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S06.E19: Goodbye, Dubai

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For me Yolanda's point about people not supporting her isn't necessarily wrong, it's misdirected. These are her coworkers, what are they supposed to do in that role? What should they do for a costar who's spent a fair amount of time, it seems, out of the country chasing treatments? For a person who gets offended when people say she looks good?

So I guess I get her general point while grousing about the details. It seems to me like supportive texts and likes on social media would be enough. And if she wanted more, instead of expecting she could have asked, imho. It's hard to guess accurately about how much someone needs from you unless you're super close, I think, and sometimes it seems Yolanda faults people for not guessing correctly. To me that's a bit unfair.

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For me Yolanda's point about people not supporting her isn't necessarily wrong, it's misdirected. These are her coworkers, what are they supposed to do in that role? What should they do for a costar who's spent a fair amount of time, it seems, out of the country chasing treatments? For a person who gets offended when people say she looks good?

So I guess I get her general point while grousing about the details. It seems to me like supportive texts and likes on social media would be enough. And if she wanted more, instead of expecting she could have asked, imho. It's hard to guess accurately about how much someone needs from you unless you're super close, I think, and sometimes it seems Yolanda faults people for not guessing correctly. To me that's a bit unfair.

Unless all the other HWs agreed to only film around Yolanda's bed as she lies there in her tattered white robe, while rubbing her feet and spoon feeding her what ever concoction she is treating herself with at that moment, they will never live up to her expatiations, ever. Oh, and they must sing her songs full of platitudes praising her warrior spirit the entire time. LOL

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Is this the gist of it:

LVP tells Kyle "Whew! I'm glad Rinna didn't bring you into this"

Kyle responds "If I go up in flames I'm taking you all with me"

My take is that Kyle immediately thought about their culpability of making fun of Yo's sick/not sick selfies (and (more so Kyle texting back & forth with Rinna) - they both knew they had nothing to do with Rinna's Munchausen's conversation, and NOT that LVP tried to throw Kyle under the bus.

To paraphrase, LVP (IMO) was saying "Whew! I'm glad Rinna didn't throw you under the bus re all the texting/making fun of Yo"

I don't even know if this makes sense...neither of them allowed LVP to ever fully explain and both Kyle & Rinna are a little dense when it comes to nuance, tone, etc...

One million times this!  LVP knew that Rinna had actual evidence in the form of texts against Kyle.  That's why she was worried Rinna would drag Kyle into it.   If you ask me, Kyle is defending LVP while letting her take the bullet at the same time, so she comes out smelling like a rose instead of a mean girl.  Cop to the lesser offense of making jokes while shining the spotlight on Rinna for saying Munchies, and on LVP for being a manipulator.  She hasn't been called out at all in comparison and in fact is being pitied by both the cast and some viewers.

Edited by JenFromCincy
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According to LisaR, she tried several times to meet with Yolanda right away and Yolanda refused to meet with her BUT what she didn't know was that Eileen had already squealed on her to Yolanda. LisaV and Kyle immediately came to LisaR's defense, not Eileen and I don't think Eileen ever told LisaR that she was the one that betrayed her to Yolanda. Every time Yolanda brought up LisaR, both Kyle and LisaV came to her defense, every. single, time. without hesitation. But somehow, LisaV manipulated LisaR, somehow LisaV used LisaR to do her dirty work. NOT! LOL


I hope this gets brought out at the reunion ( with clips).

And, I would not get involved or form an opinion  about how people handle their  parents. I am not in their shoes. Last night I heard for the first time that Lisa's mother suffered a stroke two years ago. Did anyone know that ? Some things are kept off camera. No one knows how she handled that or how often she went to see her parents. Some things are off camera. 

Edited by missyb
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According to LisaR, she tried several times to meet with Yolanda right away and Yolanda refused to meet with her BUT what she didn't know was that Eileen had already squealed on her to Yolanda. LisaV and Kyle immediately came to LisaR's defense, not Eileen and I don't think Eileen ever told LisaR that she was the one that betrayed her to Yolanda. Every time Yolanda brought up LisaR, both Kyle and LisaV came to her defense, every. single, time. without hesitation. But somehow, LisaV manipulated LisaR, somehow LisaV used LisaR to do her dirty work. NOT! LOL


I hope this gets brought out at the reunion ( with clips).

And, I would not get involved or form an opinion  about how people handle their  parents. I am not in their shoes. Last night I heard for the first time that Lisa's mother suffered a stroke two years ago. Did anyone know that ? Some things are kept off camera. No one knows how she handled that or how often she went to see her parents. Some things are off camera. 


Yes, LisaR has mentioned her mothers stroke before, last season when she went to visit them.

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Rinna spent more time visiting and interacting with the Dutch-Munch Bitch last year than she did her own dying father and elderly mother. When she did see them it seemed as if  strangers were visiting. Rinna was gone so long there was very little common ground which resulted in silences, stilted conversation, and explanations.


Sadness and crying, please those crocodile tears for her selfish self and not them. She doesn't deserve any of her father's estate especially his paintings, those should go to her sister she did the caring and work.

There are a lot of things Rinna does that annoy me but her relationship with her parents isn't one of them.  Rinna got married as a working woman and has continued her career throughout her marriage.  Sometimes you have to go with the family you created.  Her father was in his nineties, he told her he wanted to die, she was with him when he died.  Sometimes parents and adult children do not get along well or have a difficult time spending time with each other.  We have no concept have often they returned to California to visit Rinna and her family, if there were more frequent phone calls, because Rinna quite frankly needs a storyline and she always seems to have to one up someone.  I do believe we saw Rinna and her mother on the phone for Rinna's birthday-so throwing out there she hasn't had that since her mother's stroke two years ago would be quite frankly a lie.


I think Rinna's half sister probably got to take what ever she wanted from her father.  He was a professional artist for 50 years, I am quite certain there are probably hundreds of paintings, so I don't think her half sister was edged out of anything.   In the department of holy inappropriateness it would be out of bounds for the others to comment on Rinna's relationship with her parents.  We have never heard LVP speak or see her parents, Kyles are deceased, Yolanda left her mother's sick bed to go on a second honeymoon with David and film for the show, leaving her children unattended and one gets arrested, Eileen's mother lives with a brother somewhere in the LA basin, Erika only has a relationship with her mother, and apparently Kathryn's mother lives out of state.  I guess we could have Yolanda or Kyle telling Rinna to go see her mother or go call her mother, but it really would be inappropriate.


To me Rinna has always seemed laser focused on her marriage and her children.  Maybe it is something she learned from her mother. 

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It occurs to me that we were all begging for the life and death drama on this show (Kim) to disappear becasue it was just too heavy.  We were wishing they'd get back to petty squabbling.  They did that, and now we are hating it because they over-did the petty squabbling and tried to turn it into a life or death issue (Eileen/Rinna). 


If they don't do a major overhaul of this show, I don't think there's anything left worth watching because it's no fun anymore, except for LVP and Kyle's friendship.  Kathryn actually seems fun, too.  Otherwise?  The rest of them are no fun whatsoever.

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Unless the texts said Munchausen then I don't get the relevance of them in regard to Rinna saying Munchausen. Rinna seems to be deflecting imo


According to LisaV, there was more texting back and forth between LisaR and Kyle than there was between LisaR and her. That said, I don't think LisaR ever brought up Munchausen before that day at LisaV's house during filming to either LisaV or Kyle. LisaR's story has changed several times since that conversation happened.

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How could all of this be such a huge issue when the two people it concerns aren't concerned?


From Kathryn's blog, this about sums it up. She says a lot of good things in her blog.  The fact that she and Erika moved on after a rocky start really shows how adult women should handle misunderstandings  . 

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My only problem with Kyle this episode was in the, "Lisa has to get the last word," comment.  No, Kyle, how about "a" word.  Everybody and their brother got to air their side to the point of closure except LVP.  The way Kyle left it made it seem like "yes, you did exactly what Rinna accused you of, but even though that makes you a manipulator and a crappy human being, I'm willing to look past it." Like she's Saint Kyle of the Billowy Caftan or something. LVP was trying to say that it hurt her that Kyle would believe Rinna over her.  That in her mind there is a significant difference between fearing something happening and encouraging something to happen.  Kyle interrupted her at every turn.  I totally understand what LVP meant.  Kyle isn't ride or die.  Ride or die defends you and believes the best about you.  Kyle is Switzerland and doesn't have anyone's back but her own, which is perfectly okay, just don't fake like it's something different. 

Awesome! And I did feel bad for LisaV. People are always trying to get her to cop to shit and are also rewriting shit for her to eat and accept. I've had this exact thing happen to me. People trying to force me to accept THEIR perception of me or of someone I've said. Whenever I've clarified what I meant and that they misunderstood it would be countered with "Oh now you're back tracking or flipping it so that what you said wasn't wrong. Just say you're sorry but oh no you never do anything wrong". I used to get so frustrated because I refused to allow someone else to dictate TO ME what I meant when I delivered a comment or some such. I would always be ready to apologize for the hurt it caused and never used to shy or minimize that aspect but when I would get challenged and shut down with regards to me wanting to clarify that no, I'm not that hurtful person who PURPOSELY aimed to say something hurtful and explain the context in which it was meant I did stand my ground. I will not admit to something I did not do. I will apologize for the pain it may have caused but you don't get to wrap it up in any way shape or form and then tell me I have to apologize for the whole package that YOU'VE created. No way Jose and I think this is what they constantly do to LVP hence the whole she can never say sorry. Well, I think she's willing to say sorry but she's just not going to let people create this big offense, some of which is completely off base and then just take ownership of it. That's been her whole thing season after season. She WILL NOT cop to something that is grossly exaggerated, misrepresented or has additional side offenses that aren't accurate. I've always noticed how they try to throw everything and the kitchen sink at her when she's been called out on something and willing to apologize. It's like we've got her over a barrel over this, she's about to cave, quick throw in this slight, that slight, this perceived slight and tell her it's all or nothing. Lisa doesn't miss an opportunity to correct someone's out of context accusation during a "heart to heart" where they want to resolve something. She's okay to resolve stuff but she also knows this is where people want to throw other shit in to try to get her to cop to and she always swats it away which is what gives off this idea that she can never apologize. And I think Good for her!!

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It occurs to me that we were all begging for the life and death drama on this show (Kim) to disappear becasue it was just too heavy.  We were wishing they'd get back to petty squabbling.  They did that, and now we are hating it because they over-did the petty squabbling and tried to turn it into a life or death issue (Eileen/Rinna). 


If they don't do a major overhaul of this show, I don't think there's anything left worth watching because it's no fun anymore, except for LVP and Kyle's friendship.  Kathryn actually seems fun, too.  Otherwise?  The rest of them are no fun whatsoever.


See, I'm totally okay with minimal Kim/Kyle (well Kim, especially) drama, even if this is the alternative we get. If it comes at the cost of having to put up with Lyme talk and the current squabbles, then I'm OK with it. I'll shout it loud and proud, I'd much rather take the current shenanigans over Kim and Brandi.


And after last night, LVP and Kyle's "friendship" is part of the "no fun" parcel. Except when Kyle said she's like an abused wife explaining away the black eye as falling down the stairs. Because that was a hilarious moment of self-awareness on her part. 

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Except that no one is saying--not a one person is saying that those are the words. What's been up for debate, however, are these words: "Oh, I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it." What's also interesting to me about these words is that no one is detailing whether it was a question or a statement.

1. "Oh, I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it."


2. "Oh, I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it?"

--have slightly different rings to them. I also think that, despite this weird belief to the contrary*, Kyle is smart enough to understand that whatever it is, that LVP is playing a game of semantics. Kyle also understands that--for her--she'd rather be on LVP's "good side." Like, seriously, the social media caping that happens over LVP has to be only slightly less daunting than what the Beyhive bring the moment they think anyone is being critical of Beyoncé. I think Kyle is over that shit.


Like Kathryn said, they each have their own opinion and memory of what Lisa V said.


According to Lisa Rinna, she said "Bring Kyle into it"  but what LisaV claims to have said is "did you bring Kyle into it?"  Then LisaV goes to Kyle and asks "why did she bring you into it?" Kyle knew very well that  Lisa Vanderpump tried throwing her under the bus, but she said she didn’t care because she liked that they were in a good place, and she didn’t want to ruin their friendship. Kyle values LisaV's friendship for motives only known to her and she certainly doesn't want to go back to that dark place that they were after LisaV lied about telling Brandi to bring the gossip magazine to Puerto Rico.


Remember, Lisa Vanderpump is the reigning sovereign Queen of the Beverly Hills gang. She can do no wrong as far as Bravo is concerned. She's got the walk and talk and money that Bravo knows people want to see every week. Lisa knows she's untouchable. She can get away with just about any shennanigans she chooses to pull, even claiming the exclusive rights to wearing the color pink. 

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I've had this exact thing happen to me. People trying to force me to accept THEIR perception of me or of someone I've said. Whenever I've clarified what I meant and that they misunderstood it would be countered with "Oh now you're back tracking or flipping it so that what you said wasn't wrong. Just say you're sorry but oh no you never do anything wrong". I used to get so frustrated because I refused to allow someone else to dictate TO ME what I meant when I delivered a comment or some such. I would always be ready to apologize for the hurt it caused and never used to shy or minimize that aspect but when I would get challenged and shut down with regards to me wanting to clarify that no, I'm not that hurtful person who PURPOSELY aimed to say something hurtful and explain the context in which it was meant I did stand my ground. I will not admit to something I did not do.

I have had the exact same thing occur in my life, so I feel for you.  I also feel the same way about it that you do.  It's not my intent to harm and I'm happy to take responsibility for my part, but I will not accept another person's fictionalization of events.

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Both Lisa and Eileen have a mother that lives a couple of hours away in either an assisted living or skilled nursing facility. Both of them feel guilty that they aren't able to visit their mother more often, even admitting to those visits being as infrequent as once a year. ........hello? Once a YEAR?  Eileen left her mother's care in a nursing home to the supervision of her sister and Lisa left the supervision of her mother's care to her half-sister (including selling her home). This is what I hear in my head. These women try to extract sympathy from others over the fact they both have a mother who needs care and attention, BUT both mothers are suffering memory loss, so what the heck, she won't know if they're there or not, so why go out of the way to see them?  They're able to find the time to traipse off for an ultra-luxurious five days in Dubai because let's face it, who wouldn't want to be treated like a queen for five days? But to take the time and effort and possibly one full day to go see a mother that has very little memory anymore is just not on their list of 'things to do today'. To me, that's very sad.


Sorry to use your post cause I'm not sure your feelings about Yolanda but this is the type of stuff that Yolanda goes on about when she's outlining how quick people are to move on with themselves while minimizing their interactions with people in their lives suffering with something. I mean love her or hate her she does make a strong point.

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I wish they cast Victoria Rowell once and for all and handle Eileen. Oh how I would love it!


No sure who Victoria Rowell is.  Before tonight though I was hoping they would toss Erika and Katheryn next season and bring on Vince's ex-wife.


I've since changed my mind.


Now I want them to hire Vince's next wife.

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I would have liked to see more of Dubai.  What we saw looked awfully sterile. 


Of course there had to be shopping -- that's what women do best, right? [sarcasm]  But I would have loved to sit in a public place and watch the people, or drive around neighborhoods, look at homes.  I wanted to know more about the food too.  Except for the desert trip, we didn't see what was being served.


At the reunion, I want Andy to ask LisaR -- "What bus were you being thrown under?"  The worst that would happen is that Yo would know that the women were speculating about those remedies.  Not that she was really sick -- they all admitted that -- eventually. 


So where's the bus? 

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Third small thing. Did anyone else catch Lisa Vanderpump checking her teeth in her knife after eating dinner on the yacht?


Yep; even re-wound to get a second laugh and to make sure she really wasn't planning on using it to stab someone in the back!

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This isn't exactly right. Yolanda joined up in season three. This was a season after Brandi's debut as FOH to Adrienne, which was also after the season two reunion when Brandi got in LVP's ear to say that allllll the women had banded together to take down LVP. So, when Yolanda came along in season three, she wasn't being bitchy to LVP. Who Yolanda was being bitchy to was Kyle and any attempts at friendship that Kyle made. I distinctly remember the Ice Princess looking down her nose when she and Kyle were in the kitchen in Palm Springs the night after the women had been joking and laughing. She was making some remark about going for a walk so early in the morning and the importance of that--all very snotty and Yolier than thou. I also remember Yolanda's blogs from that season. She spent a lot of time taking shots at Kyle in each of them

Yolanda wasn't bitchy to LVP's face but according to Kyle and Kim, she had made some comments about LVP that were addressed at the reunion. Kyle and Kim insisted that Yolanda said it. Yolanda denied it. Andy then asked Lisa who she believed and she didn't believe Yolanda made those comments. I recall the reunion vividly where Kyle was sitting on the other couch across from LVP and Kim was sitting next to LVP. Kim turned to LVP and basically was shocked that she didn't believe them over Yolanda. I'm a little fuzzy on when they said Yolanda made the comments though but I think it may have been during the Paris trip. If Kyle and Kim were telling the truth (which I personally think they were), then it's possible that Yolanda came on to the show already identifying LVP as the frenemy. If LVP didn't like Yolanda back then, then either she didn't express that to anyone or no one put it out there. It also makes sense that Yolanda coming on the show and only knowing LVP, she wouldn't want to fracture relations with her before building her own friendships/alliances with any of the other women.

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Why Erika thinks that HUGE, THICK fake pony tail looks good is beyond me.  It is hideous.  


I like Kathryn now but of course this could change. 




I would have liked to see more of Dubai.  What we saw looked awfully sterile. 


Of course there had to be shopping -- that's what women do best, right? [sarcasm]  But I would have loved to sit in a public place and watch the people, or drive around neighborhoods, look at homes.  I wanted to know more about the food too.  Except for the desert trip, we didn't see what was being served.




Dubai is not that interesting.  It is very a sterile manufactured city.  There is not a local scene to tap into like European cities.  Off the beaten path is dangerous.  







I think they were served standard western fare for their meals.  We did see them eat a couple of things on this list.  


Let's hope for a more interesting season next time.  Unfortunately I think Yolanda is a shoo in along with Rinna and Eileen.  They have offered way too much drama, as boring as it was, for them not to renew their contracts.  I would love to hear that Yo will not be back but I don't think we will.  She will be cured and show up to everything.  

Edited by wings707
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It´s comparing apples with apples. Lisa isn´t stupid enough, no matter what words were used (Rinna has been all over the place with the exact wording), to say something with such an evil meaning to Rinna at the moment in question. It´s laughable and a waste of time to debate it, for us and certainly for them. Kyle was there, the camera´s were there, Lisa Rinna and Eileen have no credibility when it comes to this whole conversation, so enough should be enough. Hate Lisa or love her, she´s not dumb as rocks and would have played the situation differently if she was trying anything.


And yet here we all are debating it, with no one twisting anyone's arm to participate...


Kyle was there--yep--and her memory of LVP coming back into the house, saying what she said to Kyle, had Kyle responding with "Don't bring me into anything. If you do, I'll take you down with me." This says to me that Kyle sensed something else (maybe in LVP's delivery? Maybe in LVP's demeanor as she rehashed what had happened after walking Rinna out?) might have been brewing. Kyle sensed something, warned LVP, and decided that she'd rather keep her relationship with LVP in tact rather than pursue some grander (potential) conflict.


Also, Lisa isn't as witty or as bright as she's given credit for. She has her formula--gather backers; engage from the side as Erika pointed out--and she sticks to it.


It occurs to me that we were all begging for the life and death drama on this show (Kim) to disappear becasue it was just too heavy.  We were wishing they'd get back to petty squabbling.  They did that, and now we are hating it because they over-did the petty squabbling and tried to turn it into a life or death issue (Eileen/Rinna). 


If they don't do a major overhaul of this show, I don't think there's anything left worth watching because it's no fun anymore, except for LVP and Kyle's friendship.  Kathryn actually seems fun, too.  Otherwise?  The rest of them are no fun whatsoever.


I'm actually not. :) As I said earlier, I'm finding this season to be infinitely fascinating because it's so much "breaking the fourth wall" stuff happening.* Watching these women trying to play each other; trying to gather a ragtag team to corroborate or deny stories on social media, or for what may happen at reunion taping; trying to pretend that they aren't doing these very things is like watching a twisted anthropological study.



Yolanda wasn't bitchy to LVP's face but according to Kyle and Kim, she had made some comments about LVP that were addressed at the reunion. Kyle and Kim insisted that Yolanda said it. Yolanda denied it. Andy then asked Lisa who she believed and she didn't believe Yolanda made those comments. I recall the reunion vividly where Kyle was sitting on the other couch across from LVP and Kim was sitting next to LVP. Kim turned to LVP and basically was shocked that she didn't believe them over Yolanda. I'm a little fuzzy on when they said Yolanda made the comments though but I think it may have been during the Paris trip. If Kyle and Kim were telling the truth (which I personally think they were), then it's possible that Yolanda came on to the show already identifying LVP as the frenemy. If LVP didn't like Yolanda back then, then either she didn't express that to anyone or no one put it out there. It also makes sense that Yolanda coming on the show and only knowing LVP, she wouldn't want to fracture relations with her before building her own friendships/alliances with any of the other women.


Oh! I remembered this was one of the issues I initially brought up in the post you quoted. But the server was being a bitch, and well... But yeah I do remember that moment on the reunion. It's also what I was trying to get at when talking about what simultaneously happened with Joyce and the Luncheon as well as the Dream Team essentially trying to ice out Kyle.


*This is not to say it hasn't happened in seasons prior. It just feels more...entertaining?...than before because issues like Kim's alcoholism or Adrienne's surrogacy are not part of it.

Edited by Mozelle
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So much this. Visiting an aging/ailing parent is as much for you as it is for them. 





I agree but I also think it's a two way street. Yo wants support and I get that when you are sick people put up with it for a limited time, then fade away, BUT, it goes both ways. If one of the other hoes has a long drawn out illness and Yo was healthy, how long would she stick around? Methinks she's be off in the Amalfi coast and picking lemons for the kings dinner, not siting by someone's bedside. But I'm just speculating, 

But that hasn't been proven. And honestly from how I've seen her go in and be supportive to some on the show I do think there is a good possibility that she would be the type to show up with some soup or this or that. I'm not saying that people should be on call, morning noon and night and I don't think that's what Yolanda demands either. I think small gestures would speak volumes to Yolanda and to most people battling with something. Just constant reminders and "thinking of you" displays of support go a long way for someone struggling. I've always seen Yolanda as a person who's willing to not be nice about putting that out there and not caring if it makes her seem like she guilting people.  People count way too much on the person struggling to not 'play the victim' in order to absolve themselves from feeling obligated to make any effort. Not to say friends won't come 'round but most people want to know that even limited half assed displays are acceptable when sometimes depending on the situation it isn't. And it should be okay for the other person to express their own disappointments.  I think Yolanda has decided to give zero fucks about how it makes her look to call that shit out. At least that's my take on it and I honestly commend her for that cause I share her sentiment. People like to get off too easy and Yolanda is pointing that out to my enjoyment.

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I can't believe I allow this to happen to me, but I think my blood pressure has gone sky high. So frustrating! The worst for me is Kyle not believing what LVP said - when her own words confirmed exactly what Lisa said she said, and she still didn't get the nuance.



She *does* get the nuance. She just sees it (perhaps correctly) as the nuance being about Lisa covering her ass while she tries to get Kyle's name into things. That's what she told her at the time--"Why are you bringing my name up at all?" She gets that Lisa was creating some potential Kyle drama regardless of how she worded it.


My only problem with Kyle this episode was in the, "Lisa has to get the last word," comment.  No, Kyle, how about "a" word.  Everybody and their brother got to air their side to the point of closure except LVP.



I think Kyle was totally right about that in this context. Of course Lisa generally gets to give her side of the story, but Lisa also has a habit of ending every awkward confrontation with an attempt at a witty remark about how the other person is crazy. This is what she kept doing to Eileen as well (not that I blame her). Kyle and Lisa weren't really in disagreement about what Lisa said. They both agreed she said "I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it." Kyle considered that a way of getting her name out there. Lisa wanted a more 100% defense from Kyle, saying that if Kyle really thought that's what she was saying she shouldn't be friends with Lisa. She wants that ride-or-die declaration of loyalty and Kyle wasn't going to give it. Nor should she, imo. She knows Lisa well enough to see that she always wants that kind of support even when she's getting in little digs at you. She's actually pretty lucky to have a friend who sees that and is still her friend. That's probably why this relationship has lasted more than Brandi or that guy that used to live in their house.


In our society today weak, sick those in need of support or help are expected to champion themselves and gracefully allow people to fade away.




True, but this had nothing to do with Yolanda's relationship with the people they were talking about. She was co-opting a real problem people have to take a petty swipe against the other people on the show. She's never "been there" for any of them and has been making ridiculous demands (often unrelated to her illness) since she met them. She practically explains every time she gets on camera that people need to jump through a lot of hoops for her and do a lot of coddling before she's willing to name them more than a "Hollywood friend"--iow, for her to judge them a person who isn't totally shallow and worthless. She was even trying to suggest that everyone did the same thing to Kim.

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People complaining about not seeing enough of Dubai...THIS IS NOT THE TRAVEL CHANNEL. You're barking up the wrong tree. This is the RH franchise so you're going to be seeing them do housewifey things such as shop, argue on a Yacht, turn their nose up at local culture, etc. If you want a comprehensive tour of Dubai, Google and YouTube are your friends.

P.S. These women get paid to fight. Fighting paid for this trip to Dubai. You will NEVER see them completely get along on these vacations. NEVER. Maybe set your expectations accordingly.

Edited by Silo
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What I have learned from this season is most likely Rinna severe case of diarrhea of the mouth was a turn off to Kyle and LVP.  The very flamboyant way in which Rinna whipped out her phone and read the definition of Munchausen's was just too much for Kyle and LVP to bear.  I saw it as Rinna desperately trying to please LVP with a little dirt on Yolanda.  Rinna then turns around and tries to claim the great unrest between Yolanda and LVP is damaging to all.  All I can say is they pick their allies.  Yolanda claims to have a close relationship with Kim (I wonder how many times Kim called, visited or even text Yolanda from last February to the October sad picnic, thank you Bosawks), in spite of Kim's ill will towards Rinna and Eileen.  Rinna continues to go after Kim in spite of Kyle's disapproval.  Eileen is not innocent in the Kim camp either.  I can same the same about Tom Girardi, meeting LVP and referencing her as an alligator waiting for its prey-I don't care how pretty the alligator, it is still an insult.  Erika and Tom, Yolanda's soldiers.  So basically, Rinna could not recover from her Yolanda insults and now LVP and Kyle need to pay for her poor choices.


There is just no way I believe Eileen or Rinna want to mediate any kind of peace between Yolanda and LVP, they want the two of them worked up.  How easy it is to go film a few scenes with Yolanda in her bathrobe while she calls LVP out for being strategic?  I think Rinna and Eileen learned, it does not make for good filming when they have created a silence within the group.  Kathryn was correct with the nails on a chalkboard.   It is not interesting to talk about years old history when only Kyle and LVP have lived the Yolanda years.  Major boos to Erika, Eileen and Kathryn for calling out Kyle's friendship with LVP.  It is really none of their business, maybe they could learn from Kyle that forgiveness is golden.  Friends aren't perfect. 


So for either Eileen or Rinna to claim they are somehow collateral damage in the LVP/Yolanda wars is ridiculous.  Eileen has no problems planting her butt down with Yolanda and talking smack about LVP.  These two are the furthest thing from peacemakers.  They are carriers attempting get LVP or Yolanda to take a jab. 

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None of these people were friends with Yolanda before her illness. She has been mad at LVP since Paris, hated Kyle for two seasons, and met Lisa R and Eileen while "sick".  So to say they are moving away from her-she was never friends with them to begin with.  Same goes for Kim-Kim called her out Season 3 for using illness and ESL as excuses for harsh statements.  Brandi showing up with T-Shirts in poor taste at the sad picnic isn't a sign of friendship.   


Yolanda should identify who moved away or who she shut out-her husband David Foster.  It is not realistic or fair to blame illness and paint the other women in an unfair light. 

But they've talked about her illness ad nauseum under the pretense that they "care" about her. Which is even more despicable show or no show.  She's mentioned the women and criticized their lack of support in response to the fact that they've been discussing her and her illness. This last episode she was talking in general so I don't count that as her talking about the other cast members.


My thing is, she has every right to be annoyed and call out the women who want to discuss her shit but then fall back on "we are just worried" bullshit. If they aren't friends then there is not need for "concerned" dialogue and if they aren't then fucking own up to what all the chatter really is about. Camera time and fucking gossip. I think its the in between shit that Yolanda's most annoyed about. Claim what it is and move on. Dramatic effect for the seasons taping.  "Don't insult me with this BS about how it was over concern about me and my kids". I'd want to slap a bitch or two myself with that nonsense. 

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I would have liked to see more of Dubai.  What we saw looked awfully sterile. 


Of course there had to be shopping -- that's what women do best, right? [sarcasm]  But I would have loved to sit in a public place and watch the people, or drive around neighborhoods, look at homes.  I wanted to know more about the food too.  Except for the desert trip, we didn't see what was being served.


At the reunion, I want Andy to ask LisaR -- "What bus were you being thrown under?"  The worst that would happen is that Yo would know that the women were speculating about those remedies.  Not that she was really sick -- they all admitted that -- eventually. 


So where's the bus? 

There are problems with just viewing the locals-they have to sign releases which is why the RH are always so isolated from the crowds.  It is a reality they can't escape.  Even at the Hamptons party people had to sign releases and there is a confidentiality clause, in the event they overhear something or there is an argument.

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I would have liked to see more of Dubai.  What we saw looked awfully sterile. 


Of course there had to be shopping -- that's what women do best, right? [sarcasm]  But I would have loved to sit in a public place and watch the people, or drive around neighborhoods, look at homes.  I wanted to know more about the food too.  Except for the desert trip, we didn't see what was being served.



I believe it was sterile because they had to film in areas that there was little chance of them getting arrested because someone overheard them and took offence. They all have potty mouths and can do inappropriate things impulsively. Bravo didn't want to risk a legal issue in such a strict country.

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And apparently, it still wasn't good enough for Eileen! Her blog is nothing more than ripping LisaV to shreds and includes a comment at the end that she "knew" Lisa couldn't make a real apology.

Because the other women in the same damn episode damaged the apology by rallying around Lisa V and mocking it therefore making Lisa V "guilty by association" because it looked like she too was mocking it with them when in reality she wasn't.

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Neither Eileen nor Rinna ever said they wanted to mediate peace between LVP and Yo on the show. Did they say that on their blogs?

Then why bring it up?  If they are not trying to be peacemakers that leaves the other option of them constantly creating drama between the two warring factions.  Not a pretty look for either Eileen  or Rinna.   I guess I take them at their word they want things to be congenial between all the women.   

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Oh Kyle -- you were loving the spotlight, but what the hell were you talking about. Girl, you are nuts!

Yolanda looks great with her new hair style.

LisaV -- I love you!

Erika looks horrible with no makeup.

Lisar and Eileen need to go away! My God they are stupid. Way to waste a great trip.

I liked Kathryn this episode.

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I really don't get the debate of "dragging Kyle into it." There is a difference between "I thought you were going to drag Kyle into it" and "Why didn't you bring Kyle into it?" However, they could be the same depending on tone/inflection, i.e. 


A: [WHINEY & DISAPPOINTED] "I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it!" = "Why didn't you bring Kyle into it?"

B: [RELIEVED]: "I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it." = "I object to that."

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If they don't do a major overhaul of this show, I don't think there's anything left worth watching because it's no fun anymore, except for LVP and Kyle's friendship.  Kathryn actually seems fun, too.  Otherwise?  The rest of them are no fun whatsoever.



I agree 100%.  I don't know how they can save it though.  Most didn't like Camille (I barely remember) but I would not mind seeing her return.  It would need a familiar face for any major overhaul.  I have never watched the NY version but they brought Bethany back and I don't think she was well received either.  I will start watching the NY version this season and hope to catch up. 

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I really don't get the debate of "dragging Kyle into it." There is a difference between "I thought you were going to drag Kyle into it" and "Why didn't you bring Kyle into it?" However, they could be the same depending on tone/inflection, i.e. 


A: [WHINEY & DISAPPOINTED] "I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it!" = "Why didn't you bring Kyle into it?"

B: [RELIEVED]: "I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it." = "I object to that."

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"I'm way too fabulous for all this fighting!"  I don't know if Erika is actually too fabulous for all this fighting, but *I* am too fabulous for all this fighting.


So much bickering! What a mess, and it's so tedious, yet I still watch it.


True dat.

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I really don't get the debate of "dragging Kyle into it." There is a difference between "I thought you were going to drag Kyle into it" and "Why didn't you bring Kyle into it?" However, they could be the same depending on tone/inflection, i.e.A: [WHINEY & DISAPPOINTED] "I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it!" = "Why didn't you bring Kyle into it?"

B: [RELIEVED]: "I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it." = "I object to that."



According to Lisa the answer is B, relieved.


According to LisaR and Kyle the answer is B, relieved, but the relief is an act that’s really encouragement for Rinna to remember to bring Kyle into it in future, or start thinking that she should have brought her into it. It’s introducing the idea that “it” and “Kyle” are naturally connected.

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I would have liked to see more of Dubai.  What we saw looked awfully sterile. 


Of course there had to be shopping -- that's what women do best, right? [sarcasm]  But I would have loved to sit in a public place and watch the people, or drive around neighborhoods, look at homes.  I wanted to know more about the food too.  Except for the desert trip, we didn't see what was being served.


At the reunion, I want Andy to ask LisaR -- "What bus were you being thrown under?"  The worst that would happen is that Yo would know that the women were speculating about those remedies.  Not that she was really sick -- they all admitted that -- eventually. 


So where's the bus?


I believe it was sterile because they had to film in areas that there was little chance of them getting arrested because someone overheard them and took offence. They all have potty mouths and can do inappropriate things impulsively. Bravo didn't want to risk a legal issue in such a strict country.

Dubai is sterile even without filming. It just is, it's almost impossible to describe they don't hang out with "locals" because 85% of the population of Dubai are not citizens of the UAE. Many people who are born and raised in the UAE are not citizens and can't own property and have no power. Everyone they came in contact with were expats from the maids in their hotel rooms, the sales people at Chanel, to their tour guides. I rolled my eyes when the editors tried to make it seem that the woman talking about various curse words was objectionable to the dudes on the yacht, they are most likely from India/Bangladesh/Pakistan and don't give a shit if the woman curse and even if they did have no power to do anything because money rules all unless you are in the presence of the Emarati.

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After Kyle refused to get as pissed at LV as Eileen wished, Eileen TH'd that "If that isn't tragic, I don't know what is."  Really, bitch?  In case you check in here, I'll give you some examples:   children who are physically/sexually abused by their parents; little babies accidentally left in a stifling hot car for the day who end up dead; a new young mother who dies of brain cancer when her baby is 6 months old; a young man committing suicide leaving behind a devastated wife and children;  soldiers coming home from overseas with horrible physical injuries and emotional problems; women and children being sold into sexual slavery.  (Or how about two families with young kids being torn apart because of their selfish parents' AFFAIR?  Yeah I said it, and I DON'T apologize.)  I get that perpetuating this BS is your jobs, but please get some fucking perspective.  Some of the others seem to have a little bit, but Eileen is right up there with Yo on my hate list after this.

I'm just going to AMEN this.

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But they've talked about her illness ad nauseum under the pretense that they "care" about her. Which is even more despicable show or no show.  She's mentioned the women and criticized their lack of support in response to the fact that they've been discussing her and her illness. This last episode she was talking in general so I don't count that as her talking about the other cast members.


My thing is, she has every right to be annoyed and call out the women who want to discuss her shit but then fall back on "we are just worried" bullshit. If they aren't friends then there is not need for "concerned" dialogue and if they aren't then fucking own up to what all the chatter really is about. Camera time and fucking gossip. I think its the in between shit that Yolanda's most annoyed about. Claim what it is and move on. Dramatic effect for the seasons taping.  "Don't insult me with this BS about how it was over concern about me and my kids". I'd want to slap a bitch or two myself with that nonsense. 

LisaV has tried to address her/their concerns about what Yolanda puts on social media and then what she tells them, that it is confusing and each time, Yolanda has ignored her or inferred that asking that means she/they are not a "true" friends. Yolanda could easily put these questioning conversations to an end by having an honest conversation with them but she refuses to do so. And that makes it all on her, not the others, but on Yolanda.


Because the other women in the same damn episode damaged the apology by rallying around Lisa V and mocking it therefore making Lisa V "guilty by association" because it looked like she too was mocking it with them when in reality she wasn't.

I really don't think LisaV could have said or done anything to appease Eileen. She, Eileen, is hell bent on knocking LisaV of the fan favorite peddle stool and nothing else matters to her, nothing. If you watch her face when someone is saying anything against LisaV, she loves it, she is smiling, giddy and getting off on it. She looks the same way when she sees pain/hurt/confusion on LisaV's face. It is rather disturbing to see just how much Eileen loves it.

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But they've talked about her illness ad nauseum under the pretense that they "care" about her. Which is even more despicable show or no show.  She's mentioned the women and criticized their lack of support in response to the fact that they've been discussing her and her illness. This last episode she was talking in general so I don't count that as her talking about the other cast members.


My thing is, she has every right to be annoyed and call out the women who want to discuss her shit but then fall back on "we are just worried" bullshit. If they aren't friends then there is not need for "concerned" dialogue and if they aren't then fucking own up to what all the chatter really is about. Camera time and fucking gossip. I think its the in between shit that Yolanda's most annoyed about. Claim what it is and move on. Dramatic effect for the seasons taping.  "Don't insult me with this BS about how it was over concern about me and my kids". I'd want to slap a bitch or two myself with that nonsense. 

Yolanda continually brings up her illness how could they not comment.  Yolanda's comment is friends and husbands move on.  My point is they were never really friends.  Kyle did support Yolanda's illness by leaving her family to go watch Yolanda get an award.  She invited Yolanda on her family vacation in Spain.  How much more does she want from Kyle?  When confronted Yolanda had to drop her complaint about LVP not coming to see her-someone she despises.  When at Camille's she let it be known that Brandi and Kim had done more for her than the rest of them combined (I guess Erika two freebie charters don't count).  Yolanda uses her illness, mental or other wise as a bludgeon.   She is lounging around in Bora Bora while her BFF lays dying in Paris, she leaves her ailing mother to go to Turkey for a week .  Maybe it is Yolanda speaking from her own position.  She just has no right to be the poster child for sick people whose friends have moved on.  Maybe she needs to be the poster child for the bad friend.

Edited by zoeysmom
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A couple of things, all the others judging Kyle and LVP's relationship.  How dare they.  Erika is friendly with Kathryn again.  Maybe sometimes friendship is accepting who someone is and drawing a line in the sand where your support stops.  I friends that support Donald Trump.  They are still my friends.  So Eileen nearly breaking a vertebrae to eavesdrop on Kyle and LVP, and mocking and sushing Kathryn,  what kind of friend is she? 




This is getting to be an important issue because next week Yolanda blames LVP for bringing up the Munchausen's, to LVP"s face.  I wonder where she got that from?




This is exactly what I was thinking last night!!  Friends are friends because they like each other and enjoy each other's company, in spite of personality flaws.  You like MOST of what/who a person is, and are willing to overlook or accept their faults.  If you are NOT able to look past those flaws or faults, then you are not or won't be able to be friends with that person - it's really simple!


I have friends that I am really close with, but do I truly like everything about them?  Hell no - but, if you put those things on a scale, the things I do like about them far outweigh the things I don't like or am willing to overlook.


I think that is the basis of Kyle and Lisa's friendship.  

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I really don't think LisaV could have said or done anything to appease Eileen. She, Eileen, is hell bent on knocking LisaV of the fan favorite peddle stool and nothing else matters to her, nothing. If you watch her face when someone is saying anything against LisaV, she loves it, she is smiling, giddy and getting off on it. She looks the same way when she sees pain/hurt/confusion on LisaV's face. It is rather disturbing to see just how much Eileen loves it.


She reminds of Brandi when she does that giddy thing - so smug, self-satisfied, and gleeful, just about clapping her hands.  That is not a good look for Eileen or anyone. 

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Okay, I have to say something. I think Yolanda's spot on. I think it's true that we now live in a world where people can't stick it out when the going gets tough. Sure friends do rally for a while but then start to fade away once they realize that it's an ongoing commitment that doesn't involve partying, or pleasant gatherings. Once people realize that friendship will be more about downer days, long talks, comforting and support people tend to pull back and then disappear. I was right with her when she shared that and look, the reaction is usually negative when a person shares that they think it's wrong. Or "play" victim.


In our society today weak, sick those in need of support or help are expected to champion themselves and gracefully allow people to fade away. They shouldn't shackle loved ones for their own sake and if they do then it's not right. No one should play the victim card to get others to care. That's harsh. I think Yolanda's position is that people shouldn't have to play the victim card. That people should step up and steel themselves for the new reality within a relationship with someone having struggles. That's what friends, family, unconditional love is supposed to be about. I'm not talking about strangers but I think Yolanda has every right to feel the way she feels about people who have already integrated themselves into her life BEFORE her illness because flaws and all these are people who still decided they wanted to befriend Yolanda and be a part of her life so if you cared enough to be a friend when all was well I would expect no less when things get tough.


The way Yolanda's been raked across the coals all season for daring to share her disappointments with how those around her have chosen to deal with her and her struggles just goes to show that she isn't entirely wrong. I don't think Yolanda is exhausting when it comes to what her expectations are of friends, family and people close to her. I expect the same thing. It is grueling to be there for friends that have more needs than the average happy go lucky friend or acquaintance but so what. You make the effort and all Yolanda has been pointing out during the season is that it's really a shame that people are so quick to excuse their lack of effort and support when it comes to fulfilling friendly obligations. She's not young so she remembers when there was a time where people were more dedicated to their friendships. Where people honored obligations. Shit I remember too and Yolanda is a good few years older than me. Even I have noticed the drastic difference in society over the years and I feel that Yolanda is just honestly expressing her sadness over what has become the norm now a days VS. the resolve people used to have 20+ years ago. I'm actually right there with her when it comes to that sentiment. I think it's a very relevant and valid point of view that shouldn't be glossed over just because Yolanda is the one expressing it. 



For me Yolanda's point about people not supporting her isn't necessarily wrong, it's misdirected. These are her coworkers, what are they supposed to do in that role? What should they do for a costar who's spent a fair amount of time, it seems, out of the country chasing treatments? For a person who gets offended when people say she looks good?

So I guess I get her general point while grousing about the details. It seems to me like supportive texts and likes on social media would be enough. And if she wanted more, instead of expecting she could have asked, imho. It's hard to guess accurately about how much someone needs from you unless you're super close, I think, and sometimes it seems Yolanda faults people for not guessing correctly. To me that's a bit unfair.

I think Yo was really referring to David - "disposable wives" just really jumped out at me.  She already admitted this season that she and LVP were never really intimate friends. 


I think Yo has been there for her friend Ellie. She "brought" her to the show or we would never have known about her. Yo's daughters were recently at her hospice with her. Yo tweets about her frequently.


I think Yo is a thoughtful friend (or at least goes through the motions) - she showed up with flowers for LVP's birthday - something even LVP made note of. None of the others even made note of her bday.  Kyle and Rinna (who has known her 26 years!) should have made some gesture.  I think the gestures are important to Yo. A call, a tweet/instagram etc go a long way with her.


But really, I think she was most let down by David checking out emotionally. 


Rinna and the tears over the cake are just so ridiculous. Tears of regret I would buy.


We don't know how much Eileen visits her mom do we?

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