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"Oh HELL No!": TV Moments That Make You Irate

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Here's another semi-oldie but baddie: I'd watched the original so I tried to give Degrassi: TNG a chance but had to bail out after a few years. It had a lot of 'Oh HELL No!' moments (including the show's attempts to sanctify an  Rick the Abuser and Near-Manslaughterer of Terri by pretending he had been always on the wrong end of a one-way street of being bullied before he came armed to take down as many targets as possible  then shot and crippled Jimmy before being shot himself while Sean wrestled him for the gun) but one of the worst and lingering had to do with what got termed 'JT's Little Problem'.


 OK, JT the Cut-Up decided to mug it up at Liberty's hot tub party by using her parents' ironing board to try to dive in the hot tub in front of her, his current girlfriend Manny and best pal Toby but before he actually dove in, her previously unseen/unmentioned kid brother Danny opted to pull the air of JT's tires by yanking down JT's swimming trunks. What happened next was infuriating enough but not compared to the aftermath. Immediately, his best pal laughed at JT's anatomy calling it a 'stack of dimes' while his girlfriend Manny and hostess Liberty also laughed and stared at his dimensions and did nothing to discourage Danny's derision. OK, first of all, for all of Toby's many declarations of being JT's bestie, that was downright snotty of Toby to have done that. I would have thought that Manny and Liberty would have attempted to avert their eyes (like many girls would have) instead of staring and joining the derision and I would have hoped that Manny (his then girlfriend) would have said something to try to encourage JT not to feel bad about himself and that Liberty would have attempted to tell Danny that this was a rotten way to treat a houseguest. But, no they kept up this derision not just for the duration of the party itself but a long time thereafter. Danny kept taunting JT with devises to correct the issue (but no one questioned why he should be so obsessed with another guy's anatomy- much less his sister's friend's).  And JT didn't do more than just sullenly accept those disses instead of attempted to call any of them on said disses. Even after Liberty started dating then bore JT's child, she NEVER apologized for her earlier shabby treatment of him- nor did anyone else from the party. They all literally let him die without having apologized nor did any of them express regrets for their mistreatment of him even after his senseless shooting death. 

 Would any viewer have thought this sort of treatment had been funny or clever (instead of strictly cruel and snotty) had a flat-chested girl or someone with keloid scars had been depicted eviscerated in this way? And was anyone surprised that JT's performer Ryan Cooley soon left the show even though it meant his character died after this?

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On 2/5/2021 at 11:00 AM, Blergh said:

Would any viewer have thought this sort of treatment had been funny or clever (instead of strictly cruel and snotty) had a flat-chested girl or someone with keloid scars had been depicted eviscerated in this way? And was anyone surprised that JT's performer Ryan Cooley soon left the show even though it meant his character died after this?

I agree!  If it had been a woman, all sorts of women's groups would have been very vocal over such a thing!  Making fun of guys seems to be the thing to do in so called "comedies" these days.  

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On 1/2/2021 at 4:22 PM, Bastet said:

I don't care what it technically was or wasn't when he did that, it was gross, and Rachel was not out of line for finding it something she couldn't get past.  They were awful for each other - and Ross would be awful for anyone - and the idea that the "happy ending" was for her to give up a career-changing job in Paris to stay with his whiny ass makes me angry umpteen years after not even watching the finale to begin with.  But back in that moment, I'm not mad at Rachel for being hurt by his actions and his cover-up attempt.

I love the rest of the finale, but "I got off the plane" wasn't a great moment at all. She just flushes away this once-in-a-lifetime job just so she can stay with a man that clearly doesn't respect her as a person and how they both sniped at each other's asses?! NOT!

Monica/Chandler forever. They actually had a relationship that was bearable to watch. Ross/Rachel suck. And don't even get me started on the mistake that was Rachel/Joey. At least they had some chemistry with each other, tho.

Edited by Kawaiiko
  • Love 14
21 minutes ago, Kawaiiko said:

I love the rest of the finale, but "I got off the plane" wasn't a great moment at all. She just flushes away this once-in-a-lifetime job just so she can stay with a man that clearly doesn't respect her as a person and how they both sniped at each other's asses?! NOT!

Monica/Chandler forever. They actually had a relationship that was bearable to watch. Ross/Rachel suck. And don't even get me started on the mistake that was Rachel/Joey. At least they had some chemistry with each other, tho.

I didn't have the same hate for Ross - his best relationship was with Emily until he said Rachel's name during their wedding, but agree Ross and Rachel should have stayed broken up and Rachel should have gone to Paris. I feel Ross asking Rachel to stay in the finale undid a lot of character growth that he went through when he convinced her to take the Paris job even though he had done everything he could to get her old job back, because he saw how happy that job offer made her. 

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Six moments in The Falcon & The Winter Soldier that really pissed me off: when Sam & his sister Sarah were denied a small business loan despite Sam's being an Avenger who helped save the whole fucking universe hearing Isiah Bradley's heartbreaking story, in which his heroism not only got him imprisoned for 30 years, he was tortured, experimented on and exploited, never getting the credit not the respect he deserves; immediately after talking to Isiah, Sam and Bucky argued about him, only for Sam to be harassed by the cops who only back off because he's famous-and very politely arrested Bucky (their actual target) like the ignorant, racist pigs they are.

The other moments were when Karli the terrorist murdered innocent people just to prove a point and threatened Sam's family-including two young nephews-just to prove another point.

Then there's John Walker, aka "Dollar Store Captain America," who not only shows up where/when he's not wanted, 9 times out of 10, he sucks, like when he barged in just when Sam was getting through to Karli, when he tried to fight the Dora Milaje and got his ass kicked and worst of all, when he committed cold-blooded murder in public, which the real Captain America never did. As far as I'm concerned, John Walker's not "America's Ass,"; he's America's Asshole.

Edited by DollEyes
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13 hours ago, DollEyes said:

The other moments were when Karli the terrorist murdered innocent people just to prove a point and threatened Sam's family-including two young nephews-just to prove another point.

If I had any sympathy left for Karli after she blew up the building and killed those people without a backward glance, it was gone when Sam pointed out how she killed said people and her response was, “They weren’t innocent, they were roadblocks in my journey and I’d kill them again if I had to” then had the nerve to backtrack with the “No, that’s not fair, I didn’t mean it like that, you’re twisting my words around!” bullshit. Honey, you said it, not Sam.

Also even if she was in shock over “accidentally” killing Lemar, she still stood by and watched while Dollar Store Cap killed her friend without even trying to save him.

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On 4/9/2021 at 3:00 PM, DollEyes said:

Six moments in The Falcon & The Winter Soldier that really pissed me off: when Sam & his sister Sarah were denied a small business loan despite Sam's being an Avenger who helped save the whole fucking universe hearing Isiah Bradley's heartbreaking story, in which his heroism not only got him imprisoned for 30 years, he was tortured, experimented on and exploited, never getting the credit not the respect he deserves; immediately after talking to Isiah, Sam and Bucky argued about him, only for Sam to be harassed by the cops who only back off because he's famous-and very politely arrested Bucky (their actual target) like the ignorant, racist pigs they are.

None of this made sense story wise.  Sam and the other Avengers are essentially celebrities in this universe.  They saved the world, they brought back the people Thanos made disappear.  Everyone on Earth (and maybe a few other planets) should know who they are.  They would never be treated that way.  I also have issues with the fact that Sam would need money anyway.  He was ex military (he had benefits, etc.), he was an Avenger (being one of Stark's crew would carry advantages like a generous stipend and other needs).  According to one of my favorite Youtubers, it also helped signal a big loss of viewers. 

This show is making me spit acid it's so ridiculous.

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1 hour ago, kariyaki said:

What about Sharon Carter still being a fugitive? Everybody else who helped Cap has been forgiven and reinstated and she still can’t even call her dad for fear of getting thrown in the pokey?

Apparently Steve was in too much of a rush to time travel back to Peggy to give a thought to her grandniece. And you can thank the Russos for that.


2 hours ago, magicdog said:

None of this made sense story wise.  Sam and the other Avengers are essentially celebrities in this universe.  They saved the world, they brought back the people Thanos made disappear.  Everyone on Earth (and maybe a few other planets) should know who they are.  They would never be treated that way. 

There have been plenty of Black celebrities and politicians who were treated that way by the police until they recognized who they were. So sadly I didn’t find that scene that unrealistic. 

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3 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Apparently Steve was in too much of a rush to time travel back to Peggy to give a thought to her grandniece. And you can thank the Russos for that.

Oh, I don’t care about Steve’s time traveling, I’m just talking about how present day authorities apparently still have Sharon on their most wanted list while Sam and Bucky are free as birds.

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My point is that if she's on an undercover assignment then that points to her not being forgotten. I agree that it would be massively out of character for Steve and Natasha to go on the run for two years pre-Infinity War and forget all about Sharon. Sharon turning out to be on an undercover assignment would point to her being found and reinstated. Her bosses would just be using her actions in Civil War as part of her cover. A rogue agent who is bitter about getting left behind and having to make her own way in a hive of scum and villainy like Madripoor is a valuable cover for an agent of the CIA/whatever MCU agency to have.

I have no idea if this will turn out to be true and Sharon's story between Civil War and this show may be exactly as we've been told. If so I'll be joining those who are upset on her behalf. But Sharon was an agent with Shield and then the CIA before she broke ranks to help Team Steve. We first met her when she was undercover as Steve's neighbor. It's not a stretch to speculate that she may be back in her previous job on an assignment that resulted in crossing paths with Sam and Bucky.

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6 hours ago, magicdog said:

None of this made sense story wise.  Sam and the other Avengers are essentially celebrities in this universe.  They saved the world, they brought back the people Thanos made disappear.  Everyone on Earth (and maybe a few other planets) should know who they are.  They would never be treated that way.  I also have issues with the fact that Sam would need money anyway.  He was ex military (he had benefits, etc.), he was an Avenger (being one of Stark's crew would carry advantages like a generous stipend and other needs).  According to one of my favorite Youtubers, it also helped signal a big loss of viewers. 

This show is making me spit acid it's so ridiculous.

Although the show's far-fetched on some levels, the racism that Sam and Isiah Bradley experienced is unfortunately all too real and IMO the show deserves major props for discussing it. Those who don't like it are entitled to their opinions, but I'm so tired of those jerks who expect shows/movies to either tiptoe around or completely avoid issues of race altogether just because it hurts their feelings or accuses them of so-called "wokeness," as if the X-Men never happened. 

  What makes this show work for me is the acting.  Many of the performances are outstanding, whether it's Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Daniel Bruhl or Wyatt Russell. Because of them, I've learned to heart Sam and Bucky, hate John Walker and give Zemo the side-eye, dancing or not.


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22 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Apparently Steve was in too much of a rush to time travel back to Peggy to give a thought to her grandniece. And you can thank the Russos for that.


While I haven't gone and looked myself, some posters provided information in the show's thread, that yes, Steve, and the Avengers, did indeed try to search for Sharon even though her name was on the Snapped list; but they couldn't find/locate her. And apparently she wasn't snapped.

Since I'm not a fan of the character, I'm not too concerned with why Steve or Natalie didn't make it their number one mission to try and find her, since she was barely in the movies.

19 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

I'm waiting to get upset about Sharon's situation until I know for sure that she isn't on assignment and pretending she was left behind is her cover.

For someone who's bitter toward Steve (acting as if he'd forced her to make the decisions she did to help him/steal the Shield and Sam's wings, when she made that choice on her own, knowing that "they" would go after her, and her not minding it), and saying she's in hiding--she sure is living very WELL in Madripoor.  Which is why I think she's undercover, and has been since right after Civil War.

18 hours ago, DollEyes said:

Although the show's far-fetched on some levels, the racism that Sam and Isiah Bradley experienced is unfortunately all too real and IMO the show deserves major props for discussing it. Those who don't like it are entitled to their opinions, but I'm so tired of those jerks who expect shows/movies to either tiptoe around or completely avoid issues of race altogether just because it hurts their feelings or accuses them of so-called "wokeness," as if the X-Men never happened. 

  What makes this show work for me is the acting.  Many of the performances are outstanding, whether it's Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Daniel Bruhl or Wyatt Russell. Because of them, I've learned to heart Sam and Bucky, hate John Walker and give Zemo the side-eye, dancing or not.


Agree with everything you've stated her and up thread. And while I'm at it, I'm going to say that I would never have bought Wyatt as Steve Rogers. It's shallow of me, but his lower lip always looks as if he's got tobacco chaw stuffed under there, which makes him so very unattractive to me.

And this is coming from someone who though Chris Evans was a poor choice for Steve Rogers, as I'd only seen him as the assholey/douchetastic Johnny Storm! Evans proved me wrong, and while I have my issues with how Endgame ended (well, the last 3 minutes anyway), Steve is still my favorite character, and I still love him.

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On 4/11/2021 at 11:53 AM, Spartan Girl said:

here have been plenty of Black celebrities and politicians who were treated that way by the police until they recognized who they were. So sadly I didn’t find that scene that unrealistic. 

This just depresses me.   Mostly because its true.   If a WHITE family who had been missing for 5 years had applied for a loan, the bank would have cut them a break, I'm sure.

On 4/11/2021 at 9:18 AM, magicdog said:

he was an Avenger (being one of Stark's crew would carry advantages like a generous stipend and other needs). 

Why not have Stark loan the money?   A loan, not a handout.   Or have him co-sign the loan?    

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Caught a rerun of Bluebloods that annoyed me:

In the episode, there's a guy who goes to Frank because he thinks someone tampered with his parents' will.  The guy and his sisters were children of extremely wealthy parents who made lots of charitable contributions, were part of NYC's elite, etc. and of course, knew Frank fairly well.  He learns that he was cut out of the will and his sisters inherited the lion's share of the estate. He himself actually has a real job (a Special Ed teacher), but he had hoped he could have used his share to help make more improvements for his students.  He then learns he wasn't cut out of the will - he was never in it!

Apparently, his parents (his father in particular) noticed he was the only one of the three children to desire a career and pursue it.  They decided to not leave him anything because he could always survive while his spoiled sisters (Paris Hilton/Kim Kardashian types) couldn't.  At the end he makes a public speech of how special his late mom was to the community, blah blah good sport cakes.

OK, this was ridiculous.  If anything, he was more deserving of his share of the money, since he could have used it to better fund his class' needs.  Sure, you could argue that he was motivated to work and be independent but I think that makes him more deserving.  Besides, IRL, I've heard of wealthy people putting clauses in will that their child[ren] not receive their inheritance unless they've held jobs (or owned and worked a business) for a minimum of X years and sometimes having to wait until a specific age.  The message here is, you won't get anything because you already have a job, so you don't really need it, while spoiled useless relatives get it all.

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I'm of two minds on that plotline. On the one hand, I think it was an interesting way to handle Leeves' pregnancy, and I liked the idea of Daphne struggling with an eating problem because of her insecurities surrounding her relationship with Niles, and how it leads to Niles having to confront his issue of putting her on a pedestal. I think that was a good storyline for those two, and a smart way to tackle some of those issues they had to learn to deal with once they got together. 

But yeah, the jokes about her weight were definitely cringey. Especially considering Frasier and Niles were psychiatrists, you'd think they of all people would've been more sensitive. But then again, they did make plenty of jokes at Maris' expense regarding her weight over the years, so I guess it's in keeping with their characters on that level (not that that makes those jokes any less cringey, mind). 

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Annber03 said:

I'm of two minds on that plotline. On the one hand, I think it was an interesting way to handle Leeves' pregnancy, and I liked the idea of Daphne struggling with an eating problem because of her insecurities surrounding her relationship with Niles, and how it leads to Niles having to confront his issue of putting her on a pedestal. I think that was a good storyline for those two, and a smart way to tackle some of those issues they had to learn to deal with once they got together. 

But yeah, the jokes about her weight were definitely cringey. Especially considering Frasier and Niles were psychiatrists, you'd think they of all people would've been more sensitive. But then again, they did make plenty of jokes at Maris' expense regarding her weight over the years, so I guess it's in keeping with their characters on that level (not that that makes those jokes any less cringey, mind). 

Frasier was a great show, but the "fat Daphne" storyline was definitely not their finest moment. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Annber03 said:

On the one hand, I think it was an interesting way to handle Leeves' pregnancy, and I liked the idea of Daphne struggling with an eating problem because of her insecurities surrounding her relationship with Niles

If a actress is pregnant and they don't want the character to be, surely there has to be a better way to disguise the pregnancy that doesn't involve creating an entire storyline to mock someone's weight and/or weight gain. 

('Course, shows can go the complete other route and hide the pregnancy entirely with increasingly odd at best choices, ex. Phylicia Rashad on The Cosby Show. One of my favorite things in the back half of season five of Monk was watching the episodes to see all the ways they tried to hide Traylor Howard's pregnancy.)

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Annber03 said:

But then again, they did make plenty of jokes at Maris' expense regarding her weight over the years, so I guess it's in keeping with their characters on that level (not that that makes those jokes any less cringey, mind). 

I'll admit, I did find this exchange one of the funniest on the show:


"She must be home. I can see her hat on the coatrack."
"... Is the coat rack moving?"
"... Oh my god!"


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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier finale abruptly turning Sharon Carter into a villain while rushing a last minute redemption for John Walker made me so angry that it ruined the show for me.

Look, I get that Emily VanCamp is not everyone’s cup of tea. But it seems pretty low that after the writers brought her back to the MCU with the promise to do right by Sharon, they instead turned her into the Angry Ex Trope and destroyed everything good about her character, further pandering to the Stucky/Steggy trolls that got her written out of Infinity War/Endgame. And it wasn’t even done well: it was rushed and obviously done for shock value. Even if it turns out later that she was replaced by a Skrull or some other shock value twist, it still doesn’t make it any better.

And not only does it trash her character, it trashed Steve’s character even more than already Endgame did. We are really supposed to believe that Steve Captain America Rogers, who always looked out for the little guy, didn’t try to find her, let alone get her a pardon for aiding and abetting him in Civil War? That he just sort of forgot about Peggy’s niece?! I can’t swallow that.

Oh, but John Walker aka Cosplay Cap just gets a last minute change of heart  after he was set up so well as a villain, and all his actions are more or less swept under the rug (for now)? BULLSHIT.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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On 4/26/2021 at 5:55 AM, Spartan Girl said:

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier finale abruptly turning Sharon Carter into a villain while rushing a last minute redemption for John Walker made me so angry that it ruined the show for me.

You're not the only was incensed by this show - and not just because of what happened to Sharon!!

They also got called out by my fave reviewers:

This guy 

This guy

and this guy.

Every single one nailed what was wrong and what could have been.  

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I wasn't happy with what they did on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, either--especially with Sharon.  Short of that, if they were going go with something so serious, they would have benefited with longer episodes plus 2 more.  I didn't hate it, because I love the chemistry between the characters, but it could have been a lot more fun.  Like one of the reviewers that @magicdog linked said--it could have been an odd couple-esque buddy movie with them kicking some bad guys' asses from time to time.  I appreciate the important messages in the program, too, but think it was a little heavy handed, especially in the last episode. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, magicdog said:

You're not the only was incensed by this show - and not just because of what happened to Sharon!!

They also got called out by my fave reviewers:

This guy 

This guy

and this guy.

Every single one nailed what was wrong and what could have been.  

The Screen Rant pitch one was pretty good. Woobifying Karli and turning her into a martyr just to whitewash her actions was another moment that infuriated me. Dammit even Thor Ragnarok did a better job with its two female characters than this show! (No offense to Ragnarok since it’s one of my favorites)

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This should probably go in the Unpopular thread, but since it pisses me off, I'm putting it in here.

And where would be the fun if we all agreed on everything, right?

I don't give a shit about Sharon--have stated this in the movie and the show's thread. So I won't repeat myself here.

BUT, what annoyed me, was that in the movies, even when he was The Winter Soldier, Bucky was relegated to side-kick in the last two movies. I was expecting to see more of him in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, but it just seemed this show was more a vehicle for Sam than Bucky. He still remained in side-kick territory. That's fine if that's the way Malcolmwhat'shisface wanted to go. From the teasers and trailers, I thought it would be more. So what if I wanted to see a buddy-buddy series? Is that so wrong? Because I adore Sebastian Stan, and he just keeps getting the short end of the stick.

See? No Steve mention. Oops. Hee.😜

So anxiously waiting for 💘💗💘Loki!💘💗💘 because I soooooo need to see Tom Hiddleston on my screen again!


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On 4/18/2021 at 4:00 PM, bmoore4026 said:

The entire "Fat Daphne" plotline from Fraiser.  How insensitive can you get?


On 4/18/2021 at 5:48 PM, LexieLily said:

On the one hand, I think it was an interesting way to handle Leeves' pregnancy, and I liked the idea of Daphne struggling with an eating problem because of her insecurities surrounding her relationship with Niles

The same scenario was done on Mom with Jill's character (in a fat suit) ballooning up to way over 200lbs due to stress/anxiety of losing the foster child she was caring for.  The actress was pregnant in real life and they used this vehicle to hide it.  I was in no way offended by it, especially on a show that deals with addiction and their recovery (alcohol, drugs, gambling).  Yes, there were fat comments made - the show is a comedy with enough dark scenarios from the characters' paths.  But it also served to show how just because you're in control of one kind of addiction (alcohol) doesn't mean you can't get caught up in another (like Christy did with gambling)

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On 4/27/2021 at 5:03 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

BUT, what annoyed me, was that in the movies, even when he was The Winter Soldier, Bucky was relegated to side-kick in the last two movies. I was expecting to see more of him in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, but it just seemed this show was more a vehicle for Sam than Bucky. He still remained in side-kick territory.

It makes me wonder if they just don't know what to do with the character or they don't understand what a big fanbase he has. It's a wide variety, from the tumblr folks to the dude bros on reddit, the you-tube nerds, and people who love the character in the comics. You'd think they'd want to capitalize on that and get him out of sidekick status.

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11 minutes ago, festivus said:

It makes me wonder if they just don't know what to do with the character or they don't understand what a big fanbase he has. It's a wide variety, from the tumblr folks to the dude bros on reddit, the you-tube nerds, and people who love the character in the comics. You'd think they'd want to capitalize on that and get him out of sidekick status.

I'm not even a comic reader! I mean, yeah, sure, I knew about Bucky from the comics, but the only images I knew he was a scrawny nerdy -looking18-year old. I never knew about The Winter Soldier until the movie. I just love Sebastian Stan--ever since I saw him as the Mad Hatter on Once Upon a Time. And I also didn't know the line from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, "Who the hell is Bucky?" was straight out from the comic.

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I have to agree that I would have liked a bigger role for Bucky, which is ironic because this show actually made me like Bucky more than I ever did in the movies. He had more personality and depth, at least in the beginning of the show. And he had a great comedic rapport with Sam.

On 4/27/2021 at 6:03 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

So what if I wanted to see a buddy-buddy series? Is that so wrong?

No, that’s what I was hoping for too. I feel like we only got one episode worth of the buddy cop show we were promised in the trailers, and the rest of it was just...that. What a rip.

At least WandaVision never stopped being fun. Hopefully Loki will follow that example.

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I would like to know what the hell Major Crimes was thinking when it so pointlessly killed off Sharon Raydor. It was so lame, not only because it was right when she was finally happy in her personal life, but also because just a lazy way to shoehorn more drama within the final four episodes of the show.

Edited by Spartan Girl
  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

I would like to know what the hell Major Crimes was thinking when it so pointlessly killed off Sharon Raydor.

James Duff has given half a dozen different answers to that question, and I don't buy any of them.  He wanted that damn Rusty-Stroh showdown to be the final story (because it's all Rusty all the time with him) and had to get rid of her to do it.  I think if your final storyline requires you to devastate your audience by killing off your main character at the happiest point in her professional and personal life, and shit on her legacy by having her second in command and her son act in the exact opposite way of what she'd taught them, you should come up with a different final storyline.  One that doesn't exacerbate the "expendable woman" problem, where the woman dies in the third act and in the end it's the men standing around after having saved the day.

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2 hours ago, festivus said:

I'll forever think that fool killed her off because the network cancelled his show, I don't care what he says. I won't be watching anymore of his offerings. He did that to one of the best female characters on television for no good reason. Eff him.

I agree it was a spite killing. Thing is, he spited the audience who had supported and loved his show, not the network who had already cancelled it. I, too, won't watch anything he does going forward as it is clear he doesn't care about his shows fans. 

Sharon Raydor really was one of the greatest female characters on television. Pity she was stuck on the 'Rusty is the writers avatar and therefore more important than the cops on a cop show' show. Sharon will live on forever in my heart. 

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Ugh, such sexist bullshit! Sharon Raydor deserved so much better.

And on that subject, it made me so mad that The Closer didn’t just let Brenda kill Philip Stroh when she had the chance. It would have been justifiable self-defense, saved plenty of lives, and spared us from that fucking melodrama in Major Crimes.

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48 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

not the network who had already cancelled it.

TNT hadn't officially cancelled it when he made the decision, but the writing was on the wall.  And, yes, I think his (justified) anger over how the new network exec treated the show led to a petty I'll show you fit; he used to threaten to kill her off during renewal negotiations.

21 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

And on that subject, it made me so mad that The Closer didn’t just let Brenda kill Philip Stroh when she had the chance.

That would have been a "Oh, HELL no" moment of all time for me.  Seeing her decline to carry out an extrajudicial execution (it would not have been self defense) after going through the fallout of arranging several of them, and realize she needed to walk away, was a satisfying and logical (and legal) way of writing her out. 

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42 minutes ago, Bastet said:

TNT hadn't officially cancelled it when he made the decision, but the writing was on the wall.  And, yes, I think his (justified) anger over how the new network exec treated the show led to a petty I'll show you fit; he used to threaten to kill her off during renewal negotiations.

Oh, that just reeks of the "I'll give you something to cry about" threat my mum always used on me when I was already crying. And it still hurt the fans far more than it hurt TNT. 

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

That would have been a "Oh, HELL no" moment of all time for me.  Seeing her decline to carry out an extrajudicial execution (it would not have been self defense) after going through the fallout of arranging several of them, and realize she needed to walk away, was a satisfying and logical (and legal) way of writing her out. 

Fair point. But I hate that they kept bringing Stroh back after that.

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On 4/30/2021 at 4:23 PM, Spartan Girl said:

Ugh, such sexist bullshit! Sharon Raydor deserved so much better.

And on that subject, it made me so mad that The Closer didn’t just let Brenda kill Philip Stroh when she had the chance. It would have been justifiable self-defense, saved plenty of lives, and spared us from that fucking melodrama in Major Crimes.


On 4/30/2021 at 6:22 PM, Spartan Girl said:

Fair point. But I hate that they kept bringing Stroh back after that.

That's why I'm always hoping they'll just kill him/her because I hate when shows keep bringing back the same villain/bad guy or woman over and over and over. Its very rarely fun to watch. Just annoying. They come back commit more crimes and/or to do something against the cop or whoever over and over and somehow keep getting away. Just kill him or her off and be done with it.  

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9 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I hate recurring super villains, too, but I root for them to be incarcerated, not killed. 

I root for them to just go away. I don't care how. Sometimes I don't even care if they "win" just so long as they never show up again. The Arch Rival has made me drop many procedurals. Stroh made me almost give up on the Closer, but then it turned into Major Crimes and I loved Raydor more than I hated Stroh (or Rusty for that matter, though he's not a villain, I did want him to just go away). 

So I guess my "Oh HELL NO!" moment is every moment when I realize an ep is going to be the return of the Super Arch Villain Rival!

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I feel like some characters have an expiration date and that it can hurt a show for the character to keep coming back. I felt that way about Sylar on Heroes.  I was pissed he survived after season 1.  I felt the character worked in a limited capacity and keeping him around damaged the show.  When a villian lingers too long it diminishes the stakes in the conflict because it’s just lather, rinse, repeat until the show’s series finale.

Then there’s the villian who ends up “redeemed”.  Sometimes that works but I hate unearned villian redemptions.  Dan Scott from One Tree Hill getting escorted to heaven by the ghost of the brother he murdered will never fail to piss me off. 

  • Love 13
50 minutes ago, Luckylyn said:

Then there’s the villian who ends up “redeemed”.  Sometimes that works but I hate unearned villian redemptions.  Dan Scott from One Tree Hill getting escorted to heaven by the ghost of the brother he murdered will never fail to piss me off. 

Just like Voight from Chicago PD.

What he did to Casey and his girlfriend was so unforgivable that Chicago PD should never have been created as Voight should be in prison let alone on the police force.

Even when redeemed Voight was on Chicago Fire I would never watch and will never watch PD.

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