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On 5/31/2016 at 2:11 AM, Albino said:

An "adventurous" couple relocates to Grand Cayman island and are looking to rent a home.  Surprisingly...they want an ocean view!  IKR?  Their budget is $2000/month and they look at a couple of places.  

At one point they're out on the ocean in a boat whose pilot tells them he lives on the boat!  Much excitement!  And he's planning on selling said boat!  Hmmm... 

Anyway, they look at the obligatory 3 homes and space is an issue for 2 of the choices...living room and bathrooms were teeny.  So they decide to buy the guy's boat and live on it.  Did I mention they had two sizable dogs?  

This is not an Onassis-type boat.  The kitchen is smaller than the bathroom they complained about.  Needless to say...no granite countertops or stainless appliances.  In fact, I didn't actually see any appliances at all.  And absolutely nowhere to place a barn door!  But it is open concept since the bedroom (or mattress...) is open to the kitchen which is open to the living room (or chair...).  Add 2 dogs to the mix and it's hell on water.  

The couple wasn't that bad...not much bickering or "ewwwws"...but I was kind of horrified by the choice.  But then again, I don't have to live there.  Thank god.

On the one hand, the husband was right -- this is the time for them to try anything and if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. But on the other, they moved into a small sailboat with two big dogs. This could be an episode of HHI: Tiny House or whatever tiny house iteration there is.

It annoyed me that she complained about the washer/dryer in the kitchen. You have a washer & dryer; it doesn't matter where it is so long as you don't have to go to a laundry room or laundromat. 

The husband's "granite countertop" thing was stupid, particularly given the end result.

Edited by SmithW6079
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58 minutes ago, SmithW6079 said:

It annoyed me that she complained about the washer/dryer in the kitchen. You have a washer & dryer; it doesn't matter where it is so long as you don't have to go to a laundry room or laundromat. 

I'm mystified by the hate for w/d's in kitchens.  I mean, it's not ideal but it's not the end of the world. People act like their dirty underpants will somehow go flying into a pot of stew or something.  I'm so happy to have a w/d in my apartment...and yes...they're in my kitchen behind folding doors.  Although a barn door would be much more modern.  :)

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1 hour ago, Albino said:

I'm mystified by the hate for w/d's in kitchens.  I mean, it's not ideal but it's not the end of the world. People act like their dirty underpants will somehow go flying into a pot of stew or something.  I'm so happy to have a w/d in my apartment...and yes...they're in my kitchen behind folding doors.  Although a barn door would be much more modern.  :)

These spoiled youngsters have no idea what things used to be like.  My mom got her first wringer washer when I was a toddler. She got it because I contracted polio and she needed to stay home with me rather than taking two buses to the laundromat. It was on wheels and the hoses were connected at the kitchen sink.  It was considered super cool to even own a washer.  

Maybe these people need to take a trip to India and see their version of a laundromat.  It's dug into the ground, with concrete walls and floors, all filled with very dirty water.  They take their clothes in there, stand in the water and beat the clothes on the walls.  I was overwhelmed with emotion when I saw that.   I sometimes think that these over privileged people would benefit from a shot of reality and see how others live.  

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Thousands of people live on sailboats. One of my favorites to follow are the couple on Distant Shores II, they've been doing it for over 20 years. They have a show on AWE channel, "Distant Shores". When major storms come, they find a good hurricane hole or move to somewhere out of harms way. It's a boat - no wheels or trailers needed.

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Yeah I lived for almost ten years in a very small house with a tiny kitchen and the only hookups were in the kitchen. It was a rental so it wasn't like I could do an addition or major renovation. I was just happy to have my own washer and dryer and BONUS extra counter space to work with in the kitchen. It never even occurred to me to be horrified and proclaim it weird or unworkable or anything like that.

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I had the w/d in my kitchen when I lived in England and found it very convenient.  It never occurred to me that I was supposed to find it horrifying!  I admit one of the reasons for the convenience was the way that damned washer and dryer worked.  Seemed to me that I spent hours just doing one or two loads of laundry.   If I'd had a basement to schelp to or wherever I suspect a lot of the time the clothes would have sat in the washer getting icky enough to have to be washed again!

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Last night's couple who moved to San Juan really bugged me.  Not the wife, but the husband.  He kept talking how he was going to be a house-husband, so he had to have the house his way.  Then he kept talking about moving to a foreign country----for heaven's sake, Puerto Rico is not a foreign country, it's part of the United States.  But I kept thinking, why does he HAVE to sit home while the wife is an air traffic controller----a VERY stressful job?  What stops him from getting a job?  Their dogs?  And not having a dish washer for him was a deal breaker? Really?   It's just the two of them, so how many dishes will he have to hand wash?   All the wife wanted was a beach view and a balcony, which she didn't get because the lazy husband had to have a dishwasher and the property on the beach didn't have one.  He seemed to guilt the wife into getting the place he wanted because at the end she said something to the effect that she made him move and HE had to sacrifice, so he should get the place he wanted, and too bad for what she wanted.  

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4 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

Last night's couple who moved to San Juan really bugged me.  Not the wife, but the husband.  He kept talking how he was going to be a house-husband, so he had to have the house his way.  Then he kept talking about moving to a foreign country----for heaven's sake, Puerto Rico is not a foreign country, it's part of the United States.  But I kept thinking, why does he HAVE to sit home while the wife is an air traffic controller----a VERY stressful job?  What stops him from getting a job?  Their dogs?  And not having a dish washer for him was a deal breaker? Really?   It's just the two of them, so how many dishes will he have to hand wash?   All the wife wanted was a beach view and a balcony, which she didn't get because the lazy husband had to have a dishwasher and the property on the beach didn't have one.  He seemed to guilt the wife into getting the place he wanted because at the end she said something to the effect that she made him move and HE had to sacrifice, so he should get the place he wanted, and too bad for what she wanted.  

Yeah, I see a divorce in the future.

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5 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

Last night's couple who moved to San Juan really bugged me.  Not the wife, but the husband.  He kept talking how he was going to be a house-husband, so he had to have the house his way.  Then he kept talking about moving to a foreign country----for heaven's sake, Puerto Rico is not a foreign country, it's part of the United States.  But I kept thinking, why does he HAVE to sit home while the wife is an air traffic controller----a VERY stressful job?  What stops him from getting a job?  Their dogs?  And not having a dish washer for him was a deal breaker? Really?   It's just the two of them, so how many dishes will he have to hand wash?   All the wife wanted was a beach view and a balcony, which she didn't get because the lazy husband had to have a dishwasher and the property on the beach didn't have one.  He seemed to guilt the wife into getting the place he wanted because at the end she said something to the effect that she made him move and HE had to sacrifice, so he should get the place he wanted, and too bad for what she wanted.  

IKR?  I live alone and have used my dishwasher exactly once...when I moved in and washed all my dinnerware.  He kept saying he'd be at home and have to do all the cooking and cleaning and laundry.  Two people don't need to have laundry done every damn day.  And since she works, the only meal he really has to cook is dinner.  Most of the video after they moved in showed him out and about, walking the dogs.  Oh, and chopping some peppers for that pesky dinner.

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Did anyone see the episode that was on set in Berlin with Tea and Brent?  I am betting that the little girl they showed being held by the friend at the end of the episode is the baby they claimed to be pregnant with throughout the show.

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Seriously, a bathroom for the fucking cats?!

I really wanted to like the Phenom Penh girl. I admire free spirits who take chances, since I'm not by nature an adventurous person, but she -- and her friend -- grew more annoying with each passing moment.

Supposedly, she'd lived in southeast Asia for years, but she's still acting the ugly American complaining about apartments being too small? And the fat gay friend making bitchy comments about the third apartment looking like a cheap hotel? Ugh.

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I was surprised she kept asking if she could make holes and paint murals on the apartment walls.  I know some landlords will let you paint if you promise to paint it white when you leave, or pay to have it repainted, but it rubbed me the wrong way for some reason.

Edited by izabella
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7 minutes ago, izabella said:

I was surprised she kept asking if she could make holes and paint murals on the apartment walls.  I know some landlords will let you paint if you promise to paint it white when you leave, or pay to have it repainted, but it rubbed me the wrong way for some reason.

Because she came across as the typical idiot American who moves to a foreign country but wants it to be just like 'Merica. Her attitude would seem to give lie to her backstory of having lived in Asia for several years -- first Thailand and then South Korea.

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The Canadian couple retiring to Mexico in last night's episode. The husband had tracked all of their expenses to the penny for the rest of their lives. This would drive me bonkers. They could live another 30 years! Of course, it is definitely smart to budget and be on top of your finances, but I got the idea he was constantly obsessing over it all. That would get old really fast. At the end of the show, there he was in the computer tracking their expenses. I honestly did not watch that closely, but it looked like they ended up in a fairly American looking home on a golf course. The husband had wanted something more reflective of the culture, but I guess the wife won out.

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His budgeting reminded me of my boyfriends father. The first time we visited (first time he met me and 5 years since he had seen his son) we went out to dinner and he gave us a price cap for entrees and drinks, I thought he was joking! When I realized he wasn't I said we could treat him, he got insulted. He is extremely well off he but he let's his spreadsheets and budgets rule everything. We rarely go visit as he lives far away but when we do, I insist on just eating at the house! 

Though I guess this dude was slightly better because he went over his budget though I thought the finishes on the house were hideous in a bland and boring way.

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On 6/1/2016 at 1:34 PM, KLovestoShop said:

Last night's couple who moved to San Juan really bugged me.  Not the wife, but the husband.  He kept talking how he was going to be a house-husband, so he had to have the house his way.  Then he kept talking about moving to a foreign country----for heaven's sake, Puerto Rico is not a foreign country, it's part of the United States.  But I kept thinking, why does he HAVE to sit home while the wife is an air traffic controller----a VERY stressful job?  What stops him from getting a job?  Their dogs?  And not having a dish washer for him was a deal breaker? Really?   It's just the two of them, so how many dishes will he have to hand wash?   All the wife wanted was a beach view and a balcony, which she didn't get because the lazy husband had to have a dishwasher and the property on the beach didn't have one.  He seemed to guilt the wife into getting the place he wanted because at the end she said something to the effect that she made him move and HE had to sacrifice, so he should get the place he wanted, and too bad for what she wanted.  

I didn't get it either. The last place was PERFECT and cost the same as the first. They got a balcony, pool and oceanfront, but no dishwasher. So that's why they didn't choose it??!! And I wanted to smack her because she agreed to house 1 because HE made a sacrifice of moving with her?? What?  You're married!! That's what you do! But if quitting my job that I didn't like, living in an oceanfront condo (with or without a stupid dishwasher) and not having to pay for anything is a sacrifice, then sign me up!!!

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And I wanted to smack her because she agreed to house 1 because HE made a sacrifice of moving with her?? What?  You're married

But we see the reverse ALL THE TIME when the wife is moving for the husband's career, so she gets final say on the house.

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4 hours ago, Quof said:

But we see the reverse ALL THE TIME when the wife is moving for the husband's career, so she gets final say on the house.

I agree, BUT usually the wife is a stay at home mom who has to take care of the kids including driving them to school, etc. And it's never a choice of beachfront residences; it's usually which house in the middle of nowhere is she getting the option to pick from and usually none of them have dishwashers.

My point though was, he wasn't making a sacrifice at all.  He was leaving a job he didn't like to move to the beach with his wife. Most people call that a sweet retirement. 

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I do think if there has to be a choice made the person who is going to be spending the most time in the house should get the final say.  That doesn't mean I think it's ok that the commuter gets to travel for 2 hours everyday just so the stay at home spouse gets a dishwasher or whatever but the episodes that drive me up the wall the most are the ones where the working spouse gets the final say even though they aren't even going to be home most of the time.

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I'm reminded of the jackass who followed his girlfriend to Thailand (I think), where he'd be working from home and she'd be relying on public transport to commute.  The place they got gave her a killer commute, but he loved the aesthetics, and oh-so-graciously agreed to "help" with making dinner and other household chores since she'd be spending her life sitting in traffic so he could have whatever it was he loved about the apartment.

Now, yes, because he'd be spending most of his time in the home, and had uprooted his life because of her job (although seemingly of his own volition, rather than her asking him to), I think many of his desires for the home's amenities should outweigh hers.  But not all, and her needs should pretty well dictate the location.

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There was an episode where they were in some area of the world where safety was a real concern and the wife was going to be home alone all day with a baby.  The idiot husband kept insisting that he wanted some feature or another, can't remember what it was now,  when all the wife was asking was that they live in a secure area.  That was too much to ask apparently.  What a tool.  I hope that particular argument was producer driven because otherwise, aaarrgh.

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

I'm reminded of the jackass who followed his girlfriend to Thailand (I think), where he'd be working from home and she'd be relying on public transport to commute.  The place they got gave her a killer commute, but he loved the aesthetics, and oh-so-graciously agreed to "help" with making dinner and other household chores since she'd be spending her life sitting in traffic so he could have whatever it was he loved about the apartment.

Now, yes, because he'd be spending most of his time in the home, and had uprooted his life because of her job (although seemingly of his own volition, rather than her asking him to), I think many of his desires for the home's amenities should outweigh hers.  But not all, and her needs should pretty well dictate the location.

They did a blog about their real house hunt before they even filmed the show. They showed the places they actually looked at and the one they choose was her favorite because she liked feeling away from the city. I will never understand why people come on and allow the producers to craft these narratives that cast them in such a poor light.

Edited by biakbiak
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1 hour ago, buttersister said:


See I don't necessarily think that's true at all. I mean there have been famewhore on this show but there are also people who just did it for a lark. I think it's much more likely particularly in HHI (nearly all are recruited ) they think they cant push back to the producers because "that's just how showd are made" and don't realize the reaction they will get in a 30 minute edit. Yes, reality TV has been around forever but some people are still shocked to that this show is faked.

I think the people who end up coming off the best are people who are a little more aware.

Edited by biakbiak
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They've had years to watch the show, and have the contract to read before they sign it (and do have wiggle room even under that contract to decline to say something).  Yeah, the producers suck, but I've long since stopped caring whether a participant is a moron or agreed to act like one in exchange for air time.

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17 minutes ago, Bastet said:

They've had years to watch the show, and have the contract to read before they sign it (and do have wiggle room even under that contract to decline to say something).  Yeah, the producers suck, but I've long since stopped caring whether a participant is a moron or agreed to act like one in exchange for air time.

I am not suggesting that they were hoodwinked or they didnt want to be on tv. The term "famewhores" suggest one who wants fame at any costs, most of the people who have done the show seem to be it more like a fun thing to do . I was merely pointing out that people don't always realize how much editing can craft a story. 

I have never cared about the people and only watch for the houses (seriously this show only takes ten minutes to watch unless I like the location so want to to see the pick up ahots) but have chosen try to give the people on it the benefit of the doubt. To each their own.

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Who knew our neighbors to the north could be d-bags too? So much for the vaunted Canadian politeness.

Still, I felt sorry for the guy. It was obvious he loved Mexico, and all he wanted was to live in a house that had some in-country charm. He was right about the house she chose -- it could be back in Canada for all it was in Mexico.

I liked both the first and second houses. It was kind of funny (sad) that she complained about how dark the second one was,  when the third was even darker. 

It was clear she did not want to move to Mexico and was only doing it to placate him. From the way he was breathing,  though, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a heart attack sooner than later. 

I didn't get the whole spreadsheet business. Like they would never earn money again? Not even tutor English or an odd job here and there? 

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Currently watching last night's episode with the May-December couple Sven and George moving from Dallas to The Hague. What interesting characters these guys are. Sven's hair is EVERYTHING! And can you believe he was born and raised in The Netherlands, not leaving until he was 20? He sounds like he spent every day of his life in Texas! I haven't even finished the episode yet, just wanted to comment because these two just make me smile for some reason.

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I enjoyed the couple who moved to The Hague too! They made me smile and I am glad they did not choose something that needed reno. Finally a couple that doesn't expect or demand everything to be like what they'd find in the US. I loved Sven at the end "I miss bacon!" When the "after move in" footage as shown, I noticed some pics of them with two adorable dogs but the dogs were never shown living with them. I wonder if they left them in Dallas. 

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I'd fully expected not to like Sven and George, but ended up finding them kind of adorable.  Yes, George got a bit of the final say because he was giving up the most by moving, but his reasons for wanting the move-in ready place were sound, given that they wanted the money to travel.  And it worked out that they could have a second bedroom area when needed anyway.  So good for them.  (And yes, Sven's hair was fascinating.)

Edited to note that I envy the ability to hop on the train to Paris whenever I decided I wanted a croissant.  That should've made me hate them, but somehow it made them even more adorable.

Edited by proserpina65
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Just saw an HHI last night with the speech therapist who was moving from NYC to Naples.  She seemed like an okay person, but her voice was too whiny for me.  I really thought she was going to go for the over-budget center city apartment, so I was surprised she picked the less centrally located place.  It did seem to suit her most important needs.  But I wonder, are apartments really that inexpensive in Naples?  'Cause even the over-budget one was a good bit of space for not really that horribly much money.

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Yeah, Naples woman did have a whiny voice.  I missed the first few minutes so I missed how she got a job in Naples.  She seemed awfully young.  

I was surprised at how reasonable the rents were and how much space you got. 

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San Carlos, Mexico couple...10 kids...mama mia!  They only brought 7 kids to Mexico with them, but even so, it's tough to find a space that can comfortably accommodate a crowd, even if bedrooms can be shared.  I was totally with the wife when she insisted on her own private bathtub, no boys allowed.  I don't know how well that casita being used as his office and the girls' bedroom works.  They'll have to figure out a better solution for that if he's really working in there.

San Carlos looks beautiful.  I loved all the the views from the homes.   

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San Carlos couple: did they say why they were only looking at 3 bedroom homes when they had 7 children?

They seemed kinda boring. The wife constantly looked worried.  Every scene she was in, she looked like she was going to cry. And she NEVER took a shower? Only baths? Not once since her husband has known her? That's a bit odd. And she hates Mexican food?!  She's in the wrong country.

All the houses looked so American. If they didn't say it was Mexico, I would have assumed they were in the US.

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They have 10 children only seven were going to be living their fulltime. I imagine it was because of budget and inventory in San Carlos. If  they stay it wouldn't surprise me if the eventual built a house or remodeled.

Edited by biakbiak
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They had 5 boys in one bedroom using a king sized bed and a couple of army type cots.  Definitely look temporary to me.

I don't understand people who prefer baths.  Maybe it wouldn't be awful with one of those handheld showers to wash your hair but really, who has the time to sit there and lounge? 

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"New" 2016 episode: Santa Barbara to Belize.  Woman wants to concentrate on her art in a long-desired tropical location. She buys an apartment conveniently situated across the street from a b&b where they "allow" her to paint outside.  I looked this person up -- Jessea Gay Marie.  Turns out she's been the hotel manager at Belize Bed and Breakfast for two years since June of 2014.

Edited by Bronx Babe
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On 6/7/2016 at 0:00 PM, proserpina65 said:

I'd fully expected not to like Sven and George, but ended up finding them kind of adorable.  Yes, George got a bit of the final say because he was giving up the most by moving, but his reasons for wanting the move-in ready place were sound, given that they wanted the money to travel.  And it worked out that they could have a second bedroom area when needed anyway.  So good for them.


Eh, I didn't like Sven, but then, I have an issue with flamboyant, self-centered gay men (to his credit, he wasn't completely self-absorbed). I did like George, but he seemed a little befuddled by everything.

I'd love to know more of George's story. Did he come out as an older man when his kids were grown or when they were younger? Was he divorced or widowed? Was it like the 90-year-old senator who recently married his 50-years-younger boyfriend long after the senator's wife had died? George was at least 65, if not older (they said something about being retired and 65). Was Sven working? Was George his sugar daddy?

I liked the apartment the best that had the two full bedrooms and was close to transportation. I forget if it was the second or third apartment; it was the first one they eliminated. Was that the one with the bath that was too short for Sven?

The "half-bedroom" was an alcove, which was fine for an office or even for short-term guests. 

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I'm not a violent person, but the Canada to Australia wife was so snarky to her husband, I wanted her to lose a few teeth.  My husband got so irritated with her, I forwarded to the last 5 minutes. Still waiting to see her smile.  The home was lovely, though.

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19 hours ago, snarts said:

They had 5 boys in one bedroom using a king sized bed and a couple of army type cots.  Definitely look temporary to me.

I don't understand people who prefer baths.  Maybe it wouldn't be awful with one of those handheld showers to wash your hair but really, who has the time to sit there and lounge? 

That bath is probably the ONLY private time she gets, and the only time she gets to lounge, no kids allowed.  I get the feeling that she has long, long "Calgon, take me away!" soaks in that tub. 

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Babalooie, if this is the episode I am thinking of, there was much discussion about this woman when the show first aired.  The family is back in the U.S.  He was a doctor teaching in Australia for about a year if I remember correctly.

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There was something really creepy about the San Carlos couple, especially the husband. All the kids had biblical names, so I'm thinking they were either Mormons or evangelicals (or maybe Catholics).

I assume he was moving his business to evade taxes or reduce his expenses. Didn't the narrator say the place was a beach town? Where was the factory he was supposedly moving his business for?

I didn't understand why they were looking at houses that didn't even come close to meeting their needs. There no large Mexican families that lived in big houses?

And what was up with the boys' bedroom? Why wouldn't they set up two sets of bunk beds and a twin bed? And they put the youngest children alone in a separate building?

I had to laugh at how they waxed rhapsodic at the view from house #2, when the third one was freaking awesome.

Edited by SmithW6079
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Colorado to San Carlos:

I got a weird Stepford-ish vibe off of the wife. She def wasn't thrilled about Mexico. Rockin' bod for having birthed 10 kids, though.

I would've used the casita for the adults and office and bunked all the kids in the house. Awkward to have his office in the girls room. 

What was that bit about "My customer would help me grow my business if we moved to MX; would shrink my business if I didn't." The way he worded it made it sound like a threat. San Carlos is an odd place to move a manufacturing business. It's a tourist/sportfishing town and hugely popular (ie overrun) with north-of-the-border snowbirds/retirees. The closest large city is Hermosillo, 2 hours away and it's not the easiest commute. Curious.

Santa Barbara to Belize:

Did I hear right? The realtor's name was Sandy Beach?

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19 hours ago, elainebenis said:

Colorado to San Carlos:

I got a weird Stepford-ish vibe off of the wife. She def wasn't thrilled about Mexico. Rockin' bod for having birthed 10 kids, though.

I would've used the casita for the adults and office and bunked all the kids in the house. Awkward to have his office in the girls room. 

Yes, that would have been smart, but the casita bathroom probably didn't have a tub -- and that was the one thing she wanted. 

I don't normally google any of the people on the show, but the husband bothered me, so I did some snooping. I was right about them being Christians who wear their faith in their sleeve. This is from his company website:



Our Vision

Guided by Christian principals [sic] of integrity and service, WP operates not only for profit and growth but to develop a reputation of excellence, trust and respect with all who seek our services.[/quote]

Apparently, they really do live in Mexico. The husband posted this on an airline charter site:



Happy to hear this will be a option for business travelers i[n] the Guaymas area. I generally drive to Tuscson or Phx to fly to Denver. Hoping this will be an affordable alternative to the drive.

Edited by SmithW6079
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On 6/10/2016 at 0:43 PM, Bronx Babe said:

"New" 2016 episode: Santa Barbara to Belize.  Woman wants to concentrate on her art in a long-desired tropical location. She buys an apartment conveniently situated across the street from a b&b where they "allow" her to paint outside.  I looked this person up -- Jessea Gay Marie.  Turns out she's been the hotel manager at Belize Bed and Breakfast for two years since June of 2014.

But apparently, she really is an artist. I saw she had some crowdfunding page up for art supplies, because apparently, Belize had no such thing as paints and pencils and brushes. 

Good for her to get a job working in a tropical paradise. 

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1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

Gads, I HATE people who thing the world should provide for their lives.  Crowdfunding to support herself?  That's disgusting. I hope she didn't get a red dime.

She asked for $5000, but got $260. Unless you're raising funds for charity or to fund a business project or help with severe medical expenses, I hate those personal begging pages too.

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