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S07.E01: Catfishing Fallout

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Another thing that really bothered me about this episode was the midwife appointment Robyn had in which she dragged King Sol and Kody along. She was nervous about the baby positioning and wanted to make sure the baby was in the head down position, at 7 months pregnancy. I'm not buying it because the baby moves all the time up until delivery. It was just another ploy to get alone time with Kody, and it was probably on another sister wife's day with him. 

It just rankles me because I remember all those appointments in S1 that  Christine went to alone or with Janelle, because Kody couldn't be bothered to switch up his booty call date with Sobbyn, even though Christine was hugely pregnant. He even went on a lengthy honeymoon week trip while Christine had a newborn baby at home. Yes he was there at the birth, but he bailed for every other thing, spending courtship time with his mistress. But now, 5 years later, he drops everything for her ultrasound appointment. Once again Queen Sobbyn rules the roost. 

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Yeah I think Christine was hurt by all the sneaking and conniving with Kody courting Robyn and Meri knowing everything. All that conniving - because that's what it was, hidden planning and joking at another's expense, just to serve your own selfish purposes - was horrible to Janelle and Christine. Why anyone would want to hurt their family, especially during a pregnancy, I have no clue. That's just mean powertrippjng. 

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6 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Yeah I think Christine was hurt by all the sneaking and conniving with Kody courting Robyn and Meri knowing everything. All that conniving - because that's what it was, hidden planning and joking at another's expense, just to serve your own selfish purposes - was horrible to Janelle and Christine. Why anyone would want to hurt their family, especially during a pregnancy, I have no clue. That's just mean powertrippjng. 

Women are "chattel" in their faith. They're *lucky* to be invited to the husband's planet.  Kody has to pretend to care about feelings for the show. 

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16 minutes ago, Spiderella2 said:


Another thing that really bothered me about this episode was the midwife appointment Robyn had in which she dragged King Sol and Kody along. She was nervous about the baby positioning and wanted to make sure the baby was in the head down position, at 7 months pregnancy. I'm not buying it because the baby moves all the time up until delivery. It was just another ploy to get alone time with Kody, and it was probably on another sister wife's day with him. 


Generally, once you're further along in the pregnancy, the baby stops changing positions. He will definitely MOVE, but there's less room to go from breech to head first and back. So that IS a viable concern. You want your baby to "flip" before you get too far along. 

I couldn't tell if they were going to a special appointment just to determine that, or if they were going to a regularly schedule appointment and that was one of the items on the agenda. In the final trimester, appointments become more frequent. 

I tend to think they show a lot of this stuff because there's really nothing else going on. And, of course, Kody goes to all of her appointments. He has no job, nothing else to do. It's not like he has other kids to hang out with....oh wait. 

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Kody's preference for Robyn is very obvious that is why I am sure Meri would have loved to walk out with a man of her own.  I remember the episode when he was talking to Caleb and Maddie and he was going on about his relationship with Robyn and things her Dad said about their "courtship". I even laughed at that stuff, she was already a married woman with children, not some young virgin with no experience.   Why would Maddie want to hear about that, tell her about your relationship with own mother.  That seemed to me that Robyn is always first in his mind, I think generally Christine is last.

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Very long time lurker, since twop days, finally coming out to post! Love reading everybody's comments! ESP love Razzle's! 

No pity for meri. Does anybody remember when she hurt her knee skiing and Christine came to her while meri was laid up in bed? Christine came to complain a little about feeling jealous about the attention kody was giving Robyn. Meri was so arrogant and totally unsympathetic. Told Christine it was her fault that she was feeling that way, that she should look to herself to fix this. Poor Christine left with nothing, meri gave her not one bit of validation. 

I wonder what Meri would say in the talking heads if it was Janelle that got caught up in the catfish drama...wonder how much sympathy she would give to her sisterwife. I'm sure none. 

Meri is still not taking accountability for her part in this catfish story. She has learned nothing. She's still blurring the facts and acting the victim. She is still awful. 

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And I LOVE the editing monkeys framing Meri, just so, under one of her idiotic story signs about fambly. All I could see while she droned and dodged and weaved during the therapy session, was the word 'WRONG' above her head! Lol lol! So apropos! Totally done on purpose! Lol 

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15 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

This is Robyn's 5th kid. She should have a clue what to expect now. She's playing dumb and scared to keep kody's attention. That's all. 

The whole Kody/Robyn segment where they are discussing to crib or not to crib, moving Little Sister into Sol's room, blah blah blah...what a waste of time.  It was only there to remind the viewers at home that Robyn is pregnant with Kody's 374th child, and no matter what other drama is going on in that cuddle-sac, we'd better not forget about Wifey #1 and her Super Speshul baby.  The "drama" about the baby's position, or whether or not King Sol will grant his new Little Sister a corner of his room, was manufactured to make sure Robyn got her fair share of tv time.  It's got to royally tick her off that Meri and the Catfish is the Dramz Du Jour for us viewers.  Another Brown baby?  Yeah, we've been there, done that.  Yawn.

Something that truly bothers me about polygamy - and it's something we see every single time we watch SW - is that the wives must act like jealousy is an emotional failing on their part.  Jealousy is a common and completely normal and understandable emotion to feel when you know your husband is flagrantly knocking boots right next door, while you sit in bed all alone.  And yet, every damn day, the wives (except Robyn) have to swallow that emotion, tamp it down hard, and let it simmer inside them until it explodes.  And the fact that Kody doesn't seem to recognize jealousy as a worthy emotion in his wives tells me all I need to know about him...that his wives are complete afterthoughts, and if they are struggling with jealousy, it's not his fault.  It's about the fam'ly, after all.  It's not about anyone's individual issues...unless that individual is Kody.  As a woman, it's really sickening to watch.  At least in this family, it's got little to nothing to do with "religion."  It's got everything to do with Kody.

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Hello long time lurker here.   I have a question why would Robyn's new baby have to share a bedroom with Sol? doesn't she have 5 bedrooms upstairs? Her older girls could share. 

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2 hours ago, Mya said:

Hello long time lurker here.   I have a question why would Robyn's new baby have to share a bedroom with Sol? doesn't she have 5 bedrooms upstairs? Her older girls could share. 

IME, its usually better/easier to have two little kids share than two big kids. Big kids value privacy and space more. Plus, it sounds like the new baby will be in the parents room for a long time (no snark on that... I did that with all 4 of mine and it made night time feedings so much easier) so really just the stuff will be in Sol's room for awhile. How old is the oldest girl? Probably by the time the little kids would want their own space the oldest girl will be ready to move out. 

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14 minutes ago, aulait said:

IME, its usually better/easier to have two little kids share than two big kids. Big kids value privacy and space more. Plus, it sounds like the new baby will be in the parents room for a long time (no snark on that... I did that with all 4 of mine and it made night time feedings so much easier) so really just the stuff will be in Sol's room for awhile. How old is the oldest girl? Probably by the time the little kids would want their own space the oldest girl will be ready to move out. 

I can't remember the lay out of the homes off the top of my head but it is possible the master bedroom with the little attached sitting room is on the first floor. She may be keeping the young ones close so she doesn't have to go up and down stairs at night.

Edited by Galloway Cave
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I think that's what she said -- that she wants the kids in the other bedroom "downstairs."  Makes sense.  Also gives the older 3 kids some more space, and at least she doesn't seem planning to stick her daughters with overnight diaper duty a la the Dugger people.

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@laurakaye your post reminded me of when they went in for the ultrasound and the tech asked how many kids they already had, and Robyn was all smug and answered 18 (or however many there are I don't remember)... Pretty sure she meant how many pregnancies Robyn had, but they couldn't wait for the shock and awe... Yet they have to have the kid at home because of the persecution... Riiiiight

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3 hours ago, leighroda said:

@laurakaye your post reminded me of when they went in for the ultrasound and the tech asked how many kids they already had, and Robyn was all smug and answered 18 (or however many there are I don't remember)... Pretty sure she meant how many pregnancies Robyn had, but they couldn't wait for the shock and awe... Yet they have to have the kid at home because of the persecution... Riiiiight

Seriously. Medical people don't care how many times you've been married, or whodababydaddy or whatever. They just need your personal medical history - that means your personal pregnancies, miscarriages, etc. That's all. No social commentary required.

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According to Meri's Twitter, that therapy session was edited down from 6 hours. SIX FREAKING HOURS???

No way a licensed professional keeps people in a session for 6 hours.  Another quack dug up by TLC or some family friend who wanted to be seen on the TeeVee like those fake investors from a few seasons back.  Ridiculous.

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It took six hours because it took that long to get enough story for the episode. It wasn't a therapy session, it was a performance. Nancy was there to guide the performance. So much of the edited stuff we were shown was Meri staring after someone would ask her a question, or Meri giving convoluted non-answers. The others were asking such stupid questions, and yet you have to wonder what drivel was edited out. That frozen hug at the end was a good two minutes of nonsense. A real therapist would not have let the family get away with the crap they were pulling in that "session".

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Didn't I read somewhere that the silly couch sections take something like eight hours to shoot? That that's why they get to claim that it's their "job?"

Shut up, Meri. Or tell the whole truth for once in your life.

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What a crap fest. The only genuine emotions are Meri looking like a fearful orange puppy being afraid of being beaten. and Christine looking like she has empathy for her. Kody and Jenelle don't give a rat's tail, and Robun just looks blank. Even though he is just a kid, I can't stand King Sol- I think it is just knowing he is the favored son. And I hate all of the "baby sister" nonsense. Is it a huge reveal about her name? We all know it although I can't remember, it's some sort of Disney Princess one.

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18 minutes ago, auntl said:

Maybe Meri could voice this fact to Kody if Robyn and the other wives weren't sitting right there.

He doesn't give a shit.

In the last 2 years, Meri has experienced the same loneliness that Christine and Jenelle battled for nearly 20 years.  For two decades he ignored their thoughts and feelings.  He'll do the same for Meri.  Kody is only in the "therapy" session because he is paid to be there.  He goes through the motions he's required to in order to continue the TLC gravytrain. 

Edited by CofCinci
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12 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

It took six hours because it took that long to get enough story for the episode. It wasn't a therapy session, it was a performance. Nancy was there to guide the performance. So much of the edited stuff we were shown was Meri staring after someone would ask her a question, or Meri giving convoluted non-answers. The others were asking such stupid questions, and yet you have to wonder what drivel was edited out. That frozen hug at the end was a good two minutes of nonsense. A real therapist would not have let the family get away with the crap they were pulling in that "session".

It was likely thirty minutes of just pulling those black strings of eye snot out of the inside corners of her eyes out and inspecting them. I don't  know why,  but that shit just sends me. That idiotic eyeliner on the inside of her eyes like she's 14 and trying her first Maybelline Blackest Black liquid eyeliner out. Snotty nose...snotty eyes...just disgusts me. 

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t was likely thirty minutes of just pulling those black strings of eye snot out of the inside corners of her eyes out and inspecting them. I don't  know why,  but that shit just sends me. That idiotic eyeliner on the inside of her eyes like she's 14 and trying her first Maybelline Blackest Black liquid eyeliner out. Snotty nose...snotty eyes...just disgusts me. 

And it never changes. You'd think in all of the years they have been blubbering nonstop, they would have discovered a marvelous invention called Kleenex.

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That wasn't a therapy session, that was one of their "tell all" settings. I highly doubt the session took that long but I'm sure they had to adjust lighting, redo lines, take breaks for snacks, etc.

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20 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

It took six hours because it took that long to get enough story for the episode. It wasn't a therapy session, it was a performance. Nancy was there to guide the performance. So much of the edited stuff we were shown was Meri staring after someone would ask her a question, or Meri giving convoluted non-answers. The others were asking such stupid questions, and yet you have to wonder what drivel was edited out. That frozen hug at the end was a good two minutes of nonsense. A real therapist would not have let the family get away with the crap they were pulling in that "session".

This is why I find it interesting that Meri stated parts were edited IN rather than saying edited OUT.

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3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

This is why I find it interesting that Meri stated parts were edited IN rather than saying edited OUT.

Well, this IS a family that determines the success of their business by "minusing out" the costs of the the jewelry. They have no idea how things work.

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On May 12, 2016 at 9:57 PM, toodles said:

I guess this wedding follows the tlc we need to marry a kid off for ratings pattern so closely that I'm confusing this with the duggars.  And I don't even watch the duggars.  I just follow the snark.

Oh jeez! Wouldn't be surprised if they showed up on Say yes to the dress. I can almost see Kody with all 4 wives in tow, in all his struggle hair realness telling Randy and some sales associate how all those gals are his wives. Ugh!

On May 12, 2016 at 3:50 AM, Spiderella2 said:

I think part of Mariah's gripe with her mom was that she actually met Overton. When they went to Disney in CA, it was a trip that Meri planned with Mariah. Seems like Meri must have told Sam about it, or invited Sam along so that Mariah could meet him. In hindsight that was a bad decision, but to Meri, it was the perfect chance for her daughter to meet her new love and soon-to-be stepfather.  

I have only the basic overview of the catfish. I couldn't stand to listen to voicemails, look at pics, etc., so I had no idea that Mariah was on the trip. 

On May 12, 2016 at 4:49 PM, Spiderella2 said:

It just rankles me because I remember all those appointments in S1 that  Christine went to alone or with Janelle, because Kody couldn't be bothered to switch up his booty call date with Sobbyn, even though Christine was hugely pregnant. He even went on a lengthy honeymoon week trip while Christine had a newborn baby at home. Yes he was there at the birth, but he bailed for every other thing, spending courtship time with his mistress. But now, 5 years later, he drops everything for her ultrasound appointment. Once again Queen Sobbyn rules the roost. 

We don't even need to go back that far. Just last season, Meri was feeling ill, afraid she might have cancer or some other ailment and she went through that alone. She is at doctor's appointments during a health scare on her own, yet Robyn, who is on her 5th and having what seems to be a healthy pregnancy can get Kody to accompany her easy peasy. 

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OMG I just realized... Does the jooolery even exist anymore!? Even last season they vaguely referenced it a few times but this week it wasn't even a nuance... the episode even involved a ring, I'm surprised that wasn't part of the Maddie storyline, Caleb asking them to design a ring!

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The whole time this show has been on, they have given us very little. They are very careful with what they reveal about themselves and each other. Very few details. Always vague hints like sharing a kitchen was abusive - why? Why specifically was it abusive? Who did what to whom that made it abusive? And no showing pda with Kody, it upsets some wife so they don't do it - who? Who does it upset? What happened specifically? When? I know some of these details may be in a book they wrote years ago, but why the heck isn't it it on the show?? The book is old news! 

I have a rill problem with how neutral and sanitized they try to present their stories. I know they sit and sob constantly on that old ratty couch, but nothing of substance is ever really talked about or revealed. This catfish stuff actually is coming the closest. We are getting little subtle hints at power plays like another poster noticed, between Robyn and Meri's struggle over "he" and "she". And a tiny bit of Janelle's snark, but that's it. Christene refusing to comment about another wife's relationship with her husband??? GTFOOH! That's why you get paid the big bucks? That's why YOU are on tv, and not my boring ass! Their bizarre lifestyle and relationship with each other is what they MUST talk about! They are always so vague, and just hint and allude, we have to really dig for those snarky crumbs lol! 

In the beginning they gave out a little bit more, like that moment with the pantry, where christene all but revealed welfare fraud when Meri admitted that she helped herself to it. I bet they saw themselves after the first season or two and decided to be more careful with what they reveal. I blame production on that. 

So in conclusion, I don't buy a lot of it. I don't buy that christene always watched the kids while Janelle worked. And that this peaceful, hard working routine existed for years until the fake fleeing to AZ. This is part of a careful fictional narrative that they try to present. I don't believe that Christene exclusively homeschooled all those little kids, all those years, EVERY day. (Where was Meri all that time? Sitting in her part of the house? Wasn't her employment always sketchy? Didn't she take off on whimsical jaunts with Kody all the time? That slipped out somewhere...). These are people that filed for bankruptcies regularly, christene whines when she finds out she has to work weekends to sell houses and quits! Lol these are not hard workers. They have a lot of weirdness that they try to hide ( janelle in a TP for heaven's sake! How could they not discuss THAT??) 

They HATE revealing any truths or details. There is really so much more there beneath the fake surface. That's the good stuff.

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Forgot to add, that scene with christene in the garage begging for more Kody time in exchange for wrestling mats! Why? What led up to that? Was christene unhappy with Kody not coming around? I thought he came over every fourth day. Did that stop? Does he not come around anymore? Because of Robyn? Nothing. But obviously, there's something going on there. A whole lot that they are hiding. Or trying to...

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On May 12, 2016 at 4:49 PM, Spiderella2 said:

Another thing that really bothered me about this episode was the midwife appointment Robyn had in which she dragged King Sol and Kody along. She was nervous about the baby positioning and wanted to make sure the baby was in the head down position, at 7 months pregnancy. I'm not buying it because the baby moves all the time up until delivery. It was just another ploy to get alone time with Kody, and it was probably on another sister wife's day with him. 

It just rankles me because I remember all those appointments in S1 that  Christine went to alone or with Janelle, because Kody couldn't be bothered to switch up his booty call date with Sobbyn, even though Christine was hugely pregnant. He even went on a lengthy honeymoon week trip while Christine had a newborn baby at home. Yes he was there at the birth, but he bailed for every other thing, spending courtship time with his mistress. But now, 5 years later, he drops everything for her ultrasound appointment. Once again Queen Sobbyn rules the roost. 

EXACTLY! So I would like to have seen some reaction talking heads from Christene about that! Let's see what her feelings are about Robyn dragging Kody off on Christene's day with Kody. That's the story!

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Christine spoils the heck out of Truely because of that reason but also because her entire identity was caught up in being the "third" wife (read: last) and baby machine. Baby machine = attention from Kody. Now that Robyn has taken over that role, Truely has taken on the role of precious love child, much like Josie on 19 KAC.

In fairness, Truely was critically ill, which is something I don't think they have ever had to deal with as a family before.  That, coupled with her being the baby of the family until Solomon arrived, puts her status within the family into perspective, I think. 

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Just now starting to watch this episode.  Solomons' still sleeping in Robins' room?  He's 4. He's old enough to sleep upstairs.  Put the baby in the little nursery, move Solomon upstairs.   Remember all the grief and crying Robin did about not having cribs for her older kids and that they had to share a room?  Does she even keep the story lines straight?  Solomon is spoiled rotten.  You don't ask a 4 year old if  he will share his room... you just inform him that he will share his room.  Where is Sols' baby furniture?

Kody is even goofier than normal.  Caleb is Kody's sister-in-laws brother, he already knows him.  He also has several sons of his own when he needs male companionship... if they allow him around. The wives and kids had obviously had enough of Kody.  Kody - Maddie is not your possession - you don't 'hand the baton over'.

Edited by mythoughtis
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Meri/Janelle Wreathgate ticked me off. Meri enjoys shopping. Janelle not so much. Meri enjoys spending money. Janelle not so much. Janelle extends the olive branch to invite Meri to do something Meri enjoys, and Meri acts like she is bored to death. Bitch.

i have several relatives who are all into Lula Roe and Matilda Jane - the ugliest clothing in earth to me. Yet I attend their pop up parties and listen to them gush about ugly leggings and ruffled headbands, because that's what family members do.  Then they listen to me go on and on about whatever weird kitchen utensil or nutrition shake combo I've come up with this week. There is very little crossover in interests, but family and friends support each other. Meri is a selfish bitch. Not like she's interesting herself.

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Meri's face still looks like beef carpaccio, but she appears to have lost some weight.  Perhaps from eating bananas? 

(I'll never un-see that image...*Shudder.*)  

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