dorinda.

I laughed when Dorinda called him a narcissist while acting like a big ole one herself. There she sits regaling him with the nasty things Ramona said about him but when he gets upset she gets angry that he made it all about himself and not all about her! LOL

I agree, enough John and enough of the weird/twisted DorJon show. LOL

  • Love 17

How convenient of Ramona to forget she was part of Ramonja and both of them were constantly drinking, drunk, both, or in search of both.  Her holier than thou act is silly.  I know she wants to portray a marriageable image, but give me a break.

I could barely concentrate on this episode because everybody's faces seemed like they were melting before my eyes and I could only stare to try to figure out what felt wrong about them.  Sonja, Ramona, Luann, Carole - all puffy and becoming less and less recognizable.  They're overdoing their fillers and whatnot and are turning into Mr. Potato Heads.

  • Love 20

I love a turtle neck.  I wear them all winter.  But Beth, that turtleneck needed a double fold.  Yeah, I'm sure you have a 'person' who gets the makeup stains out but it looked 'too much'.  Oh, no matter how bored you are, it's rude to read your phone while at someone's home.  Says a lot about you that we already know.  And your Skinnygirl segment was boring.

I don't have a problem with Sonja using 'girl'.  Sorry Beth you don't have copyright on that.  What I do find funny is that Sonja didn't use Sonja Morgan, NY.  Ya know.  The international brand that people are supposed to immediately recognize and respect.

My God Dorinda.  Make up your mind.  You want John to be respected but all you two do is fight.  Choose a lane. 

Ro continues to be 'Ro'.  Totally clueless.  Same goes for Lu.

I'm still not feeling Jules.  Did we have 'Kosher' this episode?  We did have Asian. 

Edited by breezy424
I originally said Tri fold when I meant double fold. Tri is the number of sides she should havd had IMO.
  • Love 17
3 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

I don't have a problem with Sonja using 'girl'.  Sorry Beth you don't have copyright on that.  What I do find funny is that Sonja didn't use Sonja Morgan, NY.  Ya know.  The international brand that people are supposed to immediately recognize and respect.

International FASHION AND LIFESTYLE brand.  Don't undermine her branding, Breezy424.

  • Love 17

Did you guys notice Ramona's cheek implants when she was crying? There was a clear line there. Carole has the same line on her cheeks too during one of her talking heads.

Jules isn't recovered. She's deep in the ED. She probably watches this show and thinks she's fat.

Why does Dorinda keep John around? People don't like him, she needs to just get over it. He's a boob, literally and figuratively.

Edited by Pepperminty
  • Love 10
1 minute ago, Pepperminty said:

Did you guys notice Ramona's cheek implants when she was crying? There was a clear line there. Carole has the same line on her cheeks too.

Jules isn't recovered. She's deep in the ED. She probably watches this show and thinks she's fat.

I can only imagine how thin Jules is in real life - if the camera adds 10 - 15 lbs (I don't know where it could add it on Jules).    

I feel badly for her, because any type of ED is horrible to go through, and I don't necessarily think she is in full recovery at this point.  She clearly still has food/self-image issues.  

  • Love 12

Well Sonja wasted no time on firing back at Ramona! LOL

Sonja Morgan ‏@SonjatMorgan 56m56 minutes ago

Omg @bridgeteverett @ramonasinger lies over n over. Like the bank had my house. She's on pills.


Sonja Morgan ‏@SonjatMorgan 56m56 minutes ago

@Andy @BravoWWHL @ramonasinger lies as usual. What pills. She's on pills.#projection. I like to party. Don't have her tolerance


Sonja Morgan ‏@SonjatMorgan 54m54 minutes ago

Everyone rolling their eyes here @andy @BravoWWHL Who fell asleep last year at the reunion. In the middle? #daydrinker @ramonasinger

  • Love 20

Yikes.  Did anyone see Ro on WWHL?  That hair was 'flat' and unflattering.  This is a woman with a new extensions company?  Sorry Ro.  You looked so much better with your bob.  Long hair is out.  Bobs are in.  And no, you and Sonja do not have the same hair style.  Sonja (and I have no problem with stating my opinions on her lunacy) had a style that was much more flattering than yours. 

12 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Well Sonja wasted no time on firing back at Ramona! LOL

Sonja Morgan ‏@SonjatMorgan 56m56 minutes ago

Omg @bridgeteverett @ramonasinger lies over n over. Like the bank had my house. She's on pills.


Sonja Morgan ‏@SonjatMorgan 56m56 minutes ago

@Andy @BravoWWHL @ramonasinger lies as usual. What pills. She's on pills.#projection. I like to party. Don't have her tolerance


Sonja Morgan ‏@SonjatMorgan 54m54 minutes ago

Everyone rolling their eyes here @andy @BravoWWHL Who fell asleep last year at the reunion. In the middle? #daydrinker @ramonasinger

Haha.  I don't think Ro has any credence to criticize Sonja and her drinking and prescription medication.  If Ro can declare to anyone to take a Xanax, most likely she's got her own prescription.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Okay - so does anyone else think that Sonja had her breasts redone?  Her breasts look a little larger than before, and you could practically see the implants in that outfit she was wearing at her shill birthday party....

Sonja's breasts, Ramona's nose and face.  Beth's shaved jawline… who else took time off to have a little surgery?

1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

She also did an episode with Elizabeth Rohm, and touched on a suicide in the family that had been a secret, and never released to the public.  And she seemed to make a believer of Regis Philbin when she talked about his long ago military friends.

I saw a show where a psychic was talking about Regis' brother and said he is with someone concerning planes, which made Regis remember someone from back in his military days. It was quite shocking, not the brother part, that can be googled easily, but the other guy. 

Is this something you are referring to?

  • Love 2
41 minutes ago, breezy424 said:


I don't have a problem with Sonja using 'girl'.  Sorry Beth you don't have copyright on that.  What I do find funny is that Sonja didn't use Sonja Morgan, NY.  Ya know.  The international brand that people are supposed to immediately recognize and respect.

My God Dorinda.  Make up your mind.  You want John to be respected but all you two do is fight.  Choose a lane. 


Well, according to Bethenny's blog this week, the Tipsy Girl wine doesn't even exist, nor is it for sale.


  • Love 4

If Jules would stop mentioning the Jewish and Asian thing so much, she would be great.

Bethenny was rude about the whole psychic thing. If you're not into it, you don't have to sit there on your phone and be snotty to the woman.  Stay the hell home.  She really thinks she's the shit, doesn't she?

Sonja should have named her wines something other than Tipsy Girl.  That's a bit too close to Bethenny's name.  Tipsy Lady.  Sexy J.  Something else, sis.

Edited by LilaFowler
  • Love 11
12 minutes ago, Umbelina said:


Well, according to Bethenny's blog this week, the Tipsy Girl wine doesn't even exist, nor is it for sale.


Here is the truth about "Sonja's" Tipsy Girle Prosecco! LOL   https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20150717/hells-kitchen-clinton/tipsy-girl-bar-offer-all-day-happy-hour-on-ninth-avenue    As I said, she is nothing more than the public face being used to promote Tipsy Girle. LOL


ETA, then there is this also...... https://www.facebook.com/Tipsy-Girl-147816652241994/

Bethenny may want to check this out, seems it is on its way here! LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 6

Um, Beth.  You should have RSVP'd .  Stop blaming it on Ro because she didn't tell Sonja.  Put your big girl pants on and be an adult.

According to Beth's blog:  Come on Sonja, it's like you're an actress now. "Bethenny didn’t RSVP, so I guess that means she's coming." Since when is that what that means? You know I'm not coming because Ramona told you, and because you know we haven't spoken in months.

  • Love 5

It was rude, but I cracked up at Bethenny telling the psychic that she's not getting married again, so the psychic could tell her dead father to fuck off with his marriage advice.

Almost everybody looked like they were holding their breaths as Dorinda hulked out on Ramona - meanwhile, Bethenny had a whole plate of snacks in front of her and looked like she couldn't care less about anything other than munching away.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Wasn't something said or suggested about Sonja mixing alcohol/ meds last season as well? I thinks so, so maybe Ramona is correct about medication, just not a "tranquilizer" but that doesn't mean she should broadcast it on WWHL or to the public at large. I wonder if we will hear Sonja reveal some of Ramona's secrets at the reunion? LOL

Yes, when they were in Atlantic City last season, B tried to talk to Sonja about mixing pills and booze. Sonja tried to play it off like B was talking about vitamins.


After seeing Ramona tonight on WWHL I truly believe she is the WORST friend ever!!!

  • Love 7

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