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S17.E19: Sheltered Outcasts

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Detective Carisi lives undercover at a homeless shelter to determine if one of its sex offender residents is the suspect in a string of neighborhood rapes. Also starring Mariska Hargitay, Ice T and Kelli Giddish. Guest starring Michael Rapaport.
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I knew it was the lawyer as soon as he came on. They focused on him in a weird way.

Carisi looked really good with no gel in his hair. I loved that he was the focus of this episode.

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I can't believe the guy that kidnapped, raped and drugged a girl to death in "Avatar" got compassionate release because of his age.

Whatever. I'm just glad Carisi didn't get hurt. The part with the victim's dad coming after him with a baseball bat had me VERY scared.

Although he was very deliciously scruffy this episode. And I loved the part where he and Rollins made dinner plans. I think I'm shipping it!

And yay for Fin putting himself out there and getting a life! It's about damn time!

Edited by Spartan Girl
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The Good:

Good acting from the guess stars.

Nice continuity.

No Noah and no giant wine glass.

Fin. Maybe getting some happiness?

The Bad:

No Barba.

No Dodds.

Way too many overused SVU tropes - Liv does everything, exposition info dump, a plot that could be predicted by the casting but thinks it's full of shocking twists, the overblown promos...

Overall this was yet another competently executed (about the only major flaw was too much telling instead of showing) but boring episode that wasted a lot of potential. This should have been great and I'm not sure why it wasn't.

Edited by wknt3
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Was Olivia not drinking a glass of wine the shocking twist?

Figured it was the lawyer once he showed up. 

Carisi was great in this episode. Nice to see Rollins all concerned about him.

Fin wearing a tie at the end looking sharp. I thought the lady from the storage place was about to jump Fin's bones right then and there.

I did not even realize no Barba and Dodds. 

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I knew it was the lawyer as soon as he came on. They focused on him in a weird way.

Oh yeah, who else called "it's the lawyer" as soon as he appeared?  He also had a physical resemblance to the guy he was framing (husky, reddish hair, etc.)  


I can't believe the guy that kidnapped, raped and drugged a girl to death in "Avatar" got compassionate release because of his age.

Not his age; the fact that he has cancer (terminal?  that wasn't made clear.)  At any rate, the Dept of Corrections doesn't want to spring for treatment.  


Plus, what was up with Fin saying he kidnapped his niece's friend?  The ONLY person he kidnapped was Vixy Platinum (sorry, forget her real name.)  The original "victim" who he actually did prison time for was Lauren -- who was a runaway, in love with him, and hiding from her abusive parents.  When he was arrested for her "murder" she didn't even come forward to clear him because she didn't want to be forced to go home.  Even after she turned 18 and could live where she wanted to!  She let a guy she "loved" serve 25 years in prison for something he didn't do (if he wasn't warped before, wouldn't that be enough to do it?)

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That was interesting.  I was surprised that it was the lawyer; they went out of their way to make the other guy innocent that I was wondering if he was going to end up guilty at the end.  I guess the shocking twist was that it was the lawyer and not the actual sex offender.


I liked the interaction with Fin and Olivia.  I LOL'd when Olivia asked him if he wanted a baby.


Carisi and Amanda are cute together.  If they end up getting together and staying together, I want an Amaro cameo just to get his reaction to the two of them being together.  I am curious as to where they are going with Carisi.  Between last week's episode where they focused on his faith and this week and his comments about the guy at the shelter, I'm wondering if he is going to become some sort of advocate for second chances once he becomes a lawyer.

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Carisi and Amanda are cute together.  If they end up getting together and staying together, I want an Amaro cameo just to get his reaction to the two of them being together.

We need a joint Amaro/Stabler guest appearance to see them reacting to Rollisi and Tuckson. Possibly by simultaneously having a stroke.

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I liked this episode. It touched on some interesting points. Carisi made a good point in that sex offenders are often more stigmatized for their crimes than even murderers are, and that people are more willing to forgive and accept murderers back into society than they are sex offenders, but I think sex crimes just elicit more of a visceral response from people that's harder to get past. 


Loved the interactions between Olivia and Fin and Rollins and Carisi. It's nice to see the squad being supportive and friendly of each other.


When Fin started to talk about wanting more like Olivia and Amanda have now, I thought he was going to retire. Glad they didn't go that route and just had go on a blind date. It'd be nice to see Fin have a life outside of work. 


I never really "shipped" Rollins with anyone, especially not with Amaro, but I think I could get on board with Rollins/Carisi if they choose to go there, although I'd prefer they kept their relationship platonic because I wouldn't want to see it get in the way of cases. 

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When Fin started to talk about wanting more like Olivia and Amanda have now, I thought he was going to retire. Glad they didn't go that route and just had go on a blind date. It'd be nice to see Fin have a life outside of work.

When he said his son & son-in-law had someone for him to meet -- makes me wonder if they're adopting!  Maybe Fin wants a baby (a grandbaby!) after all.

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Well thankfully Carisi was safe! But wtf was with those promos then? The lawyer being guilty was "the shocking moment" or whatever they kept saying? Having watched all of the SVU and CIs and various seasons of reg LO, I've been trained to spot it was the lawyer early on. So way to overhype an episode Promo Dept.

I loved Rollins and Carisi at the end but I kind of felt like people (well Liv and Finn) were back to kinda being asses to him. Certain comments just rubbed me the wrong way. Is Liv only the one allowed to have gut feelings? I thought especially when Carisi said he didnt think the guy in the group (aka Michael Rappaport aka Phoebe's cop boyfriend) did it and that Carisi thinks he wants to change, that they thought Carisi was being naive, and, of course it turns out he was right, but the next time he'll have a reason to think maybe it's not a certain suspect he'll probably get treated the same way again.

An interesting point at the end was brought up about sex offenders having to have their crimes follow them beyond prison unlike even murderers. There's no murderer registry. Even if you've been convicted of child abuse/neglect, kidnapping, there's no registry right for crimes against children, only if you sexually assault a child?

I thought Dodd's turned down the terrorism transfer? He was taking a class? Good for Finn seeing his son and son in law! Bonus that they want to set him up!

Edited by Gigi43
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I was as shocked by this episode as I am by clickbait that claims to be shocking.  Hello, Scott Grimes, a.k.a. second known guest star, I take it you're playing a rapist.  Thanks for stopping by.  Please be extra sanctimonious so we can really hate you.  Well played.


Did anyone else think of the early episode with the girl with the genetic disorder who had extraordinarily good hearing?  She identified her mother's murderer in a similar way.  The SVU team as always does a terrible job of keeping the suspects away from witnesses and victims.   

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I'm stuck between the supposed shocking twist being the lawyer being the rapist or the one in charge of the sex offenders at the shelter being murdered. For some reason I really missed not having Tamara Tunie on as a regular anymore. Maybe it was because Fin was talking about wanting more and the way he and Melinda were written back in the day made it seem like they liked each other.

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I love how undercover Carisi is still so Carisi. 

Dominick "Call me Sonny"/"Call me Smitty" lmao

And trying to engage in a legal discussion with the rapist lawyer, getting weird looks and having to backtrack and say he wanted to be a lawyer once. PMSL.

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This is the first time since Barba was introduced that I haven't noticed his absence because of the Carisi awesomeness. He's great and I'm so glad he's getting good storylines, he's easily the best detective in the squad in terms of having a good balance between compassion, ethics and logic. It seems TPTB are finally recognising how popular the character has become.

Far out Liv and Finn need to stop being dicks to Carisi. What was with Finn seeming all pissed off that Carisi is undercover and then saying that shouldn't be hard for Carisi to 'keep his eyes open and act weird', did he mean that he thinks Carisi is weird or that it's not difficult to behave that way? It seemed like he was dissing him. And then Liv handwaves Rollins' concern for Carisi as if it's a stupid thing to worry about.

I'm one of the dumb viewers because I didn't realise until towards the end that the lawyer did it! Because 3 of the guest stars are recognizable faces I was kept off balance and I also gave TPTB too much credit and thought maybe they have finally figured out they give too much away by their casting choices. Oh I'm a silly fool! I did think there was going to be more to the lawyers story purely because of casting Scott Grimes but I didn't think he was the perp. I didn't think it was Phoebe's boyfriend at any stage and I was glad they finally showed someone really trying hard to rehabilitate.

I was very worried with the baseball bats around Carisi and then when he was holding his back I thought he had damaged his kidney so I was very relieved he was A-OK. OMG, he looked so hot and sexy with his hair down and in casual clothes, they should come up with lots of reasons to style him like that in the future.

I've always enjoyed Rollins and Carisi's friendship and didn't want it to go any further but after tonight I'd be quite happy if they did get together - particularly because it would probably really piss off Liv who would find a way to Take It Personally.

That was interesting. I was surprised that it was the lawyer; they went out of their way to make the other guy innocent that I was wondering if he was going to end up guilty at the end. I guess the shocking twist was that it was the lawyer and not the actual sex offender.

I liked the interaction with Fin and Olivia. I LOL'd when Olivia asked him if he wanted a baby.

Carisi and Amanda are cute together. If they end up getting together and staying together, I want an Amaro cameo just to get his reaction to the two of them being together. I am curious as to where they are going with Carisi. Between last week's episode where they focused on his faith and this week and his comments about the guy at the shelter, I'm wondering if he is going to become some sort of advocate for second chances once he becomes a lawyer.

He'd be perfect as an advocate, I really do wonder if he's popular enough to get a spin off show. I would watch a show with him as the star doing advocacy work, it would need to get away from the L&O format though because it's so tired now. And Barba could come in and do probono cases!

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that's funny, the first time i saw the lawyer i was 100% sure that he was gonna end up being the rapist, but about halfway into the episode i was actually starting to think that of course it would be Caskey, cause the writers aren't that clever with storylines, right? anyway, i really really liked this episode :D

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I quite enjoyed this one. Having four highly recognizable guest stars actually did leave me thinking it could be any of them (and hey! It was half of them!), plus Carisi was at peak adorability, and Fin was being ever-so-Fin. 


This is the first time since Barba was introduced that I haven't noticed his absence because of the Carisi awesomeness. He's great and I'm so glad he's getting good storylines, he's easily the best detective in the squad in terms of having a good balance between compassion, ethics and logic. It seems TPTB are finally recognising how popular the character has become.

Far out Liv and Finn need to stop being dicks to Carisi. What was with Finn seeming all pissed off that Carisi is undercover and then saying that shouldn't be hard for Carisi to 'keep his eyes open and act weird', did he mean that he thinks Carisi is weird or that it's not difficult to behave that way? It seemed like he was dissing him. And then Liv handwaves Rollins' concern for Carisi as if it's a stupid thing to worry about.

I think Liv is still being a dick to Carisi but Fin enjoys him now -- it was good-natured ribbing. Remember how much he always made fun of Munch? But not Elliott, who he hated? I think from Fin such joking around is just a sign of affection. Everyone's getting on board the Carisi train! (Speaking of which, I do not want Rollins on board that train in a biblical sense)


Much of this one was shot in my neighborhood, so that was fun. According to SVU, I went to Rape University and then moved up to Rapeville, Manhattan! Hee.

Edited by gesundheit
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The Bad:

No Barba. Carisi was all over his episode (December Solstice) but ok it makes sense story-wise that he wasnt in this one.

The Good:

Fin, Guest stars. Also this one wasnt so painfully boring and stupid like Unholiest Alliance.

Overall I couldnt care less about Carisi, Scanavino has zero appeal for me, neither physically or acting wise but he was alright in those group therapy scenes. Way better acted than that cringe-worthy church scene from previous episode.

As for Rollisi it definitely makes more sense than certain other ship involving Carisi so I would be fine with that.

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Sent a post, don't know where it went. Oh well.


One of the better eps this season


Love Rollins and Carisi. His naet and her cynicism = the perfect balance


I think Fin may find out he's a grandpa. I always assumed when he wasn't at work that he was out having an active social life. Or then again he could of just been playing video games.

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Solid episode. I thought Michael Rapaport was amazing, as was his wife. And I will forever love Scott Grimes both for ER and American Dad, so it was fun to see him, even like this. But the most fun was seeing Kevin Tighe and remembering Vixy Platinum. Oh, those were the days.


There was an interesting theme to the episode. It wasn't about rapists being convicted or about what constitutes rape, all rapes are rapes and that's that. But Carisi said it best. Afterwards, after these people do their (holefully long-ass) time, what happens? Do any of them have a chance to turn things around? And the therapy session was also interesting. Carisi played the all-too-familiar angle of "I never touched anybody, it was just pictures" (which was rightfully shot down as an argument by Rapaport's character), then we had the full-on serial rapists (Scott Grimes and the creepy guy) but then we also had Rapaport, who had "only" raped one woman while drunk. The show didn't differentiate, they were all sex offenders (which is right), and neither the squad nor Carisi ever diminished the plight of the victims. But are those all "the same" when it comes to rehabilitation? Maybe some of these people have a better shot at change. I don't know who would even judge that, but it's an interesting conversation.


Carisi said "I wish I could say I never doubted you", and even Rapaport's wife said "my husband would never do this.... I think" and the parole officer said "he's a model parolee, oh wait who did he rape now?" That was a subtle way to suggest that someone like that, a sex offender, will never be fully trusted again, even if he hasn't misstepped before or since. And then the show had both Rapaport and Carisi say that explicitly, making the point less subtle but still effective.


Inriguing stuff, overall. This could have veered into uncomfortable territory, but I think the way Benson, Rollins and Carisi kept taking about the victims saved it.


Speaking of Carisi, man, Peter Scanavino is so good. I'm glad he got to have this big showy episode, he really made the most of it. I had to mute the tv when he was talking about getting off to those pictures. He looked nauseated, as did I. The show really lucked out with him. He can deliver humor, emotion, drama, everything.


So, Rollins is totally into Carisi, right? She was way too worried about him. She has feelings for sure. But he's thinking about it? Does he even know? Does he think she's being friendly? Will she have to grab him and plant one on him for him to get a clue? Is he worried about overstepping? I haven't seen overt flirtation from him, but Rollins was touching him and giving him The Look and asking him over. What do you guys think?


As for Fin, I thought that conversation with Benson would lead to him taking the Sergeant's exam, not getting a girlfriend. Hm.


Lastly, CARISI'S HAIR. Yes.

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Definitely knew it was the lawyer the moment he sat down in the chair in the squad room.  Looked at him and said "that's the guy."  I don't know how or why, but I really wish they could stop making this stuff a lil less obvious.  Or maybe I've just watched too much SVU.


Okay, now - while I certainly didn't want Carisi to get killed, much less hurt, I was REALLY confused about what "the biggest twist in SVU history" or whatever they called it was supposed to be.  I kept thinking, okay, they're gonna have Carisi and Rollins shack up at the end?  Fin is going to do something wild and leave the squad? (NEVER! I'll stop watching, I will!)!  But nothing was that outlandish or twist-like.  Sure, it being the guy's lawyer is surprising, considering he would not be one of the "usual suspects," but the way they promoed it? Aw HELL no!  SO anticlimactic. 


Carisi looks hot no matter what.  I really hope they're not setting us up for a Fin exit.  Mariska as the only "OG" (even though Fin came season 2 I still consider him an OG) is just not okay.


And really?  They couldn't have given us a lil more on Mini Dodds?  Just "oh yeah hey, he's gone!"  Great job guys.  Sooooo, what exactly was the point of him again?  At least have him go out like Chester Lake, in a blaze of glory, or SOMETHING!


Side note from last week - did anyone notice that when Olivia talked to Tucker outside of his Unit One (or whatever it was called I already forgot) interview, she lowered her voice to match his?  It really bothered me.


I love Rollins' new hair!

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Solid episode. I thought Michael Rapaport was amazing, as was his wife. And I will forever love Scott Grimes both for ER and American Dad, so it was fun to see him, even like this. But the most fun was seeing Kevin Tighe and remembering Vixy Platinum. Oh, those were the days.


There was an interesting theme to the episode. It wasn't about rapists being convicted or about what constitutes rape, all rapes are rapes and that's that. But Carisi said it best. Afterwards, after these people do their (holefully long-ass) time, what happens? Do any of them have a chance to turn things around? And the therapy session was also interesting. Carisi played the all-too-familiar angle of "I never touched anybody, it was just pictures" (which was rightfully shot down as an argument by Rapaport's character), then we had the full-on serial rapists (Scott Grimes and the creepy guy) but then we also had Rapaport, who had "only" raped one woman while drunk. The show didn't differentiate, they were all sex offenders (which is right), and neither the squad nor Carisi ever diminished the plight of the victims. But are those all "the same" when it comes to rehabilitation? Maybe some of these people have a better shot at change. I don't know who would even judge that, but it's an interesting conversation.


Carisi said "I wish I could say I never doubted you", and even Rapaport's wife said "my husband would never do this.... I think" and the parole officer said "he's a model parolee, oh wait who did he rape now?" That was a subtle way to suggest that someone like that, a sex offender, will never be fully trusted again, even if he hasn't misstepped before or since. And then the show had both Rapaport and Carisi say that explicitly, making the point less subtle but still effective.


Inriguing stuff, overall. This could have veered into uncomfortable territory, but I think the way Benson, Rollins and Carisi kept taking about the victims saved it.


Speaking of Carisi, man, Peter Scanavino is so good. I'm glad he got to have this big showy episode, he really made the most of it. I had to mute the tv when he was talking about getting off to those pictures. He looked nauseated, as did I. The show really lucked out with him. He can deliver humor, emotion, drama, everything.



It's funny, I agree with everything you're saying.  I thought they did a great job fleshing out the whole "sex offenders vs. normal life" angle.  It's funny too because I also have had that same conversation Carisi had with Amanda.  Someone kills someone (I'm not talking serial killer/wife killer/gang member), does their time, gets out, you figure hey, the possibility of him murdering again?  Maybe not so high.  Not everyone who kills has it engrained in them.  Sex offenders?  You ALWAYS think they're recidivists.  Is that fair?  A guy like Rapaport's character (btw...he does not look so good, although I freaking love him as an actor), I think the circumstances of his rape (which yes, rape is rape and it's horrible what he did), would maybe lead one to think that hey, he might not repeat offend.  It just kinda stinks that all sex offenders are generally considered the same.  Like a 19 year old who has sex with his 14 year old girlfriend (okay, a lil weird, yes) is he the same as a guy who molests multiple children?  I know a lot of states are trying different ways to work their registries so that people can realize "not all sex offenders are created equal" but I think in the eyes of the majority of the public, they are.


I also loved the scene in group when Carisi was talking about looking at the pictures, the child porn, and he never touched a kid he just looked!  I love how Rapaport's character was like "hey, you know why those pictures exist? because someone IS raping a kid!"  It was the exact convo they had with Hank Abraham.

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Scruffy, messy-haired, casual clothes Carisi? HOT. Clean-shaven, 3-piece suit, slicked back hair Carisi? HOT.


Moral of the story? Carisi is hot.




This sums it up very nicely.


Thank God Carisi survived. I would have to quit this show otherwise.


And please . . . no romance with Carisi and Rollins. 

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I'm still trying to process the issues in this episode.  First, though, could they have worked any harder to soft sell Michael Rappaport's rape scenario, short of "he tripped and his penis landed wrong"?


Re the murder/rape registry discrepancy, I'm thinking the vast majority of murderers target a specific acquaintance for x reason--convicted serial killers won't be moving in next door--and rape is a power trip which is more likely to affect random victims based on opportunity.  Child molestation recidivism is high. 


I'd prefer to know who's a rapist than who shot his brother-in-law, but I have to think some more about how my concerns weigh against the privacy rights of someone who's completed his sentence. 


'Cause that registry is forever and there's a good argument we're in "cruel and unusual" territory there.  Hmmmm. . . .


Definitely agree that the sex registry needs some fine-tuning to eliminate sweethearts with a couple of years age difference and also that drunk guy peeing on the wall outside the bar.

Edited by candall
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I'm still trying to process the issues in this episode.  First, though, could they have worked any harder to soft sell Michael Rappaport's rape scenario, short of "he tripped and his penis landed wrong"?


Exactly. He said something like "I was drunk, it was just one waitress" Well what about her life? It could be just as ruined but we was supposed feel sorry about guy who drinks too much and "accidentally" raped somebody. Few weeks back we were lead to feel sorry about pedophile. I know nothing is black or white but it´s little weird. 

Edited by Laethe
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And really?  They couldn't have given us a lil more on Mini Dodds?  Just "oh yeah hey, he's gone!"  Great job guys.  Sooooo, what exactly was the point of him again?  At least have him go out like Chester Lake, in a blaze of glory, or SOMETHING!

He's only gone for the week for training.

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He said something like "I was drunk, it was just one waitress" Well what about her life? It could be just as ruined but we was supposed feel sorry about guy who drinks too much and "accidentally" raped somebody.


Yeah, that line left a bad taste in my mouth. And then he whines about his life is tough now that he's a convicted sex offender. Well, tough cookies. The victim will never forget the trauma of her rape, so I am perfectly okay with the rapist continuing to feel lifelong aftereffects of his crime.


That being said, the Sex Offender Registry is in serious need of retooling. Should it have serial rapists on it? Yes. Should it have one-time rapists on it? Also yes. Should it have a guy who peed in a public park on it? No.

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Someone kills someone (I'm not talking serial killer/wife killer/gang member), does their time, gets out, you figure hey, the possibility of him murdering again?  Maybe not so high.  Not everyone who kills has it engrained in them.  Sex offenders?  You ALWAYS think they're recidivists.  Is that fair? 


If you care about facts and statistics, then YES!  YES IT IS!


I hated the even slightly forgiving tone of this episode towards rapists.  I'm supposed to LIKE Carisi.  What the fuck was up with his crisis of conscious.  No.  Just no.


I love alcohol, but getting so drunk is A CHOICE.  Rapaport's character CHOSE to get that drunk.  If that led to him raping someone, god forbid killing someone in a drunk driving accident, etc.  We are ADULTS.  If you can't handle your liquor you learn from that. Oh because he was drunk we forgive him?!  No...


Maybe people 'understand' murder on a logistical level.  Like, if anyone threatens my family I will murder them.  But rape is something that a lot of people are not willing to understand.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Exactly. He said something like "I was drunk, it was just one waitress" Well what about her life? It could be just as ruined but we was supposed feel sorry about guy who drinks too much and "accidentally" raped somebody. Few weeks back we were lead to feel sorry about pedophile. I know nothing is black or white but it´s little weird. 

Don't forget, there was a stripper there AND the groom had a prostitute.  Soiled dove alert!!!   How's a guy in his cups supposed to keep track of which women it's okay to force?


[sarcasm font]

Edited by candall
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Well, in defense of  Michael Rappaport’s character, he was at a bachelor party; he got  drunk and passed out.  Then his friends pantsed him, leaving him naked from the waist down.  Then he had a  wet dream, causing an erection. Meanwhile one of the women at the party vomited on herself and passed out.  The friends removed her dress under which she was wearing nothing and placed her on the bed next to Michael  to sleep it off.  While erect, he rolled over in his sleep, now on top of her.  Then he had a seizure that caused him to move in such a way that his penis entered her vagina.  See?  It was all very innocent.  I mean it is either that or he is a rapist.

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Oh and no matter what roles Michael Rappaport plays, he will always be Phoebe’s boyfriend Gary who shot a bird.



For me he's always going to be Floyd's roommate from True Romance. "Floyd smoked the second page of the letter!"


Yeah, this one was...I'm not sure. I get that the show's trying to show different angles; like, if somebody does his time but society actively will not forgive him in any way, is that going to drive him to commit more crime because fuck it? But on the other hand, he did do the crime. And it was a crime that most people fear, much more then we tend to fear murder. I personally don't know anyone who's been murdered but I, and everyone I know, knows a rape victim. And the vast majority of them never saw their rapist serve a day, much less ten years. I think that's why there's such a visceral reaction to rape/molestation; it's way too real.


I didn't mind Carisi having a crisis of conscience, but I did mind the show seemingly saying hey, maybe we should all hold hands and sing Kumbaya using him as a mouthpiece, especially since TPTB took such pains to have Rapaport's character say yes, I did it. I ruined that woman's life, I ruined my wife's, I ruined mine and I deserve to have everything about how I view myself altered. 


On to other parts of the show: The first victim's dad, Baseball Bat Justice Guy, did a great job being the angry, raging loved one of a crime victim. I liked how Liv was all I totally get you're upset, Ragenstein, but you are making this harder for your grown daughter and you're damn lucky you're not in jail, got it? I especially loved how he was all how can you allow those monsters in the shelter? and she's all, that? Is not actually up to us. If you're that upset you need to vote and petition your councilman and other various things that might actually get the ear of somebody who can do something. I'm sure cops must get sick of hearing about all the stuff they're "allowing."


Fin's introspective phase is funny, and his expression when Liv asked him if he wants a baby was priceless. It must be tough suddenly being the one who isn't always on the job because he's literally got nothing else to do.


I missed Barba; I can just picture him purring and licking his chops at the thought of taking that POS lawyer down. But I'm thinking things are still a wee bit tense between him and Olivia, so.


Does anyone know when the next episode is? There was not "Next Week" promo that I saw.

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Does anyone know when the next episode is? There was not "Next Week" promo that I saw.


Per the site where I get episode synopsis info, there's a long wait. The last 4 episodes of the season won't air 'til May.


Enjoy the hiatus, I guess?

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For me he's always going to be Floyd's roommate from True Romance. "Floyd smoked the second page of the letter!"

Yeah, this one was...I'm not sure. I get that the show's trying to show different angles; like, if somebody does his time but society actively will not forgive him in any way, is that going to drive him to commit more crime because fuck it? But on the other hand, he did do the crime. And it was a crime that most people fear, much more then we tend to fear murder. I personally don't know anyone who's been murdered but I, and everyone I know, knows a rape victim. And the vast majority of them never saw their rapist serve a day, much less ten years. I think that's why there's such a visceral reaction to rape/molestation; it's way too real.

I didn't mind Carisi having a crisis of conscience, but I did mind the show seemingly saying hey, maybe we should all hold hands and sing Kumbaya using him as a mouthpiece, especially since TPTB took such pains to have Rapaport's character say yes, I did it. I ruined that woman's life, I ruined my wife's, I ruined mine and I deserve to have everything about how I view myself altered.

On to other parts of the show: The first victim's dad, Baseball Bat Justice Guy, did a great job being the angry, raging loved one of a crime victim. I liked how Liv was all I totally get you're upset, Ragenstein, but you are making this harder for your grown daughter and you're damn lucky you're not in jail, got it? I especially loved how he was all how can you allow those monsters in the shelter? and she's all, that? Is not actually up to us. If you're that upset you need to vote and petition your councilman and other various things that might actually get the ear of somebody who can do something. I'm sure cops must get sick of hearing about all the stuff they're "allowing."

Fin's introspective phase is funny, and his expression when Liv asked him if he wants a baby was priceless. It must be tough suddenly being the one who isn't always on the job because he's literally got nothing else to do.

I missed Barba; I can just picture him purring and licking his chops at the thought of taking that POS lawyer down. But I'm thinking things are still a wee bit tense between him and Olivia, so.

Does anyone know when the next episode is? There was not "Next Week" promo that I saw.

True Romance FOREVER!

I kinda wonder if they're gonna bring this one back around again like they did with Rudnick/Yates. Only because I thought that whole creepy Loomis guy practically yelling "NOT GUILTY!" without a hint of a stutter was kind of a random thing to throw in at the end.

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Yeah, this one was...I'm not sure. I get that the show's trying to show different angles; like, if somebody does his time but society actively will not forgive him in any way, is that going to drive him to commit more crime because fuck it? But on the other hand, he did do the crime. And it was a crime that most people fear, much more then we tend to fear murder. I personally don't know anyone who's been murdered but I, and everyone I know, knows a rape victim. And the vast majority of them never saw their rapist serve a day, much less ten years. I think that's why there's such a visceral reaction to rape/molestation; it's way too real.


Upthumb  x 100.

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This is one of many reasons why I can´t warm up to Carisi. He has very different opinions than me. He was way too apologetic of that rapist, of the Church, he liked a serial killer in season opener, he didn´t understand transgender people, he didn´t believe that a man can be raped by a woman, he was surprised that rape victims need an advocate and so on. I know writers did use him to explain things to the audience but it´s not getting any better lately. 

That hiatus is way too long. 5 weeks without Barba. Let´s hope that rest of the season will be better than last three episodes. Less of siding with rapists and pedophiles would be great too.

I also hope that Olivia and Barba somehow explain things to each other. I need their friendship. 

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Yeah, this one was...I'm not sure. I get that the show's trying to show different angles; like, if somebody does his time but society actively will not forgive him in any way, is that going to drive him to commit more crime because fuck it? But on the other hand, he did do the crime. And it was a crime that most people fear, much more then we tend to fear murder. I personally don't know anyone who's been murdered but I, and everyone I know, knows a rape victim. And the vast majority of them never saw their rapist serve a day, much less ten years. I think that's why there's such a visceral reaction to rape/molestation; it's way too real.


I didn't mind Carisi having a crisis of conscience, but I did mind the show seemingly saying hey, maybe we should all hold hands and sing Kumbaya using him as a mouthpiece, especially since TPTB took such pains to have Rapaport's character say yes, I did it. I ruined that woman's life, I ruined my wife's, I ruined mine and I deserve to have everything about how I view myself altered. 


I think there's a difference between saying "it was just one time, one rape, the guy shouldn't be punished, why ruin his life for a mistake" and saying "he committed one rape, he did 10 years and now he's out of prison and maybe he can turn his life around". I think the show was very clear on that. And Rollins and Benson especially kept talking about the victims. Benson said something like "sure he was drunk, but tell that to the victim" and even Carisi said that the Rapaport character being "nice to him" didn't mean much, because he viewed Carisi as another perv, not as a defenseless victim. And Carisi sure changed his tune fast when it looked like Rapaport had done it (even though Carisi turned out to be right, as always).


I think the main point of the episode was made by Carisi when he talked to Rollins. The vast majority of sex offenders have no chance at changing. But "if" one of them "has a chance", should they get help and improve their life? Or should society give up on them? Is there any hope at all, or will every single person who has ever committed rape continue to rape? I totally agree that it's an overly idealistic, Kumbaya-singing outlook, but I think it makes sense that Carisi would think that way. He has that weird empathy thing. That's why he was devastated when the therapist was killed. Carisi admired the fact this good woman was trying to help these perverts.


Personally, I wouldn't give a rapist a second chance, no matter the "type" of rape they had committed (because to me that makes no difference). But I can see why an idealistic cop like Carisi might want to hope for the best. Carisi puts these people away, and I can see why he'd want to hope that arresting, convicting and incarcerating them could potentially lead to a positive change. After they do their time. Otherwise why not just shoot them, you know? If it's totally hopeless? Why bother? I think Carisi still believes in the justice system, and also in humanity. But he's young. He'll learn.

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There's no murderer registry. Even if you've been convicted of child abuse/neglect, kidnapping, there's no registry right for crimes against children, only if you sexually assault a child?


 It's funny you mention that.  I was browsing newspaper archives as I sometimes do and came across a story about a man who murdered his parents and sister with an ax decades ago.  I was curious to know what the outcome of it all was, so I ran a search.  He popped up as a registered sex offender living out in the world.  But he was registered not due to a sexual crime, but because the state of Illinois requires registration for:



First Degree Murder of a Child, when the defendant is at least 17 years of age at the time of the offense and the victim is under age 18. Applies to a person who committed the offense before June 1, 1996 only if the person was incarcerated in the Illinois Department of Corrections on August 20, 2004;


... or

First Degree Murder of an Adult, when the victim was a person 18 years of age of older at the time of the commission of the offense. Applies to a person who was released from the Illinois Department of Corrections on or after January 1, 2002.


I don't know about other states.  I happened across this by chance.

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After they do their time. Otherwise why not just shoot them, you know? If it's totally hopeless? Why bother?


Well, just speaking for myself, I have almost no problem with the death penalty if there's incontrovertible evidence (not hearsay, not he said/she said). Few things are more irritating to me than sympathy for violent criminals and hand-wringing about their "rehabilitation" or their quality of life.

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I guess the writers continue allowing anyone off the street, attorneys, witnesses, suspects, etc. to wander into the Police detective's offices to help with storylines, but it's just so unbelievable.  Have you tried to gain entry into any law enforcement office in the last 5 years?  There are security checks and a sign in.  You have to say who you are going to see and then the person at the desk calls to get permission to have you enter.  There is no just strolling in.  When I see these scenes, it just cracks me up.  They seem to love exposing witnesses to suspects and defendants, attorneys to people with sensitive information, etc.  I know, I know,.....it's for the drama, but still.  So predicable. 


Anyone know what the recidivism rate for rape is as compared to murder?  

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Upon rewatch, two things.


Who trusts murderers? Like, ex cons in general (not even murderers) have a pretty hard time getting jobs, rebuilding their relationships, getting reintegrated into society etc. I do think sex offenders have it "worse" (which they earned) because of the registry but there's also google or just plain gossip. it's not like anyone's going to say "yay our new neighbour killed his wife 15 years ago, let's bake him a batch of cookies!"


And then something Rapaport said in the end. He said "my wife's the best and I ruined her life" which implied that he accepts responsibility for that, but then he also said "how do you tell your child..." and I thought he'd say "that you raped a woman?" but he just said "that their friends can't visit". Like, that's your problem, dude? Not having to explain to your kid that you are a rapist? But to be honest I'm sure that's a pretty normal/common thought among rapists. They don't see themselves as such. And you could see Rapaport judging "Smitty" because to Rapaport, a run-of-the-mill rapist, children are probably off limits, so he can pat himself on the back for only having raped an adult woman and not a child.


I don't know, I'd like to think the writers carefully added in those details, like they did with the "he said, she said" episode with the teens, and left it all for our interpretation. There are no answers here (except "rape is rape" and I maintain that the show made that clear, when Carisi specified that all rapists should be convicted and do hard time). After that, though? There's something to be said about all the people (doctors, therapists, social workers) who work with the sex offenders and try to help. I wouldn't do that, but I see why someone would.

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All right! I missed this Wed night, so just watched it with a friend who is not a regular viewer, and at the fadeout I said "HOORAY! Feelgood episode!" and she said "That's a feelgood episode?" But yes! For SVU, definitely! The only gooder feel would be if it turned out Caskey was actually innocent and can go back to a good life, as happened to convicted but innocent alleged rapists on a couple of episodes years ago that I cherish. But he remains a would-be good guy who has turned his life around, he has a chance to do so at the end, Carisi looks gorgeous with disheveled hair and doesn't get killed, we have the satisfactory takedown of the ​two serial rapists, the trap for the lawyer is delightful, and our four regulars go off for personal nice times at the end. Very pleased.


I really liked Caskey being as nearly sympathetic as he could get, and Carisi making a point unusual for this show: that some deeds marked as sex offences do not indicate that the person is cursed with an irresistible compulsion to do such things for life. It has been a very rigid dogma on a lot of SVU episodes that ALL sex offenders genuinely never can be trusted again because they have the indelible urge. This is too inflexible, and not true. Let me make it clear that I think rape is the worst crime in the world and I would like all deliberate forcible rapists to be emasculated without anaesthetic, executed, tortured, killed, beaten and then killed some more, but every human deed has degrees of guilt or atrocity, and there are crimes, even sex crimes, one can repent, accept punishment for and then have a decent life afterwards. An episode which makes this point is an outlier in the SVU world, and it's nice to see it.

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