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S12.E20: Trigger Happy

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Few more points -

If penny's grant is for a year, why callie isn't just taking a leave of absence instead.

Callie said they will move Sofia after the school year, when is that? After 6 months? And if six months are already over then what's the point of leaving?

If she's planning on settling in NY, has she discussed it with penny who might want to complete her residency?

If the school called Arizona, that means she must have been stated as Sofia's mom in Sofia's certificates and boy if that's the case, god she's much calmer than anyone else would have been because callie has already done something illegal.

And why isn't penny her girlfriend making her understand that it's okay if callie stays back in Seattle? It's just a year. Long distance work. Look at Catherine and Richard.

  • Love 2

Was there ever a resolution to the catfishing couple, other than calling security?  If not, this is the second time in recent episodes where a patient gets introduced and then we never get a conclusion.  Last time it was the guy with the hernia.  

I wanted to know as well.


Whatever they are trying to do with Owen/Riggs and Owen/Amelia, it's become a complete fail.  As bad as Callie/Penny.


Huge writers´ failures of this season.

I agree with you here for the most part except that I don't really care much about seeing Meredith's kids and I'm actually interested in seeing the custody battle play out. As most people in this thread have stated, I'm on Arizona's side with this one. Which is saying a lot because I've never been her biggest fan but she has grown on me a lot this season.

I also agree that Maggie's "I love your kids SO much" thing was a bit odd... While I get where they were going with it, I'm not sold. I'm not a mother but I'm a (fantastic) aunt and I do love my nieces and nephews with all my heart and it would be nice for that to be recognised on TV in some way because as another poster said, aunt and uncles don't get that kind of recognition. But it was too over the top from her in this case.



I hope they don't ruin Amelia again. She's gotten a lot less angry and so much quieter now. I really appreciate it.

Also agree that the gun related story was a bit heavy-handed. That first scene REALLY annoyed me when EVERY head of the surgical sub-units was there. SERIOUSLY?!?!? No. Just no. And they know the country that they live in, the stats are not a secret. So why be surprised that you know people who own guns? **sigh** Give me a break. And this is coming from an anti-gun person. It was just not realistic.

All of that aside however, I did like the episode. Some folks aren't fond of Wilmer, and I thought I'd be in that camp but I don't mind him here. I think I sit at a table alone being a Stephanie fan - I actually did like her and Jackson together (he's so yummy!) and I think it did really hurt her when he chose April. So I'm glad to see her moving on. Also love both sides of Mer - crazy and "normal" - and it was nice to see less crazy and more "normal" :)

What I do like is seeing Jackson and April being civil but I'm not hoping for a reconciliation there. I don't think she deserves him. 



I SAW THAT TOO! I was so confused because I could swear that was what it looked like and Amelia's face seemed to change once she saw what he said. But then she wouldn't have left it there, she would've told someone. So maybe we saw wrong. Even after watching your video of the scene again, I'm even more certain he said that he meant to. Which, to me, kinda makes sense because they aren't babies. They're 8 years old. I can't believe they were totally clueless. He also didn't see that upset about the whole situation to be honest. But maybe I am just overthinking it.

I find that scene ridiculous. I wonder who takes care of the other patients in this hospital. All of them packed in one room with one patient and a few of them watching the others like audience.Two cardio surgeons on one patient who does not need their treatment.  I bet there was a patient dying of heart attack and nobody was there to help him.


Also two Cardio surgeons sitting comfortably in the gallery, having nothing to do (although at least Nathan seemed to have come fom somewhere - maybe a surgery or at least he checked on some patients). It seems Maggie had almost nothing to do on her working day only bullying the babysitter and talking about Meredith´s kids. Also she kept staring at the babysitter or the boy for almost endlessly as if she was not the head of cardio who are as I imagine as busy as can be and cannot afford to waste their time at work like this.  The whole Maggie´s storyline was totally odd.The outburst with Meredith was totally misplaced. Or did the actress overact her scenes?


I find the show totally unrealistic most of the time. 

When the patients/relatives bring the best story, I think it is testament to the failure of writers writing for the core characters. At least for me the best part of the episode was the couple who met online. 

I think a better child actor was needed for the shooter.


Oh, and the show suddenly remembered to show Meredith´s kids and how she takes care of them and it is not A melia or Maggie who takes care of them. At least Meredith does her kids ´ hair. That must do. Where was the babysitter in the morning? Or this was their everday routine all the time even when they carpooled?

Edited by NathanRiggsfan
I SAW THAT TOO! I was so confused because I could swear that was what it looked like and Amelia's face seemed to change once she saw what he said. But then she wouldn't have left it there, she would've told someone. So maybe we saw wrong. Even after watching your video of the scene again, I'm even more certain he said that he meant to. Which, to me, kinda makes sense because they aren't babies. They're 8 years old. I can't believe they were totally clueless. He also didn't see that upset about the whole situation to be honest. But maybe I am just overthinking it.


While feigning a sad/crying face, mouth the words "I didn't mean to" in front of a mirror.


I think you're just overthinking it. I didn't see any change in Amelia's face to suggest he said something shocking -- it's clear to me that he's just saying "I didn't mean to" like she told him to say, and she's watching that. And Peter looked plenty upset the whole episode -- terrified and traumatized that he might have killed his friend. I mean, what was he supposed to look like in order to look "upset"? I don't see any reason to think he meant to shoot his friend, and yes, an 8-year-old -- especially one who likely hasn't been taught about gun safety -- absolutely would think it "cool" to get out his mom's gun to show his friend without much thought for the potential consequences. A house in my neighborhood burned down last year because the son was playing with matches. He's 12. Kids can be surprisingly dumb over things one would think are common sense. 

Edited by Chicken Wing
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I couldn't figure out what that kid was silently saying.  I watched it again after reading the commentary here and I still can't really make out what he's saying.  They should have made it more clear, I think.  


It doesn't seem that he would have said "I meant to," though, because Amelia would surely have reacted differently, more dramatically.  Reading the speculation here about him possibly saying that took me back to The Practice, where they occasionally would have some totally unexpected twist at the end.  But the unexpected twist would be made very clear by the expressions on the lawyers' faces.  

  • Love 2

The only possible reason I could see for the entire surgical staff, including all the chiefs, to line up to wait for an emergency admittance is if it was, like, the President or something.  Not a kid in an accidental shooting.  Cuz, that was just ridiculous.


I thought the show had a "Very Special Episode' feel, but small mercies, at least it leaned more toward gun safety than gun control.  This sort of message tv is not my cuppa, but If it influenced even one parent to double check where their gun is, change a combination or empty it and move the bullets to another location, then I can live with it.


I also thought Maggie's little storyine suffered from the message-itis of the show.  Haranguing the sitter seemed a little OOC.  But at least she apologized and asked the girl if anyone had thought to look after her, called her parents.    However the end scene with Meredith kinda cracked me up.  Mainly because it reminded me of this...



And anything that makes me flash on Raising Arizona is a win.


Speaking of Arizona.  I hate that the show is making the whole Callie v. Arizona thing feel so lopsided.  It really is making Callie appear rather thoughtless and kinda dim really. Her motivations to follow Penny and uproot Sofia make no sense.


I liked the Meredith/Steph stuff mainly because it was a nice lighthearted counterpoint to the heavier gun stuff.  Jerrika Hinton does comedy well, she has nice sharp timing, maybe that's why she got tapped to do Shonda's new show?


Even though I sound like I didn't, I actually liked this episode.  Amelia was, for the fourth ep in a row, pretty damned awesome.  Owen still bugged.

I thought Peter was mouthing " Thank You" when I watched the episode the first time.


I loved Meredith teasing Edwards.


And I love the little actress that played Zola, she is different then the one they had the past couple of episodes. This one actually seemed taller than the 3 yr old.


As a childcare worker, who has to be the calm in the storm of custody battles, divorces, mom's night, dad's night, I am really pulling for Sofia to be able to stay in Seattle so her life is not disrupted. How bout the school year is spent with Arizona and Callie gets the summer?

  • Love 1

shonda pushing her gun control agenda. Really dislike this


I strongly dislike how Shonda uses the show for her political / moral / social / racial / religious  agendas of all kinds. The way she does it is to present HER opinion in a preaching way as the ONLY right one. Like you either follow me or you are wrong or stupid.


One on-going agenda is constantly mocking April´s religion. Or that friendships  have a higher level than husband´s and wife´s relationship.Or that mocking men and their bodies is completely fine and justified.  

Edited by NathanRiggsfan
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IMO, pre-Arizona/Calzona, Callie was the butt of most jokes, got the short end of the stick in story lines that she was involved in and stuff was rarely ever told in her point of view. After Arizona came along and they became a couple, Callie found her voice, was strong and walked tall.


This is an interesting point.  The character of Callie has really evolved.  Initially, practically everyone seemed somewhat put off by her. She was a little brazen, they didn't see her as classy.  Remember Derek referred to her as a beer bong.  She had all this untamed hair and Cristina cut a bunch off at some point, leading to the new 'do.  It seemed like the relationship with Mark was maybe the first thing that gave her more social cred. 

I thought the boy was mouthing "thank you" to Amelia For the advice and also because she seemed to be the one person paying attention to him.


My point is why did she need options from a lawyer before she actually discussed it with Callie?  For the most part,these two are on good terms.  I mean I realize part of any show is manufactured drama and there would be no drama if people actually had discussions.  But I thought it was odd that her first step with an attorney even for information.  But I agree that Callie is completely obtuse to even consider a decision like this without getting Arizona's okay. 

I think Arizona needed to consult a lawyer because Callie was refusing to let her have any say in any decision.  When this was pointed out to her, Callie magnanimously went to listen to Arizona but she still wasn't going to let Arizona have any say in it.


I'm not a lawyer but I know while they can make things worse, they can also be very useful when there is a conflict situation.  If nothing else, Callie is now going to have to take Arizona's position seriously.


I find that scene ridiculous. I wonder who takes care of the other patients in this hospital. All of them packed in one room with one patient and a few of them watching the others like audience.Two cardio surgeons on one patient who does not need their treatment.  I bet there was a patient dying of heart attack and nobody was there to help him.


Also two Cardio surgeons sitting comfortably in the gallery, having nothing to do (although at least Nathan seemed to have come fom somewhere - maybe a surgery or at least he checked on some patients). It seems Maggie had almost nothing to do on her working day only bullying the babysitter and talking about Meredith´s kids.

Those really bugged me. It's as if the show can only say THIS IS IMPORTANT if all the working doctors crowd around.


And I've now had it with all the surgeons standing around outside waiting for the ambulance to come in. At first it was acceptable as a way to have the characters talking but it's ridiculous now.  If the paramedics can take care of the patient from the site to the hospital, they can also handle them between the ambulance doors to inside the hospital.


I worked in an ER for a couple of years.  Never once did the doctors stand outside waiting for an ambulance, much less eight of more of them all standing there.


Speaking of guns, there is a petition being signed to allow open carry at the Republican convention.

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I thought the boy was mouthing "thank you" to Amelia For the advice and also because she seemed to be the one person paying attention to him.


I think Arizona needed to consult a lawyer because Callie was refusing to let her have any say in any decision.  When this was pointed out to her, Callie magnanimously went to listen to Arizona but she still wasn't going to let Arizona have any say in it.


I'm not a lawyer but I know while they can make things worse, they can also be very useful when there is a conflict situation.  If nothing else, Callie is now going to have to take Arizona's position seriously.


Those really bugged me. It's as if the show can only say THIS IS IMPORTANT if all the working doctors crowd around.


And I've now had it with all the surgeons standing around outside waiting for the ambulance to come in. At first it was acceptable as a way to have the characters talking but it's ridiculous now.  If the paramedics can take care of the patient from the site to the hospital, they can also handle them between the ambulance doors to inside the hospital.


I worked in an ER for a couple of years.  Never once did the doctors stand outside waiting for an ambulance, much less eight of more of them all standing there.


Speaking of guns, there is a petition being signed to allow open carry at the Republican convention.



The open carry petition has been turned down. NRA meetings are also gun free.

Re: what the child mouthed to Amelia: did anyone watch with closed captioning? I assumed he said, "I didn't mean to," because Amelia had just given him that as a coping mechanism and he was probably really relieved to be able to use it. 


As for Maggie chewing out the babysitter, and then having an emotional meltdown caused by her overwhelming feelings of love for nieces/nephews, I think both situations show how Maggie is perhaps a bit on the spectrum. She's an extraordinarily bright woman (didn't she zoom through her education at a younger-than-usual age?) but she is a bit socially retarded (and I use that word within the following definition: 1. a. The act or process of delaying or impeding. b. The condition of being delayed or impeded. 2. The extent to which something is held back or delayed). As the parent of a young adult who's a high-functioning autistic person, much of Maggie's behavior jumps out at me - she's often unable to gauge people's emotional states, and has trouble dealing with her own emotions. Although she grew up with two parents who apparently loved her deeply, she herself is almost incapacitated by the love she feels for Meredith's children. Perhaps for the first time, she is truly experiencing love and doesn't quite know what it means or how to deal with the way it makes her feel.

  • Love 2

Re: what the child mouthed to Amelia: did anyone watch with closed captioning? I assumed he said, "I didn't mean to," because Amelia had just given him that as a coping mechanism and he was probably really relieved to be able to use it. 


I just checked and they don't have any caption for what he says/mouths. Probably cause there was no actual sound, I guess.

Those really bugged me. It's as if the show can only say THIS IS IMPORTANT if all the working doctors crowd around.


And I've now had it with all the surgeons standing around outside waiting for the ambulance to come in. At first it was acceptable as a way to have the characters talking but it's ridiculous now.  If the paramedics can take care of the patient from the site to the hospital, they can also handle them between the ambulance doors to inside the hospital.


I worked in an ER for a couple of years.  Never once did the doctors stand outside waiting for an ambulance, much less eight of more of them all standing there.  

Those scenes irritate me. They all gathered as if for some kind of sensation as if they had no jobs to do, ridiculous. This show is so far away from any decent reality. 

Edited by NathanRiggsfan

Finally caught up on the show after several months!


I'll be the outlier (or one of them) and say -- while I did think the story was heavyhanded -- I thought the message of the gun story was spot-on. I have less of a problem with adults by themselves owning guns (like Jo), but when children are in the house, I think one is asking for trouble. The mother's "I had it locked up" is such a garbage excuse. If you have kids in the house, I think you're playing with fire. I don't equate it to knives or boiling water at all -- knives and boiling water can't kill you in an instant. The show emphasized the quickness of kids and tied it to how fast guns can kill/maim defenseless people. To me, guns are in an entirely different category of danger to children due to the speed of their ability to kill. Ask the Newtown shooter how fast guns can kill little children.


To say that Shonda is being "preachy" when her show helms an episode whose message is "Keep guns the heck away from kids"? I suppose one person's preachy is another's common freaking sense.

  • Love 4

Callie looked like an excited idiot for most of the episode. That being said, I think it was a mistake for Arizona to go so quickly go to a lawyer. And I am a lawyer! I just think our (lawyers) involvement doesn't always help a situation. When they get to court on this custody issue the first thing the judge is going to do is send them back to try to work it out themselves. Judges hate custody battles as much as tv viewers. You don't need a lawyer to say "cut the shit, Sofia isn't going to New York." If Callie was still insistent after that talk, the it might be time to get a lawyer.

I don't think Arizona felt in a powerful enough position to say that.  Callie is the birth mother and she was whirlwinding through all the decisions as Arizona tried to catch up from the sidelines.


Maybe Arizona should have suggested a mediator first but most people don't think of mediation in situations like that, they jump straight to a lawyer.


As for Maggie chewing out the babysitter, and then having an emotional meltdown caused by her overwhelming feelings of love for nieces/nephews, I think both situations show how Maggie is perhaps a bit on the spectrum.

Most of the adults on this show seem to be.  Meredith in number one place (Ellis' genes?), but also Callie, Arizona, Bailey, Amelia, Owen, Edwards, Jo, April and yes even Jackson.


I guess Alex is the most normal of them all and he had the worst childhood.

  • Love 1

Honestly, I don't think Arizona was jumping the gun by going to a lawyer, because I didn't get the impression that she was immediately taking legal action, like in April's case. I got the impression that she saw how quickly Callie was getting caught up, and knowing her ex-wife, decided to have a conversation with her lawyer to find out exactly what her options would be, in the event that it went down that road. However, she did go to Callie to have the conversation and ONLY when she realised that said conversation wasn't going anywhere (i.e. When she got the call from the school) did she decide to pursue that route, because by that time, it seemed to be the only viable option. Neither of them were really going to budge to be honest. Callie wants Sophia to go to NY and Arizona doesn't. There's no real middle ground there so where else was it going to end up?

Also, people keep asking if Arizona has any legal leg to stand on (no pun intended) but if she didn't, wouldn't her lawyer have pointed that out and told her not to bother? I'm not a lawyer so I'm not exactly sure how that works, so I would like to be enlightened. But I would assume that a lawyer wouldn't take a custody case that they had no chance of winning just for the money...?

The open carry petition has been turned down. NRA meetings are also gun free.

That doesn't seem fair.  If I have to be afraid that someone gets angry at my opinion and may pull out a gun, people at an NRA meeting should be too.


Anita Sarkeesian cancelled her talk at the University of Utah because she received death threats and the university refused to make it gun-free by having attendees check their guns at the door.  Even after death threats.  No one should have to be afraid of being killed for speaking freely. The statistics on gun related deaths by country:  United Kingdom (0.23), Australia (0.93), Germany (1.01) Canada (1.97).  The US is at 10.54 firearm-related deaths per 100,000 population per year, better than South Africa (13.61) but not as good as Mexico (7.64) or Monterrey (8.91).

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I don't see Arizona dropping the gun. At the end of the last episode, I sort of did but she made no mention of seeing a lawyer when they met at the start of this episode so my thinking is she went to see to see her options. And then Callie comes in and says things about how they've found a 2 bedroom apartment already and she's looked at schools. Later on, Arizona gets a call from one of the schools because there's an application? Callie jumped the gun. 

  • Love 3
And I love the little actress that played Zola, she is different then the one they had the past couple of episodes. This one actually seemed taller than the 3 yr old.


Zola was standing on a bench.  That's the same little girl who's been there all season.


I find that scene ridiculous. I wonder who takes care of the other patients in this hospital. All of them packed in one room with one patient and a few of them watching the others like audience.Two cardio surgeons on one patient who does not need their treatment.  I bet there was a patient dying of heart attack and nobody was there to help him.


I was really offended by that scene.  What was I supposed to get from it? That the world stops spinning every time a white child gets shot? I doubt the President would have received the attention that kid did.  Did NO ONE ELSE need any help?  Apparently, if you were an adult or a non-white youth in the Grey-Sloane ER, you were SOL. 


I wish they'd devoted the time they gave Maggie and her "I feel too much" subplot and any scene involved Hunt's raging manpain and given that time to the catfishing story.  It made more sense and was far more entertaining. 

Edited by LydiaMoon1
  • Love 1
I was really offended by that scene.  What was I supposed to get from it? That the world stops spinning every time a white child gets shot? I doubt the President would have received the attention that kid did.  Did NO ONE ELSE need any help?  Apparently, if you were an adult or a non-white youth in the Grey-Sloane ER, you were SOL.


I think it had more to do with it being a child and the episode being a Very Special Episode about guns. All the doctors gathering to help started at the ambulance bay, prior to all but April (who was with the mothers) and Alex (assuming he heard the mothers talking to April) would have believed the child to be white going by the appearance of the mothers. Owen walked up but didn't seem to even notice the women there. There were doctors already outside and others that followed Owen & Alex out.


I can't recall all patients but I'm sure over the years there have been others that had crowds of doctors working on them. It happens every time one of the doctors is injured too. If they aren't in the room they're sitting outside. 


I've always thought it was dumb that surgeons spend their time in the ER. Apparently SGM doesn't have any ER doctors, lol.  It was bad enough when its was interns/residents but now its department heads too.


And, everyone has a 50% change to be SOL at SGM. Its a deadly place for all :)

Edited by windsprints


I was really offended by that scene.  What was I supposed to get from it? That the world stops spinning every time a white child gets shot? I doubt the President would have received the attention that kid did.  Did NO ONE ELSE need any help?  Apparently, if you were an adult or a non-white youth in the Grey-Sloane ER, you were SOL. 

The PSA they SHOULD be doing is the appalling lack of care given at most ER's, including Seattle Grace/Mercy West/Grey Sloan what ever the F they're calling it now.  A couple in our neighborhood adopts foster children, many of them who are disabled.  All of them are black in a very pasty rural town, and we love those kids (they have 6 I think?  They are such super ladies!!!)  One of them was confined to a wheelchair.  Her moms took her to our local hospital.  This isn't a rinky dink small town hospital, it's about 30 minutes away from our town...but it's connected to one of the best children's hospitals in Pennsylvania.  The girl was coughing, and had a high fever.  They asked several times to be taken back because she was feeling worse.  After 5 hours, the girl died in the waiting room...her fever at time of death was 105.  It was 103 when they arrived, but they hadn't reevaluated her once.  

This episode made me SO mad.  It's been 7 years since her death, but her moms live with that pain of watching their daughter die in a hospital waiting room EVERY day.  To see a TV show shove all of these doctors into an ambulance bay was stupid.  They most certainly had something to do.  While it's tragic that a child shot another child....there are REAL people with real problems in every ER, and they count on the doctors to help them.  Physicians should not be so caught up in the drama of it all that they just ignore every other patient in their care.  Idiocy.  Ludicrous writing.  I was waiting for ***SOMEONE*** to say, "This is sad, but get your frigging asses back to work!!!!  There are lives to be saved people!"  

On another note:  I HATED the gun story.  I hate guns.  I grew up with a father who was a card carrying NRA member.  I live in rural PA where hunting is THE state religion.  I remember my father storing his guns in a beautiful gun case with *glass* doors to display them all.  They weren't loaded, but the bullets were in the same cabinet with the guns.  We were taught from a very young age how to shoot (much to my dismay) and how to respect the gun.  The cabinet was always locked, but....glass doors.  

Fast forward to my adulthood...I married a man who isn't a sportsman.  We don't own guns, and I don't allow my children to play at others homes unless I know they A) don't have guns at all  -or-  B) have the guns in a real GUN SAFE (not a locked drawer), and the bullets are locked up separately from the guns.  ...and they have to SHOW me.  The kids have been taught that guns are NEVER to be touched for any reason at all, but KIDS are STUPID!  I have a neighbor a few homes down who keeps a gun (LOADED) on his night stand.  Unlocked.  Sitting out. 

Education is the best defense.  Especially in a state where guns outnumber humans.  The whole concept of "YOU OWN A GUN?!?!?  WHAAAA!!!!!"  Was so annoying.  It came off as ridiculous & "Hollywood" to 80% of the country.  

The whole episode, except Meredith/Steph banter, was so annoying to me...


Edited by Meow25
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I wish they'd devoted the time they gave Maggie and her "I feel too much" subplot and any scene involved Hunt's raging manpain and given that time to the catfishing story.  It made more sense and was far more entertaining. 

1000x this! Both guest actors had wonderful chemistry, I wanted to know what happened to this couple not just Meredith calling the security guard or whatever she did and their story was non-existent after that. This is something that bugs me so much. 

Edited by NathanRiggsfan

I think we assume that Arizona has adopted Callie's daughter but I'm not sure we know 100% so I feel like that's what they're going to throw at us.  

Except the school did call Arizona, which meant Callie must have listed her as a parent, or why else would the school be calling her, as a character witness? lol 


But I do think that's where they're going to take it.. because otherwise it's pretty darn obvious.  If Arizona has legal rights to the child then Callie can't just take her away. Maybe.  I think custody is really complex and confusing depending on all agreements. They aren't just cut and dry.    


I really hope that kid didn't say "I meant to"  that totally changes the story!!  I thought Amelia did look more sad after he said whatever he did though. 

I, too, would have liked to see some resolution to the catfishing story line. And I would not necessarily want a story book happy ending, whereupon both characters realize they are both flawed and love conquers all. I wouldn't have minded seeing them both admit out loud, "Hey, I lied - you lied - we both stretched the truth, and ya know what? That was wrong. But still, you're not the guy/gal for me, and let's just chalk this up to stupid behavior on both our behalves and call it a day." Or something like that. But instead, they just let it go with a whimper.

On 22 april 2016 at 6:29 AM, virginia blue said:

The thing that kills me is that Callie has had great chemistry -- whether romantic or platonic -- with so many characters on this show. Mark, Addison, Teddy, Bailey, Derek, Cristina, Arizona -- she has had great, dynamic, believable relationships with all of them. With Penny, not so much, to put it mildly. Yet we're supposed to believe that she would uproot her daughter and sacrifice her own career for bland, boring Penny? Talk about a letdown.

Right. Callie is the absolute worst right now. I don't get her love story with Penny. What is the appeal? I don't get it. It's so constructed. I remember almost crying when Arizona told Callie she loved her back in S5 or S6, because it felt so deserved. When Penny did the same? I rolled my eyes. That relationship is so devoid of chemistry and depth.

I don't blame Arizona for getting a lawyer. It is clear from Callie's actions that she (subconsciously, I don't know) considers herself to be Sofia's only mother. Like, co-parenting with Arizona has been fine until now but when push comes to shove, she sees herself as Sofia's "real" parent. Otherwise she wouldn't treat Arizona's relationship with Sofia as an afterthought. She seems to think the idea she'd leave Sofia with Arizona preposterous. Anyway, Callie is loaded, she can travel to see Penny as much as she wants. If she and Penny can't make it long distance for a year, their relationship can't be that strong. 

  • Love 2
On 22 april 2016 at 3:56 PM, Chicken Wing said:

I found it horrid that Bailey referred to Penny as "a piece of tail." That's a pretty disgusting term to use. I don't like the character of Penny at all, and I think she and Callie have no chemistry and look and sound completely unnatural together, but that doesn't entitle Penny to be called such a derogatory term. How would Bailey feel if someone called her that?

I'm seriously not liking Bailey lately. Like you, I could care less about Penny or her boring-as-hell relationship with Callie, but Bailey was straight-up rude here. And being aghast that Callie would leave her ortho chief gig here and take a lesser job for the sake of following her girlfriend who's just a resident? I guess we know where she stands if Ben were ever to transfer to a new residency out of state.

Many of the characters on Grey's show elitist tendencies at times, but Bailey is the worst of them all. Remember when she dated a nurse and felt it was beneath her? This is perhaps Baileys worst quality IMO.

On 4/22/2016 at 3:02 PM, GinnyMars said:

I couldn't tell what he was saying.  Did Amelia catch that? 

I thought so. I thought she looked taken aback.

I'm almost doubting myself now, it's so... crazy and, no one has even remarked on it! I clipped and uploaded it here: am I misreading it??

It looks to me that there is some time between the "I" and the "mean/meant," leading me to think it was "I didn't mean to." In other words, the lip movement of "meant" would have been right after the  open mouth of "I" and what I saw was the open mouth "I," a slack jawed/swallowed "didn't" and enunciated mouth movement for "mean to."

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I didn't really have a problem with the Gun rights/control/safety stuff in this episode.  That is until they had the one person with a dissenting opinion decide to change her mind and agree with everyone else.  They should have just left it with Jo's touching backstory and that she feels safer with it.  She wouldn't be a terrible person for feeling that way. 

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