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S06.E19: Goodbye, Dubai

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People complaining about not seeing enough of Dubai...THIS IS NOT THE TRAVEL CHANNEL. You're barking up the wrong tree. This is the RH franchise so you're going to be seeing them do housewifey things such as shop, argue on a Yacht, turn their nose up at local culture, etc. If you want a comprehensive tour of Dubai, Google and YouTube are your friends.

P.S. These women get paid to fight. Fighting paid for this trip to Dubai. You will NEVER see them completely get along on these vacations. NEVER. Maybe set your expectations accordingly.


I don't think anyone was asking for a comprehensive tour of Dubai.  We all pretty much know how these things work - fighting, drama, petty nonsense, but usually mixed in with more footage of them touring around wherever they happen to be vacationing.


This particular trip seemed to be pretty short on that and, after all, part of the point of having them go on vacations is to film them doing fabulous things that most people don't get to do in locales that most people don't get to see.  Similar to the clothing, jewelry, parties, etc.  I suspect that filming them out and about was much more difficult this time given that they were in Dubai.


Of course they're never going to all get along, and of course having them all thrown together for days at a time just intensifies all the conflict.  But showing the sights & sounds of the places they travel has always been a part of the HW franchises, so we're not wrong to expect to see that.


eta:  I'm not one of the ones complaining, btw.  I'm not the slightest bit interested in Dubai, so I don't care that they didn't show very much.  But I totally understand why others do.

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 14

This is back to what was being discussed before, but I love, love, love talking about my son so here goes.

My son was three months old when my grandma had a stroke and I would always take him with me when I visited her in the rehab center because not only did she like to see him, everybody out in the halls would perk up and beg to see the baby and I was so proud of him, he was so handsome and I loved showing him off. I could tell it made their day. Now my son is eleven, we live with my grandma and he has never known her out of her wheelchair and he is so sweet with her. Every day after school he goes in her room to visit for a bit and she loves it. There are four generations in this house, Brian learned to have empathy early.

  • Love 15

I'd be interested in a head count of viewers who fast-forwarded through the scenes with Yo and the Henchmen.......


I didn't fast-forward, but I did use that time to listen to a couple of voicemails.  I just had no interest in subjecting myself to Yolanda's bullshit once again.  And Brandi makes my skin crawl.


Sorry, I'm new at posting here and haven't figured out how to capture the post I want to reply to, so I'll just put this out there.

I lost my Dad 2 years ago, after a long struggle with dementia.. I don't want to diminish anyone else's feelings, so please just take this as my experience.

I visited him almost every day, even if it was just for 15 minutes on my way to work. Did I leave in tears? Yes , many times. But I wouldn't give up that time I had with him for anything.his face lit up every time I came. Sometimes he knew I was his daughter, sometimes he thought I was my Mom, who's been gone 10 years now, and sometimes he thought I was his sister, who he was very close to.

But every time he knew someone was there who loved him, held his hand, and hugged him. Human touch is so important and if we can give them that, then it's worth our tears


Great post!  I completely agree with you.


And welcome!!

  • Love 3

When Kathryn got the phone call from her mother, the rest of this silly show washed away for me. My mother has been gone for 16 years and I'd give anything to hear her voice again.

The staged lunch with Brandi and Kim, was that the same one that Rinna showed a photo of when she and Eileen were on the beach? Because I think they were wearing the same clothes, etc. Which means it was a Bravo thing and the whole fiasco of "she did that but couldn't come to dinner" thing was fake. Hell, this whole show is fake.

  • Love 6


Have two women, both in their sophomore season, ever played it so wrong and imploded like Eileen and LisaR have? It's horrifying to watch. I am not even the biggest Vanderpump fan, but man did they need a rewrite on their script this season.



Interesting article on that very thing:




I don't agree that they are the most hated - hate is such a strong word - but they have definitely fallen out of fan favor!



I'd be interested in a head count of viewers who fast-forwarded through the scenes with Yo and the Henchmen.......


I got up and got a snack...as far as I was concerned, it was another commercial. 

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 6

I don't mean to go off topic, but I feel it's adjacent to what we saw in this episode regarding Kathryn's mom:


It's been somewhat comforting, in a somber way, to read everyone else's stories of how someone close to them is, or was, was affected by dementia and/or alzheimer's. I lost my maternal grandmother to dementia when I was a young adult. It can be brutal to watch and very difficult for a family to cope. I can't imagine going through it with my own mother (I hope I never have to). Thanks to everyone for sharing and making me feel like it's not so rare (sadly) to have this awful disease.


Bringing it back to the episode. This part a tough for me to be critical. Often times, taking care of a loved one who suffers from dementia does not make for fun TV viewing, nor should it; it would feel exploitive to me. Also, depending on the severity of it, I wouldn't want my grandmother to be seen on TV as a mere shell of who she used to be. I feel Kathryn's pain. As for Rinna and ED, IDK how their situation but I guess every family has their own way of dealing with it. Either way, it's not easy.

Edited by chipsnsalsa
  • Love 4


Third small thing. Did anyone else catch Lisa Vanderpump checking her teeth in her knife after eating dinner on the yacht?

She knew that most of the women at the table would secretly revel in her shooting a scene with a piece of arugula stuck in her teeth.  Plus the knife was easy-access. She has several to choose from sticking out of her back.

  • Love 22

I was in Dubai for a month almost two years ago and I had to walk around that freaking shopping centre, which btw is pretty big. Walk! With my actual legs! With whiny kids whining about "only having little legs." I was like "hey kiddos, I'm 5ft and that's only if I fluff up my curls to add an inch or two, my legs are little too."

Colour me bitter that those bitches got driven around.

If the OC housewives went to Dubai, I have a feeling we would have seen them partake in the local attractions. They did so in Bali, Tajhti, whistler, etc. Maybe the BH women are wet blankets.

The UAE is a weird country - it wants the expats and the tourism but ultimately it's a pretty strict Muslim country whose legal system is partly derived from Sharia law. Western tourists aren't advised to stray out of tourist areas and I imagine the camera crew added additional problems. My friend works for Emirates and lives in the non-tourist areas (since she's of Indian descent, she blends in with the locals) and I visited her several times with my (Muslim but not religious) husband none of which were pleasant experiences since we were both verbally abused in the street - I speak Arabic so I understood perfectly that I'm a "whore" and my husband is a "traitor" for marrying the "white blonde whore." Thankfully FaithsDad doesn't speak Arabic and I lied and said they spoke too fast for me to be able to translate.

To be fair to the HW's, they're best sticking to the areas they did.

Edited by FaithsMum
  • Love 14

I like the irony that fear of viewer backlash has lead to major viewer backlash against Rinna.  She should've just kept going with the M-word, be the voice of those of us who are skeptical of Yolanda.


Vanderpump should just stay classy.  Eileen/Rinna are damaged now, like Brandi before them, she doesn't need to pile on.  


Speaking of Brandi- I can't help but feel like Eileen/Rinna are playing the role of production's bitch(es) this season.  To me that's the most logical explanation here: they were tasked with taking on Vanderpump, they've done so (I'd wager that part of the task was integrating Yolanda, pulling her into the arguments, but who knows).  And once again Vanderpump seems to be walking away clean.  It's just too weird to me otherwise.  It's a rehash, Eileen has literally one thing to complain about, and Rinna's rationale makes her seem like a pushover which isn't something most people want to be.  They're used to working with crappy scripts (Days fan, that show gets...awful), maybe production thought they'd pull it off- at least make it credible.  


That's what I'm going with, anyway.  Doesn't make sense to me for two adults to do all this just 'cause.

I disagree that LVP is walking away clean. At all.


I just watched the episode last night, after I read a lot of these comments. Not sure what I was expecting, but I guess more of an attack on LVP than what I saw. No doubt that LVP is winning the war of public opinion, and that Lisar and Eileen have handled this whole thing poorly, but LVP has been damaged by it. Damanged in a way she has never been before. That is why she is going all scorched earth in her blog. It's so different than any way she has behaved before, and I believe it's because she gets that she has been exposed in a way that she has never been exposed before. She is much more angry at Eileen and Lisar than she ever was at Brandi. She wasn't half as upset at Brandi for suggesting the tabloid-gate, and certainly the implication of what she was trying to do to Kyle there was much worse than anything Lisar is suggesting. 


All anyone has to do is read the comments on this and other forums. While folks are largely on LVP's side because of Eileen and Lisar's sloppiness, for the first time ever I am reading comment after comment where folks say that LVP does tend to be maniuplative; that she does hold a grudge. Many people are claiming that they believe she did was she is accused of doing, but if Kyle doesn't care, what's the big deal? This is a huge departure from anything I have ever read about LVP before. She is still the fan favorite, and still has a lot of support, but many folks see her differently after this season than they did before; are starting to believe some of the things that have been said over and over again by almost every other HW on this franchise. She knows this and no doubt also knows that this will continue into storylines in the future. If anyone doesn't think this will continue to be a big theme next year between Kyle and LVP, I think they will be disappoined. Next year they will have issues, and we will see flashbacks of some of these things, and Kyle in a TH saying that she should have listened to the others. 

  • Love 4

Lisa is confused and needs to be told what to say because she isn't able to empathize with others.


That may be but it doesn't come from a malicious place. I've learned that you can't fault others for being who they are even if they possess or don't possess traits we wouldn't or would want them to possess. Lisa isn't as warm and fuzzy as others and that's okay. Not everyone can be friends but everyone should be able to get along. Guess what that just means that Lisa V can't be the kind of close friend to Eileen that Eileen is with lets say Lisa R. That's what meeting people and being around them is all about. You see if their brand of friendship melds with yours. If it doesn't then you see where you stand, they stand and make decisions based on arms length likability or socializing enjoyment or minimal polite engagement.


There's no need to react so strongly to people who aren't on the same sensitivity spectrum as you. You observe and make determinations based on interactions. If there are things that don't meet your particular expectations of a close acquaintance or friend then make note and treat future interactions in the way you deem best for minimal discomfort. It's not like Lisa V jumps out from the shadows and proceeds to be a ridiculous and abrupt force to be reckoned with all the time. Her brand of humor, forwardness aren't for everyone, her dismissive demeanor is offensive to some so what to do? Take it in stride and maneuver around her existence and keep the intimacy down to a very low level. Taking things so damn personally and creating all this extreme distress over something that should have just been a learning experience is the most immature display of a grown woman.

  • Love 14

She is working when she is flying to Ohio. 


Her mother lives in assisted living not a nursing home.  We have no idea how often Rinna goes to see her mother.  We do know she works a lot and has a family in LA.


Here's a thought maybe Rinna's half sister thinks she is a huge pain in the ass with all her over the top drama.  If her half sister enjoys Rinna's mother's company why is it a burden or emotional dirty work? 

Plenty of people work a lot and still super hero the ability to be there for their ailing parents. Some don't and that's okay too however most people who still find the time aren't Celebrities with 3 figure pay checks and who are married to another celebrity with 3 figure pay checks. Yeah she's working, so she can afford herself the ability to live the luxurious lifestyle she's accustomed to which is leaps and bound from what is actually necessary in the big scheme of things. Now mind you I've got nothing against keeping up with the jones. Knock yourself out Lisa Rinna, her hustle is strong and I commend that but not being there for her parents because she's out on the grind so she can keep herself neck deep in designer bags doesn't really cut it for me.

  • Love 4

Who said "ouch" when you all read LVP's blog. The shade is real

So, she turns her attentions to me. She is obviously motivated by Soapy, to funnel her aggression in my direction,”Come on LR…attack!” Soapy in the wings, salivating with LR center stage, trying desperately to deflect from her own actions and Sudsy prompting her.

With hindsight, after seeing so much nastiness where I have never retaliated, I would have asked her how she felt screwing some other woman’s husband. That actually, in retrospect, speaks volumes.

I thank you for your indomitable support. No, as LR has said, I didn’t play the victim. The victim would be better played by a C-list actress who would depart in floods of tears. I sat there.


Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 5

I believe the producers knew this season was boring as far as conflict so they made sure Rinna (and to a lesser extent Eileen) caused some drama. It's the only explanation. Unfortunately for Rinna even the audience knows it's not an authentic beef so she comes off looking bad.

Also Kyle making sure LVP/Rinna spoke during the last dinner in Dubai was shady but typical of her.

  • Love 3

Who is LVP talking about in her blog when she mentions a c-list actress leaving the table in tears? Herself in PR a couple of years ago when the accusations hit too close to home? Is she referring to when Lisar left after getting emotional about her mother? LVP didn't seem to understand why the talk made her cry, and it had to be explained to her by Kyle. LVP does seem to lack some type of empathy. Kyle was just as mad at Lisar for different reasons, but she was clear about why Lisar would be emotional. LVP, not so much. God Bless Kyle, but it would be hard to be friends with LVP. Kyle seems to have just the right temperment for it.

  • Love 5

I didn't fast-forward, but I did use that time to listen to a couple of voicemails.  I just had no interest in subjecting myself to Yolanda's bullshit once again.  And Brandi makes my skin crawl.

I completely understand not wanting to listen to Brandi, Kim or Yolanda. We've all formed camps regarding how we feel about Yolanda and the emphasis she chose to place on her illnesses, whatever they are. We haven't really seen a lot of Yolanda this season and that could be because of her saying she's ill and it could also be because her marriage was crumbling. It didn't matter that we didn't see her much because not many people like her, and actually sound like they hate her.


Despite all the tiresome beating the "I'm so sick" drum which everyone is very tired of hearing, she really hasn't spoken at all about her marriage, the necessity of giving up the house she loves, or the fact that she was also ordered to move out of David's expensive apartment and find her own place to live. Truthfully, that's a whole lot of 'stuff' for any person to go through in a few short years. But...and this is a huge one, but who else besides Brandi who asked her 'how is it going with David?' has asked Yolanda or shown the slightest bit of interest or concern about the fact that every aspect of her life, physical, emotional and material has been vaporized? To make matters worse, she's hated on social networks, she's shunned by the other housewives other that Erika, and she's been made to feel like a leper essentially. She felt she was 'dropped on the side of the road' by many people and she'll stick with Kim and Brandi because everyone else has done exactly that to them also.


I have never liked Yolanda in the past. I felt she was a gold digger that got her claws into one of the wealthiest, most  prestigious celebrities known in the music industry. But illness was a great leveler and a reality check for Yolanda. She realized that she's not the trophy wife that any rich guy wants, she knew she was going to be shunned and avoided by 'friends', she knew the invitations to events wouldn't be coming and basically she lost the prestige she once had. Other than living vicariously through her children, particularly Gigi, Yolanda is pretty much a non-entity in their world. I think Yolanda unsuspectingly learned a life lesson the hard way, 'there but for the grace of God go I'. I also think that she's probably one of the lucky rich housewives in many way because her days of living in a fantasy rich world has ended while the others will continue to exist within their own little shallow, narcissistic, selfish, self absorbed little worlds.

  • Love 7

Who is LVP talking about in her blog when she mentions a c-list actress leaving the table in tears? Herself in PR a couple of years ago when the accusations hit too close to home? Is she referring to when Lisar left after getting emotional about her mother? LVP didn't seem to understand why the talk made her cry, and it had to be explained to her by Kyle. LVP does seem to lack some type of empathy. Kyle was just as mad at Lisar for different reasons, but she was clear about why Lisar would be emotional. LVP, not so much. God Bless Kyle, but it would be hard to be friends with LVP. Kyle seems to have just the right temperment for it.

Why should LVP have any empathy for Elieen at this point? Isn't Elieen who keeps rehashing her affair that shouldn't been broughr up and won't accept the apology that wasn't good enough for her? Eliwen to me is making a mountain out of a mole hill and forcing drama. IMO the gloves are off and since Elieen won't let shit go and move forward and steadily stirring the pot, hey, LVP shade away.

  • Love 18

Why are we deciding what is best for Rinna's mom?  Maybe she likes her step daughter and her family.  Rinna moved away from mom and dad 35 years ago.  Maybe she wishes things were different but up until the time her mom had a stroke she sounded pretty active and happy.

It's probably due to her and Eileen's choice of words. It's not easy to see a loved one in a condition that is a shell of their former self. But I don't sympathize with them for saying 'I wish I could see my mother more often'. What prevents you from doing so? It is your own sad feelings? Is it because you take on an additional job of being on TV in addition to your normal job? They put it out there as if they would visit more often if they could. Aside from family tension with their parents or other family members who are the primary caretakers of their parents, there's not much else I can think of that would prevent them from making more frequent visits if they really wanted to. I don't judge them if they limited their visits because it's emotionally difficult for them to deal with. That's fair to me. But I do think it's an easy grab for sympathy when people frame situations in a manner that makes it seems like they have little options available to them when the reality is likely that they are the ones that have imposed those limitations on themselves for their own reasons.

  • Love 13

Here's my story: when I was in 5th grade my grandfather, who was dying of brain cancer was put in a nursing home. I was schlepped there every week to see him. The whole place smelled like rotting food and feces. The nursing home populace all had varying degrees of dementia and some would yell out incoherent things at random times and others looked like catatonic zombies. It was frightening and horrible and I hated going there.

In addition, my grandfather withered away physically and mentally and I got to see him over time decompose from this proud, strapping man into a drooling, blank-stared invalid who couldn't sit up or brush his teeth. After about 8 months of being forced to endure this weekly nightmare, I put my foot down and refused to go. "You'll regret it" my family told me. Nope. 30 years later and my only regret is that I didn't put my foot down sooner. I've had to live with those horrible images, smells, feelings and a fear of old age for this entire time. The worst part is the sadness I feel looking back at what my grandfather endured being imprisoned in his body and having to live like that.

No one can say what's right or wrong for anyone else. Not everyone is the same and not everyone's experience or interpretations of experience are the same. My family didn't seem as affected by their visiting as I was. Good for them. But I had to do what was right for me. If Rinna feels this experience would traumatize her, she has every right to not put herself through that. I think it's wrong to paint her as a spoiled brat just because it doesn't jive with your values or worldview. YMMV.

This may come off sounding weird or that I'm a freak or something but I'll just put it out there. People are all different. Some can't stand the sight of blood, some men faint getting a needle for a blood test, some people throw up even thinking about broken bones, and some just can't bear the pain of watching someone die in tiny little increments. One of the most difficult thing to watch is a parent forgetting where they are and who you are. It's sad, it just is. But I've always tried very hard (and it's not easy sometime) to face these life difficulties in a way that I would want someone else to face them when it's me that's on the other end of the situation. The day will come when I become sick, lose my memory or eyesight, and be dealing with something so horrible that people's won't even want to think about it, much less deal with it. I hope and pray that someone will be there for me when that time comes.

Personally, it's taken a lot of practice, willpower and stamina to do this and I could never blame anyone for not being able to find those coping mechanisms. One thing that I vowed during my years in medicine is that I would never allow one of my patients to die alone. Same with a close relative. I was with my grandmother as she died in her own bed, I was with her son,  my father, in his last days and told him that I loved him as he took a final breath. I was with my sister for 2 months day and night in her home where she wanted to be as cancer ate away at her. When she finally died, we cried yet we were relieved for her, she weighed 52 pounds the day she died. For me, all these things were a privilege and a distinct honor to be there. A baby is celebrated on the day of their birth and I think they should also be celebrated at the moment of death. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's okay if you're the person that feels too much pain being there with someone that doesn't even know you're there. It's something that's difficult beyond comprehension, totally understandable and nobody will judge you for it. And, if someone does make that judgement then they probably don't know what it's like to walk in your shoes and never will, so screw them. The message here is that 'it's okay', it just is.

  • Love 13



would also pose the question to Vince: "How'd you feel screwing some other man's wife?"


Amen!  Or pose the same damn question to Eileen. How'd you feel screwing another woman's husband.


I know I'm old, in my 50's. I was raised that proper people with integrity didn't get involved with another woman's husband. Its low class and shows no dignity.

Don't care how a group of people spin it and say well its the husband who cheating on his wife, not me. Show the wife some respect. One doesn't need to say yes, 'Oh cheating husband, I'll help destroy your family!'     Someone really wants to get on that bus? 

  • Love 7

I completely understand not wanting to listen to Brandi, Kim or Yolanda. We've all formed camps regarding how we feel about Yolanda and the emphasis she chose to place on her illnesses, whatever they are. We haven't really seen a lot of Yolanda this season and that could be because of her saying she's ill and it could also be because her marriage was crumbling. It didn't matter that we didn't see her much because not many people like her, and actually sound like they hate her.


Despite all the tiresome beating the "I'm so sick" drum which everyone is very tired of hearing, she really hasn't spoken at all about her marriage, the necessity of giving up the house she loves, or the fact that she was also ordered to move out of David's expensive apartment and find her own place to live. Truthfully, that's a whole lot of 'stuff' for any person to go through in a few short years. But...and this is a huge one, but who else besides Brandi who asked her 'how is it going with David?' has asked Yolanda or shown the slightest bit of interest or concern about the fact that every aspect of her life, physical, emotional and material has been vaporized? To make matters worse, she's hated on social networks, she's shunned by the other housewives other that Erika, and she's been made to feel like a leper essentially. She felt she was 'dropped on the side of the road' by many people and she'll stick with Kim and Brandi because everyone else has done exactly that to them also.


I have never liked Yolanda in the past. I felt she was a gold digger that got her claws into one of the wealthiest, most  prestigious celebrities known in the music industry. But illness was a great leveler and a reality check for Yolanda. She realized that she's not the trophy wife that any rich guy wants, she knew she was going to be shunned and avoided by 'friends', she knew the invitations to events wouldn't be coming and basically she lost the prestige she once had. Other than living vicariously through her children, particularly Gigi, Yolanda is pretty much a non-entity in their world. I think Yolanda unsuspectingly learned a life lesson the hard way, 'there but for the grace of God go I'. I also think that she's probably one of the lucky rich housewives in many way because her days of living in a fantasy rich world has ended while the others will continue to exist within their own little shallow, narcissistic, selfish, self absorbed little worlds.

If none of the other women knew there were problems in the Foster marriage, then that is on Yolanda. She/David made the decision to not tell anyone they separated before filming began, so it isn't fair to say that the others weren't there for her, as they didn't know and we don't know that Brandi even knew there were problems in that marriage. They put the Malibu house up for sale when they joined the show, so Yolanda having to move wasn't something Yolanda/David hadn't planned for, in fact, it took longer than they thought it would and there is no indication that she was "ordered" to move out of his condo. During filming, Yolanda and David were still faking it for the cameras and I have no reason to believe that they didn't fake it for the other HWs off camera as well and that would include Brandi and Kim.


I don't think Yolanda confides all that much in Brandi, other than how sick she is, beyond that she knows she can't trust the "truth cannon" to keep anything private for very long. Had Yolanda shared the separation with the others, she may have gotten the support she so craves, demands from them but it was her decision to make. I also don't think Yolanda's life of privilege as a very wealthy woman has ended, only her odd marriage ended, not her lifestyle. LOL 

  • Love 14

Do not underestimate LVP's need for revenge on Yolanda! LVP is very close with Mohammed, which puts her and Yolanda on opposite teams right off the bat. Then, Yolanda says cruel comments to and about Ken. Even though Rinna's tactics were sloppy, I think she nailed it. And, I think Kyle is in on it as LVP's confidant- she knew Lisa would do anything to get back at Yo, and that is why she wasn't angry that Lisa tried to use her in the process.

Eileen is not equipped to take on an experienced housewife like LVP. Lisa pretends to not understand why things she says upset people, but she gets it- she just doesn't care, and may have a bit of a missing sensitivity chip when it comes to other women. She may have been a tad jealous of Eileen's success as a soap star and disliked the affair business so called her out on it.

  • Love 7

Why should LVP have any empathy for Elieen at this point? Isn't Elieen who keeps rehashing her affair that shouldn't been broughr up and won't accept the apology that wasn't good enough for her? Eliwen to me is making a mountain out of a mole hill and forcing drama. IMO the gloves are off and since Elieen won't let shit go and move forward and steadily stirring the pot, hey, LVP shade away.


Here Here! Totally agree.

  • Love 7

Do not underestimate LVP's need for revenge on Yolanda! LVP is very close with Mohammed, which puts her and Yolanda on opposite teams right off the bat. Then, Yolanda says cruel comments to and about Ken. Even though Rinna's tactics were sloppy, I think she nailed it. And, I think Kyle is in on it as LVP's confidant- she knew Lisa would do anything to get back at Yo, and that is why she wasn't angry that Lisa tried to use her in the process.

Eileen is not equipped to take on an experienced housewife like LVP. Lisa pretends to not understand why things she says upset people, but she gets it- she just doesn't care, and may have a bit of a missing sensitivity chip when it comes to other women. She may have been a tad jealous of Eileen's success as a soap star and disliked the affair business so called her out on it.


Rinna must have had her head in the sand if she " finally nailed it" this season that LVP was gunning for Yo. Everybody since the Ken/Yo flair up knew Lisa would be after Yo  especially since Yo didn't retract her overblown statement that Ken attacked her an put his hands on her and also because Yo is constantly scolding Lisa about not being there for her.


 There are very few people or things in this world Lisa might be jealous of I don't think Eileen and Eileen's acting career is one of them.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 13

Amen!  Or pose the same damn question to Eileen. How'd you feel screwing another woman's husband.


I know I'm old, in my 50's. I was raised that proper people with integrity didn't get involved with another woman's husband. Its low class and shows no dignity.

Don't care how a group of people spin it and say well its the husband who cheating on his wife, not me. Show the wife some respect. One doesn't need to say yes, 'Oh cheating husband, I'll help destroy your family!'     Someone really wants to get on that bus? 


Lisa did actually pose that question on the blog snippet someone shared a couple pages back. That's why I responded with whether Lisa would bring it to Vince about sleeping with another man's wife. 


While I wasn't expecting Lisa to go that route, I did comment in the way that I did because I find it interesting how the "Woman thou art loosed"-style rhetoric attaches to Eileen in a way that something comparable isn't being attached to Vince, who was a married man screwing another man's wife. 

  • Love 3

No one can say what's right or wrong for anyone else. Not everyone is the same and not everyone's experience or interpretations of experience are the same. My family didn't seem as affected by their visiting as I was. Good for them. But I had to do what was right for me. If Rinna feels this experience would traumatize her, she has every right to not put herself through that. I think it's wrong to paint her as a spoiled brat just because it doesn't jive with your values or worldview. YMMV.


Thank you for sharing your own story and I applaud you for putting your foot down with regards to what you could handle.  My grandfather, who I was extremely close to, suffered from dementia due to Parkinson's for years.  He and my grandmother lived in an assisted living facility in Nebraska and I visited as often as I could...which was not often seeing as I was in my 20's and living in California.  Every visit was a knife to my heart.  The man I saw was not my grandfather.  I still made a trip out there at least once a year to see them but it became harder and harder to as the years went on and I can honestly say that I also felt relief when he eventually passed away.  


I do not judge LisaR or Eileen for their reaction to the call from Kathryn's mother.  

  • Love 4

Lisa did actually pose that question on the blog snippet someone shared a couple pages back. That's why I responded with whether Lisa would bring it to Vince about sleeping with another man's wife. 


While I wasn't expecting Lisa to go that route, I did comment in the way that I did because I find it interesting how the "Woman thou art loosed"-style rhetoric attaches to Eileen in a way that something comparable isn't being attached to Vince, who was a married man screwing another man's wife. 

Maybe it just boils down to the fact Eileen is on the show, not Vince. Not only that, the initial conversation was between LisaV and Eileen and Vince isn't the one demanding apologies then deeming the apology not good enough time and time again. LOL

  • Love 17

Lisa did actually pose that question on the blog snippet someone shared a couple pages back. That's why I responded with whether Lisa would bring it to Vince about sleeping with another man's wife. 


While I wasn't expecting Lisa to go that route, I did comment in the way that I did because I find it interesting how the "Woman thou art loosed"-style rhetoric attaches to Eileen in a way that something comparable isn't being attached to Vince, who was a married man screwing another man's wife. 

I don't think the comment was meant to promote that rhetoric.  LVP is saying that Eileen won't let this go because she's insecure about her own behavior in the past and the optics of "affair" probably make her feel a lot more insecure than saying "I met my husband when he was married to someone else". She's basically saying that Eileen is treating the situation as though LVP asked the question as blunt and vulgar as the question she posed in her blog. So if she's going to do have to deal with such an extreme reaction to using the term "affair" then she might as well have just said not have bothered with any diplomacy because she would have suffered the same consequences anyhow.

  • Love 11

Why should LVP have any empathy for Elieen at this point? Isn't Elieen who keeps rehashing her affair that shouldn't been broughr up and won't accept the apology that wasn't good enough for her? Eliwen to me is making a mountain out of a mole hill and forcing drama. IMO the gloves are off and since Elieen won't let shit go and move forward and steadily stirring the pot, hey, LVP shade away.

I wasn't talking about Eileen.  I was talking about when Lisar left the table in tears about her mother. Not saying LVP needs to feel anything for her. It was the point that LVP didn't understand why she - or the others were crying while watching Katherine cry about her mother.  She seemed genuinely perplexed and Kyle had to explain it to her. My guess is that Kyle has as many issues with Lisar as LVP does. I think she has been mad at her since last year when she sent Kim that f-u text and started going after her on Twitter. Add to that the stuff that has gone down this year, and I don't think Kyle likes Lisar very much. Still, she was able to understand what would make her weep, something that LVP couldn't wrap her mind around. Kyle was able to see and articulate the pain of someone else, regardless of how she felt about that person or the things that person had done. 


I just don't think that LVP is a naturally empathetic person. I think that once something is explained to her, then she can feel something, but it doesn't come to her easily. It reminds me of the stuff with Taylor. She didn't like her or get her, and really didn't care much about what she was going through. When Taylor became very vulnerable and weepy, and made her pain clear (if you can't be for me, than just don't be against me - or something like that) LVP got it and became somewhat protective of her. She just didn't get what everyone else already understood. I just don't think she feels things in the same way that others do. Unless we are talking about dogs. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 6

LisaR just loves to gossip, dig into things that don't need digging into.  She's all about drama.  She loves when everybody is riled up.  She did go to Eileen to be a sounding board, and Eileen took advantage of that.  Egging her on, then when she didn't confront LVP or Kyle, Eileen went in harder on LisaR.   But when LisaR comes out with the BS about seeing the big picture - it's all clear to her - well, it's only clear in her mind.    LisaR hasn't done herself any favors this year.  She appears erratic, gossipy and this closeness with Eileen isn't helping.  


LisaV doesn't like Yo, so what?  Remember when Kyle & Lisa were having the birthday party at LisaV's house, and YO went to Mohammad's house and complained to him because she was busy that weekend?  She wanted MO to badmouth LVP on camera, and he wouldn't do it.   YO said in her TH that she takes Brandi for who she is - she doesn't like some of the things she does, but that's "Just Brandi".   Notice she doesn't have the same attitude towards the other women?    She went nuts when LVP couldn't make it to her ridiculous tile painting party, but notice she didn't understand that LVP was actually busy - working.   She made digs about it, acted like it cut her to the core when LVP wasn't there.  


To turn this all into LVP's strategic plot to go against YO is so stupid.   It's LisaR that seems to have the biggest problem with YO.  She can't make sense of the sick vs vacation selfies, the fact that YO can choose to do whatever events she wants, not the ones that LR has to as part of her contract, and probably more importantly to LR is the idea that YO is being paid the same for not showing up.   "It's all about the bucks Baby".

  • Love 13

I wasn't talking about Eileen.  I was talking about when Lisar left the table in tears about her mother. Not saying LVP needs to feel anything for her. It was the point that LVP didn't understand why she - or the others were crying while watching Katherine cry about her mother.  She seemed genuinely perplexed and Kyle had to explain it to her. My guess is that Kyle has as many issues with Lisar as LVP does. I think she has been mad at her since last year when she sent Kim that f-u text and started going after her on Twitter. Add to that the stuff that has gone down this year, and I don't think Kyle likes Lisar very much. Still, she was able to understand what would make her weep, something that LVP couldn't wrap her mind around. Kyle was able to see and articulate the pain of someone else, regardless of how she felt about that person or the things that person had done. 


I just don't think that LVP is a naturally empathetic person. I think that once something is explained to her, then she can feel something, but it doesn't come to her easily. It reminds me of the stuff with Taylor. She didn't like her or get her, and really didn't care much about what she was going through. When Taylor became very vulnerable and weepy, and made her pain clear (if you can't be for me, than just don't be against me - or something like that) LVP got it and became somewhat protective of her. She just didn't get what everyone else already understood. I just don't think she feels things in the same way that others do. Unless we are talking about dogs. 

I don't think LisaV lacks "empathy" for others, I think it is that she misses "emotional subtleties" and once she is made aware of them her responses are normal, like in the Taylor example you gave. She recently, this season, said that her parents didn't say "I love you", (show their emotional feelings) and that she makes it a point to do so with her children. Soooooo, I don't think LisaV sees emotions as easily as we do and maybe it is a "British, stiff upper lip thing" more than anything else.  

  • Love 7

That may be but it doesn't come from a malicious place. I've learned that you can't fault others for being who they are even if they possess or don't possess traits we wouldn't or would want them to possess. Lisa isn't as warm and fuzzy as others and that's okay. Not everyone can be friends but everyone should be able to get along. Guess what that just means that Lisa V can't be the kind of close friend to Eileen that Eileen is with lets say Lisa R. That's what meeting people and being around them is all about. You see if their brand of friendship melds with yours. If it doesn't then you see where you stand, they stand and make decisions based on arms length likability or socializing enjoyment or minimal polite engagement.


There's no need to react so strongly to people who aren't on the same sensitivity spectrum as you. You observe and make determinations based on interactions. If there are things that don't meet your particular expectations of a close acquaintance or friend then make note and treat future interactions in the way you deem best for minimal discomfort. It's not like Lisa V jumps out from the shadows and proceeds to be a ridiculous and abrupt force to be reckoned with all the time. Her brand of humor, forwardness aren't for everyone, her dismissive demeanor is offensive to some so what to do? Take it in stride and maneuver around her existence and keep the intimacy down to a very low level. Taking things so damn personally and creating all this extreme distress over something that should have just been a learning experience is the most immature display of a grown woman.

Watching Lisa V in action for a while, I would not conclude that it doesn't come from "a malicious place" - and it obviously doesn't seem that way to Eileen and others.
  • Love 3

Yolanda makes me think of the phrase " time heals all wounds, and wounds all heels". I don't want anyone to suffer but I hope she comes to the realization that all people are on a "journey" not just her...this includes that Hispanic worker who " needs to learn to speak English". I'm sure he's got a story to tell too. In the big scheme of things she continues to lead a VERY charmed life.

  • Love 15

Watching Lisa V in action for a while, I would not conclude that it doesn't come from "a malicious place" - and it obviously doesn't seem that way to Eileen and others.

It's really this simple - if you're engaging with someone and at the point you feel they're coming from a malicious place, you politely redirect the conversation or simply say you're uncomfortable. You don't entertain the situation and then complain about it incessantly after the fact. That defies all common sense and tries to shift away from the reality that whatever negative feelings you have about that interaction is purely self-inflicted. Eileen engaged, got mad about it afterward, put someone in the position to have to apologize to her and then decided that the apology had to be just right.


LVP is most certainly directional and can instigate - they ALL do this. To me, it seems this takedown stems from wanting LVP to feel the same wrath and consequences as they've had to face for doing the same things. Honestly, I think LVP is probably the only wife on this franchise that take part in all of that drama yet not get a fraction of backlash that any other women would get and that's because she doesn't let herself act a fool when confronted.

  • Love 17

Watching Lisa V in action for a while, I would not conclude that it doesn't come from "a malicious place" - and it obviously doesn't seem that way to Eileen and others.

I guess my definition of malicious isn't synonymous with catty. I don't believe Lisa V had an agenda when she asked Eileen those question but let say I agree that there was a bit of intent behind Lisa V's questioning I wouldn't place it anywhere higher than minor cattiness between the women. However they are really going after Lisa V in a variety of ways and trying to morph her basic tendency to be insensitive into a whole other level of sinister behavior and that's just hogwash.  I mean they are creating conspiracies and some narrative of abusive behavior within friendships that's completely ridiculous and outrageously exaggerated. Puuullleeezzeee!! 

  • Love 12

It's really this simple - if you're engaging with someone and at the point you feel they're coming from a malicious place, you politely redirect the conversation or simply say you're uncomfortable. You don't entertain the situation and then complain about it incessantly after the fact. That defies all common sense and tries to shift away from the reality that whatever negative feelings you have about that interaction is purely self-inflicted. Eileen engaged, got mad about it afterward, put someone in the position to have to apologize to her and then decided that the apology had to be just right.


LVP is most certainly directional and can instigate - they ALL do this. To me, it seems this takedown stems from wanting LVP to feel the same wrath and consequences as they've had to face for doing the same things. Honestly, I think LVP is probably the only wife on this franchise that take part in all of that drama yet not get a fraction of backlash that any other women would get and that's because she doesn't let herself act a fool when confronted.

I agree. We don't see/hear LisaV scream at anyone when she gets mad or upset. She says what she needs to say then moves on and doesn't expect whoever she is mad at to apologize over and over again. She may keep them at arms length for a bit until she feels they aren't going to repeat the same behavior, if they don't she goes back to a normal friendship with them but if they do, she keeps at a distance from them, which is something I consider to be normal behavior.


On the reverse, when she ticks someone off or hurts them, she tries to make amends and more important, IMO, she doesn't repeat whatever it was that upset/hurt them in the first place ever again. Again, more normal behavior.

  • Love 14

Lisa did actually pose that question on the blog snippet someone shared a couple pages back. That's why I responded with whether Lisa would bring it to Vince about sleeping with another man's wife. 


While I wasn't expecting Lisa to go that route, I did comment in the way that I did because I find it interesting how the "Woman thou art loosed"-style rhetoric attaches to Eileen in a way that something comparable isn't being attached to Vince, who was a married man screwing another man's wife. 

I don't read their blogs. 


I'm not letting Vince off the hook, he's bad ground noise in this show to me. Not important. A GAMBLER who comments about a $500.00 dress. Bet he's lost that and more in one hand of poker. Many times. 

 Soapy wants to be front and center, it comes with the territory.


Meant back ground noise but sort of like my typo better. 

Edited by This2getsold
  • Love 2

It's really this simple - if you're engaging with someone and at the point you feel they're coming from a malicious place, you politely redirect the conversation or simply say you're uncomfortable. You don't entertain the situation and then complain about it incessantly after the fact. That defies all common sense and tries to shift away from the reality that whatever negative feelings you have about that interaction is purely self-inflicted. Eileen engaged, got mad about it afterward, put someone in the position to have to apologize to her and then decided that the apology had to be just right.


LVP is most certainly directional and can instigate - they ALL do this. To me, it seems this takedown stems from wanting LVP to feel the same wrath and consequences as they've had to face for doing the same things. Honestly, I think LVP is probably the only wife on this franchise that take part in all of that drama yet not get a fraction of backlash that any other women would get and that's because she doesn't let herself act a fool when confronted.

But we are talking about a reality show. If they didn't engage when someone pissed them off or hurt their feelings, who would watch? As much as we all like to say we want more house, vacation and shoe porn, the truth is that drama drives the ratings. 


On WWHL a viewer asked (or maybe it was Andy) Kyle if she thought LVP had been bullied, as LVP has stated. Kyle said that "no", she hadn't been, and that the word was thrown around way too much in situations where it didn't apply (this might have been the smartest thing Kyle has ever said). She said that Eileen and Lisar were doing what they were supposed to do on the show, which was to talk about how they felt about things. This cuts to the heart of it. I get that lots of people don't agree with why they feel how they do, but they are paid to express all of this. 

  • Love 3

These trips are paid for by trades with the producers for consideration shown at the end. 


Maybe the trip was short, maybe 'do buy' businesses didn't care about being part of this barn burning mess.  So we didn't see much cause they didn't do much. Or they acted like grown folks and Bravo isn't interested in showing that.


Thank you to whom ever posted the links about 'DoBuy'. Eye opening. Had numerous friends stop there for a day (or half) with a cruise ship. All were glad it was a short stay. 

Edited by This2getsold
  • Love 2

These trips are paid for by trades with the producers for consideration shown at the end.

Maybe the trip was short, maybe 'do buy' businesses didn't care about being part of this barn burning mess. So we didn't see much cause they didn't do much. Or they acted like grown folks and Bravo isn't interested in showing that.

Thank you to whom ever posted the links about 'DoBuy'. Eye opening. Had numerous friends stop there for a day (or half) with a cruise ship. All were glad it was a short stay.

Bravo expects there return on these free trips they give the housewives which is to make good TV - lots of bitchy and catty drama.

  • Love 3

But they've talked about her illness ad nauseum under the pretense that they "care" about her. Which is even more despicable show or no show.  She's mentioned the women and criticized their lack of support in response to the fact that they've been discussing her and her illness. This last episode she was talking in general so I don't count that as her talking about the other cast members.


My thing is, she has every right to be annoyed and call out the women who want to discuss her shit but then fall back on "we are just worried" bullshit. If they aren't friends then there is not need for "concerned" dialogue and if they aren't then fucking own up to what all the chatter really is about. Camera time and fucking gossip. I think its the in between shit that Yolanda's most annoyed about. Claim what it is and move on. Dramatic effect for the seasons taping.  "Don't insult me with this BS about how it was over concern about me and my kids". I'd want to slap a bitch or two myself with that nonsense.

I think I may have made this point before, but I actually believe LisaV certainly, and probably Kyle as well, were legitimately shocked to hear Yolanda casually mention that Bella and Anwar both had Chronic Lyme Disease and Yolanda was managing their treatment as well as her own. This was obviously news to LisaV, and given her long term friendship with Mohammed and her own connection to his children as a result, I do think her subsequent attempts to find out if those kids were really sick was out of genuine concern for them. As we know, both she and Kyle were deeply skeptical of the many treatments Yolanda was undergoing, so the thought of her inflicting them on the kids would be quite distressing, even more so if there was no reliable diagnosis. LVP doesn't consider herself a friend of Yolanda, but she very much considers herself a friend of Mohamed and by extension, cares about the health and well-being of his kids.



Edited by Ketzel
  • Love 10

Plenty of people work a lot and still super hero the ability to be there for their ailing parents. Some don't and that's okay too however most people who still find the time aren't Celebrities with 3 figure pay checks and who are married to another celebrity with 3 figure pay checks. Yeah she's working, so she can afford herself the ability to live the luxurious lifestyle she's accustomed to which is leaps and bound from what is actually necessary in the big scheme of things. Now mind you I've got nothing against keeping up with the jones. Knock yourself out Lisa Rinna, her hustle is strong and I commend that but not being there for her parents because she's out on the grind so she can keep herself neck deep in designer bags doesn't really cut it for me.

A three figure pay check would be $9.99 at the max.   Combine the two and it would be $19.98. 


I think Lisar has a lot  faults and this issue with her mom is at the crux of her personality.  STFU, don't whine about not seeing your mother enough, it is doable.  It was nice she gave credit to her sister but none of us would even be commenting if had not been for her making the statements and vomiting up her guilt.  Same with the hairdresser and the "guilt" she felt for engaging in chatter.  She just needs to STFU. Both situations could easily have been left off camera. I can understand not wanting to leave my husband and daughters at home to go and visit mom.  She is taking away from her primary responsibility which is taking care of her daughters.  At some point in the relationship Rinna chose to move far away from mom and dad, so it involves air travel or a good 15 hour ride one way.  Again we do not know if her parents, before their health went into decline regularly visited her.  This may have been something in the making for the past two years when her parents' health declined.   I just think Rinna overshares. 

  • Love 5

Okay, I have to say something. I think Yolanda's spot on. I think it's true that we now live in a world where people can't stick it out when the going gets tough. Sure friends do rally for a while but then start to fade away once they realize that it's an ongoing commitment that doesn't involve partying, or pleasant gatherings. Once people realize that friendship will be more about downer days, long talks, comforting and support people tend to pull back and then disappear. I was right with her when she shared that and look, the reaction is usually negative when a person shares that they think it's wrong. Or "play" victim.


In our society today weak, sick those in need of support or help are expected to champion themselves and gracefully allow people to fade away. They shouldn't shackle loved ones for their own sake and if they do then it's not right. No one should play the victim card to get others to care. That's harsh. I think Yolanda's position is that people shouldn't have to play the victim card. That people should step up and steel themselves for the new reality within a relationship with someone having struggles. That's what friends, family, unconditional love is supposed to be about. I'm not talking about strangers but I think Yolanda has every right to feel the way she feels about people who have already integrated themselves into her life BEFORE her illness because flaws and all these are people who still decided they wanted to befriend Yolanda and be a part of her life so if you cared enough to be a friend when all was well I would expect no less when things get tough.


The way Yolanda's been raked across the coals all season for daring to share her disappointments with how those around her have chosen to deal with her and her struggles just goes to show that she isn't entirely wrong. I don't think Yolanda is exhausting when it comes to what her expectations are of friends, family and people close to her. I expect the same thing. It is grueling to be there for friends that have more needs than the average happy go lucky friend or acquaintance but so what. You make the effort and all Yolanda has been pointing out during the season is that it's really a shame that people are so quick to excuse their lack of effort and support when it comes to fulfilling friendly obligations. She's not young so she remembers when there was a time where people were more dedicated to their friendships. Where people honored obligations. Shit I remember too and Yolanda is a good few years older than me. Even I have noticed the drastic difference in society over the years and I feel that Yolanda is just honestly expressing her sadness over what has become the norm now a days VS. the resolve people used to have 20+ years ago. I'm actually right there with her when it comes to that sentiment. I think it's a very relevant and valid point of view that shouldn't be glossed over just because Yolanda is the one expressing it. 

What were the other women supposed to do, though? She says she was bed-ridden and unable to function. Were the others supposed to sit vigil at her bedside while she slept? They have jobs, businesses, and families. Were they supposed to abandon all of that to be with Yolanda? Yolanda has a family and staff. I will never understand her attitude that she is owed anything. None of us are. I believe that people reap what they sow.

  • Love 12

Who is LVP talking about in her blog when she mentions a c-list actress leaving the table in tears? Herself in PR a couple of years ago when the accusations hit too close to home? Is she referring to when Lisar left after getting emotional about her mother? LVP didn't seem to understand why the talk made her cry, and it had to be explained to her by Kyle. LVP does seem to lack some type of empathy. Kyle was just as mad at Lisar for different reasons, but she was clear about why Lisar would be emotional. LVP, not so much. God Bless Kyle, but it would be hard to be friends with LVP. Kyle seems to have just the right temperment for it.

Also it would have been herself at the previous night's dinner, if Kyle hadn't made her stay :)

  • Love 1

Okay, I have to say something. I think Yolanda's spot on. I think it's true that we now live in a world where people can't stick it out when the going gets tough. Sure friends do rally for a while but then start to fade away once they realize that it's an ongoing commitment that doesn't involve partying, or pleasant gatherings. Once people realize that friendship will be more about downer days, long talks, comforting and support people tend to pull back and then disappear. I was right with her when she shared that and look, the reaction is usually negative when a person shares that they think it's wrong. Or "play" victim.


In our society today weak, sick those in need of support or help are expected to champion themselves and gracefully allow people to fade away. They shouldn't shackle loved ones for their own sake and if they do then it's not right. No one should play the victim card to get others to care. That's harsh. I think Yolanda's position is that people shouldn't have to play the victim card. That people should step up and steel themselves for the new reality within a relationship with someone having struggles. That's what friends, family, unconditional love is supposed to be about. I'm not talking about strangers but I think Yolanda has every right to feel the way she feels about people who have already integrated themselves into her life BEFORE her illness because flaws and all these are people who still decided they wanted to befriend Yolanda and be a part of her life so if you cared enough to be a friend when all was well I would expect no less when things get tough.


The way Yolanda's been raked across the coals all season for daring to share her disappointments with how those around her have chosen to deal with her and her struggles just goes to show that she isn't entirely wrong. I don't think Yolanda is exhausting when it comes to what her expectations are of friends, family and people close to her. I expect the same thing. It is grueling to be there for friends that have more needs than the average happy go lucky friend or acquaintance but so what. You make the effort and all Yolanda has been pointing out during the season is that it's really a shame that people are so quick to excuse their lack of effort and support when it comes to fulfilling friendly obligations. She's not young so she remembers when there was a time where people were more dedicated to their friendships. Where people honored obligations. Shit I remember too and Yolanda is a good few years older than me. Even I have noticed the drastic difference in society over the years and I feel that Yolanda is just honestly expressing her sadness over what has become the norm now a days VS. the resolve people used to have 20+ years ago. I'm actually right there with her when it comes to that sentiment. I think it's a very relevant and valid point of view that shouldn't be glossed over just because Yolanda is the one expressing it. 

I've got to sort of disagree with this. I was diagnosed with HIV 26 years ago, and let me tell you many people jumped ship. And I wasn't even sick. They just simply couldn't deal. Some of them did come back years later and apologize. That's just life. I really don't think it's new

 Re Rinna ,I appreciate all of the posters here who have good relationships with their parent's. Not all of us do. My husbands father died in January. He was sick for a while.  Only one of his 5 children came anywhere near him when he was dying. There were reasons. My own mother is pretty awful, I'm sad to say.  That doesn't magically go way when she gets sick. My husband had an Aortic Dissection that same week my mother was diagnosed with cancer. His type of dissection in 90% fatal. She was upset because he "stole her thunder".  She once said to me, after me , after my being HIV +  for more than 10 years,"You have no idea what it's like to worry about your health all the time".  She also once told me that my husband would leave me because I gained 20 pounds from anti-HIV meds

  Now I don't know about Lisa's relationship with her mother.  I'm good with  my mother on the surface, but there are many many issues.  I can't judge. I don't have enough info.  Some families just aren't that close.  I'd kill for that close family where everyone sticks together and helps each other out. It's not going to happen

  • Love 14

There's so much about Lyme Disease that's still unknown, even though the first cases were diagnosed back in the 1980's. When Lyme isn’t detected in the early stages, it becomes Chronic Lyme, a condition which the CDC and IDSA both deny even exists. They will continue to deny it, because if there’s one thing insurance companies hate, it’s chronic disorders they have to spend time and money treating. Lucky for Yolanda she had the resources available to her because she's wealthy. Pinpointing this type of infection is not an exact science, and symptoms are not always crystal clear and that's why many people infected go a very long time misdiagnosed or not diagnosed then it's too late and it becomes a chronic illness. I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease back in 2001. Just two days ago I had an appointment with my Gastroenterologist (time for colonoscopy, ew) and while I was there I mentioned to him that I had been diagnosed with Lyme back in 2001 and he said immediately "okay so you have brain fog and joint pain'" Bingo doc, you get it. Lucky for me my treatment seemed to have caught the disease before it became neurological. So yeah, I am one of the very few people, perhaps in the world, that can relate to what Yolanda says. So sue me. :) And about pulling out the pills to take during a meal, there's many medications that need the person to take them with food. I have several like that and sometimes it's a chore just to grab a yogurt or some crackers to take with them but that's the mechanism that makes those particular drugs work in the intestines and not in the stomach.

I know I should just let this go, but I can't believe that Chronic Lyme is real, but is being suppressed, denied, and lied about by the CDC and the AMA. There are too many people involved. Look at AIDS. It was recognized by the CDC long before it was completely understood. Mixed in with the insurance industry is Big Pharma. Wouldn't BP like to sell drugs that treat a chronic disease? I don't know. Occam's razor and all that. I'm skeptical, but I'm not stupid.

  • Love 10

My problem with Lisar concerning her parents is not so much that she visits once a year (as she stated, and I know her father has since died), it's the "my mother no longer calls on my birthday", the " she suffered a stroke and has memory loss, so she doesn't call me", and the tears. Her mother is still alive. You can call people in assisted living and nursing homes. You can visit them. Her mother may no longer call, the roles may have shifted, but, her mother is still alive. If Lisar wants to talk to her mother she still can. It's totally up to her.

  • Love 9

What were the other women supposed to do, though? She says she was bed-ridden and unable to function. Were the others supposed to sit vigil at her bedside while she slept? They have jobs, businesses, and families. Were they supposed to abandon all of that to be with Yolanda? Yolanda has a family and staff. I will never understand her attitude that she is owed anything. None of us are. I believe that people reap what they sow.

THIS! Lets be honest she was kind of a B**** to most of the women, why would they even want to sit there and be there for her. She really thinks she is a special flower and everyone should bow to her

  • Love 7

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