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S12.E23: At Last

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3 hours ago, dmc said:

Arizona+ Callie- I hate this whole story line.  First I don't believe there is a chance in hell that Callie would lose custody...that is a Shondaland fantasy but Arizona...I told have any grace to give seriously...what about your affair at work, your being horrible for months when you lost your leg...

Why wouldn't Arizona get custody?  'Cause she's not a "real" mom? Most custody agreements don't allow one parent to take a child out of state without written permission. Affairs don't disqualify you as a fit parent and most people handle the loss of a limb badly.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, BaseOps said:

She was a prostitute for several years (this could also be her secret...) 

No, I'm kidding (I think.) I can't remember if this was ever addressed actually... 

Yeah. I'm not kidding though. Whatever it is I hope she goes away. She has ruined my Alex.

I haven't watched enough the past couple of seasons to know who was eating Meredith's face off last night but I no likey!

I actually have no problem (since Derek is dead) of a Mere/Alex long awaited hook-up. Seriously.

  • Love 2

I'm still not sure why Alex just HAS to get married as that never seemed like something that would be so important to him (I remember when someone here said he was becoming Charlotte from SATC), but Alex has lost everything that made him interesting anyways so I guess it doesn't matter. And I agree that Jo is married to an abusive husband so the show can remind us, yet again, that she lived in her car (did you know that?), had a hard life and is super tough, and that her and Alex are "perfect" for each other because they have similar backgrounds even though they have no chemistry whatsoever and she's awful. Alex will be upset, but with the time-jump they will work it out and go back to living in their happy little bubble, hopefully on the backburner. #FREEALEX.

Will Owen's sister show up at his wedding? Do we care? I'm already annoyed with her and she hasn't even shown up yet.

I never liked MerDer so I'm ready to see her and Riggs together. Can you imagine going to the hospital and seeing two doctors dry-humping each other against a car in the parking lot? Meredith can be the biggest bitch and although she bugs me at times, I still find myself rooting for her. That could be because I hate almost EVERY single character on this show. Why do I still watch? If someone knows of a Greys 12-Step Recovery Program, please let me know.

  • Love 2

I'm still not sure why Alex just HAS to get married as that never seemed like something that would be so important to him 

Makes perfect sense to me as something that would be important to him. Alex has never said he was anti-marriage or even anti-commitment, and family means a lot to him. Maybe it's from growing up alongside his pseudo-family at the hospital, maybe it's working with the tiny humans over the years, I don't know. But I absolutely believe he would want to get married, settle down, the whole thing. Say he and Jo are over after this. Will he then eventually open himself up to the next possible future Mrs. Karev? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe he won't actually meet another woman who he feels strongly about enough to want to be married to. But now, Jo is that woman, and he wants a future with her, and he wants to get married.

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, photo fox said:

I thought it was particularly shitty of Meredith to say that to Amelia about living in her house and taking care of her kids. She invited Amelia to move back in, and she's certainly never complained about the many hours of free daycare. God forbid Amelia have a man and a friend. 

The Ben and Bailey stuff was so juvenile, but I did chuckle at his "you know, you have April" line to Jackson. They're so obviously still emotionally a couple.

Didn't Jo just give Alex the "I need to know where this is going" speech when she found out about Izzy's eggs? If she wasn't free to get married, what was all that about? 

I'm not sure there are enough seats in the hospital for Stephanie to take.

Were Meredith and Riggs climbing in the backseat to have sex in the parking lot? It looked like he was trying to get the back door open when they cut the scene.

Looked like it to me (Rigg's trying to open the car door). All I could think of was, "Been there, done that, Mere. Remember Bailey catching you and Derek in his 'tail wagon?'"

And as far as Mere's bitchiness, which seems to be season long,  that was pretty nasty treatment of Auntie Amelia. Emphasis on AUNT. Those kids are her family. She's not just their convenient live-in baby sitter. They are all she has left of her brother. Amelia may be the most annoying person on the face of the earth, but that was COLD. Didn't Mere give the bitchy "get your own life" speech to another sister (Lexie) once before? I think we're recycling a bit too often here

Ben and Bailey, I can't even. Ben is so arrogant and douchy that my eyes immediately roll when he appears onscreen. 

Count me in on the "long lost husband of convenience" for Jo. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars

Too much nonsense in the last couple of episodes, not that I expect this show to be logical but really. Callie wants to move away with Penny and then breaks up with her? Nonsense. Amelia wants to marry Owen? Nonsense. Mere and Riggs and the zombie face eating contest? Nonsense. Jo can't marry Alex after living with him for years? Nonsense. Amelia not slapping Stef into next week? Nonsense. Ben and Bailey? Nonsense.

Other than that, good episode.

  • Love 5

Alex has lost everything that made him interesting anyways so I guess it doesn't matter

I think its still there underneath but I agree, much of his personality got buried once he was saddled with being Meredith's person. The same will happen to Riggs (the little personality we've seen from him) if he's paired with Meredith.


And as far as Mere's bitchiness, which seems to be season long,  that was pretty nasty treatment of Auntie Amelia. Emphasis on AUNT. Those kids are her family. She's not just their convenient live-in baby sitter. They are all she has left of her brother. Amelia may be the most annoying person on the face of the earth, but that was COLD.

Meredith's treatment of Amelia since she arrived in Seattle (moreso since Derek died) makes it clear she doesn't put her children having relationships with Derek's family high on her list.

Edited by windsprints
  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, windsprints said:

Meredith's treatment of Amelia since she arrived in Seattle (moreso since Derek died) makes it clear she doesn't put her children having relationships with Derek's family high on her list.

We always knew that about Meredith, though. She's never put a ton of emphasis on any blood relations, and in fact she's often done her best to distance herself from them. It's not like Derek really did either, to be fair - he didn't want Amelia there when she first came, if I recall. All they did was fight. His mother appeared one time in 11 years, and I think we got one other mention of him going to visit her. Isn't there a sister we've still never even seen? 

Meredith never had to let Amelia move in (she's a grown woman, like Maggie, who should have her own place) but she did. I dislike the way she acted last night, but I think generally she's been more accepting than I'd expert her to be. I actually hate it more when they force them to be so chummy because it feels so insincere to me. They clearly don't get along. I will say that last night I actually felt bad for Amelia probably for the first time ever... generally I felt like she deserved any rudeness that Meredith sent her way, especially after how horrible Amelia was last season. Last night, though, I felt like she was totally crushed by Meredith's words, and while I understood why Mer felt that way, Amelia didn't deserve it and it wasn't her fault. I'm glad Meredith was called out on it.

1 hour ago, Chicken Wing said:

Makes perfect sense to me as something that would be important to him. Alex has never said he was anti-marriage or even anti-commitment, and family means a lot to him. Maybe it's from growing up alongside his pseudo-family at the hospital, maybe it's working with the tiny humans over the years, I don't know. But I absolutely believe he would want to get married, settle down, the whole thing. Say he and Jo are over after this. Will he then eventually open himself up to the next possible future Mrs. Karev? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe he won't actually meet another woman who he feels strongly about enough to want to be married to. But now, Jo is that woman, and he wants a future with her, and he wants to get married.

I agree. Alex has matured a lot. He wanted to marry Izzie, and that was years ago. I can see why he wants to marry Jo (though I wish the writers did a better job of portraying their relationship.) I think he's always wanted something serious, and I liked seeing him sort of come to the realization last night that he was sick of waiting. I believe he really loves Jo and wants to have a family with her, and I still think that will happen. I feel like this 'secret' will be a short roadblock. I liked when Mer mentioned how it was nice that he & Jo weren't rushing anything and he said something like "what are you talking about, we've been together 100 years." In Grey's time, thats true. Couples rarely last as long as they have. I fully believe that Alex wants to be married to her. 

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Bamboo said:

I'm still not sure why Alex just HAS to get married as that never seemed like something that would be so important to him (I remember when someone here said he was becoming Charlotte from SATC), but Alex has lost everything that made him interesting anyways so I guess it doesn't matter. And I agree that Jo is married to an abusive husband so the show can remind us, yet again, that she lived in her car (did you know that?), had a hard life and is super tough, and that her and Alex are "perfect" for each other because they have similar backgrounds even though they have no chemistry whatsoever and she's awful. Alex will be upset, but with the time-jump they will work it out and go back to living in their happy little bubble, hopefully on the backburner. #FREEALEX.

Will Owen's sister show up at his wedding? Do we care? I'm already annoyed with her and she hasn't even shown up yet.

I never liked MerDer so I'm ready to see her and Riggs together. Can you imagine going to the hospital and seeing two doctors dry-humping each other against a car in the parking lot? Meredith can be the biggest bitch and although she bugs me at times, I still find myself rooting for her. That could be because I hate almost EVERY single character on this show. Why do I still watch? If someone knows of a Greys 12-Step Recovery Program, please let me know.

That was me :)  But that was back at the beginning of season 10 when he "proposed" by that barn not long after they had first started dating (even though they had been friends for awhile).  It seemed weird then, but that was years ago literally and YEARS ago in Grey's time, so it makes more sense to me now and I don't think that its out of character for him to want a commitment from her.  I think that he would still be with her even if she said she never wanted to get married just because she didn't believe in it (which I don't think is the case here).  But he is ready to settle down and he doesn't seem as manic or desperate about it as he did back in season 10.  I agree that Alex has lost much of what made him Alex, but I disagree that it is because of Jo.  He was very much Alex in seasons 9 & 10 and these days I find him to be more Alex-ish when he is with Jo than at any other time (certainly not hanging out talking about Maggie's vagina or lecturing everyone else about their sex lives).  But, that is a subject that I have exhausted so lets just agree to disagree where Jo and Alex are concerned.

Speaking of Jo, it makes sense to me that if she married someone very young (or whatever the secret is), that she might want to keep it to herself.  She has talked (yammered) about some parts of her life ad nauseum, but some of the much darker aspects have only been hinted at and it wouldn't surprise me if she was ashamed of parts of her life back then and desperately wanted to put all of it behind her and get on with her new life.  Out of sight out of mind, until it comes back to haunt her for whatever reason.  At least that is what I"m hoping.  I know that whatever this secret is, it isn't going to jibe with something that has already been established, but if they don't completely half-ass it I can live with it if means finally getting her some development.  The writers really shouldn't have that difficult of a time coming up with something, its not like the storyline had to fill a whole season.  

4 hours ago, BaseOps said:

So our new series regular next season: Jo's ex husband (or former pimp.) 

Ha!  Y'all are cracking me up with the Jo speculations.  But I can't lie, this would not surprise me one bit.  I am not a big Jo fan, so I am kinda happy she and Alex are kaputzo.  To be fair, their romance withered under writer neglect so I really couldn't bring myself to care.  Or maybe this will all be miraculously fixed next week?  it's Grey's so it's possible.

I liked this episode, weirdly,  even though everybody *cough*Meridith*cough* was cranky.

But there were some admittedly funny moments among the crankiness.  My favorite was Penny hugging Meredith who looked like she wanted to ward her off with a bleach spray.  LOL.

Also, who just has a box of bacon randomly sitting around? 

I hope that whatever they were doing with Maggie and Riggs was just them bonding as buds and not some precursor to some weird love triangle because no one is here for that.  I mean I could see some real chemistry there, but since he is now boinking Meredith, let's not go there.

I like Stephanie but I have to admit she was really, really out of line and rather annoying.  Overall thinking back over the Kyle/Steph storyline it had potential but in the end it fell ultimately flat.  All I am left with is a feeling of, why was it even there? She knew the guy for like ten minutes.  It is hard to get in your feels for a relationship that barely even started.  It is such an odd story and on a meta level feels like Shonda throwing Steph a bone because they remembered she had no love life for two years.

I can't fault the actors, though, they gave it the old college try.  Whatever feels the story did wring from me was because they struggled mightily under the weight of a thankless plot.

I didn't like how the show developed Penny, but Callie really did her dirty.  Not Cool, Callie, Not cool.

  • Love 3

Oh wow, do I have some unpopular opinions. I totally understood Meredith on this one, and actually found it to be a great example of how non-linear a process grief can be -- that you think you're fine and the slightest thing can set you off. Her infection analogy was a good one. But I mean, come on -- Owen is selling the trailer for a (dream) house? And then talks in the OR (I think) about how -- albeit jokingly, but still -- it has a room where their kids are going to play?! I mean, all that was missing was a flashback (and maybe -- clearly -- they needed one). I thought Meredith is right -- she wasn't nice about it, but she's right -- if Amelia wasn't her former sister-in-law, she'd be the plot of a horror movie: moves into her house, takes care of her kids, takes her former husband's job, dates her best friend's ex-husband. And now is moving into a new dream house? I don't blame Meredith at all for being affected by that -- especially in light of Owen selling the trailer. It's like Amelia is re-living Meredith's life from however many years ago. I found it very realistic, and was actually glad the show addressed it. There are always things that don't bother you that suddenly seem much worse when seen through the lens of grief.

And I'm all for Meredith/Riggs. I actually think they have great chemistry (for a second chance romance, anyway) -- he's got a Dempsey-lite piercing stare going on. I also don't think he takes Meredith's crap, or he'll give it back to her with both barrels -- which is also what she needs. I will say, however, I'm a little disturbed at how often Shonda et. al. use the "Slap! Slap! Kiss!" trope. I've seen it so much on Scandal that it now actively irritates me. But I foresee a long, angsty road for them, and I'm all for it. It wouldn't be love for Meredith if it wasn't as difficult and painful as possible.

I'll also be the sole person who didn't completely hate Penny, and I also wish she had a nicer send-off with Meredith (but considering what a bad place Meredith was in, maybe that was as good a sendoff as she could've expected). I really liked the Penny storyline as it related to Mer and Amelia. Bye, Penny. Become a badass neurosurgeon and your destiny will be fulfilled.

Finally, for those interested, the closed captioning said Jo's line before "I can't" was "I w--" I want to? I know it'll be a big Grey's-style secret, but is it wrong that I'm kind of hoping she just accepted a cool new job somewhere else and she loves that more than Alex? Hey, since I'm being unpopular, might as well go all out!

  • Love 3

So our new series regular next season: Jo's ex husband (or former pimp.)


They can rehash the Nick/Evie storyline from old school Days of Our Lives! Phantom of the Opera! Abandoned mansion! Pimp secretly falls in love and spies on/rescues his angelic singing teenage prostitute! Grand theft auto! Murder! Fake death! Falling out of a helicopter! Magical scar removing surgeries! Million dollar inheritance!

didn't like how the show developed Penny, but Callie really did her dirty.  Not Cool, Callie, Not cool.

ITA - I was never a Penny fan but after Callie caused all this drama, her reaction is to be cold to Penny  for a few weeks and then dump her at work with her back turned (all while implying that this is somehow all Penny's fault).

As for Amelia re-living Meredith's life, I can see that. Some people are way more sensitive to it than others. My favorite overly sensitive story is this girl I know whose boyfriend proposed to her at the beach with a round diamond ring from Tiffany. A few months later, one of her friends got engaged at the beach (a different beach in a different state on the other side of the country) with a round diamond from Tiffany. Girl #1 said that her friend and her fiancé copied her proposal. I was like uhhh, you know that millions of people get engaged at the beach, right? And that round diamonds are the most popular cut?

99% of the time, Amelia annoys me and listening to her and Owen discuss their hypothetical marriage during surgery was definitely annoying, but of all the things for Meredith to chastise her for, I wish she had pointed out the reasons why rushing into marriage (especially with Owen) was a bad idea instead of making it "Quit SWFing me!"

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Oh wow, do I have some unpopular opinions. I totally understood Meredith on this one, and actually found it to be a great example of how non-linear a process grief can be -- that you think you're fine and the slightest thing can set you off.

I agree and it's something I and certainly a great deal of other people have experienced on own skin. It's just that... you don't take your crap out on other people, especially if they are in no way responsible for your grief. 

Cristina is gone. She could be screwing the entire population of Switzerland for all we know. There's no reason why Owen shouldn't be allowed to date whoever he pleases. The notion that Amelia is somehow wrong for dating the former husband of the best friend of her former sister in law is even more absurd. She never knew Cristina. She means nothing to her. Also, she took over Derek's job while he was still alive. It's really not her fault that he's dead and she's not. 

I mean, I get why all of it might be upsetting for Meredith on some level. But really, she should just get over herself. She doesn't get to tell other people how they should be living their lives. 

  • Love 12

Oh wow, do I have some unpopular opinions. I totally understood Meredith on this one, and actually found it to be a great example of how non-linear a process grief can be -- that you think you're fine and the slightest thing can set you off. Her infection analogy was a good one. But I mean, come on -- Owen is selling the trailer for a (dream) house? And then talks in the OR (I think) about how -- albeit jokingly, but still -- it has a room where their kids are going to play?! I mean, all that was missing was a flashback (and maybe -- clearly -- they needed one). I thought Meredith is right -- she wasn't nice about it, but she's right -- if Amelia wasn't her former sister-in-law, she'd be the plot of a horror movie: moves into her house, takes care of her kids, takes her former husband's job, dates her best friend's ex-husband. And now is moving into a new dream house? I don't blame Meredith at all for being affected by that -- especially in light of Owen selling the trailer. It's like Amelia is re-living Meredith's life from however many years ago. I found it very realistic, and was actually glad the show addressed it. There are always things that don't bother you that suddenly seem much worse when seen through the lens of grief.

I understood everything Meredith was feeling, why she reacted the way she did. I get that the trailer set her off. She was fine, or thought she was fine, and we certainly saw her being fine the last several episodes since the Thorpe debacle, but then that came up and suddenly that safe just fell on her head again. It's understandable. I get why, factually, she reacted the way she did, but that doesn't make it okay to react the way she did. It doesn't make it fair. It wasn't fair for her to so inappropriately and unjustly lash out at Amelia the way she did. I get it, everyone in her life gets it, but that doesn't excuse it. Not anymore. Hence not one but two people calling her out on it. The time for Meredith to take her pain and anger out on other people for daring not to be miserable too has expired. That's not to say there's a statute of limitations on the grieving process, because there isn't, of course. But that "My husband's dead and everyone is moving on without him and taking over aspects of his life and I hate it" tantrum thing that often comes with it? That's gotta stop. You can't get away with that forever, and I feel -- as do Alex and Riggs, apparently -- that she has long since moved past the point where it's appropriate to keep doing it. She can have her feelings and her grief and the sudden awakening of wounds that she thought were healed. But taking it out on other people like that? Nuh-uh. Time's up.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 10
10 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

There are always things that don't bother you that suddenly seem much worse when seen through the lens of grief.

That's true, but what bothers me is Meredith going on as if she's the only one grieving. Amelia didn't even get to say goodbye to Derek. Had I been Amelia and Meredith pulled the plug before I got there, she'd be my sworn enemy. I don't expect her to 'get over' her husband's death. She'll accept it in her own time, but it's her attitude that warrants a punch in the face. How dare Owen sell the trailer, how dare Amelia feel confident in her abilities, date Owen and want to get married. It's beyond self-centered to think that Amelia is living Meredith's life. But as I've said plenty of times, I don't understand why Amelia tries with Meredith. They'll never be close, and that's okay. She should check in with her nieces and nephews and that's it.

  • Love 6

Just as I was starting to like Amelia, they have her and Owen decide to get married on a whim.

I think Arizona needed to say what she did to Callie. It's ridiculous Callie just assumes that things will go back to the same as before. 

Sole physical custody means Arizona can decide when or even if Callie sees Sophia. This is Callie's mess and she needs some self awareness. 

Bye Penny. Jo can go too. Find someone better for Alex. 


Hate the Meredith/Riggs pairing.

  • Love 2
22 hours ago, candall said:

Jo's already married.  Put your money down.

As most people have said, this was my thinking also.

19 hours ago, ForeverAlone said:

This episode (and surely the finale based on what we have seen so far in promos) frustrated me when it came to Owen and Amelia. For the most part, I really like Amelia (except when the writers have her off the wagon or spouting some long, drawn out, narcissistic Shondalogue), but I could never get behind the coupling between her and Owen. It certainly doesn't help that I don't particularly like the character of Owen, and feel like Amelia could do better. I can't see why this show is pushing this relationship, when they are so completely lacking in chemistry. It is just so unbelievable for me to see this play out. I can only hope something happens next week to bust up this wedding.

As for Meredith and Nathan, I can't say I am surprised, because this has been hinted about ever since he was cast, but I honestly would have preferred him to hook up with Maggie. But whatever.

And I am deeply curious why Jo turned Alex down. I don't particularly care, since I have never been a Jolex fan (though I like both characters individually, Alex more than Jo of course). I'm sure we will get some sort of explanation, but hopefully they will either break up permanently or move forward somehow in a committed relationship. 

And I dearly hope to never see Penny again. I found her character to be exceedingly boring and don't need any more of her. 

I cannot stand Owen (never liked him with Christian either and she was one of my faves) and Amelia is pretty low down on my list too, so you'd think I wouldn't care about that relationship but it is SO toxic! She's a recovering addict! He's struggling with PTSD and some serious anger management issues. I do not think those things make for a good future. And we want to bring children into that mix?!?!?! Uhhh... no.

I too would've preferred a Maggie/Riggs pairing. Just more chemistry there and Maggie has grown on me a lot this season. Would like to see her in a functional relationship.

3 hours ago, Gtr187 said:

Possibly Jo's secret is related to the death of Kyle and Stephanie's reaction? Jo seemed sad when delivering the news. Maybe a Thirteen on House type situation where Jo's got some kind of terminal condition that hasn't kicked in yet?

This would be a nice little twist as I think we all see there is some big secret reason as to why she said no and not just that she doesn't want to marry him. I also felt that Jo overacted all her scenes in this episode. They were all so forced. Whenever she was talking to Steph. Her scenes in the OR. The Running.

Speaking of Steph, I recognise in this forum, she doesn't seem to be liked much but I'm a big fan. Always have been. Not this version of her though. The Fez story was a fail. (Yes, we keep calling him Fez... hehe). It could've had potential because their scenes together were actually pretty good and their chemistry worked (even though I kept expecting him to slip in that lisp...lol) but the story was rushed. We didn't get time to care about it before they killed him off. This is the problem Grey's faces now with a cast this big. Even though I want to care about the characters, I can't. They aren't given enough screen time for us to know what's really going on with their lives and still have enough time for interesting patient story lines. It's crap. We need a mass tragedy. As terrible as that sounds, the cast needs to be cut down a bit. I don't know or care about DeLuca, but he's there. I see they stopped trying to give the other residents screen time because there was a blond guy that had a thing for Jo, he's MIA. Jackson and April's story fell flat also because once we got past her overreaction to his mother and his "nice guy" reaction to her restraining order, it just died. We got a half-assed attempt at seeing them "be adult" last week but they were really just making googly-eyes at each other. Even Bailey and Ben are boring as hell but keep getting pushed in our faces because they're now having marital problems. I really found this episode really really dull. Drama is good but I'm wary of everyone just being so unhappy. Expect Mer. She's always dark and twisty. I shouldn't allow it, but I love her and I'm biased towards her. But yeah, I will say her lashing out was childish but it's so Meredith. Everybody else needs to bake some marijuana brownies and just chill out for a night. April used to be a really good baker, she can do that for them.

Edited by timimouse
  • Love 3
31 minutes ago, candall said:

Yes.  Riggs heard what happened to the last chap who spent the night in Mer's bed.

Not only that, the other 2 guys she banged have been killed, Derek (Semi), George (Bus)


The little bit of Japril we saw, was very cute. He wanted to touch her belly. They are both still in love with each other...hopefully this baby will reunite them.


Jo Speculations

What if she is really Ava/Rebecca?

Honestly, I always thought the whole living in a car thing was a little far fetched, I think she's been lying about that. And if you watch the episode where she beat up Chest Peckwell, he told Alex that Jo had lied to him(Chest) about something. But they never explored that storyline.


Despite Meredith fully snapping, which was overdue, because I felt she has spent a long time bottling up certain emotions. I loved all the scenes with her and Alex. I was like its MAgic working together again.


Why are people assuming Mer and Riggs are going to be in a relationship now? One time in a backseat is not the start of a relationship. That was angry sex/one night stand.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Oh wow, do I have some unpopular opinions. I totally understood Meredith on this one, and actually found it to be a great example of how non-linear a process grief can be -- that you think you're fine and the slightest thing can set you off. Her infection analogy was a good one. But I mean, come on -- Owen is selling the trailer for a (dream) house? And then talks in the OR (I think) about how -- albeit jokingly, but still -- it has a room where their kids are going to play?! I mean, all that was missing was a flashback (and maybe -- clearly -- they needed one). I thought Meredith is right -- she wasn't nice about it, but she's right -- if Amelia wasn't her former sister-in-law, she'd be the plot of a horror movie: moves into her house, takes care of her kids, takes her former husband's job, dates her best friend's ex-husband. And now is moving into a new dream house? I don't blame Meredith at all for being affected by that -- especially in light of Owen selling the trailer. It's like Amelia is re-living Meredith's life from however many years ago. I found it very realistic, and was actually glad the show addressed it. There are always things that don't bother you that suddenly seem much worse when seen through the lens of grief.

And I'm all for Meredith/Riggs. I actually think they have great chemistry (for a second chance romance, anyway) -- he's got a Dempsey-lite piercing stare going on. I also don't think he takes Meredith's crap, or he'll give it back to her with both barrels -- which is also what she needs. I will say, however, I'm a little disturbed at how often Shonda et. al. use the "Slap! Slap! Kiss!" trope. I've seen it so much on Scandal that it now actively irritates me. But I foresee a long, angsty road for them, and I'm all for it. It wouldn't be love for Meredith if it wasn't as difficult and painful as possible.

I'll also be the sole person who didn't completely hate Penny, and I also wish she had a nicer send-off with Meredith (but considering what a bad place Meredith was in, maybe that was as good a sendoff as she could've expected). I really liked the Penny storyline as it related to Mer and Amelia. Bye, Penny. Become a badass neurosurgeon and your destiny will be fulfilled.

Finally, for those interested, the closed captioning said Jo's line before "I can't" was "I w--" I want to? I know it'll be a big Grey's-style secret, but is it wrong that I'm kind of hoping she just accepted a cool new job somewhere else and she loves that more than Alex? Hey, since I'm being unpopular, might as well go all out!

They've already kinda done that to Alex with .....Lucy? (Might be different name) The blond OB GYN resident from seasons back when he was thinking of taking Arizona's old Africa job and she took it first. I'd prefer something that hasn't already happened to him. 

I liked Penny so l'll join you on that. Is the actress Sandra Oh? No. But she's a good actress. I feel like the reason most dislike her is the lack of chemistry between her and Sara Ramirez which is a valid complaint on the quality of the show, but not really her fault, it was a casting choice. And at that, Patrick Dempsey's exit was chaotic in a planning sense because Derek wasn’t originally intended to die last season until he pissed Shonda off. Given all the shuffling, I honestly believe that Penny being Callie's new GF was not the original plan when they cast the actress so she was hired for one type of role and ended up in one they didn't originally intend that actress for. All that said, I think we are going to see her in the finale, so hopefully we get a better goodbye scene. 

Re: Meredith / Riggs - it's either gonna be the awkward love triangle with Maggie, or the allegedly dead Owen sister popping up Addison style once they are established as a couple or if Grey's really hates us, both in some order. 

  • Love 1

Apparently Stephanie broke up with Fez because he would always be sick. Or something. Didn't she say that to Jo? Her life as a child was in and out of hospitals and she couldn't be helpless when she knew she could do more but couldn't be allowed because personal relationship. Or something, either way, she's damn annoying. 

I didn't get Mer's hissyfit over Amelia. I remember being on Mer's side when she gave a speech to Amelia last December when Amelia flipped out because Owen's mom confided to Mer about the Riggs secret and Meredith said it wasn't her secret to tell and Amelia started yelling at her and Meredith had every right to yell back. But this week? No.  Telling Amelia that she doesn't make her own choices and steals other people's lives and personalities is kind of messed up. When she said, "you're even starting to act like him now" , it's times like these when I remember that Amelia like Mer lost Derek too and when that happened, Mer disappeared on everyone and likes to think she is the only who suffered/suffers from the loss.  Amelia isn't allowed to have her grief on the situation because of how Mer will react. It was uncalled for. It makes me mad that for Meredith everyone else can't have grief or move on. And her speech didn't make sense at all. I don't even like Owen and Amelia as a couple but is Owen never allowed to move on from Christina? It doesn't make sense. Would Merdith hate any new girlfriend of Owen's?

Riggs and Mer, Riggs had chemistry with all Mer, Maggie, and Amelia. So I know it would be 1 of them who he was paired with. I was leaning towards Maggie, though. I think they would fit better. That scene when he handed her bacon in box was cute. 

  • Love 2

I don't see a problem with Amelia and Owen getting married. They are both working full time jobs as surgeons so they are obviously coping ok with their various issues. People who are recovering from many things marry all the time. In the end, you have to listen to your heart and do what is best for you. Giving up the chance to marry and have children to be alone is a choice too. I understand Meredith being sad but she doesn't have the right to take it out on other people. Amelia does not have her life-she has her own life. Owen is not supposed to be alone for all time because he was once married to Christina. Meredith has been a shrew for some time. 

If i were Alex, I wouldn't have much patience with Jo's hemming and hawing. I really can't stand it when people make vague statements and refuse to say what they mean.Alex is settled into his job and is probably at an age where he wants to get married and have a family. Nothing wrong with that. If Jo is in a different place (or *sigh* has a secret husband) she should just tell Alex the truth.

Liked April and Jackson looking semi-happy. 

  • Love 1

Why can't anyone just passionately kiss when they discover they have an attraction to one another?  Why does it immediately have to go to 'sex'?  What happened to romance?  

Yep.  Arizona got full custody.  No surprise.  Sorry, Callie may have given birth but that's not what a parent is.  Callie screwed herself.  I don't blame Arizona for her actions.  I never hated Penny so I could feel sorry for her.

Mer is just boring, cold and has no insight. 

So Jo is out with Alex.  Will there be a Mer/Alex thing next season?  God.  I hope not.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, ChicksDigScars said:

I am shocked...no, disappointed...in every single one of you, that with all the Friends references in this thread, particularly Phoebe Buffay references, that no one has suggested that Jo is married to a gay ice dancer? 

Someone did!  Look up thread I can't quote two people. Maybe Jo's real name is "Regina Phalange"!

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, ChicksDigScars said:

So disappointed in my scanning skills...I even LOOKED FOR THE WORDS "gay ice dancer" in the replies! How often does one do that?

So, would you say that Jackson and April are still "on a break?"

Yup. They are still on a break. And Owen and Amelia did sort of in a round about way propose to each other, like Monica and Chandler. Is Greys Anatomy FRIENDS in an Alternate Universe way kind of way? 

  • Love 2

I was actively rooting for Fez to die - DIE DIE DIE!!! Isn't that awful? I just couldn't stand his character, or Stephanie's interaction with him. I did not buy for one milisecond that they were each other's Great Loves. Not for a moment. I didn't see one iota of chemistry between them, merely two actors reciting their scripted lines with utterly no warmth, heart, or soul behind them. I didn't buy into them at all. If anything, I was put off. I've actually always sort of liked Stephanie. She's as wacky as any other character, but for the most part, I liked her intelligence and that she seemed relatively grounded. And she seemed to be a decent physician. But this relationship made her irrational - and yes, of course, being in love can do that, but to me, she became irrational in a ridiculous way - such that I wanted to slap the shit out of her most of the time. So you know what? I'm glad he's gone. Please let Stephanie come back to earth and be a somewhat decent character, whether she's in a relationship or not.

Perhaps Jo is married to Owen's sister.

I understand that seeing Derek's former trailer going away was a massive trigger for Meredith, but my god, she said some really shitty things to Amelia. Just flat out nasty and intentionally hurtful. And yup, if this show weren't on ABC, I as a writer would've have had Amelia reply, "Fuck you, fuck your miserable life." 

I couldn't care less about Callie or Penny. 

Edited by Biggie B
  • Love 2
9 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Why can't anyone just passionately kiss when they discover they have an attraction to one another?  Why does it immediately have to go to 'sex'?  What happened to romance?  

Yep.  Arizona got full custody.  No surprise.  Sorry, Callie may have given birth but that's not what a parent is.  Callie screwed herself.  I don't blame Arizona for her actions.  I never hated Penny so I could feel sorry for her.

Mer is just boring, cold and has no insight. 

So Jo is out with Alex.  Will there be a Mer/Alex thing next season?  God.  I hope not.

Between Meredith and Nathan was very passionate, more is not possible. And when passion is in play then are always emotions in the game. They are crazy about each other. I think both are more often have sex with each other.

43 minutes ago, Biggie B said:

Perhaps Jo is married to Owen's sister.

Heeeee hee hee

9 hours ago, thebestcasey said:

 I can't quote two people.

I always use the quote icon that's second in from the left, with the plus sign.  It duplicates the "Reply to x quotes" function from the old format.  Covers the chance of reading something else juicy en route to responding.

(Someone from the Survivor forum was kind enough to tell me how to delete an empty box.  Not intuitive, but we'll get this doped out.)


I think we're forced to spend so much time with Owen and Amelia because they're now the "core couple."  Blerg.  Until Owen needing to self-medicate with a binge drunk and Amelia needing to race away in self-preservation is all just a memory from the past, meaning those vulnerabilities have been thoroughly addressed, slow your damn roll. 

It wouldn't hurt if each explored living alone and drama-free, but that's me.

Don't they seem to be together chiefly for the sake of avoiding their own individual ongoing issues?

Edited by candall
  • Love 3

Quite  unsure what to think of this Meredith/Nathan hook up.

Both actors say it will be only a sexual relationship, none of them want a commitment or serious relationship for the characters. Pompeo said that Riggs is  a super safe guy for an emotionless sexual hook-up and gushes about how much Meredith liked Thorpe and how she fell for him. I fidn it distasteful to have Martin on board just to be Merdith´s f.......g buddy. 

I don´t know, I feel they could have done it in another way.

I do not understand why the writers had Meredith and Nathan sleep with each other. They could have brought Thorpe back and had Nathan be with Maggie in a meaningful relationship. 

I am quite disappointed how Pompeo trashes Nathan as if he were just a piece of meat to serve Meredith´s sexual urges.

Edited by NathanRiggsfan

f i were Alex, I wouldn't have much patience with Jo's hemming and hawing. I really can't stand it when people make vague statements and refuse to say what they mean.Alex is settled into his job and is probably at an age where he wants to get married and have a family. Nothing wrong with that. If Jo is in a different place (or *sigh* has a secret husband) she should just tell Alex the truth.

Part of the problem for me is that when Alex originally proposed, Jo was in the middle of breaking up with him because she felt like he wasn't making her a priority. That was a valid reason, IMO, and then it was all just dropped.  They literally never had a conversation about it ever again.  She took him back and then we got the "ring in the drawer" crap.  I have no idea if she felt that Alex was listening more than he did, or if he started making her more of a priority.  So now, she is being painted as someone who just can't make up her mind and I really don't think that is the case.  She had a valid reason not to accept his proposal before that was never, ever mentioned again.  

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I could care less if Riggs hooks up with Meredith or Maggie, but I think it makes sense for Meredith and Riggs to have a casual, just-sex relationship. They've both lost someone they loved, they're both still kind of screwed up, they're both feeling kind of outsider-y with everyone -- though Meredith obviously is not really an "outsider" like new kid Riggs, the current state of her life, with her post-grief life and everyone else moving on, likely has her feeling somewhat like a square peg. So they have some common bond to draw them to each other. So why not be a new romance? Because neither of them is ready for a real relationship, to open themselves up to someone else, to romance. Meredith could have had that with Thorpe. He was a real possibility, an actual Boyfriend Material guy. She wasn't ready to take that step. But just casual fun with a hot guy she has no interest in actually dating? Sure. Because it's safe and easy. No risk of having still-raw wounds ripped open, of having her heart broken. She's not ready to dive into that world. Presumably Riggs isn't either. And if that's where he's at, it's better than he doesn't get with Maggie. Because that's not her. But it is Meredith, at least where she's at right now. So why not? I don't mind it. The only reason I don't outright support it is because I have almost zero interest in Riggs' character at all. Months of that "He started it, no, he started it" back and forth nonsense with Owen have made me incapable of caring about anything he does.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, thewhiteowl said:

I like Riggs, he's been professional, had really smart and mature things to say and he's been remarkably patient with Owen's nonsense. He is awful cute too, which helps. The soap trope of arguing then kissing was not helpful and the kissing looked more painful than passionate.

I think it is very subjective. Some say it was awkward the way they kissed, some say he was eating her face off, some find it hot and passionate.

1 hour ago, thewhiteowl said:


Edited by NathanRiggsfan
2 hours ago, Chicken Wing said:

I could care less if Riggs hooks up with Meredith or Maggie, but I think it makes sense for Meredith and Riggs to have a casual, just-sex relationship. They've both lost someone they loved, they're both still kind of screwed up, they're both feeling kind of outsider-y with everyone -- though Meredith obviously is not really an "outsider" like new kid Riggs, the current state of her life, with her post-grief life and everyone else moving on, likely has her feeling somewhat like a square peg. So they have some common bond to draw them to each other. So why not be a new romance? Because neither of them is ready for a real relationship, to open themselves up to someone else, to romance. Meredith could have had that with Thorpe. He was a real possibility, an actual Boyfriend Material guy. She wasn't ready to take that step. But just casual fun with a hot guy she has no interest in actually dating? Sure. Because it's safe and easy. No risk of having still-raw wounds ripped open, of having her heart broken. She's not ready to dive into that world. Presumably Riggs isn't either. And if that's where he's at, it's better than he doesn't get with Maggie. Because that's not her. But it is Meredith, at least where she's at right now. So why not? I don't mind it. The only reason I don't outright support it is because I have almost zero interest in Riggs' character at all. Months of that "He started it, no, he started it" back and forth nonsense with Owen have made me incapable of caring about anything he does.

I agree,but where are they to go from here into S13?  What was their hook up about? I mean they could have easily had Meredith hook up with a random guy in a bar for her to have a sexual partner - safe and easy, no strings attached.

I just find it weird to use Riggs for this.

Edited by NathanRiggsfan
3 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

It looked like their faces got into a fight, and I'm pretty sure they both lost.

It seemed like that. A bit clumsy.

Rob Corn directed - a very experienced director, I wonder how much he got what he wanted from the actors in that make-out scene.

I really think they have great chemistry. The banter before the kiss was great, the whole make-out scene could have been better edited.

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  On May 13, 2016 at 10:43 AM, dmc said:

Arizona+ Callie- I hate this whole story line.  First I don't believe there is a chance in hell that Callie would lose custody...that is a Shondaland fantasy but Arizona...I told have any grace to give seriously...what about your affair at work, your being horrible for months when you lost your leg...

Why wouldn't Arizona get custody?  'Cause she's not a "real" mom? Most custody agreements don't allow one parent to take a child out of state without written permission. Affairs don't disqualify you as a fit parent and most people handle the loss of a limb badly.

Umm because Callie isn't a bad parent and she is biological mother. Screwing someone else and breaking up your family is on par with moving to NY to be with your gf. Both of them have made selfish decisions.

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