Lisin April 7, 2014 Share April 7, 2014 Alicia and Diane consider merging their firms in the wake of Will's death, even as they find themselves on opposite sides of a contentious divorce suit. Meanwhile, Alicia offers assistance to Finn when it becomes clear that the State's Attorney is looking for a scapegoat in the Jeffrey Grant case. Link to comment
Rhondinella April 9, 2014 Share April 9, 2014 Raise your hand if you're surprised they are already talking merger of the two firms in the wake of Will's death. Anyone? Anyone? Yeah, that's what I thought. 4 Link to comment
bravelittletoaster April 10, 2014 Share April 10, 2014 Which is a bummer cause I've kind of been digging the Florrick Agos post-industrial loft space. 1 Link to comment
merylinkid April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 At least Alicia has finally admitted she like the power of being Mrs. Florrick too much to give it up. But she did NOT have an affair with Will. She was separated from her husband at that time and contemplating divorce. That is not cheating. Thank god someone finally punched Kalinda. I am so sick of her seduce and use technique. She's not that great of an investigator if she can only find out about Damian's clients by stealing a file. And poor Cary stuck with coitus interruptus. David Lee is the kind of family law attorney I hate (disclaimer, I do family law but try not to do the slash and burn technique). Those 2 people need to raise that child together. Having an unnecessary fight is not a good idea. And reduce CHILD SUPPORT? Yeah judges love when you cut the money for the kid. Alimony sure. Less marital property, okay. But don't mess with the child support. But he did have a point about making major decisions while grieving. Too bad he was pushing Diane to make major decisions. 2 Link to comment
Cattitude April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 I don't know if I'm the only one, but I TOTALLY hated that episode. I did not find it a bit entertaining and that thing with Kalinda and Cary...I'm at a loss. Finn(whose name I totally dislike) stopping by Alicia's house going into her bedroom while she is in bed and telling her personal things, just seemed totally unbelievable and forced. Alicia having a melt down cross examining that weird professor, and all the interactions with Peter, I just didn't feel that was authentic at all, and going to the park talking to Graces old friend doing the performance art....totally bizarre. It started out so well with Diane and Alicia getting drunk, and then it just went off the rails for me. To me it was like a totally out of wack episode, I kind of got the feeling it was the writers projecting how they all felt about Tony Scott's death onto the characters. Maybe it was just me, I think I'll just walk into bed throw the covers over me and try to forget I even watched that......... 4 Link to comment
picklesprite April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 Diane won this episode for me, but then she usually does win them. So when does she get her own show? 3 Link to comment
scatteroflight April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 My favourite part of this episode, hands down, was Diane telling David Lee "Fasten your seatbelts. We're heading for a lot of hurt." My second favourite part was Alicia finally being not just pragmatic (which I feel she's always been - to her own detriment), but honest with herself about her relationship with Peter. It's about damn time. The Kalinda stuff eludes me. I understand that she's grieving, but something felt off with her. Link to comment
mrsdalgliesh April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 (edited) As others have said, I'd watch the "Alicia and Diane Drinking" show every night. Other than that, I watched this episode for one thing only -- Alicia and Peter's scene in the kitchen -- and it did not disappoint. Having seen the preview, I wondered how Alicia would respond to Peter's "selfish bitch" accusation -- and thank you, writers/Julianna for that one moment where Alicia considered accepting the criticism. Because she would. But oh hallelujah, she kicked that thought to the curb and sent Peter into the gutter with it. Whoo Hoo!!! About. Damn. Time. ETA: JM did a great job with her collapse. That looked and felt exactly right. Been there, done that -- though without the kids to look in on me. I can't decide if that would have been a good thing or not. Edited April 14, 2014 by mrsdalgliesh 2 Link to comment
picklesprite April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 Crawling under the comforter with all her clothes on was perfect and so real. They nearly undid the sadness, though, with that hilariously dour dialogue on the fake tv show that Alicia was watching. Link to comment
fivestone April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 Loved Diane this episode. Everybody grieves differently, and that's OK, but I appreciate how she's using her grief to propel her forward. David Lee was acting shady, but - though I don't like the way he went about it - I don't blame him for being less than enthusiastic to merging with Florrick/Agos. I mean, sure, Shredder and the Ninja Turtles teamed up when it was time to fight a common enemy. But did the Turtles invite him down to the sewer afterwards for a beer and discussion of a future alliance? Kalinda seems directionless as a character. The writers seem to have no idea what to do with her, really. Such a pity, she could really be a powerful character if they'd let her. I'm an unabashed Peter fan, so for a while I was really pissed with Alicia's attitude toward Peter. I mean, it's one thing if you kick him to the curb for his infidelities, but if you stay you'll stand by him, then stand by him, or get the hell out. But the more I think about it, the more I think Peter is the one who should walk away. He deserves better than Alicia. I'm not saying he's a saint, but ever since the scandal he has been trying to be a better man, a better husband. If that's not enough for Alicia, then fine, but don't string the guy along. Now that he's governor, who cares about the devoted husband angle to win favour? I guess he has his eye on other public office, in which case, having a great relationship with his kids as he does should count for something. I used to like Alicia, but with the way she's been the last couple of seasons, I think Peter could do without her. I love having Chris Noth grace my TV screen, but I hate the way his character is treated. 4 Link to comment
shapeshifter April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 Crawling under the comforter with all her clothes on was perfect and so real. They nearly undid the sadness, though, with that hilariously dour dialogue on the fake tv show that Alicia was watching.What was she watching?? Link to comment
ElectricBoogaloo April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 Count me in for watching the drunk Diane and Alicia show! It was nice to see both of them let their guards down and be honest and be supportive female friends with each other. I thought Alicia's day in bed was a realistic delayed reaction. Often immediately following a death, there is sadness and there are tears but it isn't until the big stuff is over (like the funeral) and it's time to get back to regular life that the overwhelming depression really hits. I loved Cary's genuince concern for her when she showed up at LG and his continued befuddlement at her behavior (I think both Cary and I supported her decision not to take the Grant case). Is there any way that Alicia could get in trouble fo telling Finn to watch his back? Although I'm tired of Kalinda's magical vagina, I'm glad we got to see some emotion from her when she went to see Cary. Man, poor Cary. He is getting the emotional shaft at work AND at home. And if her magical vagina was what we needed to finally rid ourselves of Damian, so be it. I'm just glad that guy is finally gone. Link to comment
fastiller April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 What was she watching??~ ~ shapeshifter Tru Detektive, or something like that. (She & the daughter watched part of an episode of it a few weeks back.) 2 Link to comment
SassySenior April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 ENOUGH !!!!! Please let last night be the final time we have to experience Kalinda's overpowering sexuality! 6 Link to comment
ApathyMonger April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 Tru Detektive, or something like that. (She & the daughter watched part of an episode of it a few weeks back.) If it's the same show she was watching a few weeks ago, it's called "Darkness at Noon," which is probably a play on Low Winter Sun. 2 Link to comment
mrsdalgliesh April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 And if her magical vagina was what we needed to finally rid ourselves of Damian, so be it. I'm just glad that guy is finally gone. Oh my, yes. That's the second time the Kings have failed in setting up a foil for Kalinda. Although I appreciate the fact that when something's not working, they admit it, I wish -- like everyone here -- that they could figure out what to do with their most interesting character. My idea? Have her fall for a good person -- someone with a functioning moral compass, but also someone who does not judge. Kalinda wouldn't know what the hell to do with someone like that. The magical vagina would be useless and we'd have to see other sides of her. Link to comment
Tara Ariano April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 I wrote about how this episode made Alicia interesting to me for maybe the first time. 1 Link to comment
fastiller April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 Thank you ApathyMonger for the correction. I knew it was some premium cable show. Link to comment
mbutterfly April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 I wrote about how this episode made Alicia interesting to me for maybe the first time. I surely appreciate your blog here. I agree. As soon as I saw Finn was a permanent cast member, I looked at him as a future romantic relationship for Alicia. Then when they so slyly keep his left hand covered just enough to hide a ring, I though hmmm. Finn is a very attractive character in so many ways. Now that Alicia has made this pact with Peter, she's got to be headed toward emotional conflict about the pact. I see that conflict carrying the name of Finn, but I hope it happens really, really slowly. Link to comment
Inquisitionist April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 The top two attorneys from each of two firms in court for a divorce hearing? Yeah, right. Link to comment
milkyaqua April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 Yeah, I don't see how Peter is the victim here. Frankly, Alicia said what I think a certain amount of us had already been thinking. She's still with him because being Mrs. Florrick works for her career-wise. I've wanted them to get a divorce for the longest time but hopefully Peter will take the hint and start the process. I figure he's got a enough time to divorce Alicia and find someone new if and I'm pretty sure he wants to seek higher office. Peter doesn't really seem to want a wife that's that independent anyway. I'm more interested in how Eli is going to react.I didn't think Alicia breaking down for the day was that big of a deal. Blowing off Finn was tacky of her but she seemed to be pulling herself out of it and then Peter shows up...I don't believe they are setting up Finn as a love interest for Alicia. At least that's not how the King's said they were setting up his character (but who can believe them?). He's basically supposed to act as a friend to Alicia which we all know she needs since JM has said that Kalicia is dead. I do think that Finn probably will be leaving the SA's office though. They also seem to be setting up John Leguizamo's appearance.Speaking of Kalinda, I'm glad she got rid of Damian and now more than likely cop girl. I also tend to think that Kalinda was prepared for retaliation which is why she didn't react to being slapped.Loved drunk Diane and Alicia. Though I agree that the merger talk was silly especially without Alicia discussing it with Cary. I don't know what's going on with David Lee unless he's trying to take over LG for himself. Link to comment
TVAddict April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 The scenes with Alicia and Diane in the bar from start to finish made me wish that I could have been there with them. It was perfection all the way through. Christine Baransky really does play the best affluent lush ever and now I know that Juliana M is second best! But the whole time they were talking, I was worried about their level of discretion and the possibility of them being overheard. Turns out that concern was warranted. Now Alicia has had her breakdown day. I guess we have to wait to see Kalinda's meltdown. It seems near. As for Peter, I'm glad that Alicia finally got to have her kitchen moment with him. Those words had been hiding beneath the surface for far too long and it was great to hear them out loud. Yay, Alicia, for letting it all out! Link to comment
picklesprite April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 I'm confused. Was it a fake tv show she was watching, or is it a real detective show parody that plays on cable? And if it isn't a real parody, it should be. I was worried the kids were in the apartment when Alicia and Peter were yelling at each other. I wish JM would change her mind about Kalicia. Alicia needs to forgive Kalinda, and allow them to bond again over drinks and their mutual contempt for Peter. K. didn't even know Alicia back then, as I recall. Which still makes her a woman who sleeps with other women's husbands (or wives), but K. would never have done it if she'd been friends with A at that time. I think. They need each other as friends. More important, WE need them as friends, and it is, in the final fan analysis, all about us. Or about me, at least. I miss them. Link to comment
cheyz April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 I liked the kids' reaction: "Mom's sick, get the Nyquil and hot tea!" Does anyone think they called Peter? 3 Link to comment
photo fox April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 Honestly, I don't think I really miss Kalinda and Alicia's friendship, although I do think it's odd that they never interact. (I understand JM's opinion that they would never be friends again, but that doesn't preclude them ever having a conversation, does it? Up until a few months ago, they worked at the same firm. They both frequent the same places and interact with the same small group of people constantly, but they never bump into each other? That wouldn't happen.) What I do miss is Kalinda. The old Kalinda, who was awesome and was an actual character in her own right. It seems like they don't know where they want to go with her. Maybe that's deliberate, and this is all going somewhere? I hope so. Because right now it seems like she's just floating out there, until they need a piece of evidence to magically appear. 2 Link to comment
Ticketyboo April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 I like how this episode started, and I hope it's an indicator of what's to come. Diane and Alicia are now free of The Man in their professional lives (albeit tragically and involuntarily) and I want to see what they do next. Although I loved Diane's courtship and marriage, I'm not as interested in the romantic entanglements of Diane and Alicia as I may have been in the past. Maybe I've been watching too much "Call the Midwife" lately, but I really want to see women be interesting on television without having a romance be the reason why. Women can have friendships! And careers! And not fall into bed with every man they happen to like and is decent to them! (which is why I do NOT want to see a Finn/Alicia pairing. Sure, she has a good relationship with Cary, but I don't know that they're friends. Alicia needs a friend; after the Kalinda betrayal, I don't think she has one. That could be a really interesting thing to explore.) That's also why I liked the kitchen scene so much. Peter just assumed that when Alicia said he could sleep with other women it's because SHE wants to be free to sleep with someone. I think Alicia just wants to be free, and when he said that the look of disgust on her face said it all. 1 Link to comment
zmeliz April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 Loved the Diane &Alicia scene, but the merger talk is out of the blue. I would love to see two women at the top, but where would that leave Cary? I mean, if Alicia sells him out too, then she is totally untrustworthy imo. Because there is no way that his name would be next to Diane's and Alicia's Same with Peter: great scene, but, even as a major Will fan, I thought that Peter was out of character: when he reffered to "her friend", when he asked if she wanted to sleep around. I hated Peter since day 1, but it was never this easy, it was usually grey, never black/white. He knows about Will and he was feeling threatened by him, and he's smart enough to know not to open that door in that precise moment. A bit of a more subtle manipulation "I am here because I love you" crap would've been better, to suffocate her with "no demands" because "we'll get through" aka "you'll get back to normal" stuff. Link to comment
ShellSeeker April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 I'm an unabashed Peter fan, so for a while I was really pissed with Alicia's attitude toward Peter. I mean, it's one thing if you kick him to the curb for his infidelities, but if you stay you'll stand by him, then stand by him, or get the hell out. But the more I think about it, the more I think Peter is the one who should walk away. He deserves better than Alicia. I'm not saying he's a saint, but ever since the scandal he has been trying to be a better man, a better husband. If that's not enough for Alicia, then fine, but don't string the guy along. I agree. I thought Alicia bringing that up the way she did was pretty weak. It was like a relationship "don't" straight out of Cosmo: don't bring up the past during a fight. It would have been much more honest for her to just tell the truth: that Will's death opened her eyes to a few things, and one of them was that she tried for a long time to get past Peter's infidelities, and had even convinced herself that she had, but now she realizes that she'd just been fooling herself. Then she could have told him that it was professionally beneficial for them both to stay married, but that it would be better for them to live apart. I am really tired of the whole Kalinda as the femme fatale schtick. That used to be one of the ways that she got what she wanted, but now it's like that's the only thing she has left in her bag of tricks. 2 Link to comment
merylinkid April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 The nyquil thing bothered me. Not that the kids offered it, but how they said it. "I'll get you A nyquil." I know it comes in pill form, but don't most people take the liquid form? I know I do so I can chug it until I pass out (half kidding). 1 Link to comment
KarenClassic April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 Crawling under the comforter with all her clothes on was perfect and so real. I really liked this scene as well, it felt real to me too- even watching endless hours of television you never cared about before.. However, as a frequent migraine sufferer I was sad she was in her suit for so long. I kept thinking that I can get from the door to pjs and in bed in about 45 seconds when I need to. However, Alicia is an amateur since she never breaks down like this. 2 Link to comment
shapeshifter April 15, 2014 Share April 15, 2014 If it's the same show she was watching a few weeks ago, it's called "Darkness at Noon," which is probably a play on Low Winter Sun.Whew! I thought I was losing it. If it was True Detective, I should have recognized it. But do you mean they made scenes from a fake show for this episode? Link to comment
CleoCaesar April 15, 2014 Share April 15, 2014 Kalinda's Genitals of Wonder at work again (blue balls and slaps may result): Over it. Over Kalinda and her stupid leather outfits and whore boots. Over the dumb techno music that always seems to accompany her alleged badassery. I used to mourn the Kalinda/Alicia friendship but now I wonder why, given that I'm not fond of either party anymore. On the bright side, Christine Baranski continues to be a gem and Dianne and Alicia's drunk scene was terrific. I'm a Matthew Goode fangirl so I like Finn, fake American accent and all. 3 Link to comment
beeble April 15, 2014 Share April 15, 2014 I missed Eli Gold this episode. All of these fights and no Eli to break them up. And there was not nearly enough Cary. Finn is adorable, and he is welcome to come and talk to me when I'm curled up in bed having a breakdown, but not as much as Cary would be. I see that Grace has figured out that when it comes to her mom's pain, the Bible has nothing on OTC pharmaceuticals. The Alicia/Peter relationship has become crazy cynical. Not that these things don't happen in reality, but I don't think it would be consistent with Alicia's character to stay married to a man she doesn't love, just for financial reasons. She's a practical character, at heart, and I can't see the writers turning her into a hard-bitten, resentful political spouse. Of course, more of Peter would mean more of Eli, and Eli is one of my favorite things ever (see first line). Link to comment
zmeliz April 15, 2014 Share April 15, 2014 I think Alicia just wants to be free, and when he said that the look of disgust on her face said it all. Excellent acting by JM in that scene, btw. And everywhere else. Link to comment
Beth64 April 15, 2014 Share April 15, 2014 I'm not sure how Alicia thinks they'll keep up happily married appearances living completely separately. I like Peter (probably because of Big) and I'm not happy about this. Or, at least how it went down. 1 Link to comment
ApathyMonger April 15, 2014 Share April 15, 2014 I'm not sure how Alicia thinks they'll keep up happily married appearances living completely separately. Isn't Peter supposed to be spening most of his time in Springfield anyway? Link to comment
possibilities April 15, 2014 Share April 15, 2014 I thought NyQuil was for people who can't sleep, not people who can't wake up. Link to comment
PhiloTV April 15, 2014 Share April 15, 2014 I am curious about a special effect that appeared during the two Kalinda sex scenes. For a few frames in each, we were presented with the image of an undulating red blob. It reminded me of the effects used to dramatize disease processes in House, but it didn't appear to be recognizable tissue and didn't really do anything but undulate. What is this thing: spider venom? Carnality Incarnate? an impending stroke? an STD? What? Thanks. Link to comment
possibilities April 15, 2014 Share April 15, 2014 I thought she was having flashbacks to the blood spatter in the courtroom where Will was killed. 1 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule April 15, 2014 Share April 15, 2014 I thought NyQuil was for people who can't sleep, not people who can't wake up. You're thinking of ZQuil. Nyquil is really for when you have the flu or are sick, congested, runny nose, headache, fever so you can rest medicine. 1 Link to comment
picklesprite April 15, 2014 Share April 15, 2014 The blood splatters that Kalinda saw confused me. Did she pull back from Cary because she was so upset by Will's death that sex (even to Kalinda!) felt distasteful? Or because the visions made her feel compelled to keep on investigating it, so she felt she had to leave right that minute? Did she, in that moment, get the idea to use the cop, instead, to get information? Did the blood make her realize she was only using Cary to distract herself from her grief? When she was with the cop, she seemed to be enjoying the sex. But then she hopped out of bed to grab the file, as if that's what she was there for, all along--the file that just happened to be conveniently hanging around for her to find. So much seems slapdash to me now, instead of tightly constructed, but I suppose that could be an appropriate portrayal of shock and grief, too. Link to comment
BusyOctober April 15, 2014 Share April 15, 2014 I don't see why Peter and Alicia stay married (other than the title of the show). Why is divorce such a taboo in politics? Is it based on religious or morality reasons? I don't understand the logic. As mentioned above, state and federal offices have been won by people with far more disturbing morality issues than splitting up with their spouse. A candidate can have drunk driving records, admit to affairs, or drug use or gambling problems, and some have even been convicted of crimes. As a voter if I had the choice between a candidate who got divorced vs. another with a sketchy criminal or near-criminal record. Gambling, drugs, sex tapes or OUI's are (to me) examples of bad decision making and I'd have a harder time putting my fiduciary trust in that person over someone who just didn't get along w/ their spouse anymore. When Kalinda was looking through Will's "work stuff" boxes, who was the little kid in the photos she found? Was that supposed to be Will? Or a nephew/niece? If it was, why wouldn't his family keep the pictures? And speaking of Kalinda, we get it CBS. She's super sexy! She's (OMG!) bisexual! If you want to portray her as dating or in a relationship people of either gender, great. But give her more depth in that arena. It's getting offensive that Kalinda is shown using sex as a weapon all the time. I also am finding it hard to believe that every person who walks within 10 feet of her is instantly trapped in her orbit. She is attractive but come on. Kalinda is like Sarah Braverman on Parenthood...EVERY man falls instantly in love/lust with them. 4 Link to comment
Cattitude April 15, 2014 Share April 15, 2014 (edited) One reason I found the whole thing so wack was b/c the whole show is built on Alicia handling major grief and loss. We've seen her do it before and while I don't dispute that there are many ways to handle grief the SAME PERSON handles major loss and grief the same. This is NOT how Alicia handles loss. It is like the show was trying to tell me losing Will was a bigger loss to Alicia than losing her whole dream life and finding herself alone with a husand in prison after public scandal of infidelity dropped on her with no money or job. I'm sorry but I SAW how she treated Will, I don't buy her love for him out weighed her grief and loss we saw when she first came on scene. I also didn't get her projection onto Peter her anger at herself. We also SAW her chose Peter after he came back and was reformed(for Peter). She made her choice happily. Now to try and turn it around on him, that was also wack. I always wanted Alicia with Will, but I also LIKE Peter. I truely think Peter regrets his past and does love Alicia. I think he was under the impression that she chose him, I think he was very blindsided by her outburst. I just didn't get where she was coming from at all. I don't think Peter IS staying married to her for polictical reasons, I mean the man went from prison to the governor, I don't think a little divorce would be something he couldn't overcome. I think she is a selfish bitch like Peter said and being married to him means something to her politically not him. The Kalinda stuff was just purely for shock is all I could get out of that. The way she uses Cary just grates on me. I want Cary to get a decent love interest. I really like his character and would like to see him more. I think the showing of her seeing Will shot in her mind and realizing she couldn't use Cary like that was meant to show she cares too much for him but it was poorly done. I think she did enjoy sex with PJCop b/c it was meaningless escape for her. I think it was meant to show she couldn't use Cary for meaningless escape. Whatever show. Edited April 15, 2014 by Cattitude 2 Link to comment
webruce April 15, 2014 Share April 15, 2014 (edited) It looked good at first Alicia and Diane working together. Then at the trial Lockhart/Gardner didn't play nice and Alicia got upset. But husband Asher Mercer caught his wife Carol on the nanny cam and used it. But David Lee was pushing that. David and Diane aren't agreeing. Nice to have Kalinda get one up on Damien Boyle. Lover Jenna Villette wasn't to happy Kalinda got information from her. She will now probably loose her and also couldn't perform with Cary. Must have been she was thinking of Will? Finn being questioned my States Attorney James Castro about the Jeffrey Grant case. Seems he wants to pin problems on Finn? Alicia finally had a break down. Then after Finn Polmar stopped to see her, she had a blow out with Peter. So for public appearances wise they will be together, but not other then that. David Lee called Louis Canning to join firm. Problems coming up. fanforum, I'm feeling that Alicia is so grief stricken over Will's death that she entertains reuniting with a also grief stricken Diane. Even though in a regular state of mind she would not. And at the Divorce trial David Lee insisting on using the nanny cam footage to discredit the wife, Carol, proved that to her. That is why when she stormed out of court she told Diane about the L/G tricks. And later when laying in bed and Grace told her Diane had called she put her off. The argument with Peter was built up tension. He commenting about Finn visiting and hoe she must have someone in mind was hurtful, but her telling him that her cheating meant something and because his didn't and he did it wrong hurt him. But again I don't think in a regular state of mind that Alicia would have said all that. Peter had been trying to console her since Will died. They both may regret that talk when they get more back to normal. And lastly the Alicia and Finn Polmar getting close is I believe they both feel sorry for each other. Alicia for Finn because at first she wanted to know if he knew about Wills last message to her, she also seems to see that he is having a problem with it, and now his boss is trying to use him as a scape goat. Alicia may also be looking to get Finn to join Florrick-Agos? I believe Finn feels bad for her because she was close to Will. They may get closer and end up dating a couple times. But when the "Will Grieving" begins to wear off they may find they don't have much in common. Where is Dianes husband, Kurt McVeigh? He didn't even go to the Funeral. We haven't seen him around to consol her. Also didn't Louis Canning have Patti Nyholm as his partner? They tried to take over when L/G had financial problems. Edited April 15, 2014 by webruce Link to comment
whatsatool April 15, 2014 Share April 15, 2014 I agree either get Peter back in play (love Chris Noth) or make the Good Wife about Diane 1 Link to comment
Boundary April 16, 2014 Share April 16, 2014 Well, Peter should tell her she can't have her cake and eat it, he has to walk away. Can he survive politically? If he explains how he tried to apologise to his wife and make up for his mistakes but neither were enough, then the electorate can forgive him. What they won't forgive is the double speak, the deceit of a sham marriage and that has the potential to be more of a scandal than the one that launched this show. Link to comment
photo fox April 16, 2014 Share April 16, 2014 This is Illinois. We'll forgive anything, frankly. Loved the Diane &Alicia scene, but the merger talk is out of the blue. I would love to see two women at the top, but where would that leave Cary? I mean, if Alicia sells him out too, then she is totally untrustworthy imo. Because there is no way that his name would be next to Diane's and Alicia's. This. So much this. Alicia wouldn't have a firm to merge if not for Cary, and it really pissed me off that she didn't even consider him. I can get that she wouldn't think of him in that moment with Diane, but she deliberately kept it from him for the rest of the episode. She even made him look like a fool (in my opinion!) in front of their client, in the name of peacekeeping with LG, and then left him hanging as to why. 4 Link to comment
CleoCaesar April 16, 2014 Share April 16, 2014 Loved the Diane &Alicia scene, but the merger talk is out of the blue. I would love to see two women at the top, but where would that leave Cary? I mean, if Alicia sells him out too, then she is totally untrustworthy imo. Because there is no way that his name would be next to Diane's and Alicia's. I'm not disagreeing, but why do you think it wouldn't be Lockhart, Florrick, and Agos, LLC? Link to comment
Jipijapa April 16, 2014 Share April 16, 2014 I was forced to watch this episode in two parts (back to front!) because of the stupid CBS delay AGAIN. (I fast-forwarded through the Kalinda sex.) What plotline are they setting up with Finn and Castro? (Because Michael Cerveris is going to be back on the show a couple of times.) I couldn't quite follow what was going on. I really hope Finn isn't going to be Alicia's next love interest... I think he's kind of a drip, to be honest. Link to comment
photo fox April 16, 2014 Share April 16, 2014 I'm not disagreeing, but why do you think it wouldn't be Lockhart, Florrick, and Agos, LLC? Cleo, you didn't ask me, but I'm going to answer anyway. ;) I don't think they'll include Cary because they didn't include Cary. Not once did Alicia say, "I'll speak to Cary," even though he's her partner. Not once did Diane say, "go ahead and run this past Cary," even though she's been presented as his mentor. In the days that followed, Alicia never sought Cary out to discuss the idea. In fact, when she cut him off in the meeting with their client, and he mentioned it to her afterward, she deliberately avoided his not-so-subtle questioning. This even despite the fact that he was being very caring and protective of her throughout the episode. I really hope Finn isn't going to be Alicia's next love interest... I pretty much assume this is inevitable. 1 Link to comment
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