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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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How shocking that the rumor favors the fan favorite actor over the much hated producer! ;)


In any case, in all seriousness, I cannot see Freddie Smith on this show, particularly as Morgan.

They'd have to have Morgan get shot in the head by Shawn (when he was aiming for Jewelz) to explain the extreme personality transplant, because FS for all his talents definitely could not play Morgan's current personality.

  • Love 1

The actual product is acai berry juice - sold as a pyramid scheme by Steve Burton and other cast members which led to an open letter from Ingo Rademacher (on the show at the time) calling it out, etc. A mess.

I have mad respect for Ingo for speaking out in that letter.  He was going up against the little cabal running that show like a bully popular clique runs a high school.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 16

They'd have to have Morgan get shot in the head by Shawn (when he was aiming for Jewelz) to explain the extreme personality transplant, because FS for all his talents definitely could not play Morgan's current personality.


How would anyone differentiate shot in the head Morgan from normal Morgan? Maybe like the old "Pop Up Video" show, where a bubble explains it all?

  • Love 5

I have mad respect for Ingo for speaking out in that letter.  He was going up against the little cabal running that show like bully popular clique runs a high school.


I remember he said something like "it's wrong to take advantage of the minor celebrity status the show give us as actors". Not exact, but there was definitely something like "minor or little celebrity".

  • Love 5

I remember he said something like "it's wrong to take advantage of the minor celebrity status the show give us as actors". Not exact, but there was definitely something like "minor or little celebrity".


Which is why too many soap actors do shit like that, and why Bryan Craig runs his weird chats or whatever they are. It's all about working any extra income they can. Fan events are the same way, but there's a line IMO between working the circuit they live in and just creepy exploitation.

Edited by jsbt
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I remember he said something like "it's wrong to take advantage of the minor celebrity status the show give us as actors". Not exact, but there was definitely something like "minor or little celebrity".


found it!


“We often ask a lot of our fans and certainly they are responsible for their own choices and have the freedom to make them but I believe we must be very careful not to push the bounds of decency and cross lines that should not be crossed. There have a been a slew of fans, as well as several media outlets who have expressed outrage and disappointment in what they feel is a wide spread campaign by cast members on this show to exploit their dedicated and loyalty fanbase by asking their participation in a multilevel marketing venture that ensures windfalls for those lucky enough to be at the top with little reward (if any) for those entering on the bottom. The minor celebrity status granted to all of us because of our involvement in a successful television show must always be considered a privilege, not a right and certainly not a commodity to be brokered for personal gain. I truly believe the long term detriment to our reputation as a whole cast and crew far outweighs and is further reaching than the short-term profits gained by a select few.



Edited by ulkis
  • Love 13

I wish I could find an article about Tropicana dropping their sponsorship over the Monavie stuff, but I can't. But I remember reading the old gossip thread at TWOP, which had all the info on this as it went down. IIRC, this happened around January 2009, even though the scene aired in June 2008.


I did, however, find this little article about SBu selling Monavie from 2008, shortly after those scenes aired.. And it sounds like the president of GHFCW had no problem with GH stars selling it, either:




"I'm going to retire from acting in a year from this"? You LIE, Steve! 

Edited by UYI
  • Love 2

That kid might need help. Who angry tweets about their job and buys a sports car?

Like fuck this job, I'll show my boss, I'll buy a car and blast him on twitter. That's the opposite of okay.


He's not tweeting it that I can see. It looks like the tweets linked are screencaps from the chats they are doing. They are using some website called Stageit that is set up for live performances that are never archived, and also includes a chat room. So at least part of that fee being charged is going to pay for the chat service.

  • Love 1

His problem is he's stupid.


I've defended BC for a long time, mainly because I saw some potential in him when he was paired opposite MW. But yeah, he's really just an idiot.  My friend and I have said for a while he needs to stop tweeting, that it will get him into trouble. And why KT doesn't reign him in, I have no idea. I'm more disappointed in her, because she's old enough to know better. So is he I know, but I just write it off to him being a guy. Young guys are stupid *shrug*. BC thought he had bad writing now, wait just a minute. That is if he still has a job.


I so miss that old gossip thread from TWoP, that thing was awesome.

  • Love 9

Unless I'm doing Twitter wrong (possible) Bryan Craig scrubbed those tweets. Poor little moron.


And, as far as NB and "the question," I think the bigger question is, Who told him to ask it? A kid his age wouldn't think that up on his own. Somebody should go after the adult who fed it to him and supervise all future (if any) contact he or she might have with the kid. 



I agree with the above.  E (or whatever network that was) must have handed that child that question, and they never should have. That said, his parents should be keeping a tighter rein, so that their child isn't exploited.


BH doing Drunk!Liz live would be so amazing. Make it happen, Ron!


I did love BH's hung over best woman schtick, for the thankfully canceled Patrick/Sabrina wedding.


As much as I enjoyed DW, I'm glad Patricia died. The last thing this show needs is yet another character. We already have Valerie; who knows how long she'll stick around? I also don't want this story dragged out a second longer. We still have the second half to suffer through: Why Luke is a part of the LoD. Zzzzzz. 


I think I'd rather have Patricia than Valerie, but who am I kidding? Over 40s don't exist.

Sooo....Luke was giving into his darker impulses?  Or he did all these heinous things as a "separate person".  Can't have it both ways.  And a darker personality taking over to protect the main personality from painful memories?  Isn't that textbook soap DID?


Ron can call it whatever he wants, he wrote another DID story.


Of course he did and neither he, nor Tony Geary, can explain it any other way. Both of their comments on the (NON) DID-ness of it were logic-salad. We know what we saw. Luke didn't remember what Fluke did. Fluke imagined he was talking to Luke, when he was really talking to Bill Ekert's rotting corpse. Whether Ron (or Tony) wants to own that it was a DID story, it was a DID story.



I think I'm in love with Bryan Craig. He just tweeted Frank that he's been seeing a lot of negative comments on the Kiki/Morgan storyline. Heeeee.


I'm sorry it's gone now, because I LOVE this. Okay, I also think Bryan shouldn't have been so reckless, but he's a 23 year old boy (no, I mean boy, not man). He's gonna be okay, even if he gets canned.  Should he have done this? No. Would I have advised my own son against doing this? Yes. But still, I'm glad he gets that fans don't think Morgan and Kiki have any moral standing in this Avery story. 

I think he's probably just an arrogant kid. Who doesn't seem to be too savvy.




Reveal the truth about what though? That he is an actor who doesn't get much story among the many, many actors on the show who don't get much story either? Many of them light years away more talented than he is? I think he is good and has the potential to become better but he's not THAT good that he should be complaining in public. It's not like he put in years and then got sent to the backburner. He put in 6 good months and then got sent to the backburner. if this was Finola I'd understand. Dominic, Jason, Becky, Jane, Kirsten, Emme, Maura, maybe even Chad. Coming from Bryan Craig it's like okay kid, just sit back and learn the ropes. 


That said, again, I don't mind him doing this at all. I'm being entertained, lol.


And I think he probably doesn't know what he's doing. When he first started on the show I remember he kept tweeting asking people if the show was on youtube yet and could someone hook him up. He doesn't seem like the brightest guy ever. But who knows, maybe he does know what he's doing.


So he's about as intelligent as the character he plays? I'll buy that. That said, it felt to me, more like he was complaining about the story itself and not the screen time.

He has that recent DUI, and I have to wonder whether that had any effect on his job standing over at DOOL. But I may be way off. I do think he's talented, but he's not Frank's typical type, certainly not compared to Bryan Craig.


I don't think Freddie Smith was fired from/left (I'm not sure which it is) DOOL, because of his DUI and accident. I think that once the Will Horton character was recast with a ferret, nobody could save their story, and sadly, Corday doesn't seem to have the chops his parents had, and fails to see that Freddie's Sonny (rather than Guy Wilson's sniveling poor imitation of Will Horton) is the draw.


They'd have to have Morgan get shot in the head by Shawn (when he was aiming for Jewelz) to explain the extreme personality transplant, because FS for all his talents definitely could not play Morgan's current personality.


Morgan has a current personality? I thought his opinions and "personality" was all plot point. Seriously, this show.

Edited by General Days
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We're all going to like who we like and not like what we don't like at the end of the day. It's just cool that we can express opinions respectfully and openly with each other. I would have never even thought to appreciate some things without you guys, and I mean that. We're snarky, sarcastic, but it's hard to express actual intent at times online. But eh we're passionate.

Can't we all just throw barware and stuff?

  • Love 6

How shocking that the rumor favors the fan favorite actor over the much hated producer! ;)


In any case, in all seriousness, I cannot see Freddie Smith on this show, particularly as Morgan.


Given that Freddie can act and doesn't have a 6 or 8-pack, I'd be shocked to see him cast in any substantial role. He's better off waiting for someone to revive Ma Perkins than to expect Frank or Ron to care.

I don't think Freddie Smith was fired from/left (I'm not sure which it is) DOOL, because of his DUI and accident. I think that once the Will Horton character was recast with a ferret, nobody could save their story, and sadly, Corday doesn't seem to have the chops his parents had, and fails to see that Freddie's Sonny (rather than Guy Wilson's sniveling poor imitation of Will Horton) is the draw.


I don't know if it had much to do with the recast - he's actually had a lot of his best storyline during Guy Wilson's tenure, albeit mostly because of Paul/Christopher Sean. He mostly just watched Chandler Massey smirking from a distance before the recast.


Most younger actors leave DAYS in recent years, either for other opportunities, or set atmosphere, or what have you.

I've defended BC for a long time, mainly because I saw some potential in him when he was paired opposite MW. But yeah, he's really just an idiot.  My friend and I have said for a while he needs to stop tweeting, that it will get him into trouble. And why KT doesn't reign him in, I have no idea. I'm more disappointed in her, because she's old enough to know better. So is he I know, but I just write it off to him being a guy. Young guys are stupid *shrug*. BC thought he had bad writing now, wait just a minute. That is if he still has a job.


I so miss that old gossip thread from TWoP, that thing was awesome.


Wasn't there some fan talk of her also sort of expecting or demanding more than she got from the show? For someone who got a lot of focus in her first year or so, they seemed happy to push her out.


I think Bryan Craig is one of those young actors who believe the hype of a social media that is not anywhere near as influential as they think they are. That ridiculous Daytime Confidential article about the "erotic" Morgan implied that GH would have Empire's success if they'd continued to write Morgan as hating Sonny, and then proceeded to ask how ANYONE could not see that Morgan was GH's future. 


There's a subset of fans, some of them who yell loud enough to be heard more than they should be heard, who believe that if they want to have sex with an actor, this means that actor is a superstar. And Craig and Paevey tend to get this attention.


At least Paevey, to his credit, doesn't seem to be influenced by the screams of this group, which is good, because it's very fickle, very toxic, and embarrassing beyond words.

  • Love 5
There's a subset of fans, some of them who yell loud enough to be heard more than they should be heard, who believe that if they want to have sex with an actor, this means that actor is a superstar. And Craig and Paevey tend to get this attention.


At least Paevey, to his credit, doesn't seem to be influenced by the screams of this group, which is good, because it's very fickle, very toxic, and embarrassing beyond words.


As tvgoddess said, I also saw potential in Bryan Craig, and if its true that he believes the hype, then maybe he'll smarten up. I don't hold out much for hope for that, since those tweets make him seem awfully thick, but there's always a possibility, right? If Ron's petty ass doesn't fire him, he has the Sean Kanan treatment to look forward to. Of course, between drugging Michael and how stupid Morgan has been written as being in general, MoRon might already be doing that in retaliation for something we actually don't know about.

  • Love 2

If Ron weren't so petty would BC's tweets be getting so much attention? Sure, criticizing your storyline in public is a little unprofessional, but what he said was rather tame. I think actors should be able to voice their opinions (within reason) about the material they're getting without having to fear getting fired.

  • Love 4

I think anyone who essentially says, "I'm so mad and sad cuz I bought a Corvette! I'm quitting social media and I'm mad and sad!" would get some attention for it.


As tvgoddess said, I also saw potential in Bryan Craig, and if its true that he believes the hype, then maybe he'll smarten up. I don't hold out much for hope for that, since those tweets make him seem awfully thick, but there's always a possibility, right? If Ron's petty ass doesn't fire him, he has the Sean Kanan treatment to look forward to. Of course, between drugging Michael and how stupid Morgan has been written as being in general, MoRon might already be doing that in retaliation for something we actually don't know about.


Bryan Craig has washboard abs - I imagine Ron will cut him slack for those.


Frank, I do wonder, considering how quickly he dumped the likes of Forbes March from OLTL.

  • Love 2

Forbes March's comments were pretty mild IIRC, though he could be passive-aggressive. So yes, Frank has cut folks for less. BC is making a fool of himself in public and his character can easily be recast.


I think he has some talent and I'd keep him around, but I think a lot of soap media went wild over the guy too quickly, thinking he hung the moon because he had some snark. It was clear early on that he has a very specific range he can play and that's it, and that's fine, he does well with certain stuff. But he requires good writing and an actor whose ego won't get in the way, who can add some nuance to Morgan's worst days (as in, right now), which IMO Bryan can't at the moment. If he's upset about the writing for Morgan he should be, IMO, but as ulkis says I think he's mostly mad that people won't like Morgan and therefore won't donate for his strange, creepy pay-for-personal-access webcam shows.

  • Love 3

Forbes March's comments were pretty mild IIRC, though he could be passive-aggressive. So yes, Frank has cut folks for less. BC is making a fool of himself in public and his character can easily be recast.


I think he has some talent and I'd keep him around, but I think a lot of soap media went wild over the guy too quickly, thinking he hung the moon because he had some snark. It was clear early on that he has a very specific range he can play and that's it, and that's fine, he does well with certain stuff. But he requires good writing and an actor whose ego won't get in the way, who can add some nuance to Morgan's worst days (as in, right now), which IMO Bryan can't at the moment. If he's upset about the writing for Morgan he should be, IMO, but as ulkis says I think he's mostly mad that people won't like Morgan and therefore won't donate for his strange, creepy pay-for-personal-access webcam shows.

Is it true that Bryan Craig is going to play Sonny on Days of our lives?

Given that Freddie can act and doesn't have a 6 or 8-pack, I'd be shocked to see him cast in any substantial role. He's better off waiting for someone to revive Ma Perkins than to expect Frank or Ron to care.


I don't know if it had much to do with the recast - he's actually had a lot of his best storyline during Guy Wilson's tenure, albeit mostly because of Paul/Christopher Sean. He mostly just watched Chandler Massey smirking from a distance before the recast.


Most younger actors leave DAYS in recent years, either for other opportunities, or set atmosphere, or what have you.

Ironically Freddie had better chemistry with Chandler than Guy. However, he did not get along with Chandler. He and Guy are very close friends off the set. If he decided to leave the show, it had nothing to do with Guy...I feel bad for Guy, He gets blamed for everything under the sun....

Is it true that Bryan Craig is going to play Sonny on Days of our lives?


Not at all.  If anything, we were playfully speculating that Freddie Smith would come to GH as the new Morgan if Bryan Craig talks himself into a pink slip.

Man..... Forbes March was awesome.


Eh, I remember his comments being pretty tone-deaf.  He was bummed that the unsustainable relationship with Tess ended and was jealous that John Brotherton's Jared Banks was the new young stud in town and seemed to think that Nash was much more important than he actually was.

How shocking that the rumor favors the fan favorite actor over the much hated producer! ;)


In any case, in all seriousness, I cannot see Freddie Smith on this show, particularly as Morgan.

That is an insult. Freddie was always the draw in Wilson for me in both incarnations....Corday does not know how to treat his actors..He is an awful producer..I am not surprised at all, he treated Chandler in a despicable manner as well...

  • Love 2

I think the issue is linking buying a product with more access to the actors. The fans have already forked over money to attend the event in the first place; now they have to buy some dumb juice or cream to get more scoop? It's one thing to have different tiers of access, but they shouldn't require buying a product whose profits go directly into the actor's pocket.

  • Love 5

I think the issue is linking buying a product with more access to the actors. The fans have already forked over money to attend the event in the first place; now they have to buy some dumb juice or cream to get more scoop? It's one thing to have different tiers of access, but they shouldn't require buying a product whose profits go directly into the actor's pocket.

I agree..it is exploitation...


Not sure if BC deleted all his tweets as I retweeted the one about folks not liking the storyline and it's still on my timeline. I think I also saw some additional retweets on the #GH timeline so they're definitely still out there. I personally think it's fucking hilarious. Between this and the TG interview, the curtain is being pulled back on Ron's little toady ass and he deserves every bit of it for his misplaced arrogance.

And what's with the commercials I'm seeing all of a sudden for GH? Does Frank really think advertising these dumb ass storylines is gonna stop the viewer hemorrhaging? How about you get some actual good stories going first, idiot!

I'm not even watching this shit pile anymore, just following on Twitter and the stupid still burns.

ETA: So BC's mom is getting in the middle of the tweets about the Morgan storyline. I don't know how to link or copy on my tablet yet but you can search @lizCraig4 and see the crazy.

Edited by Badsamaritan
  • Love 12



I just came here to talk about that. Bless you, Craig family!

IIRC, Bryan Craig's Morgan first showed up on screen in May 2013. Does anyone know how long his contract is? Because the last few days it's starting to look like this is Morgan's exit story.

And wasn't the rumor that Haley Erin has a 60-day contract? If so, that should be coming up soon. I could see the show sending Morgan & Kiki out of town together after their drug plot is exposed.

IIRC, Bryan Craig's Morgan first showed up on screen in May 2013. Does anyone know how long his contract is? Because the last few days it's starting to look like this is Morgan's exit story.


3 years. But of course, that doesn't matter from the show's side. They can let him go every 13 weeks, I think it is, for a cast member on their first contract.

This rubbed me the wrong way, and maybe I am missing the context


Kirsten Storms @teenystweeting  ·  Mar 25
If you "don't like a storyline/character", but your timeline shows you can't stop talking about it, on some level you're into it. #takeaseat


If GH debuted right now (with a enough money) with the storylines and characters as written, it would be canceled within the year.It is the very definition of coasting. I was watching GH while she was Belle on DooL. It is not even the entertaining hot mess that American Horror Story turns into. Cast and crew need to stop talking down to its audience, other they will take a seat...and watch something else. 

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